" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. APRIL THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITI 306-310 King Str. at §6 per year. SWERELY BRITISH WHIG, T 16 pages, Ejbiished in on Monddy and ursday morning"at $1 United States, rge for postage had to be ad ing price of Dally §3 and of Weekly $1. T year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- ng Offices in Canada: stylish, cheap work: nine impro preases. ¢ The British Whig Publishing Ce., Lid. minutes is all thes Leman A. Guild, See.-Treas. time required for TORONTO OFFICE. ' Suite 19 and 20 een City Cham- brewing Red Rose Tea; and the result is a Qu: Toronto, Balipsion IP. rept ive. beverage of fnatchless ~ Daily Wiha. flavor and satisfying LICENSE LAW SCANDALS. scandal strength. The verdict of your family will be that Kingston, On There is a great in : St. { Catharines, growing out of the declar- tration of the license law® The charge is made public--that one of the com- certain hotel pro- prietor could make himself solid with a certain member by buying from him what. he had to sell, namely, meat, outside of the any- missioners said a The commissioners, Never solb in BULK : stormy meeting, would not say Your Grocer Will | thing, but they do not seek any Recommend It 86 {course which will have the eflect of | " oi {ending the scandal. The government {cannot afford to let this matter rest. » * {When in opposition the present pre hey Sell All Kinds of Hair Prepara- |; . . mier promised {o take the license busi- tions, and Fear to Discriminate, | ] bud Druggists sell all kinds of hair pre Parations, and, as a rule, they are wisely chary of giving preference to any partivulat one, but many of them have come out plainly for Newhro's Herpicide, the new treatment that ab- solutely kills the dandruff germ. H. Swannell & Son, Champaign, Ill, say: "One customer. of ours who did not have a hair on top of his head when he began to use Heipicide, now has a fair, start towards. a good head of hair. We believe Herpicide to be by far the best preparation of its kind on the market." Hundreds of similar testimonials from everywhere. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in wtamps for sample to The Herpicide Co, Detroit, Mich. 31 bottles guar- suleed. James II. Meleod, special agent, Kingston, Ont. ! DRUGGISTS MUST BE CHARY, {ness out of politics. He hag not done 80, I'wice the gravest scandals broke out in Toronto, and the boards changed. were of a certain commissioner was not taken. He had in his mind conditions which would make grafting But the recommendation impossible, but Why * For political réasons it would not be his advice was not acted on. expedient to do so. The result is the St. Catharines in- cident. It cannot be ignored. commission is since the government is not willing to invite further recommendations 'in which it is not willing to proceed, CONTRACTS MORE BINDING, The trustees' sectiin of the Educa- tional Association has sent to "the de partment a recommendation which, if acted upon, will make the engagement of teachers, on the part of the school 7 Re0ceseccesecesescceey ° . . ° LUMBER: * @ board and its employees, more bind- ® ing. There has always been a contract. : but it has not been observed in many » cash Teachers have left schools on : very short notice, and the boards @ have submitted to all kinds of incon- embarrassment because they could not help A large assortment of Select- ed Lumber in the rough. Can be milled to order, gs re quired. This means that can always supply, wice, bright, fresh stock. 5. ANGLIN & CO. WELLINGTON ST. NORTH. we @ wenience and ° they thought ® themselves, : there a test ® made of the power of the department Only in one case was : to enforce disvipline, and it was ® ported at the recent nweting of the ® Pducational Association. A board o laid its grievance against a teacher, ® and the teacher was required to go back had deserted and serve out his contract or lose his standing and certificate. The proce dure is rare, however, and it may not to the school he The great Uterine Tonic. and safe only effectual Monthly three d wt Oo. per box. . A : fit Wein Gu. Fomaimo, , (ormeriy We be resorted to by many boards. The idea of the trustees' section the Educational Asgociation is to of o- wre an amendment of the School Act so that contracts may be made bind- appeals to the depart- Engagements must be finished as they have been begun, or sufficient notice must be given so that no party to a gontract will be seriously incon- ing without BIBBY'S GAR STAND DAY OR NIGHT | cine. Phone 201 - A GREAT CITY'S RECORD. Going Away ? Chicago has had a rare shaking-up pay the highest A If so, I will cash price for your Furniture and Household Effects. No commission, no wait, no trouble, Headquarters for Antique Furniture. Big stock and variely now on hand for your selgction. L. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, | ment. the social evil question. com- the best citizens, and men who were un- matter of investiga- on mission, composed of some of sparing in the is boldly asserted that 3,000 lives are sacrificed annually to lust and $15, 100,000 paid in tolls for the tolerance of the evil. enough, by the same person, the may- SH WHIG, published at Eaitions at 2.20 asarie of men are changed," says the s ir. . To uaz: BE | | ation of a license commissioner that the | {hoard, of which he was a member, al- i lowed patronage to affect its adminis- A new | not desired, however, | re- | ting, has made a report in which ut} The «ry raised in Chicago was the | ery raised in Winnipeg, and, strangely EGICIIICIIIICIIIIIIICIIIONN The Steamer "Sowards" was the first vessel to arrive in port this season. She had a cargo of IFRESH MINED] COAL ~ ALL SIZES | crawford 1" 'Foot of Queen St. or of the city, namely, that the evil could not be suppressed. If driven {out of one place or resort it would appear in another. Segregation was better than scatterment, with the widespread effects that would surely | follow. i The committee was willing to make' recommendations, and they were these, | | as summarized by the Literary Di- gest : "Institute a morals court 'and a morals commission to have ' exclusive jurisdiction in this matter; | | weed out disorderly houses as public Auisances and sources of contagious 'disease: try to teach first offenders the error of their ways, and send, the hardened ones To industrial farms with hospital, accommodations; pur. sue relentlessly the professional curer, and establish an identification for all women found /in resorts; ~di- | vorce the connection between vice and | the liquor - business." As preventive better safeguarding of immigrants, removal of working-girls' economic | temptations, the. providing of whole- | some recreation for the Jusing of both | sexes, and the wise teaching of sex hygiene. y whole, take a different and improved of the subject.' "Until the hearts 'T0 HOLD THEIR OWN com- | view we vas hope for no anni: | RECIPROCITY WILL NOT TAKE of the social evil. /Religion TRAFFIC the | _ mission, hilation and education alone can correct greatest curse which to-day rests upon | From For this there is a mighty Canadian Railways, Sir Mann Says--Canadian Can Easily Hold Their the Donald Roads mankind." | work for the agencies and institutions | in our land. Own. It is a hopeful sign when the press' ou, May number of the Columbian of a great' city supports a report Magazine, published in New York, has which presumes to make a clean city tess ws on ediproeity by ita spacial « i representative, enry sNann, 5 if Chieago, socially, though Sacre is wikid I HL Benin. and St |not so much comfort to be foun '™ Donald Mann. There is nothing new {the concluion that bad as this city in the Laurier and Borden statements; is it 1s not to be compared with some but Sir Donald is more emphatic than in his previous statements, that the Canadian railways, in the event of re ciprocity, can more than hold their Gomorrah, but just where own with the United States road. Sir Donald Mauon's statement, as it ap pears in the Columbian Magazine, is in these terms : "l do not say that the people who . fa 4 are engaged in producing are the the teaching staff of Yueen s, is an sreatelt in the de but they are event of passing importance. The certainly engaged in the work of Whig remembers him as a tireless greatest benefit to the nation--the worker in the cause of education when creation of wealth. when! 'The products of the farm, of the sea, and of the mine are entitled to especial consideration. Nor should done by half a dozen men, In One 1, Jnherman be overlooked. Tim- small building, which is now used by her is a crop which ripens, and should the medical faculty, but so enlarged he reaped. Hf it is not, it deteriorates. andi changed as to bear little resem- He who cuts down one ripe Jeo and plance to the original. Here the con- eon Fallin | is paces a vocations were held, under the direc |" qq oo have seven or eight millions tion of Principal Snodgrass. of people in Canada, with a free mar- Prof. Dupuis was the professor of ket for the producer, and to that nm- He was capable, however, ber we add the ninety-five millions he ©f the United States, we are assisting a the most important industries in Can- ad {other cities in the American union There if a modan Sodom and also { | {a modern | deponent sayeth mot. THE SPIRIT OF DUPUIS. The retirement of Prof. Dupuis, from the university was very small, all the work in connection with it was chemistry. of lecturing in many sukjeots, and gave evidence.of his remarkable : pacity, in many ways. No man in the | Naxt in importance to the producer which a Queen's pro- comes the manufacturer and it is the could impress his duty of the government to provide in- creased market facilities for both. The United States has ceased to export charmed circle, fessor has occupied, | <tudents more. He was the one whe knew his subject, who had the student cattle, and may soon cease to export thought, and lec: haat. The balance between produc- fell tion and consumption is drawing near- er adjustment. If it were possible to prevent grain from going south, with- vonstantly in his {tured so that every word which {from his lips carried meaning with it. ) : : |1f one could be said to breath his Eo Ca Brindle le! spirit into the young men of the col sty 'avoid & tresty wr other redprocal he did it, and of the thousands arrangement, but it bevond lof graduates who have passed out of power to hold our wheat within Brit- into ish territory. The United States can remove the tariff whenever it suits her convenience s0 to do, without | lege is our the college halls all who came contact with him carried away a feel {ing of affection for Nathan F. Dupuis. eulting us. | It is gratifying to know that in "Without regamd to the export of {a large constituency, that covered by wheat Canada will have her own lines | those who pride themselves as Queen's of railway across the continent as well with love for their alma ter as ships upon the sea. This will en- { men, ove fo of a i {men, with lo A. MALEr, able them to take grain for export { Prof. Dupuis, though not anxious to from the producer to the consumer, | teach any more is in a position to without any division of. rates, and, in {enjoy the rest which he now proposes the same way, manufactured goods as bo take. May: he. live long to receive return cargoes from the producer to v : + ,the consumer in the west On the the tokens of the esteem of his friends other hand, -going south through the and may his spirit, SO United States, wheat for export would helpful, remain as an'in- have to pass oyer three or four lines of of railway, and thence by independent vessels to European markets. con so hopeful, | cheerful, so ispiration to | Queen's. every dutiful son Toronto Street Market. | Toronto, April 25. Wheat, white, per ibush., 80c. te 83¢.; wheat, rod, per his absence, for, of course, the editor bush., 80¢. to S3e.; wheat, goose, per could not be a lecturer in theology, bush, 78c; oats, per bush, dlc; but the journalistic profession suffers Pe%s: per bush,, Jey rye, per bush, to 75c.; buckwheat, pér bush., = T0¢, by Prof. Jordan's absence from it. Hig a to 50c.; hay, timothv, per ton, articles in the Queen's Quarterly give 216 to 219; hay, mixed, per ton, $12 evidence of the observant and reflec- (10 814; straw, per ton, £14; dressed {hogs, 88.50 to %9;. butter, dairy, per {1h., 25¢. to 2%¢.:. butter, inferior, pes Welcome news, !D:x 2c. e.; eggs, new-laid, per : . dozen, § r.; ohickens, per lb. All the same the Mexican insurgent- 18¢% to 0c.; spring chickens, per lb. Wash- {22c. to 25c.; turkeys, per 1b., 22¢. to ington--is an uncertain quality. There 24c.; apples, per bbl., second, 83 to is no telling the day he may break ®5: cabbage, per dozen, 30c. to 35c.; ; ' cauliflower, per dozen, 75¢. t6 81; on- 4 y ions, per bag, 81: beef, hindquarters, him in check by force, and it may be $0.30 to 211. beef, forequarters, £7 to | 38; beef, choice, carcase, 39 Yo $0.75. tbeef, medium carcase, $3 to 89.50; The tipping system will never be- mutton, prime, per vty, 38 to 810; come popular while the government of | veal, prime, per cwt., $10 to $11; the day endorses it by paying hand {lamb, per cwt., $11 to 313. | some tribute to its masters. What | Notes From Picton. | the government should do is put tip- | Picton, April 22 The ice has {ping on the list of offences for which | the y and the steamer Aletha | comé ip into the harbor in prepara- { tion for 'her trip the first of the week. {Rev. J. W. Lewis was recently. in The opposition in the commons is| lindsay conducting the examination al fOr the probationers for the ministry becoming beautifully mixed. Half f the Bay of Quinte gpnference. Miss | dozen of its mdmbers were willing to|k. M. Ward is leaving her school {swallow the trade agreement with the | ear Peterboro to teach at Cobalt {slight amendment of fruit and vege | Rev. Mr. Armitage, St. Mary's Mag- tables removed. They swallow | dalene, received a new cassock as an will 4 : | Easter gift. Miss CC. Fox is spendingd the, "whale Thing by Jang bye, {the vacation with her parents, NT. ; wonder why they didn't do it SOBRer. l.nd Mrs. C. G. Fox, "Maple Dell." Mrs. Davis, Kingston, is spending some days visiting in town. EDITORIAL NOTES, The theological hall would suffer by tive mind. Peace in Mexico ! like the American insurgent at out afresh. Diaz's idea was to hold | the only way. -- left has !a heavy penalty can be applied. Then ! jand only then, will it go. and Nemesis has been on the track {the dynamiters who wrecked Times building in Los Angeles, of the, and i sons. Pro"! art of a system which has to be caused the death of twenty-one per- The relentless hand of justice in getting the guilty wretches in its | clutches, and the chances are that | they will before long be put out of | their murderous business. Complaint is made because students get into the colleges soon, before they are qualified. To conto university will raise the stan- dard of entrance. What is the fuse of any standard if the student can get in without it and make a bluff at passing the "matric" afterwards ? The present standard will do if it is" en forced. some too $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper Will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages. and that Is Catarrh. 'Hall's 'Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mue- ous surfaces of the system, thereby de. stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by bullding up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative wers that they offer One Hundred llars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testi. monials s Address, F. J. CHENEY CO, Toledo, 'Sold by all Druggists, 15e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation, The (Globe pleads that tipping +The Craving for Drink met because it cannot be igmored. It may be that some employers under pay their employees and practically suthorize them to impose upon the people, but the grafter does 'not want 'much encouragement. He is out for the spoils, and he . usually gets them. The Pucife mail etenmabip Asia, from rancisco, " Destroyed. No more terrible 'affliction can come tp any home th the craving for drink of hu and father. We be to wives, mothers, and sisters to ther t. « husband and father or the bro- with Orrine, a scientific treat- hy went. ORRINE is prepared in two forms (Soret. Srediment a onder, hs asteiess ess, y in food or drink. OR- ii form, is for those Specialists In" diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder asd Special Ail. ments of men One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice. Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE LL 25 Toruato Street, Torents, Ont, Chas. A. Stoneham 3 Co. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, 23 Melinda St., - Toronto Telephone, Main 25580, Our business is strict ing and selling Mining irities on Commission We promoters and are in nn way identified with new flotations Our independence makes our advice particularly as we have only the interests of 10 serve ly that of buy. Se are not sound, our clients We maintain correspondents in all camps and at all markets, and are in constant touch with influential news, Our Weekly Market Letter, in. sued every Friday Evening, is a guide to market profits. Put your name on sur malling list Private code hooks and market guide furnished [fee Correspondence Invited, Direct Private' Wire to our Main 0Of- fice, 54.56 Broad St, New York, S. J. WILSON & CO, Member Ddminion Exchange, Ltd. Write for Prospectus and Map of . . Jupiter Mines, Ltd CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228 TORONTO, Ont. Common Sensi Mis Go. ea Tot { WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. Faruiture Bales given special at- tention. Country Bales of Farms #iock. ete. have been my specialty ' for long yoars. il farmers want be Wi doliar get my services } ARK ET SQUARE Pes assssetesesesssseses LIME For Sale BEST FOR PLASTERING STONE AND BRICK WORK, - W. Drury, 233 Wellington Street. 'Wood's The Great English femedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new 9 Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper matorriea, and Effects of Abuse or Lircesses, Price 51 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. The Ww Medicine Co. (ormerly Windsor) Toronto, rsa rrrsrerrrerrrereeed THE CLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, { Near Prince PP. M. THOMPSON, FProprifter, Sessa sessraseseesee @cvvscscssssesvacssesscsans@ ¢ Tinsmithing & Plumbing All kinds of Tinsmith, Plumbing and Contract Work. Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at moder- ate rates All work to. Lemmon Bros. : 'Phone 998. 201 Princess St. ¢ promptly attended Tee TIBTRISSS TVPTVVVLTLTVLELVLROOS ni! worth you're can make it hlle--when p10, engALe USN, We are simply taking this method "to get arqusinted. That we are Expert Plambers and Steam Fliters You Can Easily Learn by Invest tien, CALL AND SEE. David Hall, 6 BROCK STREET. x aa a a a hat id BIBBYS lint Men's and Boys' Departmental Store TOI TUT TTTTLTVLTLTLLTVL TLL VLVLVLVVVLVLRACTRES ¢ New Coronation Suits These fabrics are English Tweed and Home- spuns in Pin Dot patterns,'in rich shades of Grey, ireen and Brown, Something very nobby but not The tailoring is a very important feature. We have given this feature particular attention, and we offer our trade the best work of the most skill- fal hands. Our splendid clothes service is yours sir, if you desire it ! Always Pleased to Show You. Frock Suits $25. and $30. Designed and tailored by the most valent money can employ. expert We Now Sell Trunks. We Now Sell Suit Cases BIBBYS Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. Bicycles! Bicycles! Bicycles ! Make--American Make Liberal Terms FOR SALE For Cash Instalments Uptown Bicycle Depot, 293 PRINCESS STREET Second-hand Wheels taken as part payment Canadian Make--English Good Wheels on or by We Manufacture PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES Write fpr Prices. THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD, TORONTO LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED . . FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. S KINGSTON, ONT. Baht -~ -> "ew - ad caesssassesvser «New Cocoanuts.. Pineapples, Tomatoes, Bananas, } Florida Grape Fruit, Sweet Navel and Mexican Oranges. 166 pices St. A. J. REES Phone 58 : FAR BBLLeT an