YEAR 78 -NO. 86 The Daily Britis _AINGS10N, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911, r GOING AWAY - NEW Take July. mission, and Others Hurt, Ottawa," April 12. Tustead of adber { Ottawa, April 12.--A fight now be Sparta, Tenn, April 12.-in a gun - 4 to the Amrdo-Japuiese commercial | ' ». made by the mk producers ol . | fight befween moonshiners of Van Bu 2 just 'signed, Canady will enter | North H: syst gs may have some result $e cotnty and a posse led by a fede The Members are Leav- peotiations with the mikado's gov Despatches From Near!« wm the milk situation in Toromto Nearly Ever Woman! ral revenue officer, Henry Sullivan, { ernment for a treaty to suceesd the And Di tant t Pl | The mitk producers around about y y A killed and two others | "VCanadian-Japanese treaty of 1008, stan aces IN woe want to sell their product to y y 2 | were y hurt, according to mfor- ing the ie Capital. which will a m July next ithe Toronto market The: have ap- Was Drowned. {mation that reached here vesterday | This new treaty ix highly important plied to the firand Trunk to carry the l Deputy Collector Hagler and a posse ; to Canad, for it will nfiect the tariff hilk to Toronto, uffering to pay for a {found in Van Buren county nh illicit WILL BE NO PRIZE relations of the two countri Each 12 THE WORLD'S TIDINGS : car a day > | distillery m full operation. Five ) anxious to extend its. trude in the But they were unable to get the IN DECKHOUSE == moonshiners" gave batide "to the t------ markets of the other railw ay to take care of the milk from i posse and three of the distillers were n . a al | So far as Conada is concerned, the Madoe to Belleville, a run of twenty- | shot. Saveral members of the posse FOR THE BEST DESIGN FOR immigration uwestion will kp its |GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS .ix miles, the company saying they wii THE SEA BROKE IN Taine trivial injuries. : C > gentlemen's agreement" status, under S1BL do not do that sort of bus if " i - . hd PRT St SEREaREN RE ' CORONATION STAMP, whith Japan will restriet the immi E FORM. { that line . eas 09 THEM. SKIRMISHES SUSPENDED The Company Holding the Contract Fiore thon four hundred ovens A). | Matters That Interest Everybody-- "i 21% FLdul, had appre wo Ang, lo lovks J the Wae May for Work Will bg Able to Produce though under the terms of the under Notes From' All Over--Little of |... de t Pe antichtia fF More Detalls of the Wreck of the Soon Cease as Good a Design as Can be Pro. standing four hundred Japanese lnk Everybody Easily Read and Ke-' the Grand Trunk and 1s now putting Steamer Iroquois Near vancouver! Larede, Tes, April 13-What ap duced--The Debate on Reciprocity, might annually enter Canada, the membered. the yuestion up to the railway com: Island--Some Thrilling Experi. ears to be an encouraging prospect i A _ Japanese keep the actual number dow : : a mission ' ences. | or peace in Mexico developed, to Ottawa, April 12.-There was little 14 a very few It is understood that some demo , |. day, when prominent merchants from daing in the Howe of Commons ves British. Columbia labor interosts [731s will demand entire free trade | Vietoria, B.C, April 12 ~The total | Mexico City, known to be friendly to terday. The members are fast leaving 'would like the new treaty to contain with Canada. | death list in the wreek of the steamer! Diaz, were received by Senor Madero the capital and when the house ad: 'y hard and fast stipulation that the | Wo new herds of buffalo for Can: | Iroquois, which foundered near Syd- | at his « »., These are thought to be Juurns, to-morrow might, at Six right is reserved. to Conusla to regu ada's national park at Banfi, Alta, | ney, Vancouver Island, is twemty. merely rion to negotiations, o'clock, for the Faster recess, it ix jute immigration, but Japanese pohicy have arrived. i Nearly every woman on board was! which will prove effective. In the doubtiul if there will be a quorum [will not acquieses in such a diserim- fhe-dnited States will uot apply the | drow meantime operations on the part of within the chamber, ination. The Canadian government reciprocity agreement to countries oth Peaned in the deck house of the| the ipsurrectos seem to have been sus Before the reciprocity, delmte was 'realizes this, just as President Taft |*F than Canada. boat, five or six women strgggled pended lately. There have been no resumed, Uerald White, of Pembroke, I renlized ¢¢ when the old Japanese-Am- Jobm Macdonald, Grand Trunk von- | while the sea broke in. Ome elderly | skirmishes for several days. asked the postmaster general if it was lerican treaty expired. On the other ductor, Sarnia, out of job since strike, | woman was seen helplessly lying on p-- not the intention of the government hand, auy effort by Japan to obtain 4 shot himself dead. | the cushions of the saloon seat. Two | A Big War Game, ta offer a prize for the best Canadiag, | {definite acknowledgment of unrestriet- | Aergnauts, who tried tg go from | others were beating against the glass Ottawa, Ont., Apnl 12.--Col. Benson design for the coronation stamp. By led admission of Japanese laborers ( 1°¥88 to Canada in a balloon, of the saloon windows when the sur- |. ng his officers left, this morning, for doing this the government would en: [would fail. canrage home industry and talent | The position of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Lemieux explained that the {the Dominion premier, is that imperial stamp prgposed was simply to display | ud Canaan interests require the the features of the new king's head in preservation of cordial relations with the most unique way possible, and as | Japan his cordiality would be im- the American Bank Note company, at paired, he holds, ou the ome hand by OMtawy, did all the eontract work for rigorous restrictive or exclusive im the post office department, he thought migration law, or on the other by the they were quite able to cope with the !disturbmnees which inevitably would withation and produce stamp as could be made Dr. Sproule asked i it were possible to purchase any portion of the of | the Quebec ter-centenary stamps, with owt having to take the set Mr. Lemieux said it apd that if the stamp sellers the different | 70 post offices were refusing to this and he received any complaint, he | would immediately issue orders that | they detach one stamp from the sct if { Adoption anvone wo desired. The house they went into committer | as good a [ese laborers set } : | whole | WAS, | m sur of Place of That JAPAN TREATY. THE FARMER, Reciprocity Agre to be Followed by Radical Bill of | Tariff Reduction. Eapiring Next follow the unrestricted entry of Japan PLAN OF REVISION AMERICAN emen. of wavs aud means, and M. Y. Me | ; & Lean, of South Huron, took up the Washington, April <The day after reciprocity debmte for the liberals, He the Canadian reciprocity bill is © o saith hie riding was perhaps one of ported to the house, the majority of the greatest from an agrienltural the ways and means committes, es standpoint in Canndn, and he wa eording to the plan submitted to the «hound to say that the agreement was jo us, las ote night,. will Sf a ay wring " ng > o favared by the majority of hic coy |OWPNR i aS io Agric ra ape stituents. He produced many foveible 1000 and ih suppities Which the farm There will he arauments. why the pact would be bir advantageous one if Pessin} an is obliged to buy. aboul a hundred articles in this bill, nearly all of the reductions designed, raempek. wrpinge chiefly for the benefit of tho farmer WOMANS CLUB Gry LICENSE, |The items will be taken from a num ber of schedules, and will include boots, The Chilton, of Boston, Wants to be shoes, reapers, plows, harness and Able to Serve Wine, saddlery, harvesters, twine, bagging, Boston, April 12,-- After u long struy and many, other utticlen thst Hraw yxlo the Heense members of the ( hilton upon ¢ of nrints J 0% hath 1m iN irse Of er have woy and the fashionable woman's ™ 'iy : oy t was onginally planned to at club at 152 Commonwealth avenue = : ' : Ltompt a revision of the wooden sche which has in its membership some of | th 1 i i { dule, but on sweond thought the de . ne i phe ek rae Rm If | mocratic leaders have decided to re i Tq ing the privilege to sell | ommend the introduction of a sort pifituos Trunks g of "companion peace" to the Canadian The vice-prebidint, who has favored | iprocity bill. 1t has been the cry license, said : "The friends of members | of he jhurgents and many regulars of the club will know exactly why we |, (0 tenate that they could not vote want u license and they will not con ff. (he re iprocity agreement because jure up pictures of women seated it draws upon the farmer and gives ubout tables copsuming Scotch high- | him nothing in return. Pmlls and discussing the races. Ther: fhe bill which the democrats. will is pone of that kes in our application | introduce immediately after Canadian for a liceuse, We want to give little | pesiprocity agreement is designated to thiptiers, and it is customary to serve {ogy the ground from, under these ob wine at a dinner, We cannot serve jections, It will, in a measure, com wine without breaking the law unless pensate the farmer for the concessions we get a license; so there is the rea son. "As a matter of fact | believe that there will be very little liquor sold iy the club except when dinners are giv ei and when the wen friends of the members are invited in. If the drink wo no faster thay the cigarettes which our stewardess has in stock, there will be no great harvest for the liquor houses.' TREASURE SEE ed reciprocity EEKERS. Two Women With Four Male Com-| gob Worth, Texas, April 12.--The panions Have Sailed. remarkable resemblance of Henry &4 Panama, April 12.--A party of six, |Shazier, a wood chopper living m a four men and two women, of whom | tent on the banks of the Clear Fork, five are English and one American, re- [to an unidentified man whose body cently arvived here from England. A | wus found under a' railroad trestle n "Capt. Kettle" seemed to have the |a pond, caused the arrest of ¥. M. party wider his command, but it is | gillberry and J. 0. Waflord, charged | reported that the Tadies are m charge fyith his murder. : of the party which sailed, vesterduy.| They were only released when Dep for Coeos Island, 500 miles from here, |Shasier put in an appearance a few | for: the purpose of searching for buried 1,4 later. De Shazier, however, tregaure. was held on a warrant Irom San The party carriad a full supply of Subs county, charging him with srms and equipment. and enoogh pro fpueglary. agreement. ALIVE AND WELL he is supposed to make in the propos VICTIM APPEARS 10 CLEAR HIS "SLAYERS" Woodchopper Disputes Identification of Body and Two are Released-- Victim Accused of Crime. visious to last a mouth. Artange Persons * residing near De Shazier's mente og with the Atlantic |i told the justice of the peace wid Ca a By for their pass: | the wood chopper had not been "heheh to and, em on st 'Stanley Dollar, soon for several days, and their des to land them on the island. eription fitted thes of He had ve USTRALIA MUST BE P! WUST > en [Tn fact, several men dentibe Ww Avs BE. PREPARER, Yeody as that of De Shader. The a ------ Only Peril Tommon - rest of Bilberry and Wollord, who a wo Wealth is in were last seen with him, followed. 5% jhe fle. When De Shasier arrived at lhe! Api 12. ~Hén. Mr. Fisher, | cherifi's office and reported he was the commonwealth, [alive and well, he seemed more in| a# to the defence " ag i hg that any peril which may wenace the commonwealth has ao. -gpmuection with any designs Germany may cherish in regard lem oa om Pawilic poesn. yw ier , requires the closest attention. e warmed the country thal it must Royal the 6th Bat the outbreak Gen. tions as Ea ones that take rammage sale, April 21st speaks Lanrt oh Norih-West. In | Middleton to the able and surgeons, died ne years. ers, S85, he accom ite surgeon-major, the Fi Toupial oc, brag Favor ------------------------ Pierce rioting an wine districts in rae wobs, ». terested to see the body of the man resembling himself than he did in his own arrest for burglary. ------ Death of Montreal Surgeon, © Montreal, April 12. one of Canada's most medical men and Victoria morning, after a monia, aged fifty-ni for some years, up talion of of the rebellion in «Pr. James Bell, skilful at the hospital, Tuesday He was to 1888, surgeon of Fusili and al the panied of opera: 3 LATEST NEWS: ) are | stranded in St. | C. Moorehouse, Louis. Grand Trunk switch. man, admits vesponsibility for the fq WANT TO SEND MILK. Producers will "Take Case to Come vivors clambered out to struggle the side to the de At Coal Island, up | the sea cast up the! FEW SURVIVE 19 LAST EDITION MOONSHINERS' BATTLE : Brockville which will be their base in | the operations against the officers of | the Kingston garrison in a big war In Which One Distiller Was Killed | want Easter Suits Se ---- | Torante, resh. east day | . WEATHER PROBABILITIES tawa Valle ¥ showery pr -- ont. Aprit 12 18 a me-Ote y and Upper St. Lawrence erly winds to-day. Thurse If there settle the Such an a beautiful Millinery never befo pay, you here. LA ¥ SE tal accident at Mimico bod¥ of Nia Tsnbel Renwick, school | game between, the two garrisons under R. L. Borden, the opposition leader, had onl gh h sh lle pruserver andi the umpiring of the chief staff officers und Mrs. Borden, will spend the Eas- | aa fhe Jo ach pL oll - a MALEESS | from Ottawa. [It is the most compre ter parliamentary redess in Boston | . " A and still clung. lav | hensive sham battle ever engaged in Exter, Eng. election scrutiny has! enty =. Moss, a passenger, lay OnLy gfficers of Eastern Ontario It fini 3's y has the wreck of the house, with Mate . Stl | inished, the result giving M. LI. 1sbister. "Joh Bennett fot officers only, of course; troops are Duke, conservative, the seat by one known Taso gt iy en -- imaginary. vote. . hours. The sea washed the broken TN -; June drd, king's birthday, and June | deckhouse against Mary Island, and | HOOTED ud, coronation day, have been de Mate lébister jumped ashore with a . ated public holidays by Canadiag, rope and pulled Pennett and Moss parliament. ashore. They threw the rope to the > Prince Leopold, of Battenberg, broth- CORYMGT ARMS We Swe fourth man, who was ay. dazed OVER DEA SION 1 IN SCRUTINY er of the queen of Spain, is seriously MARTIN W. LITTLETON and almost unconscious, to a davit OF VOTES. - ill aboard the steamer Empire, which Representa ve from Now York od a fust to the wreckage. The rope whirl! ------ hus just reached Hong hong. late t for Senator Depew's {fed around his neck, but he paid no qn, Loser Claimed Bias--Judge } Hon. Clifford Sifton aud his sons rn - attention. Then a breaker came, turn |" There " Tapped Him on fare leaving for Europe in time to at-! Bishops Asked to Accept. ed the deck over and he was not seen : lerenpe 3 pe Followed [gel he Sismipia Hoese Show With Lisbon, April 12Portuguese. hish. | 4880. Shoulder, and Jeering Followed, Mrs. Sifton they will tour the conti-| ops, vesterday, received a note from --ehtuspiem-- Loadon, April 12. ~The unusual oe nent afterwards. Ee VCardinal Merry Del Val, papal secre ™O MW Mw URDER TRIALS currence of a judge of the hgh court. A court room in London, Fug., dis- "tary of state, mstroctimg them to a : . Es being hooted in public happened yes satisfied with the judge's finding hu any cot the separation of churéh and Are in Progress a Cobourg and terday, at Exeter. vlection case, vigorously hooted the | state without reserve. Cardinal Merry 8 Ge rich. : 2 The decision was the outcome of the | tribumal, an unprecedented thing for Del Val states that the vatican will | froderich, April 12.-Liegrge Tate | December general election. On that an Fhglish erowd to do decide what course to take after pub Blackstock, erown prosecutor, in out: | eopsion St. Maur, the liberal, polled Waile taki measurements for a lication of deerec ining Jo the Jury chi of a R Suv 14,768 voles, while Duke, the unionist, sew driving beit for a big figentir | aA ---- dine, charged with the mn Liz: | received 4,722. Duke petitioned for a saw in his saw mill at Massena, zie Anderson, marshalled varibus facts scrutiny of the volte, und Justices Rid X., John #4. Grow lost part of his in a copvincing way, snd said the evi: } : pal {ley und Chanel were appyinted to right hand, which came in Sota dence should indicate fo anybody that ; | tonduct the recanvass Le several with the saw. ---- the prisoner was guilty of a fearful | J U0 investigation, in which many | The Canadian Northern Railway is 'a BiG SIM TO FIGHT LONG oo The fivey vasa called thie} illegal practices by individuals were re calling for tenders to be in bv May | SAULT BILL, a lernoon were heard he ore magistrate | venled, as well as an amazing colle 13th, for the construcfion of the se - and coroner, and repeated the evideme | of forgeries, several votes on each | tion through the Fraser and Thomp . : as told there. side were disallowed. The verdict was son canyons from Hope to Kamloops Meeting at Montreal to Further . he Couble Tegel) given to Duke. The judges decided | This section is 162 miles Organize For Purpose of Saving Saw the Louple Toge Age that his total legal vote was 4,777, | 'The dominion's padliamentary re the St. Lawrence Rapids, Caboung. Out, Apnl rte {against St. Maur's 4,776. Party DEASEDLALIVeY are expected to start Montreal, April "12.--A meeting of vy Bur taken Sumpect ign with i | rancor was warm during the investi } their provincial tour by journeying [5 oe : : weeting trial ol atthews, the lake sailor, ¢i. The liberals conceived the idea | straight to Dublin, thence to Glas of the t id a pose Xo the damming | charged with the murder of hiss | {hat the judges were biased, and St . o » Long Si apids ded AES . os ! gow and Edinburgh lt is. probable o how Loss Swalt il i Gedided that | Brima winbe, in the Bristol house, Col Maur said that the country should be they will attend the investiture of the gation . of the Of Law- {borne, indicate that more than one 4 ¢ Loio0t justices Judge Ridley ! Vrinot.of Wales: ai Carnarvon rence is to be preserved energetic witness saw Matthews with the girl rose in his seat and tapped St. Maur | The li f 900 : measures must immediately be taken|on the stairs and later heard strange |®Fose fn 0 PF b he lives of 2X girls were saved, ' . upon the shoulder, saving that he had on Tuesday, in a tactory fire i to fight the project at Washington [noises from the direction of the room | wht to refer to him so. St. Maur N ; ' Rand arrangements were made to|where Miss Brimacombe's body was M0 URAC SO FE P a iy Hoboken, N.Y., when the flames had wh replied hotly, and there was a brief | cat off all escape by the fire escapes prepare for a lengthy campaign a found in the morning. i j ) | scape by ie fire escapes, oO the. Prob : - --- iwordy wrangle | on 'the building, by the presence of a 550 18. PrOposa JENERAL ELECTION | The crowd followed the judge to the | fireprool stairway enclosed in a The announcement was made at the GENERAL " : { train, giving vent to their feelings in | i Lifer t ---- | o brick tower at one end of the build meeting that Hon. a rd Siiton, nN O Bef Aut t chorus of hoots and jeers for the | ing chairman of the Canadian conserve wi ot Uceur are tytumn y | jud re ; a unprecedentedly large number of tion commission, was prepared to subs 1912. Re we ---- official parliamentary and military scribe a sum equal to that coritribu- Ottawa, April 12.--It is stated, on | Priest's Body Found. : , - ted by any individual or corporation {the best authority, to-day, that there | : delegations from Canada and other n ths eit sew} 5 it be 1 elect bef th Washington, April 12.--~The body of the king's dominions and India, is: ~V¢ Cy or €ISeRAen 8 some wy BQ general election ore the! rer Pane 6 _ ] lo i of encrvrdisary dif of these amounts will, in all proba- {autumn of 1912 Facer | Frame ooidbach. profadsor hn : bility, be large, greft appreciation is p---- | Latin, Greek, and English classi at to pe lat fo " ras | ficulty to find accommodation > leit of My Sitton's public spirited Morrishurg Loses Citizen, [Georgetown University, who was | them, and the home representatives at frowned the Pot . Fiver Hg the warauation solemnity jo West, Bucrosts, Morrisburg, Unt., April 12.--Anothet | [drown anon when 1 n HO Cap | | «0c Heatio 8 oO £; ont : ' \ ' | sainstr abbey . Mifnlatie ations was read Bi m1 a and pt iio tin of Norris | foud, was recovered early this morn doldt, o 01 onaire, | purg passed away in the person of [10 bo he malice | = sho owns the Waldorf-Astoria hotel | Frederick Bradfield He was in his mg po | ge STH sw i -- | SOLVES MYSTERY OF SPHINX. [Now york, Rati that > hoped | | sighty-cighth year and until a yee | | nl {the Canadian people would ArOUSO yon was actively engaged 'in + T00 MUCH Is AS », - », 3 1 Harvard Professor Says It's Head of} c0ives to the danger they faced in hardware business, which he had ear Chepsren, | the bill hich will be prevented to the | ried on since 1885, He was a nem: | Boston, Mase. April -Prof. | present United States congress MN: | ber of Morrisburg's first municipal | BY PRINCE EDWARD sLann| George A. Reismer, of Harv a, who | Boldt owas extensive Tidings in the | council in--1860, and he served in the | / PROHIBITIONISTS. | headed an expedition sent to gypt | River St wwrence above the rapids {board of edueatioh many times. Two | jointly by Harvard University and the [and has spent several million of dol- |, .g and two daughters survive him | ECE | Museum of Fine Arts, declares he has lars on his property opposite Alexaun- | od - | The Premier Says Their Proposed | solved the riddle of ages--the mystery dria Bas 1 Fav M is T 1 Je . hy avors the Agreement. Measure is Too Drastie--It Would of the Sphinx. tk -- i : i : i a. 1 that Defeat the objects of the Act, He says he has clearly established Engineer Killed by Chinese. | Washington, April 1 oe ar a ! that the battered visage joined to the | 9A | the democratic conggess, la 8'4 1 Charlottetown, PEL, April J2.- Mo body of a lion is merely the sculpt Loudon, April 12.--A telegram from | ydopted reciprocity and free trade 00| 0 erance delegatic waited wn | ; R13 mers ap pi | Blagovieshtehensk, Asiatic Russia, re | pacomarios is talked of here, this} np ega tion on ed countenance of Chepsren, builder of i {MV i | Premier Hazzard naking for amend erived, reports the murder of ) rulr | morning, as indicating that Canadian the pyramid that bears his name, who | io" 200 icing engineer con will ly pass con | Menta to the prohibition act, mak Horded it over Egvot about 2,850 B.C. i | A Sp Mt | feviprocity treaty will surely po |ing it unlawful for any man to keep 'nearly five thousand years ago. structing the Central Amur railroad, I ress, although there may be some de- liquor in his pos a. for] i y coachman. They were kifled * i lain that | HU RA session unle OF 4 | It was the discovery of the statue and his BE pal. re my in the waste. It is pa medicinal, sacramental or mechanical d robbed by ( bam® helmin 3 : and robhe w mpese banuats |deronra? ww sentiment iv overwheiming- of Myverinus that unriddled the I favor of the pact purposes, also giving the authorities { Sphinx. When Reisner uncovered the! y in favor ¢ pact ithe right to search residences of pri wonderful statue of Mycerinus from the | ~ MARRIA 5 IE Ee . ted of h > suck . stump New Brunswick. | vate citizens suspected of AS su {head dress, he readily discovered that | A 18" astaid of ad { liquors, proof of legnl possession 1 {the Sphinx was the sculptored por Ottawa, Apri Yor ont - Beit x) {fall on the possessor of the liquor trait of Chepsren, imposed n the ing Easter at their homes in ritis . A bodys: of a lion. oe ok I ithe] HAVE CEASED » IN THE MORMON | Columbia, George H. Cowan, MP, | the dispensing of liquor to be take n i URCH. \ 1. A. S. Goodeve, |out of the hands of druggists an monarchs believed themselves divine, | CHURC {for Vancouver, and A. 8. G vendors and placed the hands ¢ and it is "probable that Chepsren | i iM.P, for Kootenay, will stump New | VenGors place 3n the an o of by he thaughe Ju ve some idea of his div. [sa Pris vident Soseph F. Smith An- | Branew ick next week, along with east- | comm issioners appoin , nity is own time and to Batt He Would Like One|®™™ members in opposition to the re | government : i hy showing himself difierent . : | eiprocity agreement. { The premier ssid the measure {from any other man who had ever Marriage Law for United States. | {100 drastic, and would defeat - tie lived, | Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12.--} Has Better Prisons. working of the prohimtion act Ho | ' - eclind to pass the legislation asked | The position of the Church of Jesus | New York, April 12. Wiss Syivig { GHOSTS KILLED HIM. JE iit of Latter Day Saints on mar. | Pankhurst, militant saffragette, who ------ was reiterated ov President Jos- | recently went through Cawada, leit be Le IN THE AML AG AEN. Officer Frightened to Death by | F. Smith, in his sermon opening | home, to-day, after granfing i tu a i - o "Hn ow wh tates Lhat t ni Be - % Practica) Jokers. {the ction tm conlrnee 1) | lx in which dhe sites Und 8 LY | porate More Bassin Some Can New York, 'April 12.~A Vienna cable | the Mormon 31 Iu pa nT addins, save: At Jassy Roumania, several | 'As announced repeatedly at these [sons i= much superior to Fx . . weal marriages. have land she has bitter recollections ofthe] Montreal, April 12" Just another | officers were gathered together jou other evening when an infantry cap- | tain decls he had met a genuine | ghost at a friend's castle. Licut. Vessi- nae ridwuled the suggestion, remarking {that it was all nonsense. "I would simply wring the iany t that should Fi jan Short * he said. To test the lieutenant's Sossafe other officers determined to visit bedroom in ghostly array. When they fired sit shots at them bullets had neck their mother fire near Lath xerning in a Park, Roches: ter, plu coased in the church. There w so man : latter, 904. Jolin. u Yossi sxhval Canada, Wednesday {hats 1} Daflodifle, tolips. indication that Lovericnns want to an Sole agente for Buckley guaranteed "Purdy." STEAGY'S ESTABL LISHE D 1881, ¢ i WESTLAKI Hospit n Apr lak: and ® nera vate wv RICK KY Funer raqui COR} The "Phone 57 JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 258 PRINCESS sSTRERT, Can There Be Any Doubt About Where You Will Buy Your "Easter Bonnet 2" our Millinery matter what | mind or w will Sk Misses Reefer Coats BAAR SU BA ANAS 1 5H KES ts ER 0 AAA 0 Se kasi sinin Rs SS tn AR A N come right down lo Parlors to-morrow and question once aad for all. ssemblage of the new, the and the authoritative onceptions for Spring has re entered this Store. No you may have had in price you lutended to find Ju what you is hat rom $10 to $30, PARATE COATS, rom 83.50 to S20. TANCY WAINTS, rom £3 to $10, NGERIE WAINTS rom 750 to 83.00, PARATE SKIRTS, $1.50 (0 $10, ds As NM A A 3 and Children's These Garments are very scarce all over just now, but we have lots of 3 {them Prices run from $3 to $8.50 COME TO-MORROW AND SER THEM AT ---- ------------------ } . i DIED. r ¥ i ¥ get General - f membra 8 a 11 11, FE Ady J. West tf Por AK wa 1h i nonths : Wednesd TW 2 1 i i i i pe place Ir 3 3 } { : Lal 1 § ¥ pr 1 i a aged sf i $ . ' id a of his g ' i ie . { o i Ontario } eating Undertaker. 280 Princess Street, We and f Phone 147 for Ambulance. 1 WALNUT FURNITURE. { Two Bedroom Sets, one has marhis I op: alko fot of, Did. fashioned small 3 | Prior Chal reasonable n re ., 3 "Phone i 4 i | New . Maple | a . Syrup PUR )E and GOOD. Jas. Redden & Co. BiG Fl authorised to perform a plural mar- | nex wands," ward Robert Meighar, | (aires Pris -- Let the Rte pe the na | Eight-hour Law Veid. Lon of the Lake. of the Woosls Weld, | tom congress 10 regulate the whole | Philadelphia, Pa, April 12-On the Mithosr sompan" when asked, this wh 12. The Sond 1g subgect of marriage wm the United ! Lground that it was special legislation, morning, what he thooeght of the move | the girs ' has cat off the hine of | States and it will be a tiodsernd to the | [the Pennsylvania eight- Jour Jaw was, 1 of the democrats in congress Lo pul |teriged ir ail commmmieatton with hn 40 ap- | people everywhere gosterday, declared unconstitutional by {an himdred articles of meressity of Whe the gatede workl I is estimated { President Smith swnounced that dur- "the 'supreme court. {free dist. Manuiaeturers all over Can: (hat 12.000 pe oh aie ert of food the ing the year just closed there was one | nist {ada are divided in their opimton of ufc. At present it ww impossible to his divorce to cach five thousand church Grand Trunk railway aysto | hin latest move, mocording to de {get supplies through, although the membership, as compared with one di- from April lst ad > Spmtches received today. { government is doing something to roe vores po ouch eleven hundred im the [Teh : 11, $857,797; 1910, : = | Hove the sitantion by employing packs 803. Incresse, $4] 'ampbeil Bros'. trains. | Pearl Smith, Berrie, . {temtiary for seven years fur caning ghee death of a child O0DS IN AUSTRALIA. trict Cut OFF From Outside x " set to peni+