THE DAILY BRITISH WHO, Tv ESD, I'LL ii, ITLL as PAGE FIGHT? Commercial Accounts Receive careful atten this Bank MAYOR GR ™ 1 FOR HIS STAND, Rev. the Chief Constables' Liquor Law. Kingston, April 11 tor) It was refreshing vor Graham declare at the meeting of council, he would see that be enforced in of Polide tien al Puty to Enforce Whether your count is 'large amal] son are as- sured gH the facilities for the ac- . {To the Fdi br to hear Ma on Maday evening, that by laws would For ed, na of his duty from hitherto held, ago it was reported at a meeting the Moral and Social Keiorm that the police 'officers did it their duty to enloree license act I was deputed bv league to see the chief about (he ter, He rreeived me kindly ead very dee ded) my men to ga into the bar-rooms all. If the INSPeCLon > help to make a raid | shall detail Kingston Braheh, of men to aid him but ot ask for hie not get it." Now, 1 submit, that the proper stand for take. I his men cannot do their duty faithfully or in any other not to he the what | of this city | trusted anywhere, that duty if transaction of your business, which 6 years of successful banking placed disposal of this he is to be Probably haye take different which he a somewhat at the this that Banik, BANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 1853, as mat very but Assets | . $50,000,000 at license couplé does not nEsistanee 107 PRINCESS STREET. GEORGE B, McKAY, Manager. thus 3s the chief be in a place, foree har they | Put police con room, ought from stables ean he time, and do then on the believe aud at willing will to know oi any Colorite Straw Hat Enamel Eke everything 140k dike. new. It wiil not look like a varnished hat, but will make it look like original » Color, they are the chief give the word. And he ought it, for it is the duty of the to sa? that all laws, including the Ki conse law, are enforced of the lignor license act says Every | afficer so appointed under thin net, every policeman, or constable, or in spector shall be deemed to be with- in the provisions of this act, where any infomation such officer, policethan, constable mspector that there is cause to pect that some person any of the provisions of this shill he his duty bo make inguiry into the truth of Such mation and to enter complaint of such violation before the proper court with ont communicating the name of the person giving such information." Surely that is explicit enough snd Tn view of such a law the has no right to tell his they have nothing to do wilh enforcement of the liquor license only ' Any person ean apply It Made In all the new colors " Cardinal, Violet, an ach; diligent Sage Green, mnlor- Burnt Straw, ete, Done up in bathe, with brush at- tached ONLY 28e BOTTLE. W. A. Mitchell's Hardware, Home of all the Newest Goods, CLEANED, your in We anrely chief that the act, Mayor may help the ina different duce activity balare, Nincerely TAVISH Gralam's chief to see some things and it may there was inertia W. 8. NAC DAINTY Very foolk 0 place costly laces for cleaning other than edpert hands are experts :R PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, ® 0 Princess Nt, Kingstos, Ont. eescsssssctssese eve light where yours, THE RM.C, VISITORS W000Te0R0N Will Come Kingston on April! 24th, The board of visitors of the Military College will visit and jsspect the college on the 24th inst. Col. Sam Hughes is president of the board, with Lieut Col. H, 8S. Sherwood, and Maj. A. H. Maclonnell as members, and, Lieut.-C'ol. Dunbar as secretary. It in expected the board will be here a week or more. Tts visit to timed that its members. may be present at the fancy dress ball of the Horse Ar tillery officers on the 26th. to is Broke Through lee, It is dangerous walking across the ice to the Roval Military College. A conrse officer, about fifty of age, found this to be yesterday afternoon, when he went hgough and into the water up to his neck His! help were heard and he was with difficulty. short wo, cries for rescued Planta in bloom. Purdy." Brantford is to be asked for 100,000 for a new Y. M.C. A. building. "Kentucky lawn grass seed." son's. The ville to Morristown, NO HOSPITAL FOR MR. LAWLER ME TOOK GIN PILLS If you ever herr anyone say 'that Rheumatism can't be cured, ask t if they have ever tried GIN PILLS. Or ask them to write us for proof that GIN PILLS have cured Lundreds and hundreds of cases of Rheumatism Sciatica, L, A, Pain in the Back and other troubles caused by weak Kidneys or Bladder. Rheumatism can be tured --is being cured every day~--by GIN PILLS. Here | 1s the best kind of proof. OGDEN, N.S. "1 have been troubled with Rheu- matism so bad that I could not work. A doctor tended we and told me to to the hospital bat 2ll to no ILLS. 1 Gib- ferry is now running from Brock N.Y. Ling of Rogers. Large Golden Oak Rockers, same as cut, $6.50 (lolden Ouk Rockers, Leath- er, $8.50, 10,50 and up. Couches, $4.50 and up. Extension Couches, $12 50, 13. R. J. REID Phone §77. > I: Bowhy, county attorney, oi and wile, celebrated, Monday, their golden Ww. Waterlce county, in Berlin, on wedding. Every woman should have an am in file seven if si can't hit the side of & barn with a' brick. Lord Stratheona has given $10,000 to the Halifax YMC A to relieve its a friend told me 'o try GIN did so snd after taking a few boxes, am perfectly well." pb 5 Lawnzs. Take CIN PILLS ou our positive | guarantee that they will cure you or Muncy refunded. soc a box--6 for JSnist from us if your dealer y them. Sample box free if a. us, National Drug and Chemicel Co., Dept. B, Taronto. sp NEW TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS The Mallowing Subscribers have recently been Bed to the Bell Tele. phone Company's ¢ here i Adams, Miss Ada, Milline®, 252 American Cafe, Wellingtons St. Rennett : L Tinsmithk and Plumber King Street 133s Cam phell, T.. Dressmaker, Princess Street. 258 Cmpan & Wright. Civil Engineers and Survevers, King and Keeley. . ta Jr, Jeweller and Optician, Princess Street, 417 "RT drociry, 351 Princess 8 ht, Grocery and Meat Market. York and Division. S81 14 IT. Fn Real Estate and Insurance, Broek and Wellingt in Sve, bl hie, J NM. Residence »® Sydenham Strest 10: ropolitai Yate Insurance Co, M. (GG. Fergoson, asst, sup, Mownireal an od Trine: rane lier, Carpet Cleaning and Bicyele Repairing, 37% King Sy Saseph. Hesidence. Ws Montreal Street. 215 Rreck Street, FE Portsmouth, Alfred Street. Contractor, " Arch Street, rd 174 : ¥. ise i) eh BERS hoor harne cal As i Stree, wakaain » FER USE BRITISH MONEY a --_--y TARIFF Dr. MacTavish Disagrees W ith| It Sees in Regarding] the | so emphatically, y this city. | highly commend- the chief of police will view 1 has About eighteen months | of | Leagie wot reghnrd the lujuor paving the | -jlie ag | I do not want | where d dives | af that he! doen not to] trusted to they | to i give | hut police {dited ta one of the chief men of Sect " Le and * is given to nny |# sus Ee v lating | | + te 1 men | | * i manly declaration} | pro-i ¢ Rov ol | | His former wife is" in | suye he wandered over the country as [a cigarmaker many | | lished vears | LEAGUE SAND TO BE FINAXCING CAMPAIGN, teciprocity Agreement a Menace to the Protectionist Propa- ganda. It that now vehemencrs in iv stated up- anti-reci con: i fittawn on good April 11 cut hority the procily campaign beng great some opposition press, apd by a burean, deriv es ducted wilh | sections oh the which statistical eircnlarizing headquarters at Ottawa, a considerable part of its from the Tarii He Fugland, whch Leantributed a considerable amount of to the campaign fund here. It That thousands been advertisements if being supplemented and with motive league have HaWer of sr ey is an undoubted fact have already of dollars spent in for newspaper forms of arousing the pub- the government's proposals, Ihe the came mystery It is now asserted of the money is the well-linanced i Ldveat Britain, i the earrving and other recipro to inst (question as rom fat y Hine has lor fweeks past been a those on the inside at least a part being supplied from Vari Reform league vhich professes to see of the reciproeily agreement a menace ta the propa ganda they are preaching in the moth #r country | Naturally the ivh protectionists fries is suh rosa, not ont protectiomst of the ini poli interference Canadian and details active cooperation between protectionists of Canada Britain for Viens reasons, kept the significant mn as the and aby any to hich those of Great unre, guarded ore the ant i-reeiprocity organization that Funds for conducting a campaign a Faninet the government sO !pbentiful | i SLE PPee rete FPEEIEEIES closely statement as were never FARMERS ALL FAVOR IT. Ottawa, | April 11 An- other return in regard to the reciprocity representations was given to the house of IT WAS . POACHING OHIO FISHING TUG TUG SEIZED CANADIAN WATERS. Vessel, With Crew of Six Men, Taken to Kingsville Pending Court Pro- ceedings, Kingsville, Ont, ng tug Eagle, of aptured, yesterday, Canadian waters, April 11.--The fish- Lorain, Ohio, was as a poacher in the vessel, with was brought here. made by Vietor ( beveau, the fish and game warden, and Capt. Dunn, in the tug MeCarthy, which is daing patrol duty pending the ting out for the season of the e uis r Vigilant, the government patrol foat, be Eagle had on board three thou- wand pounds of fish and thirty boxes | of net twine. Al of this, with the tug, has been confiscated, and will be held pending a settlement of the affair in aurt. The crew is here and crew of six men, The capture was LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at Various Centres. Montreal, April 10.- About 1,000 head of butchers' eattle, 630 calves, 150 sheep and lambs, and 1,500 hops were offered for sale at_the Point St, ( harles stoek yards today. Trade god, and zome pretty high by paid for Faster \ pair very choice steers sold at Se. per Ih, plus 510 over, and several other extra cattle were sold at fram Je. to Tie. Hy Prime sold at Glee. We. per Ih; the comma stock, Ae e. per Ih. Calves at from Je, xo Tic. per lb pretty good animal to Ge, awl ~heep sold at fron . 10 Sle. per th; lambs at Gle. to Te. per Ib; spring lambs at 34.50 to RN each Good lots of hogs sold at Te rer ib Ihe offerings of m arket during : 2.474 bv calves, L450 hogs. the was res hey wale chawe es ol reves 0, ta Tle live stock al the week were 2.0 tle, 210 sheep amd lambs, wid 2 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, April 10. Hogs Receipts 50.000; market slaw; mixed and butch ers, ¥6.15 to 36.55; pood he ¥5.50 commons yesterday by Sir Wilfrid Lanvier. It Included 64 memorials, Of these 62 were in favor of reciprocity; the other two were against, and they came from the leg- islative assembly of Manitoba and the conservative associa- tion of North Wellington, All the pro-reciprocity memor- fals came from the west, ex- cept four from the liberals of Ormstown, Que, the lber- als of Niagara township, the farmers of South Oxford and the farmers of Thorold town- ship. + Ld + + 3 YIIIIIIIIIS INSISTS REGARD AS DEAD, Back MWealthy Family. Wis, April 11.- disappeared from La years ago, alter Cott td dr Ir ere essere ts sdred Comes and Seeks H. | da Crosse, John hnothe, who [t rosse (Wlnty-nine separating from his wile, and has since Leen mourned as dead, appeared this wesk at the home of his son, John 11. Koothe, Jr. His children did i i . » not recognize him. Winona, Knathe years and estab- himself in the packing business where he has become at Galveston, ! " reconciliation i= wealthy, A general expected to follow. Men Who "Kicked Up." Pembroke, April 11.--Herbert Monette and McDougall, two Porcupine men, three months' and one montis impri- sonment respectively on the rharge of assault, | Om their (had beeome tnt. i Alexander the north they on the C.P.R train amd resisted and attacked the conductor, md the county constable of Pembroke, who happened to beon the train, wae called upon by the eon ductor arrest the pair. While | Monstie's arrest was being effected, Mebougmll jumped from the train while going at full sped and exeaped: tem porarily. However, a C.IPR. detective vont after him succeeded in arresting and landing him safely behind the tars in Pembroke. way from dhsorderly to Must Support Their Wives, Cal, Apri} 11.--Gover- yesterday, signed a bill | providing that in case of a conviction [for non-support, a husband may be | sentenced to juil| and be rapmired to {work om the public roads or other public works, and the county paying [21.50 to his wife and childeere for each day the non provider works Sacramento, nor Johnson, To Hold 'Investigation. Relleville, tnt, April 11--At 4 meeting' of the city council, held last Inight, it was decided to hold an in | vestigation hefore the county judge in | the matter of the sale of certain city lots during last year, Fx. Mayor \ Marsh and City Treasurer Price are {concerned in the investigation. | British "Steamer Stranded, Quilimane, Fast Africa, April 11. {The Writish steamer Fhveresk, from iNew York and Norfolk for Yokkaichi land Yokohama, stranded, vesterday, fom Juam de Novy Island, off the west coast of Madagascar, and is likely to {become badly damaged. No, casualties have been, reported. For Our Easter Trade. Extra fancy Northern Spy and Ras set apples, pineapples, 'grape fruit, Malagn grapes, ete, at Camovsky's Dr. Galbraith, of Yarker, formerly house surgeon at the general hospital, 'arrived in the city, Tuesday morn. ing, from Yarker, with John 'Thorn tan, whe will undergo an operation, at the general hospital, : _ Postmaster Rogers, récriiting officer for the Canadian navy, im Toromto, say® the navy is Bot Popular because promotion looks slaw. rs, Were sente need to | Lo X6.40:; 0.5 to 6.10 ight, mgs, 0.0 1, 86.66. Cattle--Reewipts 30,000: market sc beeves, 85.05 to S680; hetfers, $2.60 to, SH.80; feeders, 23.90 to X5.60; Texans, to $5.65: ealves, 80 to 260.75 Sheen Lambs Recvipis "25,000, market weak: pative, 23 to 34.9%): west: to X5 X75 to western, X D roigh haany, $6.20 ta 36.65 low and and La COWS tockers and Lambs 75 to 36 Buffalo Prices, Fast Buffalo, April 10.---Cattle-- Re ceipts, 35,000 head; market, choice grades fairly active; common, low and lower. Prime steers, 36.40 to 36.60: shipping steers, $3755 to fa.10, butcher grades, £5.50 10 84. heifers, SLID to 36 2H to 25: balls, £125 to $5.50 milch cows and spring ers, $20 (0 #65, Calves Receipts, 2,500 head: market fairly active and steady. Cull to choice, $5.75 to $9, Sheen and lambs--Recvipts, 25000 head; market slow; lambs, 13. lower: sheep steady. Choice lambs, $6.60 to $6.75; cull to fair, $1.75 to $6.10 vearlings, 85.50 to 86; sheep, $83 to 85.15. Hogs-- Receipts, fairly active, 15¢. $6.90 to $6. 86.7% to 36.55; he rough, $4.50 to £5 05. WE, 16,320 head; market . lower; York- s pigs, 87; mixed, , 36.10 to $6.50, stags, 8.30 to to My NEGRO STUDENTS NOT BARRED. Cornell President Opens sage College Dormitory. Ithaca, N.Y, April 11.--President Jacob GG, Schurman, of Cornell Uni- versity, brought to an end the econ troversy which Cornell has been hav- ing for weeks over, admitting negro women students to Sage College dor mirary, In a statement issued to Mrs i. 8S. Martin, of the women's advisory council, he says that all negro students are to be admitted to the privileges of the woman's dormitory if they quest admission, : ' Death of Barrviefield Lady. Mrs. Saberia Marin Rickey, one of the oldest residents of the village of Barriefield, passed away at her home Tuesday morning, at the advanced age of seventv-nine wvears Death re atlted from general debility. She had been ill for a long time and death had been expected for some time She was born in Canada and had spent the greater part of her life in Darriefield. She was a Methodist in religion but her funeral, Thursday af ternooti, will be conducted by How A. H, Melireer in the absence of a Methodist clergyman She leaves a family. Chicken Takes Biamond. Richmond, Va., April H.~There isa very proud chicken loafing around the country place of Whitney B. Davie, on the Petersburg turnpike, because some where in his or her gizenrd ie hidden a $200 diamond plucked from the 'ring on the hand of Miss Mary Davie, Miss Davie was feeding a flock © ot chickens from her hand, when she elt a sudden tug at the finger, and glancing down saw the stone gone Irom the ring. There were xixty chic kens dn thie floek, 20 it was impossible to identify the thaef. At he K King Fdward, A first cians Hiograph "Teaching. Bod to Like Her." and a beautiful hand colored photo play, "Undying Love," also a scenic produc tion, "'Regutts on the Mokong River." feshe V. Robertson will sing x classic tonight god Wednesday. . Reported for Duty. The crew of the schponer Ford River | reported for duty, today. The | schooner has been undergoing exten sive repairs, and will now be put in readiness for the work of the season. Another for Pen. A prisoner named Roach, who was given three years in the penitent comedy, mry ngter, at Carnoveky' u. "weet pea seed" ut Gibyon's, stock for Good Fri. dayand for theft, ai Toronto, was brought to the Penitentiary this afternvon. | a THE WORLDS TIDINGS ! GIVEN IN IN! THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. * Matters That Ynterest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- membered, The death oecurred at Pravton, Ome, aged eghty-one respected resident The United nounced nvolving 'clause Four leaders of Black Hand were convicted at Newark, N.J., and [given seven vears in prison at hard labor. A woman confederate peached. A steady warm rain was general on Thursday all the way from the Rock- ies to the great lakes, making a great improvement in plowing and seeding conditions, Thomas Kelly, 1 few days ago, Henry Walker, a former much Hzabethtown of years, of | decision the case incidentally favored-nation in most gangs 1 aged seventy-seven, and an inmate of the County House of Refuge, Lindsay, Ont, ended his life by taking a considerable quantity of Panis green, Surveying parties in a few weeks will leave Ottawa for Hudson's Bay, Peace River and other places, to lay government reserves and provide Lire ranging forces to protect them. Rev. J. P. Gerrie, pastor of the Congregational church, Stratford, Ont., has tendered his resignation to Be editor of the Leamington News. Fatling health necessitated a change of occupation, 4 Liverpool courts, certain daily reflections residents, Laundries making a eqnecerted ofiart t i the ety. At est of hay from Alberta, Hon. to defer ac week. The oil cute to-day, enjoined newspapers from making on the morals of Chinese whose i they o drive ave aut a telegram, received on the strike officials in Mackenzie King agreed till the end of the department had decided to tion 200 BURNED TO DEATH, Bombay, April 11 British India, Two hundred men, wonien and children were burned to death on Sunday night in a fire which destroy ed a thatched structure in which they had gathered for a festival Five handred # persons were in the building + when the fire broke # There was only one exit, + an indescribable panie + sued Peer bbb rbd action under the Lemieux out and "n- PEEPS PFIPIEERIEY i take drastic \et. As was expected, the grand jury at Cobourg, brought in a true bill in the Matthews murder case, and the immediately called for trial. To the indictment, the prisoner, H. | Matthews, Jr, of Lakeport, pleaded guilty.' to Case was not Npeaking the grand to-day, Goderick, in connection with the and Vanstone murder Sir Glenhome Faleon might be insanity but the jury » much attention to jury, at lardine Chief Justice bridge said there pleas in both hould not pay toe them CnReN, cases, DIVISION © ov RT. Cases Disposed of by Judge Price Tuesday Morning. . Circle H. Warrin 30.70, Judgment in full A. Cirele Warren 1. Judgment {| G. S. White ount, 321.50. vy Apcount H \ecoount, in full va, N Judgment vs, O'Commor-- Ac for defend™ ant b. J. Haw vs. count, $46.54 Booth & Co count, $4.25 James Dougherty--Ac- Judgment for plaintiff George Hogan--Ac Judgment in full R.: Waldron vs. Miss M. Dutton--Ae sount, $35. Judgment for plamtff Crawford & Walsh vs. ¥F. MeMillan- Account, $45, Judgment for plaintifi 'R. Waldron Annie. Arniel Ac count, S10. Judgment for plamiifi John Carson George Northmore Rent, 865. Judgment for plaintiff. I. Jemkin vs. 1} Dennee--Commis sion, $12. Judgment for plaintifi James Crawford vs. E. Dunphy--Ae count, $12.23, Judyment for $4.45 and costs. | A. Circle va. Frederick Hill--Aceount, R18.4% Transferred to Conway Joseph Abramsky W. J. Purtell Acepunt, 3550. Judgment in full 8. Palmer ve, John Green-- Account, 10. Judgment for plaintifi Hong Lee H. Preston----Aecount £86.47. Judgment for defendant Mrs. R. H. Ward va, J. Stinson--Ae count, £5.75, Judgment for defendant without coats, Booth & Co. B50. Judgment vs va vs vs ve Haines-- Aeey fall €. mn vs sunt - da-- SETTLERS FOR CANADA, Steamers' Hesperian: and Bring Over 2.300, Halifax, April 1). -The steamers Hesperian and Camda, which arrived yesterday, landed between them 2.253 passengers, the great bulk of wham will settle in the Caan west. The Hesperian had 1.595 and the Canada for this country, and the Canads ad besides 78 who procesded to Portland, That Tired Feeling that is caused by impure, impoverished blood or low, run-down condition of the system, is burdensome snd discouraging. Do not put up with it & day longer, but take Hood's Sarsaparilia, which removes it as DO other medicine does. "1 was fast approaching a nervous col lapse when a friend advised me to try | Hood's Sarsaparilia, for it @id her worlds of good. 1 bought a bottle and after taking |B 1 felt better. I gained ten pounds. I took two more bottles and that tired feel- ing was goue, and ail my friends remarked bow much improved I was" Mav Davison, Orangeville, Ont. : There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilia. Any preparstion sald to be "just as good" is inferior, costs lees to make and yields the Gealer a larger profit. Get Hood's Sarsapariile today. Sold by oll droggiste 0% Loses 1 Canada ales customs court pro- | 0000000000000 000CCRRRRRRORRROORORRRRRRORROYNTS Vv ID GLOVES OR EASTER! Weare having an unusually brisk Glove tra le this year--Ilargely owing to the good qua'ity of skins in our New French Kid Gloves. .--Kid Gloves for Men, --Kid Gloves for Women, --Kid Gloves for Girls, --Kid Gloves for Boys. Ladies' 2 Dome French Kid Gloves Perfect fitting, very stylish, and every pair guaranteed all shades, $1.00 Ladies' 2 Dome French Kid Gloves Premier quality, shades of Mode, Black, very Tans, - soft, Greys, newest White, $1.25 Ladies' 2 Dome French Suede Gloves Made from selected skins and perfectly $1.25 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000NTNNNIN0RORNNNNNN0RNR0NN0000000 0000000000000 00R00000TS a Ladies' English Gloves Made from English Cape Kid, strong, -soft and pliable, fully guaranteed, extra Every pair 1.00 Special Kid Glove Bargai To-Morrow Morning, 10 to 1 400 Pairs of Children's Kid Gloves The Boglish Cape make for spring wear, Tans only. Sizes from 0.0, 0, 1, 2.3 up to G. Right make for Boys as well as Girls. Special To-Morrow 39c Pair © 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000