purifier. Physi , that i it isimpossible of the juices figs and prunes-- il the medicinal or of alk fruits, acts just like the fresh is a frue bY cure for Constipation "the best Kiduey Regu- Purifying Medicive. he, £2.50, trial size, 250, ha Fruita tives Limited, - "UNION DIEL = 10 4 Bt El ey «8 COPLEY, ONE 987. the 19 Pine Street wher gx done in the Carpen faties given on all kinds exh. new work also rs of all kinds. Al olive I: prompt attention 1 mie cet hs ra Yeasts ssses aller & Son sha hme Sewing eyeles, Geo a Carriages 379 Kisg St KINGSTON, cesses torer for Mén ores every nerve in the bady its proper tension ; restores A Premature decay and all sexual 10 at once. Phosphonol wid ora gs The Beste a box, ox hi for peManood' s Drug Store. Ptr en om tisnasssssesesed URKAY, Auctioneer. alee YO APBUIA. BL try Bates oF of Farms my speciait: Band BT BQUARE. + ren Nevo: ory, eins, Ths. ob and Brain RINCESS STREET Harrison's), * and Gentlemen's 8 Euaranteed, Habits and Skirts ge Welcomed. . COHEN, Gentlemen's Tailor. NOW FAVORS UNION: Di, MILLIGAN RECEDES | FROM OLD POSITION, REY, And Comes Out in Favor of Orga : Union of the Churthes--First elm Series of Articles Stating wl Position. | Rev, G shigan, DD of old >t chure} SOs ne vi ¢ OI wt now turned In ' Ta forth iwmber of articles in | Globe, whitch will he read | particularly bes | a native of ki mae, formerly : the Taronto with intere cat In fran is here, son and ap old Luee's Ihe | wrticle assfnbly in St Joking in 19M, appointed «| onfer with other the Meid ehvirches 1 } ollowing is his first The général com- | adist and Con regarding the union between to draw up towards such rons ofl organic three churches and an of feasibility at now, wich many. flegangie union as the present before the union looking Thiz ix the seems lorgatten by so point we are! only matter at | wrches As re gards the intrusion of federal union at this time, it might be expected men who are presumed to have processes would till the proper time for taking it might be well to Congregational better than any others what mere federal adhisory conneetions | meat, they are disposed lo wards this organic union. arrangement or the accomplish- Its place, to faith in constitutional wait it other ixswes remem vr that friends know our and yet An organism is an devised for a eertain end be leg must be kept submrdi nate to and promotive to that end. To live for it equally as for the work devised to accomplish is cers tain 'to lead to false duty Ihe man who puts his party in the place of principle tums peace into war by geeking te promote his own interests at the expense of the good of others. The reason is that his organ- ie activity 8 based upon a wrong principle His ofgamism is a weapon to gratify his selfishness, and not to defend and spread the right When ever organic activity amhs at any other than an essentinlly righteous eid it results in harm to all corned, whether it be politieal, com- esciesiastical. The chief said, of all ergame wtivity, is to do justly; love merey and walk humbly with God. To act thus is the one spirit. men are called upon to exercise in diversity of mani- | fustution in various conditions and ages o fail to exhibit this varving | i yh? in dealing with organisms, | when they can most efficiently realin | their end, is to mistake non-essentials for essentials, and to live for forms rather than principles. i It was this error that inowreed the | condemnation of our Lord in the dave i of His flesh. Religious leaders lived then for the external rather than the | internal. for the formal rather than the spiritual. They strained at a goat and swallowsd a éamed, putting | ritual in the place where duty de |, manded he truly holy and ethical. | The Scribes and the Pharisees sal in Moses' wat and bound heavy burdens | and grievons to be borne, and laid them on men's shoulders, but they themselves would not move them with | one of their fingers, Their works they | did to be seen of men. They made broad their phylacteries and enlarged the borders of their garments. I'hey loved the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues and greetings 8 the markets, and 10 be ciulied of men "Rabbi." . "Rabbi." Religion in such hands bbeame a round of frivolous performances. such as tithing mn nnise, mint and oummn, They put the organism of religion and its superstitions observances in the place of Christ and high religious and moral living. If history teaches one unmistakable lesson, it is that the re- sult js disastrous unless men guard wgitinst the usurpation of the spiritual | bv the organic, It becomes the duty of all men in « brace the opportumty. w ver it presents itself, to set forth in the best way what is true in the organic acti vite of politics and religion. Fspecially tv this true regarding us as church: men in this early stage of our nation hood, when we are freer than some | others from cramping antecedents, and | when we should evercise (he largest adaptations possible and become all things to all men; not to proselvtize but to save the millions seeking homes within our borders. Time and again | Thave men forgotten to distinguish be {weeri believing in Chtiet and believing | in wu church, and by so dolby have broken not only the holy laws of God but ever those which nitare teaches | that wea vinlate at their peril. It fol- ! medinm ment of timate, il. was views of eons mercini, or end, it may be {lows that the Kingdon of heaven does | not eoine with observation. Any | matking off of men as pleasing 10 | God on acvount of any external con tions i= sectarian, and not spicit-! uni, Spirituality of niind and efficiency of service demand diversity of manifesta Hoh in Gorge applishede by dhe | Church of Christ. Bis a thousand pities at thie great national erie | and responsibility in iy, 8 Mines religious | if men give themselNes phastring | { her when | service thongs that Jive ways of doing nt offer | active in the best publie {bors of our i would have j out | hewn defen ted, | those who | iad the | sos hurch and state to em- |' x | and the | You i you to cheer up or = 8 ™E DANY BRITISH owe form ht has anek fi nistéring or The Methodists Yen T und in the been no 1 with ar of Divipe sévercignt Comgrepntionali individual con ATERCY ste bel the auld my of Pre whi that Lions terians In thereod i of the co ter things th ceTitre {The result may wave around the of praise people made the centre ganization the. Keeping of ple who together: clarified separated | charitable them to rin essemtial and non-essential, These things should carry familiar with various means. which are devoted to all pertams to man's relation hess usages ald make it easier for us to change | our methods of work when more effee- themselves in old lands. a great changes fessor 1 in relivions, peaple truly vital in wimit to God "ear © that 1s those hiving should display adopt organi aur cireumsiances to do have now than for Than such we or readmess to more fitted in better work than m yse thuse we + mémbers LC ARRIS WE BBE B, Je ¢ x KH 1aer In "The The Peoy e are at Fault. Montreal Witness Demoeracy has apparently not been a success this time in Chicago, though the democrats carried their man. Car ter Harrison, who, with his father of the same name, has been mayor of Chicago a, great deal, had a lot 'of ward bosses and the Hearst crowd working for: him. . mightily. Against him was the most unexceptionable can | didate that could have offered, FProl. | Merriam, of Chicago University, a man who has given his life not only to the study but to the practice of | political svience, having been most life of Chi Prof. Merriam had the support who have, like the nmiem own association, given themselves unremittingly to the betterment of the great aty. He been elected if the people of the silk stocking wards had turned to vote, but it was a bad day, and vour well dreseed citizen does not like to mingle with the low caste voter at the pulls. So Prof. Merrinm has not so much by opposi indifference of of all have at heart, guveTn cago. of 'all those citizens' tion" as by the civie should most intereiits of the city but who preferred to leave its { ment to the ward politicians seed." Gib- Kentucky lawn grass winning the mavorahy of Humnewell, Kas, Mrs. Ella Wilson was counted out by the old ety certificate of election given ta her opponent oO M. Akers, who i town clerk In Dread of Something After council Can Scarcely Tell What--It May he Hysteria, Insanity, Nervous Collapse. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food When the nesvois breaks dbwn vou live in constant dread of something terrible about to happen. Physical suffering cainol be com: ! pared to the mental agonies of the nervous wreck who fears that his mind may give way or that his body may be paralyzed. In this condition you must suffer alone for friends cdnsof understand or sympathize with you. They tell that it is only system | imagination. its than they were, wed yet not ay the oll onder welt give place to | the new because of new ciccumetances | calling to néw forms of duty. Many | i things in the past rendered great sor | Myice which ean prove, in anothet form ! ol greater advantage in the future. i Church arrangements; as they at | He t exist among us, are far from satisfactory. ae roll LA | we. consider presenti { themswlves for our solution. oy H How do the vario#s demominations, isinderely desing to spread the of Christ in our land without at t same time defying any form of church You can only throw off this depres- sion when the nerve cells are restor- od tu ait by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Norve Food. Your digestive system. has failed to supply proper nourishment to the nerves and you are compelled to seek aid from "other | sources, It will taks some patience and per { sistent treatmieot, but there is no way by which you can Serelriainly re stare hudith and vigor as by the Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. Dr. a vf boxes for $250. all doalers. of hunrson, g Rats & Co, Toroutor "| the hospitak ,Jof sheep and lcontinental line will be completed, and {world will have been opened to the WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS > TELL US. pms i The Tidings From Various Points in} Eastern Ountarfo--What People Are! Doing and What They are Saying. At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, April 7.- Mr. has moved inte the house which he] purchased of Herbert Smith. i Campbell is seriously ill. Archibald r- win has returned home from Havelock where he went through an operation | for appendicitis. Misses Jenme and! Annie Allen, nurse, have gone back to after days with their J. Carex has revovered from measles. T. H. Allen spent last day with his parents Mr. and Mis S. Campbell, Verona, at T. B. Camp- bell"s? W. L. Bauker has moved on to the Judge place. Miss Edua Meighen | made a visit to Perth. who was dl, thal Sum mailher, At Bicknell's Corner. { Bickunell's Corners, April The | cheese factories have started agmin. | Percy Seott and A. Dickson fouded a} carload of potatoes which seem to be in a great demand and the price is going up. Miss Edoa Amey spent a week at Morven visiting at Mei Smith's and Mr. Jardiner's. Mes. J | Yeomuns and daughter, Bernice, visiting her father, Joseph Amey. | James O'Meara made a business np | to Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley | Simmons entertained some of theix | friends on Tuesday evening. A Pleas | ant @vening was spent at the home of} Alva Boulter, when a large crowd] gathered from the surroundmg neigh-| borhood. : | re ee { Township of Pittsburg. | "April 3.-Council met at 11 gow ALY present. Minutes of last --=--"---- meetings confirmed. Communication | from J. L. Whiting, notifvimg vo wineil | that Judge Price has reserved Monday, April 17th, at - his chambers, court house, at ten o'clock, to apportion the | benefits (if any) belwern the town: | ships interested in the purchase an ii freeing of tolls ou the Kingston, Sior- | rington, ete., Road. Arcounts passed Chester Cowan, work, team aud five | men, half day, $4.10; James Esford, caretaker, $6.50; I). Carpenter, draw ing tile, $ E. Acton, work, $1.58; county of Frontenac, keep of poe 124.57; Whig, advertising, 310.7% clerk, account, salary, $34; J. Dufly, | work, $3; P. Gough, charity, &; the! treasurer, #2 for current expenses. Hy- | laws confirming the appointment of poundkeepers, fenceviewers, valuators collector passed Fhe | council unanimously passed the follow- | ing resolution : "That we are con vinoed that free trade in natural ducts between Canada awd the 1 pe] are! Pro- States will be to thé economie advan and that the in favor of the before the ! Adiourped until | tages of both peoples, council is unanimously reciprocity agreement House of Commons." May 6th, at 2 p.m. -------- Lansdowne Locals. Lansdowne, April 7.-0On Monday, April 3rd, the bishop of the diocese] confirmed seven candidates in St. John's church. Rev. ir. Serson, of | Gananogue, and the rector, Mr. Leech, | were present. Mre. William MeUonnpell | and Mrs. J. H. Warren returped on Tuesday from Toledo, where they spent a short time with Mr, and Mee. Bert. | Wood Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mooney | wand daughters returned on Sunday from a three months' visit in Eng Louis Moore and son, Donald, | Puesday, for Regina, to spend and probably' to lotate there if satisfactory, when Mr. Moor will remove his family there, William | Foley, who has been dangerously Hn ut the home of William Earl, = covering nicely Miss Nunn Guelph at her brothet's, Harry Mr. snd Mrs. Jamps A. Peck are re wicing aver the birth of a , E. Dixon Brockville Monday. E. R has sold stock of boots and shoes to &t Phillips. James = Lynch, moved to the farm in Fseott, v, has moved back to the Mrs. R. | number of friends on Tuesday ing Mize Sheldon, Gananoque, a few dave with friends here recenth a hittle daughter has of Mr. and Mrs. now land. left, on the summer, isin Nunn's. ! son was mn Bradley who re recent even Frederick Wai home ren Travelling Masouic Bible. fall of 1909 Masons of Chi a Bible on In the cago started ney, ILis te be the possession of at least one every priveipal city of the country and ultimately returned to its a long ous lodge iy, | archives of the Chicago Masons. i It is expected that tdentv-fve years | will be required for the Bible to com plete its passage from lodges to lodge until all the blank pages provided for | the record of its ewstoshinns shall have | been filled. A lodge in Columbus, | Ohio, which had ned the Bible | sinfe November, tly seni oa spe cial train to Sprivgfiekl, in that state, | to convey the travelling Dible to a | Lodge there, where jt was ceceiyed with | impressive cofemonies, Hedore Teach | ing Colimbus it has been in the pos session of lodges in Cincinnati and | Dayton. : Canada's Great Asset, Montreal Star Canada was able, last vear, to! cponnl twenty feud millions on the construction of t Tran=c miinental with an additibn' y four mithdps to the How t that co is the one in which Sir John found himself hin Canddien Paci- Or anyone to see. ot have wrought an der such conditions, it would aot have been necessary to give away lands equal in extent to a y empire in order to get the railways going. | One of these days the Trans the country will have on hand an as: sot worth 100 mallioas or so 'more than the debt addition its construction oovasioned,, And meantime a Sew hand of man up there in the orth. wearer "Sod only ab Gibew'<" Kentucky finn gyrase sond. Bertram | B spending a few N village. | Hungerford entertained a i | spend | arrived at the! starting | Ee MAKES CLOTHES WEAR LONGER GQUNLIGHT SOAP, compounded scientifically by expert chemists, contains noth- ing to ham absolutely free from bleaching chemicals. your clothes and is biting and It works equally well in hard or soft water, works into a rich, creamy lather " Use Sumlight Soap This Way touch, and leaves clothes soft, clean-smelling De not boil or ub clothes -- it weakens snd tears and white as snow. fabrics. Soak and soap well with Sunlight. allow to stand for half an hour; rinse, wring and hang all # will do twice as much Wah Long's Laundry First-class work guaran ced Drop fe a card 1 il promptly ror our laupd WELLINGTON ST. etween Brock and ( Hlarence $ ts, BIBBY'S CAR STAND DAY 'OR NIGHT Phone 201 TINSMITH and PLUM! PLUMBING W. C. BENNETT, Foreman for 8 J. Horsey for 234 years, has opened a insmith § and Plum & Shop at 373 King Street All work entrusted to my care will receive prompt at- 4 tention 'Phone 1083. 4 'PTV VTTVLRTVRVOTRRBVA NEW SPRING WALL PAPER. We are showing some dainty designs and colorings OUR BEAVER BRAND in Bedroom, Parlor and Sit tingéroom at usual low Of Flgur is unexcelled for bread or pastry Price is moderate. A. MACLEAN, Ontario Street. | A. WEESE & 00 Picture Framing Photos LIME For Sale|oun consIGNMENT BEST FOR PLASTERING Of Green and Black Teas from Cey STONE AND BRICK WORK. lon have arrived Though prices are much higher, we are still sell W. Drury, Ing at 30c¢ per 1b 235 Wellington Street. ANDREW MACLEAN, 9 Ontario Street. » . - ;| Carriage Painting ¢ If you want yeur Carriages to look ¢| and wear well, leave them with us Children's carriages and go-carts en amelled in all latest tints E. J. DUNPHY, Montreal and Ordanmce Stfeets, VV BRUVLTLRTRTTRRBBTRRRY KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 'Highest Fdacation at LowestCost" e |e ¢ Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term i# begins August 30th. Courses ie Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Te) in ' graphy; Civil Service and English 3 4 Our graduates get the bost # Cor. positions Within a short time ? over sixty secured positions with¢ # one of the largest rallway cor- porations in Canada Enter any Call or write for informa- F. Metcalfe, Principal ' (Limited). ' Kingston, Canada % AVRO OTRRRRSN 0000000000 0OVY Wood,! Lumber, Shingles Honest Measurement. Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE IVARMES, Residence, 280 Bagot Street. "Phone No. 1019. e000 OOIVe New Buckwheat Flour Maple Syrup Maple Sugar Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper, 'hone 76. C41-8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. ET -- -- . -- I Spring Footwear ™ --For Men- Our new Spring Shoes are as usual of high all . . ® | @ time, tion. H. Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OL. LUBRICATING OIL, FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets, Toye's Building. Mooney | standard. We have endeavored to excel past seasons in the seloction. i THE ROYAL kept for a time in | point to be placed among the precious | 8% 2 Biches; of ame of the best photographs ofthe love Rev, Father pr pb sdmiters of the himself or of his prescriptions: Bevter even thay the small , it fs «very handsome sicrare. worthy of framing, "ibe Father Morrisey Co., L1d., s Montreal: Quen will be gisd to s2ad = enlargement, absolutely free, to each cue wno wines for ie. Suld amd guaranteed in Kingsiv: by. ds. 1h, Melon: Use Sunlight Soap according to try it just ence--and convince yourself that as other soaps, DESERONTO, GO TO THE STEWART HOU SE, ing Commercial Hotel Ha per day THOS, STEWART, JL SS Easter Holidays Round Trip Tickets will be issued at Single First- Class Fare Good going April 13th, th, 16th, and 17th. Good to ret {rn un til- April 19th Tickets ' EAD- es, $1.50 Prop issued to intermediate stations .between Montreal and To rento in connection with the will not be good -on Trains 1 For tickets and f I. I. HANLEY, Age Corer Johuson and Ont above and 4 ill information, K NCSTONS PEME LCL : GUL in Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY, Easter Holidays Round trip tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good going Thursday, April 13th to Monday, April 17th, inclusive, good returning until April 19, 1911 Homeseekers To Western Canada Low round trip rates good April 18 May 2. 16, 3 June 13, 27 Tickets good to days. Full particulars at K. and P C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario 'Phone 60, F. CONWAY, Gen return within 60 and Street. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. a. leaves auity" Station, Ontario for 4pm 4 (Bunday excepted) or Tweed. By an Napanee, Deser- nto, ar and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannook- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario route your shipments via aS ints Haldar, For further DICKSON, Laat Proms, wit ALLAN LINE Steamship Co'y, ld. OPERATING THE FINEST OF PASSENGER ETEAMEH ST. LAWRENCE ROUT SUMMER SATLINGS Montreal to Liverpool ROYAL MAIL SERV 10 wu "'Corgican." May 6 "Virginian "Tunisia "Victorian," Montreal to G usgow "Ionian." May 6th, June rd "Grammy lar Ma Juna 10th "Séotia.' May 20th. 4 un e 17th "Hesperian," Ma . June 24ib Montreal to London One class (moderate rate). Steamers calling at Havre, Fra { For ful | Bailings, {4 P. HANLEY. C 8 KIRKPATRICK, GT. Ry Clare or THE ALLAN LINE, 7 Yonge Street, Torouto, r siars of Rates and apply - Bl THE RIGHT KIND. THE KIND WE DO. THE KIND YOU WANT. © Call and See Us. : 'Phone 2335, Residence, 856 David Hail, - 68 BROCK STREET, A TAI SII O31 04 Mn RT HE