Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1911, p. 3

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Catharines, or sale at Mahood's Drug Store. PICTURE MING. We do high-class Pleture framing at reasonable prices, A large variety of mouldings to choose from. Regilding a specialty. 3 D. A. WEESE & 00. eo 'Wallpaper. Spring Time Is 'Wiring Time ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN + FREE OF CHARGE. W. A. Spriggs & Co. 167 PRINCESS 'Phone 68. SPIRELLA CORSETS, THE IDEAL BONING. Duplicate Corset free If boning breaks or rusts in one year. A style for, every figure. JRpointments made i by card or 'phone MARGARET DUNNETT, Corsettiere, 106 Wellington Street, "Phone STN, THE CLUB HOTEL WMLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS There are other hotels, but sone approach the Club for homeilke sur roun fn centre of city and ciose to stores and theetre. gos Are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprister. STREET, Near Bagot Custom Tailoring AT. 281 PRINCESS STREET . (above Harrison's), Finest Ladies' and Gentlemen's Custom Talloring guaranteed. Also Riding Habits and Skirts made to order. Your Patronage Welcomed. MR. I. COHEN, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor, 1 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE bead of a family or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter section of avaliable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchew oe Alberta. e applicant must apphar in person a the Ditinton Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for the district. ontry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending holpestesger, uties --8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or vy his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside up. on the homestead or pre-emption months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homeste patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-empti.n may enter for a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price, $3. per acre. Duties--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect ® house worth e000 . W. CORY, . Deputy of the Miniater of the Interto nte Tr. N.B.--Unauthorized publication eof this advertisement will not be paid for A SNAKE FOUND COILED ABOUT A TRAP. High School Puplls Addressed on Missionary Work--Presentation to M. MacDonald, Whe Goes to Sas- katchewan. over, high cop April visitor L Lhe afterr (i ananogue, Toronto, was a school, yesterday nection with the College Missionary effort, . inter esting address, urging an increased ef fort from the schoel to further educa tional work in- foreign lands in send ing out teachers and y Lo assist foreign students in their college course The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of Grace church was held at the home of Mrs. Horace Griffin Garden street, on Monday evening Official reports showed en couraging condit] 3 The elects Presi dent, ™ : honorary vice preside Robert Taylor; 3 ? Mrs. Horace Griffin; see billiam Hazel; treasurer, H. Allen. A number of friends of M. McDon ald, stone mason, Charles street, as sembled at his home on Monday even on, in an ting and presented a neat address, ac companied by a 'handsome pipe and Case, - as a8 re ance. Mr. McDon ald left, yesterday, for Saskatoon, Sask., where he expects to locate. A horse belonging to a local livery man dropped on King street, vester dav, from the effects of over-driving Dr. Joynt had to be called on fo professional assistance. J. Miranda and W. Parker, while making the rounds of some traps, little east of the town, Monday, wer surprised on lifting ove to find a four foot black snake coiled about. Ih reptile took to the water, but wa captured and killed. Robert Sheppard has taken posses sion of his recentlv-purchased propert on King street, Mrs. B. Keating hav ing vacated the latter part of the wee! and moved with her family to King ston. Miss Sykes, of the teaching staff o Stone street school, is confined to he home hy illness, and as a consequence the form has been closed. Thomas Berry, North street, an em ploves of the D. F. Jones company, i confined to his home bv illness. Joh Kee, Garden street, ill for the past two weeks, has so far recovered as i resume his duties Mrs. Ff. D. Pennell, Stone stree north, entertained a number of friend: at the"tea hour last evening. Mis Margaret Root, recuperating at he home here, after an operation for a pendicitis, has returned to Brockvil to resume her duties as nurse in-train ing at the General hospital. Mrs. Richard Kidd, visiting-in the | western provinces for some time past with her sons, Frederick, Thomas and James Kidd,- has returned home. Mis W, Truesdell, King street, is spending some time in Brockville, guest of Mr and Mrs. A." Cummings. Sarsaparilla and Burdock, the cect medicine, at Best's. "The wholesale grocery firm of 8, J Major, Linvied, Ottawa, was fined $100 in police court for exporting fom carcasses of swine not duly inspected and stamped. Cor S For that *'dark- brown taste" in the morning, Abbey's Salt will do it. 25¢ and 60e. Sold everywhere. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE to Oreditors In the Estate of Wm, H. Godwin, Inte of the City of Kingston, Insurance Agent, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR- suant to RRO Cap 129, that al! creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named William Hl, Godwin, who died on of about the 11th day March, 1911, are on or before the 21st day of April 1911, to deliver to W_ Mundell, of sald City of Kingston Solicitor for the Rev. John H. Miller, Executor of said eéstate, their names and addresses: and full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if any) held by them After sald 21st day of April, 1811. =ald Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amon the per- sons entitied thereto, having regard to those claims only of which he shall then have had notice, and will not be Mable for any. part of said assets to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution W. MUNDELL, Solicitor Dated the 28th day of March, 1911. of for the Bride "Where There's Always Variely" BRONZE CLOCK, $3.00. 9 1-2 INCHES HIGH, IN GRECIAN DESIGN, SUIT- ABLE FOR THE DRESS- ING TABLE. SILVER TEA CADDY, $12.00. EXTRA HEAVY STERL- ING SILVER, GOLD LIN- ED, ENGLISH IMPORT ED CRYSTAL CANDLESTICKS, $14.00 PAIR, FINEST QUALITY COL- ONIAL' CUTTING. ENGLISH TEA SET, $13.00. THREE PIECES, A RE- PRODUCTION OF THE 16TH CENTURY. TINSMITH snd PLUMBING | W. C. BENNETT, ' Foreman for 8 J. HW for 33 years, has opened a insmith and Plumbing Shop at 373 King Street. All work entrusted to my care will '¢ prom tention. MEWS, 1 0000000000000 0800000ue ol N. JACKSON, 'Phone 1019. 00000000000000500%00 e900000e00 toenabenen ™ E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 1911, IMPRESSIONS OF IRELAND. Some Ideas on Irish Home Rule Pro" pounded. Conditions in Ireland, at the pre sent, impress others as they did Rev T. E. Bourke. The following. excerpts are from the Montreal Witness of re cent date : "Rev. Joseph Sullivan, M.A, livered an illustrated lecture on Ire land and the Irish people in the 'lee ture hall of the First Baptist church, last night! The lecturer said that the Ireland of his boyhood had passed away. The people them continually quarrelled concerning refigions 'mat ters, But now they did net interiere with each other, and were a prosper us, umited people. The hedge school master was no longer in evidence, the boys and girls being even better edu- cated he thought than those of Uan- ada. This better state of things, he said, had been brought about bv the reflex action of Canada and the Uni- ted States, and the fine types of men wd women immigrants of fifty years de- ago. "John Bassett, B.A., was the speak- er at a meeting of St. Patrick's Liter- ary and Debating Club. 'The Future Of Ireland,' was his theme and after L referring to what he considered some serious ects in the present system of Irish government, he made a pow- erful and eloquent plea for the estab lishmett of a national parliament in Dublin. "Mr. Bassett, as an Irish Protestant hore testimony to the pint of tolera: tion and friendship between all classes and creeds which was rapidly spread ing throughout Ireland. There was svery reason to believe, he said, that with the advent of home rule the last vestige of religious bigotry would soon disappear. He advocated the adoption of the proportional represen- tation system as the best means of se uring the adequate representation of he Protestant minority in the new arliament." w---- SMOKE NUISANCE EXPENSIVE, of $17,600,000 for Laundry and Cleaning. Chicago, April 5.~The smoke nuis ince is responsible for an annual maneial loss to citizens of Chicago oi 17,600,000, or 88 per capita, in the natter of extra laundry and cleaning, weording to a report made to Mayor lusse, Saturday, by Paul P. Bird, in harge 'of the department of smoke nspection. The report says: "Fully one-half of the dirt w soft coal smoke comes from steam ocomotives. Neither by the use moke devices nor by the use of fuels an the smoke from a steam locomo- ive be reduced very much below the oint already achieved by the roads vho are doing their best. "The conclusion is, therefore, that lectrification offers the only final and wtisfactory solution of the railway moke problem." Loss Extra caused of WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL. Corporation of Londom Urges lis Passage. London, April 4.--The corporation f London has entered the lists as a champion of woman's suffrage. At + special meeting it passed, by a vote f twenty-two to nine, a resolution xhich is to be sealed with the city's ficial seal, petitioning parliament to pass, at the present session, the wo- man's suffrage bill now before it, and that the lord mayor, together with he other civic officers, go to present he petition at the bar of the house. I'he debate preceding the adoption of the resolution was warm throughout and enlivened by the comments' and admonitions of the sufiragette ad- herents, who crowded the public gal leries. Profit in Two Cent Fare. Lansing, Mich., April 5. That the profit in operating steam railroads in Michigan has not fallen off under the two-cent-fare law, is shown by infor mation obtained at the offices of the state railroad commission. Comparisons of passenger earning under the three-cent fare in 1906 and under the two-cent fare in 1910 show increased revenues on all roads Under the higher rate m 1906 the Michigan Central earned an average of $3,639 per mile against $4,306 per mile in. 1910 when the two-cent fare was charged. Resigned Pastorate, §t. Thomas, April 4.--Rev. F. W Norton, pastor of the Christian church (Diciple), has resigned his pastorate hers and will go to Detroit in June to engage in commercial operations--and at the same time devote some time to evangelical work. He came here from Ohio, after completing a successful financial campaign at Miriam, Ohio, and he did good work here Colds Cause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes canse. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove, 2c. The Buckley Hat. Noted all over the world for fit, style and quality. Come in and try on some of the new shapes at Campbell Bros', the sole agents for this popular hat. At Hamilton, Wiliam Ferguson, found guilty of attempting an inde- cent assault on Annie Cummings, who protected herself by fighting her as- sailant off with a hatpin, was sen- tenced to one month and ten lashes Mrs. Ella Wilson is now mavor of Hunnewell, Kas., At the election she and O. M. Akers were tied for the of- fics and the judges of election declar- ed her elected. - There are twenty-five cases of small- pox at Porter's Island hospital, Ot. tawa. One woman who is there has both smallpox and typhoid fever. Archibald S. White, New York, and his beautiful young wile, who was Olive. Celeste Moore, an opera singer, have separated. 2 Blood purifiers--cleanses the svsism snd makes new blood, SOc. and #1, ut Best's, Sir Elmar Taschersau, stricken with paralysis some weeks ago, is pow con- valescent. He may visit England this summer. : The wovernor-general is leaving for. Youme on April 11th to spend a few Rhart Stop cares all coughs Fmds. a Hmusements. (aRAND. OPERAY HOUSE) st pet |¥: - THURSDAY, April 61h 50099939999 9000 #999090 #990999 0vatvevsvsvrsviivieves WILLIAM FAVERSHA With Julie Opp and Admirable Players, | un a Mirth Provoking Comedy, 3 THE FAUN iw | M EATS NOW ON SALE, 25, oe, $1.00, 31.50, First 4 rows $I. S04 04444444400004040 $ | * + + + . -- . -- - CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | First insertion ic a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter half cont an word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 23¢; three Insertions, SOc; 1 one month, 82. HELP---WANTED. Beautiful Production." SATURDAY, April 8th Bargain Matinee, 2.30, Evening, S15.) GREATEST OF FARCE COMEDIES. | GEN SERN ANT; Apply, Mrs 10€ Stree ERAL rp GOOD, SMART GIRL, CAPR ng a 8 wach Matiress Pa oF sewing Ape tory THE PRIVATE SECRETARY By William Gillette, | An All-star English Company, inclad. | ing C. JAMES BANCROFT, as the Rev.| Robert Spaniding, asx Played by Him Over 2,000 Times in England. Siatinee, Children, Evening, 2 Seats on ® " 9 .Griffin's.. THEATRE Get the Griffin Habit | Dey! TUESDAY, AND NESDAY. Mexemo Duo the Sercansing Farce Captain Kidding The Blonde, MONDAY, WED- Present En- Sings by Special Re- quest, A WREATH ROSES." Laura Brand The Premier Lady Huamerist, in Song, Dance and Monologue. Arthur Lynn "SHE WORE OF 5 REELS MUTION PICTURES. TWO HOURS' ENTERTAINMENT. Matinee at 2 p.m, All Seats, Ge. Evening at 7 and 9 p.m.. Admis- sion, 10c. Children accompanied with guardian, Se. CEREIEERITIEIEIOREEER PRINCESS Theatre ors @® (@) 27074 SEEEEEEE High Class Vaudeville 3 REELS PICTURES 3 Ladies Look Save Your Coupons AND SPELL PRINCESS THEATRE, and THE BEAUTIFUL, PAINTED CUSHION Gc. - ADMISSION - 5c. eo Ae y GET HAND The 8 ness, Princess May 1st of that Hunt's kinds promptly done Boot and carried om Busi- 285 on back Mr Repairing Green at Street, Ww he removed to 280 Princess Street, well.known barber shop of epa ing eatly and I. GREEN 2BVVVRRVETVLRLVLRRLBVBRBBTBN Geo. Muller & Son Cuipet Cleaning, : Telephone ig TR ing, Rieyeles, Baby Carriages , th hh hh a» King St. 0000000000000 OGOOIOONOYS DRY CLEANING. No ripping apart by method You know what that means to your clothes. By this process we clean elaborate- ly trimmed dresses, opera cloaks, men's dress suits, etc R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, . #9 Princess St, Kiagstes, Ost. 000000000000008000000 DEPOSED LATE SULPAN. this 1900000000000 000 00000000 RGOIOIIOGS Gen. Benton, Seeking Adventure, Goes in Tor Avision. Chicago, April 3. --General Raid Pel ton, the voung Englishman who com- manded the army which the late Sultan Ad! Awiz, of Moroeco, in the revolution there, entered asa stu- dent at the Chioago Sch®ol of Avia- tion and expects to complete his course in a few months. Ha came to Chicago several days "ago and gives desire for excitement a« his reason for studying aviglion. General Belton said "My name is dyiog out. There is less and less fighting, and T must have adventurd, conseyaenily 1 de cided on avistion' | Parliament Opens. FINES « | HENRY WANTED, TWENTY GUNG LADIES rail competition fre watep wate oN goods LADIES aiso a do some wages paid vi Princess Sireat, 4 and good i 231 Coben, SALESMAN WANTED FOR IMPROV- ed Automatic Sprayer! best mx- chine for atoes, 'rees, while- washing: demand; secure lérri- tory immediately Cavers Bros, Manufacturers, Galt LIVE MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for work at home paying $200 to $3.00 per day, with oportunity to advance; spare time can be used; work mot difficuit and requires no experience Winston, Limited, Bpadina Ave, Toronto. EMAKER VOR ry, Pittsburgh duties about Apply te D Whitmount EXPERIENCED (HE M ing Star Fa township, to begin the middle of April Mclear Proprietor Ont CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good --ary per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you oan double your wages aud be your own boss. Apply, Box ""E B, C." Whig Office. WANTED--GENERAIx TO BUY, AT ONCE. weighing from 1.200 wards A. Jenkins, cess Street 2 HORSES BOARD AND ROOMS with 1 FOR FAMILY girls. 8 4 and INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newsmnapers. No canvassing Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3 969 Lockport, NY ARLE OLD COUNTRY tes, carefully selected: riving March 13th, 2nd Apply. now, Drummond Street Grenvill reet e---------- noMEs. parties ar 20th and Apri The itd i Montre or 11% oronto CAP t SHOE REPAIRING scription; first class work: leather only used; one trial suffipe. Bring your repairs Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, gor, Clergy West. OF EVERY DE- best will to of KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING Company.--Spring Is coming and you will want your windows clean- ed Now is the time to get your orders in before the rush Drop me a card 21 Montreal Street All orders promptly attended to GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have {t made up Into up- to-date ruits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St, next Bibby's Livery ANY PERSON HAVING cond-hand Furnit: before disposing dr 1 will pay good price sale Brass iron Beds and all kinds of Fur ¢ in Oak. Happy Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. GOOD SE. and Btoves Pp me a card I have f« CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL, Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Syden- ham Strédet North, for reasonable prices 'on all kinds of Jobbing. All wor done promptiv and neatly OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES ; es. C. 8 Kirkpatrick, Clarence Ki 568 ALL CLAS Agent 3 "Phone Street, gston POSITIONS WANTED. UNIVERSITIES, Cricket Clubs Wanted engage ment as coach and groundsman; medium fast right arm bow references glven from three Eng- lish gentlemen late members of the Fiton eleven Apply, E A J." Whig office OSTEOPATHY. COLLEGES AND "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS "---R. G. Asheroft, DO, Edna E. Ashernft D.O, Graduates under Dr. Stil the Founder of Osteopathy, 435 Princess Street, corner Division 'Phone 447 No charge for con- sultation and Iiterature Office hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 5. 6 to § MEDICAL. AF. SPARKS BA. MD. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100 Wellington St Vitice nours, 19 to 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm 'Phone 288 # BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. # The Dally British Whig, The Weekly British Whig, of Kingston, Ost. Price and circulation consider. ed, there is no better advertis- ing medium in Canada. Sass sel slid ddd ddd dddd ARCHITECTS. P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. King A re ARTHIR ELLIS. A 25% \. 181 Telephone 50,00 people Ring Gearge's parlia. ment opens with grand parade, etc as it actually ocewrs, aad lifelike, at the Bijou theatre to-night. cn a ppc Splendiit asmopinent. © The or dhs, 4 : POWER & SON, A 'ehants" Bank n University Avenus, 113 WM... SEWLANDS & SON,. ARCHI- ote $08. 3 » A RCHITECTS MER- Pyilding, rorner Prock and sitington Sireets Kingston News Lo. opposite YMCA, 'Thene 3s 1 LOST, SOLAR ARABS PBARLLELLM000000080008000000 The People's 'Forum | © sesssangy Be 23 a PEPE VPI PP IVF FOR SALE. 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 FY vYYYYVYYYY PAIR GOLDRIMMED GLASSES, IN : Q SR GULD WATCH, WITH Mon od i } M1 oF als | MOTOR BOAT, FOUND, AT VARIOUS . ROT MES AND IN VARE-| 23 wt articles as fd vs: | DENTAL. h AND SPARKS, 'Phone SPARKS 230 DENTISTS Fg nee Street, EV pas S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. =~ 258 Princess Street. Telephone DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. ¢. HW. Weicker, assistant, 183 Princess St Phone 735. DR. AE. XN APP, DENTIST, 18 MONT. Street, near Princ Stre. a inet rincess Street FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR 1881 RANCH le W. HH. Gody Bank, K Broek si THAT INSURES Go Nn & GENERAL INSURANCE--FIRE, LIFE, Accident and Health Policies issu- od; first ass companies; standard rates J Boon, ent 5 Wellington Bireet. a Agen, 52) GEO.. A.. BATEMAN REPRESENTS the Protectors' 'nderwriters backed by $10000000 of capital and four other fire insurance com panies, all kinds of insurance ef fected Tall or drop a ecard Phone 388. 67 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont = FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVE ment Soclety; established Ta presider money propert debentures; deposits received and Interest al lowed B MeGill, Managing Director, Clarence Btreet t, Sir Richard Cartwright; and farm, and county purchased 87 LORE "O01, LONDON, ' able | InSurance Con ange & 5 from § Ltrs Strange, 'Phone 32 TO LET, 8, mes, | DWELLINGS, t ) « Street OFFICE ST BR. Met 51 " APRIL, DOURI i ton Street ears } ngsion EE OFFICE No. 171 1 R. CC. Be Bro & HOUSE, modern M Princes DESIRABLE BRICK Willian Etreest . \ eric. Apply t King and s | EGGS i ™o ------ A SEVEN-HOOM FRAME JF Yo THAT TOWN inn FROM Le GHERED sow, sg horns oa & \ Divisi Nt y Box SECOND-HAND HOR Ww dS a h bp Hay, GOOD iis and "TMORY MODY i Ha $150: He offers Hot it? A 1g uM BICYCLE, vin MASSEY-HARRIS all the Mtest roa HOT SE, Ir = tre : S- ite Ap- COMBED RHODE for $1 . Ww r sett 149 Montred U WANT A WELL-MADE date awhing, drog Joseph Dix, § Sireet. He & good ohe 0 pe ulla, LE 1 1a E36 | you Make ike Sat! ison wild wm WELL-BUILT office block, Known a Building Brock Stree ¢a) only o terms. Nothi nt STone AND narke t to LOTS IN WAINWHIGHT berta. divisional point . Grand Trunk Pacif to $100.00, payable $500 a . f } * H" from $50 9 $10.00 month RK. 4 wit} Troll, 14 NOLS, Kas "om No. with Tur: an - IA FOLDING POCKET KODAK 2 § 4 ' 1. Cirddise sEMELsrFEHD wa, ALL KINDS oLD RELIAW) ENTS y AND AWNINGS, -- LEAVE ye ' f ' i ts vith o Ras ® complete vest pr at W. A. 8; 1 Pringess Stree J & Co. Agents vor. Ufdn Bydenham Stre Ph tite CoN; inxs & Qo, W. Oude nr » sample Brock | 3,300, UNIVERSITY f frame he FOR SALE OR TO LET, v ENSIVE for many rue. pled by Wholesale Prin- with ding ex» 1 une XT BUSINESS FROM MAY ist, BRICK HOUSE, . cnman,! itely BRIGHT SUNNY HOUSE, NOW hy Joi Ww wey Powe OFFICE noow, GROUND FLOOR; A FURNITURE FINISHER. NTIQUE FURNITIR ebonizing and gi and all co work glver Driscoll, 995 EA SPECIALTY, ing LITE NE aif Pat one f mi Best John ork UPHOLSTERER, J. GAVINE, palring tress % call 216 Bagot TPHOLSTERING, RE. arpet work, hair mat a card or and rer ng Drop Bireet = | HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. bedroom ar bathro« ear Markel y to Cunningt Jlarence Street & Mudie, 71 am FROM WAY INT A Fre ein € inty, DWELLING Biree presen FROM INT MAY, No. 158 Earl occupied by Lt water heating Armstrong Mol or Bireet, or Th gente Street ail HOUSE, present A BRICK Street. at Jas. Craig rooms. besid and bed Ist; ren §35 H. BR. Dutt, DOBLE Princ pled by tains X kitoteg Apri ply to Bireet, oe 8g. It sexier mont} 480 Prince LEGAL. | i CUNNISGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- | ers and Bollcitors. Law Office, 79 Clarence St, Kingston. ESTABLISIFED 1986. BRUNS T WICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, * Ho» bh Kk ar ine: ue GRIMASON HOTEL, 342.344 Princess Street dar storked wit A Winter PERSONALS, - ning BIRTHMARKS, rie ete, removed permanently without scar Twenty years ox riences Dr. Eimer J {ake Eve, Ear, Note, Throat and Ekin Blem« fah Bpecialist, 258 Bagot Sirest MOLES, BUSINESS CHANCES. NYONE, ANYWHERE, ' CAN START a mall order business at bh Neo CAnvassing Be your boss, Send for free bookie! ie how, Heacock, 2.960 1x NY kport Hangs On If your Coal is out and you would like to try ours, ring us up. ciated. Your custom appre= J.SWIFT & CO »

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