in tea must be dig tinctive, pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use. The flavor of Red Rose Tea is all its own; and it never fails to win and hold ap- proval because it never fails in quality. Try it MISCALLED "HAIR TONIOS." Most Hair Prepivagions A Scalp Irvitants of No Value, Mast hair scalp irritants, miscalled haiv. tonics. When hair i= brittle, lusterless and begins to fall out, the dandroff germ is getting in its deadly work at the rool, sapping the vitality. Sine science discoversd that dandruff is a germ disease there has been only oge preparation put on the market that will actually destroy the dandruff germ, and that is Newbro's Herpicide. It guickly reduces scalp dover, destroys the germ, and the falling hair stops, and hair grows luixuriantly., Ask vour druggist for Herpicide. It allags itch. ing mstantly, and permits the hair to row Sokl by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. James B. McLeod, special agent, Kingster, Ont. 0000000 c0cnscensee Panell anelling STAIR CASES, VENEERED DOORS, GLASS PARTITIONS, BANK FITTINGS, OFFICE FITTINGS, HOUSE FITTINGS Is our Specialty. ---------- 5. ANGLIN '8 CD. WELLINGTON ST. NORTH. esses sssststecetenes "HUN000000000000000000000000000000 m™ You Gog May?) If so, 1 will pay the highest cash price for your Furniture and Household Bffects: No commission, no wait, no trouble. , Headquarters for Antique g Furditure Rig stock and § variety now on hand for your selection. L. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, BEGAN «= the | barking Dark Subject COAL of course. A universal fuel derived from t carbon---varying in color from brown to black. fa rd Ea Soe wt for 'heating flag heir : ey on our black carbon so- qu 's this year's yi PRESHLE, MTXAD. Cost. Crawford. Bust Gees 0 Phone 8 The oath occurred, on Monday, at St. Vincent de Pau! vite, of Miss Katherine mployee of the mstitation ior a "» the | # i | ed by | |current purposes. budget speech THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Bub published At fan rr Editions at 136 and 4 Monier S3d morales at wf 8 year. pnaing 1x of Daily ki Shi - of W e best Job Print- ay od SAE TE 3 NTO Suite 19 and Queen City Ta Capen 80 Toronto, P., representative. Baile Wig. QUESTION OF BOOKKEEPING. ais Journal regrets that Mr. Fielding does not change the bookkeeping at Ottawa so that there may not be any more confusion with regard to capital and consolidated ac- counts. He cammot change that which is permissible and [subject to readop- tion by a successor. When in opposi- tion, Mr. Matheson, of the treasury department of Toronto, argued stren- wously against the use of money rais- the sale of crown timber for But in the last went back om his he | previous record, and made the best use preparations are merely | lhe could of extraordinary or special re Merely revenue in order to avoid a deficit, or announcing or admilting ome, for it was there all the same. Mr. Fielding is to be commended for meeting cap- ital expenditure, in the way of pubhc works, so far as possitde out of cur- rent revenue, but the country is to be congratulated upom the prosperity which makes this possible. A period government, or misgovernment, a Foster in the finance depart- went, might make the present system of bookkeeping a necessity of with FURTHER ENQUIRY offer of cheap power stil! the the SOME The does not look any closer comparison with that Seymour the worse of of Hydro-Electric commission. In first place the alleged attack of Hon Mr. Beck upon the Seymour com pany at Brockville is noted. One who and 'heard Mr. Beck speak, at both the: afterneon and evening meetings, questions the curaey of the report which referred to the merger which the Hydro-Electric commission could not confrol. There monopoly where there is competition, and the consumers of power everywhere will rejoice that cv- en the provincial commission capuol coerce apy interest whigh is not in harmony with its plans. Th. Seymour company offered tc bring power to the city without any Kingston is not asked to outlay in was present ac can be no cost to it. contribute anything to the transmission lines. The city "not required to make a contract AE a long time, 'The amount of power guaranteed is very small, 300 horse power. Anything over that can paid for on the kilowatt basis, oo when the, excess is ocunsiderable the basis of conpilation can be changed from the kilo-watf te the anbual rate, ut $25 per horsepower. The HydroEleetric commission wants $29 per horsepower for 1,200, anteed for thirty years, with a tinuous charge of 6.08 per cent. on an of 804.000 for transmission The waiving of the first five when guar; oon outlay lines. years is of no advantage i simply means that the charges will accumulate and be added to the charges in the next twenty-five years Mr. Beck's peroration was not catoWing as it seemed. He pictured the happy position the city would be Would worn sa in at the end of thirty years. the plant not be pretty well out ? Would the leases or easements not have then expired? Would there be any surety of the power contract being renewed at Waddingham * Would municipality Be justiisl in em upon an enterprise so cost and so hazardous, when it has an offer for cheap power without its de- maids, and without any hazard or risk * Surely the committee will be warranted in having these power of submitted opin Iy fers for an expert ion. FARMERS' POINT OF VIEW, The farmers' point of view is pecu- liarly bis own, and one of them has advised the Whig that it is up 0 the politicians to understand what this point is. For instance, said he, the farmers were told not to believe the statement that they could sel! hay at a greater profit with reciprocity io force. The vear may come occasional: ly when the Americans have a large hay erop, and when it will not pay the Canadian to pay $3.60 per short ton and $1 per long ton to ship his product across the border. As a rule, however, the Canadian has the hay to export, and the American wants is and the duty: is a serious item. It is argued occasionally that the farmer is foolish to: Jel bis his fodder, THE DAILY ARITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. NEWS!OF THE gi OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN| permanent improvements, and in the fall or winter "they want ready cash and. the hay must go. Will the man who saved $3.60 or $# per ton on his sales be lacking in his appreciation of the trade agreement which brought this condition about * We trow not. The argument with reference to cheese and butter is easily understood. The more of any article the has to export, of the products of the farm, the greater the boon of freedom from taxation, It would not make any dif- ference what the duty was if there was nothing to export. (f wheat Canada has a large exportation. All of it will not be wanted in the United States. As a matter of fact there is recipro- city in wheat now to a sent. The American miller must: have our No. | hard to mix with his softer wheat, about one bushel to three, be has to send out of the United States to Canada forty-five pounds of flour for each bushel of wheat. It is n advantageous arrangemeut as Can- ada cannot grind and use all her wheat, and the freer the trade in it the better. There would be a market across the line for Canadian bacon under the re- ciprocal arrangement. American bacon is the ultimate product of corn, while Canadian bacon represents the use of barley and oats as feed. The. result is of bacon in Canada, in large demand the trade agree- ment were in force. The same may be of fish. The product of the from the colder waters, is the better and would have the preference in any market. Likewise the fruits. Canada may use the American goods, ! country certain ex and a finer quality and it would be American cities if in said north, because they are somewhat earlier, but there is no fsuit like the and. free markets would weit finding to the American centres selling at any price. So it goes that the farmer is con sidering the question it affects himself. He has before him continually one great object lesson--that he uo protection for anything he grows, and the wider the market the better; that he i# at the ipercy of the men from whom he buys, and that most of these articles are made more costly by the tanff them. He ; therefore, that. he wants his innings | now, and he is going to have it. Canadian, its way and as has upon reasons, EDITORIAL NOTES, Any relied from duty or taxation will be a relief to the farmer. He is the only individual who does not en- jov the advantage of protection. Will there be a new election? Not until the census has been taken and the west has been given the increased opr station it demands. An election will eome soom enough, however, for the troublors in the commons. The Expositor cannot imagine why anv one should live im Kingston, even without taxation. There are 22,000 reople who think that there is no » |11ace like Kingston; and some of them hud an opportunity to visit Brant- ford and see the airs it is putting om. The opposition at Ottawa is weary of the reciprocity agreement, people appear to be weary of the op- position. It's what might be expect ed when men oppose the 'thing formerly desired and could not get They are talking politics to the disyd- vantage of the farmer. and the they The model schools, restored by order of the education department, will give the country the teachers it requires What a spectacle ihis education de- purtment is making of itself to be What could be expected from Dr. Pyne, as minister of educa- tion * Sure vise The Ottawa Journal expects the lo- cal government to approve of legisla tion according to which municipalities may tax land values. Next session the bill will be introduced a third time and Sir James Whitney is expected to surnpnder. Will he do it? He had better. The number of miners in Canada west and the const who are now out on strike number about 10,000, And they want to fight the question of wages to a fimish--under 5 walking delegate. Let us have compubory ar bitration. Parliament should no long er hesitate about making it effective, is right. For many iS nO reason lo expect The Freeman reasons there that Mr. Sifton will oppose Mr. Gra- ham m the next election. But if be does (and the surpriving thing some- times happens), the liberals will not exhibit anv panic. The ex-minister has not beem showing any profound regard for Te people of Brockville. A Srelorenns is to be given in the American congress to the reciprocity agreement. The idea, telegraphed from Ottawa to the conservative press, und to the effect that the agreement may be shelved in order to let the pre mier attend the coromation of the au very successful concert, 8 BRIEP FORM. Matters That "Interest Everybody-- | Notes From All Over--Little of The earnings of the Paci fic railway for the firs. week in show an increpse of S87.000 Wilfrid Ashley, M.P',, and RR. Sanders, M.V'., have been appointed unionist whips in British parliament Hon. Frank Oliver, mimstr of in terior, will spend the Easter mentary recess in the west Cavadian The official opening of the new Wa | set for tional Art Gallery, Otiawa, April 20th, will probably not place until next fall. 2 At Full, Que. Brother ( redcontin-! ian, in the Roman Catholic ministry since 1855, was stricken with paraly sis and died, At Victoria, BC, A.J elected mayor, over A. M. The vote was: Morley, nerman, 1,454, Arnprior, as a result of Police Chief Mattson's defalcations, will ap ply to the provineial government for an audit of accounts. Marcelin Wilson, Montreal, of the liquor firm of Yoivin, Wilton & Co may be appointed a senator, vice L J. Forget, deceased. Crop conditions are unprecedented! good in the three prairie provinces It is expected seeding will be well under way by April 20th. The contract for the construction of the Plaza Laurier, at Ottawa, , bas been awarded by the government McGilliveay & (PToole, Ottawa, at a figure said to be arcund $235,000 At Moncton, N.B., Norman Blaine, aged twenty-three, deserter Mom the training ship Niobe, at Halifax, is under arrest, He enlisted at lo- ronto. Licut.-Col. William White, C.M.G, and family, are quarantined st the colonel's residence at 185 Wurtemberg street; Ottawa. A maid who worked there developed small-pox Michael 8. Link, former member the Dlinois state legislatur', was in- dicted for perjury and turned state's evidence in the investigation of the election of United States Senator Wil liam Lorimer, was found dead in a bath tub at Mitchell, Ils Eugland is threatened with the loss of the famous Knowle tapestries, be longing to Lord Sackville. Negotia tiations are practically completed whereby the collection, consisting of thirty-four wonderful will be sold to a French syndicat £250, take Morley was Bannerman 2,160; Ban to of pieces, tor APRIL, i", April A $ pariia- | |S. J. WILSON & CO., 1911; DR. SOPER- | DR. WHITE Specialists in diseases of Ski Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special a ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question blank and book oa diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm. and 210 6 pm. Sundays, 0 am to 1 pw. ORS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Torente Street, Toroate, Ont. | W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Avice Be, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. { Member Dominion Exchange, Iad.. BUY GREAT NORTHERN AT PRE SENT PRICES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 14 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4228 TORONTO, Ont. (has. A. Stoncham & (Co. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, 23 Melinda St., Toronto Telephon Our business | ing Commissior and selling We way promoters with new makes we identilied independence and are h flotations our aadvice Our culariy soul interests of « tain co at all m ily the We main nail cam and are in constant touch with "influ Our Weekly Market Letter, tu is a guide name or Private odie books furnished free news sued every Friday Bvediug to market profits, our malling list and market guide Correspondence Invited, Direct Private Wire te our Malan OfF- fice, 54.538 Broad St, New York, was captured Erie, An Ohio fishiug tug on Lake as a poacher - EE -- ' GOVERNMENT STE Sons of Scotland. The Sir Wiliam Wallace camp held Monday even The concert on the bag Scotch songs Small, Messrs Ramsay, Prof Recitation by selections by the gramophone selec Scotch dane. Dr. Mackie presided selections Clark. ing opened : with pipes by Piper were given by Mrs Bankier, Mucray and Small, accompnuist Mr. Scott; violin Misses Telgmann: tions by Messry Routley; ing by Messe. McKenkie, Scott and Aitken. Refreshments were served. A very happy evening was brought to a close by Chief Mchemzie proposmg a vote of thanks to the chairman and artists, and heartily responded to The company dispersed singing "Auld Lang Syne." alter New Boy to Kingston Old Boy. "The Chicago Canadian- American savs : While President James Reid, of Chivago,.. was iptroduring the various entertainers at the Kingston Olggoys' concert, Wednesday wight, a | 38 member of the association mate his appearance at the home of Mr. Reid's son, Edward J. Reid, 2119 Fullerton avenue. The latter, who is a well known real estate map, is receiving the eungratulations of a host of friends Hats for Easter. The most celebrated makes including Scott, Buckley, Christy, Heath, Impe-ial, etc, $2, $2.50, $3, £1.50, 84. Campbell Bros'., Kmgs tons only exclusive hat avd fur store. are here, On Saturday Mrs. Mary Aun Logue, relict of the [ate Patrick Logue, pass- od away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. Adamson, Belle ville, % seventy-eight years of age, was born in Ireland. For the pact od teas oe years Mrs. Logue Relleville. Our corsets 'are all | this season's style, from 50c. up. Double howe sup- porters. -- Sutherland, 90 Poinces stopet' Harry Brown, son of W. J. Brown, Bellovitle, passed away Sanday, at Oshawn, as the result of an attack of preumonia. He was a travelly and twegtv-nine years of age. A few years ago, whilst playing at Kingston, he was struck hy one of the specta- tors over the head with a broken hoe Key stick. Jie was resdered meen scivns and could never play hoekey afterwards. AMER Launched by the Kingston Shipbuilding Co. on Tuesday Last. POLANA, GAS FIELD DISCOVERY, Marked Discovery of Gas De. posit in Yoanessee. Memphis, Teun, April 11 is dving and a score are injured as a Death Une man BIBBYS lit Men's and Boys' Departmental Store EER MN The man that fails to buy any Spring Outfitting until after Easter will rob himself of a lot of plea- sure. If you wish to enjoy the spirit of Easter, appear at ypur best, we're at your service! There's an air of exclusive freshness about our Bpeing Suits and Overcoats. and A AA Suits for Men THE ETON, $0 THE BROMLEY, $i THE WENTWORTH, $15 THE COUNT, 818 THE EMPEROR, $20 A AN A A MANA Suits for Boys THE HIGH SCHOOL, $6.50, THE HUMBER, §5 THE GARLION, $4.50 THE LADDIE, $3.50 ------ ----- ------ Oar display of Men's and Boys' Clothing is well worth Somsing wiles miles to see. EASTER Clothes FOR SALE result of the finding of a marvellousls rich natural gas field on Hen and Chicken Island, ve When the well was struck xploded, | hurling the derrick "high in the air g a score of work mer A R500, 000 corpotations to pipe it to the manufacturing "district will | be org It' is declared that the! city situated over an immense gas | field. sterday the gas and drills and injur ranized 15 Piles Cured | in 8 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refuad money Pazo Ointment fails to ours anv case | oh Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud. | ing Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50. Another of Bre sek ville' s tizens passed sudden: day in the death 'ot For the past eight mack had suffered from rheumatism! and heart disease. On Monday morn ing he collapsed while walking in the | vard "Jack" Barber, a negro lad, in legs by a companion. They playing "Buffalo Bill" deeds. Fhe Canada Box and Rarrel Co. of | Pembroke, is now an accomplished | fact Airship to carry 3% from London to New York is latest proposal "Sold only at Gibson's" Kentucky | lawn grass seed Easter cards and post cards at Col- lege Book Store. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this papas will pleased to learn that there at Jods one dreaded disease that ARR has | beer able to cure in all its Mages. and | that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is) the only positive sure now known to! the medical fraterpity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutions! treatment Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally ing directly apa the blood and mue- ous surfaces of the system, thersdy da- straying the foundation of The disease and giving tue patient strength by | building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. * | aTOPrIctors Rave so much faith in its curative powers that they attest . Hundred Dgilars for any case it fails to cure Send for list of eth monials Address. PF. J CHENEY CO. Toledn « vy § if | older cr way on Mon- John Cormack years Mr... Cor. shot legs w ere | ® 3c o Pills ls a By ail Diroggiet Take Halls Family stipation, Tr con 1 Paying as high as 7 per cent. for years, sold if money is required. Principal safe. Information furnished on request. C.' R. WRIGHT, Broker, 124 Crown Life Bldg., Toronto. ppp Good Loan Companies' Stock and readily | PORCUPINE---Buy Great Northern for quick profit SovassssstsesesessestsesaPresssssacssssasessssael .HOT X BUNS. Being closed on Friday, we will have our HOT X BUNS on THURSDAY of this weck. Order Early. R. H. TOYE, 3 302 King St Phone 141} | | } . COAL & The kind you are looking tor Is the kind we sell. |p THE CLUBHOTEL WHEL INGTON STRE ET, {Near Prince are There none home Hy = Lae at " yp in pri Theutie Charges are Special rates b M. THOMPSON, Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, FOOT WEST STRENT. ii § ; : & vr. Proprietor, 4 sssssssssssses iT 3 | Charles Conklin, a New York fe {tral station agent st Lrowon N.X., was shot dead by one of Lake, three ' ' ate vee on - $ hold-up men who entered the sia tion. * The 'Make. Kingston twautidul Ren | «ill wot he rebuilt, as loeal ttuehy lawn grass seed, sold only atjexpected to prevail there shortly, Gibson's, will beip, dbauk is plasoed for the sits. Rossmore hotel, wt