THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, mn ESDAY, PAGE FOUR LL teas may look alike to you--but the difference in Red Rose Tea is in the taste and the smell. Another marked difference is the agreeable strength that puts real quality in the cup with less tea in the pot. Will you try it. TEETER NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend it HAIR SOFT AS SILK. New Scientific: druff soit, It is a epted fact, that dandeufi it Ne a germ bait would stop med th % vill thicken Herpicide kills the dandruff germ but naKes soft Germs, and Makes y proven germ disease; wed | Wr hair ost delightful hair scalp and are an sls it dresming made from dapdrafi and keeps it clean healt Itching and irritation instantly ed amd permanmmthy od, TH withing Wake no ride Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The [lerpicide Ca.., Detroit, Mich. #1 bottles guaran- teed.. James B. MolLeod, druggist, epecial agent, Kingston, Ont. hy cur ar good." for Herpi relies just Ask were's substitinte We Manufacture Sash, Doors PORCH COLUMNS, STORE FRONTS, MOULDINGS, Ete, tn on ---------------------- 5. ANGLIN & C0. Manufacturers of Fine Wood- work, WELLINGTON ST. NORTH. : : : : The great Uterine Tonic, and jenly safe effectual Monthly Itegulator on which women can = depend. Sold in three SET mt of strength--No. 1, .) 10 degrees stronger, $3; 5 < for Hocial ph per box. Bold all druggists, or sent Be paid on receipt of price. ree pamphlet. dross ¢ Fn Coox Msmbive Co. Toaonto, Ont. Go 4 ¥ REFS Ac You Going Away ? If so, 1 will cash price for and Household comm on, no trouble g Headquarters for Antique Furniture Big stock, and svariety now on hand for your selection. L. LESSES, Cor, Princess and Chatham Sts. BEC IISIIAISIIIOR > pay the highest your Furniture Effects No walt, no 5 Light on a Dark Subject COAL of course. A universal fuel derived from prehistoric vegela- tion--about 85 per cent. carbon-varying in color from brown to black. Coals have all been classified and only the grades known to best for heating find their here. Try our black carbon--no- prehistoric about its ty--it's this year's' { jhe, | ireasures, { and | were not employed upon it employee, i Treatment Kills Dan ception Hair swonld p ing the I= e § IH} Er 78th YEAR RrI1SH WHIG, published at rest; 1 ngston, Ontario, Rr gry | o'clock WEE Tr BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages. biished rts on Monday snd rafay val at 51 a Fear To United tates, charge for postage had Ie Fors making price of Daily $3 T Year. Atiached ched'la one of |THE WHIG, DAILY B i 308 310 King St. at §8 per ¥ year. e best Job Print- = tylish, ing Jtiem work; nine taprov The British Whig Publishing G, Li, J. G. Elllett, President, Leman A. Guild, See.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE. a 13.2 and 20 Queen City Cham- urch Bt, Toronta, H BB fipet ce, iP representative. Daily Wana. SCALS AT WORK tate laments the RA York ins New of priceless books god manuscripts. 8 loss, by state library, containing many Iho building was supposed to be fire proof, and to it were committed many But the object of the build rs, and of the people as well, was de- ted when the grafters to work; edifice that was to cost $4. got the 0060 000, actually The roll eoniained the names of men was scandalousiy defective pay who esiling ste! the replacement of it g wug by oe of carved oak, and one day an walking over the - rafters, panel, and that Fraud put his foot through t i a then was discovered paper mache had been used and de marked progress of And ngw Gt learned that Nol false the ) events 1. the state, in pirit economy, the destruction Am- books Will the Will .they ever a is without any insurance on cap- wad that with its Oo of the finest libraries in 8 one enca, library containing whic people never g ape fre of them, in t 1 be replaced vt 1 cannot wise ? Phihstines whos for unwavering * es m the © pur suit he quest spoils, is persistent and Ontar 10 had its experience with regand to a selon of fell Ite of the supphied fire and its vapvs, When a the parliament buildings library was affected Some nissing records have been from other public libraries, and from a bwkd- he upon some private libraries, and ing, absolutely fireproof, may now secured. A good deal depends the men who have the the any that have pres atled geross the border supervision structure, and Ontario has not time been subject to the rasealities THE WHITNEY BLUNDER. MacKay of Ontario, Mr tour will go on an extended and will discuss ciprocity as he is capable of doing it. this ject in the ablest deliverance of the Kee His speech upon sul Jevislature was the of the James Whitney, kind. argue. All greatness, pe session, far surpassing that which was of Sir He this If he reasoned SIr James does he an evi- wsunl oracular not pretent to scolds, shouts, he 1s of his Sheers noe hike ot ely, calmly and dispassion be himself. He pedestal on her men, he would not full off the hich which his friends have perched him. The reciprocity issue is, a federal one, at 2.30 and {4 cost $25,000,000, aud | at | | rate." said Ihe engineers have made gh and borings on what thorough survey I have described as the Jordan route It is possible to construct this route but it will include something that wil startle the ordinary individual i Le idea in the minds of the engineering at were adopted to do away all bat This would a lift at each place of over 150 feet Mr. Weller and the chief engineers say that is practicable. At fir a layman, 1 hesitated but | am assured that staff present would be, 'ii that rout# with two lifts. mean | i i t thougnut, to below £8 # from How- it an engineering standpoint it is was, before 1t ver is adopted we {i get} make a closer investigation, and i The lift has hitherto is 65 leet, the best advice we can." at Peterboro, whien been tne world's wonders, proposed on the Welland This would bs but jane of | and the one jwill be twice as high. it Lhe the ca- a stupendous undertaking, any more than used on of the facilitated. would not cost {twenty-six locks now inal and the navigation | would be immeasurably canal of will the old {would be preserved, canal, It i sential to the success of the town course In any case, would be # ne fi located along the canal. Mr. McColl, a practical man and a imember of the commons, questioned | the wisdom of deepening the Welland |} canal beyond twenty feet. Every foot | teyond the fourteen feet, (the present |' depth), would mean an expenditure of | $10,000,000, Thus six feet of . $60,000 000, Lawrence represent an outlay and unless | the St canals were cores { rondingly deepened the trade would ols in the Nr { that Frie canai. Graham's to show | had {trade via the Erie | When finished, at | 000,000, the Erie canal would not | reply was Canada no fear of losing canal at Oswego. | a cost of over 3100 { deeper than the Welland canal He had The gram could atl pre- sent, assurafice, | | oer, | { that be carried to} tran as cheaply could be Montreal. "In othm "if the Welland canat | to the and deepest ithe foot of Lake Ontario and | hipped as at carried to words," said he, were deepened accommodate ves! largest draught to Prescott of the Il. ke, !! then the cargo.could be taken ler Kingston at the foot and taken higher, through our present canals The the rate would not be any transhipped. barges down and possibly not: as high as if w en | i lurged these canals and occupied lic ser and more expensive vessels for a greater length of time going at slower rate, to say nothing of the dor: i gers that attend large vessels being We had that | i for long distances dle, but return cargoes canaled this year a rate of to were taken at a very He added that he had considering the deepening of the canal | Am- to] bea i | was owing which | actually small | been to twenty-five fect because the ericans had deepened the Sault and the entrance to and that they the deepening of all their | twentv:-hve feet, the templated Detroit river; con- and really does not concern the legis the Whitney it, and Mr. MacKay explaining his views, lature ut has adopted is warranted in and incidentally the local government must suffer. It will lose equence; perhaps a few lose its ma- The are disturbpd over the sit the that reciprocity in natural it will jority and get its just deserts rural voters They number, uation are convimead, larg- or be a good Whitney is willing to lead itsell to 4 products, will i them, thing amd the they see, movement tha is against them, in the mtevest Men this of partly politics. are changing their politics on juestion Paty, with end resend they it Some liberals are leav because they are identi- fied the manufacturing tions, are opposed to the trade ag It does not affect them, but fear that something may fol that their party low will. Conservatives are leaving because they that it i he counties See in their interest. ave principally in the . whose members dommate the Let the come persuaded that opposed or bet: ayed by the local gov ernment and anything may happen. The leader of the opposition is lead- the peaple, is not acting defections farmers once they legislature are bymg jog in the education of and the rest will follow DEEPENING OF THE WELLAND. Hanslird gives the discussion occurred in the commons when the minister of railways and canals, the] smooth and 'conciliatory Mr. Graham, | 'made reference to the Welland | He was nsked if there was any inten-! canal. Hin of going on with the improve ment of the canal this year, and ans wered very candidly. There was no provision in the estimates for the canal, and for the neason that the engineers were encountering difficulties, and had to overcome them. Two 'routés were surveyed, each embracing a part of the present canal. A third route tapped Lake Erie about four miles west of Port Colborne, and touched Lake Ontario at Jordan Har bour. The old route was marked by | {quicksands, and the quantities fright. ened the engineers, The examination of the. way still goes 06. government | | cies of the immediate future. pr | seats in con- for rovernment, | associa- | be- | which The idea |}, n was to contemplate the emergen- larger harbours accordingly | ------------ | EDITORIAL NOTES. What is the Board of Education do- | The | iny about school inspection? was discussed some time ago, Must one § matter incidentally, and laid over wait for a new election, before there of the subject ? IS a revival other die- the and hke-minded | | President Diaz is like some He to which . ! will | fe rms he i of Had i some time ago ltators consent re- | has opposed, all them. he been there would not have | a rebellion | been His concessions now | may not be appreciated Mr. Borden will make a tour of Can- North-West, | Good idegy | | | ada, and especially of the {at the close of the | He lable to revise session. i will learn something, and will be amend his policy i He can't and before the next election. get into touch with public opinion. in the library | { : gs i E. Guss Porter, M.P., Belleville, has | been telling his constituents that the that | "will wrest from the hberal party the | parliamentary 'conservatives firmly believe they | | reigms of power at Ottawa in the next election." The average must be an innocent if he accepts the | i talk as gospel. | conservative | | Porter The idea one gets from the talk of the comservative speakers, im explana- [tion of the recent trowble at Ottawa, lis that after each revolt the party is | stronger. May be. Bat it is contrary {to the result punerally in other con- nections. The man whose followers are repeatedly rebelling against his leadership must feel very unsafe aod very uncomfortable. Mr. Sifton's great question is wheth- er reciprocity will tarich both the Un- ited States and the Canadian farmer. Well, 15,000,000 farmers in the United States are sending a delegation to Washington to inform the president that they are opposed to "reciprocity of the jug-handled varieiy." So that it must be for Camada's benefit, and for the bemefit especially of ber far- mers, > The name of the old Allan house. in {of cancer | prevention or | To { has | home sometimes pretty *, 1s different, [certificates Hof | the | niece {the | nice shower bath or plunge | ening instead of having \ copy {was sick for two years with STILL FAR AWAY REPORT oF EXPERT WHO PRESENTED BRITAIN. » L RE- Knowledge is Vague--Cannot That Any Advancement' in Fighting the Disease. London, April 4--A paper has been issued cos report of Dr. Bash sented the British gov second international cancer research held at Paris in tober last. Dr. Bashford apparently loes that much ads was been made, if at ing the dises ase ils but viewed as a whole the be pronounced to h valne. This, it chiefly in th: working and the selection of cussion and experiment Dr. Beshford, in his report, says "The knowledge of cancer is still vague and so ambiguous as to prevented any unanimity even a basis for discussion from being ob tained in many points. In particular the delegates were divided upon fundamental matters as the etiology and on what is and what not the legitimate application of sta tistical methods to the investigation Nex Made is parliaments erument at conference not see an he savs re conference must been would seem, Arrangements for dis- of: some consists subject 80 such 8 A cracked | Welland and the industries that have je the frequency of cancer. While some de legates of high standing advocated | the theory that cancer is of parasitic or infectious nature, others of equal authority in 'the medical world held tenaciously to the contrary view." Dr. Bashford concludes that so long As there is so much divergence of ex pert opinion due to the continued ig norance which prevails it is obviously {hopeless 10 attempt 1 ration al measures and as futil® tc promote an internatic crusade, for reduction against the cancer the Hines orld-wide of the rainst devise ally of are rnvages v hich my acceptance in the which are being waged culosis and leisy DESIRE OF ting cases wars tuber- TRAVELLERS Have YMCA. Privileges in Places They Visit, lhe commercial a hard life. quarters of of road traveller On the his time to-day three and never seeing more than (and he is lucky if he often) it is no wonder past he has been classed tough individual. To-day it The "drummer" of has been replaced by the alert travel ing salesman of today who is on the foad on account of his selling ability e sleeps on trains and in hotels, and bis time 1s spent so much strangers that he finally gets to think that no one cares what becomes of him. Other elasses of men have been provided, for but in the rush the tra- veller has been overlooked. Institu tions have been - erect xd at enormous cost to give employment to the work ing classes, who have their homes, but who do not seem to care for them but the traveller, who bas no home while the road, con sideration. \ traveller cently once 1 month i that the S003 that as m aA old among on receives no in the things would be for the bene I if of travellers in general. "The Y M.C.As in different whick, we isit would be of nefit to if some wld be made whereby we might the pri vileges extended," | In ' reat many instances the bovs do not have anything their | during the evening, although times they might be showing They no place to go, who was mentioned he considered city re a few which cities mate arrangement © hav said to occupy time x few samples night friends and and the result is that they often drift into questionable eom pany. If a couple of dollars a were to he tacked on and YMCA a change ave no vent travellers' we he allowed the I think in a short would be apparent lives of these Think it sid be in afternoon of go to the our the time ir how here is men to blow r hot and Y. M.A and enjoy billiards thers to go poot parlors I'd like to sw thing go and 1 hope the Y M.( men will take hold of it." game of in the ev to the this \ Examination Results. th? Whig coasults, Queen's students mav have {containing the examination mailed to their address anywhere 1 the United Slates or Canada, by leav ing their order at the Whig office Rate, 3c. each, including postage any- where. To make a vou should order now. sure of getting Mrs. John Lawrence, a former resi dent of Brockville, died, at Sombra, {Ont., on Monday. She was eighty-five {years of age BRONGHITIS To Whom it May Concern. May 4, 110%] chronic bronchitis and a consequent run-down jcondition. 1 receiv edy no: benefit from doctors or from a tnp which 1 took for my. health and I had to give wp work. Vinol was recommended . and from the second bottle I commenced to improve--I gained in weight and strength, my bronchial trouble dis appeared, and I am at work again I want to recommend Vino! to amy- one who is in need of such a gordi cine." Thomas Higgins. (We guar antee this testimonial te be geny- ine}. It is the combined action of the cur- ative elements of the cods' liver aided by the blood-making and strength creating properties af tomic iron con- tained in Vinol which makes it so suc cessful in curing bronchitis. ~-Vinol is a comstitutional remedy for chronic coughs, colds bronchitis and pulmonary troubles, mot a palliative like cough syrups. Vino! contains no oil or drugs snd is far more efficacious than coagh mix- tures, because it cures the cause. Try it, Mo you doa't: think it helps you Bluevale, Ont. APRIL 4 have ee 4, 1911, ------------ ' DR. SOPER | | in diseases of Skin Bladder and Special ail- ments of men One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinions and ad- vice. "Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE 86 Toreato Street, Toronte, Ont. Specialists Blood, Nerves, W. P. O'BRIEN, ~ B87 St. Francois Xavics St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long. Disyance Telephone Main 6938 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. | S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, La. | BUY GREAT NORTHERN AT PRE-| SENT PRICES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228. TORONTO, Out. teu , TINSMITH and PLUMBING W. C. BENNETT, Foreman for 8. J. Horse Years aas and Plu Street 5 my cure will receive prompt at- ? tention 'Phone 103% TRVVBTVVLTTV RTL | Eczema is Curable Our Free Every Case Where Fails it is Supplied Cost, In up Remedy | of ay | this statement we ok} promise that if remedy does not substantiate claim in every we without question or quibble, every cent you paid us for take all the risk--you take none J We strongly recommend Rexall Ecz-, ema Ointment, which possesses remark- | able cleansing antiseptic, germicidal, | soothing and ling lities. It with al for aj quickly | maning it with our particular, will, return | it. Wel | emolie ery appheation produces and it a grayish-wi pleasant odor, I'he first refreshing subsides and overcomes the intlamma tion, irritation and when present i It is intended to be applied with piece of muslin or linen, or may | be applied and allowed to dry Ie} affords very relief for pin rations, rin ite . and v cleanly use sense of relief discharge al i in prompt blotches, discol 8, tetter bites, ind wounds Fezema Ointment wtior ot treatment barbers' nettie ra the ire tormented with sk ring Whether it is bare floor, matting or carpet, DUST BANE | carries all sweepings be- fore it, and prevents the, dust from rising. It is real CLEANING, Yours for health. DUSTBANE, | All Grocers. health insurance in HOUSE 8¢!d if money isrequired. Te PLONLD wo nirmoacl [SPRING CLOTHES) Fashion savs that this will be a great season for cheerful clothes- and we believe in fashion, and so provided liberally. When you see the beautiful new color com- binations in our Suits we're sure you'll be pleased with them" Lookers and Buyers are showering us with many compliments. We want vou to see our Suits at $15 and $18 After you have seen them we have nothing to say except this-- match them if yeu can. New Hats Vn a BIBBYS 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. A AA AA Pe AA HANAN New Shirts re A re la FOR SALE BBesz Good Loan Companies' Steck Paying as high as 7 per cent. for years. and Principal safe. I adily Information furnished on request, C. R. WRIGHT, Broker, 124 Crown Life Bldg.; Toronto. PORCUPINE Buy Northern for Great quick profit, | Packed in barrels or kegs for Store, Office or School! ase. SOLD BY W. A. MITCHELL ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send rou drial sack of QUALITY Flour. Ty It and be convinced of the selebrated quality of the Flour. * 4 9» M4nufactured by the 'Maple Leal Milling Go., Branch Office, Ontario Stree. We Manufacture PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES Write for Prices. THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD., TORONTO All women appreciate the charm of dainty and well fitted shoes. In our New Spring styles we are showing an assort- ment that will gratify the most exacting require- ments and at very mode- rate prices.