PFAGE FOUR. - TV ---- wr -- EE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1011. >> >0- 333 THE RHIC, hb YEAR] : ( Brass Beam C Scale, $3.10 IB . Family Scales, handy hd and accurate, strong. ) Marked in | ounces, and weighs up to i) pounds. Government certificate with each | scale. PRICE, $3.10. ) Satisfactory or money 9 returned. Corbett tual : BUILDERS' i SUPPLIES ---- Disp 9 BEAVER BOARD, LATH, ASHPHALT ROOFING, SHINGLES, BRICK, CEMENT, : 3. ANGLIN & CO. : Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. » S000000000000%00000000 Sees oevevveseeven Sesrssstssisas sess isos ante MEIGIHIICA ACK ASICS "STAY IN KINGSTON' We would rather ou would @ stay, but if you are bound to god we will buy all or any part of your Household Kffects that you may want. to sell----or If you are starting housekeeping We ean fit you ont to perfection #&s we carry a full line of Stoves Furniture, Carpets, Ollcloth, ete. at very low prices Alsen. we have the grandest lot of ANTIQUE FURNITURE (a this part of Canada Drop a postal, L. LESSES, | Lor Princess and Chatham Sta. QO BESS ISIIISIGRAIIICK Every Woman is interesied sad should know abot the wou derfil riiug The new Vigleal § Mant Lonvenienat instantly. al cannot mpply the VE 1 acoupt 8 of universal fuel derived prehistoric vegeta bout 85 per cent. "Coals have all been classiffed only the grades known to best Jor heating find their Try our black carbon----no- prehistoric about its plity---it's this year's FRESHLY MINED COAL. J ; : to modify its 108 314 Ha Bi. 6 per year. a parts: on ay Sad and rae Dor 'vonage. bag: it or pos ma ' price of Dally §3 and of Weekly $1. i ached is om | of Be'wiat fon Prins. | ing GF ll ali, ~ Li. The Befich Wii Poiisking "a. 10 Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. R=. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite (19 and 20 Queen City bers, 32 Church sts Toronto, TE Bmalipeice, J.P, representative. Dail Wima. THE PROFESSIONAL Mr. Monk has had another diversion, at the expenses of some members of the commons. His motion, in amendment to the motion concerning reciprocity, and in favor of an immediate con- struction of the Hudson's Bay rail way, failed, being out of order, but not before he had occasioned consider j able commotion, | The declaration' which it contained that it was necessary to give assur ance that the transportation interests of the country would not sufler on ac: count of reciprocity--was only a sub but it made both liberals and conservatives uncomfortable. The libe rals suggested that the motion - be changed, relieving it of the aspect of confidence, and they would could do this the more gracefully since the Hon. Nr. "terfuge, want of support it. They Graham had announced that the canal in question was a commercial neces sity and should he undertaken as soon as it could be safely financed But that was not Mr. Monk's game He wanted to entangle the members, argl he would have succeeded but for the diplomacy of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, He let the discussion go on apace, and during its progress Mr. Borden was asked where he stood, or whether a at 130 0 and 4 TROUBLER. | { partial tribunal before which to lay aby differences between the municipali- Lies and the commission' The pro- , | vincial railway and municipal board is not tangled up with any: municipal tdeal, and it could be expected {the more satisfactorily. 19 dispose of |disputes and misunderstandings. But {the Hydro-Electric Commission object the government gave way {before Mr. Beck's aggressive influence, {as it had given way before. It r= } ed, and 'mains to be seen with what result. | The Hydro-Electric may be reasonable in its interpretation of agreements. , Ii 180, well. If not the municipalities will imake the situation eventually fable for both the government and unten- | the comraission. In the experiences of the eastern municipalities the Hydro-Electric Com- aeting in the nicest It does not like the mission is not sort of way competition .of the Seymour company, and the Seymour company proceeds with its negotiations without showing The Hydro- either in a position te any evidinee of distress. Electric is quote figures for 'g supply, or it is not. So far it has pot essayed to meet the competition of the Seymour company, and its failure to act can only be infarred. The statement handed out in To- ronto, that the Hydro was knocked, is a misleading term. The commission, through its chairman, long since intimated that it would be able to give Kingston a cheap service. Its being light would that of candles. be nearly as cheap as There has been no attempt to redeem that pledge, and only Mr. Beck why. can tell the reason] TIME FOR A CHANGE, The official organ of the Canadian Medical emphatically Association has come | out tor a reorganization of the Ontario medical council, and there ix no doubt that this organ reflects in the event of his attaining to power undertake the immediate construction of the eanal, He not commit himseli. Teath to tell, Mr. Monk had bottled him up on an attempt to gag or embarrass the he would would government, The premier ended the incident by | asking for a ruling. The motion 'in | volved a large expenditure of money; and it devolved upon the administra tion to deal with it apd make a re commendation, The and Mr, gradually developing into the troubler | of the house. -------- WEALTH IN PULPWOOD. Fhrough the stimulation of Mr speaker agreed, Monk was suppressed. le is] Bourassa, or through his impatience, and exhibited in his request for infor mation before the Minister of Crown Lands had occasion to declare the' purposes of the governm, nt, (ebec has stated its position pulp amd! pulpwood, and their exportation fo the United States. | When | eration, reciprocity was under consid when the trades agreement was being formed, the federal mims ters made it clear that there could not he free trade in pulpwood or pulp' without the sanction and concurrence of the provinces. Both Ontario an Uuebee had passed legislation which was exo wdingly drastic, There is no hope of it being repealed. Ontario is hostile to the trade agreement and b, it no concession can be looked for, Lhe Quebec to the reciprocity ws a government is Irena enough pact, save thit its government is not disposed regulations respecting the crown lads, Even the friends of reciprocity will he glad ofthis, because puipwood is an article of prime value, and as Ca- nada contains the raw material for which there ix a strong demand, Ca nada should have all the benefit of capital investment. uses up annually, on the present bas 100,000 eres, valued Canada 1%, the wood of at E150, 000, 000, last vear pulp worth £5,000,000 and) 1,300,000, of the! thirty~one paper mills in Canada four teen are located in Quebec, with total capital give employment to earn $1,300,000, The government cannot, it is true, prevent ithe sale of pulpwood eut on private lands, but it can husband the paper worth £300 men and . : erown's resources, and it can recover | land which is' and control all the no unused in the hands of private persons. Private owners, producing' 1.000.000 cords of wood a year, may be satisfied with $6 a cord, or 86. | they reduced ! O00 a year, but ii (their wood to pulp in Canada they would earn $18,000,000, and if reduc 'ed to paper $400,000,000. The Que bee government is warranted, there | fore, in seeking to turn the natural re- sources of the province to the very best account. COMPETITION IN POWER. Why should the Hydro-Electric com- mission be monopolistic in its tenden- cies? It is said that it desires a control of electric power in Outario, and if the legislation which' is now pected to do, with som: modifications, Rte, EE ie 1th souieralione for ¥ acheme whisk slows sob lave is | Tecent years it seems to have . : & i I'he United States exported' before the house passes, as it is ex-|- the mind ob the medical profession in this province. The article in question traces the rise of the council, and its reasons to be. At the time of its in ception there was a need of some *su- pervising power, some institution which would protect the profession and the people, seeing, on the one hand, that the standing of those licensed In it was high and, on the other hand, that only those so quali enough, fied and licensed could practice. There was something like comprom ise among the members of the coun for the consolida- cil, at the outset, tion of interests, homeopathetics and ecletics and college professors, had tc be given representation. The pur pases of the council were many, but in done little beyond looking after the licen: sing of candidates, and in the fee colleoted, general details, the dissatisfaction has the examinations set, and 3 , grown until' now there is the demand for a change. 'A crisis has been reached through , the action of Toronto university, which ! demands the right, hy legislature, t¢ not only examine but license its gra- duates. If the legislature concedes this right to Toronto it must con cede it also to Queen's, and if the medical council is relieved of the li censing of students, the testing of all applicants before they are allowed to practice, it will have little to do Medical Association suggests that it he com Fhe organ of the Canadian posed © of certain, representative mer cof high that the college the work' of the be supervisory: and that it have no standing in the profession professors be out {out; that council thing to da with education save to be consulted by the faculty of Toronto university, whose curriculum shall be the standard. "The true function of the council shall be," says our contemporary, "to advance the true interests of the profession, and fo see that proper standards are being maintained by the The fats of the council, as it i% at present oon- (different universities, stituted and managed, is seemingly ' doomed." of $19,000,000. They) EDITORIAL NOTES, | The Nashville Tennessean votes that the most beautiful sentence in the English langupge is: "Have another biscuit." The Saskatoon Phoenix says the con servative party has always made eapi , tal out of its superior loyalty, but in this case they are cheapening the "commodity. ------ Warner, Grassy Lake, Macleod and other towns of Southern Alberta know that reciprocity is a good thing and} they do not let their politics interfere | with their saving so. -- The British naval policy is bound to. be expensive so long as the idea of a two-power standard is maintained. Germany is setting the pace--without regard to the taxation of the people-- and Britain and her colonies will not shirk their responsibility. Une of the arguments mostly relied upon in opposing reciprocity is a plea that it would be national folly and crime to divert imter-provincial traffic. That argument, if valid, would con- deran the Hudson's Bay railway, the Georgian Bay canal, and the T. & N. ce en bla BE Naas Ss 0. railway ! free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm, 210 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 mo. bo oe » DRS. SOPER & WHITE 26 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont, DR. WHITE Specialists in diseases of Blood, Nerves, Bladder and rand Spial i re o gp dvisabl it 1 : ne visit a able ; m ¥ send history for free oplajon oes Bi ---- The resolutions are, we concede, savs the Toronto Weekly Sun, the voice of Toronto, "the city of philanthropists, patriots and unassimilated aliens, where Canadians are in the minority D ROU and where for more than seventy-five | OME G P years the spirit of Canadianism has | You cannot get any shares in the dome Mines. The next best and clveap- always starved and languished an up Ik stock in the market to-day is Ee welcome guest." Dome Extension, with 200 acres and a low capitalization We have only a small quantity for -- . Prohibition is gaining in Quebec. Al sale ready sixty-nine per cent. of the com- _Hold your munities, or electoral divisions, are; hares dry and it may not be long until the} - . whole province is under option Cole & Smith, But the people of Quebec are not! Members Dominion Stock Exchange, handicapped, like the people of On- | tario, with a "'three-fifths" clause of Ye Lumsden:Bldg., - Toronto the act. "BRIEN, A speaker in Toronto, at a re ent | W. P. 0 ward meeting, offered the opinion that | 87 St. Francols Xavier 8t., the fruit and vegetable men in Can- MONTREAL, ada were influenced, in their opposi- Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE tion, to reciprocity, by the canners, | Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 who have a monopoly of the business. | CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Here is one trust that can go, and the | sooner the better. The trade agree |S. Jd. WILSON, ment threatens its existence, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. et ju Y GREAT NORTHERN AT PRE- NT PRICES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Preston East Dome The Man On Watch. : TORONTO, Ont. DON'T BE BALD | Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splen did Growth of Hair. We have a remedy 'that has a re cord of growing hair and curing bald ness in ninety-three out of every {hundred cases where used according {to directions for a reasonable length {of time. That may seem like a strong statement--it is, and we mean {it to be, and no one should doubt it nrye mani de) me ; hurge of the icipal partments, {until they have put our claims to an Kinton would get along better, he ' al t thinks, if the town council, would meet gta test, os : 1 "gar 3 bout once every six months, and al. 4 e ne so certain Rexall "93" Hair low 'the officials to run theold town | onie will cure dandruff, prevent bald- What do councilmen know about | Me stimulate the scalp and, hair suilding bridge spans, he would like | T0018: stop falling hair and grow new to know. The Lampman noticed :some | {bair, that we personally give our posi- ays sgo that some 'of the councilmen | | tive guarantee to refund every penny vere taken. to task for accel ting the paid us for it in every instance where statement that a span eould he put it does not give entire satisfaction to n the C ataraqui bridge for 84,000. He the user. S vishes to sav that those other coun Rexall "93" Hair Tonie is ilmen who voted in favor of the [ant to use us eur spring widge agresment were just as much Jt is delightfully lupes and jst as re sponsible as the | POL grease or gum the hau { ew who shot the hot air into then, {30 nnd ®1. With our guarantee back | -- {of it you certainly take no risk. Sold! only at our store--The Rexall store. | Mahood. | It is not long age since the Lamp- | man heard a comedian on the Grand | Opera House stage refer to aldermen | as "false alarm statesmen." He would not like to say that this de- | scription © fits 'any Kingston town councilmen, but it might be applied | to those who pose as engineers and | lawyers, and think they know more | than the offigials they engage to take as pleas water perfumed, and does Two sizes i ---- The. big playhouse managers hate Lent, the Lampman says, for the GG. W show attendances dwindle for a week or two at least, as a certain class of peopte have to make a pretence of be- | Morton, March 17.---Morton hockey | ne pious for a few weeks of the year {team has not any language expeits of | However, when an exceptionally good [the cilibre that Ellisville-Long Point | play comes round, piety is shelved for | can Produce, when recently through! the time being. If Lent could be fixed 'the columns of von paper their cor | to begin about May 20th, Branigan | respondent boastingly made mention of | would be a happy man. During this, » heckey match played by the above! Lenten period, Kingston has been got mentioned teams on Central rink, ting a lot of lag plays, Morton, Friday, Feb. 24th, annoan- | icing the decision 4 to 4. Your cor-| The druggists should advertise an respondent may or may not have | easier method for ending one's career witnessed the game or possibly the than the carbolic acid route. A car bolic suicide dies a death of agony The Lampman would be pleased to rive contemplating sujcides some ad vice and would impress upon them the fact that' they would likely be far happier here than in the place where they do not know they are going. ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN, A Protest From Morton, man who refereed the game may have ordered a write-up in order that they may be brought before the public as | star players for the coming year] However, permit me jo deny their de To Expend $12 Lermox and Addington county coun cil has appropriated £12,000 fog coun- ! gecounts for the dispute in question ty roads distributed thus Napanee, Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for vour 8501; Bath, $94.60; Newburgh, £100.53. space, 1 am, vours truly, EYE WIT Denbigh, A. & E., 84880 Kaladar, A. | NFSS & E. 365.20. Adolphustown, 2561.90; | ia Som-------------- Amherst Islahd, £91.35: Camden. . : £2.8%4.30. Ernesttown, $2,730.75: North | Budget From Odessa. Frederickshurgh, $1,083 97. South | Ovlessa, Murel: i6.--The grist mull Fredericksburgh, $1,043.60; Richmond, | ¢8ught fire, on Tuesday caused by the 21,503.20; Sheffield, $530.80 * {friction of one of the belts, but the . | blaze was soon extinguished. Ovange | { Babcock has given up barbering and | {moved to Westbrook, where he has {taken the position of cheese-muker who knew little or no { perienced man which thing about a hockey game, An Immense Showing. See Campbell Bros' immense showing | of new derbies at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, | 81 number of young people from he > (drove to the home of Miss Keitha | Road, on Tuesday inight, and an enjoyable time was spent. Elmer Clyde has moved on | Robert Metzler's farm, lately vacated | by W. A. Moore, who has moved to | Chambers. Miss Dorothy Wilson, of | ruary 26th, 1511. The estate consists Queen's, Kingston, commenced her | chéefly of household goods apd furni- [duties + oe he choot h ture, and salary owing deceased. ties as teacher in the schoo ere, "Fresh McConkey's sweets," Gib- {on Thursday, making four teachers on | ay Y | the staf. i Whales, of Selby, 1a " | mov ing in rs. Hey e's house. J -- Sxing line Will soon be the po- 0. Otterburn, nunager of the Ne hirm 1 : Crown Bank here, made a hurried | The Trusts & Guarantee Company, | Rabeock, Wilton Limited, Toronto, are applying for | letters of administration in the estate of the late Daniel James Ratley, of Toronto, who died on or about Feb. - -- | visit to Picton this week. Miss Martha | Sproule is visiting her sister, Mra | Fdward Sharp, Bath. The Ladies' Aid ! 'held their social at Mrs, George | City of London, Ont. [ff = mmm on DEBENTURES he Maturing at the End of Thirty Years Denominations $1,000 Principal and semi-annual interest : ielosed with prayer. any branch of the Mo'sons Bank m Canada : 1° Tr Scott's high grade Particulars matied on request hats. Wood, Gundy & Co. i Montgomery's on Thursday after- | noon, 'quite a number being present. The directors of Prince Edward Wel on Hotel company regeet the re jlington | of Mrs. El 1. Bongard, as manageress of the Hotel Alexandra. Campbell's 32 hats for lity There would be few relious dis- ih all such were opened and mterest payable at : I It is a good plan to be near sighted {sa far as fault seeing in others is | concerned. | 1 slwnze fo favor th Mah or woman in comforting JE "Campbell's for Christy's a 1 BIBBYS lint Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 10 o'clock. Sale of New Spring Suits We have just received from a high grade clothing establishment about 50 Men's New Spring Suits. These are Sample Suits--new patterns, new cut, expert tailoring. Regular $18, $20 and $22 values. Monday we offer them at $15.00 Sizes 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, Spring Overcoats See our New Chesterfields in fine grey and black worsteds, plain collars and reveres--very dressy. A beauty for $15.00 New Shirts Our New Shirts for spring and summer wear have arrived, and real dandies they are. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 BIBBYS Lind = ---- A. i 0 St © S------------------ : 7% cision The correct score in the & sbove-mentioned game was 4 to 1] h in favor of Morton team 1 might, | however, say that the referee who gave {the decision 4 to 4 was an unex-! IS MADE FROM TH E WHOLE WHEAT. ¥ No other cereal contains and furnishes more nutriment to the human system Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. A Porcupine Stocks Either Bought or Sold {Buy Preston East Dome and Hollinger for the next rise or to hold still longer. For Sale--Ten Sterling Bank Shares For: Sale--Ten Trust and Guarantee Co, Ltd. Shares Will Buy--Ten Sun and Hastin ;x Ravings and Loan Shares Unlisted Stocks Bought and Sold - C. R. WRIGHT, Investment Broker 124 brows Life Bldg., Toronto. Porcupine Gold Mines Co. (VIPOND) A producing mine. We still advise its purchase at present market . Second bar of gold shipped this week. Write, wire or phone for full particulars. Gormaly, Tilt & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange. Long Distance Phone De PRE SAR a