i, | From Trapper te Wearer (Registered). - Reliable Fur Storage Telephone 489, Our Waggon Will Call. JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock Street May---Out-Door Month Verandah and Lawn Furnityre-- A big lot of American make, the best we can get, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 up Others at $1.00, $1.75, $2.00, In Walnut or Green. PARLOR TABLES, 31,50, $2.50, ete, Our $4.50 Mahogany Table equals many of the $7.00 and $8.00 swyles. Our Solid Mahoganys are first class values, $12.00 to $30.00. PARLOR SUITES ---A special 3- plece American Suite, in Silk cover- ing, $27.50; or cheaper covers at $25.00, None other equals this In quality at the price. RUGS, CARPETS.--All the latest and richest color effects. . Curtains, all styles, Nottingham Lace, Silk, Madras, etc Repair and Upholstered Work promptly done, Vacuum Carpet Cleaner { 'Phone 30. T. F. HARRISON GO. Beet TTTRIRTT RSH Lace Curtains Yours, Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most [fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ~S8pecial values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. FHPEEE EERE REE EE rer rd RB. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse. RAUL VRT TERRE V BTV FOR SALE The charming villa residence, | Lake View 800000000000 00000e ------_ o------ GIFT FOR HOSPITAL i TO BE 'GIVEN TO TRUST OR| CORPORABION. Report Received of Mowat Me- morial Committee by Hospital : Governors--{Committee Appointed to Act. : "That this committee report to the board, that it is desirable that a cor poration, or trust, other than the hospital board, secure and maintain a tubercular sanatorium, and that the money subscribed to the Mowat me- morial be made available for these purposes with the consent of the sub seribery." The above was the report presented by G. Y. Chown, for the Sir Oliver Mowat memorial committee, at the regular meeting of the board of gov- ernors, of the Kingston 'General Hos- pital, on Monday afternoon. The "following committee was named to ascertain the possibility of putting into éffect the suggestions outlined in the last resolution: W. F. Nickle, (chairman), G. Y. Chown, Dr. J. C Connell, W. R. Givens, R. J. Carson N.C. Polson and lieut.-Col. Duff. I'hose present at the meeting were: J. A. Mines (chairman) Col. Massie, Prof. Marshall, Dr. J. C. Connell, Col. Kent, Rev. 1. Laing, GY. Chown, F. W. Spangenberg, Col. Doff, A. F. Chown, W. fr Dalton, D. Couper, McK. Robertson, Dr. .D. E. Mundell. The committee of management re ported with much gratitude, that a bequest of one thousand dollars had been received from the estate of the late Robert Thompson, of Na anee. Ihe following gentlemen qualified as governors, and were welcomed to the board by the chairman: Dr. D. E. Mundell, Dr. 1. G. Bogart, William Anderson, George Moowan, Frank Reid. On recommendation of the medical | faculty, Dr. J. McCammon and Dr. Moilemnon were appointed house sur | geons, to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Dr. Fee and Dr. Huycek The board deal of pleasure, the of the Woman's Aid Society, to appoint a dietitian to the hospital. This will be carried out very shortly. | The visiting governors for the pre sent month are: Dr. D. E. Mundell | and George McGowan. | ' » i i 1 | and | | acoepted with a great recommendation DIVISION COURT CASES | Heard by Judge Madden at the Court House Tuesday Morning. James Swift ve. W. H. Argue; count $78.10. Judgment in full i plaintiff, A. Circle feount, $14; tiff. ae. for vs. Daniel Gibson, ac- judgment [in full for plain- Annie Roberts vs. L. IL. Luck; board $5.25. Judgment in full for plaintiff. M. Clow vs. M. Revell; note $47.40. Judgment for plaintiff in full. » Mr. Besha ve. W. L. Flannigan; account 315; judgment in full. Mrs. Chadwick vs. J. Cunningham; account $15. Judgment in full. In the case of McFarlane va. School Section, No. 3, for da , amount ing to $60, as a result of a horse bhe- ing injured, by a wire fence, judgment was reserved. ------ At the Orpheum. Boni Mack, the brown lady at the Orpheum theatre, this week, com- pletely deceived those present at the three performances on Mondfy as to | his identity, Fverybody thought the | person was a colored lady until he took off his glove and wig and' con- vinced them to tune contrary. His dancing and singing was a perfect imitation of a lady. Gosdon and! Moone in singing and dancing imper. | sonations were also good. Several fine reels of pictures were also shown. ao Former Kingstonian Dead. Word was received in the city to-day of the death in Toronto of Mrs. John Dodds, wife of Steamboat Inspector Dodds, and a sister-in-law of Capt. Gilbert Johnston, general manager of the R. and O. Navigation company. She died on Monday, and the remains will reach here for burial on the noon train from Toronto. | A Strike Threatened. Pittsburg, 'May 2.--1f the Pennsyl-! vania railroad officials do not give re- cognition to organized labor within forty-eight' hours, say union officials, to-day, twelve thousand men will walk out of the big shops at Altoona and | the whole system will be tied up. i Death of Bancroft Resident, i Mrs. Mary Gaébel a resident of | Bancroft, died in the general hospital Tuesday. after being ill for some time. Khe was forty-seven years of age, and a daughter of John Mclean. The re mains will be sent to Bancroft. . SLEEPLESSNESS Its Cause and Remedy, Do you know what it is to lie awake nights, fidgéty, restless, tossing about, counting 100 or jumping over a fence, all in a vain endeavor to lose yourself in slumber land and get the rest which you so much need. No one, unless they have heen trou bled with insomnia, can begin to real- ize it's horrors and how wearing i i is . ited at the next meeti view ple are up in arms, we to 'taki | reciprocity t not shown THE Y.W.C.A, PROGRESS Oi Extensive Repairs Made to the Re sidence. The monthly meeting of the Young Woman's Christian Association, held on Monday afternoon, was of a very | encouraging nature. Extensive repairs: yo have beéh made in the residence which add very much 'to the comfort and convenience of the boarders. Last Saturday the sewing class was given a treat and ad it was the last sewing day for the season, prizes were given to those who had made the mosy improvement for the year. Forty-nine were enrolled in this dass, and the teachers were much pleased at the progress of the children. The domestic science class ty-five members and is doing ss has twen- work under the direction of the super- ) visor. A hearty vote of thanks was passed i +1 do not wish to speak in to spirit the recent rummage sale which netted Farthing, the association about seventy dollars. position is perfectly logical and Another rummage sale will be held in sistent. I have always cardfully guard. | to} make regulations with regard to mar- | to those who sent contributions about two weeks. The fitie lot to the east of the build- ing has been disposed of by JJ. S. McCann, who very kindly sociation for which the associatioh is very grateful. « It is hoped a great many will take advantage of the tennis court which will shortly be opened. It was de- cided to ask an architect for an esti- mate of the cost of converting the * stable into a gymnasium. The annual meeting of the associa- tion, to which all its friends and pa- trons are cordially invited, will be held in the near future of which due notice will be given. THE POWER QUESTION. ------ The Propositions Will Require Much Discussion. The light, heat and power commit tee has no easy job ahead of it in re ard to the question of water power. embers of the committee say that they will have to secure the best * ex- pert in the country to advise them as to the merits of the Seymour and the Hydro-Eleetric Commissions proposi tions, and they do not expect to come to a conclusion at a very early date. It will likely be the autumn before they will be able to make a re commendation to the city council. The report of the Dominion government en- gineers regarding the danger to 'navi gation should the falls at Wadding- ton, N.Y, be used by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, is going to complicate matters. It is expect ed that the Seymour company will "some back" with another offer to Kingston, now that the commission has been heard from. OFFICERS WERE ELECTED of Retail Merchanis® Association. The following officers were elected at a meeting of the Retail Merchants' As- sociation, held on Monday ni ht : President, E. T. Steacy; vice-president, W. H. Dyde; treasurer, Geo: Mills; secretary, Howard Marshall. The members of the executive will be elec- At Meeting I. A. Harrington, np general or- ganizer for the association, was un- able to stay over in the city for the meeting. : : The members had under discussion the question of peddlars' licenses. PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL. To Look After Repairs to Streets, Walks and Crossings. The regular meeting of the Port. smouth council was held Monday evening, all the members being pres- ent. Very little business was trans- acted, beyond the passing of a Tew ac- counts. The members decided to tour of the village, at an early date, to ascertain what repairs are neces: sary for walks, streets and crossings, make a {anil it was decided to plean the vill age well, and have the water tested, and if same is found satisfactory, a pump will be installed. The Work of Poltrons. LO-MOITOW | §finireal Witness It is a question whether Mr. Prince, of Illinois, a republican congressman, who wants to kill reciprocity by shout- ing annexation, is any more discredit- able than the people on this side of the ire who have taught him the trick fnMeed, seeing how Canadians the idea, it would have been a marvel if nome one had not been found nasty enough to play upon that string. We have always assumed that the peo- ple of the United States would like to have Canada as a part of their re public. It would be incredible to us if they did not. But that is a very different thing from saying that the United States, in offering us busi ness terms, has designs upon us. they utterly disclaim, and in of our sentiments and of past history they would be very foolish. But suppose this vulgar Illinois brag- art were really speaking the popu- ar mind, instead of only fighting for the interests against which the peo- what poltroons should be to mind it Jf it came * Capada there is more rea- 'mited States to do so without reciprocity than with it. Yet (We s% no 'take' it. United States till she wants to. of their coming to will not join the She more reason to want to without han with it, and she has any y that way. signs Canada hate ! | i : good 'overruling his church when gave his that commission as a donation to the as jb. oivil | | BISHOP = FARTHING EXPLAINS HIS STAND. pholds Anglican Church Rules, But He Would Protest Against Apnulment of Civil Marriage. May » - Montreal, statement in reply to Rev. Mea, of Kingston, who criticized stand taken by the Montreal bishop regarding the "Ne Temeire" decree, saying he not. Jeng ago protested against the same temperal © power marriage sed wilg's sister was made i the with I. of bitterness," said "but I maintain that ed the rights of religious hodies riage, but what I do to is affect object those regulations should status cerned. 1 uphold church that a man may not marry his deceased wife's sister, but when such marriage has heen performed by civil authorities, | woula be the to protest against its being annulled." THE LABOR SITUATION. Helpers are Still Out Strike. Masons' strike, and the disagreement between not yet been settled. In yesterday's Whig it was stated that about twenty masons' laborers were out on strike, Hut the men sta ted, to-day, that that 'about seventy-ive men were in volved. The carpenters were reported to be at work, today, a settlement having been reached. Deaths at Hospital. The death occurred at the wvensral hospital, Tuesday morning; of Mrs Henry Gaebel, aged forty-seven vears Deceased was a resident of Bancroft, and had been in the hospital for a few davs. Th! death also took place at the hos pital, Tuesday, of William Wilson, the infant son of Thomas Wilson, 31 Col- borne street. The child was one "year old. The Late Bernard McConville. The funeral of>Sthe late Bernard McConville, the veteran mail col lector, took place from his late re- sidence,!| weorge street, this morn- ing, to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was said for the repose of his soul. The remains were taken to St. Mary's Cemetery for burial. Epworth League Meeting. The annual meeting, of the Epworth League, of Sydenham street church, was beld last night, when «.#uraging ing carried on. After the business part of the meeting was over, the members spent a very pleasant social hour gether. Dr. W. T. Shirrifi, appointed medical health officer at Ottawa, is a son-in- law of John Ballantyne, city hall Thomas Mills spent the week-end with Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Starr, at Allandale. to St. Mary's cathedral on Monday even- ing. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Children's Choice Coats. Several times lately we have had to send in repeat orders for more of the very new and pretiy Coats we have for Children. Some are plain Red Serge, others Blue and a popular line is Black and White Checks. All are very suitably trimmed. Prices are extremely moderate. @ '$3.35, $4.00, $4.30, $5.50 and up. CHILDREN'S TAMS. CHILDREN'S STRAWS, CHILDREN'S GLOVES, Sect) Wills SC any \ Bishop | my | con- | of the parties con- | the order of our | on The masons' helpers are gill out on | the stone cutters and the masons has | this was a mistake, | reports 'were received of the work pe | The May devotions commenced in' i Toronto Globe : : \ 4 ~Bishop Farthing came out this morning with a strong | Father | i ! States will be in progress, Parliament will be in session, and the greatest criminal + ! dynamiters in' California, will be These two newspapers have the most complete Cable ont This will be a most momentous period from the fact that during this George and Queen Mary will take place, the question of Reciprocity between before the public. Mail or 'phone your orders at once to time and Telegraphic hs for $1.00 Canada's Greatest Newspapers Toronto Mail and Empire From May 1st to September 1st. By mail Only. the ( i King L oronation Canada i the an trial, that Service obtainable. 260 PRINCESS STREET first | i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ' Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "Kentucky lawn seed," Gibson's The carpets are getting an beating these days. "Sandalwood talcum son's. J. R. Kerr, Newhoro, bought 5,158 muskrat skins on Saturday. "Moth proof bags," Gibson's The weather man forgot all vesterddy being "moving day." "Will grow on any lawn," Kentuc ky lawn seed, sold only at Gibson's Fire Chief Armstrong has moved hizx new home, at 250 Barrie street William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778 | Afternoon tea , and cafe-® chantant, Armouries, May llth, 12th and 13th Miss Edia Johnston, Ernesttown, spending a few days with Miss Anna Turner, Alirad street . ? H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. The steamer Simla, of Garden land, was released on Monday the Middle ground shoals, Soo injured. Miss Margaret Saturday for resume her duties ing. *'Sandalwood talcum son's. The funeral of Howard took place this afternoon residence street, "Na-dru-Co talcum," Gibson's | Richard Clark, formerly proprietor of the Kingston box factory, left at noon, on Monday, on a trip to Sas katoon. "Sweet pea seed," Gifson's. | Yesterday's rain was\just the thing for the grass. One cou almost the grass growing while i was on. "You can depend on it," Kentucky lawn seed, sold only at Gibson's : Frederick Striker, of the Bank of Commerce, Montreal, and formerly, of the Standard Bank, here, is spending his holidays in the eity "All fresh seeds," Gibson's Mss. Floyd Miller and two d ters, of Great Bend, Jefferson New York state, are on her father, Horace "Moth camphor," Alexander Pissett, of the London & was, recently, the Mrs. Thomas avenue, The that the housecleaning time has arrived it would be a good time for the man about the take his annual vaeation. | "New fresh seeds," At the time of going to pres steamer Aletha was still agro it was expected that released before night. easily as the wind had shifted after she struck ™M "Kentucky lawn seed," Gibson's | Wiliam Williams, connected with the Omtario P j company, here, will leave on the {of May for Montreal, where {secured a good position "All fresh seeds," Gibson's The warm weather of the past days has made it very busy: for i men. The we wage started out on their rounds, dealers are being rushed with for ice "Na-dru-Co taleum," Gibson's. Prevost, Brock street has received {all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, also in i ready-made clothing and gents' furn- {ishings department. They are all well jamorted with new gods. "Flower seeds," Gibson's. Mrs John Lawler and Mes. William i Warnock, Elizabeth, N.J., sister of the {late Miss Jennie Marrison, whose funeral occurred, Monday afternoon, tarrived at the house only a few min utes before the service began, after travelling all night. They will re main here for a few days. . awful powder," Gib- about to 18 Me Is from 0) ver, Featherstone left on X.Y, to nurse-n-iram Rochester, as powder," Gib Sharman the Rideau from of his parents on a t shower augh county, a visit to Attwood Gibs la guest Mills, 122 university Portsmgputh philosopher Ww SAvVsS ne house to Gibson's 8 the ind, but she would he She was lving who has beer wider 15th h he as few the have and the orders Won the Prize. Rev. A. E. Fokes, RA, a Kingston lian, won the Ryerson prize for New Testament history at the Victoria College theological hall. . State of Ohio, City of Toleds, | . Lucas County. | Frank J. Cheney m is senior partner of the firm of Cheney & Co. doing business in the Clty of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Latarr that cannot be cured by the use of Hail's Catarsh Cure a FRANK J UHENEY. Sworn to before me apd subscribed in my presence this 6th ¥ of Decem- 5 ber. AT 1886 A W. GLEASON, Notary Public akes oath that he ¥F. J (Seal) Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern. ally, and acts directiy on the blood and mucous surfaces of the Eystem Send for testimonials free 5 CHENEY, . £0, Toledo, o OPEN NIGHTS Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. We have them in different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice No pasting, gluing or sewing is required; the patent fastene; is secure. Patent Clothes Hooks inside Try Moth Proof for wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or hoxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches: and are only 5¢ each ---- Dr. A. P.Choton, sas PIINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. Se0csetsccscesccenee Sheets "The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 SILVER PEPOSITED ON ARTICLES 'OF SERVICE, On. Brown. Barthenware Tea s and Stands, i On Tea addies, Qn Sugar Bowls SMI Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. | Moving Time in Many cases means new win dow decoration We have a great array of the very newest ideas in Lace Curtains at 3 Oc, 76c a pair. Better guaii- $1.25 and $1.50 $2.00, The ties at $1.00, Extra good makes $2.50, $2.75 a pair very best at $3.00 to $6.50 a pair Every pair has best value stamped in the make Lp Art Musling, 36 inches wide, a yard and up Spotted Muslins, white, 12 a yard and up Frilled Musling, Fancy Madras Mus yard and up Fancy Madras, wide, with fringe, colors, 6%c a yard White Muslins, with lace In sertion, 1%¢ a yard Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. an Artistic Work. In connection with thew exhibit the Grand Trunk railway system . installing at the Festival of Empire, London, an oil paintieg that have had executed by a promine tist, of a portion of th' city Ottawa, showing the parhament build- | ings, the Ottawa river and Lauraian | hille in the distance, the Laarier," the Grand Truok's magnifi-| cent hotel, the new Grgd Trusk sta} tion and the northern section of the | city. 'Those wh, have seen the pie | ture have expressed gratification on | the true portrayal of the subpet and the artistic execution of the work The pictare went forward to Londons | vin the S8. Celtic, on Saturday, April | 15th, and will no doubt. by an stirse | ive feature in the Grand Trosk build | Chateau | Festival of Empire. The PERE lr eI -------------- MADE OVER AND REPAIRED | F. GOURDIER 'Three Medium 1zed Houses With big yards, on Johnson Stre near Barrie, at Bargain Prices SEE ME AT ONCE. ". ¢ 4 MULLIN, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, | Oorner Johnson and Division Sts. "Phone $539 Why 13 SWEETER Wil§ be your clothes if you'll permit us o Do Your Laundering Don't take our word for te--just put us to the test --ilien words won't be ne-