5 THE CANADA METAL 60., LTD, ee pas C0000 TRIN0O0000OTR00000000000000000000 We Manufacture PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES | Write for Prices. TORONTO NA-DRU-CO Headache Walers ( icp the meanest, nastiest, most persistent headaches in haif an hour or less. We guarantee that they contain no opium, morphine or other poisonous drugs. 25¢. a box at your druggists', or by mai! from Natioas! Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited, 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE 9 EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essential of a food product, is Purity ; the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have never been questioned. $ Onc make a comparison with other Sugars and you will not be satisfied with any but Redpath. Dainty Tea Tables are always served with PARIS LUMPS te be had in RED Skat dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Com MONTREAL, CANADA. Established in 1834 by John Red WHO PAYS THE DUTY? You or our foreign' compet: You pay. About that there is no room for doubt. And it's more than likely you be- lieve in the necessity of Le tariff. But--of what earthly good is it if . you pay the duty ? The foreigner laughs at duties im oséd by our government as long as you are wil ling: to cash up. Take beer, for instance. The Famous National Drink is the purest and best beer brewed on this continent. The formula and entire process oi brewing 'Salvador " is a secret and absolutely controlled, on this side of the Atlantic, hy Rein bardts' of Toronto. Beer, almost as good as "Salvador," is brewed by the big Ameri- can bréwers aml sold in the States at exactly the same price as "Salvador" in Canada. But---=when you order an American beer in Canada there's 349% exira fo pay--ihe duly--plus extra freight charges. Is it rational to pay that duty--when you can get a befter beer at the normal price' "Salvador" beer 1s rich in flavor, spark- with invigorating properties. 2619 spp REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO LOCAL AGENT, E. BEAUPRE, Telephone NZINE What KLENZINE means to. the KLENZINE MAID- Housework made easy la - - MOQDY aed | piptee MAID. --* See that packageof Kiensine, Postie. That's | Jive ronson. Micresmbought it yes- if terday and. it works like magic. Look at the polish on that window. 1 dd er If you see any of the maids | NE simply banishes drudgery. Its Compound Ammosia cleaning power deed mos of the work 2d reget 4 Mr. and Mrs, George Frane have ds ' THE DAILY BRITIS m---------------------- WHAT WHIG CORI CORRESPOXDENTS | TELL US. The Tidings From Varjous Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Doing and What They are Saying. Elginburg Items, Elginburg, March 30.--Miss L, Tolls is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Dav, Sydenham. Miss Emberly, Harrow- smith, spent a week at (. Fraser's. Mrs. UC. Smith has returned after visit- ing at Glenvale. Mrs. C, Hawkey returned to Mount Chesney. Visstos: Miss Mabel McRory, Sydenham, at W. Lawson's; Dr. A. Letherland and wife, ! at |. Letherland's, ----p-------- Bath Tidings. March 30. --William Tuckett, had a stroke of paralysis last is slowly improving. The ice in bay here is quite unsafe for driv- Miss Netue Glass, of Trenton, is | wistting at Norman Rikley's, Dr. Nel {son is speedily recovering. Mrs. A. {Irish is able to be around again. {George Bristow moved last week inw | the house owned by Mrs, Hogle. Bath, who week, the ng i | Married at Tamworth, Famworth, March 30.--Stanley Cars- callen, of Cobalt, was here on Monday jand Tuesday last. A pretty wedding took place at St. Andrew's Presbyter- {ian wmanse, Tamworth, when Albert Whiteman of Marlbank, and Miss [ Norah McAdams, of the township of { Shetheld, were united in marriage by jRev. J. K. Henry, B.A. The bride was beautifully gowned in white silk. | Nelson Frizzell was best man and Miss { Silma McAdams was bridesmaid, Mrs, {James Milligan, aged _ninety-six, is { very poorly. | | i Moscow Jottings. | Moscow, March 29.--William Close {has moved to his farm at Moscow, which he recently bought from F. P. Johnston. Mr, Johnston has moved to the house opposite the store. Stan lev Sproule returned to his home in Belleville on Monday. Dr. A. M. Bell, of Toronto, was called to the bedside of his brother, John, who has been seriously ill. Mrs. William Allen is also under the doctor's care. Quite a number from bere attended the recipro- city meeting in Napanee on Saturday. Maxwell Hudgens is the proud father of a baby boy. At Dead Creek. Dead Creek, March 29 --L umbering | has been stopped since the heavy rain. J. A. Newton's mill yard is erowded with logs. J. D. Vandewater is talk- ing of buying the hotel at Kaladar. for a handsome sum. Rev. Mr. Gar rett re-organi the Methodist Sun- day school last Sunday. Alford Arney has gone to work in Kingston. Some of the people are making maple sugar. re turned to Toronto, after spending the winter here. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs, Selon Bennett, Arden, at her father's, . Loyst; Mrs. E. Delive, at J. New- Ped Heary Barker is on the sick hist. Harlowe Personals. Harlowe, March 25.~Most of the farmers have tapped their maples. Mal colm Thompson made a business trip to Ardendale. Oris Cole made a trip to Cloyne. Most of the people have been getting out ice for the M. church, Casber Thompson and Martin Neal left, yesterday, for Baskatchewan, Harold Neal leaves to-day for Water town. Mrs, C. Bott has returned home from Cobalt. Miss Sadie Scott enter- tained a few friends, Saturday even ing. Visitors: Miss Dora Spicer at her grandfather's, Oris Cole; Frank Thompson at C. Thompson's; Miss Net- tie Campbell is the guest of 'her friend, Miss Lulu Pyke. George Bradshaw at C. Hilher's, Married at Flower, Flower, March 28.--Hemry gal and Miss Annie McLaren, frew, were married at Stephen Gonegal"s, on March 16th, by Rev, Mr. Malcolm, of Poland. The bride was su rted by Miss Maggie Revell, while William Easton acted as grooms- man. The bride received many pretty and useful presents. Mrs. Robert Cameron and Mrs. Samuel Cameron attended the funeral of their brother, Benjamin Avery, at McDonald's Corpers, on Saturaay, March 15th. Mr. and Mrs. John Clos made a trip to Barryvale, this week. Robert Closs leaves for Midland, Mich. on Monday to remain for some time. Wedding at Sharpton. Sharpton, March 30.--The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bab cock was the scene of a pretty' wed- ding, Monday morning, when their eld- est daughter, Miss Fannie Maude, was united in marriage to Walter P. W. Brown, a prosperous young farmer of Wilton, and a former student of Al bert College, Belleville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. of Picton. The bride was attired in a McG one- of Ren- Me: illiams is making pre] erecting 'a new re: iss day at her home in Marysville, re] cently. Camden FEasi cheese factory open for the season on April 3rd. J. W. Curl attended the funeral of his cousin, the late Joon Curl, of Glen- vale, last week. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: has 1 3. Orey Loyst sold his two-year-old colt |, tions for A. Martin, teacher, spent a Sun-| SATURDAY, ALR 1, EE H WHIG, and Mrs, Ir spent Sundav a awd Mrs. R. i Gi. Thompson's; Coulter's; Master o ames Stancheomb 's: and Mrs. W, Robison at William Mill Mrs. H. Drew and Mrs. G, Drew. ur (pulter's; Frank Stinchcomb Miss Bessie Haves at ber os Parker; H. Dawson | at Norman _ MoCrim { mons: r. Vealy at his daughter's, | Mrs. G, Asselsting; Rov Barr made a frp to Wagarville on Sanday, Mr g Lake, i Price ws; Mr, Miss Hill a x at Re Parker at Ors © Smit La Coulter Mire. lors: at Arh at home; i juncle's, | spent Sangster Personals, | Sangster, March 2%. --Fhe sale at T. f Barmett's s on the 20th was well attend NM. J. Dalv sold a colt te M. Te { han, Canoe Lake, for a fancy price Mrs, James O'Connor has returned af er a yn hy visit with her daughter, Mrs. T. (rolden, of Norwood, N.Y. Mrs M. J. Cochrane iz home from Oates, where she speat the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson arrived home after an extended honeymoon. Visitors James' and Nellie Barvett at P. Cor coran's; Mise Rose Young at P. 0'Can- nor's; Mr. and Mys. James O'Connor, Cole Lake, at T. Young's; Thomas Bar fret at Thomas Cotler's, Cole Lake: M. O'Copnor and M. Daley at West port on Monday; Mrs, George Padget at J. Sheehan's; Miss Eliza Scott at F. Riley's; J, Conway at James (¥Connor's; Terry" O'Connor at! Baboodk's. At Rideau Lake. Rideau Lake, March 30.--W_ Breen is drawing hay to Westport, M. Atche son and J. E. Mulville, are operating a sawing machine. The people of this | vicinity are pleased to hear of the tele phone line being run through. Thomas Breen went to the Hotel Dieu, Kings ton, on - Wednesday last, for medical treatment. He was accompanied by his mother, who returned on Satur day: Mr. and Mrs. E. Myers have re turped from Havelock after spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs Harrison Wing. Visitors: Frank Lynth, Butte, Mont., and P. J. Ryan, Newboro, at Jeremizh Donaghue's: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fredenburgh, at J. D. Cameron's. Oliver Orser, at James Saunders'; Mrs. Terrence Scan- lan, - at her daughter's, Mrs. Sullivan, Flgin; * Mrs. John Centreville, at Peter Welsh"s; Miss | Henrietta Goodfellow and brother, | Davad, at L. B. Bateman's; Katie and Lorretta Donaghue and brother, John, at Jeremiah Breen's Wallace Palmer, at Samuel Bresee's. John Walsh, | Misses At Long Point. i i | 1, i! Marshall Long Point, March 28. Nre. Rich ard Singleton + spent last week in Lyndhurst with her sister, Mrs. I. Sheffield, who 'is very ill. Miss Made line (¥Connor visited at Sand Bay last | |week. Miss Katie E. Bass, of Weston, Omt., is visiting in this neighborhood. The sawing machine $s in this neigh- borhood. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Sykes, a daughter, on March 16th. | Miss Agnes Sinical, of Newark, N.J f is visitng her friend, Miss Madeline O'Connor. Miss Vernon Coon and Mr. Dunn, of Sweet's Corners, visited at Mrs. Susan. Seabrook's - on Tuesday. John Sykes held his milk meeting on Tuesday evenin:. ' Miss Isabel Egan, Sweet's Corners, spent the week-end with Miss M. O0'Commor. Recent visi- tors: Charles Slack, Charleston, at | Frank Slack's; Mr, and Mrs. Darwin | Cross, of Lansdowne, at Mrs. = Burns': Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh, Char leston, at Frank Slack's, and Arthur Slack's; Mr. and Mrs, Wilham Griffin Marble Rock, at Henry Bevin's; J. Me Donald, Miss H. McNally, Sand Bay, | A. E. Donnelly, Pittsburg, Mrs. M. J Kavanagh, Charleston, at ©. 0'Con nor's; J. Moneta; Sweet's Corners, at John Moorkead's. Clever Fat Men. It is frequently averred that fat deadening to the brain, and quently a foe to intellectual activity But is this so? Some of the greatest men the world has ever known were plump even to obesity. Napoleon was decidedly embonpoint. Dr. Johuson was fleshy even to flabbi ness. So was his biographi al shadow, Boswell. Balzac, the great Freach novelist, was s0 stout that it was a day's exercise to walk around him, and he was encircled with bandages as if he were a hogshead. Rosini, the composer, was a regular Jumbo, since for six years bb never saw his knees. Jules Janin, the prince of writics, broke every sofa he ever sat down up- on. Lablathe, the great singer, was charged three fares when he travelled. Dumas pere was stout, and Sainte Beuve carried the stomach of a Fal- stall, as Renan does now. Eugene Sue bad such aversion to his growing cor pulency that he drank vinegar to keep it down, and yet he wrote "The Wan- dering Jew." A man 3s not necessarily fat-witted because he has a boundless stomach. Stole Murderer's. Body. An aged resident of the city recalls an execution witich he witnessed here many years ago of a man who was jaeptenced to be banged lor. beating a girl to death with aclub. The man was 80 ignorant: that he had taught "The Lord's Prayer" id by the minister. His father ard wother visited nm in nis cell just before be was taken to die and his father said : "Where did you leave the cross-cut saw ? 1 have not been able to find it since you left." After the execution the body was placed in the coffin and the old con i ple started with it for their home away back in the weods. When quite a distance fram the city they stop- ped at = wayside inn to get warm, as they were nearly frozen with cold. While they ware inside students stole the corpse and it. was never found. is conse to on the "took the op ride, Hoos went be 1911. Hayslill ip Health Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan- druff and invigorates the Scalp --Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its falling out. Isnot a dye. © $1.00 and She at receipt of price and & REFUSE ALL "SUBSTITUTES Jas. Silverwear Let us have it to replate. the time; also Nickel Plating and Electro Pl tr of all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, ete. We guarantee a good job. PARTRIDGE & SONS KING STREET WEST, "Phone 380. Now 1s B. McLeod, Agent PAGE FLEVEN. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSU RANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATES E.Blake Thompson, : OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. "Phone 286. KET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. Serer YO OCC ov oe ae WHEN YOU REQUIRE A Telephone 35. Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, or Hot Water Heating Done CAL _Elliott Bros. ATTENTION RV Plumbing ; L UP 77 Princess Street. 6 MEEARGAREERIAEIERIIEETE All orders Prompliy 3 attended to. Yes,I wear a BUCKLEY, 4 the hat with a A) real guarantee! i a ar a \ Every man who recog- nizes the importance of being well-dressed - will surely weleome the announcement of the Buckley Hat guarantee. you may figure s life of your hat as four months at least; this guarantee, ed you wear the tional hat outlay By reason of afely on the No ot ' Buckley. -the guarantee chunance proy 1d- addi treats vou to a new hat if the Buckley vou buy to-day isn't perfectly good four months hence. Even accident for in this all-embracing Buck- No matter how badly a Buckley hat is damaged non remains but label and the guarantee slip-- will entitle provided the date on the guarantee shows the hat been less lev guarantee. --if these a new HE lone hat, to have months in use. But it's not feature alone duce vou to select There's another in hat selection about as import- ant as quality. ain the There ag Buckley claims vour serious con- sideration. Al- though English in the that vital feature is provided meke, these American graceful, YOu never the In bot il you to others. with h have the rant the of their leading Other hats faction--the must. chest than four guarantee should nt the Buckley. hat is just style hats ne 8 nore ye! mate Fi ul manship, the Bu U NION MADE, wed real Ta Ke Hops a are built on and © mors becoming lines, a hat. in Saw WOrK- i$ S did and klev excel and fe i, fhe 5 {to war- nt all grade 1 them giara : ¥-3 SO Rai at 50. re t = sat1s- simply nav Tv Buckley Costs You Nothing to Test Psychine We'll buy a 50c. bottle from your druggist and give it to you free to prove This is a hopeless, cold world to many. "A vale of tears" in very truth sickness, suffering, sorrow. And sickness is the chuse of most of the misery Now a good many people accept sickness as something that has to de a visitation. They may make ineffectual attempts to eure themselves, but they don't get well. Now we want such hopeless ones fo let us buy for them a S0cent bottle of Psychine from their druggist, which we'll give them free of charge to let them know that there is at least one preparation that is hope for the hope less, that will surely beselit them. EF | We've Deen making and selling Pyychine for the third of a century. We have sold many millions of bottles in that time. Paychine has cured many hundreds of thousands of hopeless cases We have received hundreds of thou- sands of uprselicited testimonials Psychine has proven itself to be the ) most remarkable preparation far the cure of disease. Now Psychine's power comes from its ingredients. is made from herds Ere And the herds from which Psychine is made are beneficial to the body be cause they increase the number and strength of the white corpuscles of the: bleed ,or the phagocytes, which devour every germ of disease that finds entragoes 10 the body. That's why Psychine cures whera other old time remedies fail That's why Psychine has stood the test of time for the third of a century. That's why we can afford to buy and give away hundreds of thousands of 60cent battles. Now Psychine is indicated in the following diseases Read this lst carefully and then fill out and mall us the Coupon without delay. Weak Langs La Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhages Sore Throat Ansenuia s Now, we dont ask you to take eur; word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Peychine. Fill out the coupon below, 1 it to us and well give an order (for which we price) for S0-cent hottle of Psyching to be to you free of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and dle tribute in this manner hundreds of thousands of theses S0-cent bottles of Paychine And we do that to show ogyr entird confidence in this wonderful prepara tion, A confidence thal has been based on our 20 years' experience with this splendid preparatioh, wis a full know. ledge of the hundreds ¢f de of cures ii has made. [ COUPON No. 9. To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Led 193-195 Spadina Ave, Sorutus Pe ops at facts 9 i a red . ps Bi date me? en to By Nama. oorannsern Town ld