Af 3 nace pox HE mmportant ingredient in Sanitol 1 Liquid Shampoo is Olive Oil, the best of hair cleansers. Produces a copious lather. Cleans the scalp of dan- druff. The result is strong, healthy hair. Its use weekly (with Sanitol Hair Tonic, dally) will avert baldarss through its cleansing, stimulating properties. {Olive OI LIQUID SHAMPOO AND HAIR TONIC » Wah Long's Laundry First-class work guaranteed. Dray Be a card and I will call Jremptly far 'our laundry. 155 WELL NGTON BT. etween Brock and Clarence Sts Cook's Cotton . Sold in 2 of strength--No. 1, 10 degrees stronger, i Ra 5 on Free pamsier A : Tw Goox Mroweiwe Co., Torento, ly Winds COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal | 18 good coal and we guarantee { prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO., FOOT WEST STREET. ids ~ hd a SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN Is Rivalled by Human Mair Where Dandvult is Eradicated. Nealskin form ita softness yl admired the world glossiness; and is equally as soft and glossy when healthy ancl the radical cause of all hair trouble 1s dandruff, which is caused by a pest: ferous parasite that saps the vitality of the hair at is Nowhro's Herpicide is the only preparation that wn fatal to the dandruff germ. With out dandruff there is no falling haar, bat u hixuriant growth of glossy, soft hair js certain. Scowing the scalp won't cure dandruff, Kill the dandruff germ. Thousands of women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newhbro's Herpicide Sold by leading druggists. Send 1c. in #tamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.; Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. James B. McLeod, special agent, Kingston AT WORK IN 3 WEEKS $4 Worth of Father Moriscy's "No, 7" Cured Her of Inflammatory Rheumatism, is uver and the human hair 'oot Mrs.Agnes Edgar of Grand Falls N.B., had a terrible time with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Anyone who has had this most painful disease will understand her suffering --and her joy when she found Father Morriscy's 'No. 7" had cured her. She says: *"I took Father Morriscy's Prescription for Inflammatory Rheumatisma. 1 had suffered everything with it, but in three weeks after starting Father Morriscy's Prescription I was able to do my work, and after taking four dollars worth of medicine I was well. I highly recom- wend it any sufferer with Rheumatism. * Rheumatism comes from bad kidneys. The poisonous Uric Acid which the should remove stays in the bl x accumulates in joints and muscles, and causes agony. Father Morriscy's "No. 7" puts the kidneys right. removes the Uric Acid from the blood and the whole system, and curesthe Rheumatism. Soc. a box at your dealef's, or from "athe* Morrisey Medicine Co. Ltd, Montreal, Quebec 8 Sold and guaranteed in Kingston by Jas. B. McLeod. COWAN'S PERFECTION WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings Prom Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. Sharpton Notes. Sharpton, April 12. --Peter McKeown, who spent the winter here, has gome to Newburgh. Miss Mary Mohan has returned home from Napanew, where she spent a month visiting relatives Miss Pearl Taylor is home from Peter boro. Master Hugh Mohan is visiting relatives ' at Napanee. Miss Aumie Mohan is visiting at A. Mohan's, Flginburgh., Wolfe Island News, Island, Apeil 15. -- Michael Johnson Bas been confined to his home through illness. Mri. Herbert Dawson is very ill of pneumonia. Mrs Winburne i= erecting a new ice cream partor. Herbert Leakey is doing the work. Thomas Friend ix about to build a garage for his new automo- bile. Witham Davis has left for a sen- son on the great lakes. Dr. Spunkje will soon bring an auto to the island. -- Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, April 12. Dr. Vrooman, Napanee, was here or. Monday. Fred erick Hall left Monuay for Nelson, B. Wolfe {'., where he is going into business. Carlis Rombough, of Winnipeg, and lena Card, of Enterprise, were here Monday. They intend going west in a lew weeks. A meeting of the baseball club is to take place on Monday might ext. Mr. and Mrs. Weller, of Toronto, is visiting C. H. Rose and wife. Mur ray Bell, of Fort Wilkam, is visiting in and around Tamworth. Bath Benedicts "At Home." Bath, April 12.--The Bath cheese fac- tory started on Monday with a' libe ral supply of milk. Miss Lettie Me Caugherty left last week for Regina, Sask. The Davy Bros., have the work on the Masonic hall well under wav The benedicts of Bath are holding an "At Home" on Friday evening, 31st mst, in the village hall. Henry Joha- ston, of Adolphustown, visited here on Wednesday last. Walter Rikley, of Brockville, spent a few days with his parents this week. : Sunnyside Happenings. Sunnyside, April 14.---A number of peopld were at R. Hawley's sale, om Friday. Rev. Mr. Clarke preached his farewell sermon in this vicinity on Friday evening last. He is much miss el by every one. A. Gray, assessor, is making his rounds. R. Hawley made a trip to Perth. Miss F Revell has returned to her home for her Fas- ter holidays. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, at Oso Station, Miss Tema tray, at J. England's. Mr. aud Mrs R. Hawley, at A. Gray's: W, Kirkham, at R. Gray's. Vennacher Notes. Viunachar, April 11 Adolph (Maes fr 18 moving to Denbigh. Charles Ball is moving on his father's farm. Miss L. A. Grant, teacher, has been appointed assistant postmistress dur ing the holiday. Mrs. Rov Pebee, of Portsmouth, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Flake. R. Ww. ant. Mrs. Conner are attending Free Methodist district quarterly meetings at Gananoque. A wee boy has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snider The stage from Plevna to Denbigh made its first trip on wheels yesterday Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, April 12%-Most of farmers report a goad: run Eira and Malcolm Thompson Watertown, N.Y... 1 uwesday Whiteman has returned home Canoe. Lake. Coleman (Yanness ex- pects to leave for Webbwood soon. Some of the farmers are busy draw. ing their hay home. Willi Thomp- son leit for Watertown, N Quite a number of people were out driving on the lake Friday morning. Walter Scott and George Bradshaw have been getting out ice Mrs. William Thompson <spent Sunday at Mrs, Thomas "Thompson's, Mr. and Mrs. oleman; Vanness, spent Saturday ev. ening at C Bott's. Mr. and Mrs, Witham Marshall spent Sunday at J. hompson's the of sap. left for Percy from Maple Lane Notes, Maple Lane, April 14.--The Farmers' Friend cheese factory is open, with William McEwen, of Westbrook, as as- sistant. Miss Eva Smith, of Odessa, has bee, visiting at Miles Swider's. D. Hartman has been on the sick list, but is improving. Mrs. James Youny has beyn boiling down sap for a few days Mr. and Mrs. M. Snider and som, Wil- frid, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Damon L. Snider. James Young had & narrow escape on his way to the factory, by the wagpom tongue break- ing. Mrs. James Young has been call ing om friends in the lane Mrs. (3. W. Lucas has returned home, after Spending a few days with her parents. James Young has been down helpi $ Mr. Foster with his butter plant. es Bertha Jackson, of Morven, is calling on friends in the lane. Budget From Inverary. Inverary, April 14.--Thomas Thomp- son and Ch Barr, purchased bred Holstein cat- man Freeman are schools. Among are: Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. J. N. ToD og Gives; dod Me. ¥. rs. » y vith Mrs. B Dixon. "Mes 6 : ving her house built under it. Fars raised, and a "WEI TH --: THE DAILY home hore or Flood and tarmed to her William Saperion "airfield East, daughter, Fis Mr. wd : 5 ry & Lansdowne friends on Saturday last Leonard Franklin, Lansdow ne, spent few days last week at 7 Franklin's, } before leaving for Winnipeg. Mr don and Miss Mand Summers and Miss B. Morris, Rockfie id, spent Monday evening at Mr. Franklin's. Farmers are busy in their sagar bushes B T. MeGhie will spend the holidays at his home at Athens. The chefse fae tory has opened again under the mas | agement of William Flood Mrs. M A. Lakins spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Fair, Fscott ror. 2 Accidents at Denbigh. Denbigh, April 11.-J. § has been very ill again for couple of weeks, is improving and able, to move around a little Mrs. C. Stein, who met with a soricus accident a- bout a month ago, which laid her up for some time, is also improving very slowly and able to walk again, though her injuries are still painful. August Roliner, has Intely been mga in butchering in Toronto, seriously injured one of his hands and had to return hom He will not be able to resome work of any kind for several weeks His son, Oscar, who has been working near Renfrew lately, also arrived home a. gain. Edward Turwood has leased his 200-acre farm on the Griffith Road to his brother, Albert Tur wood, for a term of three years. The latter took possession last week. Vi hicles have commenced running at last but the roads are very bad Lane, who a al very who Notes From Wilbur, Wilbur P. 0, April 12. Two dia mond drills were moved out to Iron Mountain, at Clyde Forks. Mrs. J Tripp and family have moved from Mississippi to Wilbur. Mrs. John Lee is at her mother's, Mrs. W. Roche's Born to Mr. and Mrs John Lee, daughter K. Burleigh, Folger, was at W. Thomas', Sundav. I Madge wick has gooe to Kingston few days. Sugar-making is the order of the da S. Babcock made a trip to Clyde Forks Saturday Mr Mrs. W. Logan and Mrs. ( Judge spent Sunday at John Tripp's. John Roche, Toronto, who visited his pa- fof t renis at Wilbur a few days has | way returned home. John 'lhomas large Sunday in Hopetown Miss oun, Rankin is at W. W. Roche's Clara Morrenn has gone to spend the summer with her uncle in ie William Thomas, who has been ill for som? days, is slowly recovering blo loss cole lin fast men to h and ago, spent | Bella | Miss | ity, Day, ande i ) Braesi h of Mrs Wolfe Island Council. April 3 16 a.m. Members last meeting confirmed counts paid : Mrs. Cadutte, charity, $10; Mrs. Matier, charity to Norris, $6; D. Staley, premium on bod, £15 W. L.° AMinsom, account for roads, RW B. Card, work on streets, $1: T. D. Minnes, auditor, $7.50: W G. Woodman, auditor, $7.50. T. | Leakey, work on canal bridge, $53.03 Resolved, that the auditors' report be adopled. Steambont accounts paid W. Rancous, nine gallons coal oil, $1.62; James Crawford, one month, captain, 80; R. Mullin, one month, engineer, $66.66; T. D. Minnes, audi tor, $1.50; W. €C. Woodman, auditor. $7.70; township fe Island, for de benture and interest, X1.524, Resnlvesd, that ome way tickets be 15c. fram Wolie Istand, and 20c. from Breakey's Bay and Simcoe Island. Couneil al journed to the first Monday at 10 am Municipal council met at all present, Minutes unit thew went Veen and cen been caug past Jon Delt line Sime tmy Phil har in May, ' ~ Lae - frie Budget From Philipsville. Philipsville, April 12 are in the midst of a heavy vest, +L. DD. Philips, his sugar house hy 'a fire in the Nrs. } A. Whitmore went to Bre ville on Tuesday. Mise Pearl 1 visited at her brother's, Wright pings, on Tuesday. FE. A. Whitmore called on irignds in Delta this week Pure ply XCtIp is heiny markete at a lively gait. Load after load pass Fas es through here to the station John | tony Downey has secured Melvin Moore and | Mon wile to help him manage his large | bo dairy farm. The cheese factory, un der Mr. Wood, one of the proprietors, made over 70 pounds of cheese Monday. A number from this section have goné west and many more are preparing to go later in the season There are a number of farms without tenants in this section as so many ten ant farmers have gone west. There quite a loss of revenue in the death of many voung pigs this spring No cause can be awigned. Mrs. HH Brown will visit friends in Toronto during Easter week. Sugar maker syrup ha came neat losing roo on is fo cult to keep wnmacalately fresh and dainty, as at all, but they are usually very becoming they are not at ail harsh or stiff in « fect, ground, for a -- preparing Tewnship ac t Gi Lan Lattin, of nagh, o suned her en A A ------ A -- BRITISR WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1911 A SIMPLE YET BFFECTIVE BLOUSE DECORATION, There is, just now, an inexplicehle but alse wad niable craze for ists of pure white satin. Such |louses are, of cou extremely diffi they minst hoe if attragtive and as the softest satin is usec This white blouse in the scam Magyar style has obloug motifs of embroidery done in strong Orienta wings mined with a touch of black. Each motit is outlined with tw es of color, which sets out the em broide ry well on the white satin progr ber Car he Ur r CrOwWK £. assembled wi r the AITO of th ila Cy maples her for th Long Point Locals, rem re... PAGE SEVEN. When buying your coffee don't merely say "A pound of best Coffee' --Specify Seal Brand Coffee It costs no more than inferior grades and our reputation is behind it. - 2 (ESRD OF ae (§ Packed in | and I pound cans only CHASE AND SANBORN, - MONTREAL. A fR-- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT, Point ver Visitors at Colehrook htoy ma Shack Rt. Vin » a} O' Conaor Jst Willian mons, of Harmseville, NY, is vis Witham Warres and Mrs Pp Yates, of } and Mr ted htt he ica el jie I j Vase les Slack I. Ka Franl k's 1 ds er | day Wedded at Berrytown. April 14.~\ prett on Meth § ing, when Miss | *** place, was I i Mount Hope Happenings. Mount Hope, April 11.--The new line of the Canadian Northern railroad Thousands of Genuine Testimonial --the voluntary tribute of those who know from experience, proclaim that a change fo POSTUM by coffee. "There's a Reason" ---------- Canadian Postum Cereal Od, © Miss © Mand a, Normal School, re La, 'Windsor, Ont i ---- EXE WITH MARGARET ANCLIN IN HER NEW A SCEX COMEDY, | "GREEN STOCKING" AT THE «RAND ON WEDNESDAY, APKIL 19, -- -- ---- ------ Sasssssscsssssssssace cadPrascscsssssessassves seseed Our experience has given necessary skill of making the BEST PASTRY THAT CAN BE MADE CREAM ROLLS AT 23¢ PER DOZ., BERRY TURNOVERS AT 25¢ PERDQZ., us the Are iwo delicious Pastries which fairly melt in vour mouth NA tt tt tN 302 King St RR. H. TOYE, Phone 141 PERT VTT LBB TVVTVBNBGLNY rts ssasasassacccnad nt in TTR VRTRVTRVRBNS FRAT VVNTRLTVATB RAR ANN ~ Easter Novelties = Cadbury's Milk Chocolate 20 and 40 cents per dozen. 6 in Box, i in Box, 35c¢c. Decorated Eggs, Roosters, Chickens, Etc. -- el PA ttt Koos "B= 2 in Box 1 in Box Per Box -- -- NA al AN a 166 Pies SL. A. J. REES, Powe 58 \ Radi dh dh dh te eh eh TRAV BEBBBBBRRN ~-- TTA TLSNeTe Raiden an a 0 5 SN ' ! ¢ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. AGENTS - WANTED "QUEEN'S STUDENTS" during vacation can make good money canvassing for {HE CANADA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Jompany paid to its Policyholders in 1910 over §2,000,000.00 in CASH PROFITS ; a total of death, en- lowment and profits of £41,789000.00: holds the strongest RESERVES of anv Company on the contin- ent. Coupled with this fact it has no Reserve Debt to pay--warrants large future profits, Investigation at the ofliec will satisfy intending issurers and representatives. For [ull information call orcommunicate J. O. HUTTON, - - Agent 18 Markét Street, Kingston, Ont. - ---- with Ne { \ SL Sm: You will find th . "Cleveland" Cushion Fame a very comfortable mount, with 2 smo motion and withoun! vibration It is built to give loag and ready service H. MILNE, Kingston Canada Cycle & Motor Ce., lad. Toronto. Write for Catalogue