3 of From Trapper te Wearer (Registered). OUR FACTORY mow rumping full time making for next winter, NEW DESIGNS NOW READY HH vou comlemplaie a New Bett or Fur Garment, or remodeling of your furs, NOW IS THE TIME to make arrangements with us. Ee timates and advice cheerfully given FUR STORAGE Telephone 159, cur waggon will call . JOHN McKAY, 149-157 Brock St. a , Did You Ever See This Spring? SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed Tender forgPublic Bullding, Uxbridge Omari." will be received at this office Lath 4 pm. on Monday, May 22, 1911 fur the erection of a Public Bullding at } . Epecilieation Uxbridge apd form of con- trad An be seen ana Gems of tender obtained at this department on appli- cation to Mr, Thos, A. Hastings, clerk of works, postal station -F Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, and at the post office at Uxbridge that Persons unless tendering are notified tenders will pot be considered made on the Printed forms supplied and signed with thelr actual signa- tures, stating thelr- occupations and places of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the secupation and place of resid. ence of each member of the firm must be given, Bach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Pubile Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 pc} . of the amount of the tender, which will |" be forfeited if the person tendering de i | It's the best ever put on the mar- celine to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fall to com plete the work contractéd for If the tender be not accepted the cheque will] be returned | } {styles at low prices ket and Is a sleep producer The Department does not bind itself © accept the lowest or any tender By order, | OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES, un- n DEBROCHERS | eqwadénd: as a-sanitary health sleep Secretary. © |giver. Our Felt Ostermoor imitation Department of Public Works |at $10.00 is a fine Mattress Ottawn, April 25, 1811 « Newspapers will not be pald for this | advertisement If they Insert it without authority from the Department. - Cc 2 Others for $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 up EE -- RUGS, all sizes, qualities and {colors, small and large; largest {stock ever shown here . . : | Notice to Creditors CARPETS, AXMINSTER, WIL- I TON, BRUSSELS.--We are clearing . |out 600 yards of $1.35 Brussels, In Estate of Emma Walker, Splnater{ ..., slightly used, for 52c cash, Deceased. {in 25 and 35 yard lengths NOTICF, 18 HEREBY CHV EN THAT | 4 C e » y a ry Af rine who! Repair and Upholstering Work dled on the 4th day of March, 1911, are | done promptly and well. required to send or deliver to me at] the Customs Hguse, Kingston, full] particulars of their ciaims on or before the 18th day of May next, after which date 1 will proceed to distribute the dssets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, and 1 will not fe Hable for the assets of any per- son, notice of whose claim I shall not then have received. / Dated, April 10th, 191 ARGHIBALD STRACHAN ministrator of said Peres saseseressrresend Lace Curtains: : ! Our showing of Lace Cur- tains In Irish Point, ' Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan and Nol (in m qualities, In White, {¥0ry and. two 'tone ef- fects are g¥ exquisite in design as the mod fastidious could desire; NOTTINGHAM ~--S8pecial values at $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ' ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. SHEER rr * R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 25 'Phone 90 Yours, T. F. HARRISON G0. 2a SYNOPSIS OF OCANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE dead of a family or any male ue years old may homestead a quarter tection of avaliable Dominion land In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta Lhe applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for the district, Entry by proxy may be made at any agen qunditions, by father, son aughter, brother 0 ; gaugiter, br or sister of intending Duties --Six months' and cultivation of the three years. A homes Fithian nine miles of h t farm of at least 80 acres solely own ind occupled by him or b his Sled mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. Ln certain districts' a homesteader in good standing May pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside up: on the homestead or pre. mption six months in each of six Pears trom date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestea: patent) Aud cultivate fifty acres extra A homesteader who has exhausted nis homestead right and cannot obtain f pre-emptl .n may enter fir a pur- gchased homestead In certain districts Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside. six months In each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect 4 house worth $300.00 SW. W. CORY, ," Deputy of thé Minister of the . Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication . o this advertisement will nét be paid tor Notice to Credito In the Matter of Emma Amelia Toll, a Lunatic, NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR- suant to the Statutes of Ontario, that all ereditors and others having claims against the sald lunatic are required, on or before the 5th y of May, 1911 to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. McDonald Mowat, Esquire, 'of Clarence Chambers, Clarence Street, in the City of Kingston, in the County of - tenac, lieltor for A, RB. B. Wilkam- son, M.D, committee of her person and Festate, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions. the - full particulars of their claims the state. ment of thelr accounts and the nature of the securities, If any, held by them. And further take notice, that after such last mentioned date the said mittee: will proceed to distridute the assets of the said lunatic among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the glaims of which he shall then have ice, and that the 'said committee will not be liable for the said assels or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims potice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution, Dated at Kingston the Sth day of April, 1811, J. McDONALD MOWAT, Solicitor for A, R, B.' Williamson, M.D. Cook's Cotton Estate residence upon land in each of teader may live is homestead on CURTAINS. $1.00, sess BeTRIRTY . FOR SALE The charming villa residence, The. true metal. of a man is tested when he reaches the dividing line be eelween right and wrong, -- 900000000000000000000 Cm Costs $8.00, but lasts 50 years, cluded Capt. and Mrs Other Cy, on certain | com' THE DAILY BRITISH SATURDAY, in town for Convocation and returned to Ottawa, on Friday, Miss May Chown left, on Thursday, for Imperial, Sask., where she in tends to make her home for the fu- 'ture. Her many friends very sorry that she is to leave Kingston. Archdeacon Maemorine Miss | Mildred Macmorine, who haye "i spending the winter in the {will return home next week Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, King will return to-day from Quebec. . Mr. Justice Britton is in Toronto. PPP, Gold in Guwilight are and south, . A very bright and emjoyable lunch street, eon was given, on Friday, by Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers, "Annandale," in hon- of of her guest, Miss Gertrude Law-! sou, Sherringham, Eng. The table was centred by an oval mirror, sirround- | ed by yellow tulle and a centre piece | worked in white and gold. On the mir- ror stood a large basket of caffodils and on either side of it a smaller basket of the same flowers. The guests were Mrs. A. Z. Palmer, Mrs. William Harty, Mrs. Hansord Hors, Mrs. [for Perth, Hallaway Waddell, Miss Eth#l Palmer | Mrs. T. B. (Ottawa), Misses Dorothy and Mar- | Euest of her sister, Mrs, A gery Brownfield, Miss Lassie Kirkpat- | Ming street. rick, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt Mrs. Henry Cunnimgham, Earl street, and Miss Grace Hemming left, to-day, for Torento, to : Mrs. MacLennan, for a few weeks given, | . Mrs. E. H. Marvin arrived to«day R. C. ftom Baldswinsville, Syracuse, to visit Carter, West street. The drawing { her mother, Mrs. William Skinnsr, Gore rooms were effectively decorated with |street. American beauty roses. In the dining | Mrs. Thomas Tandy, who has been room the supper table was centred by [the guest of Mrs. H. Tandy, Ning a large vase of foral carnations, sur- | street, is now . visiting Mrs. A. rounded" by tulle of the same shade | Strachan, King street, Cards were played at three tables and | Ton the prizes were won by Miss Eleanor 1 Maedonell, Miss Helen Fraser and Mrs. {Vttawa, on Tuesday, tq, spend a few Frederick Brownfield. The other guests days with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Car- were Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. D. [ruthers, Earl street, leaving Stewart Robertson, Mrs. R. E. Kent, | for Winnipeg, wher: she reside Mrs. J. P. Shine, Mrs. P. (. Steven- | Mrs. Russell Hale, Johnson street, son, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Miss Mary returned, to-day, from Toronto, where Hora and Miss Lilian Norton-Taylor. she 'has spent the past few days. . . . - Capt. Simson has arrived from Hali fax to take Capt A. de Moubray Bell's place in the Army Serpice corps. i Prof. and Mrs. Sinclair Laird, have been at Avonmore, will "move into 30 Sydenham street on the first of May. Mr. and Mrs, town from Mr. W. Fairlie, Brogk street, gone to Toronto, where he {spend the summer has her sister, Mrs. E. Taylor, who has A very delightful bridge was on Thursday evening by Mrs. : He @ rs. agen Hansard arrived from before will Mrs. William Harty, "Otterburn, gave a very delightful dinner party on Wednesday evening, afterwards tak- ing her guests to the fancy dress {ball in the city hall. Daflodils and hyacinths were used as a pretty ta- { ble decoration, and the guests m- Kenneth Blair, Palmer, Mis Miss Marie Lawson, James who R. D. Sutherland, Sy- denham street, will move, next week, to 63 West street, the house formeriy occupied by Mrs. Henry Skinner. (Continued on page 6.) and Mrs. A. Z. Ethel Palmer, of Ottawa, { Carruthers, Miss Gertrude Capt. E. de B. Panet, Mr. Swift and Capt. W. Haggarty. ® oF ww Mrs. George Y. Chown, "Sunhy- side,' was hostess at a very 'enjoy- able luncheon, on Friday, in honor of guest, Mrs. H. Lavell, and Mrs. Walters Dyde. The guests included Mrs. W. LL. Goodwin, Mrs. 8S. Y. Kirk: patrick, Mrs. A. L. Clarke, and Miss Annie Fowler. . Capt Broom Tyers Get Increase, An entirely volunfary increase in wages has been granted to the broom tyers in the broom manufacturing de partment of the Boeckh Bros.' (., limited, of Toronto. For some years past the price paid for tying brooms was regulated largely by pri- son competition, which has now hap- pily been done away with, and the company has, after careful considera tion, decided to increase the wages of their workmen. In doing so it has, however, been - stipulated that every broom must be absclutely perfect, as otherwise it will be rejected hy the firm's inspectors, thereb, to the consumer an article that will give the very best of satisfaction. Ih same rile has been in efiect in the lwush department of this company for some time, and has proved entire ly satisfactory to all concerned. her A wedding of great interest to King- ston people took 'place to-day, in Gananoque, when Mr. Balfour Mudie, of the firm of Cunningham & Mudie was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Ford, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. acMurchy, Gananoqge. insuring . - . 3 Miss Mollie Tett has gone down to Gananoque to attend the Mudie- | McMurchy wedding. = She Will return | to town. . he Reading Club met at Miss Mar- Lesslies', William street, on Thurs- day afternoon. . Fy! i ion Kingston and Ottawa. Rideau King leaves Swilt's wharf on first trip, Monday, May lst, at 6 a.m. Given Cat-o'-Nine Tails. twelve of officers of the R.C.H.A. enter- tained at dinner, on Friday evening, | ns A farewell to Col. H. E. Burstall, |" leaves, on Monday, for Quebec. Mr. J. Higgins, of Standard bank, left, on Thursday, for Napanee, where lie has been transferred Mrs. R. Patterson, of St. Paul. is "the guest of her daughter, Mrs. James A. Minnes, Bagot street. | Miss Margaret Cunningham, Beverly street, on her way home from the west staved over in Toronto with her aunt, Mrs. Maclennan and returned home to- | day. ! I Mr. and Mrs. Seay. of Richmond, | va , are stopping témpararily at the | Frontenac Hotel, i . Mrs. James Maclennan, who was the Exclusive Ready-to- Wear The Two boys, about vears age, were given a taste of the cato' nine tails, at the police station, to day. They were found guilty, of hav- ing entered Frontenac school, and made off with some lead pencils, as well as some other articles Carnations, plentiful, cheap. Purdy's "Buy Ne-Dru-Co. tooth paste. Gib son's. - singston's Famous Fur Store. guest of Mrs. H. R. Duff, Princess street, and Judge McLennan, who was {with Principal Gordon, for Convoca- {tion both returned, on Friday to { Toronto. Rev. W. I. Wilkins, who has the guest of Mrs. James Craig, street, for a few days, returned (Trenton on Friday. | Miss Ada Birch, Bagot street, yesterday with Mrs. G. Emery, Ottawa | Mr. R. C. Browne, of the Standard hank, returned, on Friday, from Brad- ford | Mrs. Henry Skinner, West street, moving to 136 King street. Hl - - been Earl to left for is Mr. E. G. Lockhart, of the Cana- jdian Bank of Commerce, arrived from Belleville, to relieve at Kingston {branch for a few weeks. Mr. Leonard, Marlatt, of the of Toronto, has been transferred Cardinal, Mr. Harold Harrison, sails to-day, from Portland, for the Old Country. Prof. Manly Baker, of Queen's Uni: versity, leaves shortly, for the Old Country. . Professor Ferguson and Professor J. Davie entertained at a most enjoyaple tea in their rooms, on Thursday af ternoon Colonel T. D. R. Hemming leave for Toronto, to-morrow, he will be stationed. .- a - "Miss Edna Jakes, who has been vis iting Mrs. M. Newman, William street, lefts to-day, for her home in Merrick: ville. | The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs Lennox Mills, who have been in Mon- treal with Archdeacon and Mrs. Nor ton, will return home on Monday. i Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Napanee, jis the guest of her sister Miss' Mary who was Hora, King street. Sir Sanford Fleming, guest of Principal Gordon, University, returned on Thursday, Ottawa. . - Mr. Douglas Bews, of Gananoque, it Friday in n. = M Foi} liam street, re- 'home from Napanee, on Fri day. ; | Professor Clinton R. Staoffer, of {Queen's University, left this week, for Cleland, Ohio, where he will reside. NMA Laughlin Hughes, who has been in Bank to | i will where Every day we are gaining many 'pleased customers in our Ready-to-wear Millinery "Departments. We have a very light, attractive entirely to ladies' wear--it's on the ground floor--the Sit i and space devoted Cis good and everything is ex- clusively made for ourselves and marked in plain figures. s to New Skirts .... , » New: Underskirts. . New' Waists . . . New Neckwear . . New Corsets . COMPARE! COMPARE! APRIL 29, Lannoxville, | expects to . { { Mrs. Felix Shaw, Bagot street, and | £ | been visiting her, left, on Wednesday, | Caldwell, Lanark, is the! Strachan, | Four onths for $1.00 Canada's Greatest Newspapers been | 'Toronto Globe { i This will be a most momentous period from the fact that du George and Queen Mary will take dynamiters in California, will be These two newspapers have th States will be in progress, Parliamelt will be in session, and 1 sw Mail or 'phone Your orders at once\ to oh ring 5 place, the question of Reciprocity beiode the public. not complete Cable and Felegraph # et ween greatest Toronto Mail and Empire From May 1st to September 1st. By mail Only. time the Coronation of Ring Canada and the United criminal trial, that the Ser vice obtainable visit The College Book Store, ~ 260 PRINCESS " MEDICAL INSPECTION "IN SCHOOLS, BY . Birmingham, Instructive Queen's Dr. England, IHustrated University. George. Auden, Delivered an Lecture at Speaking on the subject of medical inspection of children, and pointing out work in the old country schools Dr (veorge Auden, of Birmingham Eng land, delivered a most interestin instructive lecture on Friday iti the biological laboratory university. The lecture was illustrated with the schools, are school how the was carried out, g and evening, at Queen's lantern slides, showing and how the eared for. Principal Gordon and introduced Dr. Auden to the audience. Dr. Auden has been in Tor onto, where he attended the meetings of the Ontario Educational Associa tion, on the invitation of the minister of education. Principal Gordon extended Ih Auden, a warm welcome to Queen's, and referred to the all-important sub ject. of the care of the children He pointed out that the welfare the community depended upon the welfare of the children, Dr. Auden proceeded to. point the way in which children are for in the old country,and drow attention of the audience, to far these same principles be carried out in Canada, so as have healthy children. He referred to cases of tuberculosis, and said that the three things to be considered were fresh air, rest, and food. Prevention was found tq be far better than cure. The great object was to get the chil dren on a higher plane, Medical in spection had been found to give results. Pictures were shown on canvass of the outdoor schools tuberculosis - patients, the pointing out thati one of the most im portant facts was the need of sleep. A great evil, that of on the sidéwalk was referred to Care of the teeth was also touched upon. It children presided, ot out cared the just could to as how good the for speaker expect Hr ati was one of the most import ant problem:* in England. It had been found that ninety-six cent of the children in the schools rejuired dental 1 tooth The in attention. Good were he opmion speaker this alth that essential. to good of the pect, the people in ( tar England Cleanliness was also taught dren, who were provided with and this worked well Attention wasc-drawn to the special was re made pres anada a better showing than the wile ir the chil baths, attention given people who Particular pains that they received would I in spite of tho fact cripples 'si vere taken tre erp were t ples soe such a good that Physical exercise for the « dren was not forgotten. The Yecturer matters, 1% emand a the reviewed many interest ing well-known to present. The pictures screen were good, and the lecture very much enjoyed At the close, on Ellis and F. 6. thanks was tendered re i he w I show i. motion of * Dear Lockett, a ote i to Dr. Aude Brought Wife's Remains. Albert J. Whitney, a rancher near Lethbridge, his brother, Frederick Brock street Mr. Whitney's eastward a very sad « deed It was to brpg the of his wife, Delia Sharp, who {there on April 15th, to Napanee, for burial. She was forty-nine vears: of age and, death resulted from heart disease," nfter about an hour's illness She leaves no family mission was me, mn remains | | i Camping at Kingston Mills, Professor A. McPhail and a party of civil mgineers left, on Thursday, for Kingston Mills, where they expect to camp out for a few weeks Prof Gwillim and a.number of mining engineers have a similar camp at Sydenham. $160 Reward, $100 The readers of this. paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease thai science has been able to cure in ail its stages. and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional! disease requires a constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upan the blood and muc- ous surfaces of the system, thereby de. stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred liars for any case that it fails to eure. Send for list of testi. monials, Address, F. J. CHENEY CO: Toledo. oo 5 Sold by an Druggists, 7c Take al Quebec for some time, will return home the begipning of next week. Judge D. BR. MacTavish was a guest I's Family Pills for con stipation, ¥ died ; THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, STREET OPEN NIGHTS Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG, different iacket size We have them in sizes from the short to the long Ulster With these bags there is no danger fom mo roaches, dust, ve \mio orimic \ No pasting, gluing or sewing is.required; the patent fastener 18 secure Patent Clothes Hooks insidé Proof Sheets for bedding or lining These are 40 and Try Moth wrapping trunks or boxes inches x 48 ju only bc each -------- Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician. 188 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. up are hes, To-Night 2 --- Ladies' Whit Embroidered Handker- Chiefs Assorted desigus, neat and peetty, a bargain we got hold of and give to you at about half price. Your Choice 12 1-26 Each 10 Dozen Assorted Styles in Ladies' White Waists, dainty designs, embroidery fionts and three-quarter sleeves, all sizes, 32 to 12. y O& To-Night Special $1.00 Each -- Special line of Ladies' White Embroidered Collars, all sizes, 15¢ each. ' Special in Corsets at £1.00 a pair. Six new models, in all sizes. Newman & Shaw 'THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Prodential Banquet. "The second amual banguet the Prudential insurance the fisld force of this district off very successfully (Juinte, Belleville, Speeches and songs were of the F. J. Nelver, mana ger of the Canadian division of company, spoke given by ohn tendent of this di a number of ents," ver company to Hote enung the wha en tle evening, T. LeFever, superin sion, as well aa by asa New Arrivals. We have just ceived another con signment of the new shapes and shades ia soft hats, 52. $29. Campbell Bros', the mtroducers of new men's hats re The stenmer Wolle lan brought | a large namber of passengers over to {he city, this morning. 500000000000 00/00000% 00000000 order | the | Speeches were also woperintend styhes in | 3 Phone 919 DIAMONDS OF MERIT IF YOU BUY YOUR . piamonD RING here you can rest assured of ; TWO FACTS: 1st, The Price is Right. 2nd. The Stone is a Good One, LET US SHOW YOU OUR DIAMOND VALUES SOME DAY SOON. Wa have Small TMamond Rings for April™Mirthdays SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, B38 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. .BOAS. * * 9 Just received a fresh ship- ment of Ostrich and Marrabeau Boas ALL COLORS, 'W. F. GOURDIER For 3 Days We Offer. No rick Dwelling, 416. Cler BY reet, near William, containing 8 hot water heating, modern § rooms, 00 4 | This | ! Houses "I Unfurnished { Fire insurance " oo » MULLIN; THE REAL ESTATE MAN, Corner Johnson and Division Sta. "Phone 539 passed | GRUMBLE AND GRIN, Gramble ©: But how do you manage always tof look spick and span lo Your shirts gnd collars gre immg- culate, arin © That's PANY slipping. on a bansng peel patromize « the BEST LAUNDRY in toon. Try old man, try ner, Grumble dress, Grin tonLaundry Pheose OF on REE, so As aN * win i a ~ Name and % ad plegse : Why it's