PAGE SIX. Red Rose Tea and you will find the same fine flavor and tempered strength that has Kept it the tea of quality since 1894. It's mellow richness will show you why Your Grocer Will Recommend It SR msn POCTORS EXDORSE HERPICIDE, Beeabse fts Formula is Submitted to the Them. MeMillan, of Lansing. M., a prémin Michigan, tested result sel" Alexander ent physician, writes © "Un three cases | have Herphicide ior dandrafi and . has been all that could be Hetpicide is made upon an entry new inciple, that is, that dandrufi and falling hair are caused from a microbe that infests 'the bulb, and, by destroving the robe one's hair is baund to grow lnxuriantly Herpicide is the only ade remedy that aims to, and really does, destroy the dandruff germs Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e in stamps for sample to The Hewpicids Cos Detroit, Mich anteed. James 0B. ngent, Kingston, Ont. hair mic MeLeod, special BICYCLES = BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON Bu rice |e "br TIME. LEANING Don't "target that we have the largest and most reason- . #ble priced Wallpapers. Wall Moulding, Pictures and Plcture Frames In the City. Come in © aud see for yourself: BD. A. WEESE & 00, $8) bottles guar- | nr -- . --_-- t . oe [ssssssssssssasssssssand Miss | days i page 2) Aibg stress ea hour on Fr y pretty American beauty wed Mrs. H, KE Norman Stewart Les Gwyone (Winnipeg), Williams, Mrs. BR. WW! Carrell, Mr» A. Z. Valmer and Miss Ethel Palmer | iOttana) : : - » r (Comtinued from Mra, J. Hamilton, riained al the @ FOB, Were ses . . . - Brownfield, ained for her Mrs." | rederick Welling at bridge, n daughter nlield, when the | Miss Gertrude England, Ottawa, The m by Miss Aileen Rog e, (Belfast) and Miss Lon tert altermoon sth Pow honor were Thursday Miss Der guests of Lan Miss Sherri Ethel I" "were w and gham, 3 dimer, ld ie Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, ' Union + number of her friends, hour, on Thursday after honor of Mrs. 8. Walters (i. Feawick, poured cof- Staflord Kirkpatrick cut They were assisted by Mahood, Mrs." A. W Miss Beatrice Birch an Jean Craig . street, entertained the tea noon, Mm Dyde. Mrs and Mrs woe-Cream at Mrs George Richardson, Miss - » * > His honor the Hleutenant-governor ntertained at dinner in honor of the Canadian National Horse Show, * at Goverment House, Toronto, on Thursday evenibg, Among those in as Col J V. Crowe, RM od H. > "0 ww advantage of the fine weath- er, on Friday, a few of the lady mem: bers had two Dutch luncheons at the Country Club. One was givén in hamor of Miss Doris Suckling, Toronto. Taking - * a.» Una) Polson 13 hostess ton this. aftérnoon Miss Chrissie Dyde. - » - Mise | Ympire amply tor of at in hb an n - Cot until Miss Milite wiil Ferris, "Willow tage, not receive again June, Soa, a "Rockwood on Tuesday, i. . . Ryan, House," receive Mra. will not for a left, where he will . Newman _ Arrie - ille, lew days. Mrs. Slipper and Mis. Stanley Slip per, who were attending convocation, theft, Thursday, for their home in { Port Arthur. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander McLaughlin, {who have been en pension at Aven jmore, left, Friday, for Chatham, { where they will reside. | Mr. Sidney Butler, who was a guest to-day, spend Rich a Cream Make a regular meal- time habit of this palate-tempting beverage in town for eonvoeation, retumed, on Wednesday, to Peterboro. | Col. W. A. Logie, Hamilton, jtrustee of Queen's, whe was in town j for -convoecation, returned to Hamilton fon Fruay and Mrs. were in i } be Campbell Laidlaw, of {Ottawa, town for the Swees- ov Watson wedding. Dr. 'Laidlaw re turned om Friday 'but Mrs. Laidlaw | will spend some time with Mrs. G. M f Macdonnelt, University avenue. { Mr. Norman Malloch, of Carleton Place, was town for convocation. | Nr. Noble Steacy went to Ganano | que, torday, to act as best man at {the Mudie-MacMurchy wedding Mr. Ronald Skinner, who was the guest of his mother, Mrs. William Skinner, Gore street, for a few days, has returned te Moutreal. i Mrs. Uotton, Toronto, who has been visiting in Ottawa, has returned home : ont ha Frauk left Barnett, of Queen's on Thursday for Nr. versity, um Cal | gary Mre. McAdam, ing some time at ardson's, University {to Prescott to-day. | Missy Sibbald Hamilton left, on Fri {day, for Guelph, to be the guest of Miss Marjorie Duff for a ball to be given in the Armouries. Miss Miriel Shortt, who has been a guest in town fr some time, re turned on Fraday to Ottawa, Mr. Mehougall Kirkpatrick leit, Thursday, for Ottawa, and expects go on to St. Jeha, N.B. who has been spend Mrs. George Rich- avenue, returned on to . . Mrs. Austin Gilles, who has been visiting Mrs. J. 83. R. McCann, Union strest, left, today, for Peterbaro, where she will spend some time with her nunt, Mrs. James Rollins, St. An drew's Manse. After her visit in Pe terboro Mes, Gillies will go To Gillies Pepot. Miss Melnnes, M.A, of (Queeh's uni versity, left, on Friday, for her home in Vankleek Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, Earl street, left, on Wednesday: to spend a week in Atlantic Uity. Mrs. Burnett, who was the guest of Dr. and Mes. Tames Third for con: vocation, returned. to Uobgurg om Thursday. . Mr. Harold Mallory, of Brockville, spent a few dave in town this week, with Mr. Frascis Fischer Powers, Prins cess street. Nr. Garfield Platt left on Thursday for Portland, and expeets to sail on Saturday, for Dublia, Ireland. Mr. 1. B. Sterling, who came down from Toronto for the Sweesey-Watson wedding; left on Thursday, for Win: Jp DAILY BRITISH wma, SATURDAY =| NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPON DENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario-- What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. Winnes. They the ruests home spent mtreal, iE H. Nelsor aoraonto. F 1 + Hur tington. er guson wigy, Xi Death at April to spend Margueritie number of voung warm Christian friends, Paenie r this i Mount Hope Happenings. Mount Hope, L$ 3 weather over and farniers i menced seeding | returnad to her Saturday, Pela home | Bonaldsen, A. Philipps' : Iu al 3 Uhilipps ua Mi holi senool spending Miss 11 visited re af ted aster s at Elmer asiness allege, Sunday spent My spent Nanda at howe and We Er APRIL 29, Nicholson, | Made Fire Rang April Veunachar, Free the distributing International this week ohn d fire reserve re-appoint the 1 Bebee we Reeves, buviny returned falay has return ber sods pear Eganville, was attle catiis to kb wr home th bas farm ha 1 hie Rosenbl Hattie nson moved Der from Baiden's nest ought Thompson {nest Day LB. returned smith, Studer t her father's, Ethel Baker Harrow- Nellie mission Murvale. Miss to her sehool Monda Lluess; at on Mises and teveh h here ye tow! RT WRProv ing Unions ille, tx at ays Dead Lake Notes, April i vield of fhe we v 24th, much Mrs. Abr ron o the bedside of her UC. Mehane son added Dead Lake, I~ saj year, the an CHMR, THR ONE ng has R( WA L » b m who 1s happy m has Mrs her Thomas Fisher 1 ved for Years n Storrington. and visited Thomas Fisher, a Sit township of pleuro-puenmonin, or 1911, aged soventyv-sin residence of Woods, Kingston his parents, Mr. and Mrs Tyrone, Ireland, and settled an eee Noshiburs, he. Long Point Notes, sl Long Point, Apri 2 Mrs when he | Townsend visiting her | sity { and Mis married |'{Uite il at Cain fifty { Arthur Slack last Inter, | , [an I Mrs. i pioneer bas ret Stormington, April years, Glendower, the | Fhursday. ng for seeding i aneral of r prepar here Farmers his son-in-law, and i rok proms? \ mm he ol - i 3 ressing favorably « for: teacher Deceased came w George F her, from about sev enty mm Slorrington, during on the deceased spent all days, the past year and a half, moved with his daughter to the of Niangston. Decensed was to. Miss Eliza Shamyon about { years ago. She died ten years leaving behind her husband Vears ago, a farm | near hor Rideau canal. bn A ARV arents, r both Mrs spent. Sun Mr Mortin, vis his -~ is James Leeder, wh wre Nr family town and at M. Fodev's John Plunkett, Ldny Outlet and lialo Avingston m, late Bebee Lhe to Georgs farm Ki» Joh North Mrs nick, i Jackson, {his daughter, | Rev H. A L rived to "hold Free Meth o the 3 driver quarterly list new stage business Wolfe Island News, Island 17th w» by There called | Wolfe fon the conducted i B A. in the member were four Pavis nished ul fifty A load « W. Mackie week Mi H slowly, kk for and last place, | sell Dawson The death hu ail ery An, sr., occurred last He past end seveuly twa had been from mg. time stomach tr the 1» Tears ipe His morn He daug ms came at of {took place on Saturday largely at tended wife, two sons and two it ho but the yo a cheese maker. The romains {placed in the ( ate ault ander Yott, of Torontdr called this parents last week funer lea rhe wi was me spall girk Mr Fisher throughout the long forty years struggled along through life to for and provide a good home for his only child, who, in later years, married to William Woods, of burg township. Mr. Fisher was a} man among men, striving for peace and looking at the bright side of | affairs. He a man of vuiet, | soben and kind disposition, which placed him at high esteem among | all those who knew him. | The deciased had been health for the past eight vears but mly confined to his room for the! last six months. He was a Methodist n religion and faithful attendant | 1s long as he able to attend } church, Iu politics be supported the | sonsérvative side, although never took | an active part Deceased survived by er, John Fisher, Kingston, Mrs. George Toner, Gananoque, and a Jaughter, Mrs. William Woods, hing ston The funeral servie' w Rev. H. Whitemore, of William Woods, From thence the im the vault at « The pall-bearers Fisher Fisher, w and widower | and do | remained a was Pitis- was Take One Pin, then-- Take it Easy. Take What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervoustiess, Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Afhxia, Backache, Stemachache, Period- ical Painc of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "1 have used Dr. Mi es for over 12 years ang find them excellent. 1 keep Dr. Miles' Anti Paia Pills in the house all the time and would not think of taking a journey wil matter how short a di I cannot praise them hack mn Muss Lov big « haf in his private office and ¢ : 63 High St, round sleep. For an hour he is lost At all druggists. 25 doses 25c. to the world, then he wakes up MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronts.Can freshed and ready for more business, The president sleeps sitting up He | fears that a drop down on a conch | would result in a loss of time." He could hot wake up so easily, therefore he simply pulls a cap down over eyes and takes his peaceful rest : This does not m¢Th a suspension of business at the executive offices. Sec | retary Norton and his clerks are re ceiving callers just "the same. dispatch all of them! who do not Pid upon seeing the executive himself. The others wait, No engagements 'are made to sw the president during the hour of tae afternoon nap.--Washing tom Times. in poor | a was one broth one sister, is conducted the resi- | 104 Charles remains were | Sand Hil | were i Ww at ence street laced cemetery Stanley wl Woods, Wiatty. Sam AN. AN The am mas loner WHEN THE PRESIDENT NAPS, Big Chair ol Private Office Affords Wim Daily Rest, } shows daily mn s medics pviden vy conscience, Late the al between four and hv President Taft of a clear teTROON, usually o'clock, the exeentive M Penacook, N Ht RE i - HL drops a re House Cleaning We can help some by using our : Farnitare Restorer (and Liquid Veneer ASR wana What Spoiled the Coffee. A family living in Toromto has a | model servant who has proved herseli | the best cook they ever had, but she has insisted upon making up all her dishes strictly accondifig to her own | recipes, "Margaret," said the mistress day, "the coffee you are gi ie we is very very good. wo pt rg ng wn" vos | Curtain ; *ts no. at al mum," ax Strechers tn a mixture." i C S abd =) * Pillow Sham Holders hy, 1 in no other quarter at | mam. a where so many peo- | ple their cofes, mum, by puttin' | mm Oil Cloth and Linoleam Laid Free of Charge =. wn James Reid' * oe Our bravery. is alwa-s ut water point when thers is ne sor of The Lemling Fwivaightis, hues 143, Se a LR : one | it one<uarter ter Java, and one warter Rio. Ye but hat is only Shee warts. What £3 a put in for the W. Kingsley and mily Hiram Davis' Jags 11. C, Hogan has leit to {charge of his factory Mr Ia { beautiful summer cottage | painted. George Whitmarsh tor Detroit be with very are n nly = is be Left has to his ill who is THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of News of Interest to Every body. Cut flowers; evervtl "McConkey's swes Renfrew' debenture 154. Sale Dutton's Mrs FW on Thursday William Swaine, pi received at MeoAuley' William MePhail, Almonte wineipal "Huy Gihse H. Cunningham, piano King street. Leave orders Auley's bookstore Huyler's sweet Whitmar Ww fancy brown » i Kingston, for a "Buy spring tonics Declan Badour h Mr. Chas. Mackay in Drummond on Men's boots, with us and pair. Dutton's Messrs. B. La have leased the ducted in Deseranto by "Bay McConkey' The Bishop of Ontan ed Rev A. McMa succeeding the Dr. James church stockings, i three-inch silk McMachen, of pne n tuner' Phone 7 istant of public ship in Copper Jer's sweets. n's tuner, al "Buy Gibson's E. O has s H hgure his ib goed frihsor 1s purchased | his the Lanark r | this week dollar « ad rad fifty acre speci e n eve Shoe sav re H. R 8s sweets." a Rev Baffal All col to St lisle Putton's. Wilbert H. Simon, eldest William Simon, Brockville Mary Haskin, eldest daughter and Mrs 'Delorma Haskin, in marnage on Wednesda "Bay spring Motor ry ot new platinum or indium § lon their spark coils at ( jeweller, Wellington street ! She. chamois finish gloves, - { tom's. lc re Mis Mis Mr Anite i of and of son wi tonics. Gibson's auto owners can w has pur . Taggart, Ottawa, - chased a block of land in Falls from Pr. McKenzie. There are "fifty-four lots in the fiedd and Mi Taggart will put them on ibe market {| Piles, fissures, eto., successfully treat led without an operation. Write fo free booklet and references. Dr. Hawke 21 Wellesley. street; Toromte. Miss Lizzie Jones, daughter M: and Mrs. Justus died on April Hh, after an illness extending (several months. Deccased, born {tyeight vears ago, was ope of | mast popular voung ladies of Salem. spring tonics." Gibson's Spriggs & Co., 167 Princes selling out! bargains im gas mantles, gas shades, eledtric shades, gas chandeliers, electric chandeliers Satarday last day, 25 per cent off | #1 motor veils, all colors, 50c. Dut- [ton's A quiet wedding took place, Wadnes- iday, at the Methodist parsonage, W. stport, when the paster, Rev. 1 . . united in marriage Mise Wael VY. Henderson, wlilost daagntir I¥e cad Yr. B 1. Hewduesrm, awl Eavil Povey icy ook of Weeiport. : i ' Smith # of Jones, Over } oe i i ¥ i i wes Rat spd Is the Standard Article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY For making soap, softening water, removing old paint disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equals 20 Ibs. SAL SODA, Useial jor 560 purposes~Sold Lverghbere, W, GULETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT, DRINK NOW MEANS HARD WORK IN OLD AGE ar hrains u* good, POSS HERO cant add te can aad i 1 nty Ole will vom wif "top dhvinking i gu Ss k i patdsied-- "THE TREATMENT THAT DOESN'T INJURE YOU Telephone North 4538 JARVIS ST, TORONTO H. HARGRAVE, Manager. Gatlin Institute LOCAL TREATHENT FOR WOMEN S DISORDE RS for my } but not a tamer, and ¢ iid not live th to die My hu and it did me again that my husbar dress and ralth resi red so bad until 2 d- lve BY ¥ nd The above letter are Jreated as being sacredy gratdful for being cuted that she efit and éncourame Rt 4 GRANGE LILY ns Pl oeal treatment as sensibie 10 take medicin meth 2 ie vaR'age of s of expen for female roubles as it w these cases some iy the dead matter ates bDiood vessels and Te sure her, that I bereliy make the following way from any of the lroubles pecullar to women if she will send instanc ft wil! give very notlcesbis reife! If you ar r of me Baile ind Address MRS. FRA NCES er CURRAN, Windsor, Ont. take medicine intersully for a bruise, & boll or an wicerated tooth. x retained, and the cu by np aviog ioosl haw aotiseplic healing properties, and also tones Wp a m so anxious that svery L om CA ee ; = ---- suffering woman may satisfy herself, without cost to ber, that ORANGE LILY wig 1 will send. without charge. to every reader of this sotics who suffs enough of the ORANGE LILY treatment to last ber tes trial treatment Is all hat is neddssary to effect a comy to vour familly amd to og friends Yo take ad { cared In the privacy without doctors ~ xa Orange Li ly 1s recommended ard Sold in Kingston by Prezse Druggst ow