( paid for it. Phe Daily British 10 hig PAGES 8 TO + YEAR 78-NO. -------- MRS. JOHN HENDERSON WAS SO RUN DOWN LIFE NOT WORTH LIVING, A Few Bottles of Peruna Restored Me to Health, . Mrs. John Henderson, 2Overdale Ave, Montreal, Can., writes: "I was much distressed with neuraigie ond was so run down that life was not worth Hving. I tried a great many rem: dies, but all to no effect. 2 "I met a friend of mine, and told hes eof my silmont. Sho advised me to try box remedy, Peruna, "Although I had no faith in Peruna, | Sook her advice, and am pleased to state Shat the neuralzla has entirely left me, and have gained so in health that I feel Just like my old self again, "1 am enjoying the best of health, We have on file many thousand tests moniels like the above. We can give. our readers only a slight glimpse of the wast array of unsolicited endorsements Du, Hartman is receiving, (1 GROWS HAIR Are Facts 've Want You Prove at Our Risk. Marvellous us it may seem, Rexali HOR" Hair 'Panic has grown hair heads that were once bald. Of vonrse, in none of thesy cases where the hai vaots died, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shinny, appearance. Rexall "93 Hair Tonic acts soienti tically, destroying the germs which are usually responble for baldness. 1t penetrates to the roots of the hair, sti mulating and nowvishing them. +t | un most pleasant toilet necessity, i delicately perfumed, and will not gum nor permanently stain the hair We want you to get a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use it as shirected. If it does not relieve scalp izritation, vemove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penny vou Two Me, amd 81. our store, ~The Rexall Mahood. Dandy Hammock FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS Here iv a chance for fon tr get PRN a large, strom. splendid hymn k whic yom can hong up oa the lawen, the Backyard, verandah, or in your ona toon aod "enjoy all sumer long, Here to on ux, Sires, Sold only at store. (i, W, oO T ad ried Bodner, on Can a uty and every boy a h any Sasrgy at all any it : card * VOY aay a Grint cards e Var Bo SOF ie funny cards, Bothd +. W Woe eards, o'r. Vou led have to show oon. and yous | voll thera. Bors and wicks write us ha thy Have paid them a quivlly they wart mors and exoret 1 souire prevesis Five ue very soon, don't Rt 4 humuelt we'll 8 we avnisia TE 3 WE YOU Rahe and wud sond you tf eats to sell and Whico yoo ritirn cor money, we'll sual >a the Hammock, is b or pen, or you keep Bio and soa as Sago it you'd REY hav Je Pig 1" you Jet Suse wards, we will neepay t Apress on «woe if you sell the cands in ten Gays well give you an ovioa provert of x good pase. Write for tiie cards wouday, Ovaries Marches G.. Bunt. 6, Toros, Srdssssrssssanssscaned ---------- Tips For Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH, Perse snsesssesesssescsed effects are "The direct and indirect reciprocity upon dairying" dealt with in the leading article in Farmi and Dairy. Dr: Charles Pub- low, Picton, is the author. He points out that higher prices for ddiry pro ducts prevail in the United States than in Canada. He deals with the great demand and good prices ob taining for cream, how the butter market will be effected, and argues that all favors the dairymen. ol ably Some Class to Mamie. Mamie B., a two year-old black Mi norca hen in the poultry yards of Charles Baxendell, of Verona boule vard, Pittsburg, is cacklimg very loud: ly and proudly these days. Mamsic 5. has laid an egy which is the pride of the Baxendell ccops and whith has aroused much talk among poultry fanciers throughout the Pitts burg district, 'The egg is eight and one half inches in cireumfsrence and bas a diameter of seven and one-guar- ter inches. It weighs four and three fourths ounces. & r. Baxendgll and his assistants foi time have been experiny'nling with five hens in an effort raise hens which will lay eggs weighing thirty:six otnees to the dozen and they have succeeded. When the first large eggs were found in the trap the assistants they were so excited that they broke the immense soa to nests by ovums Mamie B. weighs only eight and one hall pounds, although that is ra ther large for Minorea hreed. There are twenty-eight the Laxendell wards. The fowls have been fed ground green bone and "greens," obtained by from time to time and cutting it after a single-comhb hens in on sowing oats a. few weeks growth success has been obtained in securing eges which average thirty sit ounces to the dozen. For last Friduy ty poight egos were obta'ned AF disc ali odie al This is an eveeptiogally good record when it is considered that the Ler of evgs averagd is four thar two dozen, Throughout the west in many cities wggs are sold by weight and the lo eal poultry man will make an effort to sell lis eggs the same wav. All of the eggs have been placed un- der hens and a number of lusty chicks soon will be "pedping" in the Bax dell yards, {musual instance num more Bovine Tuberculosis, Ihe issue of the report of ternational Commission' on trol of bovine tuberculpsis, is significant interest at the present time, particularly in view of the tive public demand for some definite and authoritative pronouncement in consideration of the whole situation as veyards bovine tuberculosis in its relation to the welfare of the live stock industry and to its influence on public health. The economic im portance of the subject has oceasion ed a very great deal of discussion in seimtific and agricultural circles and has led to the adoption by various egislative and municipal bodies of measures for the suppression and radieation of this great scourge of domesticated animals and for the protection of the people against $a fection through the consumption of diseased meat or polluted milk. It has long been felt, however, that for the North American continent a real ly efficient and satisfactory pro gramme could only be arranged aud undertaken with any prospect of uni- form and permanent success through concerted action on the part of the governments of both the United Sta- tes and Canada and only also © when the legislation enacted or. policy a- dopted was in substantial agreement with the expressed views of represen- tative authorities of both countries. The report referred to embodies the Mieliberate conclusion of just such an oficial and representative delegation and both farmers and the public generally are to be congratulated in having now placed before them in most concise and readable form a statement containing an epitome of the researches of the commission amd cf the recommendations which it has at length determined to make, The decisibng which have been reached are eminently conservative in their nature and for this reason, for po other, they will exercise a much stronger appeal than would other wise be possible, particularly in the case of those who may for any rea. son he judi against legislative interference. The prevalence of the dis and the consequent loss to the coders, as well as the now to public health In the the of ac if KIN rearing healthy herds by protecting the young from contagion of any sort. A wuflicient explanation i given of the methods advocated and inf ordes to safeguard 'the interests of those now , possessing clean herds and of those making an honest effort to es tablish such herds, stringent precau- tiohaly measures are recommended re garding the shipment, sale and inter change of stock. The policy as pre sented is in every way reasomable and Paniiot but commend Heel to any fair, thinking man. It is unnecessary to enter nto a fur ther discussion of the details of the report of the commission, as a copy may be easily obtained by any reader. The fact that this report is | form the basis of a new policy short ly to be adopted hy the department of agricultura at Ottawa should give its contents a special mterest for (a- nadian owners of cattle and swine. The time is evidently ripe for such a departure and the minister's hands will, nog doubt, be stvengthened by the steadily growing sentiment [ om part of the public in favdr o fion. In the meantinie and definite policy is announced, study of this publication si made by every farmer and the counlry. Whether or it may be to his advantage to Vay his plans forthwith, in accordance with the pro- posed scheme ps therein offtlimed, will remain for him to decide, but the in: formation which the report contains is of immediate practical value, and should pot be neglected: Tt may be obtained by addressing the veterinary director general, department of agri culture, Ottawa, Ont. Interesting Facts. More Jerseys have been registered in the United States than any other breed, saves Hoard's Dairyman. The Holstein stands next, In Ment years the Holstein has grown rapidly and has become one of the largest associa- tions of its kind in the United States. Roderick Mackenzie, secretary Manitoba Grain Growers" Association, farmer He has near Brandbm, all in He has eighteen horses all told, and in summer he works three four-hour teams. He owns forty head of eattle, sixteen of them milkers, and qutter from his home dairy in Prandon at 38¢. per lb. He operates two binders and of late years his average grain crop, in all lines, has faguregated about 10,000 bushels. 11} sneral rotation is two of wheat, one and barley, and then of the i8 considerable of a Y60 acres located one block. sel each of oats summer fallow, At the Nebraska Experimental Sta tion some vears ago il was found, says Farm Stock and Howe, that throwing down hay for cattle, 8 con siderable 'quantity of alfalfa leaves were left on the floor of the mow, These were fed to pigs and it was praved by actual demonstration that these, mixed with ground barley ox corn meal were about qual to wheat shorts. Alalfa leaves are alo of tae very best feeds for poultry. mn one A small fruit plantation makes an admirable run for poultry. Fowls not only help to fertilize the ground, but they do a great deal in keeping down weeds, and in the destruction of insect enemies as well. of The Auwadia Farms Dutchess county, N.Y., embrace 1,900 acres and a motor truck is used for the heavy hauling on the estate. This truck has carried 1,000 tons of fertilizer from a station four miles away; two forty ton carloads of coal, 2,500 bbls. of cement, and has carried five car loads of grain to the station, besides 600 tons of small stuff. Frequently, it has made a run to a tow ten miles dis- tant twice a day, wi heavy loads. It is also weed in cafrving baled has and straw from the fields to store housse. Sines it has/ been in use it ane not cost ane cent if repairs, and not a day has been lost| Before setting a hen alwhys see that the nest and the hen herself are free from lice. Next most important is to supply spund grain, sharp grit, and pure water, so that she may get them whenever she wants them. A dust DRINK CURE A MIRACLE? No, Just Sound Sgience. Many drunkards are sent whet what they need is Drink has undermired their constitu tions, inflamed their stomachs and nerves, until the craving must be sa- tisfied if it is mot removed by a scientific prescription like Samaria. Samaria Preseription stops thy craving, restores the shaking nerves, builds up the health and appetite and renders ink distasteful, even nau- seous. It is odorless anil tasteless, antl dissolves instantly in tea, coffee or food. It can be given with or without the patient's knowledge. Read what it did for Mes. G., of Vansouver : >. "1 was so anxious to get husband cured t 1 went up to Harrison Drug your remedy there. to jail medicine. GSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 2 bath is also desirable to The hen is moved to her sitting quarters in | 2 the evening and them given china eggs for the first night and day. 'Hf she is contented she then the regular have, gets sitting. worth of caustic orrespondent of Home, debhorn several calves. The material should be kept in an auticht bottle and should applied when the calf ff a week to ten davs old. In applying the caustic see that the hair is clipped away from the point where the horn would ap- pear, that the skin is cut off about the top of the embryo horn, and that the is wet before being rubbed on. Fen cents' potash will, says a Farm Stock and be Caustiu From Many Farms. Fall wheat is reported to be in ex cellent condition in Southern Alperta. Low vitality in mungel seed is one of the things to be guarded against this season. It has been estimated will be an increase in wheat in the west this ten to fifteen per cent. The state of Minnesota has grade and mongrel bred stallions. Scotland there is only one woregms tered stallion reported to have stood | for service since 1900, } Producers of maple syrup 4 Vermont are opposed to the recipro- city mpotiations because Can vlan maple syrup will be admitted ,t lower duty than at present. South Africa has an agent in the United States studying corn gro wing, methods of handling said to be great possibilities production m that country Russell, formerly secretary of Manufacturers' Association manager of the Canada Cvele Motor Works, has purchased a Keele street, wear Weston An order for cavalry for perhaps 550 head, S150 each, been tive sewrryvingy among men. Mules sell at each. JF upper u that there area seeded to year, of from 2,060 In in old | ( « « and modern There are for corn F. A. the vi aml }) and farm |, on mounts at or below causing Fone ac- Chie » hors from 2125 to $275 = calling prominent farmer has do remarkably ground-up twigs brush as roughage. The muterial in- cluding stocks as thick man's wrist, is ground up fine and fed fresh along vith sugar beet pulp Pids are being avked for Supplies of butter for the United States army The amount respared 612,000 pounds. Tenders swill bo received the delivery of 54,000 pound lots, pnd of these lots 15,000 pounds must score ninety-four points, while the ng 36,990 pounds must five points, Speaking in rough, I should say 400,000 settlers will come into Camada this [year; fifty per cent. of this number, or 200,000, will come west, of which from 120,000 to 160,000 will be Ameri- can settlers," predicts J. Bruce Wgl- ker, commissioner of immigration. . "I should say Alberta will get of this mflux about 60,000, and taking as an average £1,000 per head, which it is estimmted ench American settler brings in either in eash, stock, effects, or all three, it means enrich- ing the province, moneturily alone, to the extent of approximately $60,000, 000," ay Cook, a Michigan, that eattle will when fed on In demonstrated well and S a 1m for remanm seore ninety round Hgures, immigrants and great Produce and Prices. Kingston, April 22.----Market clerk reports the prices prevailing as fol lows : Carrots, 50c. to 60c. per bag; turnips, 80c. to 60c. per bag; cabbage, Sc..each; onions, $1.50 per bag; poia toes, 0c. to 85¢c. per bag; celery, be to To. per head. John MeKay, Brock street, reports as follows : Hides, trimmed, Se. per Ib.; horsehides, $3 to $3.25; ealiskins, veals, 12¢c.. per 1b; deacons, 5c. to 90o.; wool, sheepskins, from 9c. to $1; tallow, in cakes, 6c. per 'lb.; bees. wax, 25¢. per lb.; ginseng, 8 per Ib, wool, washed, 20c. per lb.; unwashed, 13¢. per Ib. Raw furs: Red fox, No 1, large, $6; No. |, medium, $4. rac |! bon, Ro. 1, large, $2 to 83; No. 1, |! medium, $1. to #2; mink, No. 1, large, $86 to$7; No.l, medium, $3 to $6; spring rats, No. I, large, 3c; No. 2, medium, 25c.; kits and culls, at value; springy rubbed skins ot value. J. A. MacFarlane,s Brock street, ve |! rts flour, feed and grain selling as lp Oats, 38c. to 40c.; local wheat $1: buckwheat, 60c.; barley, 60c. to 68¢c.; rye, 0c; peas, 9c. to $l; yellow corn, 66¢.: © flour, bakers, $2.75 to $2.90; farmers', $2.50 to $2.90; Hanga:- ian patent, $2.90; oatmeal and rolled outs, $4.50 per bbl; cornmeal, $l} to $2; bran, 323 per ton; shorts, $25, |« baled straw, $7; loose, = hay, loose, | ¢ $8 to $9; 1, §9 to 810. t Meat--iteef (local), carcase, Sie. Oc; prime western beef, $10 per |: ewt.: by ocarcase, cuts, 10. to 15c.;}y live hoes, 63e. Ib; dressed hogs, 9a. | pork, th. to loc hy quarter; mutton, 0c: lamb, Ide, to 13e, gir; veal, Sc. to Se, 1b.; ducks, $1. to 81. each; turkeys, 18¢. to We. 1h; fowl §! to $1.50 pair; chickens, $1 to $1.25 pr; butter, creamery, 24c.; rolls, 17. © 18¢.; prints, 17c. to 19; eggs, fresh, le. to Me. t 1 f € Muskrats larg medium, £2 Raccoon, large, small, 70 Serious fighting occurred in various parts nationalist whip, were sad w ents, hy Albanians, a severe Ww The which was Tarks Three tofR.1 are vader grrest mansianghter. 3 [dents of North ostablich gau al Eisenach, a tows under the famosas Worthury and is in timately run of shad and herring 2, 1911 @, . ta He. NM large. 4 to $4 small, & Me. to Ie Fox as to Red Skunk SOLBIERS 1 Fighting in Kingston Jamaica~--Order Restored, bi R 'D RAZORS. Kingston, Jamaica, April Dis turbances have heen going on here for two days between the soldiers of the West ivili and the pclice have had secious India Regiment and Serious of ulty in handling the rioters. Kingston, last might, the soldiers ising razors with deadly effect. Many persons were treated at the hospitals and one death is reported from injuries inflicted, certamn Order was restored, yesterday. time the residents in were panicstricken For a quar ters POLE W ON HAND To Prevent Rioting at the Hearing of Petition. Cork, Ireland, April 21.---The hear ng of the petition against the election of Capt. Anthony J. , Donolan, the who defeated Wil iam O'Brien in the east division of 'ork county, was opened at the count, ourt house, to-day. Scores of police on hand avert threatened dashes befween® the Irish factions. Timothy Healy, representing O'Brien, that the object of impeach "The the United Irish personation, to the petition Ribbon Ro League for z, alcoho ax to ety," wibery, izing electors, wholesale orruption, oppon intimidation and o PA WILLIAM DUNLAY, Honevmoon Tr Thursday Ril" at Grand April A MASSACRE IS ¥ X PEC TED. Routed Turks, Tuzi, Having Have Surrounded Agri, ghn te Vienna, ceived here patches re that re has bees fight mn t vhich Turkish regular eers wore worsted by Aha that a Albanians s saul thous w Yo rT 1 capiured recentd it is likely that lv be retak he Turkish populatior is to seoted, AUTO KILLS LOVERS, lutomobilists Have Placed Under Arrest, Mass, Ag i= i and North worge Attleboro, Hunt ofite Thomas, oA # E vigile they were walkimg on the voad pear f s dying being track bw n a Pawtucket of evenly ear, on-Providence Fhree of the four occupants he machine, Charles W, Day rears old, who was operating the worge A. Haneork: amd Edgar |} Bay ix charge Al eomeerned Aitiolwrs New Passion Play Barred. Berlin, April 21 ~The attempt Protestant Ober ammer which lies are to % associnted with the history if Luther and the Reformation, , hae signally failed apd the police of the grand duchy have finally decided declive to sapetion the proposed per forniances ranging for what the Tetralogy, the last years and passio altogether in the gospels. : a The promoters wie ar feed un 'denne stie play of of Christ, unlike the areount gives ' x sort of rea Fish Glut Baltimore Market. Baltimore, April 3 --~Such '8 revord is the. fishermen of Chessteake bay Nt their nets have been taxed to then Tallest capacity. A will be shipped from Annapolis with- -One million herding days to be tivde Virginia factory. RAY a ---- Th ' OVERLAND MODEL ' WITH FORC DOORS SECOND PART e Wonderful 52 READ AND COMPARE VALUES With All Others Model 52 § Pass 0 HP. fore $2,275.00 néto, ful Bosch M y et 8! fu 5 Pass, 30 HP | Medel 51, 5 new model Magnet $1,775.00 H 5 Pass, 25 Model 49, . Magneto, | $1,450.09 Model 38, 4 Passe $1 5.00 iy ¢ Model 46 $1,175 00 Pr tan Bus HP Model 45, $1,050.00 » fifteen other models, parti IT you ¢ driving seas Don't delay ing the best of the delivery door °* fessional Men's Runabout, tw tai ) ulars of which will ntempiate 2 Touring Car } whee! base, ed in T ped, delive nch whee! base, Remy ) passenger article in LF equipped irniished en appl ving get your erder in and avoid los bu only cars ordered now will get prompt Shaw-Overland Sales Go. 53 wo 599 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO, CANADA "Live Agents Wanted" 3 "Good mornmg, Nellie, why that happy smile?" | KLENZINE MAID." See That's Mistress bought it ye that package of Klenrioe, Postie. fl the reason. if terday and it works Fike magi ] Look at the polish oo that window if | did not rub hard at all---it just cots my work io half, toiling their lives out eed them about Klenzioe Ts What KLENZINE means to the KLENZINE MAID Housework made easy! If you see any of the maids I makes homsework so easy." MOODY'S KLEN ZINE simply banishes drudgery. Itis a Compound Ammonia Powder with ing cleansing power does most of the work and requires but Little muscular effort from you. MOODY'S KLENZINE cleans everything snowy polish on china and glassware and keeps the kitchen clean, sweet puts a beatiful ! 4 and free from germs a valuable makes the clothes white, nt. Try it in the bath - delightfully refreshing. Conizins Ammonia in its purest form Your Grocer carries it large size packags ioc. You need it to-day TNE ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED a CANADA Por sale by all Wholesale Dealer) Not Suicide But Luck. Stranger (at Frorem Dog Tavern) Queer thing, Wild Eyed Pete shooting himeell. Sgicide, wasa't it'? Soicide muthin', Eyed Pete canght hissell chentin® in a 'dav. mme of patience, thet's all ~ Pack, or ---- - { Toronto Mall-Eeipirs A representative from Arkansas wad obliged to take his foot off his desk Wild {in the house at Washington on Satur Democracy ie not what it uged tn he, f