Carriage Painting If you whnt your Carriages to look | and wear well, | them with us Children's carriages and go-carts amelled in all lates s E. J. DUNPHY, Montreal and Ordnance Streets For Health. Drink McCarthey"s Ale and Porter, It's the best. : : Agent, R. J. LAWLER ITHAT HOSPITAL GROUNDS 1S } THE PLACFK Cor. ~--Inspector of Hospitals and On- tario Health Officer Say City Would Benefit, These letters have been received by Frederick Welch régarding the general hospital grounds as e Mowat tuberculosis a site' for sanitoriwm {he From Provincial Health--Officer, March Berd, 1911,--Dear Sir--1 have your communication of the 20th 'inst., relative to the es tablishment of a tuberculosis sinator- ium on the grounds of th Kingston general hospital, plan of said grounds being enclosed. 1 know the situation and with thé plan of the location be- fore me | am of the opinion that it is well suited and the ground ample for such institution I note objection raised that a sanatorium for consumption in this situation will likely be dangerous to the community to busi HESS interests one who has looked into the will know that such statement quite the reverse of the actual facts. It is + matter of universal knowledge that mproved, pro value, popula is tu communities than Toronto, ® Wood, Lumber, Shingles & ® Honest Measurement Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE IVARMES, Residence, 280 Street - 'Phone No. 1019. B000000tessssessseveS OUR CONSIGNMENT Of Green and Black Teas from Ce) lon have arrived. Though prices are much higher, we are still sell ing at 30e¢ per Ib, ANDREW MACLEAN, * Ontario Street. is and inimical Any stibject A teaspoonful or a cube of 0X0 to a tumbler of hot milk is the greatest of all body builders. 0X0 contains twelve times more nitrogen than milk --and nitrogen is the element of which the body is mainly built up. at all is THE CLUB HOTEL WHMLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS There are other hotels, but uome approach the Club for homeilke sur roundings. Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theetre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week ! P. M. THOMPSON, Proprictor. | 1s a rule business perty tion ix INCTeRses In the increases and berculosis infection in adjac nt to a sanatorium w hogy else. Tak thirty-three institutions twenty-two different states of United States it is shawn that sixty-seven per cent, the property increased in twenty-three assessed value and in over fifty per cent {ents were attracted. Ihere is no place so free from fection as a properly « sauna for inéteen years no servant, attendant at Tradeau has contracted the ease The fact that meat, milk, < hutter, cream and other foods are consumed therein an argument business there less any in the in surrounding value in increased new Sold in Cubes and Bottles. 25 Lombard St., TORONTO. 41 Common St. MONTREAL. 18 res) ---- EE ---- TT = mT _lT-- TT BVO VRETVV TRL TRV VVLTTLLRLECSLVTOT SE { ..Ganong's Chocolates... in nducted In or forum consumption nurse chs acvee first-class in large | The Finest Quality, Largest Assortment, 'Only 50c. per lb. 166 Prinses St. A. J. REES," Sah ho eh TARA VLRTVRVRVSS Highest Grade, mn fuanties is surely favor of rather than interests - lhe existence of a well-conducted !sanatorium is a gratuitous advertise ment for the city a health resort It becomes a school oi hygiene, pro phylaxis and treatment, an educator in respect to this malady which lv those who con tact with it are fully aware, It is most commendable that the city of Kingston already raised so much money for the squipment and mamt-nance of such a laudable en I hope vou will let nothing of its against Always Fresh, as 4 OTERO BSS of come in closer a aa has -- ES ---- - -- - y PAID ONE CENT ON DOLLAR. |of people, for he had 5,500 names on this books, hi Sheldon's Actual Liabilities Exceed- | AStOmBrs., it ie the ed 8£800,000, k of energy chown search Montreal, March Charles D_ him was direct fact Sheldoy, as he wag known in Mon A tial people preferred treal, disappeared 11th, i standing the loss : had incurred leaving behind him the | rather iim brought back amount of nearly $2,000,000, {to Montreal and run the risk of hav sult of his "blind pool" operations, ing their connection: with him exposed and assets of about 315,000. The real | OM Idon will pay, according to liabilities of "Sheldon, however, were | last report of the curators of his only about $800,000, the balance of cent on the dollar. 81,200,000 representing dividends de -- clared upon investments which the were nimbered among lerprise stated that in the due te stand in the way successful completion in working onder 1 that the eit sens of Kingston will soon eome to sanatorium not by valuable of their vours, JOHN chief health Unee 3t 0 s 'the am convinced SOM mthier regard such 8 ny institutions. -- Faithfully W. 5. MeCULLOUGH, oflicer of Ontario. From Dr. R. Bruce Smith, Toronto, March 21st, 1911.--Sir: 1 : a Lave the honor to acknowledge re owners had left with him to accumu Yo Raw Wink Purm, . ipt of your letter of March 0th 1 late. Sheldon began business in a very {Spok ane, Ww ash, March : Two | nm surprised that in this enlightened modest way about a year previous to]! And acres of fand tn the lake dis {nge, when. the. nature of tuberculosis his disappearance, but when after a [Tih north of Arthabaska Landing, in so widely known and the few months he continued paying divi e_provines ol Alb appreciates that it is dends at the rate of twenty per cent, |" for a term of preventable disease, per month to ithat there should be anv apposition money with him, his fame spread and | towards having an institution for the the {P we ! care of consamptives at every hospital Trm The | contre in the province. Take. Germany stock: {fp example. Every large town has its will begin early in onecial hospital for the care of con and a newspaper campaizn | {samptives. Those who have studied against him. This led to a | oo _ -- [the situation in Germany assert that of new t letion of the Panama vot only are consumptives cared for, tomers added, onsequent lack will be the health of the community at of money with which to pay the "divi 1,000 | Large is improved by having dends"' at the end of each wh institutions conveniently situated month. A run set in one day on Shel throughout the empire. The number of don's office and the "wizard" at once cases of tuberculosis within a radius recognized that the time fof ten miles from the German instita had arrived. Investigation of his a \nstra- {tions is eighty per cent. less than in counts with local hrokers showed that church capable of holding five [1 cities and districts where no hospi he had operated on very modest line | fred people was built in fourteen [tal for consumptives has been located and with but little snocess. All clasdes | hours, by volantary labor 1' he reason for this is that cach hospi on October } ny he} creditors te wn have means the least fy A re Asse tate, ahout one ag 1s become | public generalls sch an! easily rta, has been leas bvDBr. T. J invested | Burzen. und his tes in ory ishangton, Par Asso pir muskrat those who who 1 he soon had customers all aver 1k and : 4 i dominion. By June his operations bad | become so that t stock brokers begun feeling the In AS BR al enterprise vork of preparing » farm and extensive customers, was begun falling off in the number cus 1 garnison but » addition of and a vastly declared fay Auction ale Thurs for ladies. (V'Gorman's {chairs | street fternoon King to get on Saturday t Preston, e a A Doctor writes: "We use Postum continuously in the family and I believe your campaign against the 'coffee habit' has saved more lives than all Uncle Sam's life-saving stations com- bined. Respecifally, nD" Like all our pri.ted testimonials this is genuine. Would like to prove it ? Write us and the name and address will be sent. Why saved lives ? Many and many a man or woman finds the life sands low, and daily troubles show shat food not keeping y up to active, healthful vigor, and wonde why ? ) Some hidden thing retards digestion and the body does rurni the not receive its needed nourishment. To such we earnestly suggest leaving off the coffee entire- ly, even the famous "only one cup in the morning." Replace it with - hot Postum made as per directions on pkg. and care- fully observe day by day the return of health and strength. That's the answer and " There's a Reason "' "Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Outario, Canada. + - TWO EXPERTS AGREE: nee Fa | For Kingston Tuberculosis Building | from which lg ates 10 teach tal become reo n who are oppo 'a hospital § {| If those at Kingst led to the loca | consumptives w the city correspond with or and leouncil of St. Cath s and ask th {if the trade of St itharines had been interfered with by } a local sani tarium in its no they would quick. ly be told wiead of being hurt ful to the city it had been helpful to it wou After giving the n stter full consider ation I can to no other conclu ion than that the separate sani for the care of consumptives ston should be established . in conne tion with one or other of your ity hospitals in order that it might be! maintained under the same manage ment and not render necessary the ex pense of administration which a separ ate institution located outside the (it, would require for nursing 'and genera) administration I do not wish to interfere jn the choice of location, but, as vou have asked my opinion, "1 freely state that there is no ground for fear that the &stablishment of a local santtarium at Kingston will prove injurious to the | trade of the city por burtful to the | general health of the conununity.--R W. BRECE SMITH, lospector of Hos pitals and Charities of Ontario. com GANANOQUE FORESTERS Celebrated Thirtieth Anniversary of Organization. Gananoque, March -Court Thon sand Islands, No. 66, C.OF., celebra ed the thirtieth ammiversary of its or ganization, last evening, with becom ing eclat. Through the efforts of (r+ ganizg F. K. Wilson, a large numbe of candidates was present for initia | tion. Certificates were presented to! the P.C.R's of this lodge and veteran | iewels to several who have been mem bers of the order for twenty-five years Dr. Stanley, grand medical adviser of the order, represented the high court in the proceedings. After the court session, visitors and brethren, number ing unwards of 100, repaired to the Brophy house, where an excellent bas quet, with a numergus toast list, was | enjoyed. ES vd I'he local branch of held a session, last home of Mrs. J, street. Capt, ber of to overhaul | the W.( evening, at Jackson, Stone T.1 the Frank® Seymour, with a num- assistants, started, yesterday the schooner Briton Jobm Kee, Garden street, an em ployee of the D. F. Jones company, has 'been confined to his home by ill ness for the past week. Parker Urser, North street, has been on the sick list for several days. Robert Kelly, spend ing the winter here with his mother, Mrs. Kelly, Stone street, left for I tevan, Man., yesterday, where he ha been located for some vears past. S =. Cheetham has been elected president of the adult Bible class of Grae! church. I. Thompson, a former resideni, ! cated for some time past in Smith's Falls, is visiting here with friend Mrs. Holland Mullins, of Brockville, is | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Spence, | Charles street. A. W. Tevier, turned from a short Toronto has re | visit in COMING TO THE GRAND. Frontenacs' Souvenirs and Rosary" on Friday. ind Opera House next i and Ro it cit Patrons of the have a treat in store for them Friday qvening, when Rowland Clifiord) pew production, "The sary," C will be produced in this the citizen Frontenac hockey t "The Rosary' the tremendou Mer and between acts, venirs to the will be presented. a play dealing with poweg of our human thoughts and women rise in the morning and go about their work heedless of the that it is their own attitnde of that brings them success or fe That what show ir Rosary "The proved sensation of the in Be where it has just completed a t months' run. The mayor and alder men will occupy the. boxes at th Grand for this attraction is Rosary" season is William Faversham in "The Faun." Faversham the Grand on He will here new play, "The Faan,"" Knoblauch. "The Faun," has proved a genuine dramatic novelty In this comedy Mr. Faversham will imperson ate a faun, the same being the god of | the shepherd. This particular fawn is brought into contact swith modern | life, and with many surprising novel results. Mr. Faversham has gatherad together a particularly fine | company for the presentation of this play Miss Julie Opp i= the leading lady. William traction April 6th Thu sday, in his Fdward at be by and STILL BANKED ON BRYAN, With Uncut Hair Dies With Hopes Undagunted. Macon, Mo. March 29 Thomas | Robertson, sixty-five years old, took a vow in 1896 that he not have his beard or hair cut until | William Jennings Bryan was ele t president, is dead, as the result of a! fall downstairs. ! He had kept his vow and was look ing forward to a democratic triumph | in 1912. When Robertson's hair was | combed it reached hall way down his! back. Man A Concert at Wilton, A sugar social and concert was held | in Grange hall, Wilton, on Tuesdas, evening, by the Presbyterians of that ace. R. W. longnore, of Camden Cast, was chairman. Addresses were iven by Rev. Mr. Boyce, and Rev. My. aclones; a quartets by "Messrs Storms, Asselstine, Miller and Boyce; dialogue, by Misses Lake, Purgres, Storms, Gallagher and B. Storms; «0 los by Mrs. Murray, of London, and Daniél Couper, of Kingston. Mrs. RB. Mills and Mrs. Maclnpes were the ac companists. There was a large crowd in attendance. * Waterworks Intake Pipe. John Donnelly, who is superintend- ing the laying of the new portion of the water w L Natur. is Progressiag well A threeton valve is Bow being at THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1911. Letters to Housewives No. 2 Why is it you don't like dish-washing ? Letters to Housewives No. 1 Learn the secret of mak- ing the dirtiest dirt get rid of itself. Watch the advertisements on this page this weck. Your curiosity will be well rewarded. The most disagreeab!s of your housework will be done for you. Such as cleansing and disinfecting the kitchen sink and drain- pipes, for instance, and re- moving one of the most fre- quent sources of disease. Lock for To-morrow's Ad. China and glass-ware are 'easy enough to wash and dry -- But the dirty, greasy pots and pans--ugh If you cnly had something in the house that would clean them for you-- That would be a great bocn, wouldn't it? Look for To-morrow's Ad. "The 701 A Letters to Housewives No. 3 You'd welcome anything that would make it 'easier to 'get the floors really clean. Something that would make less rubbing and scrubbing necessary. Something that, added to the water, made the dirt literally "melt away." You can get it. Look for To-morrow's Ad. 1 C Thirteen Hundred and Eighty Dollars in Cash ($1380 00) Will be lectors of WEAT Perfect Food given ORANGE CARTON BOTTOMS to col will be the-att+} a What the KLENZINE MAID the Policeman "Good moming, Mary, I notice you mast have t g ndby." KLENZINE MAID---"Well, really Officer, ¥ fhe wid standby. how moe and soft Kienzine keeps them. Besides | can get through my work in half the time and everything looks so bright and clean. | wish you would tell Nellie fans ¥ about it.. She thinks he work is 30 hard--T am sore she has never used KLEN. ZINE. oe MOODY'S KLENZINE banishes drud makes housewor For washing dishes, cleaning windows, or Be La k MOODY'S KLENZINE A ia Wash faicly sparkle and linea look iike the driven snow, A vzivable disinfectant k22ps the kitchen, pantry and bathroom clean, : waa, and froe from germs. Insist on . pleasures. Work it is unequalled. C A - ad P £ MOODY'S KLENZINE. Your Grocer keeps it. Large size packet 0c. Order one. THE ALPHA CHEMICAL 'C0., LIMITED BERL'W - CANADA + For saic by allt Wholesale Dealers pty [n RULS Lread or BEAVEK BRAND gro DhRS | i # erie a '8IBRY"S CAR STAND | DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 New Buckwheat Flour Maple Syrup Maple Sngar Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper, Phone 760. 841-3 Princess Street. ~ Prompt Delivery Highest Grades _ GASOLINE. 0O0AL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL GREASE, ETO. PROKPT DELIVEXRY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence snd Ontario Streets Toye's Rallding Have You a Feather Bed ? | Why not have it made modern Sanitary Matiress Feathers Cleaned by best and newest method We will Bay your Cid Bed into a | Dominion Feather Co., KING SAREET (Opposite Bt. George's Churen) Drop a card snd our agent will call