Whei: The Light Shone By Lawrence Alfred Clay. The fis Pome into port she had hardi wharf befors were riderit hat was still far Joyalts Jempmsts grounds is heir differences and pea, but all iw fe pighted again that all is not A fisherman will Purse, Lthere and that is cowa danger. No schoone man i he is brave crew, The who would go tossed sen is ready ut demand and think | ardice can be overlook man, but not' fisherman landuman cow sults. That of a i a dozen widows phans Fhe hing schooner Laura B., with her milking among ihe and hardships of Vir ng, yuarrels given when No harm . forgive » a blow --maore than tha 5 one thing inference OW mon irddice muy have no re herman mav make Laura B gale and a terrible se do not select their own taking hi trfck at the ung George Shaw looked behind him and racing down VOTE he weather, fishermen W hile wheel y¢ mountainous vl] sight helmsman howling fies it seen the same held fast, but Fisherman do the eve cannot teveor Shaw left peconds the schooner w a wreck had hand to jump te and hold on for when the amt his the foam. It the staunch Was there a to Shaw ? Naot a teproois captain hipmates Nat Did the seek to explay realized would be looked upon a cowardly act 7 He did not syllable He knew that could utter would he had been marked That settled it felt an outlaw. to him, but away. They did not look into his face when they spoke. Among themselves they said they would keep th and--was it the gull carried it froth house to house reached ? High up on the hill was the of the Widow Larkins, Her and his schooner had been lost such a. gale when homecoming, per haps from some act of cowardice. Jen nie Larkins, her handsome daughter, could row or sail a boat, nd fisherman's daughte., had a con tempt for a man who Hinched when gale and sea demanded wrecks ved lives. It was known that Georg Shaw was her accepted lover. Would she excuse and forgive, asked tho who whispered. Would the lover at the house and explain? No! She didn't look for he come she wouhl have surprised. He didn't think o On landing he took the (ralles six miles wave n the frightenad peril, many but has here and ray gale ning sea magni ten % OVer Fhe man sid { thing often thi ime he flinched enough an not want explanations With a shout { wheel. In tid have the not. the mw y the the waters ole thandoned hfe © wester float was 1 eraft won th rm curse wd man what iter word thrown for minute (wa down In His thers coward he spoke drawing ten shipn was a ate eorat, that when port wa tage husband mn jist as v whe i eall him beer his home, dent was rebated to his plain, straight way. They pathy of the bond, their heads and sighed. A month passed, and came the great membered In have grown to he It came out of the fiends. It uprooted trees great patches of fo the ing sea and carried them inland a mile. Oh, the greed of that Thirty-five schooners amd were a part sacrihee After the gale od for eight hours and still howling George Shaw went down to the port Almost the first thing he heard was that ane of the lightkeepers on Tomp king' Point was in the to return, and that the other amd telephoning for was known to Shaw, of wire that children 1 gale men east like howling great and un from rag for gale ! their crews of the had rage forty was while was 11 he may and wver the line broken ar town, wy bal help which might be Nerves Are Exhausted And Nervous Prostration Par. alysis Are Creeping Steadily Upon You. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. You bear of people suddenly falling victims of nervous prostration or some form of paralysis But when you get all the facts of the case you tind that they have had mouths years of warning. They haven't slept well been frequent attacks of headache. Digestion bas failed have been irritable, easily and excited and have found and concentration failing. Had they but known that these symptoms tell of exhausted nerves or had they realized their danger they would have restored the feeble, wast- ed nerves by use of such treatment as Dr: Chase's Nerve Food. This great restorative treatment Srey by forming new, rich blood and by 'rebuilding the wasted nerve colls No medicine is more Stale to prove beneficial, for each dose adds to the system a certain amount of vich, red 'blood. or wr There Rag nervous They worried memory Nervous diseases come on slowly and ean only be overcome by patient and Prevention i the systom high Mag sy! at waler mark 1b Nerve Food at the of trouble. B0c. a box, 6 $3.50; at all dealers or Ed- Teronto, ~ manson, Bates & Co, A SCENE FROM "THE Rd ISARY," MARCH THE PATLY RRITISH WRIG, THURSDAY. Tr -- I iT THE GRAND ON FRIDAY, RINT. ing nust the nore Oe A was beaten back. Then she elophone wart ibe OMG at re of ships ind men NAY at aed we sen elbow and did not spe was inl the then lantern m house was shining of troubled sea The landing. man's life had been saved man who had once Jost the eve intl wottay hts the a mug over boot i redeemed himsell in men. f oi the girl who w his bride. an ; ---------------- Liverpool! Post > solemnle, bu w rhe hed course stlently, observant. Their marked by sears amd gash turfi At length he vents tative remark: "Yell be a to these parts maybe ** Well, not Whirr-whire swash ! And o gash appeared as a lamp of ed aloft, and came away. "You see," the ad, "l.wax barn here, AWAY many years are buried herenbouts." "1 doot ye'll no' go deep qe tl exacth All now vour, driver," remarked twenty the caddie followed Lim an = in down fifty golfer but Li} the ped better, tak' jour on," away Tight mile as to bw The Caddie's Advice, wind th t Bot un ind was the on a ten strange siranger ne mors tari soar vards conclod ave beer my folks eno' with caddie, ¢ tis done !} The. Quickest, Simplest Several BUDGET FROM VERONA, Village " Changed Properties Hands Budget From Stella Cough Cure Easity and Cheaply Made at] Home, Saves You $2. elf This recipe makes 16 ounces of cough syrup--enough to last a family a long time. You couldn't buy as much or as good cough syrup for $2.50 Stmple as it is, it gives almost in stant relief and usually stops the most obstinate cough in 24 hours. This is partly. due to the faet that it is slightly laxative, stimulates the appetite and has an excellent tonic affect. It is pleasant to take---chil- dren like it. An excellent remedy, too, for whooping cough, sore lungs, asthma, throat troubles, ete. ' Mix 2 cups of granulated sugar with with one cup of warm water and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2% ounces of Pinex (50 cents" worth) in a 16 os. bot- tle and add the Sugar Syrup. it Keeps perfectly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. Pine is one of the oldest and best known remedial agents for the throat membranes. Pinex is the most valu able concentrated compound of Nor way white pine extract, and is rich in guiaicol and all the other natural gealing elements. Other preparations will not work iu this formula The prompt results from this rec- "Jipe have endeared it to thousands of hdusewives in the United States and Capada, which explains' why the plan has been imitated often, but aever successiuily A guarantee of absclute satisfaction, money promptly refunded. goes -~ this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or will get it for you. If net, Send to The Ploex Co, Toreate, Out. -- Have MARC Letters to Housewives No. 1 Learn the secret of mak- ing the dirtiest dirt get rid of itself. Watch the advertisements on this page this week Your curiosity will be well rewarded. The most disagreeable of your housework will be done for you. Such as cleansing and disinfecting the kitchen sink and drain- pipes, for instance, and re- moving one of the most fre- quent sources of disease. Look for To-morrow's Ad. H 30, if11. Letters to Housewives Neo. 3 You'd welcome anything that would make it easier to get the floors really clean. Letters to Housewives No. 2 "Why is it you don't like dish-washing ? China and glass-ware are easy enough to wash and are. Something that would make less rubbing and scrubbing necessary. Something that, added to the water, made the dirt literally "melt away." You can get it. Look for To-morrow's-Ad. But the dirty, greasy pots and pans--ugh! If you only had something in the ho that would clecn them for yvou-- That would be a great boon, wouldn't it? Look for To-morrow's Ad. PAGE SEVEN. po 4 Letters to Housewives No. 4 Are you sometimes both- ered with roaches, rats, mice, bugs, beetles and so forth? Hard to get at, and hard togetridof aren't they? This dirt-destroyer we are telling - you about will kill them --sure, quickly. It also has many other special uses such as remov- ing stains from the closet and disinfecting it. And for cleansing and purifying . milk cans and utensils. Or for entirely removing old paint. Or for use instead of washing soda. Look for To-morrow's Ad. 4 rood Fails Parham Reports ts + Wher: lew da hotel « ooeupy resent Mr he Mrs. cMahon's, ( anid homas Bertram ew Ont ere Mr Dave re Mrs 0, ¥ tors araville vi ol and Mrs. Roy Wag nd Miss Ely, teacher Miss Myrtle Smith Mrs. D Stewart ho Lake, 2's Mr at Coon] Her A.W ery spent § Dexter Uronk's, Long Lake 0" A Smith and Miss Fllen have returned from Westbrooke Miss Maggie of Fish 'Creek, visited last week Mrs h her saster, LPR. fellows ar Wrs. | day last at Steele Barr's Dresden, Wagar the at CO rown, Mrs. A. ( visited " Dir sh on wit : y Spanke, last week Crow Lake Departures. Lake, March I he well filled Sanday to hear the very impressise sermons preached by Rev. A. W. Stewart Quite a number have tapped then maples but the cold weather has sto ped the fow of sap A wide circle of friends regret the departure of Mr and Mrs. Middleton, also Mr. and Mrs. 8 Rennady, who left for | Shep pard. John Romdle, of in vigiting friends here. El Rarker and mother, of Fish Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. W. IL. Baker. of Sharbot Lake, Mr. and Mrs. DB. Stafford, of Bob's Lake, at J. W. Knapp's. Miss Alice Orford, of Sharbot Take, al James Hawler's: F. Whitmarsh, of West port, has bought 4 wember of cows in this place. Frederick Hannah, of tolmgbrooke, at BR Jones'. E. Rev- Verey Kuapp. st Jobn Xr. asd Nillism Bey: "eal, Crow ax. school house was on = Thessulion, at! 1 TRS st PITRRIRG ¢ TINSMITH and PLUMBING § W. C. BENNETT, for OUR BEAVER BRAND Flour is unexcelled for bread toLn Price is moderate, A. MACLEAN, Outario Bfraet Forem 8 J Horse Highest Grades GASOLINR COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROXPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets, Toye's Bullding. tion' P hn 1033, TTTVLVVVTVALVVV RTRSY ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ' K PICTURE FRAMING. We do high-class Picture amine at reasonable prices variety of mouldings from Regilding a WEESE & CO, Wallpaper. Tomomow A. M. too late. Take a CASCARET at bed time; get | Ing at 30c BIBEY 8 CAR STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 2u1 % Wood, Lumber, Shingles § ° Honest Measurement Prices, N. JACKSON, PLACE DARMES, Residence, 280 Ragot Street 'Phone No. 101% Sesccccescccccsccerecs OUR CONSIGNMENT Of Green and Black Teas from Cey lon have arrived Though prices are much higher, we are still sell- per ib ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. up in the moming feeling fine and dandy. No need for sickness from over-eating and drink- ing. They surely work while you sleep and help nature help you. Millions take them and keep well CASCARETS oc 's box for a week's treatment, all druggists. Biggest seiler fa the world. Million boxes a month. WHEN SALES NEGOTI aTHD. 'Phone 286. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | FOR SALE OR TO RENT RENTS COLLECTED. ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL -- E.Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK MARKET KINGSTON, SQUARE, ONT. -- ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to sent you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality of the Flour, * ¢ 0 "il what <) v Manufactured by the Map Lear Mili Go, Branch Office, Ontario Stree | Kingston. | Telephone $56. * Mine A = nolds with his parents Gendron, as 1. Bains Mian Shellington, of Cole Lake, =t sister's, Mrs. William Anderson's. hig assessor, has made his aupual = a ti San Just received a shipment % , of Girls' School Boots, sev- > eral kinds in tho lot, Just you need for this {time of year, ~All Good and Strong We are going to sell them at $1.50 'H. JENNINGS, .c, Sizes 11 to 2. KING