Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1911, p. 8

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Commercial Accounts ] Receive careful atten- tion st this Bank. Whether your ac- count' is large or small yom are as- sured all the facilities for the transaction of your business, which 56 years of successful banking have placed at the disposal of this Bank. BANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 1835, Assets . ... .... $30,000,000 Kingston Branch, 107 PRINCESS STREET. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, Colorite Straw Hat Enamel Makes everything look like new Jt will not look like a varnished hat, but will make it loak like original color. Any person can apply it Made in all the new colors Cardinal, Violet, Sage Green, Burnt Straw, etc, Done up fn bottle, with brush at tached. ONLY 25¢ BOTTLE, W. A. Mitchells Hardware, Home of all the Newest Goods. FORTY YEARS' SERVICE. Lievt.-Col. Bog Resigns Position as Deputy Registrar, Picton, April 17.--Lieut.-Col. Thom- as Bog has. resigned the position of deputy registrar for the county of Prince kdward. Col. Bog was ap pointed deputy registrar in 1872. In IN76 Walter Mackenzie was appoint od registrar and these two have ever since been associated in conducting one of the best regulated registry offices in the province. John H. Holmes suc ceetls Col. Bog. Budget From Cataraquil. Uatarayui, April 15.--~The farmers and re are happy, as they are able once more to get on the land Miss Lety Elliott and htile Helen Cas sidy have both been seriously ill, bw are much improved. also Mario, Johnston, whe is in the city under the doctor's care, is rapidly becoming con valent. Miss May Fly is home fo the holidays. Mrs. T. Guess ! spend ing a few days in" Hartington. Hattie Munsie, Rideau Ferry, spent : few days here, the guest of he" cousin Mrs. H. T. Simpson. Mrs. George Ben nington is home, after visiting som time in Kingston. F. Burnett and ( Baker have small, but important, ad ditions to their families. Mrs. Joby Clyde and baby have joined Mr. Clyd, in Winnipeg. Miss Florence Jackson has been in Kingston hospital, under going treatment for ear trouble. Mr Donald Peg is quite/poorly. Mrs Percy Ward entertained the Checker Club this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Rowe arp here with their son, Joho W. Smith and family have moved te their farm at Sunmywide, after living for some time in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bloor have taken up resi dence in Napanee. Miss Edna Ed: wards is bome from Whitby College. Those who drive on the Sydenham Road miss the watering trough on the . "hill by the village hall. It is now up to the council to. replace jt and see that the thirsty horses receive refresh ment. Damen Smith is oue of the military contingent to attend the king's coronation. "Gibson's. "New Mis 0 STOP. PITH OF THE NEWS. -- |The Very Latest Culled From AD Over the World. It is reported that Moroccan rebels have taken Fez, and are sacking the civ. Two Hamilton men, Harry Mell ald and W. H. Blair, committed su in cide. | The Boo may not be open for ! week, but other harbors are clearing of we, John Stewart, Toronto, sixiy years as knocked down by a runaway and may die. CALIFORNIA EASY IN WAYS TO PIVORCE FUTURE. Will Investigate Clergymen, Law- yers and Judges Who Traffic 'Divorce Doings. 17.--In clergy- | San Francisco, Cal." Apnl vestigation of the conduct of i men, lawyers, and judges of this ad state is planned by the state commis | # sion of marriage and divorce. T box . on : commission, which was incorporated in | Earl and Countess Grey and party January, ai a mesting here, decided leave for Winnijez to attend musical to make this investigation with a view and dramatic compelitisc. to outlining its policy toward clergy- | Scarcity of farm labor through the men who violate their vows of or- eatite Western Ontario peninsula has dination by marrying other than in- gfo¥n to an acute guestion with the novent parties in divorce proceedings; farmers, ie Ya outward lawyers who violate their pro- + King Alfonso left Madrid, Sunday fessional ethics by advertising "'separ- Wight for Bordeaux, where ha. has ations obtained," and toward judges, gohe to consult a physician. The na- who grant divorces without crossex- ture of his ailment is not made pub- amination and expert evidence without He. : measures to expose fraud or uncover |" Fifty women natives of Guadeloupe, perjury. who are coming to Canada to engage The commission has learned that as domestic servants, arrived on the £9 divorced persons were re-miar- Seamer Parin, Sunday, at New York, ried in California in 191¢ from the West India Islands. -------- | The western mine operators will meet FEDERALS REPULSED {on Tuesday, to comsider the appomt- [ment of a representative under; the in- Agua dustrial disputes' aet, as offered by the s rikers. § I~ "Jack" Johnson, colored champion heavyweight pugilist, will serve the full term of the jail sentence given him for speeding his automobile in San Francisco. Mgr, Stagni, papal delegate to Can. ada, speaking in Montreal, on Sum- day, lamented the discord in the church to-day. He referred to the seeds of disunion, and made 5 plea for Battle Near Priesta, Douglas, Ariz, April 17.--During a fierce fight between insurrectos and fed- eral Mexicans, near Agua Priets, across the beader here, a hail of bul lets and shells from pom-pom guns fell within the limits of this wity. The bat tle is still gomyg on, and already sev- eral refugees and woulided have strug- gled in bere. It is understood that the federals were repulsed. Ome citizen was seriously wounded , "ey" i i . and several narrowly escaped stray | Fly birds were seized and twenty- bullets from the fight between oder ob five arrests were made at St. Hyacin- and insurrectos. Acioss the berdec i the, Que., Sunday 'afternoon, when the United States troops have heem order- police of that place broke up a cock- ed readiness to move across any min °F nam being held in a farmhouse ate. a out two miles from the town. { Londen is threatened with 5 tad fealy strike. Two thousand drivers held {mass meeting, Saturday night, and adopted a resolution protesting against the action of the Owners fed eration im increasing the price of pe In a Fierce Appeal in Jardine Case. Goderich, April 17.-- Permission was granted LL. E. Daocey, lawyer for Edward Jardine, to appeal against the validity of the confession given rol by the condemned man to Dr. Bruce tra. FREER bE EER Smith and Ir. Jukes Johnson. Mr. 4 Dancey will ask the court of appeal to y Ak PE : grant a new trial on theground that : PRIEST WAS PELTED, the confession was not given volua- & tarily. If the appeal is sustained .Jar- dime will have a new trial at the fall assizes, 0 Chicago, April 17. ~~ Jealousy and quarrels in the orthodox Greek church here culminated yesterday with the pelting of the priest dur- ing Easter celebration with rotten eggs. The police stopped fights in the edifice. + -- > Turned Back Canadians. 13 Montreal, April 17.--Montrealers are '¢ indignant at the action of Unital & States immigration officers at Rouse's ¢ Polis, who turned back over sixty Ca: 3000000004 4000000000404 nadhinus whe were bent on making the | r-------------- annual Easter pilgrimage to Gotham. | LANDED 176 CHINAMEN. they were forced to retum to Mont | eal, and undergo an examination by Biggest Load to Reach Canada in he board of special enquiry. | Single Day. Ottawa, April 17.--~The Blue Funnell line steamer Antalochus, to-day, land ed at Vietona, B.C, 176 Chinamen, the biggest load that ever reached Canada in a single dav. This, at $500 a head, netted the Dominion gov ernment $85,000; not bad for a legal holiday. Pee P el Peres May Land Troops. Beira, Portuguese East Africa, April 17.--The British cruiser Forte has ar rived here and is expected to lang troops as the result of serious trou- bles bet ween royalists and republicans, a portion of the population insisting on bearing allegiance to King Manu- | el, the the great danger of foreigy ! residents. Disorder in Parliaments. Canadian Courier, Unrest is in the blood of parlia- !ments this year, says the Montreal honor | Star. At Washington there have been sind fisticuffs on the floor of the house; in Austria sessions ended in showers of sword of state wit"n Westwine sr als (ink bottles and blue books; German 'y at the coronaisn +f King socialists have hooted the Kaiser 1EOTEe, At the last voronst"on the, France has had more than its ordi ward' was carried by Lord London- vary number of political duels, and ferry. twice the participants have so far lost control of themselves as to in- flict real wounds. Even our discussions at Ottawa have concerned themselves too much with grading the veracity, or the rn: |putation for veracity, of the honor able members to come within the strict letter of the best parliamentary practice. And now, ------ To Carry Sword of State. London, April 17.--\ speeia in store ior Lord Kit .hener is '» be his selection 1a carry 1 he Fire Chief Croker Resigns. New York, April 17.--Edward Cro er, the famous chief of the New York re department, and nephew of Rich- wd Croker, tendered his resignation, to-day, and it is believed will enter wlities. He will get a pension of $6, 00 a year. to crown the whole, Westminster itself steps into the {limelight with a mild case of "hust- ling an unpopular member in the lob- ty and an unrestrained outburst on the subject from Winston Churchill af ter the division was bver. The Bo: tish parliament, when it tries to be unparliamentary, is very much like yan elderly gentleman frying to kick a football. He can't kick it very well in the first place, he doesn't like to fry to in the second place, and finally he is very much ashamed of himself for having dove so when it is all over. An Officer Assassinated. Manilla, Phillipines, April ieutenant Rodney, United States avalry, was assassivated by a Me- wammodan of a see! which believs hat they must drink Christian blood to satisfy Allah. . 17.~ Miss Margaret Featherstone, nurse of Rochester, N.Y., arvived at her home, in Taylor, on Tuesday, to at- tend her mother, who was severely in- jured by being thrown from a cutter in Gananoque, Ont. " "Sanitol cold cream." Gibson's. Arthur (Leary, of Ottawa, Hi¥ beey spenthing a few days al his home in Kingston. ? Portsmouth girls would have made a fine showing with their Easter hats, but fer the cold weather. : Toronto teachers 'iewe i New Vork's Faster y "Garden socds." Chained to His Post. Montreal Herald If Mr. Borden means it, and can get his way, when he says the opposition will stay at Ottawa all summer and essentially improbable in the fight tariff t, there is Gibson's. story that Sir Wilfrid will stay at home to keep him compasy, or em: fine his visit to England to the briefest period necessary for the Will dress up at Spring ume. all ages. able to till them. It's the coming out time for men of Everybody warms up to the situation and spruces up a bit. Think of your Wardrobe Needs-- think of the store that's best . If you "think aright your 'steps will turn in the direction of this store In case you do not care to invest too much money and ° want to dress well we call your attention to our - Suits and Spring Overcoats At $10, $12, $15, $18 You'll find all our prices moderate and all our Outtittings Carrect Hats for Spring $2 Up ceremonies. course, there must always be a dowbt as to whether the i decidedly ou the wane certain is that Si extent the sla his opponents INGSTON'S ire [thick would contain : | pound. YHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1911, HURLED SONG BOOKS PREACHED. A Kentucky HRevivatist Adopted Un- usuzl Means to Ensure Receiving Proper Attemtion--The Sleeper Was Not Bothered, Los Angeles, April 17--Ur. JI. JL Crossfield, president of Tramgylvania University, Rentucky, was greatly an- series of revivals he is holding at the First Christian church by two of the brethren ® who bad fallen asleep be day. * After calling attention to the that he was listened to most atten- tively by all but the two evidently a light next to the front pew was not awak- ao longer. Keeping right on with the sermon he shied 4 song book at sleeper. Une book followed until the audience was in a titter, but | for & moment tion from full face to profile, slept apparent interruption. WATER GYPSIES OF PACIFIU. Beachcombers Form a Class of Their | Own in Far West. Jonnycastie Lale in The Wide Worle Magazine : All along the numerous bgys ana | inlets at' the nouths of the great! rivers, and on thé shores of many o | i Columbia, lives a class of men women | have nevir seen elsewhere on the American continent. i These people are ot all nationalities, | vet not of any. In many cases }! found they were not naturalized ati zens of either Canada or the Unite States. "Their position is the resalt of ignorance, laziness or drunkenness in rarer cases they are simply viciow ~det.¥mined to get a good living n the easiest possible way and with the least risk of being found out whe | they break the law. They are tin beach-combers, the water-gibsies ol the Pacific. The homes of these strange men li everywhere. Perhaps they form a =cl lection of houses on a tiny island elsewhere vou may see a cabin hung with wildfowl, or you may wall through the woods, where every | tree seems to have a dog chained at its foot, One deserted town we saw was house and home all stood deserted becaus? the coal seam "'pinched out.' the beach-combers that pass in the night up and down objects in this abandoned village. When you come to the food suppl. of this host of men, women and child ren you strike an interesting sub ject. There seems so be nothing that | the beachcomber"s pot. from the dyked land-sloughs, the eggs from the low-tide rocks the eggs of the wild fowl from crumbling ledges of the grounds--all are welcome. Devilish and crabs, whalesteak sharks' fins, dulse and laver from rocks, herring spawn from the grasses, spawning' salmon in all ditions of frayed fing and fungus-la den bodies, cod-fish and halibut fron the ledges where = the whipcord-like kelp grows, clam and mussel ang eockle, snail and periwinkle and pet, wild fowl of all kinds, game birds old and game birds, young and of game birds in season season--such is their bill of fare. At times rare fishes come ashore- the ribbon fish, for instance, a slice of a creature seven fit yet not as thick as the hand. parrots and grebe: anything, thing that can be turned into or dollars finds its way sooner later beneath the roofs of the shacks of these strange people. Later comes the regular steamer and the iron. horse. . Honest agricul turists crowd down to the sea «dge pre-empting the shores on which th beachcombers dwell battle, stubbornly fought by squatter, lawfully by the farmer I the end the latter wins, but not al ways before some house or barn erected after years or months of pa tient labor, goes up in smoke A very few years of semi-civiliza tion! drive the beachcombers to vet more distant shores. In time these will be taken up, and then the Pacific coast will lose a class of peo- ple it can amply spare--the beach combers. sey an the ser con ole S------ Paper From Steel. Cardian Gazette. | r. Edison has just told the world that nickel 'paper' is a possibility. He foresees books of which the pages are thin mickel and not paper. "Why not ¥'" he says. "Nickel will . | printer's ink. <A sheet of nickel one of an inch _thick and more flex of book twenty-thousandth is cheaper, tc » ible that an ugher, sheet paper. A 10,000 pages Such a book would weigh only a 1 ean make a pound of nick- el sheets for a dollar and a quarter. The making of these sheets is entirel, an electrical % axturats to a igh degree. An electrical cwrent in i for half a minute depodits on a prepared base one tweniy-thou sandths of an inch of nickel; » 'more, never less." We know what nickel megns as it is to the navies of the world. Without Canadian nic kel for ita armor oe the United States navy would hard put to it. Many other A uses fon nickel are being brought to public notice through laboratory expe ta and ap in the Swibury district of Ontario there is hall the rickel in the world. 5 To say the least, the devil is am biti A . Just as soon asrenight the thiol becomes penitent. ; noyed during a sermon last night atha cause of unusual . exertions during the fact | Aggustus, arrived from his home | ¥ alleyfield, to-day, ; | the doctor | 5 noticed - that 'one of the transgressors, | "teamer Holcomb, have arrived in the sleeper, was arous-- ed. The other, however, sitting in the | ened by such a soft rebuke. ! The Kentucky parson could stand it | the {of Montreal, has arrived in the aty, another ! the tired man simply opened his eyes | and shifting his posi- | right on until the benediction without | the islands of Washington and British | 'em buyin' vot:s. I wns up in Logan ana | ounty visitin' my sick son, an' missed f che election." --Chicago Post great place for plunder--church, schoo! | : sharge of murder, at Cobourg, is well | kmown in : | ere many the neighboring |, {friends here, who have been watching waters of the gulf looted many usefn | . ers g . | 'he court proceedings with a great degl | to hear of his acyuittal. swims, flies or walks but is good hk: | The frog | anc | tion, had left the city very suddenly, the | and that breeding | Dame Cupid is Being blamed, ever, for the disappearance lim { aK : {the vicinity of St. James street eg and out oi | thir | the testing of the new section of the long | intake pipe which was installed Ses | the Donnelly Wrecking every- | to be perfectly tight food | om | iG. {dent of Queen's, who is entering the Then begins | the | ever | {down town this afternoon. i r 5 ] i i § » Three New Professors. : i nickel book two inches LATE MARINE NOTES. The Steamer Pierrepont Left for Cape Vincent, The steamer Pierrepont lof{ at two o'clock, this afternoon, fqr. Cape Via- cent, and it was expected that she «would be able to make the trip. Word was received that a good deal iof the ice which the vessels encounter- ed on Sunday, had been swept away. The Pierrepont will keep on the rum until the new steamer is placed in commission. Ihe steamer Derbyshire, which has been laid up at Brockville, cleared for Oswego, to-day. Capt. Nelson Mallette, of the barge Winnipeg, has arrived from Cornwall, Fhe crew of the steamer Bickerdike have arrived in the city. Capt. Peter Lalonde, of the barge in The members of the crew of the aly. The steamer Advance had a trial trip around the harbor, this afternoon. Some of the vessels of the M.T. com- pany will be leaving on Wednesday, Capt. Papineau, of the steamer. City y ---------- How He Escaped. "1 understand," savs the special eor- respondent to the long, lank, bewhis- Reted native of Adams county, Ohio, "that you are the only man in your section who' was not indicted for ac cepting' a bribe for his vote at the last election." "That's right, sir tive. "Would you objeet to telling me vour reasons for not taking a bribe? You see, vou being the only man who didn't sell his vote, anything vou have to say will be --" ' "I didn't know a darn thing about ,"" replied the na. Manitoba Out to Fight. 'anadian Courter Manitoba is determined to fight or full control of ali the natural re- sources in the new territory which is 10 be added to that province. Ihe Roblin government announced iis willingness to accept an annual cash subsidy equal to that given to Sas katchewan and Alberta, but the Win nipeg Free Press, the liberal organ of the west, declares that this is not sufficient. Nothing less than na tural resources land, timber, pulp- wood, minerals, interior fisheries, wa. terpowers and so om-will satisfy (i free Press, and it dares 'Messrs. Roh lin, Rogers, Campbell and Co." tn take less. In the light of this sta ment Mr. Roblin ought to be able make a bargain with Sir Wilfrid Matthews Known Here. Henry 1. Matthews, noquitted on this city, and had visited times, and has a host of of interest. They were all very glad Did They Elope? A rumor iv going the rounds, to iny, to the effect that a well-known couple, emploved" ih a local institu- it was a surs elopement how- of the two. To Disarm Italians, Mouireal, April 17.--An effort to wbolish the carrving of offensive wea? ons by Ralians was put into effect, Saturday afternoon, when Chief of I'o lice Campeanu and Chief of Detectives McCaskill made a raid on Italians in The Intake Pipe Tight, Superintendent Thomas Hewitt, the water works department, finished by Eo 5. and found To Preach in Saskatchewan. B. MacCallum, a third-yvea- stu- ninistry of the Preshy terian church, will lenve, on Tuesdav: for Beckenham, | Sask., where he will Bll a mission sta- | tion during the next five months. i After Rhodes Scholarship. | Three Queen's University students {are aft © the Rhodes' scholarship tq {be held by a Queen's man this yea They are W. Farrell Dyde, of Kings ton: Herbert Smith, of Ottawa, and P. M. Macdommel!, of Kingston. : Snow and Watering Carts. | Seow flufries visited the city thus af { ternoon. The unusual sight of seeing the watering carts keeping the dust down amd snow falling at the same {time was witnessed by those who were | The trouble over the scale of wages iat Wormwith's prano faclory has been settled, and afl the men who were 'out, have returned to their work. | Queen's University is advertising for three new professors. Two will be as sistants in the departments of classi : y | During last week there was reported to the medical "health officer, 'six cans of mensles, four of scarlet fever, and two of diphtheria, ea ---------- Mr. awd Mrs. Frederick Reid, Clergy street, went to Uananogue, gn Sun: day. to at the funersd of Nry Reid's uncle, the late David Wilson. = "Kentucky Lawn grass seed." Gib oe Halle, a famons violinist, is - u ---- D'S Palos PILLS | cathartic 8 ake, aaa¥ to operate: eve billody : break up colds REAM eh Send. A% drapents. T. €. 1 Bomd On. Lowa. Kom. a J. LAIDLAW & SON. The 'Waist For the Tailored Suit We are showing some nncomwon- ly pretty designs in Netts, Chiffon Taffeta and Pongee Silks. Chiffon Taffeta Tailored Waists in Navy, Brown, Arco, Alice Blue and others Natural Pongee Silk Blouses Silk Mohair in Grey and White Stripes Tailored Waists of all kinds $3.25, $3.50, $4.99 Up to $7.00 2 Special Makes of Cream Net Waists, 225and § { { ( { { GOON 00000000000RODOONNROIIVIOISRIOEIDOISS 2.99 L Attractive Ribbons For Hat Trimmings. Many new and decidedly novel things in Ribbons, 3b¢, 49¢, 69¢ New Hair Bow Ribbons, in most wanted shades of Pink, Blues, Navy, I"rowns, Cream, White, 10¢, 12{e, 15¢, 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 e000 00ene Concerning New Kid Gloves That our Kid Gloves are RIGHT both in quality and price we now 'know, owing to the unusually heavy sale of the past ten days LADIES--Perrin's Famous Premier Quality Kid Gloves, all wanted shades and - Black and White. Fach pair guaranteed $1.25 LADIES--Perrin"s Empress Quality, soft and specially selected skins. Each pair of these Gloves specially guaranteed $1.00 Pair ) New Hosiery Women's Fine Lisle Hosiery, in Black, White, Tans, Greys, Helio and other wanted' Shades. 2.c Women's line Cashmere Hose, scamlessy feet, praperly cut leg. 25¢ Women's Fine Cashmere Hose Our special 35¢c; 3 pairs for $1 Women's Spring Make Fine Black Cot- ton, avd many others, 2ic. f ¥ Hl, Fhe ile 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 b LOO Slater Shoes for Men The Old Reliable ~~. wm. | / The Best Wearing Shoes. The Most : fortable. Try a Pair of Com- {Slater Shoes, $4 |&I$5 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE

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