"ou From Trapper to Wearer (Registered). PAGE TWO. |CREAMERY BURNED [FIRE AT CAPE VINCENT MON- | DAY NIGHT. i {Large Quantity Milk Was to Have Been Supplied From This District, ~Origin of Fire is Unknown ~--Fitted Out With New Ma chinery. Fire, which started from some = un-| | known cause, completely. destroyed the {new creamery of The ¥. Vallain com- { pany, st Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Tues For Spring {day night. The fire broke out about We invite your | "leven o'clock, and all that was left {of the structure was one wall. inspection. Ihe fire was a very unfortunate one, Royal Ermine, 7224, f as it came just before the time for JOHN McKAY, | the opening of the season, as arrange: THE FUR HOUSE, | ments had been made for the creamery 149-155 Brock Street) " ito open on April lst, and upon that | day 11,000 quarts of cream would have | been deliveréd at the factory. Quite a number from 'the Kingston {district intended sending over cream, {and the cans for the conveyance of the lervam to the Cape had been received { be re. W. F. Harkness is the general] manager of the concern. i arc S t I'he building destroyed was an old | In a diy or so, 1: has been a bi excel" tructure, but had been remodélled to month than 1810. Our 1811 styles are| suit all the requirements for a cream- winners, Don't disappoint yourself by |#rv, and had been fitted out with new postponing your purchases. Our stocks machinery. - It was situated near Sco- We wili hold you ir purchases | - = until you need them hell's shingle factory near the ater { from . Left for the West, Dr. J. B. Hutton left, at noon, on | Wednesday, for Weyburn, Sask., where Ihe takes up a civil practice and the C.P.R. surgeoncy for that division. Dr. Hutton graduated from Queen's in 1909, and was for a time house sur geon in the Kingstom general hospital, {where he made himself very popular. {Later he went to Wilbur, Ount., where {he looked after the mbdical require {ments of the employees of the Ontario all new styles, | Exploration company. Dr. Hutton is 1. and "#4 o. Our {a son of J. 0. Hutton, the wellknown | insurance and real estate broker, and { | his hosts of friends here wish him all "| success in the west. Beds, ® lines $6.5 up to $Y Brass and Iron is one of our st fui patterns at full range, $2.5 | Lenten Talks. Rev. T. W. Savary, M.A, of St. { James' church, spoke to the men of |St. Luke's church, last evening, on {the subject, "What Is a Christian." {He gave a very forceful description of {what he thought a Christian should 4be and his remarks were followed very closely by the gathering. Next Tues- day evening, Rev. J. 0. Crisp, Ports. mouth, will speak on "Duty." As Quickly As Water , Dissolves Sugar ------ Princess Dressers. large mirrors Square or oval, $10.00, $13.00 up: others for $6.50 up to $55 Mahogany and Clreassian Walnut are the 1911 lead- ors Rugs in Velvet, Axminster Bll sizes and colors CARPETS We are sellin Carpets since the Vacuum have made it possible (0 walls and corners clean Our new $25.00 Vacuum Cleaner is the best > Repair done 'Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON CO Brussels Ere keep About the Time It Takes For a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to Work on the Food and Bring Relief. TRIAL PACKAGE SENT FREE. There is rio jong wait between the time you take tuart"s Dyspepsia Tablet and the feeling of relief it will bring to an overloaded stomach. It gets busy in a jifly and quickly sets things to rights in that tired and dis- ordered stomach. It goes right at the work of digesting the food it finds lodged there and in no time at all has things on the move--the gases tease forming, the breath is sweetemed, the coating on the tongue disappears and you are no longer conscious that you even have a stomach. That is one of the chief recommenda- tions for Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets that they don't take forever to accom- plish the purpose for which you need them. It is just as if you put an ex- tra stomach or two to work when yours needed help. You can's continu- ally overload your stomach and expect it to always smile. It is going to get rebellious and sulky after awhile and refuse to go on being driven to do double work. You must rest it occa- sionally--not by starving and thereby weakening vourself physically--but by usmg a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to do the work of digesting your foc These tablets contain all the active elements of the natural stomach juices and will alone and unaided digest food just the same as the gastric juices. And nothing could be more harmless than these tablets. They do not effect the system in any way--do not cure any ailment except as they digest food. Use them freely. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by all druggists everywhere. Price, Slo. per box. A trial package will be sent ff you will write F. A. Stuart Cao., 130. Stuart Bidg., Marshall, Mich. more | aners | the and Upholstering promptly Yours, Proscsssarssssresrreced Arriving Daily NEW 60005 FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, Mattings from China and Japan. ¢ Silk Drapes from Constantl- nople. Rugs from Persia, and Germany. Lace Curtains from Switzer land, oo Carpets and Oficloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Musling from Boston. And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. FEEERR EERE EER R. McFAUL. CARPEY WARKNOUSE. Austria, AT 231 PRINCESS STREET (above Harrison's), Finest Ladies' and Gentlemen's Custom Tailoring guaranteed. Also Cjeaning and Altering Done on the prdmises. Your Patronage Welcomed. MR. I. COHEN, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor. BUY YOUR Meat and Groceries From the Unique Grocery and Meat Market. WE STOCK THE BEST GOODS. Prices Right. Prompt Delivery. beautiful brick resid- 9 rooms, furnace, electric light, large lawn fac- § the Park, stable, etc. Will at a bargain. : 470, 472 and 475 Albert Street furnace, A large verandah; rented to good tenants. Will sell to net the purchaser § per cent. this week. electric 490 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 530. i church. {march in a body, and take their place C. H. Pickering, ok SEO MARCH 29, 19:1. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FINE BANQUET HELD GATHERING "oF KINGSTON LIFE UNDERWRITERS. MEETING OF PATRONS OF THE LOCAL DAIRY SCHOOL CREAMERY. During the Past Season the Patrons Received $20,435.35--The Cream- ery is to be Contipued This Season, A meeting of the patroms of dairy school creamery was held, Tuesday, G. G. Publow presiding. The latter gave a statement of last year's businces and presented the auditors' report, as follows : 'We, the auditors of the Eastern Dairy School for season 1910, beg to submit the following statements, aud was served, after which addresses wers | wish to highly commend the staff for delivered. In . addition to Mr. Mc the efficient manner they have con Bride the association had as guests jducted the school gs a 'model cream- J. R. Reid, of Ottawa, ex-president of (¢ry,' and also wish to express our ap- the Life Underwriters' association of |proval of the nedimess of the books Canada: Mr. Burrows, Belleville, ex- | which we found strictly correct president of the Bay of Quinte Life] "Milk received, 1,978,163 pounds, Underwriterr' association; W. F. butter manufactured, 90,651 pounds; Nickle, M.P.P., KR. J. Hooper, of be amount received by patrons, Jo. 438. Daily Standard, and L. A. Guild, §35; cost of manufacture, $2,719.53; the British Whig. erage received per hundred Ponds The members present were milk for seasom, $1.03 1-3; ; average Bateman, J. O. Hutton . Cook, price Je .. pound for buttef, 25.54 J. K. Carroll, H. C. Rolph, T. J.|omts." (Signed) Michael. Fowler and Lockhart, A. rouse, George Gilles- R. NM. Van Luven. The auditors were pie, W. Fick, William McFedridge and paid the sum of $5.49 for services ren: Jd. Coutts. > dered. J. W. Corbett, president of the King- ston association, was the chairman of the evening and ably carried out his duties, delivering an appropriate ad- dress before calling on the other speak- ers. Addresses were given by J. R. Red | Burrows, and the latter also and Mr. rendered a fine song. William Me Fedridge gave two recitations, one from Robert Service's selections, 'The Yukon." The other selection was one of Kipling"s. Both were rendered in good style and well merited the hearty applause. Mr. McBride spoke at some length on the work and the aims of the as- sociation, basing his remarks on the | word "Duty," "Sointing out fhe duty of the members to their company, to the policy holders and to themselves. His address was listened to with a great deal of interest. George Bateman, who is regarded as the father of the local association, in a fitting manner proposed the toast to "Our Government," and this brought an able response from W, I. Nickle. During the course of his remarks Mr. Nickle explained that the tendency of the legislation of to-day was towards bettering the condition of the common people, to do away with the depths of degradation on the one hand and the great amassing of wealth on the other. iHe spoke of the importance of the milk legislation, as affecting the health of children. Some of the members of the asso- ciation followed with, short addresses; after which the affair was brought to a very happy close. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL TEA. ------ Attended by a Large crowd Last Evening. The Ladies Aid of the First Congre- gational church gave a most delightful church tea faust evening in the par- lors of the church. Tables were very tastefully decorated and an excellent supper was served to about 150 peo- ple. After the supper the gathering repaired to the lecture hall where a varied programme of music and song was listened to. The pastor, Rev. E. Leroy Rice, occupied the chair. In- lon a charge of being drunk. He strumental selections and solos were 'mitted being drunk, but when the mag given by Miss Ardelle Elder, banjo se- |istrate asked him where he had secur- | lections by R. L. Chase, vocal selec- | 4 his liquor, he replied, "In Belle | tions by Miss E. Singleton, Harold |ville."" He was not cross-questioned | Adgrave and Miss Myrtlg King. Read- | bout it, but immediately the court | ings from Canadian authors were giv [imposed the fine mentioned en by several young people of tne| The magistrate reprimanded the Miss Bessie Rogers acted |cused for his conduct, as he as accompanist. fore him a report from the which showed that a constable had | been sent to his home twice in order to keep peace. : William McBride, of Winnipeg, President of Life Underwriters' Association ox Canada, Guest of Honor--Several Addresses ' De- livered apd Happy Time Spent. The life underwriters of Kingston | held a banquet in King's cale pg Tuesday evening when they had as their guest of hosor William McBride, of Winnipeg, president of the Life Un- derwriters' association of Canada. The event was as most enjoyable one for all who were present. - A fine menu i lhe ou George B. Superintendent Zufelt read com- mumication from Mr. Putnam, saying that in view of the extra expense con- | templated to properly equip and main i tain the school as a model creamery for the summer momths, it would be necessary to increase the charge for manufacturing the butter from three cents to three and a half cents per pound. After the matter had been thoroughly discussed, it was decided that the patrons pay the department three and a half cents a pound of butter for manufacturing purposes for the season 1911. Mr. Zufelt was ap pointed salesman, secretary 'and trea- surer for the ensuing season. Messrs. | Michael Fowler and R. M. Van Luven| were re-appointed auditars. | ee eee | CHATHAM FIRE ENGINE a Was Used to Pump Out a Vessel To-day. For the second time this winter, the Chatham fire engine was called upon to pump out a vessel. The (hatham has been doing excellent work, both in fighting fires, and rendering first aid to sinking vessels. Yesterday afternoon the sloop Pilot, owned by that veteran mariner, Capt, Mahoney, commenced taking water, as a result of the jam of ice in Ric hard- | sons' slip, where she has been all win ter. The vessel was stripped of all her fittings, and an attempt was made to save her, but to-day the Chatham en ine had to be called into service, | 'ireman Hall was in charge of the] engine, and he had with him Fireman Craig and Way. Just a few weeks ago engine was used sloop Granger, owned hy Capt Stansbury, WAS HEAVILY FINED. the Chatham to pump out the "Bert" Member of "Prohibited List" $30 and Costs. Magistrate Farrell severely withymembers of the 'pro hibited list" these days, who are found guilty of being drunk. | In. the police court, Wednesday morn- | Taxed is dealing very street, was fined 830 gnd costs or two | months in jail. He was gathered in during the mght, by Constable Craig, acs i had be | police, | Out With a Big Stick. Caretaker Phillips is out with a big stick after people who deliberately drive over the walk at the park cor- ner, West and Bagot streets. Notices have been erected at a cost to the city of 89 but still there are a great many who pay no heed whatever to them. The caretaker has caused to be cautioned many offenders but from now on he will summon to the police court all guilty parties. A word to the wise should be sufficient. Every Kingstonian should put forth every efiort to keep the city park the' best of condition. "Dust proof," "moth proof," and | ard 'germ proof" bags for furs Sold | at Gibson's | There has been no complaint registered over the increase in tax rate. The increase is chiefly account of educational demands. yet | 'the | on | We Publicly Apologize If we have in any of our' ads. one word to offend your local school. | We do not intend any offence. They are, for the greater part, doing good work, "Their systems are usue ally good and their methods often wren | superior to many larger schools. must, however, repeat and emphasize every statement ever made regarding our 30-day Syl-la-bie Shorths and, even though we do haw to answer to the courts for it. ' 2,000 satisfied gra- | duates stand ready if required to tes tify that with from 20 to 40 days | at Moon College, 282-286 Yonge >t. Toronto, they aold good positions. = said | in City Fathers at Theatre. The city fathers will attend the pro- duction of "The Rosary," at the Grand, Friday night, and be present for the presentations to be made to the Frontenacs, champions of Canada in the junior amateur hockey ranks. Mayor Graham, to-day, had notices issued to the members of the council to meet in the corvidor of the theatre at eight o'clock and they will in the box which has been reserved for them. The rules of order will be sus pended for the evening, and the city "daddies" will have a good. time. Boys Will be Boys. Boys will be boys. Smashing win- dows is great hum for "them. Some mischievous lads made a window in 5 Louise school a target for their prac , i tice and as a result there was great smash in glass. The parties are unknown and the board of education will thus have i quite a sum of money has to be spent in glasa for the windows. -- To Call a Minister. Thess will be a meeting of the con- gregation of the Presbyterian church Furs Stored and Insured At Reasonable | i { Geo. Maller & Son | | EEE | ) | to- might. "Do not suffer from bunyons." it [ Mr | patience. imourn her a sorrowing mother, | one sister, --_--rm a -- Easter - Qur Easter | Post Cards, Easter Cards, 8 for 5c to ine, ju 5¢ each is st opened, Booklets and Books Goods MAE SHERRY MUSIC at Cost bave and best inthe City in Post the largest Easter Cards from We instructi from the publishers glear all on hand a We have just placed in stock a small and s in Booklets. Memerettes and Hampers in Photogravures and Hand-colored exclusive lines ever offered in Easter Goods handled by the large Jwellers in number of each SPECIAL Platinums Toronto and Montreal ost price, All separate numbers, regular Thc; | NOW elect line of Easter Goods | No regular Dance Folio NOW i genuine Platinum, Photographs, | The handsomest and most identical with that Only a and $2.00 st1.60 limited Full Vocal Score, regular | xow OPEN NIGHTS The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 260 PRINCESS STREET INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "Buy gum camp! Classes at Queen's university ed to-day. Auction sale King street, Lieut.-Col. D. Newcastle to-day. to William Swaine, piano tuner. received at McAuley's. hor," a night. D. Young t (abson's fumish OU'Garfman's, to went Orders Phone 778. Don't miss the bargains at our sale O'Gorman's, King street. Bun vom ptotectars sold at Gibson's. H. King street. | Auley's bookstore. Three car left for the west « ing. "Dust proof," and 'germ proof" at (abson's It is likely ed for the post o in a few days. W. G. Ferguson, a banquet in, Bel ance men of that Captain and Mrs ing Ottawa on Cunningham, loads of we mn Wed "moth bags f that tenders will be addition fice Kingst eville city. Thurs new home in Kingeton, "Carborundum {best for fillett ble ton at Gibson's. There was a me sons' raze pdes. Se wting of piano tuner, Leave orders Prides 21 at. Me ptilers' effects nesduy morn and Sold proof," or lurs ask with- on, attended f the nsw leav their Aux are lay for strops Ih Id in Kipgs- the ma union on Tuesday night but only routine business was disposed of I'he steamer taken to Picton as soon opens, and will be ing there. "Buy it now is, instead stated yesterday Spectators will be admitted to on to hear the banque k. Kingston, ing, Osborne Paynter, living on Bagot | pall-bearer at the funeral of the grand secretary of the | gallery at Grant at K.15 o'clock, es at the Dyde A. H. Blackeby I. B. King, 0 0 F. of Ontario. 'Carborundum ad pet for Gillett blades yn at Gibson's. Mrs. William vill go up to spend a fe Hon. J. K Tor and ir ally a Quite a large n ver cases have bet within eneral hospital v weeks. A number been discharged. As soon as the { harbor the ome over to marine railway added, capacity. Prevost, ar 80 as to ad {ishings department. | assorted with new The engagement ronto of Mr. Ray and Mrs "Glepedyth." to teid, daughter of I'. Reid. Both are Mr. Nordheimer is Royal Military Co days ,v the Rideau Queen will as navig given moth camphor." The board of wor year ago was about of Hall razor SN Harty, onto of ith Mrs anber 1 re i t of the ice breaks steamer Wolfe Islandes Kings id have quire 1 Brock street, has all his spring and summer goods his order clothing department, ready -made clothing and gents' They goods. is ann Nordhe Non Miss F Mr an ex Hege, a has visited in Kingston, of Miss Mona Knig shi, Al Ker and Mrs well-known here be ation an overhaul Gibson's. ks appropriation a $1.65 only. % more than £760 as the Thursday, address- was a late hings terburn,"' Friday her {i to parents, Rat ariet ed it the past patients have hie few up in the will won foundry false sides nore Carrying received for also in furn are all well wnced in To son of dimer, dheimer, of dpa Caroline George 1s cadet of the nd Miss Reid as the guest ce street Death of Miss Mabel Whitney. There passed aw morning, after a bright young life, Miss Mabel Whitney, late Thompson Whitney, reeve The youngest of street, formerly of Pittsburgh family, she was many, ness and her childlike ay on lingering in the daughter. of of always her gentle merriment, wi Wednesday a person ™ the Pembroke the township the beloved be her sweet sdom making illness, ber ever popular with those who knew her. Miss Mrs. Cushendall, William and three brothers, at home, and Penjamin and bert, Bow Island, Alberta. Lhe She bore her long sufferings with Whitney to and of John, of derensed was leaves Hyland, formerly a resident of Pittsburgh, be ing born at Whitmount, eighteen years ago. regular attendant mother's street, day afternoon. "p.p.b." residence, to Cataragui cemetery, She was a Presbyterian, and a of Cooke's church. The funeral will be held from her disinfectant. Occasionally those who say little talk too much. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of oy = Pembroke on Fri Gibson's but Ithe ocal and wood business, ~ Phone 919 00000000000 QCOOQGORIRESS Farmers, Attention fu Something New -- I Ne--- Modem Glass Cutting A A tart Ol | We stock a 1 line of CATTLE AND VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS. Milk Fever Outfits, Trocars, Slitters, Teat Dilators, Milking Tubes styles Syringes in and sizes carry in We Cut "The dfferent Cnt time have Glass Old and Glass ago a new pattern of on display called Irish This Is better than the Designs of some Cattle Teat le Pieces Prices moderate.' See our Samp! in different hn SMITH BROS., Issuers of Marriage Licenses. different styles Dr. A. P.Choun, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. 0000000000000 0000000 Thursday Snaps {Just received a fresh ship- ment of Ostrich and . Marrabeau Boas - ALL COLORS. W. F. GOURDIER A Rare Chance TEESE. | 02 000000006000 0000000000000 0006000000000%¢ | { | 1,000 yards Embroi- deries and [Insertions (dainty patterns). A sample lot. Regular 8c, 10c and 12!c lines On Thursday Morn- ing the lot at 5ca Yard 200 yards White In- dia Linen, nice quality Pe r,rr,r,rFfF{F{ertyerys----rrrr Thursday Morningat §i A MEAT SHOP and 3 | Dwellings, with modern 10c a Yard {improvements, corner of { | | { Earl and Bagot Streets, for | $2,600. 300 yards of FineWhite § | RBC V7 | MS aN Cotton, free from dress- § | HOUSES TO RENT and . / : | Rents Collected ing, full 36 inches wide MONEY TO I ns Thursday special MONEY TO LOAN, FIRE INSURANCE. 10c a Yard : Pt crm est mest MULLIN, | Cormer Johmson and Division Sts. "Phone $39 No phone orders for above Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORZ. Wood's Je Great Remedy. Tones aad invigorates the whole | nervons Hae wn, Iaakes Bew | in oud Veins Cures Neroe | Mental and Brain Worry, Dew | The TE Rubin the Right Way . The rub that rubs seams. edges. ends, middles and corners; the rub that rubs out dirt without rubbing in holes; this laundry rub- bing for iis 3 png ---- Not So Bad for Kingston. The Toronto World is giving a road incident which cerarred there on Mon day. At the corner of Gueea amd! Yonge streets. a waggon loaded with baled hav, sank to the hubs In mud, and it required two teams of horses to pull it out. The one who said King ston had the worst roads of any aty should take it back. the rad while cleanness, A HARMLESS RUB TO EVERYTHING BUT DIRT. Kingston Laundry 7 = . John Acton, formerly engaged in] AVL LVLLTTVLLVLVLTVVTRLLTVTLTLBTBBRGS has" lefe | Cor, Princess and Sydenham Sts for the west Phone ZL. "Moth camphor." 4 a Gilon's.