RAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1011. - lp } atreet, entertafhed at a vey enjoy- street, spent Easter in Montreal, ad _. 74 able five hundred party on Saturday | returned home on Monday. a evening for her daughter, Miss Mil-| Mrs. George Jackson is vi isiting re or e ummer oli ays dred Henderson, The prizes were won |latives in the sity. by Miss Florence Elhott and Mr. . Students la - il a Wendling Anglin. The other guests| Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Homalord] udents leaving for the holidays should pros hemselves with a number 4f the latest Popular were Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Isabel and Master Phil. Hannaford, returned Wakiron, Miss Jennie Phillips, William | on Tuesday to Montreal, after spend-| Smith, if. bude Spencer Henderson {10g Eacter with Mrs. Hagnaford's pa. | Popular and Necessary Hand-Books rents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Hamilton, { Bold in Guwilight pi From Trapper Wedper (Regist ered). | ka : . oy ) Ris» | Miss Helen Lglow, Barrie street, was Miss Francis Fraser came from St. . Etiquette. Letter Writing i i Agnes' school, Belleville, on . Monday Slips of Speech Ready-Made Speeches Let Us Care For Your | , .., formal Mon- dh Bry right and jolly dance was hostess st an informal tes; on: Mon Alter-Dinner Speeches > r oo f Mrs. honor of Miss Marjorie Mac- {and will spend her holidags with her Debaters' OE - Toasts given, on Tuesday evening by day, in 3 . } : i 1 | grandmother, Mrs. John Fraser ¢ I. J. Righey, King street, in hovor lennan, of Toromto, sud Miss Insbel Rian Austin Gillies. a beck ' Conversation Le roratery 3 of her wiece, Miss Dofothy Sweeney, of Waldron. : - visiting Mrs. David Gillies. © Carleton Socialism : : Stories Worth Telling. y Journailsm 5 tion of Cloth-bound $1.50 and $1.2; Books now se ang at 50¢. Al the best sellers by the best patsy * Toronto. There were sixteen dances . Bridge and How to Play it {. on the programme and supper was: Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Sydenhdm Thee: Nerd bo er Vee. ud Whist : : Solitare and Patience is Summer. Telephone 489 .cived after the tuelith dance. The street, will entertain at supper, this (& [8 guest of her mother, cd Dancing Fortune Telling Our Fur Waggon will call supper table was in charge of Mrs. eveming, after the perfogmance of Miss Nr and Mrs. Edward Elliott, of Parliamentary Law. Nursing = : . Randolph Swe fiey and Mrs. H. Wad- Margaret Anglin, he Montreal, have been visiting friends Electricity Business Letters . . dell and was most effectively decora- oy lin town for the' ast few days. : JOHN McKAY, In '(he centre, surrounded by! Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hillcroft," oy E : These Volumes are replete with valuable information, compact in form, and unequalled in point of tulle and sprays of ferns, was an entertain on.Friday evening in honor | Miss Famsie Montgomery, Montreal, | Merit or cheapness. They are pocket size, well printed on good paper, and handsc mely bound in green 149-155Brock Street | vol mirror; on which stood a high of her son, Mr. William Minnes. . {who has been visiting relatives in| cloth. vase of pink and white carnations. { Kingston during .the Faster holidays, : ry Runners of pink satin ribbon wete Mrs. Norman Stuart leshe, Bagot | (has returned to Montreal. \ ! PRICE, 50c. EACH caught up nt each corner of the street, will entertain at luncheon on | y,o Richard Cartwright, Napanee, | table by large pink bows and pink Tuesday pext. = = {is the guest of her sister, Miss Mary Hora, King street. : shaded candles algo stood at each : - . . ' Se The guests included Mr. and | The Misses Smith, Bagot street, will | "yu 0 yA Maclennan, who has Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mr. Winthrop not receive agwin this season. been the guest of her grandmother, Th C 11 B k * Miss Mildred Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl street, > e Oo e e 00 ¢ ore, S M 1 Swift, #| sours. Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Mrs. Colin Macpherson will not re: | oiyrned to Toronto, to-da ay. | . ceive during April or, May. Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick and Mr. D. | THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, fge Taylor, Miss Katherine Hart, ae Net Kirkpatrick, went to Brockville, on is Misses Hazel and Doris Browne, Ta 1J86-Cicaning nd Home | Mina Gwendolyn Waddell, Miss Eleanor | Miss Famiie Hersey, of Los Angeles, Tuesday, and were the guests of Mrs. 260 PRINCESS STREET PhS Bro ' Anglin, Miss Ethel [('gl., is in the city, the guest of her |W}. F. Jackson, who entertained at Phelan, Miss liuth Saglin atmt, Mrs. Robert Sutherland. large dance at the Strathcona hotel, le, Mi Louise a Furnishing Month Rent ti I Tr bil Kirkpatrick, | Miss Mamie Garrett, after spending [on Tgesday grening. Miss Kirkpatrick ee0ecescscsenccsscoee Miss Kitty Hughes, "Miss Beth Small, |a week in Toronto, returned home lo- a a Kirkpatrick returned home, KINGSTON'S CONSUL . Farmers, We cari help you--in fact, you need | Mi. Gwendolyn and Miss Doris Fol- jax. Flizabeth Cunningham, Beverly 4 . ! Attention ! Miss Veta Minnes, Miss Luu street, who has been spending Eaéter Captain aid Men Reiteth Blair, of | . . : Upholstering, Vacuum Cleaning, New| © (.ficry Hale, Richard Elmer, |in Ottawa with her aunt, Mrs. Vietor Barrefield, spent the 2 aster holidays QUOTED BY SECRETARY OF 4 id Brownfield, Rodger Stewart, | Autlerson, returned home to-day. with Mr. and Mrs, William Harty, STATE OX Lanoienm, Harel Taylor, Kenneth® Taylor, Al-| Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Fortt re- | "Utterburn,' : Curtains, etc. Three stores full, All Hon A los. Hendry Conndl, W. Gar- {tirued from Lindsay on Monday. di The Reading Club me on Monday In Regard to Reciprocity as an Aid new 1911 goods. Nothing newer or| ett, B. Robertson, W. Nickle, Douglas | Mr. Commetive Bevirtugiuus esti Teams Lomkes ny to the Potato Market--~Consul We carry in stock a full better. New designs In Iron Beds, iskde, a. Buaucy, Yu a fis. R. C. Dobbs spent Easter Johnson in the Limelight at line-of arry 'n stock 2a Ny r » £0 chel > i $250 up to 25.00. Brass Beds, $1650 Seall, Robert Ricatddon, Prind | ig Comal, Spencerville, I. the Ji Her: sixes, Mrs. R. Mitchell, of ington. < : CALE AND Minnes, Ross Livingston and George Connell. Mr. H. Walkem returned to Belleville, Mr. Ra Pate aye hike VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS. Milk Fever Outfits, Cattle Trocars, Teat Slitters, Teat Dilators, Milking Tubes In different styles Syringes in different styles and sizes. Tae ateRe a anes { Cold Brooches ust the help we can glve---Repairing, | £7, : ? Kilborn, Messes. Sherman Hill, Furniture, New Carpets, Set with Peridots, Topazes, Amythists, Olivines and Pearls Attractive patterns Good up te $585 00. The best line shown. : ' Hooper. «ae on Monday, after spending the 'week- weight of gold to hold the pearl \ \ locked horns with Representative | o i - . 2 Miss Phyllis Shortt, King street, en Mr. Colin Hamilton, of the Bank of gud with Ms and Mrs. J. i. Walkem, Hinds, of Maine, over potatoes. Mr t and ioter- | Montreal, Montreal, spent Easter in W JF . | Hinds made: a speech in the house, de tertained at a very bright a Town. the of Tis mother, Mrs. Mr. W. J. Fair returned yesterday te } " : : . esting bridge, on Tuesday afternoon, on, A ent Bal re from Atlantic City, N.J. Mrs. Fair | acing that ta ing down the Dayriets in honor of Miss Gertrude Lawson, of | Colin ' Wald © down | will remain another woek at Atlantie| 88st Lanadian potatoes would ruin aldron came m City with Mr. and Mrs, 'Goldman. of {11® farmers of Arostook county, Maine* ] Cards were'| Mr. Stanley dre Hheriughas, Repu. tables I the [ftom Toromto, on Friday, and spent The secretary, through the bureau of : : 3 L Toronto. : . eek-end in town, returning to To- Y : hs trade relations; yesterday, replied jzes were won by Miss Ethel Palmer | the w m g Miss Alice Hague is in town from |"29e relations; vesterday, r plied : . Americ an pofatoes mn Canada are ¥ : ronto on Monday. - Lttawak hn: P. Gs Samuel sd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham |Toronto. ' fetching higher prices than Canadian Miss Li ity oa with crimson car- | and Miss Margaret Cunningham re- Ca ---------- potatoes. Consul Johnson, of King artistically arranged wi ided over by |tufned from their trip to the west to- Father Died in Boston. ston, says Maine potatoes were sold nations and | was rg . G. C. |day. Miss Lucie Gover, who played here lin Canada at sixty cents a bushel, ai- Mrs. A. 7. Palmer, und ae H i Miss Elsie Saunders arrived from [a few days ago, in "The Joy Rider," [tor paying freight charges: of ten cents Campbell, and Mis ny einining Ottawa, last Thursday, and remained [received sad news when the show ar-|u bushel and a duty of twenty cents served the ice cream and Jhe a. over Easter with hér mother, Mrs. {rived in London. When about to take | + bushel, when Canadian potatoes 3 Alnting were ina. Matjry al Mins Herbert Saunders, Alice street. her part in the production, a telegram [brought but sixty-three cents in Mon- BEDROOM SUITES. Nise Dorothy -Sptuthes cluded | Mr. H. Tandy, De was the guest came, conveying the sad news that her | treal. The reciprocity agreement re fiharlie Shortt. Hie Frets > St ,. of his mother, Mrs. Thomas Tandy, |father had died in Boston. She left [moving the duty the market for Ame Iron or Wood Beds, in Surface Oak, | Mrs. 'Kenneth Weir, i Pl . Hig. Clergy 'street, over the holidays, re |at once for her home. rican potatoes in Capada will be solid: Quarter-Cut Oak, Mahogany. Bu i ul tr Sul: turned to Toronto - on Monday. a Rok paws greatly larged. : . . . pid A e Merchants, rm White Enamel, Cireassian Walnut (the| yan, in Telen, Crowe, Migaee Habel th. K. Eardley, Wilmot, who Another meeting of the retail | BANQU ET FOR THE BEAVERS. latest), prices ranging from $14.00 up|and Sgt uti Mid ed Jones, Miss | Paster in town, the of Mrs. Felix {merchants of the city has been called } - : : to $50.00 {arn Xe Wi pri 5 Cc son, Miss Shaw, Bagot street, returned, on [for Thursday evening, at the board of County Hockey , ( hampions Were i pian R -t, Mie F Pal oy (Ot- | Monday, to Perth. trade rooms, when important business Presented With Cup. Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, Aileen Rogthrs, Site ved bulma ie Mr. J. HN. Morgen, of the Stand: will be taken up. H. A. Harrington, There was a great time, in' Trudell's Oticioth, 'Furniture, Tapestries, Siiks. ie Psu ardion 8nd lard bank, returned, on Monday, from !the dominion organizer, who addressed ha, Bath Road, on Tuesday night, ete, | fans id i Be . utente. where he spent the week-end. the members a week ago, will be pres- { the occasion being a banguet tendere . . . i wv ' Mr. L.Kenny, who was a guest in [ent {to the Beavers, the count league Repair. and - Uphoifistiag . work : Yhe metsbers, 3 She Naght © 3 in Ee for Easter, returned to To- i -- | hockey champions. The argo was promptly done. Ee ! on , in town Tolito on Monday. Colds Cause Headache. {given by the lady supporters of the Pans 34 . Luin. oy rg Pah -- fn ix geen | Mr. J. Byrne returned, on Tuesday, | Laxative Bromo Qutinine, the world | team, and it was a fine afiair. W. HH, o 2 by MW . WR Givens andito Ottawa, after spending the week: [wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes | Compton occupied the chair, and ably chaproned by 3 Fiod Xi " dred | end in town. cause. Call for full name. Look for {looked after the duties. The dadies T. F. HARRISON GO. the guts included Ste Ml Mise | Mr. D. C. Betts returned to Bow- signature E. W. Grove, 28c. { provided a fine spread, after which D Hh h Miss: Doris K. t |manville, on Monday, after spending ret ! i The King" was toasted, and a pro orothy tarruthers, tliss "Joris nent, pote with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Betts, | Bermuda onions at Carnovsky's. | gramme carried out { Miss Norah Macnee, Miss Lassie Rirk- | 00 (0/0 Miss Edna Fleming, of Tweed sepa-| The toast to "The Beaver Hockey patrick, Miss Lillian Mundell, Miss £ » a » rate school staff, is spending her vaca- | Team," was proposed bv John Purdy Asssasssssssssasasseey |lorothy Hill, Miss Record (Minnea-| yn 5 00 pogo a spent the [tion at her home on Division street. [and responded to by William WM polis), Miss Madge Taylor, Miss May week-end in town with his mother, | "Kentucky lawn grass seed." Gib- | Fedridge, the latter making a most fitting reply, reviewing the season's Arrivin Dail Rogers, Miss Sylvia Cochraue, Miss Mrs, George Richardson, University [son's. g y Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Dora OMd-| ooo Miss Florence (O'Connor, Peterboro, Sport in an interesting manne: rieve, Miss Susie Anglin, Messrs. Leo- frig Marjorie Hamilton, Dundas, [is the guest of Mrs. Gratton, Divi-! Reeve Rankin proposed the toast to . . - settings securely, . and having safety catches to prevent loss. '900000000000 000000000 Our stock is replete with many handsome Brooches. ---------- SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, 856 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. .BOAS. Just received a fresh ship- Lace Curtains: ata ---- Marrabeau Boas Hundreds of pairs ALL COLORS. to show you at ee. $1236 50 pi | gy F. GOURDIER to see our Dr. A. P.Chown, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. 0000000000000 000000 lace Curtais ------ ge a -------- EE ------ nard Birkett, D. Kirkpatrick, A. Avg spent Easter the guest of her mother, [sion street | "The Rooters' Club," and this ir might lin, W. Burton, G. Hooper, Stuart Mr. Colin Hamilton, Earl street. "Kentucky lawn grass seed." Gib-|an able response from Mr. | iface Robertson, of Ottawa, H. Walkem, J. Mdjor Lewis Shannon came down |son's. y { Reeve Rankin also propos \ toast | , of Ottawa, W. Macnee, Cadets fram London and spent the week-end Butter, 22. Kirk's. 'Phone 417. i Ladies, which Nas potted CE ito by essry thiam Gireer nd Her lyam FROM ALL (VER THE LX : : oN a 8 Silver, Carruthers, Greene, Lawson, with his mother, Mrs. James Shan- | bert Cliff | her 1 WORLD. Windless, Boggs, James Stewart, Kj not; - George street. Jer ig leader at 75¢ pair, 3 yards long, 45 Sargain Stewart and Taylor. | . Mi. Harold Hughes returned, to-day, "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" | Frank het ions y i gh Mi - 1 : froin London, where he has spent the llensie Reid. and recitation. 1 Wil Mattings from China 'and Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Welling- past week. Hin McFedrid - Mis ns Ig inches wide WO= Japan. ton rest, gave * touch ou Matday Miss Helen Gordon arrived home, on actud ns acobmibanist mh ' : _ § | evening, for Mr. Haro rownfie Tygeda , from Lindsay. orrecC 3 the aVenine. the vob a w L Silk Drapes from Constant! A very jolly time was spent by all otherington spent Easter in ring he _ tg he. iP wou in ven edge and pret 0. nople. Thaw " 3 < : . A present. They were Miss Katherine Ry returning to Kingston | Greer, 'Arthur Barry, the captain, re ty patterns. f Rugs from Persia, Austria, § |jiart, Miss Beth Small, Miss Gwen- | Tuesday. i . y 16 Catan and Germany. dolyn Folger, Miss Fleanor Phelan, i - W Teliw | tom ing the cup, on behalf of th | n storey Frame Dwelling, Lace Curtains from Switser- @ | Miss Hazel Browne, Miss Annie Nr. H. Cuttle, of Montreal, who J tiful sie Sin was presented t Also our Dollar {No. 3 'harles Street, contalni 7 . Minnes, Miss Rosé Rogers, Misses mi Easter with Mrs. E. A. Turner, William Mq Fedrid a the p Anal ey of { : ' Aining 1 Carpets and Ollcioths from Molly and Dorothea Bidwell, Miss agot street, returned hohe, to-day, ¢ | the team, who worked hard " make England. Gwynne, Miss Kitty Hughes, Miss |,t noon. the boys champions. The aift a " Linoleums from Scotland. Fthel Kent, Mire Isa el Waldron, Miss Mrs. Randolph Sweeney and her | companied by an address, w hich refe Art Denims and Muslins Louise Maclennan, Miss Ruth Anglin, | daughter, Miss Dorothea Sweeney, af- -- - red to Mr. McPedridge's work Fhe from Boston. the Messrs. Hugh Ryan, Fred. and|ter spending a week with Mrs. T. J. « | presentation was made by Harold M. And Lots of other Goods Geoffrey Hale, Howard Folger, Regi- Rigney, King street, returned to To- : | Cullagh, and the address was read by factured in nald Third, Rerr Skinner, B. Robert: |ronto to-day. ol Mr. Bonniface. manuiacty Cans son, W. Garrett, Herbert Steacy, Al-| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folger and resi CRE RERR RARER REAR ban Phan, Keith Anglin, Eric Car [family moved, to-day, into their mew i SPORTS AT THE YM.CA. \ruthers, Carrol Ashby, Gordon Small, (hofne, on Emily street. ¥ R. McFAUL. (Sherman Hili, Leslie Smith, Richard | Mr. Edward Brook, Georgetown, of | Collegiate Win in Basketball, C Central School. leader, 3 1-2 yards 10m, hot water hating, gas, con vard Can be long, 54 inches {ie ro si wide, strongly J m rot xo 015 sonnson sere, roomers and boarders, bound, extra good patterns, and very {Ing gas, ible and good yard. Rent fmoderate ontaining 12 rooms, hot water heat With ecl CARPRY WARENOUSE. Elmer and Ted" Rogers. Queen's University, left, to-day, for SPT pe oo) sp ial at t h € . . . his home. \ | The first game of a series oi three : Mrs, J. B, Carruthers, "Annandale," : Nr. H. Hatch, who has been attend- | beiny alayes ; bet wee . oi Coleg te price. entertained at a damce om Saturday [ing Queen's, returned to his home in | | basketball team and ome from Central | . MULLIN re i Ty ei Erie Fo Hatihou, op Seturdny. : | school, a Pavel, Jesterdny after | $1.00 a Pair. | THE REAL ESTATE AN noon, Wn e gymnasium of the { i hi . D000000000CRCOIOPOPOPOPOOS | Katharine a. Hazel Browne, wie Ati: Yasshal ht, Jorday, Ho CA. The frat half was all in favor Corner Johnson and Division sts, Miss Gwen Waddell, Miss Ethel Kent, | Weyburn, .» to visit at 3 f Central, the half time score bein 3 : 'Phone 539 Miss Kitty Hughes, Miss Gwendoline | Professor John Marshall. ! 16 to in. In Ay a al Now 18 the time um ; Bol , Miss Louis Maclennan, Miss| Mr, Spencer Henderson, who has {collegiate players brushed up consid b Anglin, Miss Beth Small, Misses [been visiting Mrs. T. G. Smith, Gore erably and by good combination work, to uy. Lally and Margaret Mustas, Miss Rose [street, returned to Montreal to-day. managed to pull out a victory by Rofws: Messrs, Sherman Hill, W. Gar- a ameddre Boyt Tod the {heey of | | to 23. The next game will be played rett, B. Robertson, Richard Elmer, G. ingston Yacht will give =a J y Friday. Small, R. Stewart, Frederick and diner at the Frontenac Club, on Sat- The regular games of indoor hockey Geofirey Hale, Harold Brownfield, seuing. j . will be played, this evemwing, in the ewman Keith Anglin, Hendry Counell, Jere "Ne E. "Richutfgon, of the Stan-|} We sell high class Cor-| | mymmasium of the YMCA Holl my Tayler, C. Kerr Skinner, {dard Bank, rn to-day from To- ts--onl plavs Fleming, and Bankers play Howard "Folger m and © * Rogers. ratio, where he spent the ter holi- Bo ris She most Pop. Keill's team. 3 aw - - Rial Models. V. 1aY0 The final examination of the YN. (} 2p \pwavs mesy store. Miss Dwyer, Bari frm, tri Lillian Walker came up from race] | C-A- junior leaders corps took place, od, - , Monday, at a luncheon in the Sacred Heart Convent in Mon- ites are the C/ CalaG recently, ol the ie a a; mir her guest, Miss Lillian 3 hon treal, and puting te « | Jmake and the prices are od to the boy standing highest will 1 ; To polished table was most effective. | Vocation with Miss Barrie within the reach of all. presented. =~ tee kg tied In ? | Serums with a Sette Pies of [street. -. » first place, two medals will be pre FOR HOUSE CLEANING A B- pin al cream roses. After 4 sented. The standing is : A. McBroom they had jn bubble contest, and pe John Fraser 30¢, 156, $l, 1.50 up 102.50 and D. Douglas, first, with 27; XN, > 3 ALL EYES ARE ON prizes Mim Kathlon Ryn. i Knapp, 22 R. McGillivary, 21] W NAPTHA POWDER, his 1 d ' Barnum, 20; W. Simmons, 15: 8. To AMMONIA POWDER, T eh Mom Isabel Waldron, Miss cle ot land, 14; G. MeBroom, 13; C. Reid, 10. GOLD DUST POWDER, Is aun ry Me sibutrick. Miss. Eathlew "Ki Raincoats : SO CLEAN (Sweping Com-|l AND ITS IDEAL WORK. Ryun, Miss Doris Kent, and Miss Jean h lA weeping . 2 ; Sa pound ), All eyez adore cur cicanliness . 48» We are making a spe- department + JAnd all other House-cleaning Re- All eyes see our superic srity. § ay : quisites. All eyes admire us. Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Fairlie, cial showing of Raincoats ready-made gen The ¥ positived iy Jove un 2 he Mow wakes. Su) Soa D. Couper, ey Sei ER A patterns. Mi EN Welie and haa Hyder. 3 laundering they prefer our See our window dis Princess street, have left on an ex To Bring 2hop, Soesute wu Sony at play. Seated trip to Wateriown and other - crush their downy filmicess; » pan Sidewalk Washed way. we don't scorch apd tear thelr pills, 100 for Ze. Gib- BarsieBokl: residtts. oon ite to the fine skins city have fo take. the raed for it part of the way Hs the water han Soodad g {the mdewalk at the foot of the hill and earvied it away robe Sk right s ; z 29esave4ess FRE. ETS ATIF Eves :AF ew Days A new frame dwell- ing, 6 rooms and bath Joem, with cement cel- a id