ENS = Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan- druff and invigorates the Scalp --Promotes a. luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its falling out. Isnot a dye. $1.00 sod S0c at Drug Stores or direct upon receipt of price and dealers anme. Sead 10c for pple bottle «Phila Hay Specialties Co, werk, NJ, UCAS REFULE ALL SUTHTITUTES das. B. McLeod, Agent ®rrssrsrrassrssssasascsed We Are Ready To tone up your Gas amd Flee: tric Fixtures. Have your home wired before house cleaning. We with | | | ean furnish your home beautiful and chaste show and domes Every home should Lave Flee tric Light awd "ower, H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. 79 PRINCESS STREET. e "Phone 441. . TTL LAR TRTVLETLTES BRONCHITIS COMPLETELY CURED. 8t. Jean, P.Q., Jan. 5th, 1910 Father Morrisey Med. Co. Ltd, ean gratefully testify in favor of Father Morrisey"s Remedy for Bronchial rouble. I had suffered for some time rom Bronchitis, and could get nothing to give me ease, until | tried Father Morris- ey's Prescription (No. 10). To my great surprise, after 1 had taken this remed commenced to grow better, and soon after 1 was completely eured. Mde. GEORGE. DESMARAIS, Everybody knows that many common roots, barks and herbs contain Nature's own provision for the relief of coughs and eolds. it remained for Father Morrisey, with his wonderful medical skill, to com- bine extracts from these in such a way as to make the most effective pure for ali forms of throat and lung troubles. His prescription, known as- *' Father Morriscy's No. 10" or ** Lung Tonie"', stops a cough by curing the inflamed con- dition of throat or luags which causes it. It goes a step further, too, and earns its name of ** Lung Tonio " by ening the weakened paris, . Trial size Zic.e Regular size 500. At vour dealer's or from Father Morrisny icine Co., Lad, Montreal, Quebec. Sold and guaranteed In' Kingston by Jax. B. McLeod. WHEN ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to sent you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality ot the Flour. * * 90 Manufactured by the Maple Leal Milling Go., Branch Office, Ontario Streev Kingston. Telephone RRR $3.50 Recipe Free, for weak Men Send Name and Address Today -- You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Yigorous. ha possession a prescription for nerves Bull of weaketed ty, lack ng RAVENOUS INVASION. ---------------------- ONSLAUGHT oF TRIBE DURING Glattons by the Millions--Revastats ing Armies Fly in Clowds Dense Evough to Obscure the Light of the Sun, are several species or varieties which are semitropical Fu There of the wigrators lo iy ta be found in dr , COuniTes, south of rope, Egypt, Syria and Morocco, for their native howe seems to be in the countries bordering on the Mediterran- can, though migratory locusts sre to be found in regions as remote as Africa =nd South America, where they form a veritable scourge to the agriculturists, lu Argeotins, espe cially the northern hall of the country, ust, mostly such as the Nout EE -- ~ PURGATIVES INJURE HEALTH. What You Need!in Spring is a Blow Building Tonic, ureshici neces peuple. carrying o e im- it a% an ad In perities that have accumi ed an Llaod d the long winter months ii indoor life. Unfortunately thou i people who recognize thie ne © ssity a spring medicine do not know what is best to take and themselves with harsh, griping sands o for dom purgs Lives This is a serious mistake doctor amd he will teil ure of purgative medicines weakens the system, but does not cure disease. In the spring up--purgatives cannot do this weaken vou still more. The should be made rich, red, pure, and aly a tonic medicine can do this. The Ask you th any the they blood thev are very destructive, for they will | aanthilate the farmer's entire cop ina few hours. : A locust Jeckie, in event sign of Chambers' Journal, is an not easily forgotten. The the approaching inearsion i: usiially a long, dark doud low on the | horizon. But the dark cloud is no forerunner of rain. Instead of the pre- | cipus liquid, which the farmer has probably long expected in vain, nt porteénds the approach of his greatest enemy, the omnivorous locust, As the dark cloud comes nearer it is seen to be composxd of countless wl lions: of locusts on whirring wings, Loon the cloud appears overhead an is sufliciently thick to obscure the sun, which is only seen opaquely, as through a mist, although the skv is clouwdliss and the air clear | Now we are in the midst of u dense swarm of flying, whirring locusts, which dash into our faces, enter our houses and fill our rooms with thei seecsessse TLV VLTVLVLLLVTV BVO TOD presence. The air is simply alive with them. (All open 'wells must be instant- ly covered ar they will he polluted, Fowles and turkeys welcome the ad- vancing hordes, They simply fatten | on the locusts ns they run around and gobble them up. But this is no bless ing to the farmer--{ar from it, for the | flesh of poultry becomes so tainted by | this form of diet as to be quite uneat | able, and even their eggs have an un pleasant taste | So well is this fact known that as | soon the locusts make their ap- pearance in the locality the price of | eggs drops to one-half or one-third of | as their former figure, and even then thire are few buyers. AH the nitnate | about the farmyard seem to be afiect- edd adversely, for even the horses have a stromg aversion to eat grass which hus been polluted by the presence of locusts, and unless very hungry they will .not touch it. The advance of the locusts takes place as follows : First a few pioneers, the advance guard of the vast army, | then the main body of the army, a, host which is as invincible as it is de structive. All true locusts are miga- tory by nature, for the simple reason that, being gregarious in their habits, it would be impossible for them to exist without continual migration. The ground on which they settle is completely cleared in a few hours, and they must perforce seek other fields and pastures new, where they can ve- pont their depredations. For the same reason the destiuction which they ef- fect is: purely loeal. One district may be completely devastated, while une other a few miles away is altogether spared from their presence, When the locusts have eaten their fill the females commence to deposit their eggs, which they do by making an opening in the ground, in which the eggs ure laid. The infant locusts soon make their appearance, scarcely so large as a pea, hopping about in countless swarms. In this stage ol their existence they have po wings, but progress by lopping. While in this state~that is, before their wings are developed-- they wust be. ruthless- ly destroyed. Long irenches are dug, into which the "hoppers" are driven by rows ol men, women and boys, armed with branches of trees, with which they beat the ground, driving the insects in the direction of the trenches. On the opposite sides of the trenches sheets of galvanized irom are placed upright right so as to form an effectual bar- rier. On arriving as the trenches the "hop- invasion, writes John DI. re of this first | strengthens test blood building, nerve restoring tenie, medical science has yet discov- ered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every medicine actually makes blood. This - new blood every organ, eVEry nerve and every part of the body. This is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure head- new, rich "aches and backaches, rheumatism and neuralgia, banish pimples and erup tions, aml give a glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men, women sud growing boys and girls who take Dr. Williains' Pink Pills eat well, sleep feel bright, active aml need a medicine this spring and most likely vou do--try this great reviving tonic and feel the new life, new health, and pew strength it will put inte you. Sold by all medicine dealers or by wail at He. un box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. well, and sirong. H you PURE GLYCERIN. {It is a Queer Substance Endowed With Peculiar Properties. One of the great advantages of gh erin in its chemipal employment is tne fact that it neither freezes nor orates under any ordinary tempera ture. No perceptible loss by evapora tisn has been detected st a tempera ture less than 200 degrees F., but if heated intensely it decomposes with that few persons find themselves able to éndure. It with a pal flame, similar to that from alcohol, if heated to about 300 dey ees and then Its non-evaporative qualities marke the compoun! ok much use as n vehicle for holding pigments and ore, as in stamping and typewriter nib bons, carbon papers and the hke. [i the pure glycerin be exposed for & long time to a freezing temperature it a ystallizes with 'he appearance ot sugar candy, but these erystals being once melted it is almost an impossi Laity to get them again into the oo gealed state, If a little water be add ed to the glycerin 1a ervstallization wih take place, thous under a «uff degree of cold the water will rand form ervituls, amid wii glycerin will remain in its naturai state of fluidity. If suddenly subject ed t, intense cold pur clyeorin will evap smell ourns ignited, we 1 ec] cin se) prat fae j form a gumany mass which epanot be crystallized, Aj quite n sub yv hardened te gether it is Stance or pecuiiin Distinctly Tall. "You see thim mountains," exclaim- el the jaunting cur driver: The tour- ist admitted that he did see them. "Thim's the highest mountains in irviand." 'You don't : say 50," said the tour isi. "Oi do, sir, indade ! An' yon thim mouuntaing," went on the driver, flicking a whip to another "Thim's the highest in the vuld !** the ity. "Surely not !" he protested. "Shure, it's true," retorted the dri ver, bridling, "exeeptin', av coorse, for thim in furrin' parts." --Answers. see xr ange wr his ineredul tourist expressed + Consistency. . Mother--Aren't you goin' to up them tea things, Mariaranune, fore you go out ¥ ain't, 'elp"' ion. wash be- Daughter--No, | I'm late enough for 'mother's class as it is. --~London Opin- pers" fall into them and cannot easily make their way out, especially as their progress is barred by the wall of galvanized iron in front of them, the smooth surface of which affords them no foothold. $ The trenches are soon filled with mil lions of young "hoppers," the weight of those above crushing to death the under strata of their fellows. Earth is them shovelled on the top of the seothing mass of insects, and they ave thus smothered and killed. This is the most efiective method of exterminating the locusts, but in order to insure the success of the operation it is necessary that the attempt should be properly organized and that all the neighbors should | act in concert.-- Providence Journal. Dancing Men in Abundance, The debutantes at -the balls these days have evervthing their own way. The hostesses invite voung men at the rate of about four to ome. As a re: sult: the: Harvard hoys line up alist +n a perfect hollow sjuare around the. ballroom and watch for their chances to get a dance. It requires alertness and «kill to do it, tao. If any male partner is ob served to let a moment go by with- out conversation some other young ster ents in without delay. It is not uncommon for a girl to dance with three or four toners the length of the room.--Boston Record, Looking Ahead. iF Ny wife is always borrowing {~ov "What kind of trouble is she borrow- mg pow ¥' "She is afraid whiskers will be in style when our little boy grows up, so that he will not have a t CURED OF DRINK BY , | REMEDY, A Devoted Wife Helps Her Husband to a Cure Through Samaria Pre scription. . Mrs. S., of Trenton, was in despair. A loving father and a careful provider when sober--her husband had gradually fallen into drinking habits, which were ruining his home, health and happit ness. Drink had inflamed his stomach and nerves and created that unnatural craving that kills conscience, love, benor and breaks all family ties. But read her letter : "I feel it my duty to say a few wordy about your Tablets. As you are aware, I sent and got a bettie, thinking I would try them in secret. My husband had only taken them a week when he told me he was going to Port Arthur for the summer, so | had to tell him wll about the Tablets He sald he would take them just the same, so | sent and got the second bottle for fear one would not be enough. He writes me ing he has taken the con. th bo SIMPLE tents of ttles, and he feels splendid, does not care for drink. in fact, he has not taken any liquor from the first of my giviug it to him 1 fee! 1 cannot say {00 much in faver of your wonderful Remedy. © "Mrs, 8---, Trenton. Ont. Samaria Prescription stops the crav- ing for drink. It restores the shaking nerves, improves the appetite and gen- eral health, and makes drink distaste fol, and even nauseous. It is used reg- ularly by Physicians and Hospitals, and is tasteless and odorless, dissolv- ing instantly in tea, coffee or food. Now, if you any home on whicli the curse of drink has fallen, tell them of Samaria Prescription. HW you have a husband, father, brother or friend on whom the habit is getting its hold, help him yourself. Write to- day. : A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa- maria Prescription, with booklet, giv- ing full particulars, testimonials, price, ete. will be tent absolutely free and lemands | the system needs building | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 25 1011. | DRINKING HABIT INCREASING. | Americans Consuming More Spirits and Cigarettes, Y Weekty Wo. are drinking J han ever, hut per enue more canta JuUreau savs for (Anh of lagt June port of some of the i} wid taxes | 108,500,000 gallons of distilled spiriis i 5000000 gallons more than 1 vear belore, i S0.485,117 {qUors, an increase of O00, 00 if rels. i 7,600,000 000 clonrs, 160,000,000 | {more than 1909, | i 6,530,000. 060 ciggrettes, an increase | Fal 1000000 0n, 402,000,000 pounds of plug, sliced smoking soutf, 4,000, the vear be- { i endin Here 15 products receipts the barrels of ferment hh bar i fine cut, Loe cul, granulated or for chewing tobacco or Lown pounds tore 4 141,862,282 pounds of oleomargarine, | SH,000, 000 pounds increase. 4 It appears that the ecnsumption of spirits increased last your by over twenty per cent. Perhaps taxes were paid on more liquor than was drunk, hut the payments from year to year ure a pretty close measure of con sumption. ? l hat, drinking should inerease in the face of so much prohibition and local option legislation causes' some" astonishment, but is not, we believe, contrary lo xperience. legislation may haye an eficet on manners, me thods, and details of consumption, put it does not change habits Prohibi- § tion, if Maine is any criterion, does not help ar all in promoting temper nee. Loenl option may do good, bul is more likely to benefit the nsing | { coner ation than the one whose habits more than ! ave formed. It is possible that in spite of the { internal revenue [igures the manner ol {drinking may be improved the drinks better distributed It bears on this subject that of nine millions of population in York state seven millions Tive Local option in this state to county increase of eity population all the country has to this increase in hoth of aleohol and tobaceo tension of city country life, calling and affording more wet and the New m © | { ties, confined towuashiy over donbtless a relation the consumptio: I'he ner greater vous life is than of more for stimulants, venient opportunities to Drinking and smoking, social practices, and the cities than in con them, too, are both there is more society in the coun iry The consumption of spirits creased more in proportion consumption of bax, and the eon sumption of cigarettes more than of ¥he report is not complimen- has in than the cigars. tary to legislation. The Supreme Test, "You aspire to become our professor of modern languages *" asked the president of the board of trustees of the Milledgeville college "Yes, sir," was the respectful ans wer of the applicant. "Konnen Nie Deutsch asked the president sharply "Jawoh !" came the answer of the ' applicant, not to be taken off his guard thas easily. "Parlez vous Francais' the interrogator, giving the applicant no time for recovery "Oui," said the applicant. The «ident beamed with pleasure upon his fellow members of the board "It seems," he said, addressing no one in particular, "that the man is eminently qualified But," turning again to the ap plicant, "there more question that 1 must ask you. - What is "the simian equivalent of fear as expressdt in the monkey language as transerib ed by Professor Garner } Realizing that he had failed in the supreme test, the applicant turned sndly away. --Puck. spr chen demanded pre gentle for the post is one Cruelty to Women. We wonder what death the man will die or what tortured life he will he caused to lead who discovered the little "trick" by whici. a woman's age can be asdertained beyond a doubt that i= to say, while her health ix nor mal. The only instrument required i an ordinary watch. The wrist of the lady whose age is in question is the telltale, for when vou count her and it registers sixty-nine beats minute you know that she is between twenty, and twenty-five old During the next five years seventy-one } pulse per years For upwardsof 's Food has prov the World--happy mb In Cancda; in England: in Austra. pride to children raised on this Food, . FOOD FOR INFANTS Leading Medical Anthority) save: ily prepared and highly nutritious which be said of some of the foods sold for § "THE MEDICAL MAGAZINE" says ritive value. .... readily assimilable, y 80 years ago the house of Jostan NEAVE i as established and Hs reputation Lia--in fact, throughout thers point NEAVE"S according to GORDON STABLES ).. the waib known The Laxc writer on Hygiene, * 'contains all the ¢lements of food SyeryL in an easily digested form.' Dir. ¢ of the Chemical Laboratories of Rie "As regdrds the proportion of fi nuids apd boneform "Rex able x easy ng salts, there : perfect 1 between Neave's Food and moth milk digestion uni; wn ie has been Sold in 1 Ib. airtight tins by all Druggists in Canada FREE TO MOTHERS Write a post card today fof a free tin of Neave's Food and a copy of the book "Hints About Baby," by » Trained Nurte ess to Canadizn Agent: EDWIN UTLEY, 14 Front St, East, TORONTO, Lymans Utd, MONTREAL. The 8 Trading Ce, "TO. The Bole ¢ & Wynne Co, ANCOUVER FORDINGBRIDGE, ENG. 25 and the Guar: The arguments that might be advanced, as to the superior quality of the Buckley Hat, are all summed up in the broad, conditionless, all-embracing Buckley guarantee. ill 1 he re: Vv 8 A111 " y . sather . Ped I i leathel Ww turn let Buckles lity, and Bucklev style. The Ask MADE many hin new shapes: and when vou've selected beats go to the minute, and the "fem me de trente ans" and over is en titled to seventy throbs. It is a pits the man of science who established | these fgets is not when dealing with the women of riper age, for, according to rumor and tradition, it is only after she is thirty that a woman begins to Idave off having birthdays. -- Westminster Gazette more exact ---------------- Propping Coaches on the Run, The ingenious means by Which of the great railroad systems of Eng land drops passenger coaches off at intermediate stations without slowing up the locomotive, even for a fraction of a second, in its spend of sixty or more miles an hour is called the "ship conch system amd is described in Popular Mechagies. Jt is a svstom never tried in America and consisis in dropping or "shipping" one or move of the rear coaches just before the station is reached. Undoubtedly many Amerienn tourists in Fagland after | alighting at their destination, have beer amazed te discover that the coach which they ocupied was stifl | beside them, while the locomotive and | the remainder of the train were no | where to be seen. i ---- A Discomforting Assurance. Baltimore American Armstrong Drexel, the well-know, aviator, wan dining with some family friends' at 'the Philadelphia club in he. anestral city, A rather doubtiul compliment was paid by Mr. Dr tol | on his flving, and the young man | neatly replied: "You make me think of the beauty doctor. A lady | from Grosvenor Square visited him, | and the man said to her, "After thres | months of my trmtment, madam, oc | body will droam you're over forty ong Kingston, { ive." 'Put, doctor" faltered the lads Twa andy Hiiets twa sd "More bread and etter bread" Makes just the kind of biscuits you like to make aR wy /