THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1911. T0 FIGHT THE BAR ee | A CITY AND COUNTY TEMPER. | ANCE. ALLIANCE, -- stresetesaetettetersesrrtiestteritettretets HUNT'S is Where To Go for a NATTY HAT The Shirt, Collar and Tie Store of the city. -- William Kettlewell, who addressed the capventdon in the wfterboon slso spoke. KINGSTON SKATING (CLUB. Dr. MacTavish Elected Presi- | Season. Fine Ice for the Last Meeting o dent--A Campaign to be Started | { The last meeting of the season, of | : i the Kingston Skatmg Club, was held | for Reduction of Licenses, lat the covered rink, last night. and' 35¢c. Ita was a small but very enthusias- !it' was one the most dehyhtiul | tic gathering which met in the Y.M. [events of the season. The ice "ie in} C.A. building in connection with the | perfect condition, and the 14th Regi- | ouvention under the auspices of 'the { ment land rendered good music. The | Dominion Alliance. The meting was {club has had a most successful seq | | y © . { Gall. Bluchers, 8! 10 101. | School Bluchers, sizes 11 an aftermath of the field day held | som, in fact one of the best seasons in > | Regular $1.25. | to 2 (excepting size 1). P. J. HUNT, 53 Brock Street $ e, last Sunday Now, since | history. | $1.20 "One small lot of Child's One lot Girls' Calf | Only a few pairs Wo- | men's Rubbers (culls, ete.). Saturday, - 35¢. Nn. VEVEIIIIIIIIIIIIY > $1.2 Saturday, 98¢. | Regular $1.50. field lores of the alliance has been There is still good ice at the rink, | Ts 3 i . day enlarged, it is able to follow up these {and this is quite a record. It is nxt i] | Satur lay, field days with conventions of © this {every year that you ean get good! $2 00 ome | . $1.20 sort, and strike while the irom is |skating as late as March 24th The | 5 | One lot Men's $2.50 Women's Kid Bluchers, | 7 C. bot. Rev. William Kettlewell, tra- [latest skating recorded, was March | velling field secretary of the alliance, | 27th, seventeen years ago. There is Working Bluchers. Sat- | patent toes, sizes 3 to 7. { Small quantity Men's urday, - - $2.00 | Saturday, $1.20 | Rubbers, was the only speaker present, Hen H. |#4ll good ice at the covered rink, and i mae : 8 : ; : ' Spence being detained on account of | With the present wenther conditions, | i iu ! ------ LLLARPLLLLBLR LLLP LANES Popular Music of the Day. These songs and instrumental numbers are all published by Jerome B. Remick & Co., which sionc is & guarantor of merit. No other concern in Amarics cupplios the music lovieg public with so many big "hiv Write for Free illustrated catalogue to Detroit office. 168 Farrar Street "The Vale of Dreams' A besutiful new ballad by the composer { the famous "Garden of Roses Son. You will like it iliness. Hev. Dr. Macgillivray was in | the management see fit to id the chair and Frank Anglin acted as [open, there is no reason why thisre | secretary. At the calling of the roll [cord could not be beaten. The Say. it was found that those present were | fod rink opened on December 10th | chiefly from the city. Rev. Mr. Top- [and there has been steady skenting | ping represented Wolfe Island; Rev, fver mnoe, 3 Mr. Reede, Pittsburg township: Rev. - ag fr far iRnS Mr. Hanna, Loughton he Rev FRONTENAC CONCERT. : B. Pierce and Levi .Brown, Portland. | Le and Thee gentlemen, together with Rev. | That Tired Rag two stops I. E. Bourke and Oliver Chown, form- ed the nominating committee. - Pisos Chatterbo®. ragtime two stey Cotten Time two step chanted Nights, waitres Voce: nthe fie Emma s the Matter shine Moon When the n Swinies Low ! On March 31st--Good Features om | Programme, 4 The members of the Frontenac Hoe- | Mr. Kettlewell, in his address, said {key Club, who are gettimg up the con- i that as over half of Ontario was dry |cert, which is to take place in the city it was thought that some means hall, ome week from tonight, dre It We've Kerr (he Golden Kole. Companion sony hd Grey Bonnet" by the same com Everybody, everywhere will sng ve Kept the Golden Kule" 'udeing 1 HL 8 present popularity They 're All Goad American Names. m ) that's mak ng & tremendous hit io vaud i | Met My Love Among (he Noses. Calc poser being featured by the aiisic hie Ring FOR ROUGH RED SKIN, CHAPPED FACE AND HANDS Nyal's Face Cream GIVEN PROVIDED WITH SHELTER. A Large Number Given Night's Lodg- ing at Police Station, Perhaps the average citizen, if with out means, would not care to ask for a night's lodging, at the police sta. tion, but with the men of the road Decides to or "knights of the road," they are of the lcalled in poli circles, it is different | With them, it thome, just should be employed whereby back- | working hard lo make it a success ward eounties should be worked for | will be prineipally an athletic evil all they were worth. Nothing could | and, if everything which 18 being look 'Fon be gained by delay and he thought a | vd after now comes off, the affair will sounty organization should be formed | be quite a success. It is expected that | to get the work through more quick- {a three-round bout will be pulled off | : ---- ty. Rev. T. E. Bourke moved that | between Herbert Dickson and Fdwin As Building By-law Too Stringent an organization be formed to be Elliott, although this is not settled | -- Board of Works known ax the Kingston and From: | yet. Tumblers from the YMC A, uni Anema ite--Requir coments tenae temperance alliance, in affilia- | der the direction of Physical Director Year tion with the Dominion alliance. This | Bowron, will also he on the i : motion was seconded by H. F. Nor | gramme, and Physical Instructor Bews, The board of works transacted some ' the night. of Queen's, will put on Some events. other important matters I'he Bian -- ORNAMENTATION SIDENCES HERE, T Who Are You With Tealight' One of Withams & Van A} styhe's Latest sucorsnes nie' For You A lLigh grade COON song immensely pop ular everywhere Damiy Celti Lelightfe fost publis red #y irish Dearie ballad with al wing For Sale Wherever Popular Music Is Soid. Hs BATTLEFORD-SASKATCHEWAN OF gt case of home, sweet they put for is a wherever up Balm of Violets last evening | repor of Chief Bailie, shows Witch Hazel Cream LAND SYNDIGATE, LIMITED Capital $100,000.00, in $100 Shares This company owns 10,240 acres of land, close to the line of the Northern Railway The sapityl is equal 'to about R10.00 per acre of lam Canadiah NB owned The purpose of this rompany is profits 60 per oomt share, to sell their land and divide the omly (Le. $360.00) x to be called in, upon each 3100.00 Further particulars on application. THOMAS MILLS, 79 CLARENCE STREET. SATURDAY MORNING, 8.30 O'CLOCK | 26 Only Sample Spring Suits Regular $20, $25, $30 each, for $9.98 Each Greys, Blues, Black, ete Each one a model of spring fashion, per- fectly man tailored and beautifully finished 68 Only New Spring Skirts Worth up to $6.50 each | $2.98 Each 44 Only New. Spring Skirts Worth up to $10 each, at $3.98 Each All these skirts are made in the newest styles, thoroughly man-tailored and come in various spring shades 3 Alterations charged extra on these special offerings. All sizes in these goods. . s man, and adopted. Right on. the heels of this motion came one from Kev. Dr. MacTavish, who moved that: the officers of the liance should consist of a president, fanr vice-presidents done of whom shall be the president of the county W.C. | I.U.), a secretary and treasurer. This motion was secondéd by Rev. Nr. | topping, and adopted. The nomina- | ting committee then removed: to an- ther room and when they ea) presented the following nominations : | Uresidént, Rev. Dr. MacTavish; first | vice-president, Oliver Chown; second vice-president, F. M. Yorke; third | vice-president, 1. D. Rogers, Pitts | wry; fourth vice-president, Mrs. Wil- | liam Craig; secretary, E. F. Trimble reasurer, Dr. Lake. Dr. MacTavish trongly opposed pntering the duties ff president on account of poor walth, but those present would not take no for an answer and he finally onsented. Dr. MacTavish, in discussing redue- tion of licenses, said he thought the | #xt time the people of this eity ask | d for a reduction of licenses they | should demand at least ten tavern iecnses and two shop licenses. J he | last time they asked for three and | that was all they got. Som' were | under the impression that if the peo- | ole asked for too mnch they would | tot nothing, but he was in favor of | wking for as large a reduction as wssible Later, in moving a se sand resolution with regard to the tholition of the bars throughout the | wovince, "he said he thought the | neovincial government should Th the | argest measure possible strive for | wovineial prohibition. When ap- woachad by a delegation of tem- | wrance workers Premier Wnitney bad | said that provincial prohibition was | mpossible, while Premier Roblin, of | Manitoba, on the same day, and to a similar delegation, had assured them of his sympathy in the matty and said he would do all in his power to | assist them Rev. Dr. Ryckman was f the opinion that the party leaders | were going according to dictation and | f the pledge of the temperana+ work- srs could be obtained to support tem- perance men only, regardless. of poli- tics, he helieved the desired end eduld | be obtained. i It was vecommended . that similar | weanizations such was organiced | there should be got together in the | sormty. Rev. Mr. Reede moved that + loeal option campaign should he | organized to he brought to a vote | n January, 1912. After a great deal of further discussion the meeting was | whourned until the evening. | Rev. Dr, MacTavish, the president- | sleet, occupidd the chair at the even. | ing session, which met in Svdenham street Methodist church. 'He was glad ta see such a representative gather- } ing and felt that something must re. i sult from this meeting. He further im- | pressed upon the gathering the im. portance of the work and urged them to be unceasing in their efforts to cut down the traffic. Rev. B. George Mill er, one of the workers, was the first speaker and in a very earnest and appealing address he pictured the hor rors ob the traffic. He showed that Inst year out of the 134 municipalities which had local option, only two al lowed the vote to repeal it to go to vote, and the by-law was sustained. He told of how a few years ago everybody in the vicinity of Paris, | Ont., was crowded in a mass of reo ple wound a well, where a digger had buried while working. The whole country -side was aroused over the fate® of one man. Ha of young men are yearly going down to drunkards graves and vet some of ns are so in different as to their fate, we have be come accustom to see young men | take to drink that we accept it as a matter of course, Last vear there were shout 1.500 men in Ohtario who wen down to the grave through the cursed traffic. This is an average of one for every bar in the province. According to this, Fingston with thirty-one licenses, has thirty-one deaths at her door. When we come to think about it this is a terrible responsibility. Do we want our boys to have this tation in front of them? Do we want our boys to be pided to the last? ! i | | i as { to the discomfort | | According to i | vitation from the Barber Asphalt com- #09. { there. The mayor will hand over {| when all at once the ice gave way nnd board, These, with several other attractive besides coming 10 a decision on road features, will go to form a programme construction Md. Harrison which should be very entertaining. j the amendment of the building by-law {to allow the vonstruetion more urnamental the ol shingles laid in mortar or tos paper a second-storey urged ol use ALMOST ZERO WEATHER. hoses. dy on ashes It Was Eight Above Early Friday Morning. I'he discussion The weather man is certainly mak. tion of A. tilover ing a name for himself, during the construct month of March. Farly this morning street. At the official thermometer registered not permit it Ald. Harrison's cight degrees above zero. People com- tion to amend the hy-law ing down town to work shivered and !le declared: that tie hu hustled along as fast as they could. A tions' ia this eit, great many were of the opmion that as so much solid masone, it must be below zero. There was a constructed. An bitter wind, however, and this added chance to make a b tal London, Toronto, Mtawa allowed tures as Mr. Glover asked for ; | the present by-law Bijou Announces $200.00 in Cash (very groperty owner is responsible for Prizes. the sapding of icy walks in winter, All ladies wishing to compete for the "Mt for some sears the board prizes should mail or hasd in ther ° orks has been doing the sanding, names either to the Bijou Theatre or although wot to. Ald. Bail at this office. Any lady can compete. "Y'8 motion to authorize the city en It costs nothing and some one will Zeer to have sanded what walks he get the money. thought should be done, was carried {The police department came in for jSomeé criticism for failing to enforce (the snow-shovelling by-law, -it heing contended © that rey walks resulted from failure to remove the required. It was decided not to agk tenders for: wooden crossings. Whiktever ros sings of this kind that wre this vene will be constructed boardwalk patcher I A. J. Johaston's removal tree near of University venue street was referred and the engineer for grows on the tree * "Just leaves," pany, of New York, to take a small "Then cut delegation of aldermen down to that sponded Ald. Carson : city to view its product on streets The street watering area of the year was adopted for this vear The The city engineer's estimate be vear's requirements for work was $17,600 of works gets the other civic committees A young man employed in the Whig their appropriations it building had a cold dip in the icy that it will 'get: within several! waters of Lake Ontario, yesterday, in sand dollars of this amount; hat a very surprising mamner. He was will ask for it anyway standing on the ice at Folger's whari | There was a full attendance of Alds. Rigmey, Fraser, Harrison and 1 10.45 Ald the us wall arose for a building on prosent the byl per mission such West aw mo regula dedly plain, had to be had little ornamen wore de ar ect iildipg Brantiord and such building strue- FREE OONTEST. ol rev uired Boiler Arrived, The huge boiler for thé quarantine bout which is being built by the Kings- won Shipbuilding company, kgs ar rived and, to-day, was removed from | the railway yards fo" the ship yard. The boiler was so large that it could not be loaded on nu track, so it had to be role] slong the road. It pre sented a very unusual épectacle, n- deed, and horses trembled when going past. Tt took all day to move it about three blocks SHOW, ay repaired by the request for the the and the of a corner Jobnion chairmar action What asked Ald. Car- replied Ald down," re -- to Extends an Invitation. Mayor Graham has received an in- Clugston it last of the Street board leavings" after the are given 1s pot likely invitation to the board of works civic delegation's expenses would paid by the Barber company. general As th Fell in the Water. thou it the Bailey, Carson ove o'clock, Rigne goad he felt himsilf going down. He made (lugsten, a desperate attempt to recover himself being present, and at ad succeeded « When the board congratulated night's work they arose, flock on had done ----------------------; his Clergy Street West Houses, Clergy street west, between Univer sity avenne and Dividon streets, will | be pretty well built up this year. I'er. | wits have this week been taken out! George Muller & Son have opened up for three brick houses. W. R. Clag: business at 379 King street, and are ston will erect dwellings for Miss prepared to take orders for all kinds Making and F. Vokes, and FE, FE. Wat. of carpet cleaning, sewing and laving hen will erect one for W. J. Ariel, | They also repair bicycles, go-carts and : haby carriages at reasonable prices Get the Best, Telephone messages will be promptly We sell hats with a reputation suen Attended to, and nothing but first as Scott, Heath, Buckley, Christy, class work turned out. Their past Imperial, ete. #2, $2.50, 83, #350, experience in this kind of work justifies 84 Drop in and tty on some of the , them in saying that the public will he new styles, at Campbell Bros,", King. | Perfectly satisfied with their work sans "only exclusive hat and A Mat Q tette. 44 | The world-wide twodollar Waverly, Left Fortune to Niece. {the peerless Piocadilly and Tress hats i ; } : iat two fifty and the Hawes guaran we Au E. Van Ee Trahan ed 3 teed three dollar hats are not sur birthplace of her mother. who died a passed arvwhere onl this continent few years ago. Her maiden name was | vores Mills & Co., are sole agents Miss J. Holbrook. Her daughter, for all four. Annie, receives the bulk of her uncle's estate, according to his will. The es tate is worth about 366,000, Sleighing Still Good. A New Retail Business. fur | Left for the West. James Gordon, ex-reeve of Pittsburg, one of the most progressive farmers of the county, and family, left, on : sleighing iv sti Wednesday, on the G.T.R., via Chi - stated Shat the oh of sth 'eago, to locate near Delisle, Sask. His try. It is, of course, very poor in the [!%o eldest sons left on the same day, city, and this makes it rather bad for ,%ith two cars, loaded with horses and the farmers. Yesterday, quite a few settlers' effects. over the CPR. Mr, putters were noticed on the streets. jamd Mra Gordon's many friends wish {them every success in their pew home that make two | His Leaving Regretted. famous are sold in Kingston, by | The London Advertiser says The x jremoval of Major Shasnon 10 King iston is generally regretted by local {military men, who recognize in the | to- popular officer a capable man whose Hose will be felt hy the local divie jon. Major Clark, of Ottawa, who jeomes to this city in his stead, is Irwin, also said to be a very capable man. It's a Wise Head on an applica | to! will | | great many was carned ! {and that during the vear three dred and sixty-two men were given a night's lodging at the Honmn was Wi past hun Sanitol Cold Cream Hind's Hoaey Cream station, Une and Almond given 1 some of the om they have of stations of the cities in which they Fheir story is earch of work with i, it is a regu taving the und towns lar cu at Ideal Orchid Cream police Stearn's Edelweiss Cream Vaisat Sold at that they This, of are m course, is some of them, but with a it of laziness "Some of these men were horn tired got rected." remarked an And there is probably a zood deal of truth in this remark No perso is ever refused shelter the nigh the police latch string is always ready for them ~~ Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church. 'Phone 82 true IS a case never licial t, at station In this way, the police station takes the place of a free Jodging house § 1s provided in many places stich PICTURE FRAMING, We do high-class Picture raming at reasonable prices A large variety of mouldings to choose from Regilding a specialty D, A. WEKESE & 00, Photos. Wallpaper, Invited. hat In Assortment than Mills ers to men who care Are new You To buy store whet ind the analley vour the prices lower stores George SATURDAY Bargain List At our Spring Opening, telling of Great Saving on seasonable mer= chandise. 500 A Yard Venetian spring Regular French leading wid Yards 36-inch fine and even weave price, 10¢ yard SATURDAY 7 { Lawn, 36 Regular { Cloth, in all shade 42 in price, 65¢ SATURDAY 1-2¢ Yd de Yard, French Roxanna Just the thing for Spring suitings, in all leading hades. 44in wide Regular yard SATURDAY 50 Yards Cloth, 850 Yards Art new designs 28 inches Regular 16¢ yard SATURDAY Cretonne, wide T 0 10¢ Yard, 19 Yard, 4.000 Yards of Eoglish Print, 32 in spring, bea 18, guaranteed Reguolar 12 1 ON SALE of a new and wide, itiful fast calor and 15¢ yd 0c Yard, ship- Can- all pat- 1,200 Yard lng, heavy and "etd border and wide Regular SATURDAY Towel fine crash, plala, 18 in 19¢ yard { 'ert Linen ment adian new Te YA, A great variety ham Lace Curtains, direct from Glasgow, in all sizes and patterns, prices ranging from 4% to $5.50 per pair NEW SPRING CLOTH FOR MEN ad i Men's Spring Suits in great variety, latest patterns and best makes Regular price, $15.00 and $18.60 SATURDAY Notting- of Ladies Ned, prices an A Bnew shipment Waists, in Lawn, Silk, and Allover Lace ranging from 75¢ 10 Men's Spring Top Coats, in Blagk, Venetian and Grey Tweed effects Regular $12 SATURDAY £7.48 S11.9% e Roys' Two-piece Norfolk fatest spring styles and patterns Regular $3.50 and $4 00 SATURDAY Boys' Three-Piece Suits new spring patterns $5200 and 35.50 SATURDAY Sults, Regular ! | i } { Sn We cannot print all the prices. These are just a few of the hundreds £1.08 of bargains awaiting you. The Montreal Stock Co. 180--PRINCESS ST.--180., Between Redden's and Crawford's. Phone 844 That eovers itsell with one ol] Campbell Bios.' new sprieg bats.