THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. MARCH 20. 1911. PAGE ¥ IGHT. PROSPECTS ARE GOOD SUCC ESSFUL L SE ASON. WITH THE 14TH REGIMENT Fon It Has Been Decided That Regiment Will Take a Trip This Year--New Issue of Uniforms in a Few + meeting of the Regiment, on Satu favorable | of training here of the 1 SAFETY AND INCOME the two primary for depositing your money In this Bank A Bavings safe receives and the balance to or withdrawn at ure reasons and the reports re mos, snecessful pare are are a the regiment Anno manding officer, Shad pronused to morment was made by Loe that here Is Bonds, it haif-yvearly, an be added pias- unt Govern nt the government interest Bicers' Det Ww eery andere the paar the wom 1o your { tors, and Lo piare an arce he : two To have realy peace Iy A committee, of mind your money | Macnee, Cay must be be in safety. Ie & Exterre, '$30,000,000 § | Princess. <1. #1" 1 i | would be fow rons of Major Liew SOIN HORS] Dowszley appoir to badge for the and were reg design of edilar Assets : tugrtun Branch, 167 . . - y complete new issue of unilorms on wd It in the gourse of a wdingly essentia compar Gilles up without further delay that the this vear day ace | that : sirengti i ht w | <houkd | aise decided that ies be 14 decided regime It w take a it wa trip would May lat commissions voled The ren aver man after no | taken on the i Twa read, « ompanies for will meet i oincers applications and these officers' ten were be w nt the ment next haz pow streng ber of cilicers in Leave ahsence to Lieut Col. Cunningham, leaving for Alberts, in a few expects to be away until end of April During his Maior C. A. Low ommand regiment, STILL ON THE FENCE. its history. been of has granted wha 1s days Motor Boat Owners Get ihout ahsent th will « ready for spring. Fdwards Still Mum on city Question. MP, morning, First your copper non-louling Paint Dr. for the USE Ole, bottoms NEW quart, was the on his way back the Falwards, in in Monday to (Mtawa, after spending ered at his home A Whig man ran & I he war of the would be a good opportunity the of JERSEY, the hest made, week White Paint: Use Nex ide FLEXOLIN, , out serihe apiniom at Feet that it ta White the whitest that was # guaranteed to pint, Enamel, is pet opmnion or pul om a stand any rds The statement ver, that hé Edw to Ir but had He intimated, | would speak on the | and stated that had not that there wera back until question smiled, to ho quelition in was not the and Stare giv wked-of everything for Poats, Hardware the muct We carry we are the ing votes Library. only for use, Le mly member who given an opinion on the matter, others who were. holding they spoke in the house. 80 buy the best and get votes and help the good cause. W. A Mitchells Hardware, | 85 PRINCESS STREET. Most Significant Thing. Ottawa Journal That unanimous Saskatchewan islative resolution supporting the re cinrocity agreement is perhaps the | most significant thing vet as to the at | pinion of the west on this question, nd it largely offsets the Sifton oppo sition and declaration as regards the west. And, by the way, Mr. Haultain, the Saskatchewan apposition 'leader, who joined: in this resolution the man of all men in Canada whom the government has treated taking as they did the govern. ment away from him at the time of the creation of the two new provin- and giving it to Walter Seott pight, but was expected to reach home | A most arbitrary and unprecedented this evening. Arthur Welch, another | manner. And now Mr Haultain, like member of the party, suffered the broad minded man he is, severe oats. lle was to return | on their head, coals of five. Sunday night, with other bers of the party. g-- Yankees Didn't Sce Peterhora THROWN OUT OF RIG. Kingstonians in Accident Collins' Bay. pine o'clock Sunday of Kingston yo over the G.T.R the horse made a sud- About while a party were driving at Collins Bay, den bolt, avd they Frederick Wilson, emploved at comotive works, received ents about the face, and Dr. Hanley, put in six stitches Collins Bay ces, evening, ung men crossing is were thrown out the lo- some severe { Laurier worst, enlled, at who was He remained over some able -- 4 Putting on the Screws. Manitoba Free Ihe party fectually applied by Mr. Borden, how ever, and Western conservatives, whose private opinions are known to be 'avorable to the agreement, will sub mit to the party whip althongh it may ho disastrous to their political ambitions. The liberal partv--which recognizes the right of the individual to his own liberty in matters in which his private judgment does not with the views of his associates thus alone the credit of afford. ing an example of freedom of discus. sion and actiou. Met With Accident. Frederick Pollitt, Division met with a painful accident work invone of Knapp's beat . houses He was about to step down off beam when he knocked his knee a gainst a post and as a the member was dislocated. we the house the mem Press has been It. gag most ef Examiners I reciprocity means annexation--il it was fiendishly designed to that end by our Yankee neighbours, how is it that. the United States senators should show such deadly hostility it, and killed it, was their as far as it in to do so? power Singleton, Smveh's Falls, ar the city to-day to attend the committee of Eastern Association, during | ' J, MH. rived in executive Dairvmen's his stay will be the guest J: F of the Dairy Representations are to be the government by twelve clerks in the third class of service, "with a view to their condition, Five From One House Within the past five months must in- dicate either insanity satisfaction. Some mas tell vou the former, but, three "Feliable, reputable business houses in Toronto would be offended if vou were to tell them they had em- ploved lunatics as stenographers. One of these firms engaged two, one after only twenty-one dave; the other offer twenty-six. The fifth is «till a student. Names, addresses, and dates of both employer and employee, upon request to Muon College, 232-286 Yonge street, Toronto, and we think von will begin to think there may be something in thirty-day shorthand. the have and of his son, Singleton, School made to hundred the civil improving street, while at result He will for a few or confined to days, Still They Come. Another shipment of hates were pass ed through customs on Saturday for George Mills & Co. Thew-rame from Tres:, of London--one of the best known hat concerns in Eagland. There are at the present time quite an number of searlet fover cases inthe city but all of them are of a very mild nature. ~ Dress Well. It Pays - The man we clothe will be well dressed and will not pay too much for his clothes For instance : We charge no more for our Handsome Models in Spring Overcoats than others ask for. Just an Overcoat Coats at $10, $12, $15, $18, Again we have suits at $12, $15 or $18 that are right up to the minute, fabrics, cut and tailoring Choice Spring Hats and IHoberdastiery, too. LIVINGSTON'S wid the foom pext to | arrange | be | th, this making the largest num- | He | the | in| heaps | accord | will | | CATHOLIC, NOT NATIONALIST, statement in a Sermon by Bishop Fallon of London: at hdr Days. i 81 wound | TO WED KAISER'S DAUGHTER. Archduke Franz Ferdinand Said be Fortunate Man. Mare 2. ~The NE it reported Lrenddents et | Protes TOM L. th « JORNSON DYING. Can Only Days. Mayor Last a Few Former } the Recipro-| city | pgss him on the | the county's | t, an hoa member on reciprocity, sa he put the { latter | JTOHNBON No hope fom | gathered h 1s eannot days. Many said THOMAS L March 20, reco v of Cléveland, O the His family ! his bedside and his dea { hourly. Mr, Johnson | more than a few | friends alrea is given for Johnson, expected Survive of his have dy their last good byes, 'How | to be of {1 am g boys * Tell and to be the them game message Mi all the heart ame," was | Johnson to his thousands of |iriends vesterday through a few { elose personal friends who witted to his bedside. re trong sent were ad A LIVELY TIME. | Conservatives are Forcing an Issu: In Ottawa. Ottawa, March 20.--The prospects for a most exciting time in the com mous have increased with ghe opening jof week, it is quite evident the conservatives determined to appeal reciprocity the other hand to fight @ hew that to force to the sue if possible {the government it out but supplies must be voted at ronee, It is thought that Kind of compromise may affected on this basis, that the opposition consent to vote supplies for six weeks from the first of Aprii which will give time to see how the congress will act I the congress the treaty then the tactics of both the Canadian parties may consider { abh are the government the country on tn is prepared some be refuses of eonrse, aiter i Quebec Farmers Favor Reciprocity. Ottawa, March 20 a meeting ut Rigaud, two thousand farmers adopted unanimous {ly and amid great cathusiasm, a solution favoring -the government's policy. on reciprocity, and urging the | government to carry the same through parliament this session. Hon Mr Brodeur, Dr. Beland, M.P., Nr. Boyer. member for Vaudrewil, Mr. Beaup: rlant, MP, tor Boy spoke «n the naval reciprocity tions, At the close of on Sunday, re and Sena and or ques Found. Auguste Escaped Lunatic { Montreal, Mareh 0 the lunatic, wh Benoit after the muda Pan- from asylum imme of one of the brought from y neton, y escaped the diately guardians Jast hack to the institution Assomplion Detective Normandeau, of the Canadian Detective Agency, af {ter a long search, came across Panne' ton in the kitchen of a farm house on the road betweem Joliet and L'- | Assomption. St. Joseph Fuesday, as i No Cut in Pay. I Detroit, March 20.-(Mlicia, denial Lig given by President Livingstone, of {the Lake Carriers' to the report that a curtailment in the wages lof lake scamen is contemplated this stmson on the boats allied with the inssociation. Advances to all classes lof marine employees were made {last year, and these will be maintain- assotiahion Russian Cubinet Besieged i Montreal, March 20.--It took' six policemen to capture a hold Joseph Laporte, a well-known contractor, iwho, becoming suddenly insane in his lawver's offices, sed a typewriting machine, hutled it out of the window 'and smashdd the furniture till every. body fled from the office in terror. He was sent to the asylum and put in a straight jacket for examination. Smashed Booker Washington. | Washington, March Dr. Booker iT. Washingion, negro educator, is at bis home, suffering from sericas injury { inflicted by a man named Ulrich, who fhas been arrested. He says he mis took Washington for another negro, who had offended him. Russian Cabinet Resigned. "Petersburg. March 20. -- Premier Seon pin and his cabinet resigned this altetnone. «for some time past was Vs ardman SQUANDERED LEGACY {lo SOT NU} POL ICY BY THE TORIES. Hou. A. G. MacKay Declares That They Have Adopted Shifty Tactics Proud of Stand for Récip-ocity, , March 20.<In an eloquent that went right home to the jreas on of his auditors, Hon. A G. I Ma Kav, in Brockton hall, before the Toronto liberals, denounced the tactics of the conssrvative party » he said, had squandered the legacy of sonnd policy left by their ! leader, "I am absolutely in of reciprocity with the United tes if 1 can get it," Sir John Ma ald had declared without equivoca 'And now that reciproeit y fair and common-sense basis prac cable," commented the leader of the appasition in the Ontario legislature, "they turn round and shout 'annesa- ton. The. conservative party are their great leader behind. le revere VOuUr memory, SIrew roses over your grave esery but when it honoring in the best way possible, by keep- iis faith with the country, when with the United States 1s to be carried through as it will for the benefit of the country, they turn round and question the loyalty of the great party led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which iis . but putting into practice one of the ideals of Sir John Macdonald. For want of a better po licy the conservatives have adopted one of absolute Wegation." "Talk about loyalty !"" said Mr. Mae. Kay. "The best way to insure \ man's loyalty is to better the condi tions under which he has to live. Let him see thai he is getting a square deal. The loyalty of no Canadian, liberal or conservative, is in doubt, we are all loyal, and intend to remain It is Canada's business to mak her own trade relations, but that won't affect her lovalty ly prosper ing herself she will be helping the prosperity of the empire. If | ship « bullock across to the United States, | don't tie my loyalty to his horns, and ship it over with him." "I want to tell Sir James Whitney that we put it all over him: and his party, last week, in the legislature My firm belief is that, so far as party polities 1s concerned, his resolution was the that could have hap- pened for the opposition. I have been nine years in the house, and at pres ent 1 am but one of nineteen, but | téll you I have never felt more proud of the liberal members than 1 did at the close of the reciprocity debate No leader was ever backed by such splendidly staunch, loyal-hearted fol lowing. 'We say give Liberals' { whic greatest k ¥ lor tion on a Fhe Ya we comes 10 ing reciprocity rhout De 80. best thing us a little freer trade and get better condition of living; give our farmers and manufacturers the henefit of two markets, instead of restricting them to one. Britain is abundantly gble to compete with the United States for our produce, and we an supply the needs of both for years to come out of our surplus. Trade is business--ba-gaining between buyer and seller--and vou can't establish it on sentiment. The British manufac turer, who is the keenest business man in the world, will not sell any cheaper to a Canadian because he a Cana dian; he will, and naturally, the best price he can out of him. 'We are not playing a game declared Mr. MacKay. "If the eral party are working for the great majority, we sincerely believe, we yaght not to be afraid to say so. I capital ite haughty front we ought to consider its inter before those of the masses, then for heaven's sake, let u the capitalist understand what we mean. 1 would rather see the good old liberal party go down in defeat than see it crawling to capital The liberal standard is swung out clear of the corporations and trusts, and stands for the mass of the people. The fgst that a few so-called liberald-- manufacturers whose pockets are tonched--have left the party they nev- er geally belonged to, will be a good thing for the party, especially as we onsider who has left and why." Death of John Sharpee. . John Sharpee, of Brant Hill, who at the Imperial Hotel, died in the Hotel Dieu, Sunday evening, about 11.30 o'clock. He had been ill tor a couple of weeks and last Monday he intend ed to go home, hut was taken sud denly iil, and had to be taken to: th Hotel Dien. He was about fifty-six years of sage and leaves six chiltiren His wife died some time ago. 1s gat here," lib as raises and says ests {I say. make Electricity on Farms, Welland, March 20.--A statement has been made in some papers that the first electricity on farms has just been instalied, 'while some farmers in this - county have had electricity in their barns and houses and have been using it otherwise jor two years. Stamford township has six miles of street and house hights in o in a stretch. Proof of Blindness. "You say he plays the violin ?"' "y .-." "Does he play it wel "He must do #80: because he's on speaking terms with all his neighbors. --Birmingham Age Herald. 17" ------------ Negroes Coming In. Winnipeg, Man, M March 20.--With all immigration entry obstacles removed by the government, three hundred negroes from the south will arrive, here, to-day, en route to a new negro colony near Emerson, Scrutineers Notified. Scrutineers for and against the hool by-law are asked to be on hand promptly at 9 o'clock to-mor- row morning. We once heard of a prominent city- zen in a small town 'who actually didn't want to be postmaster. Any girl who is able to weep at will firmly believe that she was cat out for an emotional actress. average man is as fast with his sympathy as he is slow with his Take leave a little for the rest of wa. : many a, man's popularity bes has und ends ith hiiself. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World, The legislapure will end it this week The C.P.R. trance to Stratford. North Toronto vor of a sewage F.. Lottinvil killed by the by the break During the month of February the deaths in India from the plague ed the enormous total of $8 40% Maj. Walter H. Laure, Montreal died of heart failure in the Intercolo nial railway express on his Sydaey, N.S, Abdul Pelel, the Arab, who shot and ki ed Prof. Iecou, the archaeologist, dene, on March 11th, has been arves sted. Gaston Monrosin is wanted by the Winnipeg police for shooting N Gio- vanni daring a quarrel in a Winnipey hotel. Giovanni is dead. Justice Girouard, of the supreme court of Canada, i= hardly likely 10 recover from the shock of the recent accident, when he was thrown from a sleigh. Judge Barron is negotiating eles reach way to at will open an enquiry, to-morrow morning, at Montreal, into complaints "of a number of Grand Irunk strikers who are still out of jobs. Sir the London com- poser, to have sailed for New York on the steamship Campania, had a chill, Fridav night, and was compelled to postpone his departure. Fdward Flgar, GERMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Sunday a Real Holiday and Day of Relaxation. Henry Johnson is contributing a of interesting articles to the Westminster' Gazette on German social hfe. "the Germans," he says, trive to enjoy life and nation-- to look very happy, offi cial holidays than are alloted uk, and this partly because their jolly Sunday, which is a, real holiday and day of relaxation every en days.' Sir series eon as a with few to of occurring sO there is much to criticize mm Lermany still. "The aleohnl sull strangles the physical and mental ciency of a large proportion of Germe ary men in the 2 A hopeful shown by Henry says and abuse fut Sir unend ul lower ciasscs is the indignation the bourgeois and classes against the traditions of upper and sign profes- sional 'senseless vighteenth-century man studenthood." Sir Henry finds the Germany in its high type, and physically, of womanhood. "Th German woman, with the spread of education and new ideas of physical development, is becoming in the mid- dle and upper classes a fine creature, as willing as before to be wife and mother, though proving herself an at- tractive and inspiring companion to an And that men are, women male' them is a by philo- Ler. salvation of mentally educated man." after all, maxim handed down to us sophers. what HUMANE SOCIETY CONCERT. For To-morrow, City Hall, 8 p.m. Soldiers' chorus. Tenor solo (with kier and Misses Orser, Mcleod Ladies' quartette, Mrs, Clark, Misses Orser, MacDonnell and Mcleod, Violin solo- Mrs. W. Robertson, companied by orchestra R.C.H.A. ContraltS Miss Florence Leod. Chorus, to, Sergeant J. Indian Romance, H. A, Bandmaster A, ing. Bass solo, Archie Beecroft. Violin solo, Mrs. W. Robertson. Male quartette, Messrs. Bankger, Cree, Spalding, Beecroft. Soprano solo, Miss Hazel M: Choius, "The Country Fair." Accompanists, Mrs. J. R. C, and R. R. F. Harvey. Tickets and plan of seats low's. Programme James Ban- and trio), Rosevear ac- Me solo, Posi," cornet obliga- Huberland. orchestra Light "Last of R, ( conduct Me yuie Dobbs at R. Ug ly Lincoln and Temperance. The Christian Herald Lincoln was a total abstainer and an "active temperance worker. His motto was to try to 'pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever a flower would grow." There could be no more noxious "thistle" than the liquor traffic; and so we find Lincoln, who loved his fellow-man, opposing that great evil. He said, in 1583. "The most effectual remedy would be the passage of a law altogether abolish mg the liquor traffic. There must be no more atiempts to regulate the cancer; it must be eradicated." In 1546 Lin coln spoke on temperance at a log school-house near Springfield, Ill. He wrote and took to the meeting the following pledge, inviting the people to sign it : "Whereas, the use ob in- toxicating liquors as a beverage is productive of pauperism, degradation and crime; and believing that it is our duty to discourage that which produces more evil than good, we therefore pledge ourselves ta ahstain from the use of intoxieating liquors as a beverage.!' Chasing Smugglers at Seca. A chase after a oraft, lieved to be heavily ya with > traband Chinese and opium, is pro- im Southern California waters. The United States revenue éuttes Bear and Orient are patroling the coast in expectation of encounter the vessel. Every available immigra- tion officer in that part of the state hau fueen, detailed to watch some iso ated point where the smugglers try to land. The Bear, it 1s und stood, sighted the smuggler etwty San Diego and San Pedro. The reve nue cutter gave pursuit, but the smug gler craft made out to sea and was lost to sight in the darkness. = The smuggler is said to be a very fam vessel and the men aboard her heav- Lily armed. as one things as they come--but | _¢ space ; : | | : | | | | | & Great Display of Newest Wash Goods The result of mobths of gathering. We have a most complete collection of new things for spring, but can only mention a few here owing to lack of | ' : ' : } ¢ ' ¢ ] } New Scotch Ginghams In fine, close weave, fast colors and in all the desirable shades of novelty checks and stripes 124, 15¢, 20¢ } French Foulards ¢ Dainty designs in these French cattons, finished p similar to silk and in colors that wash. 23¢ Yard New Cotton Voiles : The new Voiles for this year are a great im- p provement over those of last year, both in color and texture New Kimona Crepes Many new and handsome designs, 31 inches Wide, 25¢ yard New Dimities, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ New Costume Linens New Chiffon Mulls, in Light Blue, Helio, 26¢ New Galatea Suitings for children's wear New Oxford Suitings; fine makes, 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 30¢ White, Black, Pink, TTL TLTETE VTL BTLTTRLLTL ESE HRERASERLERT LRN TR BATT RTT VCR OERTCRDTRE TTT T TVR T RTL TL ECT EBAY To-Morrow. Specials ! 310 Pairs Children's Fire Ribbed Cashmere Stockings A very special lot just received. ONE-THIRD OFF All the 25¢ Makes for 18¢, * 30c Makes for 20c 35¢c Makes for 23¢ And so on through the list. " ildren's New Spring Coats Stylish designs, all sizes. $3.75, 4.25, 5.95 A - BATH 9999550994995 STASIS AASSASTLETAEE secsesea se | | - | Sees sssssesesass TTVLVVLVVLVLVVTLLVBLBTRLBTSY Baecsetetetestettetine GALL bbbbbbbbhbbbobobr A Cordovan or Horse Hide Boot For Men and Boys No leather will wear better. Few leathers half as well. These boots are very solid and will keep the feet dry Men's Sizes, 6 i010, $3 00 Boys' Sizes, 1 to 5, $2.00 Youth's Sizes, 11, 12,13, $1.75 Little Boys' Sizes, 8 to 10, $1.50. Try a pair of these for this weather.