IS YEAR 78 -NO, 75 SOLID PARTY Liberals Proud of Their Leaders in House. NO SOMERSAULTING TROUBLES (IN THE CONSERVA-! TIVE RANKS, The Information Sought by Lennox of South Simcoe Will he Provid- etdbUrging That More Money be Devoted to Agriculture, Fpecial to the Whig (tawa, Maich 30.-The rumors - oi culated about the House of Commons, that i. I. Borden, leader of | hix majesty's opposition, was about to yesterday, resign his position os leader of the party, was denied by prominent con servatives who are in close touch with him. In any case and whatever the ultimate outcome may be, it is clea ta all that there is much disroption in the ranks of the conservatives and it would be absolutely ridiculous to ev make the #lightest prediction where it sturally, the Liberal mem will end, N hers are glonting ing tactics so prominent in the rank ar the somersanlt of their friends opposite and compl ment themselves on the undivided a olid position thei party is it at Jires ent In answer Lemieux, South <b on the actual figures of overcla overbrake vind Gather aver charges on the Trans ontin ental railway, the minister of railwa replied (hat details were being worked § out by the distict enji would take some time to Hres 2 In respect (6 the Quebec hii tract, hind it heen bt, who vantractors, and whist ww their ten der, the minister of railways answered Mr. Lennox that the situation had changed and it had not changed, How. | ever, the information desired by the member from South Simcoe would be available at an early date. Mr. Gilbert, nationalist member for rummond-A thabaska, delved into agricultaral matters and moved un amendment ta the elect that Ole tenth of the country's estimate Would | be devoted to agricultural interests The member for Drummond made very creditable speech and declare that he would like to see n model Tar in ench county, where farmers might seeure practical lessons in apricultun Th dairy industry might be dopbled Se it dairvmen wers taught up-to-date methods. The government and rel should also give more encouragement to coroperative agricultural societivos and he advocated a subsidy to each of such societing on the basis of 35 pet member, This money might be expend ed on abattoire or cold storage oo tablishments. Then he suggested tha ten per cent, of the annual revenue of the dominion should be devoted to agriculture and declared that since S67 only BLLA64,000 had been ex pended to improve the agricultural in dustry, while 3607.776,900 had been ex pended in railway subsidies, and 283, 19 for the North-West rebellion. Mr, Gil bert was strongly supported by Ih Edwards, of Frontenac, and Dr. Reid, of Grenville. For the eleven . months, April February, of the current fiscal year, the number of immigrants who arrived ) in Canada was 271.3% as compared with 175.720 during the corresponding months of last fisval _ vear. The gai is fifty-four per cent, The number who arrived via ocean ports for the same period was 164,486 as against %0,241 for a like pwiod of Tast fiscal vear, | an increase bf eighty-four per cent From the United States, for the same eleven months, there were 106,906 im migrant arnvanls; during correspond inge: eleven months of last Fsenl vem there were RG ASK, the gain from this revenue being twenty fous per cent GOOD CATCH OF SEALS, Str, Bonaventure Arrives at Si, John's With 30,000 Skins. Si. John's, Niki, March 30.-With a broom at the masthead, indicating that her trip had been successiul, the steamer Bonaventure atrived in the! harbor, last night, with 30.000 seals | aboard. She was the first of the fleet of uiveleen sealers, which left on the annual cruise fifteen days ago, to re arn bo port. News of the suecess with while the sealers wee meeting had al ready ean pushed ashore by wirehess According to the report brought in by the Bonaventure, eleven other | steamers ave ahout to start for home | with goed ecatehes, and omly two of | the nineteen, so far as known, appear | J | to have missed the seal herds, Ad vices indicate that the cab ich will pro bably exceed halon million, consider ably more than was secured by the sealers fast year. : w As the average valwe of a seal hel from S250 to 33, the total value of the catch is ostiminted at vpwards of a million dollars, The King Has a Kind Heart, : _ondan, March 30. A story of King | -- s kindmess of heart was re a night. The King recently v cou in moderate cir a gn oud rein for along | time on ge al estate at, Norfolk, and, after a chat, the King: | lated offered 10 the husband cigar, The aged smoke vigars." to his KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. LATEST NEWS READY FOR SEEDING. BOMB EXPLODED Farmers in District Esper to Start In New Forke=Pulice semrehing for awa Va SAD winds: fair; tempdrature LAST EDITION ---- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, March 3% 18 aan Ot. ng not show wim he surrounding intr 'Despatches From Near) And Distant Places . THE WORLD'S TIDI NGS BRIEFEST POS. class, 2 aftucnoe of -Bible Promoting Peace. ASQUITH AND REID UNITED STATES. a serious Kak for the culprits. of floods, hos disappeared ITALIANS HAVE NO FEAR took generally is first Of Cammeora And Are Not Contribut- , and with x favorable | will bea big increase That Interest Everybody-- | oui ng. Notes From All Over-----Little of | Read and Re-| 2040004304 FRED PLEO T Pe MUST HELP THEM... Pennsylvania Assembly mn fr Sweeping Inquiry, in London--The Emphasized the Peace Proposals. + 3 London, March 30.--At 4 great meet 3 ing of churchmen and statesmen in the London workmen have organized an lg ol the revision of the m of the Bible by completed the so- the ter-centenary the + peindoal speakers, seized upon the y, supports the story Boer eer e C lweniy-seven years Sulragetios interfered with the pro , and when the prime mime ster | PEAT PEEDEE FEELS | PROTE ST TO SIR JAMES. tora up after a free wiveable breach of these few LEE EE EE While there seems | "the Pible furnished preset practieal uni) Sie Ah company, running team. New, Xurk to Holland and con { trodled bythe CNR. ed from Holland owing to Oxford | fringe nt ot the reglacions issued by i sspiva tions endures, supported hy the , the same common law, parliamentary institutions {the same svi} rig thts, WANTS TO HAVE A Go hts Been banish Harvard Secks Race Cambridge Winner, GIVES BLOOD; thound to Eastern Europe Maryn fee b r the peace Bes Pro student Collapses Six Charles W. Morse AT TAMWORTH, The Barry Block Destroyed--=Loss is Morse, voor was released i pletely destroyed A589 for militia, $17,000,000 in von and steel bounties and many millions furan Hare belonging LOWRIE 1 ROBBERS HELD UF TRAIN. NESBITT MAY RETURN Two Passengers HIS FRIENDS THINK Barry occupied the Filmy Fabrics FOR FINE Maran Nothing is dearer to the feminine fears than fine Hugerie, but some- {times desires and purses do.not agree, In our massive array of - : |materfals for Under Garments we have taken good care of the slender purse, and you will find this entire showing far below the regular price. A WORD 10° MOTHERS While plan. Re ning under- muslin needs do not forget the little miss. She will want under- \ garments too and we are ready with a so8triking : showing of $ fabrics and (| Joceste ries @ is for their making. | The Ladies' Home Journal Pattern No. 5845 This natty little Princess Slip [Pettiosat and Underwalist is a LADIES! HOME JOURNAL PAT. TERN, It is but one of the dozens of iyoung folks' garments to be found {in the new quarterly, which is oa leale now NAINSOQOKS, CAMBRICS, LINENS, MUSLINS, LONG CLOTHS COTTONS, EMBROIDER- IES, WASH LACES, Ete, [are here in abundance for the make "|ing of fine Under Garments STEACY'S MARRIED. Atcheson n Lowrie Belleviile : WORLD PEACE 'hone 877 ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 230 Princess Street. York was insured of wages to employees were ily damaged; covered by insur JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS wet, 'Phone 147 for Ambulance Relations Conimittee - THREE GIRLS HAVE In Chicago From Over. Skipping HE ADMITS THEFT ...... WAR WITH Ar AN Ww ALY NUT r URNITY ni, T™w Hedr ¥ 9; als Parlor Cha Pi * NAME IS CHARLES W Prisoner Claims He Absconded With $200,000 While Clerk of Court in! to conditions in Political Friends, torm hanging over your tle that threatens destruction of i is of thiz 1 have ver and exploded the stairs in the house and false pate nee all questions which may Chicago Police Make Gruesome ed in 15960 with $200 000, He said he gave the money ral' of his political friends whe y unless it 1s stirred up by gr | theouah thee lames for . wrapped dn Biaktte. a mass of hlisters, ELUSIVE MR. SHELDON. -IF ISH in Tins LOBSTERS. HRIMPS CLAMS. CALLOPB ficoter Kippered Herring. «i Scotch Herrings: in Tomato. Scotch Fresh Herrings. Seoteh Fresh kerel, Aine in Oil sardines In THmato Sardines ju Mustard Anchoxles in Oil i: =: Jas. Redden & Co. THPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. i When a tried tog ' onl feo them he could not, so re loft In Police of Massachusetts Town Could I oh a be pe wiles gonecersed, save that March 30.~Uhades pf of (hom are sow dead, while other have large families, arrosted at Pittsburg, has been want to bring distress or i oe identified as hivrles Ww. Robinson; for ined room window, Not Lay Hands on Him, Prov kton, Mass, the fagitive from Held for Frand. posed" Pe ot wilt go ooking to ehit sition ol specific mat ters the senate amd its fenetions will jhe called into play. th sénate was vied for mn the celebrated Hay Pani of geeral arbitration leaused the Bilure of that convention it ander the Knox Pryce treaty the sen fo have a hand in the ! aation of the pact and will be in the provision machinery| which makes given fier! at arbitration ym a gave her name as "No one is --rrid about me," 3 b Ze » ing , wo © might as well take a. charge of attempting ad social affairs, left. Brockton, a fraudulent cheque on Pplice hy, twenty-one years ago. charging embezzlement , found behind a extend] the life of th Kaely yesterday a warrant was ser room of the Per and "od on Sheldon, charging thal seenred at that time, in still of cocks and bonds valued at $1,100, in The hands of the local officers, who | since Robinson's departure have heard phe! Me Ada, from the man but once ; was located in Rhode Island, but the wmachioery er could be started ted Jia had ad disappeared. . Government Of Officer Dead. Marek 30. -- heard { helen Mughy, wssistant collector of ! oustoms. at Summerside, dropped while at work jn his office, vesterday. been in his usual good Heart Juihice was as the at of wer Yeathal ge bw She tallies with the dese wiption of the woman who last The information was made with whom Sheldon re han a Rochester ahout a eck, ivi 'wife of a man who pows ns , gave warning to 0 lawless ole by guid that Pe heldon got the 'stocks and ment by sending make an invest It was found that he converted | tthe stocks and bonds to Ms own ase. Sheldon was committed to jail for , Saturday morning. on, in an interview, dead his troubles on the Montreat - He declared § they had Jet "with attempting to extort money by hin ote. he would have heen floing i --na di rr the local police iy ill attempt suicide, man thanked the King, who is held in Syrecase on the same | Co snvant, to six "1 don't often get a chaove! : Walter Core. Forest, . falling from' the mow Chinaman Extorted Money. ced tally injured by f Ister the man received ata X en Praed king's handwriting, giv- his house rent free for the the en ¥ Ro, a al Ladies' fine shoes, prices. Dutton's, rat variety, low 209 Princess trent. Easter post cands from eight for Je College Bonk Store, It is expected that Hoo. R. L. Bor will remain leader of the copmerva- are rumors of fighting in Amur" w-countrymef in all of - King Tung will be placed . on ee Cn ii i st May Bay Out Railway. March 30-2 At the rweting of the laciary sites commitien a of the Lirenier (Migws Association, N sachaon, the chairman, will ntrodue for disenssion a most important ques tiom- that of the franchise of the On taws electrs railway He will urge the advisability of th now either anchise held pany or buys it out. The pohise of the Mitaws " alectrie rail iway eszaren in 1920, pine years henee. ar A Toronto coal desler charges mem- the bers of the Board of Education with for taking commissions on coal contracts Frenchman, Bario | vears for manslaugh- ter, by killing = friend duribg a qoar Provincia! health officers will prevent the pollution of waters by éities and towns on rivers and small lakes The Arnprior council has decided to iprosecute Chief Mattson, the default- ing tax eollector Over 1,000 of latest populer fiction lin cloth covers at 45c. College Book Store § | Women's strong boots, $1.25 and up, Pution's, 200 Princess street, Sous iein ama oust Bt A SS oi ope Gb Aa El 8 1 SS gc pio sn