THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG.. SATURDAY, MARCH 23 1911. -- -------- - PAGE TWELVE i EE -- RE ---------- - rm rr | fon: p-- ee ---------- | pesevssssessesssssasesedviion that grerlooked the sea. A few | CUT-OVER TIMBERLANDS. There is HEAL TH and S TRENG TH gulls, poising on pointed wings showed | dark against a sapphire sky. Far | Treatment a Great Problem in Cane CAUTION! in cup of a == 9 every Po 2 away on the horizon was a trail of} adian Forestry. mp ' ildren thrive on smoke. the handing wf cutover: lands ; A smaller quantity required "EPPS'S." Her eyes followed it. "Next wok J1ii (he greatest problem in torest = 38 than of any other extract. ' fall go {as way," she said. protectivn to-day and forestry in La- Its fine invigorating qualities suit people ie. e ' a nada to-day." ' of all ages. - Ri-h in cocoa butter, and _ "To . Rome--to Paris--anywhere 10! in these words, taku from Bulletin FREE FROM CHEMICALS, getlaway. * 1.3 3 . a iNo. ¥ oi the forestry b ch fa) . chairs on the hotel porch the "From me »' triumphantly. "Oh, I ¢ lo Y branch ol the GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING dark ope in the miday blouse knew it," be caught ny her fingers and Soicion department of the intedior Lv "The ] atitiec ps Fire = ; ¢ [bold them close, while from "the third | INEUSL CHorest fires in Lanada™), difference a Why, even her slippers spell | one he slipped its encircling golden authior, i. K. MacMillan, one of P ue : the assistant inspectors of | 1orest te 'between "vanilla" A SURE CURE FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS Fo oye of the others went to the "Oh," she tore (herself from his { 2 sets lorta one of the Chef = Ten Days' Treatment Free z balcony above, where, beneath the grasp, "how dare you? How dare 108 of Canadian forest management. : L (so-called) and ORANGE LILY is a certain cure for all disorders of women. Tt is applied [rail showed a row of shoes. you 2** v | ihe danger from these cut-over lands locally and is absorbed into the suffering tissues, The dead waste matter in the Such knowing slippers, t00," com-| 'Let me put another there." is two-fold. In the first place they 1 Shap nema gested region is expelled, giving : od Elizabeth M who was H ¢ ell f are the worst pussible menace to the - * ' or 7 pr 8 f}] immediate mental and physical re- {mente "lizabeth - Morse, er eyes were deep Wells of tears. torests becauge of ti & 3 ¢ {| lief; the blood vessels and nerves | big, "with their low, Hat heels and |She covered her face with her hands, which' £ Auge of the readiness. with ITT S 5 . vhic re ------ are toned and strengthened, and | "fo 0 No' ong with' a large|and looked starts on them at uf ui ush. a when st she loo up at |, m a e the circulation is rendered normal [YY a a at la P least provocation After the lumber- ly scientific principles, and aets on | [i's her childish manner that {who is a widow indeed. man' bas linished cutting the tunber the actual location of the disease it . " . x or . " | there remains, scalter pr s La 3 cannot help but effect a cure of a) [takes with men," Beatrice continued, I love my husband. ee ak ste over the laud, n TRUE VANILLA forms of female troubles, including |georufully; "just look at them. Judgel He laid the ring upon her lap, anil | » chips, tree tops and other cm "" as this treatment is based on strict | foot would dare Wear them, Dee. him, he saw the sorrow of the wife | / 4 delayed Jana Sain menmireation, Clayborne's patent leathers are hok- stood Fivolute, abashed by the dig J de His, hich, gradualty dries up and 3 - is a difference you never can appreciate & bb e rice, which is |nobbing with Major Moores riding [unity of her grief. gm ew months becomes Like s0 much RET : tod Ra : ete. Price, $1.00 per box, which is [nobbing wi i £ £ jtinder. A lighted match, a spark 3 3 until you have tried Shirrifl's, Tt " sufficient for one month's treat- [paots, and Teddy Dudley's tan ties| "I thought-" i A 7 ! Ln for 30 Amal greatmen': lare mext to--" She foundered and] "You thought because I was gay (from a campfire, a lighted cigarette : S is a flavor revelation. Far a me will ba sént Free to any suffering | stopped. and young, and did not wear my (dropped, and away goes the tinder, hae ~ stronger --and immeasar Yonah who x " end -e her address « AH. W "Jo Bobbie, Howell's white canvas |heart upon my sleeves that 1 had for- and almost with the speed of thought wad = fy an rend, 1185. FRANCES E. CURRAH, Wingear, Ont sneakers." The third girl made the|gotten. But," and her eyes looked [a serious fire has developed. Perhaps Ta ably finer than the I -- me---- | oar lightly. But the color left [out across the sea, 'I shall never for- [the fire meets with no worse fuel than ' compen kinds. her cheeks. "You needn't try to save [get." : more of the cutting debris. - Ask the my falings, Bee. Bobbie is a back-| Then she smiled up at him sadly. | Then the loss is not so serious, vat os . Other delicious : gro slider: 1 can't eount ou his devotion | "Go back to her, Bobbie," she told [even 20 the fire may haw consumed 3 . Shirriff flavorings ars anvinore." him, "go back. to the right woman, {much, if not all, of the thin soil 3 1 Lamon. Almond. Ratafia. Rose 30 YEA RS EX PERI] ENCE 4 "Well it's all her fault," the big|and let her make n man of you. She [characteristic of some forest regions, b Pe is . a ' y girl consoled; "all the men ace crazy |i8 sweet and good; aud she believes in land any possibility of further tree LP ees, 's. Strawberry and over her." vou. And after a while you will want growth is lost for centuries, if not for "I'm not sure that it's her fault," |lo live up to her belief, and then you'll | aver, Mary's fair little face was wistful. [reach your full stature. But--I--1| Should the fire come to mature and "I think 'the woman tempted me' ex- | Wouldn't believe in Sou, because I don't [valuable timber, the loss from the cuse is rather weak, don't youl ? Adam love you. I-I loved my husband--I1 | jegtruction of the timber may be AA pi EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR in't' have eaten the apple. And, by adored him." 5 enormous, and in some cases such IS ABSOLUTELY OAD og he Bobbie Pe adore| Out of a breathless silence, he falter- | Gres have reached to the homestead EE ---------------------- : { he doesn't want to. 'We shouldnt {«d. "Forgive me." . uy |of the settler, destroying his crops, The first and great essential of food product, is Da doen really." She held ont her hands to him. "Go buildings and other improvements ~ y the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated "OM, you," Beatrice threw up he back to her, Bobbie, , she said, a (perhaps his little all). and even hu- C E 1 L 1 N G 3 S E N S Ik 18 re stioned hands in despair, "you always find] EO back to her--and than Wis. ¥ man life. a ee : excuses for everybody. You are an He gripped her hands m ns, - The other danger--not so much ap- 2 : A archaic idealist." ~you good woman--" he stammered. 1, ioted until late years, and even Y ould | das Effi : Redpat ; "Am 17" Mary's slim fingers caught | Watching the soeme from' the tenis |, 'nj. by a comparative few---is ou would not tolerate a plaster ceiling in your hon at the arm of the chair, tensely. "I'm courts, the two girls drew their own |p, Lindrance to the tree seeds and] OVeF or store, if you really knew how much better are not sure, Ree--" Songlusions. her slippers apolled [ttle trees which this jaass of litter old Preston Steel Ceilings. For plaster cracks anu , ; s spelled : Te There was a moment's silence, then) to ys rT gy presents. Even when the seeds fall, | plaster crumbles--and these steel ceilings cannot. Plaster the fat gir] suggested. 'Let's play oop up 0 they have tial thence 0 start or | with harbors dust, disease germs, vermin--and Preston : tr . ) a p ee y 5 ~~ _ spe The Canada Sugar Rofining Co. some more' Lonnis germinate, tven il tev: shoul get 1; them Steel Ceilings cannot, because they have no crevices : Mary shook her head It's hot, ' ee EVastvie thus far, the delicate root encounters ha ln Ay MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited and Fm tired" Weeeking Bridge by Electriclty, | 000. 8 hut dead wood, thipa oF peat, and can be washed like a pane of glass. The other two went off together, | 2080 € . i | dies from lack of nourishment, If --~ i 7) ; sat : An interesting application of eles: |30C ; ., P R Established in 1834 47 Johy R-dpath and when they were out of . heaving |, co TC 0 Tn Td out in con- | by any chance a small tree does spring tic x up its grows with difficulty. and has distance Elizabeth said buffily, "Hot : : king e : . hy it's The first morning. she: has bridge ih the Wee a great chances of being swept over and | Save on And, then, any fire insurance company will grant you missed since she came. But, then, | "ord" irustare erected on the oli [destroyed by the fire. fire a lower rate if you putin Preston ceilings. For they ffobbie used to make the beat bea: piers and abutments. The county anu Even during the present year (1910) | insurance £0 a great way towards fire-proofing an wterior. Of thle. He was alwavs hanging around |) Grities purchased the bridge from it jmany forest fires have raged in cut. course they are damp-proof as well. You can have her at the courts." origina! owner, who agreed to ramove [over land, those of September, near Nai . AT And now he sits up aloft with the |g § thirty days. Several wreckns di- | the city of Vancouver, B.C., being a Preston Ceilings put on to <overoll plaster ceilings. little widow I call it pretty shabb, clared that 'it would be impodsible to [case in point 'astly done. € tell you how, of Dobbie--to shift his devotion so pull the structure down nn 'he lime Mr. McMillan figures that for every - --~ 3 soon--and Mary's a dear--" without damage to the piers, vihich [foot of timber taken out of the forest S I E E kL Bick on the porch, Mary, like a | would probably have been injwred if | by the lumbermen throughout Canada { } , Peri outside the gates of Paradise, | dynamite had been usedy whiist @ the fan average of seven fect has been des- | and they Preston Steel Ceilings never need repairs and seldom watch 'the telltale feet on the floor bridge had been, burned, probably th. |troved by fire. This, it may be said, | cost so need re-decorating. They will outlast the building J r T » ' PN Tyr : p, # 7 he echo of gay rv would have been inpi*md bv [js a lower estimate than has been i 1 : T or WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY above, ' and ciught the Anas een ng 18 timale ; little! you put them in. Thus they are the cheapest ceil "4 4 ahtor. » t upc hE f the cert stricts of Cavada. : : : : pest ceiling : laughter. And the sound beat upon [the heat. At the expiration of he | made of ain districts o AvAL'A money buys, in point of service. Even in first cost . ninety others. otner SH ity Sea Tables : vs served with 5 LUMPS to be had 1a RED SEAL, roof cartons, aad by the pound 2 Ti 1 hi Fi 1 ; $= bent ai ie Sold Jute aw i Bh aor 1 ne Vi SE tie thiswn Heer valley: in they compete easily with plaster. In the long run § msmit ng, Gas- iting, Plumbing teas Dowaver, she made a |trician proposed to burn the struc ve oS omiatnt ix bat spain of the plaster simply doesn't compare. Nor does it in Hot Water Heating D [imran Some with mee. Fae Baie blow | loctricty. Each pam at | corr | ca south ber ha buen dotrovee nels xeilings some in hundreds of or o ater ca ng one p> By the salt breeze, her small white posed, of nine chords of ite ariirs, by the fire as has been taken out ny painted in warning Oe. an be CALL UP ; gr ne Bohs Howell leane | hese acon silly sigtiitanpnel: |e luanberaen. advise you, free, about colors, if you wish. . Saw he |s0 that the span would drop into the aA spss ahs a over the balcony and saw her ED Ny MANUEL'S ENGLISH HOME C E I L 1 N G S v a NY me if Th these loops were employed to wield i Radiant, she rose to her feet. Then se loops were * ¢ vk i rh AR -Tunretentious House i. ott ros. she dropped ack inte Wer Sie' Tor on ps w- oe work wu ig [Ahm a Richmond. name Before you build or repair indoors, allow us to talk : < wl--an enchantin; [single span at a time. ° wnt ory . tiie } and wi . ed i Or 1 e 3 3 { pnctily ead ured head bande | |rent was usetl to heat the wires i. a | Abercorn, the residence which King dd vith Jou by mail about this ceiling question. Yon Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. with a black ribbon. cherry red. One hour and forty wn Manuel has taken for a year from a ress, wi e interested and will surely save money. : "Yes, please come up," supplemented [utes elapsed from the time thw curr: nt | Kaid Sir Henry Maclean -was built { please? Drop a line to Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Limited, ' the little widow was turned on until the span fill, the | some forty years ago by a Scotsman Preston, Ont. Branch Office and Factory, Monte v named Grahame, who made a fortune o " £ y é Marv's shr od her shoulders. "Too [timbers falling into the water will in v All orders promptly atténded to. farg's shrugged sind to cool juide the piers. The whole occnpation | in New Zealand, whence most of ie | SO ---- Se: +) ree A SR (o hot. I'm going SmaI 41) aytey pe he Ste ees wee te oirtitn of 4S). PRESTON STEEL CEILING! Still smiling, she found her way 2 a he little room and threw herself face [p.m the last span fell into the river. Mr. Grahame spent $25,000 on the : i oh srwned on ihe bed and wept And S-------------------- house, and after his death it wae Oc | SC A =. ~ 5) do + Ah¢ x r le 1 y me " the reason for her weeping was this Not Responsible. Supied Bn a 3 Poet io, In ou; on -- 4 e 5 oP O When the little widow haa leaned for "Look here, old fellow, where is ring oF Porous Sir Heury Mac ward over the balcony she wore in|(hat $10 you borrowed from me last lean phrchased 'it for about a Muatte X ested mn Eve Wa A a orbits manth I its original cost I flower that Mary had stuck that mon "What $10 *" © ot. ; 0 d S ry Y ing in Bobbie Howell's buttonhole. "Why, didn't you come to me and It-is an unpretentious, comfortable r er cine: house, and its exterior is 'mid-Vietor Whe the slippers nd the tenn) s » $107 [hdo't vou |? hen the lipy a is Isay you must have $ ian in, aspect. Its privacy is doubl and in all lands under the sun--in all conditions of life--by genera- sneaks came down the stairs the [say you were so worried you weren't tion al neration--the safest and most reliable family remedy white flower was in the lady's hand yourself that night *" the world has ever known is Beecham's Pills. The good these un- "Please take it," she said, aud held} "Oh, well, if 1 wasn't mysoli, . a clude f rr y it out to him. in the deuce shotild 1 be expected tg | acres of grounds, which include two equalled health regulatorshave done, in the quick reliefof human suffer- "Why + Vit PN Eb St tennis courts and a croquet lawn, a HF " 1 WOT OF { serious si X 1s Yati ¥ { pay it 7 --Newark Star. inf Kite ing and the prevention of serious sicknesses, is beyond calculation. "Because you had no right to give i charming rosary, fruit and Kitchen g ar i it to me. And I had no right to take Modernity. gardens, and attractivels laid-out flower gardens it. But this must be my excuse that 1| ..g, : bith do I : Some are so intensely modern that =. hn b 5 3 did not know then that it would 'hurt |, 0 prefer a Corot 10 a Rembrandt." | The chief feature of Abercorn is the someone else. But 1 know now." "If it's a better hill climber 1 don't | sites hall, Shes at ; ircutas in "How do vou know." hw A - the Freach car | Shape, and lighted by a large donw . blame 'em. Me for 4 . | There are only two floors in the hovse When you are jaded--your appe "Ah: her calm eves met his stead a nA a "and ' every time." --London Punch. { On the ground floor are a large and tite poor--your whole system i ily, "1 am a wise woman-- I have n can do the same sort of good for you, and for your family. lived such a long time--centuries--" {1ofty drawing room and dining room weary--just try a glass of Labatt's Jeecham's Pills do their beneficent. work in accordance with "Not in vears," doggedly. Th St h {a boudow and a library, well stocked 4 Nature's laws. Try a few doses just as soon as. physical "Perhaps la experience e omac | with books of reference aud travel 1 d St trouble shows itself and see how immediately effective they are And let me tell you this--that 1 am Both the drawing room and boudol é an ou i see how quickly the. whole. bodily system will be benefited. i hat the right woman for vou, Bob Needs Help apen me " large Sonservatory, sf . HL range as a winter ua den or smo Pleases the palate, refreshes the «Then you will know for your own good, why Beecham's Pills are "You are u bile th ¢ ' ¥ y € Y You are. I have wld you so a ing lounge, while the dining room and body, agrees with the weakest lozen times. Since the night you library have pleasant, if not vet stomach. A truly wholesome bever- came | have wanted no other.' > tensive viaws over the garden 3 i he Greatest "But that isn't love. You are The hives, Es Ponta view fro« the house nowhere extends ALS at Sy watishen For a voung, and you are proud to show beyond its own grounds. secured by a high brick wall and by why | nUmeroud trees It stands in four TR fs AR Fa ily Re ed Kno n Sie major and the judge and Teddy Ensure Health, The bedrooms on the first floor are m m Y W todley that you can win me. You approached by a stone staircase, ou like the chase. You like to be one of : CHASE'S which bangs a lifesize portrait of the Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. i the érowd which surrounds me--and vo. DR. late Sult % of Mo ne be 1 I ther: Sold everywhere in Caoada and U. §. America. In boxes 28 cents. | : . . milan MAoroooo. in a er you think you like me v KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. are fourteen bedrooms and dressing Equal te the finest German [| 1 love you rooms and three bathrooms. The ser brews. Has the true smack of Fr -- a oe - ' : % i . ! TTT { "Tomorrow you will say that to Not one person ini a huddred can | vant' quarters at the back of the choice hops, Very light, palatable, some ane else. You are a sentimental et along at this time of year with. | house are quite separate. satisfying. Look for the lavender backslider, Bobbie. But let me tell | ® ? to enliven the| There is stabling-for five hofses at label. out using { i : : ror. = something to : ; ; . Th Heer gin Somer vg ackion oth Ive, Kioways ad | tached 10 the home, a als motor Comet Bee ir S 00 0 00 00 S a aps Vass desting # you give auch eating of heavy artificial Four Portuguese servants are al t Y "How .do vou know it *" foods, ioe little outdoor exercise, this al fn the i Fe ae x Tor the \ 3 : : ta tl ne TE rosal tenants, bat nothing will be (LAGER STYLE) ust received a shipment! rud on the back of a big chair. | The liver and kidneys are over |" d ks A temperance brew--tastes and . 3 ¥ % v . . he Several trunks contsnang King : of Girls' School Boots, sev-|She turned her wadding ring absently. | Worked in their efforts to remove the | POO Queen Amelis's clothins Iooks like choice lager, but has less eral kinds in tho lot Just He noted the action wid he noted, || nous waste matter from the sys. and personal effects . have arrived than 2)2% of proof spirit. Quenches TER us also, that, while three 'years had gone tem. They fail and 'become torpid and They will not bring ansthing in. the thirst; refreshes; gives appetite. what you need for this by since the déath of her busband, | clogged. The bowels becomes constipa-| TV Wot | Ry Order some today. time of year, ¢ [that she «till wore deep black. (ted and stomach derangements fol Quite a lasge Portuguese colony is i Yet he ventured "Suppose 1 decide low. - Iready Spronginge u ai : . 2 11 \ ito make you the right woman," he | There is one medicine which will Sy WT yy 2 Yicunons, . rem 1 eY eey A 5 ' a . said, masterfully. overcome this condition move certain-| \porory 1, King Manuel, sav that "But you cannot. Fate decided that | Iv and more quickly than aay other, | 1. are overwhelmed with Aica ALE for you. 1 saw the love in that little [and this is Dr. Chase's Kidmey-Liver | ions Toi honsrs from Portuvus ( STYLE) = girl's eyes when she looked up at vou. | Pills. 1 families. The newest non-intoxicant, mild and Strong All women will mot love ho like | This medicine gets the bowels in) The Myrquis de Lavradio, King and delicious, with the real flavor that", : action at ones and by awakening the) Manuel's private secretarr, bas just . in ty of good ale Complies We are gong to sell them "ny not = he flared. liver and kidneys ensures the thorough! taken Susses House, a large furnish : . may. be aon fequitements and t . "Perhaps ye a are mot worth it." jcleansing of the filtering and excretory od house near Abercorn, , and the Order TE att ey iv There was & hint of séorff in her | systems, {Count and Countess de Figueico, lord your dealer or hg mn Son voice. "But she will always think you | With the poisonous obstructions re-| chamberlain wid lady in waiting to JOEN LABATT, LONDON, CANADA » ' : are woith it" moved, the digestive system resumes: Queen Amelia, have taken a barge uv 1 5 £- Oh," impatiently: "don't let's talk | its healthful pik reli appetite im-| furnished house in Queen's romd, Rich ® of ber! T want to tell, yom things. 1 proves, pains and aches disappear as mond Hill, | Ask For "a. on the well as irritability and dépression. | - * Si 11.40 2 Leach, all oar own--come." ; { You casnot imagine a move sati A woman never considers a man a Zes 11 - She hesitated: then pinned on her factory treatment for biliousnsss, con- bore ds long as he talks fo her ? : broad hat, and together they whut igen backache and kidgey dis [about herself. I want & little moment down the <i ; ease than Dr. Chase's Kiduwey-Liver Sucress is a target with ight The beach was dotted with bathers, ' Pills, (ne pill & dow, 35 ants 8 box, small bull's sye » wighiy + they ski the edges of the ot 4M desler or Ed.oanson, Pates & + can be greater than his wife © | until Gey ouwe to a little pa- Co., Torompes. fe will pera,