PAGE SFX. WR HOTEL PIRECTOR. DESE RONTO. GO TO THE STEW ART Hoy KE, LEAD. ing < ommergial H i. Rates $150 per day, , THOS, STEWART, Prop. LSet ors Excarsions STO WESTERN CANADA, Tuesday, April 4th, And ne ery second Tuesday t untji pt. 9th, at ver nw ereafter rates THE CURSE OF THE NATION IS CONSTIPATION "Fruit-a-tives" Alone Gures This Disease A famous sci t states that Con Good to rebeen within sixty ™e FINEST FARMING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD days, of 1h be found along the line pation, or non e howels. cas { more deaths combined. Ce | Kidneys, rui { ation of Rhe ¢ | causes Hea PD TRUNK PACIFIC in the Pro- | B'of Manitoba, Ssskat u. with Beau ti in. Ive hipfalo n | whtich in =| aCarner Jahpsun 'and Ontario Sts RRC TAR RAILWAY is Ocasection With GARADIAN raCIFIO RAILWAY. Homeseckers To Western Canada | " Low round trip rates good April 18, May 2. 16, 30. June 13, 27. Tickets good to return within 60 | | 8. Full particulars at K. and P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street 'Phone 50. ; : EF CONWAY, Gah. Pass. Agent. » BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 4 Bation. Ontark ¥ SXcepted, Ee LINE, Steamship Co'y, Ltd. TING THE FINEST FLEET ASBENGER STEAMERS ON THE " LAWRENCE ROUTE. SUMMER SAILINGS, Montreal to Liverpoel MOYAL MAIL SERVICE. lean," he ath ne ind R an fine 10th: Ty 26th, June 23r Montreal to Glasgow' May 6th, June 3rd Nan ay 13th, June 10th. * Ma h, Ju 17th fan," May Yih, "June 24th, Montreal to London alle YC {moderate rate). Steamers ng at Havre, France ay full particulars of Rates and , apply, J. P. HANLEY, C. S8 KIRKPATRICK G.7. Ry. Clarence St or THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. OUR BEAVER BRAND Flour is unexcelled for bread or Price is moderate. A. MACLEAN, tarie Street Teatsreasesescsasad MUKRAY, Auctioneer. : are Shnive Rs ven Wpecia, ate lea of Farms Rhitiss on oa specialty : Nigh Soper BT pecs am anna SARE -- mm ary . THOMAS COPLEY, . PRONE 987. cord to. 19 Pine Street whens anything dons in the Carpen- ine. Estimites given on ail kinds 4 and Mew work also wi Floors of all kinds All Will receive prompt attention 40 Queen Street. ING WALL PAPER. are showing some designs and colorings w, Parlor 'and Sit- room at usual low .'D. A. WEESE & ©0, ure Framing. Photos. want Jour Carriages to look thent with us Sif mo-vArts en- in all latest tins J. DUNPHY, Cav. Montreal nnd Ordnance Streets i § . | dicine, will chewan and | wess and In used by a weak or , theonly purg is secreted by the turn should pour cut inte ¢ intestines s bile to move the Unle e rr is active, there tle to move the , and Constipation is Caonstipati i sluggish 1 aver, of the body i bowels cannot" be bowels {| the result "Fruit-a-tives", the famous fruit me alwavs cure Constipation | becamse it acts directly on the liv or-- | relieves the congestion increases the quantity of bile--and strengthens the bowel muscles soc. a bax, 6 for £2.50, or trial size, At 21! dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives 2 Limited, Ottawa. --- a ------------ BIBRY'S CAR STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 amatitzae to gob fr EE = COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys --and they lke it. It nourishes their. litle bodies and makes them healthy and strong: Cowan's Cocoa, as you get it fram your grocer, is absolutely pure. hs delicious flavor is obtained by the use of the highest grade of Cocon beany skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the health. building propertics of the Cocoa. ne Do You Use Cowan's Cocoa? Mrs. M. C. Maitland, of Jasper, Ont, tolls in the following letter of her child's remarkable cure by the Cuticura Remedies: * When my boy was about three months ! old his head broke out with & rash wich WAS very itchy and ran a watery fluid. We ied everyt caf we could but he got worse oll the time, t§ af it spread to his arms, legs, id then to his ettire body. He pot so xt he came pear Sying. The rash ©h =o that be would serat tbe blood an and a th would be'all over his i Pads 2) put mit prevent most a Ride his Hin like claws, e was bad about el man heli we tried Cuticura Terns to him down in his Hime for a lobhg while, Cutie at woud jt TRE 0 AILY BRWISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19, WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. Zealand Notes. April 17.--~Some of the far tarted ploughing Miss who has been spending Zealawm » Armvedt at her Friday A pum the dance at Crescent home of Mr. aod M Visitors : George A. Gar Wesley, Mise Cora Wesley Miss Flsie Bone, at James Can Mr. joel Mes. OC. Briggs, Mrs S-., William McPhail, and tng at Heary Wesley's wrter vv Foro ing, Silver Hill, om tended trhts, the Hert At Crow Lake. Crow Lake, April 18--School losed for the holidays The teacher, Miss Adelia tendron, has goose (oo he ye In Arden w. Ii. Tharrett had r two davs' bee raising his barn. Vis tors R. Reynolds spent Simday at home, Mr. and Mrs. Uscar Koapp, of Saleme Miss A. Offord and Miss S Bain and sister, Frances, - the guests of Mrs. J. Hicks on ~Sdnday; Miss Pearl McGinnis spent Easter at home, Miss H. MeGinnis and EE. Bot ting were the guests of her mother, Mis. 8. MeGinms has were Mississippi Notes. Mississiphpi, April 17 ford, Clyde Forks, is quaintances at Centrevill Whesler has gone to spond the days at her Miks | Manion and J, Barr are visiting 'at W. Man- ion's. A umber of people frm Mississippi attended the meeting at Robertsville might n Parham, Lawrence is spend William Craw renewing ac Miss heli home young Sunday Sunday at brother; Flower, Cameron spent the guest of his Miss Maggie Reville, > of weeks at Mississippi, of her uncle, A. "Bartram Miss Lily Hayes spent Sunday at hex home here. Mallorytown News, Mallorytown, April IS. David Haws has blood poisoning in his hand. le of the Whig, Kingston, with his parents. Mrs of Smith's Falls, and Edmonds, of Almonte, spent Guild, Easter Chester, man spent S. 3 Mrs. J at Consecon, who was sek and sition died. He was aleo a brother of Mrs John Curl, 'Br. of this place. Miss A Martin, tescher, has reg and left at the beginning of the Easter holi days ' Death at Lapum's. ; April I. ~<Mrs. Henry Bush, Lapum's, who had: been rapidly fail- mg the" laxt few months, a sufferer from tuberculosis, passed yway, Thurs day. Besides "her busta, Jenves one daughter, Mrs, Brown, and four Sidney and (Tom, al howe; , Camden East, aud Walter, To- Fonte The funeral, conducted Sunday morning, . to the ' Methodist church, here, was largely attended K. N. Storms met with quite a pain ful accident. White splitting kindling in the Mwoothhed, his axe caught oma clothesline, causing it fo strike Ws fordhead and ootting a deep gash Miss Dorothy Netlsoy is gaite ill Mrs Zilpha Stover has returned from Mac donald, where she spewt a couple of months with her niece, Mrs. lrvime Glass. Mrs. Wesley Parrott was visit- ing in Kingston last week. Mrs. Sper- ry Shibley is in Montreal, visiting her Walter Shibley. Wiss Costley is the holidays with her par- ents in Campbelliond. Oliver Assels- tine is Lome from. (men Noumd fon Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Stoves Easter im Toromio, at PB Stover's. 4 Wilton, we soms, Cyrus son spending spent GANANOQUE TIDINGS, Meeting of the Public Library. April 19. The annual meeting of the officers of Gananogue public hibrary. was held, last evening, Election of directors pesnited in: Dr. F. J. @Connor, J, C. Linklater, C. Sine, Freeman Britton, CC. J. Wilson, Rev. Henry Gracey, D. A. Mitchell, C. H. Hurd, and A. I). Howe, being gle ted for the current year. The officers' reports were of an encouraging na and efforts will be made to place move substantial The Annual Giananoyue, ture the library on a basis. The choir of Grace held a social affair rooms, last evening, after matters of a musical nature. ments were served. Work was started, yesterday, on the big poultry house at Glenholme farm. Robert Coffey, of Kingston, the con tractor, was here to get things nto shape as quickly as possible W. E. Rees, Market street, has re turned from a short visit in Grenville, Ohio. Methodist church in the lecture a talk over Refresh: Easter with their sister, Mrs. B. E Elliott. Ira Miller was at on Thursday last. Eh Tennant 100 gallons of syrup by last week. 'Mrs. M. Roos is visiting | her daughter, Mrs. J. Meggs. Mrs. | M. Purvis is spending- the holidays at Hrockvilie. Frank Andress is en caged for the season on a farm at Vincup. Robert Heylip will soon have his house completed. Born to Mr and Mrs. Charles Hodge, a daughter. Ringston! ship ped tram At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, April 17.--A number of the young folks attended the pie so ial at Hartington. A number from here attended the meeting at Harrow: smith 'and enjoyed the reciprocity dis cussion. Ularence Watson was re moved to the hospital. Melville Eller beck was taken suddenly ill on Friday morning. Roy and Earle Hughes have gone to Manitoba. George Manson is recovering from his prolonged illness. Mes. T. Bradford is vi siting her daughter in Yarkér. Mrs. CC. Ashley at 0. E. Kefr's: Mrs. W. Whitty - R. Edlerheck's; Mr. and Mos. D. a wu jit Harrowsmith: Mr. and oy , atson, at J. Gordon's; Clyde a levbeck and little Miss Velma are suf fering from measles. DB. Botting was in the viginity buying hogs. At Lavant Station. Lavant Station, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Roberi Lee, Edmonton, Alta, who had been viditing the former's brother, Thomas Lee, left, on Tues day, for an extended t-ip to the old country. Mrs. David Crawford, Snow Road, accompanied by her sister, Miss Carrie Wott, visited at William [ with the latter's So : holidaying with his parents, Nr, | hand Mr. and Mrs. John OC. McLellan left for their home in Montreal on Mon : day after spending the holiday season Mrs, John Ross Pen after and Charles street. W. left yesterday | Mooney, nock. Toronto, Mrs. Dterting Pennock. Mrs. John McDonald, Howe Island, spent. the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keves, at Orchard View. Miss Gladys Carroll, spending the past few weeks in Ottawa and other eastern points, has returned home. J. Heaslip, Petetboro, spending the holiday season here with relatives, left for home, yesterday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bulloch, and daughter, Miss Phyllis, spending the past few weeks in Guelph, have re tutned home. James Sheridan, To rooto, spent the holiday season here with bis sister, Miss Sheridan, North street. Mrs. A. Alford, Dundas, and son, Byron, are spending a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs David Byron, William street. Regin ald Abrams, of the staff of Bank of Toronto, at Toronto, spent the holi days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Abrams Mrs. Samuel Sheets, Brockville, spent the past few days in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Sheets, Stone street. Mrs. Frank Campbell, Guelph, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Demp ster, King street. Bermard. Kenney, Garden street, spending the past win ter in Chicago, has veturned to town Siduey Mullins, clerk at the "Fair," is laid up with hloodpoisoning, con tracted by a slight injury to his Died at Providence, R.L Living Church Thomas', Saturday snd Sunday. Miss Mary E. Thomas visited in Kingstoy ast wpek. Miss Flossie Bogart ic vis iting Mrs. Allan, Wilbur. Miss Clara R. lee, Kingston, is spending the holidays at her home here. Messrs Herrick and John Roche are visiting | their parents, Mr. and Mes. W. W_ | Roche, Wilbur: Mrs. John E. Lee, why | nas been seriously ill for the last six weeks, is somewhat improved. Elkins lacob, attending Kingston Business College, is home for the holidays | Wedding at Holleford. Heolleford, April 15. ~Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Edith | Martin, of this place, to Hubert Wale warth, Unionville, on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. i. Babcock, who ha been very ill, is recovering. Mrs. port has returned to her home he having spent the winter with het | daughter, Mrs. Curran, Sydenham. This season has been an extra St | one for sugar making. William Med cof of Westhrooke public school, is spe oudin his holidays at his home ' here, e burial of Jeremiah Bab cock hr place 10 Verona cemetery | yesterday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs BR. Barr, at James Walker's; Miss Nel lie Babtook, at Alfred Redmond's: Reid, Cape Vincent, at Mrs. H. Rab cock's; G. Redmond and Miss Helena | at FW, Redmond's. Master Elliott McKnight, Godfrey, is spending his Easter holidays with friends here, as also is Miss Lillian Curran, Sydea ham. *\ Budget From Bethel. Bethel, April 17. --Carmen Ashley is moving on the farm of Mrs. A. NowiL liams. Thomas Kinnet had the mis i St. James' met with a sad bereavement in the i sudden death of ; temporarily with him. Un ! church, { moming she | kitchens | ther Rev. Charles W church, Forster, rector Providence, R.1 Mrs was living I'hursdas April Gth, she attended it being the pecasion of the ; bishop's visitation, and appeared in | hér usual health, But early the next was seized with paralvsis of the heart and died almost imme diately. Mrs. Forster was the wife o John 1. Forster, of Pictou, N.S., and, | besides the rector of St James' had two childwen, De, J. F. C. Forster, of North Adams, Mass, and Mrs. W I. Macleod, of Kingston, Unt. mother, who t his Euphemia Forster, evening, Modern Kitchens at Sea. Cassier's Magazine The tern "som of a sea cook" is no longer a title of reproach. The highl aie specialist who presides over the kitchoms "is a chef with an interna. tional toputation. The menu at the | end of the longest sea voyage gives ng indication that the ship hax not bee, supplied from land. Tmmense stores of fresh meats, vegetables, fruits and even flowers must be cartinl. The are incredibly clean. with tiled floors, glass tables apd shelves, as are alsa the cold storage rooms. To keep a kitchen in order is a far wove difficult . problem at sea than on land. rade 2. 0. Sliter's Opinion, In a ---- at the Ontario Edu a Tortmio News 3 Ww aver industrial education in the high g They the the discussion on the sub Jct, E. O. Shter, of Kingston, did not regard Wa stafis of such hace i fo undertake the I knows OF BEING WOOED BY UNITED STATES. h a we joke, but ore i i in, a by J. B Hot-air Talk of the London Mall Gazette Regarding foundiand's Future. April 19.-The Pall SAVS BO One can be mm J Pall § ; every eily in ada 2 3d educational surprise that having got Car | Kanization in | members: could London, Gazette east ada safely caught as they the reciprocity net Am men are mow laying ing Newfoundland, If agreement passes into one of settled) conditions the New World Pan-Ameri-| b can propagandist will be: endure the sight of England's colony still upholding the flag tish imperialism, will be found for render. | It is no longer the siguificance of Madi | the | magne wrean Slates plans for secur- the Washing rton | of Bri | and m | « if il disguise | approxima- { and ways coereins it inio possible to these New.i who i induced 10 hatle unable taf eve oldest | 0 ANOTHER IN DANGER Western Club for Baldheads Reported ness Parisian Perhaps eaded club stern Sage is' a hair and Invigorator hat MeLeod to grow hair if © hair root is not cady doghpred; to ' eradicate dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair or money back Men women b whe want te have a 4 hair full of life % and lus will net . |; sil? be disappointed in " Parisian Sage it Cn 4" a delightful re. . fréeshing hair dressing not s 4 Ky * RTeasy nearly A large bottle costs 50 cents ab careless J. B. McLeod's and druggists every. where The girl wit » Auburn hair is on every i Mail orders filled, charges paid, by the Canadian maker Xx Manu- facuring Co., Fort Erie, O al Jahtad is displays it. baldheads Can- the mau A cigd of formed in and wold parad x tamough the oo main streets of = ity as a warnin ave hair ns ry case the result less In France 1 are few be- Ause men } 0 care or the hair isian Sage quick- y destroys dandruff germ that causes falling hair and bald- allowed | which | tions in which the empire is to count for nothing, and amount to the uprearing of a new cult | of Pan-American solidarity, 'Blue Tits Love the Bees, Agricenl*ural Economist 3 Bees nave enemies of various Kinds! like the rest of. ereation. Every onel that many birds are insectiv but all insects do not form the! food of amy one species. The bird | which has formed a taste for bees is the blue tit, and if a pair of discover a suitable nesting place in the neighborhood of an apiary it is surprising how many bees will be carried off to satisfy them and their voung. Gencrally their work is most. ly felt when queen raising is exten. sively indulged in, for queens and drones being largest and slowest on the wing form a desirable and easy When te 0 hie Against You You Can Depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine | to Help You, if You Get the Genuine. arous, these What a fight goes on during the winter season against coughs and colds. The children ave careless bo pa | keeping dry and warm, and t rents are worried to hear them oh The best insurance against serious { results is the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup | of Linseed and Turpentine. So well-known is this medicine and | so universally used that we need | scarcely tell you of its merits. But we do want to warn you against imi- tations and substitutes. Onee you know that there are at least four imitations of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine on the market, you are not likely to let any dealer talk you into accepting anything but the genuine, on each bottle of which are the portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt Book author. Imitations are sold on the reputa- tion of this great medicine, and not on their own merits, or why should they not have a name of their own With the genuine Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, you can readily overcome croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, throat irritation, and the most serious coughs and colds. 25 cents a bottle; family size, 60 cents; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & * o., Toronto. ! | | EE ---------- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED FIRE INSURANCE. OONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. Dainty Royal Shoes The woman who is shoe particular finds Royal Shoes the most satisfactory, and in every way most desirable. Slippers or Oxfords Pumps and Ties All leathers, lasts and patterns, $3.00 to $5.00 SOLD ONLY BY REID & CHARLES AGENTS - WANTED "QUEEN'S STUDENTS" During vacation ean make good money canvassing for THE CANADA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Company paid to its Policyholders in 1910 over $2,000,000.00 in CASH PROFITS ; a total of death, en- dowment and profits of $4,789,000.00; holds the strongest RESERVES of any Company on the contin- ent. Coupled with this fact it has no Reserve Debt to pay--warrants large future profits. Investigation at the offiec will satisfy intending assurers and representatives. For full information call orcommunicate J. O. HUTTON, - Agent 18 MarketStr eet, Kingston, Ont. with Remember Flakes are not t "Kellogg' s. method a secret process--is i heart of the corn into a food that combines the flavor, richness, nutrition and digestibility of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. There are many imitations That All Corn Only by our t possible to transform the tender, sweet- TOASTED »CORNZ { FLAKES } Ro mms mr ne mans {V2 Ktlogy spe & 0 You owe it to yourself and family to imsist upon KELLOGG'S ail Toasted Corn Flakes. See tha Made in Canada, at London, Ont. ==_fellogy LONDON CANADA t you get it. 10°Per.Pkg roasteo CORN FLAKES Tea to ™ een years" use, and "The Baker Didnt Call To-day, Jim" my dear, I'll soon go 4 and back : { the bread is on the tabl And wT tes, n prevented avoided rience of the benefits of having a bicycle Bui the bicycle must always be fit and ready Te "MASSEY" still golog fine, is a commdn is built to fast experispes with the "Massey Silver Ribbon" Best seamless tubing, 'reinforced, protected by four coals of ename! over a coat of rustproof: bright parts plated over v copper; hardened, dustproof bearings; first qality ilres, rims. saddle, mud guards. Rigidly laspedted ai factory, and folly .guaremteed, Always at your service. £ ANGROVE BROS. © Kingston. tt i