oarsmen as A Rr ye os Mit ~ PAGE TWO. IPH. SINS HAS GONE | HIS CREDITORS ARE MAKING | ANXIOUS ENQUIRIES, Ek § | , | He Came From Toronto To Ran the Bijpu--Contracted Debts and Has Left Withoni Paying Them. | | . { The newest thing which set people | We can help you--in you need Just the help we can give-----~Repaiding, Upholstering, Vacuum Cleaning, New Furniture, New Carpets, Linoleum, Curtains, ete. Three stores full All From Trapper to Wearer (Registered). 'Let Us Care For Your talking yesterday was the disappear- {ance of P. H. Sims, proprietor of the | Bijou Theatre, wha came down here : jerom Torouty a short time ago and : j Spetind 2» the amusement business - | agaln after erent ones had falle . This Summer. Telephone 489 .. the same pla¢, resolved to alle - , | the people that he could make it Our Fur Waggon will call | even If others had falled before Lit | He came here well recommended, and JOHN McKAY, bills at different places in the city. He advertised, and was draw- 149-155Brock Street it a good trade, but his house was not large enough to stand the ex- | pause attached to it. He opened ac- jrounts with different men, making repairs and renovating the house, and went away without paying them. ; Sometime during Saturday night or! Sunday he left after first drawing | | ali the money out of the bank. When . o| the employees went to the bank on| | Monday morning to cash their | cheques for last week's wages there was nothing te cover the account. House-Cleaning bi Home | COMPLAINED TO THE MAYOR About the "Mashers" Reing Source! Fumishing ~ Month of Nutone. | face Mayor Graham had a complaint to tact, make to the police, to-day, on_ behalf, of some citizens who live on Clergy street west. It is claimed that young men and young women who congre-| gate in that neighborhood make it! very disagreeable for the citizens who wish to have a good night's rest. | | It appears that the offenders have | been asked several times to stop the nuisance, but that no action has been Nothing newer or Beds $16 50) taken | Asa result, Police Constable Craig | has been detailed to look into the matter, and he is out with a big stick after the offenders, and if they do, not keep the peace there will be | trouble. The nuisance complained of is loud and boisterous laughter late at nights, with continual running up and down the sidewalk. new 1911 goods New designs in Iron Hrass Beds Letter $250 up to 2500 up to $86 60. The hest line shown | VERY SIMPLE TO ENFORCE y The By-law Regarding the Closing of Pool Rooms. The police do not anticipate any trouble at all in the enforcement of the pool room by-law. As far as they know, the pool rooms have always closed their doors at midnight. ' The hour hereafter will be eleven o'clock, and it will be very easy to find out those places that do mot close at that hour. The civic finance committee had fixed the age of persons to be ad- mitted to poolrooms at eighteen and over, but the city solicitor wrote the council that a law was recently! passed by the Outario legislature fix- ink the age for persons to be per- mitted to frequent poolrooms at six- teen years and over, so the city council could not make the age elghteen years. BEDROOM SUITES, Iron or Wood Beds, in Surface Oak solid Quarter-Cut Oak, Mahogany White Enamel, Circassian: Walnut (the latest), prices ranging from $14 00 up to 380.00, Rugs, Carpets, Ollcloth, pte, Curtains, » Linoleum, Furniture, Tapestries, Silks, Repair and Upholstering work promptly done 'Phone 90 T. F. HARRISON CO. Yours, ° Error in Dates. In the columns of this paper, last evening, It was announced that the Sunday School Amateur Athletic As- sociation would meet Tuesday even- ing in the Y.M.C.A. This was a mis- take, as it should have read Thurs- day evening. i Gome to Smith's Falls, R. N. F. MacFarlane and William Raudall, contractors, and Willjam Newlands, architect, left at noon for Smith's Falls in connection with the erection of the new High school in that place, for which the former has the contract | No Indoor Hockey. There were to have been two games of indoor hockey at the YMCA, gymnasium, last evening, the first be tween Holland and Fleming, with the bankers a bye. Fleming did not tum up, s0 both games had to be called ofl. Arriving Daily | NEW GOODS FROM ALL OVER THR WORLD. Mattings from China and Japan, ? Silk Drapes from Constanti- nople. Rugs from Persia, Austria, and Germany. Lace Curtains from Switzer land, Carpets and Olicloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Musling from Boston And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. PIPPI PPIPPP PPP 00 | R. McFAUL. CARPEY WARNNOUSE. A Problem for Whig Readers. 1 was born on Good Friday, April 1th. This year is the first year since I was born that my birthday comes jon Good Friday. What year was | . {hom *A.C. Roses, carnations. "Phone 36. The publicity agent for the Hydro- Electric commission is working over- time. He published that Kingston has ordered 1,200 horse power from the commission. No on here knows that a single horse power has been ordered. Order your corset mow. Perfect fit and comfort, from 83. Specialty made of abdominal supports, hygiene waists, ete; shoulder braces, Sc. No city agent. Dutton's, 9 Princess St. 'J. M. Hughes took out a permit, to-day, at the city engineer's office, for the erection a brick dwelling on C street west. The construe tion will be done by H. W. Watts, contractor. "Kentucky lawn grass seed." Gib- son's. With the advent of spring the trees will begin to leave, Even money - cannot make one thoroughly independent.' SOUR STOMACH M-1-ONA Will Cure You. stomach 1 Pluck, Energy. Determination! All good words and all three qualities are necessary in the man who is to advance in the world. It takes pluck, determination energy and to earn and save money. It is hard work indeed to earn it, but much Hatter for ost people to save The man who would save money should have some good use to which to put it and there Is nothing so good as 'putting it into a home. You can pay for a home on the installment plan with the and satisfaction that with every payment you are that much better off finan- clally--that much nearer in- McCann's Brock, Cor. King St. messcccecsscceteccece 00000000000 00000000WssROOS - . \ ve $900000000000000000000 Erie, Ont. Be sure you a<k Micon, the nN remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble. | Sold and guaranteed by J. B. No GO00000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000 i !P., predided. The programme consist- I plainly that encounter was the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SALVATION ARMY CONCERT. the Citadel, Monday Evening, the Band. in the Salvation 'Army citadel, 'last evening, by the army band, was very pleasing to the fair sized audietce which gathered. The | concert is an annual affair, but this year it was. given on Gen. William Booth's birthday. W. F. Nickle, M.P. In LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. pevaranos In The City And Vicinity | ----Other Brief Items of Interest "Easter lilies." Purdy. od of vocal and instrumental music. A | | Phobe 330, Gibson's, drug wants trombone solo was given by Deputy | New Cocomnuts, Se. and lic. each, Randmaster Grainger, which was much Carnoveky's. appreciated, while & euphonium solo | Men's working boots from $1 per by Bandsman John Hughes was very Pair. Dutton S, 29 Princess street pleasing. "The Kingston March," com- } William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders posed by Mr. Hughes, was also play- [received at McAuley's. Phone 778. of by band, and was very pretty. | H. H. Gildersieeve holds 190 shares Capt. Turner gave a characteristic so- [in the Northern Navigation company, lo, which was very laughable. The of which he is manager, band was in charge of Bandmaster| See our baby dresses, all the latest Christmas. 'Mr. Nickle spoke at the 'styles. Miss Sutherland, 90 Princess close and said he felt it an honor to street. have been the chairman at the gather-| The plans for the pew public school ing, and assured the army people of | are on view at the board of education his continued interest in their wel- | rooms. fare. A neat sum was realized from! Gas and electric accounts are now the concert. due. Pay at once and save ten per ---------- cent. o A TALK ON PATIENCE. Before buying elsewhere our trunks. Save mondy at lutton's, 209 Princess street, : "Moth proof bags." Gibson's. Miss Jennie Eves is spending Faster holidays with her parents, on Living: ston avenue. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Igave orders at Auley's bookstore: -- ) P. Conway will go to Montreal on Wednesday to attend the amssal meet ing of the Canadian Freight Agents' association. "Moth proof bags.'¥ Gibson's. Special bargain in women's boots and children's school boots. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Louis Nethersole, manager for Mar garet Anglin, was in the city, to-day, arranging for her appearance here on April 19th. Grand millinery opening for the wee tots, Tuesday and following days. Miss Sutherland, 90 Princess street. Lieut.-Cal. H. 8. Greenwdod, R.O., and Major A. H. MacDonnell, 11.5.0, are appointed visitors at the Royal Military College. \ Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, colors, lOc. yard. Dutton's, Princess street, "Buy sweet pea seed" at Gibson's. Dr. David Robb, B.A., Ithaca, N. Y., is visiting ffiends in the city He is another Queen s well across the border. Motor veils, usually $1, for Dutton's, 209 Princess street. E. E. Horsey, manager of the Lake Ontario * and Bay of Quinte Naviga- tion company, has returned from a trip to Rochester, Bufiulo and adja cent points "Buy moth camphor" at Gibson's. Chamois finish gloves, usually 50c., for 25¢. a pair. Dutton's, 209 Prin- cess street. © Vietor M. Drury, a former NKing- stonian, has been appointed manager for W. M. Aitken & (o., capitalired at $1,000,000, to do a private bank ing business in Montreal Sale extra large hair nets; 5c collars, 18c. and 20¢.: Dutton's, Princess street. 'Buy flower seeds' at Gibson's. On Monday Joseph E. Clark of the Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Navigation company's staff, began his {eightieth year. He shows great ac- The concert at l see Come to Them Who Wait. The Young Men's Bible class met as usual in the Y.M.C.A,, last evening, for supper. About thirty sat down to the spread provided by the ladies. Robert Meek spoke for a short time on "Patience, Its Virtues." The talk was very interesting. He showed "all things come to him who waits." The most brilliant and witty men are often those who are of very little patience. To accomplish anything that is worth while one must have patience. He illustrated his point by giving sketch- es of the lives some great men who have left their mark in this world, and their success, as related by themselves and others who knew them intimately, was attributed to pa- tience. This Bible class has become very popular among the young men who compose it and each Monday evening finds them out in full force to listen to the talks given. All Things | Me KINGSTONIAN PROMOTED. all William J. Power, Duluth, Gets Well- ns Earned Appointment. Word has been received in the city of a wellearned promotion to a Kingstonian, William .J. Power, (son of late Thomas Power, of this city, and a nephew of Edward Power, King street), general agent of the freight department of the Great North- ern railroad, at Duluth, has been ap- pointed assistant general freight agent of the Lake Superior district, sue ceeding P. H. urham. Mr. Power's many friends in this city were pleased to 'hear of his advancement. Mr. Power is one of the best known and best liked of the head of the lakes railway men. He has been in Duluth for fifteen years and has held his present position with the Great Northern, for a number of years. In his new ition, Mr. Power's head- quarters will be at St. Paul. HAD HIS LEG FRACTURED. John Brebner Met With a Serious Ace cident. John Brebner, farmer, of Calaraqui, is laid up at the general hospital as the result of a serious accident he [EH met with, on Monday afternoon. He [tivity for a man of his years was engaged in putting in some prese- | Sale children's waists, 19%. Dutton's, ed hay, at the military stables when 209 Princess street. he fell through a trap door. His | Mrs. Samuel Dyvde, University right leg was fractured, and he also [tue, went to Teeswater, Ont, suffered a severe:shaking up. At the | d&®gltermoon, to attend (Me funeral hospital, this morning, it was stated [of her broths, the late Rev David that he was doing nicely. Wardrope' Mrs. Dyde is eighty-three Mr. Brebmer is over fifty years of |years of age. : age, and. is one of the best known | 109 "Brock farmers in this district. For many years he lived in Pittsburg township. man doing Se, Fane, 209 ave street." Fresh flowers Kingston's Famous Fur Store. A Busy Place These days is our New Ladies' Ready-to-Wear store. After all this is what might be expected, for it is really the only exclasive ladies' store of the kind in the city. Smart Waists For Easter Row on Princess Street, A row at the corner of Princess and Barrie streets, last evening, between a young woman and two wen was the cause of quite a lot of excitement for a short time and drew a large crowd. The young lady, who was walking along the street, was accosted by a man, who asked permission to see her home. The permission was refused, at which the man grabbed her and a fisti¢ result. The young woman got the better of the scrap and was getting free when a drunk came along and interfered. He was sent sprawling in the road and a lady and gentleman who were passing along at the time escorted the young woman to her home. The Late Michael Gallivan. The last sad rites over the remains of the late Michael Gallivan, the well: known carter, who passed away at his home on Raglan road, Sunday, were conducted this morning when a requiem mass was said at St. Mary's known carters in this city. sulted from pueumonia, and came a shock to b : illness. He leaves grown-up family. The Governor's Statments, We have a superb col- lection of s waists. Silks, Nets, Linens and Lawns-tailoring and cut is of such a high class that they excel the made- to-measure garment. Prices $1.25 to $7.50. 3 days more to shop for IP. : . Book your Camovsky, and you tion, There was po session of the court on Tuesday morning. vester- TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1911. mms |THE DAY'S EPISODES Only 3 Days Gifts for Easter Framed and Unframed Pictures Crucifixes and Candlesticks ilveny finish, bright and ilt, bright and old goid. MOTHER A beautiful inexpensive for Easter is a % x 14, with band-colored print Whistler's mother Plate marked and mount gilt * border Special price, Easter Cards. Etc. | Another © shipment of Tuek's| Easter Cards and Booklets received | this morning : An exclusive line of Easter Plati- num Plain and Hand-colored Pi ures in loose folders suitable framing | is E | | | } | . } r and r gl * to 5c each Easter Cards from 3c to $i Easter Hooks and Booklets Post Cards, 8 for & in} {10 oxodized; | mounted Motto Card, | fi of 3 Days to Easter Have you had your Easter wants supplied for Cards, Post Cards, Booklets and Easter Gifts ? : 'Street & Smith's Publicati*ns Over 1,600 of the iit latest additions he following wr ved aris this week } New Magnet { New Eagle Library Bertha Clay Library Far Library 'PRICE 15c¢. 2 for 25¢. Select i } « est The College Book 260 PRINCESS STREET | VESPER SERVICE In First Congregational Church Monday Afternoon. The first of a series of vesper vices, which are being held in the First Congregational church took place, Monday afternoon. The meet ing was well attended, about fifty being present. The service was from 4:15 to five o'clock. Miss Hazel Mas sie sang that beautiful solo, "There 1s A Green Hill Far Away." Miss Bessie Rogers gave two organ voluntaries, which were much™Appreciated. Prof. W H. Greaves read the scripture The pastor, Rev. E. LeRoy Rice, gave a ten-minute address, drawing Je Sons HELD biibidvhid dade Farmers, Attention in stock a full on the ! We carry line of CATTLE AND VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS. Milk Fever Outfits, Cattle Trocars, Slitters, Teat Dilators, Milking Tubes styles. Syringes in and sizes lesson 0000000000000 000000 from the two expressions connected with the cursing of the fig tree The purpose of these meotings familiarize the people with the dents and events in the last week the life of Christ. Services will | continued every afternoon this | with the exception of Friday. service will be held at might o'clock in the evening to inch be week and { fn different different styles Dr. A..P.Cloun, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINUESS STREET. 'Phone 343. VALUABLE CHICKENS BURNED. Fire Destroyed a Brooder on Nelson Street. last evening, Fire in a brooder, at the hohe of James A. Holland, Nelsoy street, destroyed thirty pure bred '000000000000 000000000000000° chickens, the property of George Hol land, a poultry fancier for the fire is assigned to the lamp by which the brooder was heated, explod ing. The fire was noticed first by Mr Holland, who was going from the sta ble to the house. His hands were bad {ly burned in trying to extinguish the { flames. The brooder almast to {tally destroyed, while fifteen chickens that were in the brooder, with the thir ty destroyed, were saved. It was in deed fortimate that the fire was dis covered in time, for had it had fi | minutes longer, the hen house A {have been in flames. The firemen we Inot called | s---- -- | ENTIRE FAMILY DEPORTED. The reason We Are Selling The Swellest Suits in the trade. was ve i l re 1 1 tol of "rhoro, | Inspéctor Devlin Made a Trip Peterborough. Petdr Devlin, immigrant {this eity, left, at noon, for {where he will deport an ent the father, to the old « caused family, and The al of {composed of {four childrer {family have | trouble since they have heen | Peterboro, and the {ered it best to have iported. Inspector | Peterboro, for Montrea | members of the family, on {Just recently, Inspector Dey jd a man from the penitentiary | {to anyone, fm vonneglion {land's hennery. | which has a telephone in it, | find the number of the fire stat it | corporation offices. Had the la serious one, jt might have made con [siderable headway before word « {have been got to the fire deparin | The number of the fire station is land the 'phone rings simultane jat both stations. The letters of the {number should be cut out of a calen dar and pasted on the front of the di | rectory, or the number should be 'placed under the 'F' one could find 1t a great m sid- de nave pithorities « with Wade 1 lin deport Couldn't Find Fire Number. fire st That the number of the station n the telephone directory I was evinced last evening, with the fire Hol Residents of the house, wld not s not plain in - Mm in under been the directory, because was fire n 19% sly so that every Prices $9.50 and Up Come and see our range Travellers and the Y.M.C.A, The suggestion made through the columns of the Whig about a week ago with reference to travellers using [the Y.M.CA., in the different cities, { which they visit, may culminate in a i movement which will bring about the jdesired end. Local Y.M.C. A. 'authori ties confessex] that they had never thought of it in that way, but would give it their consideration. They ex- pressed themselves as being in sympa thy with it and would do all in their power to carry the movement through. Other travellers to whom the idea has been" mentioned have fallen in with the views of the traveller from whom the idea origingted. It is altogether prob ahle that 'the Commercial Travellers' {| Association and the heads of the Y. 'M.CA. in Canada will get together (and do something regarding the mat ter in the near future. Was Given Eight Years - Bheriff Dawsgn, of St Catharines, arrived «in the city, on Monday, with a young man named Graham, who was sentenced to eight years in peo: tentiary for housebreaking. His brother is now on remand ong simi {lar , and will be wntenced dur jing the course of a few days Mishap to Fire Waggon, The exercise waggon at the lower station came to grief, on Mouday af ternoon, When driving over the street csr tracks on Ontario street the wheel | canght in the track, and was badly damaged. A new wheel will have be put om. : Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYR BURY STORX 's Falls, 1» com- mame of his pew Capt. Foster, Smiti polled to change the passenger steamer from Venturs Buea Vista, because anoiher of that name is already rey the British empire, and flies ish flag : Men's 85 patent colt, Goodyear welt for ¥.75. Patton's, N90 Princess street. The firemen are Grout for MAR AZINE Nr. and Mrs Edmonton on Wednesdsy at Sale suiteasen, exewile value, Duttion's, 209 Princess street. Miss Jennie Wilson, Deserosto, 1 Visitor 'the + Monday Never horraw can' turp--uot eve trouble "Phoné 230." Gibson's, tucky lawn grass seed Ur. Nieholle, V.S.. Harrowsmith, tas. Green peppers, at Carsoviby's, to eteamer 1terind ay the Brit gratefol to kage the gut x Pa ol George CHE leave fof HOON $i 5 was nm t ter aything vou Ken- for went aot to anon OPEN NIGHTS Store, THE FINEST BUOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 Mahogany Striking Mantel Clocks ~---------------- We have peautiful Maho- gany Chimes. Antique Designs, in solid Carved Mahogany, and less elaborate square shapes of European asd American manu- facture.. What is more lasting or pleasurable than a good Clock? SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. .BOAS. * * 9» Just received a fresh ship- ment of Ostrich and Marrabeau Boas ALL COLORS. W. F. GOURDIER | i i [For Three Days We Offer for $2,300 477 Pri { Dwelling ) ncess Street Aver ontaining garaen in 1 large alone MULLIN, | Corner Johnson and Division Sts. ! 'Phone 639 E | | ..| KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor, Princess and Sydenham Streets. "Phone 132.