Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1911, p. 1

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The Daily British Whig YEAR 78 -NO. 89 +» KINGSPON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1911.5 LAST EDITION A WIDOW ELOPES. ENCUSH VIEW === -- ATES Brockville, April 17 hursday after od a telephone {noon Chief Burke rece message from C. E. Johastone, Elgm, inpprehend F. Marchall an r Reciprocity. | George Burt, who elope! during the {afternoon from that village, taking ! with them. Mrs. Burt's youngest hi. | rs. | And Distant Places When asked by the if a warrant | aw i Kk. was out for their arrest Mr. Johnston | replied there was not and Chief Burke ! fan arrest { accordingly had no authority to make | ] i i { The couple, with the child, arrived | THAT THE PROPOSALS WILL',, wre shortly before six o'clock on the | RM. ' GO THROUGH. {B.W. & N. train, and at 7.20 crossed | SInLE Fo -------- ' {the river, remmining in Morristown Sir Wilfrid Laarier's Decision to over wight. Friday mowing they pur | Sail on May 12th Indicates His Chased tickets for New York rity, and , Confidence in a Satisfactory | Mrs. Burt is the widow of the man | membered. Solution, [who committed suicide by taking ear bo ~ Lomdon; April 17.-1t is thought i bolic acid two weeks ago. Four or [She dtmacrats. ase Freparing or here that the Knox-Fielding recipro- (ve children have been left behind Er gy eity proposals will go through, though | ----------------------. 0.5 fed: turtl : pe y ' j PPP sheds btdiviee od turtle. Four will die. the pewition in Washington appears +2444 eo i Th So ¥ h " Lor Pts & ere are prospects of a general ven 'o the optimists somewhat clowtl- |, opm SPANKING LEGAL. 4 strike to tie up the Montreal build- ed hy the dark looks of several insur io anon ' @ ling trades : gent senators, | ry iy Eh i 8 - ato : + St. Louis, Mo, April 17. #| Vancouver's bank clearings broke all ritish' free traders who have been ; : as" | exceeding! Eu the dures % Alter deliberating twenty- previous records last week, being over Eo ae to sie Lhe Ogre op pour hours, a jury déefded {11,000,000 ment eatified have been fearing a col . i ars, em ddd . wo i Inpse at: the Canadian end because of #° that a husband hae 3 right ef President Diaz's power is noticeably the hostility of. the manufacturing in 3 ia spank his wile, to an jury + weakening and his resignation is hour- | tevosta, + divor te Mrs Hannah Re gpd od. A ! + ps - . v ree » - 4, 5 { Sir Willrid Laurier's frequent as + ordend ove Mr. Yowell Serious riots age following Mormon surances to the manufacturers that bis |, testified that at two o'cloek {meetings in up fountry towns near government would not hurt them dis & on the morning of July § last | Pondon, Eng appoints the extreme free trade extre > he got up and gave his wife { Rev. Dr. Pafbons, Toronto, aged 5 : 4 & of 8 € us mists here, because it means there will 4 'a good spanking" because {eighty three, 'resbyterian, pleads for be no general revision of the tariff in * she had kept him awake for &|%impler religion. Canada and no increase in the British? # "four hours talking to him I Dr. A. Burdows, of Hamilton, is preference. + ' & | gazetted senigr surgeon of the naval Sir Wilfrid's decision to sail for | j service of Cgnada Buogland on May 12th, a date when it - ¢ | The Omntyfio government . may send Le scarcely likely the dominion parlia- | CHEESEMAKE KILLED {experts t¢/ stud.. the use of electricity | ment will have been prorogued, is in -- in farming in Europe terpreted to indicate his confidence in a satisfactory solution of the problem in ! Ottawa within a few seeks | sloon ing During parliament's Easter recess.) Brockville, April 17 A fatal acel "hile he was sleeping. which runs to April 26th, there is like dent occurred on Saturday morning, | . " ly to be onde ble tiffening of the at Roebuck cheese factory, situated ip ol bt: houtg on the charge of mus Unionist backbone in resisting Premier | the township of Augusta, a few miles {ong rose ine a rcombe Asuith's projects, Fabian method north of Prescott The victim was 1 i of ha fe Da to the whers will be abandoned, and, isstead of de | R. frrt Graham, aged thirty-five years, ji lau pa dng es Juthie, missing lav and negation, the programme will the maker in that well-known A i me manager of Hillsboro be positive and aggressive, and calcu fatohn H. Mitchell, Toronto commer lated to bring the fighting to close | usual duties and in adjusting a belt cial traveller, is under arrgst at North quarters. This change of front began | was « aight by the same, and whirled | with Mr. BaMour's Lambeth speech, around the Ny-wheel in such a way [his samples forecasting an autumn general elec [that he was killed instantly. | Permission has been given by the tion, which seems probable } The 'body of the unfortunate man, Canadian authorities for the United -- e . | States warship Dubuque to make MURDER tour of the upper lakes in Canadian waters The 850,000,000 loan to China be a {group of American financiers, nego Henry I. Matthews, jr, was acquitt He was engaged in the discharge of | while shockingly injured, was nol mu- {tilated., The deceased was a married Iman, and leaves a wife and four chil TOOTHLESS, Dy .g Man Describes the Man Whe ~~ _Shashed Him, i i r------ ; Torotita, April 17.-- "Remember this, | RICH WOMAN UNDESIRABLE, | tations for which have been gomg Frank, the man without the teeth A jen for some time, was signed Satur slashed me.' These words uttered by [And is Deported From the United | day. ; J : Geooliina Veet, the Italian murdered | States, At Victoria, B.C, tapt. Sears, of dren i {charged with not attempting to res- ) g h ttractiv : ; | nate Hold, a Julb and » thu t . {ove his passengers, twenty of whom re decls she ; Tens WOMAN, doula {were drowned. i is imartied, has two children owns more | . . # than $100,000 in cash and property, | The capital of the Otis Fensom Elo had only served to throw doubt upon | and has been in this country tén years | V8OF company, Ottawa, is imcreased the original theory of the police with she was deported, as an undesirable | from $400,000 to $1,000,000 and that out giving any very defini direction alien. The case had its origin in Port lof the Canadian North Pacific fisher to any new explanation of the stab- [100° Ore, where she was charged | 18 from $2,500,000 to $1,000,000 hing. Thus the dving man laid his with conducting disorderly houses. A 85,000 pear! necklace fgund in. a murder at the door of Irak Russello, | Mrs. Gold denied emphatically that | Brighton street car, Boston, and de 40 Agnes street. she had offered £10,000 in cash to any [posited among the "lost articles" at I'he significant sentence whs repeited | man who would make her his wife {the Oak Square car station by Alfred by Kosena Annelli, 190 Elizabeth street ' 0 ve her from deportation. | F. Aunchman, a conductor, has been who says that this is what Veci said | pe---- {restored to Mrs. F. L. Hoppin, New ay ted to Inspector of Dectectives Duncan at headquarters, Saturday afternoon at the close of an investigation which up to that time, Agnes street, WAS BURNED TO A | Chinese of Tien-Tsin District Praise FARE AAR fn svn | AN EDITOR SLAYER AND WIFE FRIENDS, CRISP | Campaign Against Traffic. George Eddy, Whe Killed His Wite's | EE [alien Tein, Ape Ho-The Bini 5 Op OC as 3 he | ¢ 'RE ; SCAYE Paramour, {Fell Asleep in His Apartment, and ot memorial trom the = petey.) BROOKLYN MERCHANT ESCAPED Watertown, N.Y, Apail 17. Friend. | Fire Rroke Out----He Lived al. dents and merchants of Pearohoa ly relations are said to exist between | © Frugal Life. Hsien, near Chefoo George Eddy, of Theresa, now serving | a ten-year sentence wm Auburn prison, and bis wife, Mae Edy, whose asso | vintinns with Johny Reid led to the lat Claremont, - N.H., April 17. Samuel | Henry Storey, editor of The Narrative, | t . . td ; a weekly publication, met a tragic A was for tne curing o ( kgsage ax ' : path, Saturday While apparently ter's murder at Pujaski og year amd death, Ja a. ui A {asleep on a sofa in his apartment, fire hall an itVarpotnt Feguln | from an overheated stove communica fit and in Ame i became to " ' \ * ted to the furniture and burned him to sweets to children hus it became ward euch other will, it is said, have ia rR a poison and for fifty years we sar k ah important bearing on any futue | Sop. lived alone in his newspaper | deeper and deeper under its influence, effort to free Eddy. For some time affice.' and, uc cording to his own state- | the drug weakening the body and dull Attorney Jerome Cooper, counsel for mont, lived on nine cents a da ling the brain. We know it is our Faby at the time of the trial, has He was one of the oldest publishers flown fault. been talking of circulating POURIONS, | jy the state, having been born if 1533, | "The saying, 'Chinese always blame asking for a pardon for the Theresa | fo had no relatives so far as is (others, but never hlamé themselves,' mag. | known. jis true. But you good people, see ng remem te {this and feeling that it 18 a shame to WAITED ON BY ARCHBISHOP. | your eountry to send opium to China, ---------- { do not blame others, but have nut Time-honored Custom Carried Out jh your strength and energy to help SOLD HUMAN FLESH ed in Montreal. {China. Not only do we Chinese thank Harbin, April 17---The abatement 5f | Montreal. April 17.-To be waited | you for your efforts, but the whoie the plague in Manchuria continues on at table by no less a personage [world will surely praise you Wo i Kumatao Hisabara, in charge of | human flesh. According to the Roku Taey, Sherbrooke street The guests [able win and other Tokio papers, a search {for the occasion were the students Ww | opi resulted in the finding of a large ithe theological Taculte of Laval Une frosf of the ten years quantity of human sh, eithar toast {versity and the waiters were Arch. | /The happiness that you will con or salted, and tm human tongues {bishop Bruchesi, the dean of the fa preserved in pots, loulty, and the professor 'Hou will be a 'Wan Chia Sheng Fuh' i i Philadelphia Prosounte } Shien us 7 ie in the large [to China (that is, a living Buddha), to him sane and at a meeting here with STRUCK BY A FLYER, Foi, si ag nore igh le © {his sister, Mes. Adelaide Johnson, And Three People W Kui {The archbishop, over his robe of pur: | fs armen | Fertile alley, San Hondle b tre. Killed al [ale wore the conventional white ap- | CUT GRAIN RATE. the establishment o hi Elizalieth, NJ. ron, and he was assigned a certain sec | sons were seriously injured whom a flyer crashed | The custom, as carried out at all | Washington, April 17.--The interstate into a crowd of people boarding a houses of St. Sulpicegpn Good Friday, commerce commission in the came of train, It seems the fast train lis a time-honored one, and is destined the New York Produce Exchange * was earlier, and the officials did not [to commemorate the act of Christ on {against the New York Central & Hud- : the day previous to His Passion, in som river railroad and other eastern as the train went through at {waiting upon His disciples. = {carriers granted the carriers permis expect it. The victims wore terribly | fifty niles an hour. | fe sion, on three days' notice, to estab- Stents tit HORROR OF A MOTHER, 'lish at any time before May lst, a Mrs. Sherman Calman died, Satur -- rate on ex-lake grain for export from day moming, in Thurlow township. Looked Out of Window and Saw Her Buffalo to Atlantic seaboard ports, Receusad, who, was twenty.sis years of | Som 2 Tutter thas the rqte now ia i was third daughter of George | wn: NX. fo] ; It is underst commissiol , Thurlow, in which town | hac, N.Y., April 131 ouking aut to be the 2 ih railways to a of the ndaw a Hah w; or 'put into a rate on export grain seen pai . -- Togs | that practically would be a reduction fase of bout Bad cents a ended pounds from present rate a aps more. She. ust oh ry, ate will not To Any way pool body of {fat r domestic rate, but it is he ¥ Ha a y 3 Hs SUICIDED A PAUPER ui SE ings oe ~Will SEND Il But She Refused. New York; April 17. Cast off by his | infives and friends, and without his former fortune left, Of the Outlook For? iwtice of the peace, asking him «| Despatches From Nearly W. Homi . i I'wenty vears ago Hamilton was ihead of a hig law firm, and lived with | : in the most aristocratic | section of Brooklyn. He had a is | | agreement with his wife and daug land separated from them. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. | an drinking heavily, and lost all extensive fortupe, is~ | ter | For seve i poverty. | PRESENTATIVES. wm ago, he appealed to his I daughter, who had married a Brook- {Matters That Interest Everybody-- . nd man, or an, u Notes From All Over--Little of lyn business a eh ; that has been the last heard of them.| Everybody Easily Read and Re- ul (0 have anything to Balloons collided ar Berlin and turn While in the Discharge of His| Peter Napolitina, Sault Ste. Marie, Duty. | was killed with an axe by his wife PHOTO BY THE MISSES SELBY NEW YORK. submarine Escapes Serious Injury in Naval Manoeuvres. Ray; charged with stealing and selling | marine Germinal was some speed to the east of the oe officer in command saw speed, but suddenly the submarine rol} there was a monient's panic on board, The captain of the Germinal had the Indians Not en War-Path, Winnipeg, April lav officials ridicule the reports from in the north attacking their posts A party of Hudson's Bay Thursday, and are information from They heard nothing of ludiar tring on the warpath, though they re the fur catch very hight. to him as he stood beside him just Th | { York. after he had received his death blow in MET A TRAGIC DEATH eee een i the dark alley beside the house at 10 ANTLOPIUM SOCIETY THANKED, Were no disorders when they leit | -- | FROM ASYLUM, "When your honorable country first | And Went South and Made a Small thegan to send in opium we pressmed | Fortune--Returns North and | easing of pains, and that your object | | was to benefit China, but wo! misnged | Brooklyn merchant who was declared incompetent by courts, in 1906, escaped from the nay lum in which he was confined, wander country and finally settled "| ANARCHY AT DELAGOA BAY. ' The minimum penalty is a finement in a fortress, a senlence that the name of B. ton, has been declared competent September, 1906, Riverdale, inst [spateh says that the British protected fence [cruiser Forte has been ordered to De and with five cents and a gold wats h [lagon Bay. According to the Joham- in his possession, made his way here, ineshurg Express , anarchy reigns at watch for #1 | Pelagon Bay, owing to the fact that at many officials and residents of this Perryville, | Portuguese East African territory re in fmain loyal.te the deposed mowarchy where he pawned and started south : : {than an archbishop was the experience hope that your honorable mission wilh! Md., Richmond and Chicago crematorium in Kudzuyabu, was ar {of 300 young men at the noon-day jsucceed in accomplishing this great Chicago became interested in a chemi vested, recently, charged with selling tmeal, on Friday, in the Grand Semin-iobiect, and will implore your honor- cal preparation upon China will be great indeed. his sanity. ing to that ty \ DEATH IN BROCKVILLE Graham, Son of Hon 6. Graham twenty-five, of the x second son of all 'of Hon. George P. of railways, died at an ea i be. | Heari Flrear Tascheresn, t and will justice of the a Wes- a was | the | of | is swered. Washington, April 17.--The Cana- {dian reciprocity agreement was in the { limelight again, in the House of Repre- | sentatives, to-day, when several de | mocratic members answered arguments advanced by Asher Hinds, of Maine, { against the agreement. { Mr. Hinds' speech was a strong de fence of the principle of protection for | the farmer, a principle that, he said, { was recognized by leading statesmen of the world. Mr: Hinds declared that the statesmen of Germany, France and Great Britain had recognized the ne [cessity for thé tuintenance of protec tion on the products of the farm, and that if congress enacted the reciprocity bill it would be going against the best judgment of the leaders of all these countries "When the manufactarer fails," said Mr. Hinds, "everyone knows it; smoke ceases in the tall chimneys. But when the farmer fails smoke does not cease because on the hearth below burns the only stalwart fire of the race. Representative McCall, of Massachu setts, republican, delivered an elo- quent speech in favor of the bill, and { Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, leader of | the opposition to the measure, pre- suicide, and a fire PRESENCE OF MIND, | sented his minority report from the days, were recorded in the log of the iritish freight steamer Headley, {ways and means committee. His argn {ments were very effective, but it is quite evident that the representatives will send it to the senate with a fa- vorable report to-morrow night, 'or | cailors, fought the blaze in the bunk- = THERE 15 MEAT Wednesday morning. | FATHER ILIODORE WON, Desire of Czar. {wishes that llodore be let alome {the monk have been withdrawn TOLSTOI FAMILY FUED. | St. Petersburg, April 17.--The Tol at the instance of the youngest daugh {ter, Alexandra, to compel the widow | to surrender Tolstoi's manuscript, that ithe museum is a crown institution | probably will be passed, even if par don follows immediately, " : % . "| Deposition of Governor of Mozam- | | bique Demanded. London, April 17.---A Cape Town de- | The revolutionists demmnd the deposi Going back to Rich-{tign of the governor of Mozambique gvernment to stop sending the mond he went into thé manufacturing | nd the expuision of theses loyalists. now, instead of waiting for the business there and prospersd ' who receotly met apd recogmized him, ! More Troops for Border. | Washington, April 17.-Following a jconference at the White House, Satur day, between President Taft, Secretary i oof War Dickinson, and Gen Wood, the latter announced that four mors "troops of cavalry would be ordered to { Douglas, Arizona, from the nearest pa- _ « . , n veamith * | trol station to: assist the United States Elizabeth, Nid April 17.~Three per {tion of the refectory, "or dining hall, Railways Propose to Make Reduc. sanity ware agreed upon, resulting in kil ! \ to-day" art's Anding. and several were which he>was to look after: | - thom of Two Cents. Fram Buffain, Clark's Brooklyn -- of which hal . is givens vontrol, troops pow there. "tor | Train's Fast Time. was married re | cently in Richmond and declares his | intention of return officials were Brosh vil Apu 12 Perse) Followed to the Grave. grog vo | Ottawa, April 17.~A great cortege laughter at the tthe nliow. redigi ioms, political parties and ada. FORTY NEGROES REECTED. Turned Back at Boundary Because of Tuberculosis. Regarding {the rejection of forty negroes, vester day, at the international boundary at White Rock, the refusal to permit en {try is attributed to physical unfitness | the immigration authorities, | state that some of them ha To the Senate on Wed- j taken to a hospital in a dying con- | nesday Morning. RECIPROCITY BILL He then be: ! ee who {were admitted. s party sought to enter Canada at this! point owing to the thirty who passed through Vancouver | i Alberta in December, and it is said | {IS STILL WITH HOUSE OF RE. that many more would have followed | : successful, vesterday, | But immigration officials here and at! { Boundary, while not drawing the color | she | A Strong Speech Against Recipro- line, nor being permitied with | city Made by Asher Hinds, of are strictly enforcing regulations Maine----His Arguments Were An- some | it, | -) ; to health and money requirements. Ere ER ede MUST USE COPPERS i Washington, April 17th, A resolution has been adopt- merce commission putting an road companies, for the sake hd bbery stance; if the fare, according to the mileage, Prete rr bed PERF P LIES ATRL PLES EERE S ++ hb Shdbdddd PPP dbbed ire AN EVENTFUL Murder, Suicide and Fire The ship's crew strength extinguished it | oeeurred twelve { Chinese sailor slew tne bos'n, a fellow Holy Synod - Withdraws Order at countryman, with a hatchet his | | | customer St. Petersburg, April 17.~Father | drath, still grasping his weapon | To have the goods the customers i liodore, the monk who recently defied | the holy synod, has wom his fight | against the synod and the government | with the aid of the czar. The deter- | Accuses Anglican Church of Apathy | 0 sence. mination of the priest aud hie fanati- in a row at 40 Agnes street, Friday New York, April 17--Albough Mim the steamer - Iroquois, was arrested, } presence of wind to sink. Hoth boats jal supporters made it clear that noth . ? ? rk, / were slightly damaged, but were able to harbor unaided. STEAD ON ARBITRATION, Towards Movement, oY -- ting ing short of military force could dis- Loudon, Apel 17.8% 8 Sweeting lodge them from the church of Tsar itsin, where they had been defying the synod's order. As the dispute mvolved | religous prejudices, the authorities de- | cided apparently not to arouse dan i gerous passions. The procurator of the synod consulted with the emperor, and afterward conveyed to a special lehurch to assist meeting of the synod his majesty's arbitration treaty, W y plained strongly of the apathy of the The meeting resolved send an appeal to the leaders of the {lord mayor's propect to form representing all churches and denominations in support government's effort to secure {cordingly the synod's orders affecting | ky ei froma it uke. scien SHE SAVED) HIS LIFE] rcv am in DECLARE HIM SANE SHE § | stoi family feud has taken a deplor | WIFE'S able turn. The proveedings instituted | was takeyn from the Moscow historical | museum, have not been allowed to drop. When the daughter's purpose | thas been accomplished, the widow's of- | | fence will constitute 5 state crime, as | Kissed Child's Laps. stone's wile saved him from the scaf-| fold. He will spend the rest of his life |parior hair Very reasonable in the pepitentiaty---such temee of the court vear's con- {the fmdimg of her "Uh ! Freddie, you're dead ! death, were parts of the story married hfe with told how he had beaten her three years after their marriage" he had charged her with unfaithfulness and harped upon it for months; how je had threatened to take his life bs i throwing himsell into how he did take landanum narrow escape; how he beeca {1909 that she had him confined in the ; Goderich jail, and how he severg! times { threatened her life, saying they Asked if Vanstone had ever beaten children, the witpess reluct jantly admitted that he had whipped 4 two-year-old baby 'until he was near- gone" because he would not set She told how pleasant he was for certain periods and then how inexplicably his mood sald change and he would the household --the children, the eldest : | the very night of the tragedy, St. Thomas, Ont., April 17. The De the said, ber bustmnd, one and one {troiter, the Michigan Central railway half hours before he began the fiendish to Hast fiver, passed through St. Thomas torture of his ligtle boy, was playing {last might on first run from Detroit to on the floor with three of the young i Buffalo, making the 111 miles from the sters who had pulled him out of hs {Cty of the Straits in 12 minotes. A chair. 'sumber of Michigan Central railway, "Look, mam,' Freddie, the dead o aboard. iheory, called ax he mounted trimmphant {ly on Mis father's buek, "I've got paps | the father roared Any ome oa in the court room |clastes, thie morning, secompanied to While the wifs her story could not [the grave the remains of the late Sir deny thet it hed ils efiect, Tt fitted formes chief in so well with the declaration of the Dr. Hunter, that anstone showed symptoms of Hunt- | Perey Eaton, een of Mr. and Mrs, 1 ago and | James Exton, who reside in the fourth the crown's comeession of Tyedicags township, supreme court of Can family physician, TE -- m---- ABILITIES, ril 17 18 a gh er em enrreat' | ta SAVE MONEY WHILE 00 SPEND IT i $ NULL ELTING DISCOUNT STAMP GFT THE STEACY DISCOUNT STAM HS 15 OB - 30TH AANIVERGARY There musi i B enterpris which 'an 88) ole for thirty years, and at the end of- that time ' find {tzelf yt manding a greater share of the con- fidence and business of its customers han at any ti ir histo And this is it To give consistent value, To give a square 4 ul to every } want at the right time To give good service in the broads SPECIALATTENTION There is just such merit in our DISCOUNT STAMPS { which are published, given out and will be positively redeemed by us STEAGY AND STEAGY ESTABLISHED 1881, BORN. 1 a po mn HUSBAND'S | ROBERT J. REID, DOINGS MOVED COURT. The Leading Undertaker. nn | "Phone 377. 230 Princess Street, Prisoner Had Many Times Attempted | to Commit Suicide~--"0h, Freddie, | JAMES R El D She Cried as She] i The Old Firm of Undertakers 264 and 254 PRINCESS sTReet, "Phone 147 for Ambulance. WALNUT FURNITURE, Two Hedroom Bets, one has marble ale + f Old-fashioned small TURNK'S, 'Phone ! New Maple Syrup PURI and GOOD. Jas. Redden & Co. CALLS LOYAL MEXICANS To Arms to Defend Their Country Agninss the Rebels, Moxico City, April 17.~With posters and great newspaper advertisements, President Dinz is calling to arms all loval Mexicans to defend the country against the rebels. Good pay and eRiiy prom mentioned as spe cial inducements. It is stated that many federal sf tors, fearful of the pase of th Present campaign, have deserted to 4 iresarrec bos. Maderos" son is making a big demoodtzation to dav in the vicinit of the Laited States border. > road re m0 There passed AWay 2' hie home news Maberly, on Tuesday, Mre. Thoma Milliker,, ap aged and respected tes dent. A stroke of paralysis was the cytes of death. Decegsed was. seventy. eight years of age and her maidey name Elizabeth Thompaon. died, Wednesday, Decensed, in hia twenty-fourth year, bad been ill for sone time from Inng trouble. Pewey | wns a telegragh opersior, 4

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