Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body Electric Phos to ifs proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual mess averted at ohce. P ol wih Ou a new man, Price a box, two for to any address, Soobetl Drug X os, Ons, For sale at Mahood's Drug Store --BUCKLEY. ives PYATS Price hat stores sell them $2.50 The Hat with a Real Guarantee W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Woye's Building. Make This Test How to Tell if Your Hair is Diseas- ed. Even il vou have a luxuriant head of hair vou may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not. 98 per cent of the people nead a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; if the bulb at the eud of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if its loss would be aveid- od. If the bulb is pink and full, the hair is healthy. We want every requires treatment try "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It ih designed to overcome dandruff, re lisve scalp irritation, to stimulate the hair roots, ~tighten thé hair already in the head, grow hair and cure bald. Ness. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in ts goodness that we want you to try it at our risk, Two sizes, 30c. and 81.00. Sold only at our store. ~The Rexall Store. G. W, Mahood. _ ® hair Rexall one whose to "Ladies' Pat. Col, Butd. or Blu. Lace, $3.00 to $4.50, VICE IN NEW YORK MAGISTRATE CORRIGAN HOLDS MAYOR GAYNOR RESPONSIBLE, Government by FEpistle--Remedy is Obvious and Lies in the Hands of the Citizens, he Declares. York, March ment to the public, last night, Magistrate Joseph E. rigan holds Mayor Gayuor responsible for a disorgavized condition of the po- lice fore and responsible 'for the pre- valence of vice amd crime in this city. The magistrate said that he had writ- ten the statement after mich thought and deliberation = prevention and detection of crime is in the hands of the police," rays, the statement, "and Gaynor rules the force. He has curtailed the pow: er of the commissioner, attempting to exercise it himself, and by so doing he bas demoralized the force and made easy the way of the transgressor. "For eight years | have heen direct- ly concerned with the administration of criminal law in this city. - I have made 5 long and careful investigation and here is what | have found™ "The town is by far more open than it was under Devery; there is not the slightest attempt made to enforce the excise laws; there has never been a time when the more serious offences connected with the social evil flourish- ol with such impunity; gambling houses and pool rooms have increased and now run without molestation, save for a few spectacular raids and the visit of the collector; graft is as rampant and as profitable as it ever wan, "The town is infested with sturdy beggars and panhandlers, who wal the streets almost unmoiested, and take by force, when they can, what is denied to their pleadings; criminals from all over the country have come to New York in droves and ply their vocations here in safety; the more serious crimes, such as murders, shoot- ings, stabbings, gang feuds, highway robberies, hurglaries, assaults, and larcenies from the person, grow in number, indetected and unpunished." He avers that "the police force is demoralized and terrified," and that any one may prove this by asking any policeman. "We have had fifteen months of government by tepistle," he concludes, "and this is the result. The remedy is obvious, simple and drastic. Bt lies in the hands of the citizens." INTO THE COURTS. New 24.~In a state which he issued, Cor a "Beauty of the South" Asks Divorce . Decree, Baltimore, Md., March 24.--Murs, Lawrence Ford is suing her second husband, a son of Rear Admiral John PD. Ford, retired, for divorce. Mrs. Ford is known as "The Beauty of the South." - Her marital difficulties have been food for much gossip during the past few vears. She eloped with Frank Brown, son of former Governor Frank Brown, of Maryland, aid foi a time lived happily. The former gover nor was reconciled to the marriage and received his son's wife. Then came jjuatrala, Finally Mrs. Brown sued for divorce. When the decreg was granted she was given $25,000 in cash and 85,- 000 for her lawyer. Four mouths after she obtained her divorce from Brown she eloped with Ford, Cartoonist Davenport Files Suit. Salem, Ore., March 24.--Homer Da- venport, the cartoonist, filed suit for divores from Mrs. Daisy B. Davenport. Davenport charges that Mrs. Daven: port treated him in a cruel and inhu- man manner and makes other allega- tions in his complaint. The couple were martied at Silver ton, Ore., and four children were the issue of the marriage. Some time a a decree of divorce was granted in the New Jersey courts, |. It is said by friends that Mes. Daven port will contest the suit. TO HAVE PERMANENCY. Seeks New York Charter for Carnegie Corporation. New York, March 24.--In order to place his numerous charities upon a permanent basis, Andrew Carnegie has had introduced into the legislature at Albany a bill to charter the Carnegie Corporation "for the purpose of con ducting the Carnegie projects for the advancement and diffusion of know- ledge." The incorporators, besides the Laird of Skibo, are Elihu Root, Henry 8. Pritchett, William N. Frew, Robert 8S. Woodward, Charles S. Taylor, Rob ert A. Franks and James Bertram. "The Carnegie Corporation will have charge of practically all of the Carnegie benefactions," explained one of the incorporators, to-day. "Thus, as can readily he seen, several hun- dred million dollars will eventually pass through its hands." The corporation will have charge of all disbursements for libraries, techni- eal schools, institutions of higher learning, scientific research, hero funds, official publications and: such other projects for the diffusion of knowledge a the corporation may find appropri- ate, ; The scope of the new corporation, which has already been dubbed =o "spending trust," will be national. robbery mystery on its hands. branch of the Bank of Ottawa a sting, about i Prince Albert, from the safe, young Hungaria J involved in debt to such [ THE DAILY BRITISH WwWHG, ARBMY BAKERY IN ACTION, Plant is Turning Out 10,000 Loaves a Day. San Antonio, Texas, March 24.--No feature of the manovuvre camp hete attracts more sitention than the divi- sion bakery. It can turn out 20,000 two-pound loaves daily and is at pres ent delivering about half that quan tty This is the first time that the nek- ery has been called upon to feed a divi- sion 'of regulars. It takes only twen- ty minutes 4mke a Toni and the baking is a scientific operation through- out, "The temperature is 180 degrees, it having that whe best results are tained, to maintamed at been shown thus ob- TAKEN TO COURT. Cape Vincent Sued by Former Health Officer. Watertowss, N.Y., March 23. After the village of Cape Vincent has twice refused to pay former Health Officer Eugene Crabb a bill for #51, which he claims is due him for his work as heaith officer of the village from 1907 to 1910, the village has now been made a defendant in a supreme court action, which Pr. Crabb has started. The village is said to hae offered $50 to the doctor for his' work, but the sum was indignantly refused. The physician claims that, as health officer, he was 10 receive no stated salary, but was to charge for his necessary work as any doctor would. It happened that there was an epidemic of typhoid one year and he devoted much of his time to his duties as health officer. HALDANE'S ADVANCE. He Will Get Place in the Lords. House of WAR SECRETARY HALDANE London, March 24.--According to the limes, the elevation of War Secretary Haldane to the House of Lords will take place within the next ten days. This is intended to strengthen the government representation in that chamber, GIVES STRANGER HIS BLOOD. Motorman Permits Two Quarts to be Drawn. Detroit, Mich., March 24.--John Wys- ner, a motorman, allowed two quarts of his blood to be pumped into the veins of W. L. Fanson, Abernathy, Sask., who was suffering from anemia, and had tried in vain every other known remedy. Transfusion of blood was necessary to save Fauson's life. Wysner, who is thirty years old and weighs 230 pounds, consented to give the blood without a thought of compensation. He had never seen Fanson before he went to Harper hospital, where for nearly twa hours red drops pulsated from the healthy man to the weak one. Fanson was reported in excellent condition to-day. As for Wysmer, he scoffs at the idea of heroism and says : "I only did what was fair. I had more than enough blood and Fanson was a little short." : Detroit Locomotive 172 Feet Long. Topeka, Kas, March 24.--The Atchi- son, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is just completing, in its Topeka shop, the largest railway locomotive in the world. It is an articulated compound engine and it is for use in hauling freight trains over the Arizona grades, This locmotive is 121 feet long. . 7 It will be operated, tender foremost, as the great length of the boiler ob structs the view of the engineer. Oil will be used for fuel, as no man could shovel coal into it, fast enough to keep up the 225 pounds of steam pres- sure required. The articulated type of locomotives is in reality two sets of engines, with their wheeld connected by one long rigid boiler of tremendous steam capacity. The weight of the locomotive is 750,000 pounds. A Marriage Black List, The habit of making enquiriés at private detective offices as to the means and mode of life of any young man who is under consideration as a suitable husband by the relatives leads to some curious complications in Aus- tria and in Hungary. Young men deep in debt are inscribed on the so-called "black list" at the enquiry office. Good partis are, on thegother hand, put down on the "white list." Five ian aristocrats who were that the only possibility of dein ty retrieving their forlunes lay in making rich mar- kind of company for { adventures, only penetrating ns far as FRIDAY, MARCH WITH SNOWSHOES TO NEGOTI- ATE DRIFTS, Fi | -- A Western Story--Snow Thirteen Feet Deep--Littie Progress Made Until Animals' Feet Properly Equipped. Vietoria, March 23.--The fantustic spectacle of horses on snowshoes has within the past few weeks been wit ness on the historic Cariboo Road, according to reports just to hand from Barkerville "The meteorological report for . the district with headquarters af the old Cariboo capital shows that thirteen feet of smow has fallen since Christ. mas last. Continuous winds have kept the road from Darkerville to Quesnel choked almost the entire winter, the exceptionally heavy snowfalls greatly handigapping transportation, The a Quesnel for Barker- vilie last week experienced continuous Fr Ch fiv th to th bi the Thirteen-Mile House during the first day and evening, On the day follow ing the driver managed to got it through te Cottonwood, arriving two days later at Beaver Pass. Fimally, the mail reached Barker ville on the Monday, the horses for the latter part of the joucney being equip ped-with snowshoes, co K ---------- Effect of Petroleum on Plants. The influence of petroleum on the rowth of plants has been studied by ig The experiments were made by of stramonium and plantain 'with water containing ten per cent, of petroleum. No injurious effect is produced unless the petroleum accumulates about the roots of the plants, that is to say, when it is pos sible for petrolenm to be absorbed by the roots, The application of petroleum makes the soil physically and physiologically dry, and the plant gradually perishes in consequence of the difficulty of ab- sorbing water. No directly poisonous action 7 petroleum like that which it exerts on animal organism curs in the case of plants. The fermentation of solution of sugar is not checked by an addition of petroleum.--Scientific American. i {4s watering plants Famous Athletes Use Zam-Buk. Mr. Sim Vaughan, trainer 'of the Hamilton Tigers Football Team, and admittedly one. ob Canada's finest trainers, says of ZamdBuk: "In my estimation: it is the finest healing balm obtainable, and no athletic in- stitution, or no athlete, should be without it. 1 say this after filteen years' experience as a trainer of athletes, and after experimenting' with nearly all known embrocations." The above opinion is shared by such well-known athletes as Sherring, of Hamilton, Longboat, the All Blacks, of New Zealand, und all the leading foétball organizations of England. For sprains; cuts, © abra sions, stiffness, rheumatism, and as an all round embrocation and balm, Zam-Buk is unequalled. All drug gists and stores at 30e. box. ol ti ev er e----. In the Shadow of Fame. hy There are a number of former celeb- rities who are now runmng rooming and boarding houses in New York city. Many a singer, actress or writer who formerly held a place in the pub. lic eve has now settled down to the prosaic occupation of Rousing and feeding a small portion of that sawn public. Their houses are a magnet for young persons with the artistic tem perament. One woman who once «un joyed a fair reputation as a violinist | bn has five farnished apartments whish | V8 she sublets room bv room to ants for dramatic, operatic and liter ary honors. Reflected glory rather | than physical comfort is the portion | of most of these satellites, but +e | privilege of hobnobbing with vyestor ay's greatness compensates for terial discomfort~New York Press of ASpIT |v ma i Ar Estimating Its Value. { "There," a self-satisfied man said, "that's what I think you should do in the matter! I'm not a lawyer, but this is a bit of advice that costs you | nothing. What do you think of it *"" | "Well," replied his companion mikd- | ly, "it's worth it !""--Stray Stories, | i | Re | oe ea mec m pr Sd Be es de die PPP PTITITTISTTY TEeTeTe - HOW NERVOUS MEN GET MOST OUT OF LIFE. (From "Suécessful Men.") Every ngrfnal minded man wishes to t 1 he can out of 1 ut many a n knows that he is falling far Short: The successful man, works, eats and plays with the keenest enjoyment, cause his nerves are keenly sensitive. He tastes, hears, sees and reels atl with the highest emotions healthy Bry es, As Fr quency ® s stamips, endurance an etiam, which iis st N Je S PATTI TTRITITITITITTIITITITT799099009 90009 P00 09909999 chivalry, AS hi Without keen, sensitiv nourished er na nay would of y Rot the wriliiant success he is men should have well-nour- ished nerves, hut if the blood and vital organs not su chemical or substance nerve fluid, then the waste of the rves is not renewed daily and hourly as it sheuld be. e nerves become exhausted, giving rise to such » as tre an of "4 : 9 4 A "4 9 : 2 o ' r : ' k k - . 4 y " 4 4 R : ' L r " 4 : y 4 4 4 r 4 : 4 " 0 i hh i a hd st home She any embarrass. Ment. oi ut then ounese in & six ounce bottle To it oor matern nurses have Hamburg, recently on the under suspicions og warships now cellent plans relating t session vel declare The Democrats to hold tod States senator gulars in the conference, but a few many that William F, present caucus practically eliminated from th tion, despite vigorous denials by some ~the * matched { I New Orleans, on March } Dr wrestling schools' territory. cord {the New crop of youngsters thi artists of the has ments for the employment of sional coach Galt team in the Ontario Hockey League, is booked for Renfrew The club will also reserve Rowe, Cleghors next vear. Lindsay, Deomald thus a skull ranging from onehall to three fourths of an meh thick, which is mare mil of a Texas té an ordinary human head in from five to fifteen soc Jodmeon the head with an as a steer in a stock yard, and massive omds. might be hit over axe, 1911. -- ------ --- Rather With One 24 i ve Resign Than negress, heen partme spital thhmoek gland he hildren, e voung white he two wil cuneetd perma sociall ey will not the allow meet oy to dine with ACCUSED OF ESPIONAGE. Germany. March att says that ti arrested with four charge of nfessioh. The sarveilia wer esplonRge prisoners * jor aroused some weeks, that information was seeking on under Tner onsteraction tel were found in th ne The aatlvn ve » but Londor disclosed that he iN oker and that his chief aw a high official of the naval yard, SHEEHAN SHUT OUT, win Man, SHEEHAN March H WILLIAM F Albany, N.Y, it opposition members of the legislature another next ening to select a candidate for caucus The insurgents, joined with the minutes. This fact » strengthen the belief expressed Sheehan, candidate, has his friends. ---------------------- THE SPORT REVIEW. ments. The Boston Nationals iy Harry Steinfelt fro ationals. Christy Matthewson, wrk Giants, has invent re the new nite Wolgast and lLargrave hight (wey rhs Roller, the Baltimore match at Bostos I'he British Columina A img the wnization athletic Ben nericus, of Seat org associntions The United States still holds the as the omly which speculation on race « ohibited In a little more th wind" Hogan has tiles, in twenty-one rucd knockouts, There will be few, if any, York National team satd to have harvested country or change M very spring Arthur Ross so impressed the New York press by ickhandling that referred to ontreal Wanderers w Gans of we hockey." The Minto Skating Club practically comple it point man as His name is Held, home is in Berlin, Germany "Tommy" 8 Faylor, 0, 8. Clegtiorn, Smith, Renan, wd Gilmour, An ray 'was "Jack" Johnson, the turbed on than the eer. The rays § This that proves would pot seriously affect him. To Cut Down Peach Trees. GIRL DOCTORS BAR NEGRESS. Serve thes London Ship Broker Under Arvest in the 1 the works omplics ship Choose a New W or debate the democra- voted Monday Getting Ready for the Spring Enjoy- trymg™ Chie i heer , will meet the glo JUTrSes Graw poor of (Mtawa Arrange a profes Smith, who captained thy Professional the head heatyweight pugilist, and it required<five and hall minutes for the rays to penetrate, proving that the champion has a LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY a n he Fx . a Vest Pocket Size of EDDY'S Famous "SILENTS «Every stick a match' every match a light, and ebery light a' sfeady even flame 7 i De-Light™ for the Smoker --Try a Box Always everywhere Nn Canada. ship IIA a of The Jatest Ma teh Creation of t (Greatest, Mateh Manufactory Spring Openi The most comprehensive stock of shoes ever put on exhibition in this city is now ready for your inspection. All the new creations in DAINTY BOOTS for early spring wear, All the new and classy creations for ladies of taste and discrimination | THE ROYAL * i { I I Hi ¥ Sold Only by REID & CHARLES ith Uni the been even more Subscriber oh hase 40 lourishing wy Line from PR truction) New bal it J. 0. HUTTON, Agent 18 Market Street, Kingston, Ont. Where there's a Wheel there's a Way re r Wa her of Money. thy aml the : st ne 1 ent ™ bicycle einforced at Cons on , OVEr § coat pokes heas- riagt-resistiog, plano wire tires rims and machine rigidly guaranteed Brake SMASSEYT SILVER RIBBON of Time can be s amd business to do thus the oo " he again, spected and ¥ i Coaster ful and can paid Ver There's a of Health. You obtain exer AD easy way from your excessive expendit can CUSHION FRAME MASSEY while going t THE Rn business, of phys- No siting, no vibration, neo CRETE ANCROVE BROS., Kingston. Np -- yo Rd cal energy, Chattanooga, Tenn, March 24D spatches from the North Georgia fruit belt state that there js no longer any doubt that the peach erop has been killed by the March frosts. Many off. the growery say they will ent down thousands of trees to make room for cotton, which is a surer crop. £ Matter of Prepositions, "What sort of work did you dao when you were prosperous, my good man *" d or PSE, eh Sad Then add Ladies' Gun Metal, But. or Jaen $3.00 to hoon bs Sob Eiidiit iiss sss Cicero on Wit. There are witty sayings which a conesaled suspicion of ridicw ! ahiech sori i of the Sigilian who, when | od a friend of biz made lamentation to [down whether be appeared to have him saving that his wife Beil hanged rated pity 48 the audience. "Very Topo nf Tree. sai "1 The: [rent pity." replisd Crassus, "for | be seek vou give me worse shoots of [lieve that there in no one hers so hard hist tre that Fmd plat thee heurted but that sour speech seme OF the same sort is what Crassus said {pitiohle fo him." ieere's Oratory. when cited com at sperch, al gis of a our fries] here afior he had sat the Sim THFTITTIVITITIRTIOPONIRPNNNNNI TET IVT PITIIITMTY yess Sibi tbl id id