FAGE FOUR RN WITH NEURALGIA |; "FRUIT-A-TIVES" WILLALWAYS CURE THIS TROUBLE Neuralgia is realty | blood poisoning. To treat it 'with opium, morphine, cocaine, 'headache powders' and other 'pain-killers"' 1s a crime. The only possible way to cure Neu- ralgia 1s to pur makin the Kidneys n do their proper work in 1 v This 1s the ¥ Neuralgia. *'Fruit-a- formation of Uric Acid. system strong and he blood 1s and Ski re's own aty v ed' cures « the whole and will kee 1iy actiy always cure Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Headaches due to poisoned blood soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size' 25c. At dealers, or from Fruita tives « Limited, Ottawa. BUILDERS" SUPPLIES BEAVER BOARD, LATH. ASHPHALT ROOFING, SHINGLES, BRICK. CEMENT. S. ANGLIN & CD. Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts, 6000000000000 0000000000'WVOROORNTY Make the Liver Do'its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right. Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mes bear Signature « ® ERA AE AR AON "STAY IN KINGSTON" We 'woulil. ratiter you would stay, but if you are hound to gol we will buy all or any part of? your Household Effects. that you may want to selbeor If you are starting housekeeping we can fit you out to perfection as we carry a full line of Stoves Furniture, Carpets Olleloth, ete, at very low prices Also, we have the grandest lot of ANTIQUE FURNITURE in this part of Canada Drop a postal L. LESSES, Cor Princess and Chatham Sts, BSRAE RAE EARN | ure long A SAN FRANCISCO PHYSICIAN Suee censtully in Treat. Beard, Uses Herpicide ing Sycosis of the treated a caw barbers' itch') Newbra's Herp an extensive loss of extending I recently txsimilar to hp wa of the lov here with wilh le beard well the mffamma tion chin. The result wpplientic Herpioide was mast Ihe of beard brow th of hair is now once inflamed Ivitle E. O'Neaill, '3 Howard al." dandruff to grow down on the of gratifying Toss and 0 new the Mq ing plac igned. ) over Ares M.D, St Francisco, ( kills the the hai San Herpacide aed permits danth Sold by leading diiiggists, Send 10 in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran teed. Jas. Il. Neleod, druggi spe cial agent, Kingston, Ont. { germ abun Light on a Dark Subject COAL of course, A universal fuel derived from prehistoric vegeta tion---about 85 per cent. carbon-----varying in color from brown to black. Coals have all been classified and only the grades known to be best for heating find their way here. Try out black carbon----no- thing prehistoric about its quality--it's this year's FRESHLY MINED COAL. Crawford Foot of Queen BA. "Phone B. enis the | "Baby. Cough Syrup." Gibsoud. |THE WHIG. nedieh sx Bt 0 ng Bireet, Kin on, Eaitlo Lar 3.30 | erben 'pm WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, ublished In arts on Mo Phe morn ne at A . er . tates, charge for makin wr of Weolkiy $1. Attached is one of t . boat at Jo ing Offices in Canada; rap} and cheap work) nise improv: J. G. Eniétt, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec-Treaa. stylish, presses TORONTO OFFICE. 32 Church St, Toronto, HH. aalipeice, J.P., representative. Daile Whig. the bers, Sm | | | THE which A CRISIS IN { The rapidity with west erners. can pass from one condition of truly surprising. mind to another unanimously Mr. vieing Naskatchew an. in favour of reciprocity, thie conservative leader, wit ® i premier in supporting it, and in eidentally repudiating the idea, so "~ and of cast, loyalty circulated in the that the seelulously by conservatives, endorsed the pact All was harmony one day, all and disorder the next day, in a deadlock that and The attitude o and inharmony for there theif sot has delaved business for impossible. "Fisis the f the opposition, which decided that the | allowed days, indesd made business was cgused by legislature would not be go further without the assurance from | the government that an election would not be attempted without new voters' | lists, Dissolution was sot premedita ted, but it may come to pass as one, and perhaps the only sequel of the dii- ficulty I'he revise | correct Every voters' lists ought to be to date, and they should be when an election is ordered man who legitimately is entitled } vote should possess the franchise, and the government of Saskatchewan can not is nothing to be of from day hold any other position, But thers gained by a hold-up, My by a test human endurance, tinued {to day. Hon cott a reason for must have I'be presented ju a reasonabl the demands of the opposition be He may the may not into dissolu- finl handi wae be' driven tion, and opposition may themselves discomforted and capped. I'he opposition may have a plea fo popular favour, and it 'will be consid- ered on its merits. It cannot win sup port by obstructive tactics without culise INTERESTS AFFECTED of trade took bridge scheme, properly The of busts men, who are deeply interested iy the of be commended they issues, and tho ne Fhe pert board an agtive in booming the and quite 80. board the alt the composed our men that R city, pertains to welfare and they to the themselves with public are for manuer in which conee encrgy they put imto their work, There is just one fault and it is not referred to in an offensive but simply that it may be taken and board does way, nole of Ihe an explanation offered, not purssue a givea enough to reach detinite ve \ quoted several schemes with which th sults, eritic © on a recent pecasic board of trade had been identified, and emphasized the point that ome cons tract carried to a finish wa worth bey the things that m contracts that were un awd h can recall any Perhaps board the great unfinished some ol were esteemed of value to the city, and demonstrate why they havy been dropped or abandoned Fake the wigh to conjure bridge scheme. [t is not ot up great advan- pes from the public ownership of the the ta bridge, and immediate of it ple ration company improve Ex- much is said in the interest of the Not about this company, or its plans, out ment side of a gaudy prospectus. It may be deserving of the greatest consideration, |! has however, and =o long as the aty its guarantees in certain matters it is But ti n company secuTe apart from the Explo-a- the bridge is regarded ns an important investment because it may lead to important shipping devel Here is where the board of trade and the council should work .to- gether. The enlarged bridge should not be for the advantage of the one company Vast interests may be bound up in the venture, and the men who know what these interests chould not delay in shedding all light that is possible upon 'hem Outside of these interests it would hardly pay the city to buy the stock of the bridge company, that is the stock held privately, at fifty cents on the dollar. These private stockholders may be content with their investment. They may be satisfied with the divi- dends they are receiving. But they must be aware that the income of the 'company is dwindling, that as the {trafic over the bridge decreases the re- {ceipts decrease, and that sooner or later they must see the wisdom of parting with the property at any price. Moreover it 'was a mistake to return to the old tariff for vehicles and so divert some of the trafic via Kings- ton Mills, the roads now being free The company may say that it had no alternative. let this be grasited, the conclasiod becomes the stronger that present couditions could got con opments are the ' 78th YEAR tinué indefinitely. BRITISH WHIG, published J atl had there been less haste about Ontarle 4 purch ase prise of 24 Dally $3 b Print- | Publishing Ce., Lid. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham. | declared | Haultain, | | a : sim t| The opposition is said to be Liguring man was subject to suspicion who | to | to refusing ! to be foul with it, | « brown" and YEE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1011. that the been It is assumed the cost would have Jess EDITORIAL NOTES There is still a wild the lag. Is it to be understood that the lin of in the spe keepiog of the men who oppose re- 1 help flag of waving our nation are cial i the ciprocty so, dear Have the cloxing lines of James Whitney's speech against re * The eh No so laboured and ridiculous YOu read i jou { IProaty peroraton, y Fthing quite i | has been put igto print in many a 'day | S------ af The i a baby Canadas 2's naval scheme is ! Australia's i fair ations that have been going compared with mad on paval enterprise will be staggered with the seeming extravagance of some of the British colonies. ion an election with reciprocity as the de How would The now, people had { to-morrow. i ------ Allan, Studholme, the the legislature, state-aided resistance. they government majority It would be larger if the ques i | pices fare ¥ ! large is the on ton to yote only labour | member in votes | against reciprocity emigration in the interest of the farm | He is bound to hit the farmer im any and po one can imagine why he and iw ay, should. i destruc: to Sir Charles Beresford as with hi® eriticism is as he used | tive ; the of direction, and Is the in times of peace, incapable of a his training gums, that only 7 {be with : | the | that man, navy in direction military | constructive poliey om the The noise some members of the | mons are making with regard to Bank Apvthing to draw ' { he the Farmers' fx intended as a diver sion only atten tion from feciprocity county have to face issue he city or is We not? Australia is going some member will squarely. ly in favour of recipro in the of $22, navy An expenditure LIN fo sents « total outlay Will the Cansida endorse for this young nation (uestion) 000 a vear twenty-two vears repre ofl enormous pro- portigns. imperial party in a programme quite so extravagant ' : 1 C. i. Meyers, leading agriculiur ist of Belleville, sums up the reciproci ty proposals succinctly in the follow- ing paragr ph: "As farmer, dairy- fruitgrower, 1 believe the be of Eastern tario of first United Empire Loyalist to settle in the Belleville district, | do think that prosperity could ever interfere ont a "man and trade agreement would i 2 benefit to the farmers of great Un As a direct descendent the not our with adherence to the and better for freer all I'he more the British Empire. markets we have agriculturists." { WAR GAME PROCEEDING Between Kingston and Ottawa Mili- HH tary Forces. {Ottawa Journal + Ihe war game crily. Within the perate cavalry mer is proceeding des- last few days a engagement took pla within twenty from Ringst« n, when the horsemen of the "red" and forces came into contact. It scouts and "their" out the result of the gage ment given out, as that woukl ibe "telling" and the war game 1s plaszed in the darkest secrecy. There i little or no work for the intelligence 'department, always the busiest branch | of the service in real war. However, it is no secret that the Ottawa boys in , the engagement covered themselves with glory and reflected great credit ,on their home city. Now comes the report that an gagement between the opposing iglan try forces is expected daily | As soon as the roads become fit | passage, parties of officers both fro out to nf miles "our" and is not was posts, eo en { Kingston[ and from Ottawa will go a look at the country and have been conforming to | the layout of the ground. Col don, D.O.C., also announced this morn ing that infantry and cavalry detach ments might also be taken out to be given a trial on actual sarvice - | to see if they Gor r Started a Fight. While the street was crowded wilh people about 830 o'clock, Satusda evening,two young men had an wm gument, near the corner of Princess and Montreal streets, and then en deatored to finish it with their fists After two or three blows had bee given, and a small crowd collected, the principals hurried away, no doubt afraid of being arrested. 1 Marine Engineers Left, A number of the engineers for the Montreal Transportation company left on Saturday to fit out the vessels for | the season's work. The men leaving, (Saturday, will take charge of the steamers Fairmount and Stormount, at Goderich, the Westmount, at Cal lingwogd, and the Kinmount, at Mid- and. Will Attend Convention, Miss Ella Keill has been inted a Gil to, represent Cooke's church { Guild, at the convention, to be held in Napanee, on Good Friday, under the auNpices of the Kingston Presbyterian Union. "Fhis is the convention which was locked upon, at the recent meet- ing of the presbytery. N Immigrants Arrived. A number of immigrants arrived in the city, on Sunday. men made ation to Immigration Agent Knapp, for employment, and will, no doubt, be givess position. It is stated that a very large number will bw coming out from the old conntry in a month's time. DIED IN -GANANOQUE THE Sacred Concert in St. John's Church --Dbanger of the Gananoque Pub. SUDDEN DEMISE HAIG. OF JOHN . lie Library Being Closed. Caananogue, many for denly sixty-eight years. one son, daughters, rez, and Miss Jessie. ut home Willow wife, funeral tery A lohn's of rela { ullinane, of Trevelyan, on this sacred concert was rendered in St March passed Saturday eveni Thomas, Mrs, Ramshaw, takes place afternoon. to church last evening nd's patron saint te Testing lecture on Irel and zens' : John years an empl yee Ontario Wheel Co, av of NAY Lue uy, Dec ased ol Kev. gave ves 1 tw Winni honog Father an in The Cit band furnished several musical numbers and the choir assisted Richard Hutcheson, Leeds, has pur chased the Thomas seventy "live acres, adjoining The price paid was £1,000, The church been supplemented it raise anniyersary has, during the by to $1,008. © The school collection was $110 Alexander Allen has pure hased residence of S. Steacy, Allan Seotiand, and the family are expected to arrive Mr, here in Through council, annual library, been plaged ranning expenses of the library The government of members purchase library It bout is have an te a an $0 to t 2100, while been enough books te up-to-date ¢ IF educational came last summer June. the aetion in withholding grant that deserving in severe of 400, the fees sufficient ¥ keep th dition isting disgrace to factor in hé wall without a to fort in its behalf, E. X. nanoqu the grand week, has returned. home lelnois, who represented AOLW,, m ! lodge, No. 247, lodge sessions Herbison past sufficient South here from Mrs. the their of $250 to the stitution ha straits a the supreme Sheets has returned from ille, w jurvman at here he spent a fev the assizes. Th? south sidé bridge over (ie river will be closed for repairs this not be opened for week he Miss ronto after Mr and until George énd at Janet Normal a position on the public Easter, and Mrs, will April Taylor, his Ist NP, home, Crouch, schoal, has in case of a moved over to Wolfe Island having accepted the summer, of chres Victoria vam, from a maker there. avenue, davs ° few spent Svdenham streot attending A} James has with his farm of his own epllection of Grace week, 1 Sunday street Govan, Alar town usual Fhe grant 1 would How to of town at Foronto, Osea: Brock davs Ganano traf week the the To plied for school staff vacancy Arthur Henderson have for the postin Done returned son, Ih Frederick Donevan, in Smith's Falls DESIGNE PD COAT-OF-ARMS, For Principal-Elect Prof Military Prof. 8. conan, western Lanos i= a clever signe, the crests of the pital and from his head Dyde's that which is made Prof. upon berta, at the derneath, : fplains, wheat Lanos has placed emblem the church, tiekds, the the ada Alta., a its mountains, church and tollege in candlesticks, College. M. Lanos, of College, has J. W educational and Frontenac and pen college the p the is of Rocks the green and river, the the the top, the then islands fields nt of centre of the nght mn te the reaching showing top of the crest and the open the Dyde's the designed Dyde| the principal-clect the new Preshyterian college at Stra coat-of-arms for mmsatution skilful crest Kingston hos I'he pone emplhzoned ovinee ap of a red ex mountains potlom burning Presbyterian |. Royal for th that Prof de lub be for Al un. the the Prof bus} hills, and whea he top of power in Western ( are Sible DECIDED TO SIGN PLEDGE. And Magistrate lhe docket, morning drunk said pledge. nm several occasions, hoped pledge The other, of vagrancy, but was the city leave that if othet charge would be lodged ag tim. mag and a The drunk new eal, and was gh he Gave to Réform. strate at the police court [here were vagrant promised to would sign He has been n before and it able he will be man, a voung The he did not leave the mag had a ve T two oll tury a chance temperance the keep | was a day istrate over Ie i= to hh in crabs to sand city, an Jnnst To Cure a Cold in One Day. Fake lets to cure. each box. Bominic Laxative Bromo EW 5c. Fallon, Quinine Druggists refund money if it Cornwall, Tab- fails Grove's signature i on father of 'Bfhop Fallon, London, received a iar of shamrocks leader of the Irish party mond, British from Jo House of Commons. Y E. Red in the Haig, * The ceme- the public are such Alberta of i IR, SOPER: | Specialists In diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail. ments of men Ope visit advisable if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question biank and book on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE l. 25 Toronto Street, Toronte, Ont. W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE | Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 | CORRESPONDENCE S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, SOLICITED. | i i Ltd, | BUY GREAT NORTHERN AT PRE-| SENT PRICES, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 14 King St. East. * Main 4228, TORONTO, Ont. TH DAY'S EPISODES NOTES A ANI n THINGS GENERAL. LOCAL IN| Occurences in the City and Vicinity | --Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. Sulphur and molasses, fresh, Best's. br. X. J the city Citrate ol Luan on son's ¥ P. Jenkins removing \ No typhord fev to the medica William been family Bt er CASes were to report | health oflicer last week Atkins, hingston baker, engaged has Westport. Citrate of magi Lib son A. Beecroit, preached student at Queen's a the morning wn service Looke 8 church Best's Short rade and adults cough for good for to Stop never ails cure a 13¢ The bequest of the late Mis, to the First Baptist church xa published Was Nw us lish violet soap Gibson's Morison will give Young Me on ursday ever Prot bed James' Michael contracts, the in tiub of sre the ~ church, has, up Sullivan OW to wetaliur my Lo « the urk bulking er w ankding Queen's Lach ten-cent purchase at gives you a vote for library Miss Cora Harris, Toromto, rived home for her Capt. and den Island Syrup Gibson's, Dallas B. Richardson from tht, Pe, the Te the city give Best the has ar vacation, with her Mrs. Harris parents, L Horehound Cough Cure. Smith, mica here to Trenton for Ne } Laverton onto Humane today. He was churches, « Sunday manager works, NJ. w York Hurris, Society mg manay , Was rn speaker counts Short all Best's ives {for Chance | court {., { amm Guarant His defi fini 1 liber immlating "ane one ian liberty as the ors, was a explanatic a great truth Sweet ped The interior dral year Cribs George's FOOT soap." n's of decorated before The New York who Mary's cathedral spring. here, om Friday, to over the cathedral for the purpose an estimate Qs may be goes by Yaxt las did St look was of giving Grace Before Meat. Catt, the attent Mrs Carre Ul fragist leader, had «l at a dinner at New York, who was ver "Look -at her 1 neighbor dish. She is actually to eat." "Yes sad soe before meat, Times man her th a stout Sighs * said "She's faced On Club i woman e Colony t young lnced Mra passin 0 Chapman g ever tight tigh atts tovy the other. "It's a ras of isn't it Pitts burg Heaps of Moavy. An enthusiastic suburbanite showing a guest about his domain, lating on its © joys and comforts they walked. The guest ventured "Yes, but 1 don't think there's much money in it" "fireatl guns, man ' Money in it? Every cont I've got and all | can bor row it." Lippincott's Charles W. Botsford, died on Friday, after a week's from bronchial presmonia. He { aged' seventy one years 'Syrup Horehound' was di- as = in Brockville, LE Foals children | Strainge | address | 'A harles was | neg ------ er -- BIBBYS nit Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 10 o'clock. Pr Sale of New Spring Suits We just clothing establishment abbut 50 Men's New Spring have received from a high grade Spits. These are Sample Suits---new patterns, "new cut, expert tailoring. Regular $18, £20 and $22 values. Monday we offer them at PA Et Spring Overcoats See our New Chesterfields in fine grey and black worsteds, plain collars 'and reveres--very dressy. A beauty for $15.00 New Shirts Our N have arrived, and real dandies they © lA AAA AA rt lt vew Shirts for spring and summer wear are. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 BIBBYS Porcupine Stocks Either Bought or x Sold :C. R WRIGHT, Investment Broker 124 Crown Life Bldg., Toronto. Porcupine Gold Mines Co. (VIPOND) A producing mine. We still advise its purchase at present market price. Second bar of gold shipped this week. Write, wire or phoae for full particulars Gormaly, Tilt & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange. on ans 30-34 Adelaide St F. Torslo A Ghostly Welcome, "One these Shanks, one that | remember in Kansas. There there, also a blacksmith church, and of these accessories rept the cemeters valley out of shop of ETE ¢ a. CASTOR Children. Th id To Br vs Bh Bears the Signature of also a