THE pAmY _BRITISH SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1041. tea is the result of care and experience in blending -- must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included || in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term "gocd tea." { { | i i NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It DISEASE AMONG BEES. Bacillus Similar to That of the Bu- bonic Plague. London, March 185.-It that a mysterious disease among bees, whieh has ruined thousands of apiaxies on the continent and in England since 1904, and which has virulent in this eo last few months, ma form of the bubomic plague, wrought such devastation among man beings Dr, Walden, one of the inv of the board of trade, asserts that he has discovered that the bacillus taken from dead bees is similar to that of the bubonic plague, but that efforts to enltivate have thus far failed SEYMOUR R POWE R COMPANY. is announced been especially try within the prove to he a which has ha eatigntors Purchased Water Power and Gas Plant. The Napanee Express says: Nego tiations for the sale of the Napanee water power, mill site and gas plant were concluded this week and agree ments signed for the transfer of _ the above properties to the Electric power company, Petter known as the Sey mur company, and associated com panies who now control practically all of the water power in Uentral On tario. Napanee will, therefore, be con nected up with the eompany's trans mission lines at an early date. Pimples Off InS Days The New Calcium Sulphide Treats ment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption . Trial Package Sent Free to Prove It. You don't want to wait forever and a diy to get rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions. You want to get rid of them right now. Next week you may waat to go somewhere where you wouldn't like to have to take the pimples along. You can get rid of them just in time by taking Stuart's Calcium Wal -os. These wonderfal little workers have cureh had boils in three days, and some of the worst cases of skin dis- ease in a week. They contain as their maim ingredi- ent the most thorough, quick and of fective blood cleanser Kno wm, calcium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pimple treatments reek with poison, And they are miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcite Wafers have not a Jostice of poison in them. They are ree from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This 1 absolutely Juaritiul They cannot do any harm ut they always do gocd,--good that you can see in the mirror before your own eyes a few days after. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamwd of you because of your face. , Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge Abin Se those with pure blood and Stuart's Salim Wafers will make you happy use your face will be le sight not only to yourself hn yon look into the glass, bat to everybody else who knows you and with you. We want to & ove to you that Stu art's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin in the world--so we will send , and thea when vou have $ried Jou wil aot rest comtent- until you have bought a 50c. box druggists. e i vod applique, pretty fern, in {wo | bridge | presiding at the tea table, her | sisted by {ed at three tables. jof Kingstom, and thousands of 4 - : | wtivged from ofumes Higgins, Rostesys at a fhursday afternoon, iertrude Low, of Ott of hour Me isomely gowned oulard, with trimou Ther in pla a silver len Miss Mabel Hrowgfield. After | ten was Served, Mrs, Higgins assisted b Hig- vary en able when twa, Hi in a lan satin was the was gins were three tables i bridge 1 by Miss " 4. @ Mrs. Charles Lowd,} Union street, en tertained at a most] delightful bridg n Wednesday afternoon, in honor of her Miss Gertrude Lowe, (nwa. Lowe, in & dainty ngerie trimmed with valencieunes, received her guests, as- Miss Lowe, who wore a handsome gown of white silk, braided in white silk braid. Cards were plav- | About five o- clock tea was served and dainty re | freshments were passed. Mrs. Arthur | Cunningham presided over the tea table, : daughter, Madeline anes, Ot white guest, Mrs, gown, * + 9» Mrs. George McKay, Stuart street, entertained Friday eveming, : for her daughter, Miss Helen McKay. Some of the pruests were, Miss Jlessie Stewart, Misses Ruth and Edith McMartin, Miss Helen Meek, Misses Jean and Mary Mcleonan, Miss Nora Minnes, Miss Itoris Browne, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Marjorie Uglow, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Muriel Brooks, Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Devothy Bur- ton, Miss Eldred lane, Miss Ethelwyn McGowan, Miss Beth Small, and Miss Alice Goodwin. * \ very enjoyable bridge was given on Friday afternoon, by Miss Mabel Dalton, Johnson street its Gertrude low, of Ottawa was the raison dletre. A prize was given at each table, and they were won by Nirs. James Higgins, Mrs. Hansoed Hora, Miss Lettice Tandy and Mise Marion Redden. Tea was served in- > formally at five. A * * & Congratulations are extended to the members of the rink skipped hy Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes. This rink has not lost a match this season, and this is rather remarkable, as it has been done only once before, The other members-of the rink are Mrs. Herbert Marion Lesslie. . * 9 There was a most enjoyable box party at the opera house on Thurs | day evening to witness the periorm- ance of "Madame Sherry." The guests were Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Nora Maen, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Ca- dets Ronald Fortt, Gibson and Swee- ny. : * & 9» + It is rumored that a wedding of interest will take place in Kingston at Faster. The bride-to-be is a popular Kingston girl and the groom is a graduate of Queen's, who does not reside in Kingston. LJ There was a Dutch lunch at the Country Club, on Friday. The guests weve Miss Vera Carson, Miss Svivia {'ochrane, Miss Nora Macnee, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent. + + * Miss Mabel Dalton and Miss Gordon will play off the finals curling competition for the medal, * & Mrs. W, E. MacNeil, street, will not receive next or again until the autumn. Minnie in the Shaw > 39 Lower Albert Tuesday, the been + The date tor he Jin ball at Royal Miiitary College has just fixed for wae 19th. * S The last of the regular meetings of the Kingston Skating Club will be beld to-night. + 2 Miss Beatrice Birch, and Miss Mabel Richardson are the prize winners of doubles in the curling matches. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, William street, entertained informally ai a wost en joyable little bridge, ou Friday even- ang. Mr. and Mrs. University avenue, day for New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. Macleod, who have been the guests of Mrs. John ~ Bell Carruthers, ""Annsndale," returned to St. Joha, N.B., on Thursday. * + Colin Macpherson, will leave on Mon Word has been received in town that Mr. Stanley Conningham has arrived at Red Deer, Alberta, where he will reside. Mr, E. H. Wartiman, of Montreal, is in town for a few days, visiting his mother, Mrs. Cooke, Nelson street. Miss Kathleen Ryan, Rockwood House, returned to-day from Napanee, where she has been visiting her aunt, Mrs: D. Hogan. ------ "THE SAMPLE CITY." W. J. Crothers & Co. Had Placo in It. The Montreal Standard devoted sev- eral pages to cits of varidus houses and sh in thie "The Sample City," one of the attractions in a large de- partmental sto in Montreal. One of the attractions was the well known biscuit and confectionery factory of Messrs, W. J. Crothers & Co., Ltd. vis. tors partook off the well kpown Mea- dow Cream soflas and the confection ery there for sampling. W. Crothers, Jr., was in ngs. nd & » most ats tractive Spiny over. Ruabiey is A By pore this pro- and to that and poh so. that forty years biings, combine d pith the most up-to-date Seanly methc the stiorets of the W. J. ICréthe rs Co. is responsible, ps of mauve and | other and the prize of a | lie, pot, was |§ French | ti and interesting | Dawson, Mrs. W. R. Givens and Miss | | tan, BA; PLAYS AT THE GRAND, "The win of the ve Hour * Will Appear Tonight, The g ! Ihe FN ar Ine, the Grand WAL RER wi Tes "fhe Melting Pot," ot Wednesday, M tnd stare ic ---------- in is the Zangwill's bh comes to the Grand, March 22nd, its 'name, fsrnel Zangwill ie yv and dra day, and into'a single type, im which slay, whic on Wedgesday, "The Melting Pot." one of the amost liter matic lights « in this play, vehicle for the talents Whiteside, Liebler & ( star, he has deals with theme, The follows: David Quixar san Jew, comes Lo Ane tion that made 3 J] mis in Russian. His par murdered at Kischinef, and the me f that ternble crime is always with He comes to the home « New York welded petus gives Israel new ff the prese > as a Walker famous yma that itty Relive play i a young which will written a dr and the 3 vast as Rus wind musician, Tica "tape per hm 1 ocle in and wins a live od by on the violin Meanwhile he mar whitious eth oper dl that is best f his lhe giving that is to svi in América. It is to « and admiration for the | xpress his bound less love aed adoption. of his A "FIELD DAY." Alliance Meetings Here on Sunday. Dominion A feature of particular interest & connection with the "'Ficld Day" tthe Omtario Branch of the Dominion { Alliarice in King , on Sunday will { bo » Public Mass Meet ing to be held in the YMCA i pm. to which the public invited Very Rev. the chair, an by the Boy Choir « Addresses will be delivered Prof. W. T. Hallam, of Wy Toronto, amd Rev. R. B.A., Alliance Field Sec The programme of the special church serves mad (he various speak ers, all of whom, by the way, are from Toronto, is as followst In the morning, St. James' Anglican church, Rev. I'rof. T. H. Cotton, Registrar Wycliffe College; St. Luke's Anglican Rev. Prof. W. T. Hallamg St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Rev. William Kettlewell ANiance Field Secretary; Chalmers Presbyterian, Rev. R. M Hamilton, RA, Fist Baptist, H, E k win, Ra, lDiethel ~ Congrégation- alLiRev. J. B. Keanddy, B.A; First Congregational, E. J. Moore, BA tusaness Managér of the Pioneer. In the "evening; St George's cathedral, Rev. Prof. Coton; Paul's Angli- ea; Rev, Prof. Hallam; Sydenham street Methodist, Rev. R. M. Hamil. Queen" street Methodist, Irwin, K. Iroek Methodist, FE. J. Maore, Ziop Presbvterian; Thomas Yellow loss, Esq.; Cooke's Preshyterian, Rev. Will Jam Kettlewell, M.A. ss ---- To Prevent the Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes cause. There 4s only ove "Bi inine." Look for signature of E. . Grove, Be. . Michael McCann, Perth, ha# sold his farm at Crosby Lake, to "Hugh Hagan, Cedar Bridge, This is one of the best farms of its size in. that loealitv. It has been kaown as the McCann home stead for over sixty-two years. "Buy, wail brushes," Gibson's Three robins were si merrily at Cherry Valley on Twesday. Mrs. W. BR hail, at generally Bidwell will occupy we singing will be led if the Cathedral by Rev lifie College M Banitcs, retary is ~t ¥." R TUESDAY, THE SRHEFILD CHOIR OF ENGL AND--THEY WiLL GIVE A CONCERT IN GRANT HALL ON SATURDAY EVENING, ---- = All the latest in Easter Millinery will be shown MARCH 21st MISS E V. GREAZA'S MILLINERY PARLORS, Wellington Street. -------A WELCOME TO ALL-- -- WE HEAR SOME MEN SAY, EARLY TO GET THE FIRST CHOICE AS OURS! THE THE FABRICS SHOWN HERE OF FINEST MAKERS YOUR SPRING APPAREL. Leading Tailors. Bowie saw them xo well An 3 goodly "Buy cough syrup," Gibson's, x isses Hannay & Ramsa 179 Wellington St. On and after Tuesday, March 2lst, 1911, will display all the Latest Styles in Spring Millinery RIPE BANANAS, F ARE FROM THE N EUROPE --- TO MAKE CHOICE TO-DAY MEANS AN EXCLUSIVE INSPECTION INVITED. Crawford & Walsh Princess & Bagot Sts 5 APRIL IST. IT'S NEVER TOO ROM SUCH A LOOMS PATTERN § 190 Pass especially thosé requiring short boned increases the apparent height, graceful, svelze and 11 set of the appearanc ¢, While i gown. and snug sO perfec tt nly $3.50 + about bY Wherever weil. gowned The price is value cost theatre, at dinners, that many of them « to a La Diva Corset. 21-11 The La Diva Corset No. 718 which is here illustrated is unequalled for shortand medium figures, giving to the figu suring the proper Cosy, hat absolute comfert is achieved with it. Imported corsets of equal 00, owing to the duty. women arelseen, at the at balls, etc, you may we their chic appearance largely DOMINION CORSET CO., QUEBEC, Que. Makers of the famous D & A Corsets. It re a corsets, i w fit is the t be sure mater ye §. A.J. REES, PTTL LRTRBLELLOOGR ww ir uared, fo Then Get In me ern Phone 58 OF YOUR HOME fice, factory," all the an medling mbing hat . and rv Let un furnish Jou an estimate be worth a x ost yore on the work David Hall, LJ HROCK STREET. me ous Debility, Mental and Brain Hesidence Great Englis ones and invigurales th ous stem. in Veins. Parr: 1 Weakness, Emiswions, Sper STOCK ¢ We are a Roady for Spring Orders | "A LITTLE EARLY" BUT YOUR § TC VVVVVVVTVLVVVTTBTLVEE VV VTVRVLTVVRTRVVRVSY Malaga GRADES RIPE PINEAPPLES RIPE TOMATOES, Sunkist Oranges i Aster ectstsseconrecten Remed, and Fffects of Abuse or Berta. ER One will please, six i will core. ; pailed ew pam Coe CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK . HOME CFFICE 46 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK ANNUAL FIFTY-EIGHTH ASSETS Stocks and Bonds Real Estate Loans on Bond and Mortgage Premiums in course of collection Interest and Dividends accrued Reinsurance due on paid losses Cash on deposit and in office Total Assets INCORPORATED 1853 STATEMENT, $18,390,580.00 1,200,000.00 2,700.00 1,027,776.65 184,426.42 3,429 45 3,389,125.49 $24,198,038.01 INSURANCE COMPANY WESTERN OFFICE 280 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO JANUARY Ist, 1911, Unearned premiums Losses in process of adjustment All other claims : Reserve for Contingencies Policyholders Surplus Capital $2,000,000.00 Net Surplus 13,063,601.19 $15,063,601.19 OFFICERS: HENRY EVANS President . 3. TF eR LOPEZ ind Vice President and Becretary GEORUE E TUTTLE, SWINNERTON. Secretary Secretary. I A HUGH RANKIN KLINE, Vice-President DAVID eu Ind MILLARD, Secritary Secretary. FR LIABILITIES $8,019,551.92 526,052.20 338, 332. 64 250,000.00 $15,063,601.19 $24,198,058.01 Vice This Company, one of the world's leaders in fire i insurance, is now doing business in Canada. The Continental is famous for financial strength and fair dealing. W. J. FAIR, Agent, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. President WwW. T. GRAY od Counsel Auditor PE CAI ti stems cam i, ; WS AAI LS A