Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1911, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5 1011. i sa ah pl Im Som PAGE SEVER. A-- OUR CONSIGNMENT! Of Green and Black Teas from Cey lon bave arrived are much higher, Ing at 34c per Ib, ANDEEW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. we are stil Though prices I sell! Caries Painting If you want your Carriages to. look and wear weil leave them with us Children's carriages and go-carts en- | ameiied in ali latcst tints E. J. DUNPHY, Car. Monireal and Ordannce Street Fc or Health = D ink MeCarthey's Ale EC and Porter. best. Agent, -------------------------- TEV RARTTLATBRLTRATARNS KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited). Kingston Canada TTL LTVL TTL TVR RN IJ SS asas Sssssasase THE . AMERICAN CAFE It's the | R. J. LAWLER 'dighest Fdacacion at LowestCost" ' Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term begins August 30th Courses In Book keeping shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Rervice and English. Gur gra the best positions V short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest raliway cor-g i porations in Canada Enter any time Cail or write for inforna- o tion H. F. Metcalfe, Prineipal § | Lye Means Hat Insurance for 4 Months HATS 05 The BUCKLEY CUARANTEE BUCKLEY. -- Union Made ly i | | i when bowels are kept condition in Headaches Quit -- the stomach, liver and in the good whic h they will 185 Wellington St. be by the fproup: use The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House. Separate || appartments. Well furnished i add lighted. i oF our full eourse dinner, PILLS THOS GUY, Prop. i Sold Everywhere. in boxes 28¢ LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND TEAL ESTATE, E.Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. "Phone 286. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. Be sure to look for the Signature The success of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes Alleges TOASTED has brought r many imitations. But you can always tell the genuine by the fac-simile signature "W. K. Kellogg." which appears on the front of the box. This signature is your guide in getting a scientifically prepared breakfast food. Made in Canada, at London, Ont. nothing more, nothing less offer our QUEEN QUALIT the BEST we offer our At we want this price we. of gance and shoe perfection. shape will be found in these every widih is here PERFECTION, There is no getting around the BEST. That's _the price of our BEST SHOES for Men and for Women. It means--- just the BEST TO LADIES who want the REST SHOE. ASTORIA SHOE. course, Svery kink of style and every smart well Shoes. Patent Leather--Ideal Kid and Vici Kid are some of the good leathers Every size and We are offering at this price simply SHOE Spring style are handsome. TO GENTLEMEN who ; shoe ele megn Stop in for a look. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES . . { WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS i - TELL US. | fhe Tidings From Various Points. in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doitg and What They are Saying. At Ferguson' = Falls, Falls, April 4. Charles Ferguson's | ST. VITUS BANC ¥. {A Striking Example of Its Cure by the Tonic Treatment. St. Vitus jand form of er | chuidres, because of the great 'demands {made ou the bod growth ano | dev elopunent, 18 the added strain It is when these dem = great that théy impov blood, and the nerves fail to receive their full supply i > {of nour th ous de { Hollinger hus gone west again He 4 8 arishin nt, that = i. Dery " Te lintends to be back in a couple of |4Hty which leads to 31. }itus dance | weeks Mr. and "Mrs. McDougall vis The remarkable success of Dr. Wil j ited friends ju liinisville last week. |liams' Pink Pilis in cunning St. Vas i dane yirk lead parents te ¢ | Thomas Stafiord has gone to British | dance she id lead pariia, te give olumbia to work on the railroad, | heir children this great blood-build- Miss Mary Stafford, of Prestonvale, | '"8 medicine at the fst signs of the { visited her sister, Mrs, William (Quinn, | *PProsch of the disease. ralor, list- Yait week | lessnoss, inattention, restlessuess and {irritability are all symptoms which At Yonge Mills, early show that the blood and nerves Yonge Mills, April 3.--The cheese fae j are failing to meet Liu demands made {tory pened up today i; . Bla oh j upon them Mrs. A. Winters, Vides, ory opened up tod ss anche | ' b " Ww ithe i Hertison and Farle Fairfax were | tan, say hope ; m an 4 a guests of Mrs. Ferguson, on Sunday. |%3% MX years ok hich, us tacked Miss Blanche GilSop returned io Wa 5 ith scarlatina, whieh was 1 lowed jtertawn, N.Y. last week, after spend Ey St. Vitus dance Het Hmbs ing a conple of weeks With her par would jerk and twitch. [ler spesch ling 4 d 5 5 V a emia afin Re 1 i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gihsoy |Detame affected, and at last she be Mrs. Frank Stage, Brockville, was the J ame ro bad that she conkd - scarcely ust of Mrs. S. Avery, last weeh dk, and we hardly dared trust her | Miss Edna Purvis, lyn, is visiting | tone Sh' was umder the care of ao wre. I. Hollingsworth is all. A y» some of the farmers hegan plough on March 13th J veut Wolves at « Jarendon. | Zealand, April 4. George A. Gar fe rett has returned after visiting at | Hill Urest, the home of his aunt, { Mrs. Daniel Riddell There are in {dications of the Robirtsille iron {mines being re-opened this spring. ihe wolves still continue to hunt he forests west of Clarendon. Five n a padk were seen hunting a deer recently across R. White's meadow Owing to the losses he sustained last fall hie has to sell all his ' sheep. The Zealand school, No. 3, has secured Miss Maud Cornell far teacher. Vis tors Mr. and Mis. John A. Con {boy and family, at Pine Shade Cot tage. Alexander Ferguson and John J} England, at William Dixon's Poor Run of Sap. Glenvale, April 4. -A number of farm rs have tapped thelr sugar bush t« and report a poor run of spp as yet On Saturday evening, Harrowsmith after while a Were return attending they had this load from from Kingston, Sheflield choir concert, the misfortune to upset near village and Mrs. (Rev.) Mclnnis | her arm brokén. Robert Gibson bs lliam Viliar each Sold i i brie had and horses for Sidney Al wit] figures recently who has been ious ili Llood-poisoning in hand, has re rod Willham Toplifie, who has ill with typhoid fever for some {iime, 18 not so well this week. Ran {dolph Ellerbeck returned to Chicago, | iter spending a few days with his {parents here Miss Gertrude Coulter | x recovering from ao attack of | mumps Mrs I. Cramer returned Watertown on Saturday, having a week with her daughter there At Crow Lake. April L--The roads o are in a very bad condi Mr. and Mr: Jame son. Mrs. John Knap vs wrth daugt William Kennedy, of Tichborne Bosd and, Alexander Mahon 2 business trip to Sharbot Lake Mrs. I. Bain and daughter at W. Tharretts Frank Goods, of Al Mrs. D. Stafiord and their Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks {at Jamies Hawlev's; Mis: Adelia Gen {dron at William Jones'; R. Reynolds, {spent Sunday at home Mi:« Robina | Pharrett at J W. Knapp's; Miss \ { Knapp and D. MeGregor spent Sunday good port, his co {from spent Crow Lake, | this vicinity tion. Norn to Hawley, a a few d her { "pent Mes Messrs | made ; { Visitors | Mary Ann, { Beadle at iM and {hitle girl, {at Sharbot Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen Jones at William Kennedy's; Mrs James McEwen, of Bolingbrooke, pass fod through here en route to sed "her son, Joseph, who is very low with | prnmonia at Sharbot Lake; Mrs {James Mahon visited Ler brother | Isine Korey, of Maberly, who has heen j sick all winter and is still very low BIED IN PRISON, ! Death Closes Career of Boy Murderer. { Thomaston, Me. April. 3.--Death {brought to an early end; vesterday | the life sentence which eighteen-vear | old Sidney Kennison Preble was jing in the State prison for the murder SeTy at Powdoinham m 197, of his chun { Norris W. Heath. Young Preble was but fifteen years old "and weighed ounly eighty pounds when committed to pris {on on September 6th, 1967 i Jt was fear of a bigger boy, Heath | being eighteen years old, that led § young Preble, then fifteen years old land small for his age, to commit the jerime, according to the lad's confes ision. "Because | kicked Norrie' doy the said he'd kill me. He was bigger {than me, I had to kill him," was { the substance of the boy's statement Preble, alter shooting Heath, conceal £0 Jed the body in a swamp, where, cov- fered with pine boughs, it was found by the victim's father. Preble was accused of the crime and confessed. | er DIVORCE FOR ABSENCE. Wife of Consul Refused Among Foreigners. Cleveland, 0. April 5. Luther T. Ellsworth, United States consul at Ciudad Porthirio hes, Mex, was granted a divorce from Mrs. Isabella Gravit Ellsworth on grounds of wilful absence, here. The hearing required but fifteen minutes. Ellsworth will re turn to Mexico. : Ellsworth has wen in the consular service in Venezuela and Mexico fiften years. HeMold the court that his wife refused to live among foreigners, and leaving him, returned 10 her pa rents, wealthy, society people of Elk hart, Ind. Examination Results, * Queen's students may have ths Whig to Live goctor, but in spite of this was stead growing worse, and we feared that jose her Ax Dr. Williams' had cured her elder decided to try the joy, iy we would Pink Pills of anaemia | gain After ta our great sister them 11 use of a few hoxes, we found they were helping here and in the course of au few weeks more har power of speech fully r turned, and she coul wall ars go about as well as any child, has been well add and she healthy since. When illness come to any one of our family now we never éull wn an loctor, but simply use Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills, and thev nev disappoint us." Sold by all medicine dealers or b mail at Se. a box or six boxes fou $250 from The Dr. Williams' Melicine " trae ville, Unt Very Strange Admissions, Toronto (lobe Lhe honorable member for Yale-Curi wir admittad that it was quite true had almadoned the policy of leader--who an Saturday given all the credit for and had decided that good lo do more business with the neyghbors a border And this admission led the member add 1 don't think, even if this pact goes through, it is going to rug any body, because Canadians are made of sterner stuff. At all events, we shall survive. But" and here came tle punlifying period which enabled the tories present oY again it will discourage growth his party ils preatest night li} was deration 1 was hot across the good to us in ow Minister to Take a Rest, wtford, April 5.- Rev Martin, B.D., pastor of Knox hae, has) through iHoess, heen d to give up the ministey for a time The coagregation have granted him four months' leave of ahoence, in the hope that cessation from the arduous attached to 5 large a congrega restore him ta health Sy Robert church, obliy werk Lion may A New Jersey Fortune. Hamilton, Ont, April 5.--Franas Glover, when he died in New Jerse, wm June Ist, 1796, left -an estate valued now at 260,000,000. Many peo sie in this vicinity, clang Fire hf and Rev. J. W, Ten Eyck, are said to be heirs, and they will hold a necting in the course of a few weeks to decide as to what steps should be taken to secure the mone. Model School at Perth. Perth, April 5. ~The Ontgrio gon has ofivred to open a model 1 e, giving XM towards the same. It is understood the offer will accepted Back and ¢hest plasters at Best's ]. | Npuire, Athens, has been ap pointed census commissioner for ihe electoral disirict of Brockville When making weet croguettes, add + little sugar to the crumbs in which thecrogquettes are to be rolled Hard headed men may stick to soft drinks Used in Canada for over half a century --used inevery comer the world where people suffer from Constipation and its resulting troubles-- Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, stand higher in public estimation than any others, and their ever. increasing sales prove * Grades COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. w. F.KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. CANADA'S PEAT SUPPLY. | Known Area of 37.000 Square Miles | of the Fuel. | Ottawa, April 5.--Lovernment: sia tistics on the peat supph I'he provinces of Untario and Quebec ws stad FX 0 a year to the Un States for coal. The development' wd some of our extensive peat bogs will} sone of IS mone i help to keép | home and wo furnish © additional ployment to Canadians in Canada | anada has 37,000 square miles (23, LEN 000 acres) of known peat bogs, {but these form probabil, but a small {fraction of the total, constituting a potential national a-set of enormous value Some idea of the possibilities may be gained from the estimate that twen ty-eight acres of peat, nine feet deep, should wield 30.000 tons: snough to supply 100 families for twenty-five vears, allowing twenty tons per an- num to each latmy, or enough to furnish a power plant of 108 horse power, 'using steam engines, with fuel for more than twenty live Sars of 300 ten-hour days, allowing twelve pounds of fuel per horse power how developed. The fuel, f used in a suitable gas producer, would lust the same plant about 1 vears MAILED IN 1838. i Related Letter Received by Counecti- cut Woman. April 5.-A\ N.X.. Bithy to 0 > letter seventy thooe Danbury, Conn, in Leeneva, by deter mailed VeUrs ago, Paddock, Yonkers, N.Y., was dehver. d, vesterday, to the latter's sister; Mrs Mary LL. Mead, of this city. The letter which was wrirgen before envelopes came into use, was foldet and sealed with wax and had been mislaid in the archives of the fia 1 othee until a short time ago. when it was disov erved and maibel to Yonkers, where no trace of Paddock boing found, it was wnt to the dead-lettor «Bes at Wash ington from which it » mailed to Mis. Mead The writer and Paddock both diel some years ago and Mrs. Mead is Paddock's only surviving relative. The letter was in reference to timber land, owned by Paddock in the northern part of New York state, and by it means Mrs. Mead hopes to establish a laim to lands which she has vaisly tried to get in the past GAVE HIMSELF UP, "Slubad the Sailor" Afraid to Retain! Frecdom, Stillwater, Minn, Apuil 3 Sinbad the Sailor," whose real name i C hagles Price, and who Las been out of the Stillw: state prison since \ugust Ist, 1310, oun parole, has voluntarily returned to the prison He was sent to the prison in 159% having been convicted of. murder in be second degree. He arrived len a fw days ago and told the officers he was afraid temptation was to be too great for him and that he did not want to violate the conditions of his parole Paring the vears he was in the pri son he worked in th greenhouse and developed great skill in producing freak plants and grew mammoth lem ons by grafting grape fruit on lemon trees, 4 (NES "CNWRITTEN LAW." Vancouver, April 5.--Great Pritair and the United States have agried to arbitrate the Webster claim, involving ownership of millions of scree of land in New Zealand. The claimants are de scendants of Capt. J. Webster, a New Pedford, Mass., whaler, who operated in the South Seas in the early thirties making his headquarters in New Zea land before Creat Britain established a government on the islands. Webeto dying in the United States, left a wil bequeathing hie New Zealand estates to his relatives, who are said to have re sided in the United States for many years. Shares in $80.000.000 Estate. Troy, N.Y. April 5--Mre. Philomena Normandin, of Cohors, a ponsin of Madame Huett, widow of the Inte well known British officer. Gen. Huett, bas received word that she i= one of the heirs to an estate worth S66,000 000, Madame Huett died mtestate recent i lv at Paris, France, and each of the heirs will receive a large share of the foriune which the peneral accumulated in African diamond mines, w. 0 Hubbell, weve of Marmoras village, has been appointed' cena scommissioner for West Hastines Lawyer Questions Jurors on Wo man's Right to Protect Home, Fort Worth, Texar, April 5. ~The trial of Mrs. Lizzie Brooks, on the charce of mardering Mrs. Mar a ford, a saleswoman, began here ve terday Mrs. Brooks' counsel asked each juryman "Po vou believe that a soman has he same right as a man to protect | her home *"' | Oa January 16th Mrs. Brooks, 1he| vife of an attorney of Fo rth, | went, with a revolver co in her fur mufi, to the department store whore Mrs. Rinford was emploved and shot her dead. Buffalo Live Stock. Fast Buffalo, April 3.-Catt wipts, 3.700 head; butchers tive, Iie, to 15 1rher A Iv" active, steady to 10, lower steers, 36.05 10 $6.75; shipping to $6.49: butchers', 2.75 to *65 heifers, $165 10 $8.25 ows, $1 tor £5.50; bulls, $1 10 . s amd f feeders, $4.25 to NX stock hetlerer R4.25 to $50; fresh cows and spring ers, active and strong at XI 10 %6N 5 Receipts, 2,000 slow and stead at to *%.9%5 Hogs- Receipts, 12 | or fairly active: Light, steady, heav 3c. to 10e. lower; heavy 26.50 i 16.75: mixed, #7 to ¥T.15; Yorkers, | IS7.15 to $T.A5: pigs, $3T45 to 7.00 | roughs, $5.55 to £6 10: stags, 24.50 to | £5: dairies, 36.50 to ET... Sheep and lambs Receipts, 20,060: cheep wethers, 1k lower; lambs, . } handy, 10. higher; heavy lambs, § { 26.25% handy lambs, $35 to $7.15; rear lings, $5.50 to 26; wethere, Xi. 10 to 83.25. ewes, $1.50 to 85; sheep, mived, £l to 0 Will Arbitrate Claims, Vanishing Skin yg regular Nie, jars 25c., at Best's One Million Men Baldheaded at 35 it is estimated that I the hair. kills the dand- the United States. one ms and gives nourishment (0 are bald at VOATs 8 is J. B Mcleod is not caused by early at | lish dandruff, or by an excess of $ hair and itching 1e will ret does not matter in baldheaded arn your Li mey if lieve. Parisian Sage is a dainty Baldness is ca hair dressing and is a great dandruff germs whi favorite with women because down deep into the r it puts life and vigor lato the hair, destroy | the hair and. makes it lustrous ity and cause it to fal and luxurian If your hair is be Ouly 50 cents for a large 0 get thin on top, ¥«¢ ant Paris- bottle at J B Mcl.dod's and lan Sage, the f te and: druggists e verywhere, The girl with hair grower ing a he Auburn hair is on every bottle mest phen sale & on Cha i ¢ filled bLy the Qire da Manufacy ng Co, Fort Erie, Ont, Parisian Sage is a ple nt, re- the Canadian rietors, reshing tonic that penetr 8 into ---- Spr po ~ Footwear For Men === Our new Spring Shoes are as usual of high standard, We have endeavored to excel all past seasons in the secloction. | THE ROYAL | Rub It In And The Pain Comes Out Pains and aches wi come to every household, and the prudent mother keene a bottle of Father Morniscy's Liniment on hand to meet them Whether it's cuts or bruises, burns or frost-bites, chapped hands or chilblains, spraius or sore muscles, back ache, tooth- ache, ear ache, rheumatism, sre throat or pain in the at ! Father Morrisey's Liniment gives prompt relief. It "rubs in" quickly ard thoroughly, going right to the seat of the pain. Scarcely a trace of itstays on the skin That is one reason why With a bottle of Louse you can sal hours of nee i [ Rev. Father Morriscy | it is so effec Fathe 15d NM lorriscy's vourself aud your family tive Liniment in the hours and Very drop ur Dealer : Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ltd r Qu Sold and guaranteed In Kingstonby Jas. Ib "Meleod. -- - - - -- Order Some! When you are jaded--your appe- tite poor--your whole system weary--just try a glass of Labatt's Ale and Stout Pleases the palate, refreshes the body, agrees with the weakest stomach. A truly wholesome bever- age that aly nourishes. For a . milder drink try Labatt's London Lager Equal te the finest German brews. Has the true smack of choice hops. Very light, palatable, satisfying. Look for the lavender Comet Beer (LAGER STYLE) A jatiperaic brew---tastes and looks like choice lager, but has less than 22% of proof spirit. Quenches thirst; ref ; gives appetite. Order Premier Beer (ALE STYLE) The newest non-intoxicant, and delicious, with the real flavor aud 4 qualiny of good ale Complies al option requirements and _-- be openly sold anywhere. Order any Talat product from your dealer, or direct from JOHN LABATT, LONDON, CANADA Ask 4 For

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