Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1911, p. 14

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Ne i or etheric idea of vibration Until | PAGE FOURTEEN. SOIENTIST SAYS THEY HAVE REMARKABLE INFLUENCE, Analysis of Buman Soul--F.yery Per. son is Surrounded by an Invisible Magnetic Atmosphere, He Says Oolors as the Basis, Nhat a new age of universal vibra hae arvived is now announced by Ag am PF. Fraetas, who has male an exhaustive study of the inflaence of color on human life. Everything is in a state of vibration, he claimx, and all forme of matter and energy are con trolled by this mighty principle, which is the mainspring ol ihe universe and affects the whole complicated machin of starry systems in space. #. Fraetas, in an interview, called attention to the fact that the dives ory of radiom and other radioactive : ot haw complefely changed the sdlentific thought of the world. ~ Mr. Fraetas, who was born in Cape Town, South Afric, @iter some veary $n Loudon, vame to New York, solely 10 study the American people and the relation and influence of color vibra tious on their life, character, and des tiny, together with peoples of the world This new science, Mr. Fraetas claims, i8 a sort of spectrum analysis of the human soul and deals esssentinlly with ita colov radiations. Every person i= surrounded by an invisible magnetic atmosphere corres ponding to the atmosphere of the earth. This human atmosphere is not 'only radioactive, but receptive to forces aclting and inter-acling on the Jves of individuals. Mr. Fraetas de cares that he bas demonstrated the existence of these invisible forces and has made an instrament that will wea sre the forces thrown off at the fin ger tips of healthy and normal per aw. . ; The poy chologist figures that the hu man brain similarly radiates eavrgies and forces that affect people in close oximity or at a distame. Indeed the nan atmosphere is the playground of color vibration, operating every thought, feeling, emotion and alle tion. ' Quite evidently a new theory of life thus evolved, when prsent day knowledge in made to lit this atom fife, Mr Frastas announces, is, one of vibration, « dependent upon its activities Certain people are specially attracted to parti- vular colors and with such colors stan dardized, he has found that he could evolve u personal spectrum hy the color combinations wach person select wl. Peculiar traits, predominant char aotemistics, latent qualities and otha intimate connections are discolored by the color Gmbinations thus produced It is possible in this way not only to a "the character, the mental or emo Tonal states, but actually to foresee events. He MBs found that every na tion, hoth pust fill present, has had its own distinctive color, which in turn bas revealed the character of the People ard their destiny. law of vibration revealed in colors," Mr. Fractas said, 'will not only explain every fact in history sod account for all Fo hunges in the vee of men and nations, but it is jo universal principle that deter mines human progress and develop: | ment, j "In order to tive you some idea of color dynamics at work 1 will cite the colors of a few countries. United States vibrates to a dark blue, this golor being strongly in evidence in thia country. Other countries and their colors ste: England, "white; France, w; Germany, red and yellow; Pey- violet: Turkey, pink; South Africa, ; Spain, ori Japan, red and » Russia, deep blue; Portugal, white and blue, wd India, golden n. "From colors and the combinations form, | am actually able to de termine the course of human and na. tional events on earth. Pefore feaving my home in South Alriea, a little over | three years ago, | stated that India would be in a state of unrest and that we could expect a politioal and social a-- WHISKEY HOLDS ITS VICTIMS, Released by Wonderful Sa- maria Prescription. - Liquor sets up inflammation and ie pitation of the stomach and weakens the nerves. 'The steady or periodical Y ) drinker is often. forced to _dribk even agaiust his will by his un- 3 physical condition. i Prescription stops ihe oraving, steadies the nerves, builds up the general health and makes drink ngtually distasteful and nauseous. It tasteless and odorless, and can be given with or without the knowledge i patient. is of Canadian homes have ved from misery and disgrace devoted wile, mpther om ter throngh this wonderful Can somedy. The movey formerly pess, homé comforts, education and t to the families formerly io wing. one of Abe no- COLORS FIGIRE IN THE DAILY BRITISU -- SOARCE, ---- MEN BECOMING ' : ----- 1 i MONTREALER WANT 'Filty Thousand Girls in New i { Face Being Old Maids. A MILLION DOLLARS In soite of writers who give 4 Hus to girls "How To tier Husbands,' ery herseif York formu gurl can allrad girls to ---- Lwsari them that #3 T0 SPEND ON THE SICK Serra win ope if she makes there thousands of of » are not enougt tive, Are ghost show There arouwml." the is nod sept unel ol Montreal" If our multi-willionaires | the army of the nmarried, but would spenid a little money to prevent Letdblooded state wi ihe sickness, they would not have to give | Juackoln, who supports his statement so much 10 hospitals and research labor. | with figures atories" said a well known Montreal | |), physician, famong the pioneer suficagettes of Pir "This is the time of the year when land, where women have full suffrage {lie business max is ell run-down and js [ond where "there are 100,000 suffering from biliousness. Women are | women than men in JUb0H00 popula racked with headaches end stomach Ie. Jackols spoke to a g troubles. Children are complaining. of Mes. Belmont's farm sofira And most everyone is feeling the effects 'toe and Humpstoml re of 'Spring Fever'. Iv. He also carried the messa { i y Hoston's ummarried "If 1 had a mill j deny ir to would s 8 3 1ium Sella to ope 2 fof sufirageties 3 he spoke there Salt and distribute it all over Ca ~ {hefore the Mnssachusetts ate Then I could prevent most of the le Hh Age association from baviny Spring Fever, cure | Mrs. Belmonts those who did get it", » {were east down by Dr. Jaekoln's stare 'ment that are SHO00 more wo Opening a copy of the ** Canada | men than men in Greater New Yurk lancet", the famous medical journal, | lone. and that uo matter what in the Doctor read **We consider Abbey's 1 terest they had in fookine forward to the best efiervescing salt in any inatrimony, for SF thai country ~ {thers was ahsalutely no hope Abbey's Effervescing Salt is a favorite I "Then," added Ih remedy in the homes and may be von consider the big number ohtained at all dealers in both 2% and desirable bachelors' whom no bottles, 5 is the John Jackola's mother and sisters are more thon het hi Citage army when Nt Nal sufiragists farmer there thousands "when of 'un woman Jackola, vour lessened af refinement would marry, chaners of matrimony are still Further," i unheaval in that country within six months from that time. i Dr. Jackola compari "When I reached London, to my sur land, who is studying law prise, 1 found India's color strongly in votes for woman, to loan of Are evidence, The golden brown shades! "Women," he maid, "rich, voung, predominated in woman's apparel and. dnd beautiful like Miss Milholland, hats, and even men wore this color in who do not marry, are ' sacrificing ties and socks. Upon my arrival in the'r happiness, no doubt, like the New York eity | found the heawtiful martyrs of old." 3 cinnamon browns in fashion here also I ta © In fact, thie color could be seen in the Jirls aneray of Iu Ay im different capitals of the world, the day when { "ladeed, color in fashn. wil reveal ugiam will not compel a the conditions prevailing among the | until' A Wah people. | have found that once the eolor is determined affecting an individ (dual, shoald it affect beneficially or "adversely the country to which it cor responds, that person will pase through almost the same conditions jas the nation ander consideration.' i. Inez Milhol- to help win Jacko unmarried his oinion, will come woman to {wait asks her to arn him. "UM the castom that women might propose." "I he'ieve there would be : understanding between the sexes were exinblished so he Said, better » Cl Br AMUSED PASSENGERS, WATER AN on AN AESTHETIC, {Telephone Givt om Night Car Inject It Into the Skin With Good! Thought She Was Still at Work, | Effect, {Pittsburg Chronicle -Telegraph York Times A tired liitle telephone girl | The use of lukewarm water as the | od A utreet ear and before the con sole anaesthetic in operations for ap | duetor came to her she was dozing, pendicitis at Johns Hopkins hospital, | No one knew the pretty young Baltimore, reported in The Times, was [man was a telephone operator, declared by surgeons here to be quite [ever, until she began to talk in possible and in line with the use ol] slesp. water anaesthetic, fist tried in this] The conductor touched her city years ago. on the arm and asked for the fare One surgeon who has performed sue "Number, please " she responded, cessfully more than 5,00 operations | businesslike, still dreaming. | with no other anaesthetic than an in 'Then someone giggled: and the girl, jttion of water into the skin, de blushing, paid her fare and settled clared, however, that the use of this [nek in the seat. semplest. of all anaesthetics would pro- At the next square th? motorman bably never come into general use, and rang his. gong. The young woman, that, while it was applicable in many | itl wlesping, pricked up her head in major ahdominal Operations, it WAS | he attitude of listenivg not applicable in a majority of such "Number; please *--What's cases, especially where inflammation amar? cor an ahseess had formed, Saviral As long ago as 1835, Dr, J. es era Corning, of this city, pointed out in watshing his book on "Local Anaesthesia," the |' tit she value of heating the anaesthetic before wrinkled injecting it, The nse of water as an al. ea . i . anaesthetic in a certain class of oper- "Ling's noisy, mister; Ly em ations was explained by Dr. Samuel thiy n- G. Gant in a paper before the Medical Phis hrought a general laugh Association of the city in 1903, Dy, [the passengers. In a rage, but Gant mentioned Burney, Yeo, and Gril- | dreaming, ths young operator ! fith, of England, as among the pio- | tested : neers to suggest in 1868 the relief of | "Ob! Main! Don't ring in my ears | pain hy the subcutaneous injection of \like that ! Ain't you got any sense !" water, There was more merriment, but the The theory on which water so used | girl, waking, looked around listlessly ix believed to act, according to. Dr. jand 'went to sleep again Gant, is that the water provides a' Finally the conductor, pressure on the nerve ending, which reached a certain street, shook siceping operator. i blocks all sensation of pain so long as the water continues unabsorbed or un-| 'I'll ring 'em again," she said sweet scattered. Dr. Gant said last night |) i he had found that any other fluid thay gave pressure and was not absorbed would have the same anaesthetic of fect, The method was applicable, he said, in nearly all skin operations, and he had tried it sacessfully in some operations for 'laparotomy, co lostomy and appendicostomy, all of * which necessitate the opening of the abdomen. "Water anaesthesia, however, ie no good at all for operations where an abscess has formed or inflammation set in, as, for example, in cancer or in case of a ruptured appendix," said Dr. Gant, "To be successful, the whter anaesthesia must be applied to the whole part where the operation is to he made, and in the majority of such abdominal operations as 1 have men tioned there is, in the first place, un- certainty as to where to operate, and in the second place the tissues re fuse to hold the water and allow it instead to scatter." De. Gant, at the last meting of the Maryland Medical Society, reaml a paper willing of some 2000 skin and muscle operations he had performed with water anaesthesia in the last eight or ten years, apd it W thought be way have suggested the most re cent application of water anaesthesia now in ations for ap | pendicitis at Johns Hopkins. Chauffeur Tips. When the ehifing. hitaie down begin operations hy ting 8 oh Take Joue Yims tit Th presaes t standers wi and coolness, Naw baard- Woe how- her gently sour who had heen the girl began to id not wake; n her forehead and she persons Leonard faugh frown wike on from still pro when the car the "No, don't," said the conductor, "this is your stop." Art Maxims. Nature jx ever interfering with Emerson. The impressions of beautiful tnake art. --Vernon Lee Art is not a superfluity but a neces sity in the life of pan. George Moore. Without religion art, if it i= not in significant, lacks ai least ihe highest significance of which it is capable... Lowes Dickinson. Detail in itsell is not any art, and the highest art ix that in which detail is most exquisitely elabo rated. --Laleadio Hearn. : Animal Oddities. A whale ean remain under water for an hour and a hall. The -swiftest eroatie is the ostrich, which cad do a mile a minute, Every sight months ostriches pluck, i egch plucking about a poved of feathers, The turkeys real name wis oocoo- coo, by which it was known to the Cherokee Indians. art, things condemned by are yield a WHKL SPrRew, ara hs i ITN PERFUMED i i : At your meals, and at bedtime, drink this sparkiin agreeable brew. Your digestion will improve, You slumber will better refresh you. Every rop gratifies, hey ALE & STOUT Better 167 invalids than ordinary tonics or patent melicines, It is wholesome as weil as pure Made of selected HN LABA Order from an bariey-malt, choic- Jo T dealer in tre est biended hops and of or direct from the tested spring water. LONDON, CANADA brewery In London. nw Its cost is so trivial, and the cookery results it vields are so palate-pleasing, that you should never be without a bottle of hirrifis It is just what its ndme siys it is. Order from your grocery man. CAUTION: -- A smaller quantity required - than of any other cxtract, Other delicious Shirriff flavor ngs are Lemon Almond, Rose, Pineapple, Stra vberry. Ratafia, and ninety more. 18 A 350 YEARS EXIERIENCE EXTRA GRANUL Ps - TID SUGAR ABSOLUTEL' PURE Once make a con you will not he sat The Canada Sugar Refining Co. MONTREAL, C2.IADA. Eatablished i+ 184 [cT==x lO Ee O EA IN When Baby Comes and yon find your milk is insufficient « put baby at once on ther in quality or quantity, MILK FOOD NEAVE'S Garaies) it is intended for the agest baby---to be given immediately af or It is the next best thing to perfect mothe better in every way than cow's milk because in better proportions and absolutely uniic Entirely different Milk Food is for the take only milk. Neave's Mik Foo and is ready for th added. It makes an « ¥ because it is unatfecte I bs Sold in 1 Ib. airtight tins by oll Druggists in Canada. FREE TO MOTHERS Sold Wholesale by: Lyman Ls MONTREAL = write for free tin of . Joo NMcal brig and Chess of a bil Sed. About Baby." Address to Agent: EDWIN UTLEY, 14 Froot St. E., TORONTO. ENGLAND. | Yer emi m in composition. from Neave's Food, This very . young baby who can 1 is absolutely free of stareh bottle when hot water is 1 diet for hot weather 1zat and storms. | ll I O PrrrasasasstasessssassPrassssscsesessessasscscaai Our experience has given us {h 1 of making the BEST PASTRY THAT CAN BE MADE CREAM ROLLS AT 23¢ PER DOZ., BERRY TURNOVERS AT 25¢ PER OZ, casary skil Are two delicious Pastries which fairly melt in your mouth. 'R. H. TOYE, $ RRND SR GRR eN BW 802 King St Phone 141 > Easter Novelties == Cadbury's Milk Chocqlate . Bggs, 2 in Box) 20 and 40 centsfier dozen. 6 in Box, Eggs in Box) Decorated Eggs, Roosters, Chickens, Etc. {1 in Box, 166 Pieess St. A. J. REES, Pho 58 AVATAR BTLATVAVAABT ALARA LAALLALLA ARLE L ESE TOPE RONW HOV IRN 1: LL RH bu Ba = Vest Pocket Size of-ED Famous "SILE Every stick a matéh, every match a light, and ory hight a light even flame. ¢ wap, s De-Light" i. The Jatest Mateh (reation of the Greatest Mateh Manufactory oi ATTENTION WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done CALL UP Elliott Bros. Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. All orders promptly atténded to. All women appreciate the charin of dainty and well fitted shoes. kn our New Spring styles we are showing an assort mont that will gratify the most exacting require ments and at very mode- rate prices. H. JENNINGS, KING STREET

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