« isooosnossvessee RHINE SS Adve DRA AR SHER . =" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THUESDAY, APRIL -- PAGE FOUR ARE YOU LIKE THIS? Time, Not Much Good Hardly Able 10 All Bun Down. Tired AH the Tor Anything, Drag Around, Just Vinol ou H vou H cure p guarantee it eared ners were In many thas ou has and Wi peapls aro who enndition Nos of Viz ne bot. not sat good, come back It will be That and shows our do receIve wk Here, 3 try « and if are the sired] that it dig t AT money re ina faith want hen hout question sition snd that not abont Years, talking i 1 for and ha ee how mach good it has | doae among | Vinol is trim, body world wide fame, to take Uome Jour cure at once, Mahood's Drug Store, because our customers | y 'patent, secret nos | but an honest, tried and strength creator and teue | builder of | REY start delivions and to-day and You take no. risk Kingston wm {attitude of Hon {LUMBER of Select- large assortment ed Lumber in the rough. Can be milled tg order, aa re- This that we quired. means bright, can always supply, nice, frewh stork. . ANGLIN & CD. . WELLINGTON ST. NORTH. YI ceaRD IVER Becscsesecsssccscee NEW STOCK OF Sus FOR SPRING, by Men's Suite, sizes 36 to 44. at follow. Tog prices $6.56, $7.00, $8.30, $10, $12.50 up fu SIS, Boys' Three piece Suits 34, al 84, 85, 86, And 87, Boys Twoopieke Suits in Double -breasted style at 30 and $4. Boots ISAAC ZACK'S 271 PRINCESS STREET sizes 29 to 2.50, $3, and Shoes at Reduced Prices 9000000000000000000008 LACE CURTAtNS An nt fife sat octamonal cleaning these works mens longer for your We wsfaction. R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 89 Princess St, Kingston, Oat. 0000000000000 0000000 cartams give | 9000000000000 00 very and | Sub} know ronderfol Susrated ik mated 11 gives full patie. s invaluable to Cienersl Amante foe C OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Figur is unexcelled for bread or pastry Price ls moderate. A. MACLEAN, Ontario Street. BEACON Arc You Going Away ? It so, I will pay the highest cash price for your Furniture and Household Effects No commission, no wait, no trouble, Headquarters for Antique Furniture. Big stock and variety now on band for your selection. L. LESSES, first vessel je in "port | this season. She had a cargo of AFRESH MINED COAL ALL 81ZES ' Crawford Phone 9 Foot of Queen St. 'and woman, THE WHIG, 78th YEAR meeting { trade agreement and the nature of it There was a division of regard to the trade agreement, cidentally amendment was submitted, ed of the fault with entered a political intrigue throw This statement the clearing of the air, Norfolks or ¢ ciled monton van safely future premier intolerable position, porter slander which he uttered is supplied with the DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 Ring Street, Kingston, Ontario at §8 per year. tions at 1.30 and { veloc x Bn Y BRITISH WHIG, 1 ubilaned in ur n United For charge postage to be Mded makin price of of a ¥ and of Weekly §1. ger Attached Is one of the best at Job Print- ces In 3 Japid, stylish, cheap work; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec. Treas. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 30 Queen City Cham- 32 Church Bt, Toronto, H E ipelce, J.P. representative. Daile Wiha. FLURRY IN THE WEST. One has to read the full report called in of the agresuient . The the the Fdmonton meeting, wierest of the reciprocity lin Drder to understand its impo. was not divided upon opinion in the the the Con meeting, but it had reference to Mr. Oliver to Rutherford government and the the Alberia Great Waterways railway. A fesolution had been presented with tract it made with and and in in An It approv- pact, but found Oliver, because he had it expressed confidence the minister of the interior. reciprocity Mr. throttled a railway it was proposed to build nth the The Harlan, north country. Judge Adair, had over mover of this resolution, "aided by Joseph that Mr wns and he chirged Oliver to the Rutherford government of the for minister and in- terior pronounced a lie, n time there was a weene, but it ende | with the original motion being carried a sweeping majority. I'he incident has been regarded as the attack on Mr liberals. Fhe quar the a important, because Oliver was made by members of rel among themselves, It brings about and the dissidents their power, a party of ccasionally and with very best results, ave a chance to assert go into opposition or become recon The hall dozen kickers in Ed leave the political Rutherford to the ex He retired from an but he is a sup- of the Sifton government. of Mr. himself APOLOGIES WERE IN ORDER, Mr. Tavlor has not yet retracted the about the ommissioners of the I'ranscontinental These have a car which they tours. They The car railway, use on their inspection annot get along without if. food the live. men must eat' if they would Mr. Tavior takes up the blue book, figures what is charged against the com- up and charges that its members mission, © wre spending the money of the people in riotous living. Ihe chairman temperance man, that his When and given a flect, Mr. Taylor shouts the acrounts and 1 will vouch the fact that nine-tenths of the champagnes and HfBors it from of the commission is a it is made his the re and practice, belies challenged by chance to "Bring down appeny preaching premier, for 8X pense is for for Bate that car, and they pay & Co." Mr. Foster one of the party, and he and Mr. Lemidux, br. Sproule do their best ¥ta slander the Now what is dollar' of the sion is for liquors or and that the slander is justification. The of the are carefully hey must be passed by the pub " committee, It should iteng, to pass which i And, thes "honourable gentlemen," of his majesty's opposition, can take up rioting and is commissioners, That not I'ranscontinental the fact ? expense of the commis "lush," as Mr. n Favior terms it, without accounts commission audit ed, lie accounts' be impossible for any objectionable vet, members the time of the house in dealing with fiction and in giving it an offensive and abusive application. It is remarkable that the leader of | the party was absent when these out- rageous episodes ocurred. Did he know thet were coming ahd did he make himself scarce in order to escape the odium, which was attached to it? Mr. Foster is not ashamed of his part in the incident, but then he does not appear to blush over the miscon- duct of anyone on his side of the house, » WANTED, A BOUSTER'S CLUB. Jet us have a booster club, A what '. A booster club, an institu tion which will be composed of men, too, who will lay all | jealousies aside and work for the welfare of the city. What is the matter with some people? Several things. They haved't any faith in themselves and they haven't any faith in their neighbors. Nothing that can be named or suggested = any good. That: is the ~ first great and chief drawback. It has to be of the grace of friendship, the virtue of sell-forgetiuiness, or the advantage of mutual interest. "e . [Take nto consideration any place 'Get Some 'To the Editor of The Whig, + Dear Sir- By the cultivation' tarers, the professional men and the} layvineri, can conler without any seem- | want of confid Some men | in mag) Fhe Vis | are fertile ion of others is clear The confidence | others is a striking quality of still 3: i Candid criticism, but pot destructive, is the possession of a difierent sel It is ment, that thing tangible is produced, public all these get into Bgree the them, when exerciniog cnaractenstics distinguish that some something whose development means good It varios. public bodies comes annovedm, He of harmony on the great issues of the The Knockers' ( its enough is when one reads the reports o be tack jack that he sees the lub has had It Boosters' dav = time it Club. Its the reign long gave way to the members should be in the council, school board, the board of trade, everywhere, and th should raise the optimistic note The men of capital who may be seen on the 'road in all driven away by every They are directions, are exhibition of distemper reason that knock each other they when the men who here would have no the hesitation in knocking stranger, and he keeps away The advertisement which the Explo the city of not ration company is giving is it exe whatéver the the council hurtful, It cute and carry which it makes. cause is that will out' the agreements The matter came up Monday and was attended with some recrimin * Any ? No good ean come from the attack of He to sigm the in the council on evening, ation. To what purpose any one on the mayor was ad- vised, it is said, not con tract. Hf the council wanted him to have called a special the It and some of its members re he led hreach of faith, act it eould meeting for purpose. acted in haste, pent leisure result an al at 15 and it is unpleasant Wing to contamplate NOTES London, support of her immorality EDITORIAL Mrs. of mitted the that thers is Thornley, has sub evidence ir charge m the public schools and the Ministerial Association has endorsed her indict Mrs. been vindicated. ment. Thornley appears to have Uni this of the predicts a surplus The postmaster-g:heral ted States He began his term of office of $17,500,000, He is, giving proof of his capacity Hiteheock is a vear with a defieit therefore, us an administrator. name to conjure with. Before saying anything further the tuberculosis hospital question the, Whig has been awaiting the action of | a committee with regard to the site and so far as one | i Now | on is going by; little is Time can see being done. gentlemen. i i Ribbon i this won't do, The of the White CASH REGISTER editor A Pointed Letter from the National Cash Register Company---He Makes Clear Some Disputed Questions. ANY CASH REGISTER OWNER CAN ISSUE CHECKS The Law Upholds Him In This. Kingston, Ontario. it has come to our attention that many storekeepers in Kingston have, ! for some reason or other, been warn- ed against using their Cash Register Checks-- warned against what we cannot understand. Any owner of a Cash Register can issue the printed checks to his cus- tomers with a discount on same, pro- viding the electro on the register prints as follows: -- "This check is good for 5 per cent. of its face value at my store at any time." Never Any Objection. There has never been any objec. tion raised to the following clause on the sa £ash register check: -- 10.00 in checks would be worth 50¢." The above, of course, wonld apply where a merchant wished to give a discount of that amount. He can change the rate of discount to --n himself. You will see from the above that a merchant" wishing to give a discount has lots of latitude, as any customer would thoroughly under- stand it. 3 J -- The Law Allows It. We consider that we have inter- preted the law correctly relative to Trading Stamps, etc; and the above electro is according to the inferpre- tation of our solicitors, and which we hav are i ren | and the morals types of the father of ary of the late Robert Hoe. for any printed volume in the history | of man, and is practically 'doul.'n sum which stands pext to if, the $24 . 700 which J. for the psalter from the same press excitement Christian church, police. Ontario court which awarded damages pays EE -- Ballotin, Mrs. Gordon, of Ottawa, has | very little wpe of legislation affect- | ing the Li and morals of the until the women are given franchise Then the law will be ides of the people will the very best Parties are changing Here and} there, from time to time, men change] ther The deciding cause polities for personal reasons. | juestion of patronage is , the Their the | and the cannot loss 1s party's gain change in thei . . Kpecialists In diseases of Skin; Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special All- . ments of men ord One visit advisable ; if Impossible, FA a send' history for free opinion and ad. PAID GREAT PRICE vice. Question blank and book oan diseayes of men free. Consultation free Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 pm. Sundays, 10 am to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toromto Street, Toronte, Ond. allegiance eome about too soon. Valued Rible--Highest in| World Yet. York, April * a superb impression For a 27. ~Lintenherg's | from the] of printing, one of | of its kind | fon 50 O00 ~ . : het {D> J. WILSON & CO, i Hb Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. | Write. for Prospectus and Map oi paid | «+ -- -. Jupiter Mines, Ltd CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. i4 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4228 TORONTO, Ont. i New Bible, the seven vellum volumes in the world, was bought last night by Henry E California, at the sale of the This is the highest price ever the Pierpont Morgan pave | - Chas. A. Stoneham & Co. COMMISSION STOUK BuOKERS, 23 Melinda St., - Toronto Telephone, Maly 2580, THE PLAGUE IN INDIA, It is Alarming, But Will Not Inter- fere With Durbar, London, April 25.-- Replying to a question in the house of commons Mr. Montague, parliumentary secre ing and sellin tary for the India office, admitted that! co the officers were alarmed over the re- erudescence of the bubonic plague in the provinces of Agra and Oudh, In dia, but they did not think it would interfere with the Durbar in Delhi when King Gorge willbe prowned asin all or of India. The dedhs from agne in February, he said, were and in March they increased td Our. business is stric 8 Mi We » Way tly that of buy- ing Securities on ission not promoters and are ified with new ake wi lotations aur vice parti lari the We camps have ly interests of our clients 10 serve maintain correspondents at H markets, and touch with infliuentia Our Weekly Market Letter, in. sued every Friday Evening, is a guide te market profits, Put your name on » mailing Pr books market guide furr and emp are in constant the p 13.5 INN, U5 N88 news list ate code PRIEST HAD SIGN REMOVED, and ished free -- | Correspondence Tuvited, and Sermon on "Rome the Bible." Collingwood, April 27.-(« has been aroused here the action of the chief of polige removing from a publi position a! That large notice boar! announcing a ser' | ° mon by the Rev. (i. F. Assiter, of the A "Rome and. the ticle Advertused Direct Private Wire to our Main Of- flee, 54.568 Broad St, New York, A POSSIBILITY Became a Fact ahd Pleases Many People, i M.D. thy the columns American of th, It's deterioration of worriment to msiderable by in R m Lewis, i of the SALVE © a leng ar on Pible." It js understood that result of a demand by the town hall, and that the council ordered its removal by Journal Heal hair stant meerning the at it was the priest a member ol the W a con source humani v consequently bald people are readily deceived by "fake" h atives. The wish that a hair tion will 'fill the bill' is father to the fancy that it is likely to do so A rare case in point is that of Newbro Herpicide, which actually does the hill'. It destroy attacks the hair Jandruff, falling baldviess." Sold by leading Send 10¢ in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guar anfeed James NR McLeod, 'special agent, Kingston, Ont +300 Cords Pecled Pulp Wood This Wood was peeled and piled under cover to dry We are offering this Wood to the public at $5.00 per cord, cut in any lengths This is the best lot of Wood ev offered for spring and Summer Try it and be con- Ur restor prepara Hard on on the Hoboes. Montreal Gazette The judicial commitiee of council has upset the judgment of the privy an fill s the parasite that root, and prevents while rid railway that to a man who was injured without authority train. The privy council held while a railway by its sale of a ti ket contracted to safely carvy the holder, it had no contract with a man who had no ticket and was in fact » who might have "been pro. his act. Occasionally a railway to fAght a damage claim. It may get the « hefore court which gets at the of situation. CHECKS CAN BE USED Canadian Manager of the ing on h hair and drugyists {respasser, secufed for ase sense the er use SOWARDS 'Phone 155. North End Ontario Street. JIT vvseeetessasang BUILDERS | ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIO PLASTER FOR SALE. ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, 1 S. Bennett & Co. i eet TLTLTLSITATRISAP Cor. Bagot 'Phone 941. - ¥ : 4 Macaroons, Almond Sponge Drops, | 50c. per. 1 Cake BonBons, Maringue Kisses | Prva estvretasesaseead sescsscssssssasssssaceld Fancy Wafers for 5 O'clock Teas Wafers, 'Vabilla Wafers, ady Fingers, at b. mixed. at 60c. per 1b. at 20c. per dor, i: R. H. TOYE, RSS Aart 302 King St! Phone 141 : Prt asssssssssesssasana ee ---- 1 Bicycles Make Make--A Liberal FOR For Cash Canadian English or by Bicycles! Bicycles -------- 1 merican Make--tood Wheels Terms SALE Installments ou Uptown Bicycle Depot, 293 PRINCESS STREEV Second-hand Whepls taken as part payment. I il PVGVIGVVPV000000 Moore's Garage 4 Moore's Automobile Service For Rental High Class Touring Cars, Careful and Competent Chauffeurs. Soo By the Hour, Day or Week For Terms Applys Always Open Phone 815 °f : : 0400090000000 00 000000200000 LR BATT RAVTTRRT RS Pineapples, New Cocoanuts.. Tomatoes, Florida Grape Fruit, Sweet Navel and Mexican Oranges. rasases BBB RVRRABNBN avalon Bananas, | i | : i : 166 Piness St. A. J. REES, Pua 58 ATTA RTTSS Sete etst ss HOST TRBTRR BROT RBRTTRARRBTR TRAVERS § Atemoon Teas. i Will be complete with some of GRIMM'S Delicious lce Cream Phone 797. purchases, as all successful Sustuessi is founded on getting a receipt, proven by the fact that the largest | and most successful concerns in the) world realized this early in thelr his-| tory--that the only way to get alt! their money an keep a customer) satisfied was gf give a receipt for] every tran The same prin | cipals that apply to a large business| apply directly to any business, large | bmn ti oA LIEN ORDERING matic printed receipt issued by a National Cash Register has proven] Ask your grocer or dealer to sent itself the quickest and safest, as ft cannot be changed. + Wording That is Illegal. However, the merchant is not per- mitted to have this printed receipt read something like the following: - "Return $10 in these checks and get 25¢ invtrade." The check must read as we have outlined it above, but one 'will quick- ly see that a merchant will derive as good a benefit, if mot better, as it gives his vustomers the privilege of redeeming their checks (if they wish to) at any time, no matter what the amount. Though few may take ad- vantage of this privilege, still they are entitled to it. So says the law. 1 would ask that you publish this letter in the interests of the many merchants ip . Kingston who, use check-printing National Cash Re gisters, so that they will have any doubts on the matter removed. Yours respectfully, FRANK E. MUTTON, Manager Canadian Agencies, you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality of the Flour. ee 0 Manufactured by the Map Leal ilo Go, JInaston "We Believe in Economy and in Safety, Mrs. Housekeeper', OF COURSE YOU bo. little as Economy in things is just as important economy in big things, and then there | is safety | you light a | ONE ! | When fire It takes only Match, not two or fakes two or than EDDY'S, get EDDY'S the first EDDY three If it of other better light time three it's that will and every to time And EDDY'S MATCHES ARE ri SAFE, SURE EOYs "Safe Silent" AND EDDY'S SAFE "Royal George" ARE THE Safe, Sure, Silent "Strike Anywhere" Mate! hes EVERYWHERE IN CANADA, and SILENT vex vor EDDY'S Matches ASK FOR SAAR AAAAAAAAAA A. Telephone Us a That You Are Coming | That F FROCK SUIT! Our Prices CRAWFORD Yeading Tailors. WA AN AA. At A tN to Order Are Right & WALSH: Princess & Bagot Sts i The National Cash Resiste Co.) Telepboue B86. Girls Hig Shoes With Low Heels Dongola Kid, made of $2. 00 and $2. 50 Rizen, with good weight solos, Good $3. 00 Patent Leath mate of sole, $2.50 and $3 00 Sizes, 2 1-2 to Bp of good weight H:JI ENNINGS, : KING STREET «