-- BALLAALALALAAAAMALALAAAAAAAALAAAAALALALASANS HUNT'S is Where To Go for a NATTY HAT The Shirt, Collar and Tie Store of the city. - P. J. HUNT, 53 Brock Street RP RPE ERY IIR TET EYEE ETRY EY YY LLLLTLP L200 00000000050 prs LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E.Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARE, © "Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS, Men's Nobby Goodyear Wells, $3.50 (0 Boys' sizes 1 to 5, $1.40 to $2.25, $3.00, Youths', sizes 11 to 13, $L25 to SLITS. Men's Fine Boots $2.00 and up Little ft slzes 3 to 10. $1.00 to Men's Working Boots $1.30 10 83.00. $1.25. Jack Johnston's Shoe Store 70 BROCK ST. I's Millinery MODE Pearsall's - : . 3 It is pleasing to us that our First Showing of SPRING have been accepted by the LADIES OF KINGSTON not only in word alone, but by purchasing them Designs « of our Workroom every day to re- f Several New place those that are sold, so that you will see something new every time you come in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Pearsall's Millinery ..... SELECT CHOCOLATES .....} All the Leading Manufacturers' Choco- lates are to be had at 228 Prin- cess St. For Pure Ice Cream and Prompt Delivery Telephone No. 640. CASH PRIZES Amounting to $1,380.00 will be given to collectors of ORANGE MEAT CARTON BOTTOMS. the contest, and are you ecard to Orange Meat, circular giving details ' Have you usy collecting? Kingston, entered Send post for Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. WE MAKE BICYCLES THAT YOU MAY HAVE MORE :TINE FOR CANOEING There fsn't much le ft! out of when, after leaving the office or time getting home, and then a long time going down to the boathouse a Saturday afternoon store, you spend a lopg You can cut the time in half, casily, with the help of a bicyele You can be on the water bright and early, and feel- ing extra good because of the ride y Basy enough to leave the Bicycle in the boathouse The "Cleveland" has a big reputation, is made of the finest materials by expert workmen, and will give you service for many years. H, MILNE, * Kingston Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Ltd., Torante. Write for Catalogue. get. exci The mes %ho work the hardest an nervous, will get ex: | accompli most, rarely complain about being slaves. , ; { SSFIIIIIVIIIIvIIIIIIY HOSPITAL, Upon Request, Board of aclu will Wait Until! Hospital Governors Majority of Doctors Opposed to the Hospital Site, A health = special megting of the 18 called tor Tues alte Lu honorary secre noon to discuss the proposed site " the tuberculosis hospital out on e requist F. Welch, tary the tuberculosis hospital fund action was taken on the matter, it being laid over until the board governors of the general hospital i ol no ol wre THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH AS TO SITE FOR TUBERCULOSIS Have Been Heard on Question-- / GRAND OPERA HOUSE, | To-night, Melting Pot." | he Melting > i ar mg 23 side in the leading rol Is with =a big massacre the Jews n lace in Ape rica. Mr. Zangwill writes *'fromt his i heart." The sight of the ships from' | Europe with immigrants = fo 2 these sh has touched his imagina- | }tior Hiz hero is a young Jew, David » parents ¢ bien Russia. He been this the in omposing a symphony, h shall express some has escaped musi {he meanwhile by giving violin He meets Vera HRevendal, refuge his liv lessons a id Walker Whiteside in "The! of | his gratitude to America as home of | for oppressed, and making | 1911. ES EEE EE | seessseee ---- SELLER LLL0LLFE LAVALLE LLL MRAS 0 $3 Shoes for Men / PAGE FIVER. TT n-- SLLBSLEMISES ALLEL 0 00S . SLLEL0 000000000 Every man sh 097200000000 00000008 Solid Leather Working Boots. It's hard to get Real Good Shoes for less money than $3.00. ould see our wonderful $3.00: heard on the matter. Russian Chr an, and they love each | The. matter, it will be remembered, other. She + revolutionist and has came up for discussion at a meeting | come to America to escape Siberia. lu - of the board of health, held a week part of the play, David says WwW. ] h . ago, when a deputation waited upon [to Miss Revendal : i | § f $3 00 FINE the board and a that the 43 "You must remember that all of mh €a SO ave a nice ange 0 , posed site, on the general hospital | life I have heard of Ar | every. grounds, be not approved of. The | Pody in our town had nds there, or SHOES : deputation was backed up by a large [W285 going thers All my life America . signed petition, protesting against | W828 wailing, De koning, shining; tly the erection of the hospital ou th place where God Woo wipe away | grounds of the general hospital Ow tears from all faces 2 think that ing to the fact that there was a larg that sam Pal touch of liberty, which | ° grist of business on hand at that threw it i across all the broad | 88 t ? inte my little garret | $8 tuget ig the board was unale is shining also for all those | : take up the question anc was fi : PF Pare tr Pi take up the question and it was fo millions of Farope" | SSISIIISIIIRY SSFIINGAE SFISP ASP: FPEIIISII FFIIVIVIIIIN ISI RINNE called. - 4 ErmeIETR CRuirmian Meléod presided av the 2 wu SRI RY AR meeting and the i members pre 'FOR DUMB ANIMALS HE SPORY JEVEW, Fon sent were Méssrs. Strachan, Bailes { Mee toria Bane 3 : Faylor, Knapp and Dr. Williamson, 2 Whi-- Yeeting of Vicia ball Club ROUGH (RED SKIN, medical health officer A CONCERT GIVEN IN THE CITY Postponed. : . At the opening of the meeting th HALL. There was to have been a meeting chaitman stated that two veers ap of the junior Victorias, Thursday CHAPPED FACE the bourd had approved of the pr W. F. Nickle, ALP.P., Peasided--The | ©¥*0ing, for the launching &f the team posed site on the ground that - th Attendance Vias Large--aA Fine|l0F the season, and to get things isolation would be all right. He Programme Was Renaje 1 started, but owing to the inability of AND HANDS point d out that since that time the . . . . ped, some of the members to be there, it y > question had. caused tt deal The concert given in the city hall, | nas been postponed until next Monday Nyal's Face Cream discussi atid there bots strong f last evening, in did of Kingston Hu- [evening. The result of the meeting will Balm of Violets opposition >» ha the hospita {mane Society, was the success thatit |be eagerly awaited on account of : ¥ erected on the hospital grounds {deserved to be, on account of its wor- | the fact that the statement has been Witch Hazel Cream. Continuing. the chairman skate | thy object. Referrfog to the concert {made that the team will go into sen- Sanitol Cold Cream that in view of the opposition to the during the evening,' W F. Nickle, ior company. It is settled now and Si e had placed the matter befor | MLP.P., the president, said Mrs. J. R. the only thing that remains to be Hinds Honey and Almond leading physicians of the city' i NG. Doble had Soe the nord of done Na slesting of officers and form Cream o wot DARD Bh 6 palrengihening he af neces AI she jing oO he team. a hi Saran el Boe. din a \piaien. | ver y generously offerad the talent of i i , Tae al Orehid Cream thuinse {on teeard as Leiogin. 1a herself and pupils in -an endeavor to Final Meeting To-night, Stearn's Edelweiss Cream vor or opposed to the general hos NSSISS ih Wiping of the d bt ) " The last meeting of the executive of Sold at pital site, and placed a document be is. gp Phorgs F py ro! Pls socie {the City Hockey league will bo held - fore the members | prevent ERCORREry Rr y ary ws this evening, in Y.M.C.A building for | Ihe document was read by' Cit witaals Of Oran y ie ae Ls oS mh the purpose of stranghtening up the af- | Clerk Sands and it showed that twen ahs ain r cattle, 'jt i hte of fairs of the league for the season. The { ty doctors had signed it as being op REEVE CRONK eriiity whi bh was of ar fit executive have had some very SLORY USGS Drug Store posed' to having fhe hospital on the Of t i f Olde to nian Soastauch ly pan thy BY meetings, bul at the meeting to-night . general 'hospital site and three signed xa IR GPCR mal more docile I loin tos ang all will be forgotten and the members Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Has being: favorable. PUT MONEY IN STOCKING. oa in : oO . A n glowing terms he | will depart in peace. 'Phone 83 The doctors pave no. reasons als 3 -- than ed Mrs. Johbs and her pupils for hone 82 thee were oy wad o the a " | Kingston Woman Lost Quite Large their assistance, amd those who had - moa ba . ¢ | to the proposed sits a come to the concert and helped to NEITHER TENDER ACCEPTED but merely gave their answer as' t¢ Sum, make it a success. S----------- whether they were in favor or against A Kingston woman, living on Nel Ile programme represented the best | For New Street Lamps--Both Un- it i . Y i : . son shevet; is mourning the Joss of [talent in the city, and was of a varied satisfactury. Th La 10 City clerk read a letter fron juite a large sum of money, about ture. Three clic sls give 8 om e test I. Welch, honorary secretary of th | #100, and all because of the fact that oe of Tre on te give by hall oa, hast s3d pose Romi tubereulosis hospital fund, asking that she put the money in her stocking, for { resoursd with harmony. he second > -- ' as br x a a ; the board defer action in the matter | safe keeping. chorus, "The Last Post," in which a ron J ne 3 "We oat RE ran) d Best until the hospital governors had beer The lady in question lost the money | cornet obligate was pl red by Se ot lect or he estinghouss : com ) . np Pek roel obliga as play by Sergt. | pany's tender for new street arc and Large Easy Rs . heard on the matter. while coming along Brock street, und Joseph' Huberland, R.C.HLA., and in l'ungsten lamps. The tenders have -Arge Easy Rattan Arm Chairs, Mr. Strachan said that the boar ha far as can be learned, it has not | which the solo was taken by Miss [been under consideration for over a [With Bunglow Cloth Cushion, in Im- should not take any action until th. | been returned to her. Hazel Massie, was very finely. rendeed. {month. The lamps of one company ' governors had been heard and the See ed Posts ain M Mrs. W. Robertson delightal every one | were considered unsatisfactory under | Perial Green or natural finish other members were willing that we Becure as tion in Montreal. with the brillianey of her violin play test, and the price of the other tender action should be taken, pending tl Thomas Dowslev, who, for a number ing. Her touch is light and very sym- [er was considered too high, in com- | hearing of the said deputation of years, has been a clerk in | Lr. {pathetic and the selections she chose parison with the other Ald, Elliott f Mr. Bailey spoke briefly, pointing | lockett's shoe store, on Prin street, | particularly suited her. Ald. Toye and Manager Folger will sce | out some of the disadvantages ir | has secured a postion with George James Bapkier, in a tenor solo, [if better terms can be had having the hospital erected on th |8les, Montreal, and will leave on}"The Fair Hills of Vire," accom To meet the requirements of the city site of the general hospital Monday next to assume his mew du- | panied by Misses Orser, Rosevear and |auditor, the chairman and the man OA AASAAAAS Mr. Knapp said that he had an ide | 1 He is well and favorably knows | Mcleod, was heard to good advan- |ager were given authority to engage 4 IANO that it 'would be better to have the here and his many friends wish lam [1400 and had to respond with two [extra help whenever required QOORLOYY) hospital on the outskirts of the eil success in his new positior {emcores. Miss Mona Knight held the Several contracts were awnrded for ve oo in some place where the patients couk H ce Bit Off His E | audience entranced by her magnificent supply of gas pipe and metres OOOO cultivate flowers in their spare time orse Bit Of his ar, | rendering of 'two solos, and very gra-| In attendance were Alds. Elliott, | j AXA AXE) Mr. Tavior said that it would be Edward Kilborn, 'a farmer, living |ciously responded. The ladies' yuar- [Toye, Armstrong, Hanley and Rig- | jug "a > wise thing to have the matter lair [near Brockville minus the greater | tette, Mrs. Clark, Misses QOrser, Mae | Be). over until the members of the hospi |POTHoN of one He entered the Jdonnell and McLeod, sang "A Little Mo tk Od gles OF hosPt [stable to hitch a horse, when the ani- | Dog Barked" in a very plansing man THE COMMAND CHANGES speak on the matter amd it was fina mal suddenly displaved a vicious tem: per. The RC. H.A. orchestra, under 5 | lv agreed to adjourn the meeting er and made a tinge at his head | the leadership of Bandmaster A. Light, [Are the Sole Topics in Local Military | cording!) ear was snapped off so guiekl played an lshian romance, ""Hobomo Circles, i er ---------- Kilbora ad 1 time to prot | ko," in a dea ded, artistic w Ay Miss [, 1 ommand changes to go into { REV. T. E. BOURKE WILL SHOO? | © ------ -- Heal Nagsie was heard ai her best in ject on May lst aie the sole topics in | -------- ¥ oe {a beautitul soprano solo Spring | militar circles here. It has been] Any Kingston Ladies Who Wea ® aia The Weather Record. | Voices Miss Florence Mcleod, in [known for some time that the mil tia | 8 > "Harem™ Skirts. 3 he weather ¢ n Tasaday nigh ny two Sontraity Solos. ought out Hu department contemplated making some | Send in your Repairing and Up BEY set readable he wes € AL OWS n pv oice in 8 sry pleasing | « 3 a result o he re PT | In his address . at the abniversars | sent some snow the earlier part poe bioasing sirts, as the 8 Sir of be Fecom man {bolstering and have our prompt at- Ha » i oes. Street Methodist | of and at three. o'clock, i Instead of the national anthem, the [only one or two were known, he {tention ghurch, onuay evening, Rev. I I the mor it rained, and hat | song and chorus, "Ihail, King | transfer of Lieut.-Col. H. F. Burstall, lourke, B.D, pastor of Brock Street | there was more snow | George." was sung, in which the solo: | of the R.C.H.A., to the citadel at Que . Methodist church, touched on the meet ist was ex-Mayor Couper. The accom- | bec, was stated by the Whig, a month James Reid "harem" skirt. and stro condema Went West To-day. | pamists of the wenit were Mrs. J. R. | ago. He will likely be suceeded here | . ed it. It does not meet with \P | Robert Shanhon, l farm- |C. Dobbs, R. R. ¥. Harvey, Lient.- by Maj. Henri Panet, now | 'Phone 147 proval in any way, as it borders toc bar who for mat Sun- | Col, Crowe apd the R.C.H.A. orches- |land, where he is attached to a bat | \ much on the dress of man. He made |hury, left, t west | tra {tery of Royal Horse Artiller i ia the statement that if he saw aoy] with a moy- | V---------- t that Col. Hemming, only a sh A YOUNG MEN'S CLUB, Kingston ladies wearing the "harem" |ine out te i No Longer a Prophet, | time ago, leased his residence ford -- or "'scarem" skirt, as he called it, he a---- } watertown * " | another year shows that the changes Jt Has Been Organized in Cooke's would shoot them L20c--Fggs, Eggs--=20c, | Days and mghts are now equal and were not expected so soon Church, -------------------- Fresh eggs. Of roll iter, 2 | {the temperature most unequal "This | ; oe 1 A very enthusiastic meeting was held Breaking in a Colt. 'rawiord | i= called the vernal equinox, but | Dr. Coward and His Choir. s Cooke " Yussday evening Breaking in a colt is no easy task things don't look very vernal and if] Dr. Henry Coward, conductor e | when about thirty of the ng men Any horseman will tell wu that. Ye Wo have veak |it were not for the calendar vou | Shefhield Choir, which will visit | of the ch gathered tugether for the tevday afternoon, ex-Uounty Constable [hearts who were rather wl of their [would never suspect it The ground | ston, on April 1st, ia it Musical | purpose f formu x Young Men's Smith had a colt on King street, and | affliction, hog has been out of Lis hole over six | Festival of the empire tour, has creat. [(lub. A great ni of interest was the animal gave him a lively time for =] spring ton f weeks now and ought to be ashamed |ed a new tone and new life in the [manifested und thé bove entered int ' a few minutes, dodging iy and around he suc int watchs Jof himsell. His reputation as a pro- j art of ;choral singing. Until hi ad. [the spirit of the thing hest ti street cars, but Mr. Smith, who has | the corners and keeps out of them |phet is entirely gone. j vent, the greatest of modern com The following officers were eleeted : had considerable experience in this | : . : = _ | positions attracted the composer to |[Homotary president, IL, A Shaw presi. work, handled the animal in fine the orchestra, because of its rich amd [dent, Melville Arnie vice president, style. Afterwards the colt was taker varied color, its superb flexibilite and | Frank K seeTelar Walter Swan; out on the h arbor. People passing ; | wide range. The human voice ix, how. | treasurer, ( Smith, chaplaty, H. along the street held their breath, as {ever, tha supreme instrument and |W. Newman } SD In ee Ww. they thought sure there would be a; | should be wnapproachable js the | Sherly WW, Fra mes Dunlop weordent., 3 | erandeur and power of its expressural [1). Parkhill and W Clennhan social -- -- : ' {fore when well combined and well | commiti I. Lemmwg, DD. Somerville, Canadian Navy Lads, | trained. In England, it remained for JA. Dual fi. Keill and H. Smith, A.) E. Elliott, of Maberly, i the I Dr. Coward and his Yorkshire Chorus Tt was decided that the club would latest recruit for the Canadian navy, of which Sheffie is the centre, to (have a glen club and the first practios reported by Postmaster James Ste weomplish this seal, just as In. [will be held st the next meeting, Tues wart, as having been accepted. The § Vogt and his Mendelssohn Choir are 'day, March 2%} A debating club will Intl is fifteen vears of age, and is leav : ® followers along the sane brillignt path {be organized and the first debate will ing at once for Halifax . over here. be hoid on Tuesday evening, April The postimfister has reovived a letter - ith Ihe subject will be, "Resolved, fromn W. Lech, one of the Kingston A Big Display. that reciprocity is in the interests of boys who joined the navy, and he says 4 We believe our big stock of new | Canada." The affirmative will be tak- he likes the work on the Niobe ver spring hats discounts anything ever jen by Grant Smith and the nerative +h. He tolls the postmaster that he shown before in Kingston and it em-|®ill be taken by Donald Parkiull lad he joined. braces all the new styles. from the After routine business A ------------------ oe -- Crew of Speedy Arrived. The entice vrew of the government boat Speedy arrived in the ctv, ob Tuesday, and will get the vessel reads for the work of the season. The Speedy will be the first boat to get out and work as soon as navigation opens, having to look after the buoys, ele. Had Birthday Party. Mrs. George Lennoy, Princess street, entertained a number of the boy friends of Master Arthur Lennox, Mon. day afternoon, it 'being the occasion of his ninth birthday. A merry time was spent, after which the voungsters were ali taken to the Orpheum theatre. | with it, a peculiar ~~ the food to retain its der in pie crust will live, adds to bread, cake and all foods made Cleveland's Baking Powder causes "A little of Cleveland's Baking Pow- greatest hat makers of the world, See the bovs adn transacted : room, where a delicious ahoiming our. wonderful vafues in stylish der bies, $2, $2230, 33, B1.50, $4 Camp- | 19et was served by the young laghes wholesome quality. bell Bros', the home of good hats of the church Rev. Dr. MacTavish acted as toastmaster amd a number of . Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To- | Appropriate' toasts were made. Add ronto, successfully treats piles, fis- | dresses were made be H. W. Newman, sures, ete., without an operation. | Freak Kell, Frank Newman, M. Ar freshness and fla Write for fres booklet and references. |nied, Dr. MacTavieh, D. A. Shaw and VOr. Instances are indeed rare where a Others. A great deal of interest was tough was ever created by a mother's yamifestoe] during the whole meeting "lex "100 Blaud's pills, and the club has started of well It was organised for the porpose of im- proving the winds of the boys. to hold ample. " an 25¢. Gibson's Live so that your enemies will have |M often redeem it from to speak. falsely. to injure your |ihem to the church, train them io : icharacter. : speak, sing and debate ay well 48 any young man should * "Beef, iron and wine," 30c. Gibson's The ie siaction promise of the candidate 3s ai t "when it does not jecpardize £0 Fresh eggs, 0c. rolls butter, 300. J o ,