Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1911, p. 6

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_PAGE: SIX. THE DAILY BRITISR _WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 35 HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESE RONTO. GO TO THE STEW ART Hot fon ing Commer: r da Pe ¥ THOS, STEWART, TRAVELLING. > 4 e AD- | Prop HEL DRESSER i SAE) REDUCED RATES PACIFIC COAST | In effect until April 10th inclusive ! SECOND CLASS COLONIST FARE T¢ Nelson, Yancouver, Vietoria $45. 0 San Francisco, San Blegeo, Cal Westminster, Spo Mexico (hy, Mex. "Wl. 0): Bacon, Les Angries, inne, Low rates to many t TOURIST MARIIAG, CARS, Leave Kingston Tuesdays, Th ir ad 133 at 245 am NW comrhodation first or secs ment of nominal made with trains ar style at « For full intor Gent Jalinsion . Sasaate "Sus | VINEE tT da 2) Poy. RAILWAY in Connection With i GANADIAN FACIPIC BAILWAY | Homeseekers' "Excursions To the Canadian North-west. Reduced Return Fares April 4, 1 May 2. 16, 30 June 13, 27 Tickets good to days. REDUCED F FARES TO ~ PACIFIC GOAST Op¥ way second class colonist tie | kets on sale daily March 1st to Aprit] A0th | Full partic ulars at K. and P. and| C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street "Phone 56. ¥. CONWAY, Gen, Pasa. Agent. Why OF QUINTE RAIVL.WAY. jsaves iy" Station. Omtar (Bunday esxceptad Bar, Napanee, Dessr and ail points north senure qui'k despatch to Bannock Maynooth, and points ou Centra route your shipments via Fas | 1. Ranta For further part) wry ® DICKBON, Agent | o § ALLAN LI Steamship Coy, Ltd. OPERATING THE FINEST FLEE] OF PASSENGER BTEAMERS ON THE 8ST. LAWLKNCE ROUTE SUMMER SAILINGS, Montreal to Liverpool ROYAL MAN SERVICE, Sakae: May Sth fan ig sy 12th, fan." May 19th, "Victaring,* May 28th, Montreal to Glasgow "lpnian.: May 6th, ramp) an." May 13th. June tia." May 20th, June 17 ith "Hesperian," May 27th, June Montreal to London i d 1 ate) I pg Hog oa of June 2nd Iune 9th June 16th, June 23rd. June 3rd 10th, 1 4th Steamers Per full particulars Sailings, apply, J. P. HANLEY, C QT. Ry or THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. OUR BEAVER BRAND. Of. Flour is unexcelled for bread or pastry Price ls moderate. A WMACL™AN, Ontario Rates and i KIRKPATRICK | Clarence St 8 Street Be Ee. LIME For Sale BEST FOR PLASTERING STONE AND BRICK WORK. W. Drury, 285 Wellington Street, 4 BOBBLE BTLTECTGBBTS WM. MUKHRAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Bales given special at- tention. Count tes of Fare . B n my speciaity If farmers want . ia rg MARK UA RE -n A uanS er a i . sssases Coast Seed Opens D. Comer | 'Phone 76. C413 Princess Street. | Prompt Delivery. LINE CRIPPLE FROM { Ga RHEOMATISM | NOW IN _PERFECT HEALTH THARES TO "FRUT-ATIVES" VANGCGUVER, B.C. Feh 1st" 3910. 1 s practically practical it he found 1 bed, cived a sample of |' lic used them and from that time. man in Vancouver #ih ¢ a house this fall and wart of the roof in a it suffering any bad JOHN B. LACY. Vr. BE. Mills, (assistant postmaster Knowlton, Que.) also writes : "1 sonest| ly brijsve that * Frait-a-tives"" + greatest Theumatism cure in the woil ia Try it yourself. € for £3 so, trial size, 25¢. i Fruit-a-tives Limited, - row a box At dealers,e (itawa a fz we COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA » "Great for Breakfast. A day started on Cowan's Cocoa is a day with a clear head and a steady neérye a day full of snap and life. Cocoa nourishes the body. It is rich in food value and easy to digest. DO YOU USE COWAN'S rE 1 3 - is Clogged up That's Why You're Tired --Out of Sorte--Have co Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ina Jadu do Biliousness, Indigestion, and Sick Headache Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mast ben Signature ool TPIT TTTTOWTTI Nee | MEER EERO J for Easter Just Arrived VTZ & PUNNS. BEALTY IN FOOTWEAR, Latest Creations. 2 BOOTS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, Newest designs in Gun Metal, Pat. Colt, Ooze Cf, Vel- vet, Pagama Cloth and Craven- ette,' : A The Sawyer Shee Store 212 Princess St. PHONE 159. p-- GB HIE EISY i Goldin E Guwilight 74h r Perit P rib i bee Mis Dorothy a surpyise wh } i } i i i hil's party, mos. en dancing on CH a speut in were Miss Lassie Kirkpat Charlie Shortt, Miss Mar- upheld, Miss Dorothy Ca Doris Kent, Miss Mudge Lenore Hamititom, Miss us, Miss May Rogers oo oe bggion, W Miss Nora Mae Hakda hent, Miss Lillia bBouglas Anglin and Cadet Stewart; J. 0 Reilles, as { Vitasdeline M; Miss My Mins { nee, Pent, Lor i anws Svmons, Cos wv, terms, Morrow, Wilmot, Lawson, | Sweeny, Patterson Careen wound, Blaue, and ibsog Gwynne, . . Mr: Ww Roberson, entertained at a very supper after the concert, op Satard. guests included Colonet lagd Mrs. J. HW VV. Crowe, Misses fHelen aod Madge Crowe, Major and Mrs, Norman Stuart Leslie, Major fand Mie. J. PP. Shine, Mrs. Douglas Young, Mrs. Williams, Miss Mabel Gil {dereireve, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss {G. Drake, M William Harty, Jr, and Captain Jnwiess . and treet, Captain Frontenar bright {| Sheffield wd erijovable ¢chol evening. The * . dets entertained at a at the Csuntry Club, in honor of Miss Miss Gillette Covers were of en dinner evening, Sho add of N York New ind the t n ib 1 Me id dre he rove, laid for fifteen, ible was trod By a huge bowl of crimson roses. Fhe guests included Miss Borgthy Hall, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Mar Br Miss Charlie Shortt and the one, Mrs. Bouglas Young . * M . cen swalield, chapey gery RLY able Eaton entertained at the bar when he t a Fajor a most racks, Saturday ited a number the td che Lady Miss Jennie Lonsdale, Rabert enio supper al on evening, his were of soloists who ir. The guest Norah Noel, Viscount Cam Faggart, Miss Gen Mr. Heury Turnpenuy, Charlesworth : . . . Mrs. J id Shine, Hege, entertained a un Saturday, for Nol v and Peguy . . friends with Ins meet the Sheth of houor wire an, iride a Military at wo daugh Royal few children her t Shine Mrs. A Kupight was hostess dinwer, on Monday uf Professor and Mrs . . it oa evening, in honor 8S. Walters Dvde. Mrs. 'H. D. Ribby, {receive on Thursday, again this season . "om . will and rock street, April 6th, net i irs will Mahood, on Friday and not again George Gore street, | receive this season, » & receive not . will and Mills Tth, . | Mrs. George | Friday, April this season on again | . .: A . {- Mes, F. vill not Jirleyv, Queen street, again this season. Peart receive . . . - Mrs ( Lockett, will hot re Wellington street; ceive again this sea nm. . + » has and + Mise Margaret Fairlie, who len in Gananoque visiting Mr i Mrs. (. V. Ketchum, returned on Saturday Mrs. 8. F. who has been Mra. Burgess, Wolleville, | pected home on Saturday Mrs. Charles A. Low, left, on Monday, for Aylmer, My. and Mrs. David H. Price Mrs. W. A, Kennedy, Albert ill spend Easter in Stratford, wst of Mrs. Mallion, after {she will return to Kingston snd Mr. Kennedy and baby on the 27th for North Shields, . . . . home Kirkpatrick, her N Gore street mother, is ex: visiting Dey street to visit Union street the which she sail Eng } and will In been spn ding Junction, at his he Gordon Campbel,, who has the past vear at spent several days this week Pembroke, and to New ork Perth, arrived m is with her street street 1 Superior ome in m on his wax lavior, oi on Saturday, Mrs. Felix Shaw, R. J. Gardiner, BLOOD BAD ---------- -------- Aingston, Miss [. town aml Bagot Bago™ sister, Mrs IN THE WINTER Mr. Edward' Wood, of Queed's v 3 home to Peterboro for Indoor Life, Toe Little Exercise, Breathing Impure Air, FEat- ing Artificial Foods. Is it any wonder that the system be- comes poisoned with impusle waste matter in the winter time, when you think of the artificial life we lead ? With doors and windows tight shut we breathe the same air over and over again until it is incapable of puriiy- ting the blood | In vain effort to cast the poisons out of the system the liver and Kid- neys are worked over time until they too are played out. Then comes the pains in the back, the hemdaches, the 'attacks of constipation and indiges- tion. The quickest and most certain way > 'to overcome this condition is by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They act definitely and disectly on the liver and kidneys, awaken them to re- new energy in fltering poisons from the bowels and remove the cause of indigestion, backache and other body pains. You hare hot EE ves you {use Dr. er Pills, { They are -- in, their dy ace {tion on the hver and kidneys and for {this reason stand without a rival asa {meas of purifying the blood and cleansing the filtering and digestive systems. | One pill a dose, 25. a hox at all deniers, or Edoaeeon, Bates & n - EEE EERE Toto, 5 { Dr en n-- left, to day, ---- for Newbero, widsnpend two weeks with her vents, Mr. and Mes. John Tett ' Miss Freda Burns aud Miss Doroths Chown will spend Easter in the guests of Mrs. Robert Partridge. Mrs. DB. A.-Cays, Barrie street, will return the emd oi the week Oswego, where she visiting ber son, Dr. Egerton Cavs Me. J. de Mille Burpee, ('anadisn Bank of Commerce, Monday, fur Cayuga, where riage will take place to Upper. where pa- has beet of left, his ning Miss h the » . 4 . Standard Toronto, Me. Ro C. Browne, Bank, left, on Saturday, where hé will spend his holidays Mr. H. E. Richardsor f the Stan dard Bank, spent the week-emd in To returning to Pues of the for ronto, town on day Miss Udon George Winmfred Claxton, street, left, on Tuesday, for town, to visit Mrs, Creelman Miss Gillette Barnes, who has visiting Miss Dorothy Hill, returned to her home on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Trumbell returned to Toronto from eymoon been Warren have their hon - » » » Mr Jd. BD Tuesday, for be. stationed Mrs. J. MN. wont © Visiting to Kingston Craig, Ottawa, PU, Alaska, where he for the next six months Campbell, who 'ic at pre in Rochester, will come some time this month to spend a few days. Mrs. Campbell and family will' return to Kingston in Mav to spend the summe months Captain H. Bosak and Captain W H P. Elkins, will leave next week to spend Faster with Mrs: Elkins in Fast Urange. -- Mr. J. de Porcheron is the guest hie sister, Mes, D. Gi. Laidlaw, of Earl (wireet. . . . . Robert Fraser, West street, will and not again this Mrs. receive on Friday season. Mr. and Mrs. W,. R. Givens, Secombe, Maitland street, who been spending the past month im Flo rida, will return home om Saturday. Miss Marie Carruthers, Earl street, who has been in England for the past seven months, returned home on Tues day, bringing with her Mise Gertrude Lawson, who will spend some time with her. Miss Carruthers and Miss Lawson staved over Sunday in St. John, the ghests of Mrs. Macleod Mrs, Henry Merrick, will not receive again . have Bagot stree this season Mr. H. Walkem, week-end in 1. B. Walkem, to Belleville Miss who spent with- Mr. Union street; Monday Adamson Lit on Edmonton after spending with Mr, and Mrs, W Albert street. Mrs. E. J. B. Peunse, left, on Monday, for Mrs. John Hamilton The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur who have been visiting Mr. and Alexander McPhail, Ulergy street, leave shortly for Merrickville, where they will be the guests of Mrs J. RH. H. Coleman Miss Sophie Conway, who has been vigiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conway, has returned to Montreal. wwd Mrs returned town on Monday foe time A. hennedy, "Ongwanada,"' Toronto, to visit Vv ; MacMor ne, Mrs, will Miss leabel Waldron will come home from Glen Mawr, Toronto, for Easter, Miss . Lillian Mundell is expected home from Bishop Strachan Sehoool Toronto, and will spend Easter with and Mrs. DD. E. Mundell, Prock street Mr. versity; Ward Macleoion, will leave for ronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P'. E town from Ottawa and are en pension at ble's, King street Dr. F. Montizambert, the guest of his daughter, sell Hale, Johnson street Mrs. Lennox Mills, "Rishopscourt," who ha¢ been visiting in Atlantic City and Montreal, returned home to-day at poon of Queen's Uni hi# home in To arrived last ram Prideaux wm Friday Mee. A in of (niawa, Mrs. Rus- 1« Mis. E. Clark, who her mother, Mrs has returned fo has been visit WwW. DD Carmich her home in De ng ael, trom Mrs. William Harty, ter sponding a few davs in Toronto with her parents, Hon f. RK Mrs. Kerr, "Rathnally," returned homa "Mtterburn," af and y Tuesada Miss Margaret hestitute, Mont town, next week, and ter with Meg, JHent Earl street ° Miss (on Negyoaap, William Mackennan, Trafalga will will Cupmagham, al, Arrive i spel Fas strogt, will pend Easter® | | { co to Merrickville, next week, to Mond to Brock oy Mr Fad) town on Woodeock her wa void $a » ee spent ome ville d's Umi ersity, will go | Easter i Miss Marion | Monday tog { where will join { Cornelius ersinghant | Mr. and Mre® Fredmick Mahood, | Brock street, Twin spent time in New York, retummed hofhe dav Mrs. J. 8... Shith, Johnson siceet whe has been (he Miss Ran: kin, Stratford, "will reborn home on Thursday, Miss Wadge" Dawson will ledVe next week, far East Qrange, NJ. to visit Miss Marguerite Flkine Prof. J. LL; Morisoiwr will jeava" | Thursday, for England to spend summer r will leave on California, and Mrs Redden + Riverside, Mr he Ome on Mon guest of on the » . . . Invitations hate been received - ; town for the marriage of Miss Marion Grey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat- iy fry A Ky stom, to Mr. William Henry Knox, om 'Apu Grey is & cows: Wth. Miss Mins Vida Cartwright, Summeriand, BO. rr to be married on the same dav A I "igo mmerland, also of Tavs 7 Novels, Novels, es Novels, Novels. Finest grade ia ety. 3 for We Kingston News Cuo., opposite § M.C.A in Rrantford's tak rate "is twenty-three andione-hali. mills. This # an advance of two mills over last year's, due mainly tg i fined cha on new " gehanle, and - wom evctod Firing Ihe past eniphe of ren she Faronto, the | for | will | and Mrs. of - | | Yvicror Recoros: (Now on Sale) FOR APRIL (Now on Sale) Some of the Very Interesting Records Issued This Month 10-inch Double-sided ded Records ' Eat ga 16839. Dutch Kiddies (Wooden Shoe Dance 16842. [When Mariols De the Cobanola 11 Wish { Had » Pal Like You. 10:inch Single-faced Records Burr Elise Dur Dresrma, Visions hn Salle Osbourne Victor Orchestra Billy Murray Coftins & Harland $4163. (with Orchestra) bh Rem well) "That Giel™ Ovartet (with Orchestra) 5833. Nightingale Drislane-Meyer ete ot ta) arta pairs Berliner Gram-o-phone Company NA New Red Seal Records Otto Geritz, Baritone Exclusively engaged by the Victor inch, with Orchestra, $1.28 Flaute Magic 641684. Hassel und Gretel (The OldWitch' Humperdinck in German A Bind Catcher Am I) Morart 12-inch. with Ovchestra--81.75 74212. Trompeter von SEukingen Wemer's Fare Nessler Geraldine Farrar, Seprane 10-mch. with Orchestra - $2.00 87073 O For the Wings of a Deve 12 inch, with Orchestra £100 In English Mendelssohn In English Kneis Send HET 2 2% Co amide Book and Map THOMAS COPLEY, ProNE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Etreet wher wanting anything done In the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and new work also Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive Shop, 40 Queen Street. prompt attention I CE SvccsssssereresesessrafdPressessaseseeserserreself Gonone's "The Finest Chocolates in the Land." rr ALWAYS FRESH, In Bulk, 50c. per Ib. In Fancy Boxes, 50c. and 60c. iR R. H. TOYE, ctesstettesestesstsssefrtassesesassssessesall 302 King St | Phone 141 $ dishes, cleaning woodwork, wine soap. A valuable disinfectant kee MOODY'S "What's this morning, Mabel ? and span KLENZINE cause of a ro Just Jo k and it is the same with e magic my hands so ai KLENZINE]| cut my work in half, package at those pans ce and soft in the Kitchen the all this brightness, Everything so spi & cause of and your work done so early." MAID "Klenzine is thei Postie told me how it would § fay | ordered Why! it simply cleans hike they shine like rrors, Bi verything else Besides, it keeps I wouldn't be without it even if it sO vester mi I had to pay for it my self." KLENZINE makes . silverware and tinware, ps the sink clean and sweet all ho bathroc washing erior to sework easy I xm, pipes, etc. , 11s tar Sup Insist on MOODY'S KLENZINE at your grocers. Large size package 10c. THE ALPHA CHEMICAL co. BERLIN ANAD For sale by all Wholosale oe LIMITED S50c. Bottle FREE --because Psychine (Si-Keen) is its own best advertise- ment. Read this offer: You know the "kmow-italls" Sus. picious of everybody and ewerything. They promised well at one time in their career, then they seemed to come to a full stop. Just because of that unhappy dis trust, that suspicion that won for them the same attitude in return, that made every one distrust and dislike them. Now yguye not a "knowitall" Sul about one per cent. of the people re. We feel sure that you have an open receptive mind--one that is anxious to learn more, to advance And to you we say that you owe it to your own best judgment to try Paychine. cytas--the scavengers of the body, de vouring every germ of dicease that entrance to the body. A: third of a century ago, Psychine was compounded of certain herbs. Since that time [t has cured bun- dreds of thousands. ANd all becapse it contained those herbs that science now knows builds up and strengthens the white cor- pusgles of the biood--the Phagocytes. . ee If you have any of theses ailments' don't be a "know- Salt, it won't pay you. Learn something at our expense, fill out the Coupon and mall to us. give y (tor which®we pay | retail price) for a ! We will andoudtafily buy and ais tribute in this manner, ! eds of thousands of these S0-cent bo s. of Peychine. And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepa ration. A confidences that has been based on our thirty years' experience th this spiendid preparation, with a ful' know ledge of the hundreds of 'housands of cures it has made. COUPON No. 19 To the Dr. T. A SLOCUM, Ld 193-195 Spadina Awe, Toronto gt AE had & We ba Strest and Namber..... «.cooviness crn pile Sopa in nb gai Aor 4 S05. Buttle " dae wil che BATES i

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