J pe -- EE a EE ------ -- {A By . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911. nna mm Ei, a "WORK WiS STRTED Oy 1 1 3 Days to Easter Goldin Guwilight - {OF OPENING SYDENHAM STREET] TO BROCK STREET. Have you had your Easter wants supplied for Cards, Post Cards, Booklets and Easter Gifts ? OF $300 TO BE GIVEN REV. JOHN MACKIE, D.D. By the Congregation of St. Andrew's Chureh--The Retirement of Dr. 78 Makie Very Deeply Regretted-- Congregation to Meet Again Next The Old Hotel Dien Wall is Being Torn Down--A\ New Retaining | | . Wall Will be Built--Block to be) Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies arrived % " . in town from New "York, on Saturday, Graded, and Walks Will be Built. From Trapper te Wearer (Registered). Care | Let Us For Your | Tuesday Evening. to stay with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R.| This moming, work was, started of | The congregation of St." Andrew's McCann, Union street. Mr. Gillies opening Sydwham street, from Jéhn Easter Cards. Etc. | Gifts for Easter |Sitel & Sms Pibieatcs Over 1,600 of the latest additions to the following libraries récelved New New Magnet Eagle Sele Library Bertha Clay Library Far West Libraiy 15¢. 2 for 25c¢. mn - - - > t of Post Cards, 8 for Se to 5¢ each Easter Cards from 3c¢ to 60« Easter ooks and Booklets. PRICE ition of their minister, Rév. John ® week at Caffhton Place with Hrieis of | the ow Dieu, but as the (this morning silver finish, bright and exodized; | Mackie, D.B., who aonounced his . in- David Gillies. - Afterwards she will . Works had no money to open | An exclusive line of Easter Plati-]&ilt, bright and old gold j this week Our Fur Waggon will call. JOHN McKAY | passed and aw annuity of #500, dur- Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street, bas | od themse . titre as being in favor of {ramming Is x 14, with hand-colored print 9 ing the remainder of kis life, was received word from her daughter, Mrs. | opening the block this year, and Mayor | Whistler's mother. Plate marked y sis Jetta > br. okie Summer here. view of all this, Ald. Rigney, chair ; jp i letter from Dr. Mackie . 0» man of the board of works, instructed | "The Manse, Kingston, April 11th, | Mise Margaret McClennan is here | [1911.. To the members of St. An. from Trafaigar Institute, Montreal, to ® ' ® | drew's church : My dear friends: [spend the Easter: holidays with her | grandmother, Mrs. Henry Cunning- J: ront of the Hotel Dieu, so as to give THE FINEST bUOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260 PRINCESS STREET tention. of 'retiring from the ministry return toc town and visit her mother (and grade the block, nothing had been | Plain and Hand-éolored Pict. MOTHER . ; Graham intimated that the finance ! J voted t0- Dr. Mackie. R. Hamilton Mackerras, that she and | a ie ance p unted with gilt border | 149 -155Brock Street GN o ) Bets and mounte i gi Horde | CR i i the city engineer to proceed at once have asked the kirk session and the _ ham, Earl street. . i fiose-Clcaning and Home the street a width 'of sixty-six feet. A great deal of filing-in will have to be done in order to bring the former Ho- F URS | Presbyterian church met on Tuesday has goue on to Gillies Depot and vom to Brock streets. The land was Another shipment of © Tuck's{ Framed and Unframed Pictures. | shortly. A resolution expressing the for two weeks. ures gift} congregation. The meeting was pre- from Sierra Madre, Cal., about the Works an extra thoussnd dollars for i Y n AY OPEN NIGHTS cordingly, this morning, men were set gether to receive a communication Ottawa, on Saturday, and will be the | evening to consider the communica. Mrs. Gillies goes to-morrow to spend | purchased a year ago, from the «is- | Bagster Cards and Booklets received Crucifixes and Candlesticks. in . i This Summer. Telephone 489 deep regret of the congregation ' was Monday evening, the aldermen express- | for Easter is a mounted Motto Card, | sided over by F. Nickle, KR C., middle of June, and will spend the|the purpose of opening the block. Iy at work pulling down the old wall ip i he College Book Store, from: me with the nature of which 1 guest of her brother, Capt. A. Z. Phone 919 / In idone. In the city o oil meeting. {hum : FE ying, On in loose folders suitable for A beautiful and inexpensive £ There was a large attendance of the her two little sons will arrive in town [committee had granted the board of Special price, 23c with the opening and grading. Ac board of management to esll you to- Miss Ethel Palmer will arrive from Furnishing Month We can help you--in fact, Just the help we can give--Repairing Upheolstering, Vacuum Furniture, New . Carpets Curtains, ete. Three stores full, new 1811 goods Nothing newer better. New designs In Iron $2.50 up to 26.00. Bras: Beds, $16 up to $85.00. The best line shown BEDROOM SUITES, Iron or Wood Beds, in Surface Oak, solid * Quarter-Cut Oak, White Enamel, Circassian Walnut (the latest), prices ranging from $14.00 up to $50.00 Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Oileloth, Furniture, Tapestries, Silks, ete, Repair and Upholstering promptly done. 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON CO. you need Cleaning, New Linoleum, All Beds Mahogany, Linoleum, work | have acquainted them. You may be very sure that itis only after solemn consideration of the subject that 1 now make known to you my desire to retire from the pastorate of St. Andrew's and the active duties the ministry. "H spared to October 25th 1 shall have complied a service of twenty- six years and if my work: ol eight vears in Scotland is added you will have my record--thirty-four years ac tive ministry. I shall also have { reached, at that date, the age 30 | sixty-six yeurs and five months 'The thought of rest occurring to me will, therefore, not be altogether surprising to you. I regret, how- ever, to add that my medical adviser, Dr. Third, has found reasons why it would be well for me to take the step I now propose doing. "The mere wish to reach a certain date may not amount to much and if it be found that an earlier date would be more conducive to the in- terests of the congregation, which 1 have and ever will have at heart, it will be equally suitable to me. "My dear .friends, I look back and see a very hfppy ministry, a very devoted and considerate congregation, to that tg write this' letter to you desiring to ceas® my life work, to wver my relationship, and henceforth be an unattached minister, has been painful to me, and I know and doubt not will be painful to you to hear, "The Lord Himself direct us in all things. "Believe me, my dear friends, faithfully yours, J. Mackie." The matter of - Dr. Mackie's retire ment had been considered last week by the kirk session and the board of managers, which adopted the follow- ing resolution, which will be presented to Dr, Mackie by John' McIntyre, K. C.. Aud W. F. Nickle, K.C.: 'To the Rev, John Mackie, D.D.:-- The members of seqsion and the man- agers of St. Andrew's church would express their deep regret that you ol or very { Arriving Daily NEW 6000S FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, Mattings from China and Japan, Silk Drapes from Constanti- nople. : Rugs from Persia, Austria, and Germany. lace Curtains from Switzer- Carpets and Olicloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Muslin from Boston. And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. PEEP PE PREP P PIPER P0004 R. McFAUL. CARPE? WARNBOUSA, Tear RTERAON a -e feel it necessary to resign the pastor- ate of this church. They recall with gratitude your great zealand effi ciency in the discharge of your du- ties as pastor during the long period of twenty-six years, and whether you shall choose your home in the old land or in Canada they shall always cherish reminiscenses of your active life spent in the service of your great Master. "They earnestly pray that you may long continue to enjoy the rest you have justly won. "The session and the board managers would also wish to ex press their sincere appreciation of Mrs. Mackie's very valuable servios, not merely in the congregation, but in the several charitable societies of Kingston, and their deep regret that they shall now be deprived of her prudent and cheering help." The session and managers recom- mended to the cougregation that an annuity of 8600 be given Dr. Mackie in recognition of his long and [laith- ful service in St. Andrew's. The riso- lution to put this into effect was moved by W. T. Minmes and seconded Lhy Rev. Principal Gordon, and was carried unanimously. It was found impossible to do any thing with regard to Dr. Mackie's resignation until the congregation had teen called expressly for that purpose. It was, therefore, resolved to ask Dr. Mackie to call another meeting of of 1 1 Rl When You Buy Real Estate "Don't go it blind." It will pay you to see us before hand. We are posted o what's going on. . We will give you information on any Juopcrties we. have , and téll you how we can make it easy to buy. 0000000000000 000 n 0000000000000 00000000 weassbecesseststseree . 0000000000000 0000000000000 is the congregation from the pulpit on Sunday nexf, for the evening of Tuesday, the 18th, when the ques- tion of appointing a successor will be discussed. Besides the retiring anmuity which 8t. Andrew's church will give him, Dr. Mackie will receive also an annuity from the Presbyterian church of Can- ada on his retirement. Vesper Service, The second of the vesper services in the First Congregational church, this week, was held Tuesday al , and was as well attended as the first ome. same line as he did Monday after- noon. A. Beecroft, of Queen's sang. Easter Hats. buy your new hats to-morrow avoid the rush we always have Saturday before Easter. Campbell Bros', Kingston's only exclusive hat and fur store. Attending Meeting in West. Rev. Douglas Laing left, to-day, Toronto, to att the half-year! meeting of the Baptist home mission board. From Toromto he expects go to Hamilton, to sited She vn convention of the Baptist Young | ples Union of Ontario. e-- and Paper. 13c. per box. Kingston News Co., opposite Y.M.C.A. x ss t-- finish gloves, usually 50c., Be. a pair: Duttom's, 209 Prin- of | The pastor spoke somewhat along the Your particular style is here. Better and the and Mrs. Palmer, Johnson street. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reade, of Ot- {tawa, have sailed for England, where they will spend the next six months. | Capt. and Mrs. P. E. Prideaux, who are now en pension at Mrs. Orrell's, { nion street, will shortly move into their new house on William street, just below Bagot street. i (Continued on Page 6.) WHEN, WILL THE ICE GO? Has Navigation Tied Up Here. ~When will the ice go! This ques tion was asked a month ago, and it is being asked again, to-day. Just when the opening will be it is very difficult |to say, and it is just as hard to make a guess, The ice has been pretty well shaken up by the mild weather this week, and the crossing with teams is quite dan- gerous, but there is still too much ice for the boats to navigate. The weather man predicts a rain storm on Thursday, and if the rain comes, it will probably mean the be ginning of the end, so far as the ice in the harbor is concerned. It Still HAD A JOLLY TIME At Farewell "Smoker" of the Mast- ers and Mates. I'he farewell 'smoker' of the masters and mates, held on Tuesday evening, in their rooms on Clarence street, was a very jolly affair. Quite a number of guests were present, and they were rovally entertained. When it comes to having a good night's entertainment, the masters and mates cannot be beaten. The programme was of an impromptu nature, consisting of songs and recitations. Refreshments were served, and the affair was brought to a close at a seasonable hour. HEAD SPLIT OPEN. Thomas Kennedy Fell Off His Cart and Sustained Injuries. While driving out of the yard of Booth & Co., this morning, at the foot of West street, Thomas Kenmedy fell off his cart, and had his head split open. The force of the fall remdered him unconscious, and he was hurried ho the Hotel Dieu, where it was found necessary to put three or four stitches in his scalp. The wound was quite a severe one, and it will be quite a few days before he will be able to work. After having the wound dressed, he was taken to bis home, on Brock street, in a cab. KING'S BIRTHDAY FAVORED For the Holding of the Annual Cele. bration. There appears to be a general fuel ing, among the citizens, that the an nual celebration should be held on the king's birthday, June 3rd, and not oy Victoria day, May 24th. This matter will have to be decided at a meeting to be held on Friday evening, and it is hoped that there will be a very large attendance. Ome strong point in favor of having the celebration on June 3rd, is that the weather will be more favorable. Prof. Dyde Left To-day. Prof. 8. W. Dyde left for hts new home, in the west, to-day, to take up his duties as principal of the new Presby ian College, at Strathcona, Alta. A large number of his friends were at the G.T.R. station, to bid him farewell. Mrs. Dyde and the members of the family will not leave for the west until May lst, An Emergency Directory. In connection with a fire, which oc curred on Monday night, time was lost in securing the number of the fire hall in the telephone hook. S. 8. Corbett, undertaker, has issued an emergency directory for citizens, which gives the names of all the principal places in the city, and which will serve as a great convenience to citizens, Planomakers Quit Work. A number of the piano-makers at Wormwith's, have quit their work, ow- ing to some di cement over the schedule of wages. It was stated, to day, that the matter would be taken up for settlement, 'within the course a few days. Our List of New Vegetables, For Easter. Asparagus, beéts, car- rots, cucumbers, cabbage, ¥, tuce, mint, oyster plant, parsley, rem peppers, onions, potatoes, rhu- , radishes, spinach, tomatoes, ete., at Carnovsky's. ; Papeteries. : Ke. per box, finest line in city, Kingston News Co., opposite Y.M.C.A. ished the appearance of the store will ig 8 'Raih "Fresh McConkey's sweets." Gib | tel Dieu land, purchased by the city, to the level of the present roadway. Street scrapings will be used for this purpose, the old wall will be utilized in the con- struction. of the necessary retaining wall for the east side of the street. By the middie of summer, the block between Brock and Johnson streets will'be completed. The extension will not' only be a great convenience ty the people, but it will improve Syden- ham street wonderfully» Tarvia Representative Here, An Ottawa representative of the Bar- rett Tarvia company, of Boston, is hers consulting with the city engineer a8 to using tarvia for the several blocks in the business section to be paved this season. Tarvin can be laid at very moderate cost, probably at be- tween eighty cents and ome dollar 4 square yard. It has been used in 4 good many cities, and found very sat- isfactory. The hoard of works has yet to decide on the kind of permanent pavement it will use. es Inspector Quite Capable. The chief of police, when asked os to the enforcement of the liquor lis cense law, said that he did not con- sider it the duty to search out liquor asked for aid bv the inspec tor. So long as there an in- speckor he could not see the necessity of calling in the police to perform work that the inspector is attending to. of the police violations unless license was Was No Quorum. The board of health was called meet on Thursday afternoon but a quornm of members did not attend. [Those present were !.J. B. McLeod (chairman), A. Strachan and J. F. Kuapp. vo The Scottish Tenor. W. S. Hamilton, from the principal Scottish and English concerts, now of Toronto, in Sydenham street church, Monday, April 17th, at S15. Ad- mission, 26c¢. Tickets, Uglow's and Wormwith's. 109 "Brock street." Fresh flowers "56 new Tabard Inn library books' at Gibson's. Sale children's waists, 19¢c. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. . Kingston's Famous Fur Store, "Home of Beautiful Hats." Charm and Chic In Easter Hats At this time custom takes mi- lady by the hand and leads her to the purchase of Easter Millin- ery. Business is coming with a rush. "Modern Millinery at moderate prices, no two hats alike," is appealing in a wonder- ful way to many women who ap- preciate exclusiveness in style + and moderation in cost A 3 < ' Easter Neckwear The very newest Jabots, Tailored Collars, Bélts, elc., are GED. MILLS & GO Most of the stone taken from i collars, sons. & IN THE POLICE COURT | WHITE HEN CAUSED TROUBLE # FOR NEIGHBORS. Claimed That Hen Destroyed Nice Flower Bed on Sunday Last-- Drunk Found Taking Out-door Treatment in Frontenac Park Dur- ing Night. Tuesday night was a fine night, all right, but it was not the sort of a night that a person would choose for sleeping however. At least, the ordinary would not think of doing so. But it was different with Thomas Wil Wilson is-a strong, able-bodied | man, in health. Yesterday, he { duiged too freely, and when night came, he into Frentenac Park, and, picking out a nice spot, he slumberland: Some ple passing through the park 1m the wee sma' hours of the morning, no ticedd the man lying there, and sent in a call to the police station. Constables Mullinger aud answered the call, and when reached the park, they found Wilson somewhat aroused from his slumbers, but he was unable to take care of him self, and the comstables had to brin him to the police station, and he h the rest of his night's sleep in one of the cells. When arraigned the magis trate, the accused pleaded wuifty, and was fined RI with the tion of tem days in jail Trouble over 4 hen led two residents of York street, to 1h police court One claimed that a white hen, belony- ing to the other, Lad paid un visit to his flower garden, on Sunday last, and in less time than it takes to tell it, picked all the plants to pieces The plaintiff alleged that the white len was the property of his neighbwr, bat there was no evidence to show that this was the case, so the magistrate adjourned the case for a day, in or der to give the plaintiff a chance tg vive further evidence I'he accused said there were lots bens in that neighborhood, Imi hu think one of his hen wl guilty of such an act as had heen lated to the WILL GO TO MONTREAL out, Atizen | Om good wandered Was soon In peo MeCares they before and costs, op the of did not s | been res Court In Reference to Extension of C.P.R. Line Here. Vice-President MeNicoll, of the Cana- dian Pacific railway, will be viewed by representatives of board of trade and the {in reference to having the CPR. « {tend their line to this city | The deputation may go to Montreal { to-night, if arrangements can be macs {for mteryiew with Mr. MeNieoll Ho-morrow | The deputation from baard of [trade will be composed of Mess { Macpherson, H. W. Richar Dr. E. Ryan, and from the « foil, Alds. Elliott and Carson. Ald {hott may find it le to | away, and if such is;the case, another city father will be secured to take his place, miter the city council, x the the A dso ity ¢ impossil ret Crushed by Waggon. While loading a Shedden w aggon ut the Grand Trunk [uesdyy { morning, Frederick of the firm of M. (low & was nearly crushed: to death. He was between the waggon and the platform, when the horses started to bite at ench other, and in doing backed waggon. The waggon bad just struck him when someone yelled at the horses and prevented them from crushing him to death. station M. Son, Clow, SO the heavy Congregational Church A umion meeting of all the Congre gational churches of Canada will be held in the First Congregational church, Kingston, from June 6th to 12th. It is expected there will be 123 delegates from all parts of Canada as sembled here. Dr. Garvie, principal of New College, London, will be of the principal speakers: Board of Trade Officers. There was a meeting of the council of the board of trade, on Tuesday evewing, but the only business trans acted was the passing of accounts. A meeting of the board will be held op April 25th, when officers will be nomin. ated for the ensuing vear. Campbell Bros'. For SBeott, Buckley, Christy, Heath, Jupesial and all the most celebrated ma of fine liats, Envelopes and Paper. 13¢c. per box. Kingston News Co, opppsite Y.M.CA. Sale extra large hair nets, Sc. Fane, 15c. and 2Ve. Dution's, 209 street. "Fresh Huyler's sweets," Gibson's. Meeting. one : Farmers, Attention We carry in stock a full line of CATTLE AND VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS, Milk Fever Outfits, Cattle Trocars, Teat Slitters, Teat Dilators, Milking Tubes styles. ! in different different styles Syringes in and sizes. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. BUY YOUR a Bit i Th al ld { Gold Brooches } PT VVVVVVTVOVT BBV OGRN Set with: Peridots, Topazes, Amythists, Olivines and Pearls Attractive patterns Good weight of gold to hold the pearl and having settings securely, stock is replete with many handsome Brooches SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, .BOAS. Easter Gloves at this store. We sell $1.25 quality Kid Gloves for $1.00 a Pair All shades, all sizes, and guaranteed in every particular, Ask to see our specials in New Model Corsets and > Dainty White Waists at One Dollar Each They arc winners. Snio-- d-- Nobby SUITS and COATS for spring. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORZX. For Easter Campbell's Hats, The uptodate hat k store kind "Fresh Huyler's sweets." Gn Ike condition of the John Hay, BD., Renfrew, is anzsely to the congrerntion Andrew's, and at = meeting sessions it wal agreed six months leave A large bank south side of Broek King and Wellington streets, was away and throwa out would melt it c Cadets of the F a will not be included un contingent going from ( anads John McManus, former bursar Rockwood asylum, is Hotel Rew Rev. Father Carey, in the city health to of abwence i of along bh twee show treet, where the Military the wonton of Frinsville, "Fresh Havler's sweets," Gibson's. 4 Colleges at | quite ill in the 18 | cor. Princess and Sydenhem Streets, + @ # Just received a fresh ship- went of Ostrich and Marrakeau Boas ALL COLORS. -- . F. GOURDIER SOLD The $2,300 Brick Dwecl- ling, at 477 Princess Street, advertised in the Whig yesterday, has been sold. More. Bargains Later. ------------ MULLIN, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, "Phone 534 cut sun | KINGSTON LAUNDRY 'Phone 23.