THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 2 1911. -- " re -- -- me BIBBYS lini Men's and Boys' Departmental Store VTLVVTVTVLTVLLVLLTLLSSS VV VLLVRVCORS THE WHIG, 78th YEAR [ures o th ext of seri or WILL BE HORRIBLE DR. SOPER | AILY B 1G, Ste 310 king Street, Kingston Ontario. | | hes: he recalls the opposition of the year. Editions at £30 and 4 x o'clock , y iberals to tain ph of the Cana- st > WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 o, lierals to wrsgin phases waar wi, kesvrr rrowl DIR, WHITE Rblished in ss on Mondéy a3 dian Pacific deal, but says not a AEROPLANE WAR. United Ror. by a oar nad word about the Pacific scandal which . nd ded maki price of Dally 8 | sent him and his party into exile for French Expert Says the People of you have determin- Avached 1 ons havent Tob print. a term of years . and he wails over the Big Cities Will Have t¢ Find rov ns cheap work; ine tp presses' the success of the Laurier party i8 She Shelter Underground. ed to try Red Rose The British Whig Publishing Co., campaign, which he led and in whic Paris, May 2M. Mallet, 2 member || ; he met his Wagerloo. . J. G. Elliott, President. a ; of the French Aeronaut «lub, analy Tea sometime; but have Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas The veteran was in bad humour [ze the varicus shynaes science ' has not remembered it when =o when be wrote his episte and could [brought into warfare, and points out Buite i ny Ie res. am- | not see anything good in the career that though the more primitive wea- y Ch ; ordering because from Jers, 3 Syed Ba Toronto, H. RB. |. Sir Wilfrid Laurier or Mr. Fielding, | PODS have been gradually replaced by poicialints Badan of Skin, presentative. ; . .' |rifle and cannon, the field of ' battle : " " - < Pup ments of y force of habit you have nothing over which any one can jubi- |}. hitherto remained the = same One visit advisable + it impossible, s 3 late. Tt was not long 'since the libe- Aviation has, however changed all |] send history for free opinion and ad: thought of the old" Baily Whig. ral press had many kind words for this, and thus completely revolutiop- Pe ra eh deck on b d N the old war horse, and when occasion |izes military science. All the time, |] free. Medicine furnished in ran ext time, just NO MORE OF THIS. calls for it, Mr. Fielding and Sir Wil- | [bot and 'money spent in fortifying (} form Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm. and There is no disposition to censure | pig will be among those who will Hoy frontiers is now useless. For no p.m. Sundays, 1¢ a.m. to 1 pup. the governments workingmen who, at | him tribusc Ie oy uy Bun number of troops massed behind the DRS. SOPER & WHITE ¥ * °. y 1 " | ramparts' will any longer be able to 25 Toronto Street, Toroate, Ont, Sorel, did some work on the house not reciprocate the favour and see | arrest the flight of the new warbirds. be of Mr. Lanctot, and work for which], (he work of others, at least some | Thus the whole of the military edifice, he afterwards paid. But the men trifling acts, . without jaundiced vis. | which men and nations have, given of may not have felt that they could | ion. thelr best 30 luitd, Inlla like 3 Bouse S. Jd. WILSON 8. CO. a . > o , a he education of the 'xchan , refuse. There was no" departmental Felton (OTES modern wiiflor must begin all over| Mining; Listed and Unlisted i d that ord EDITORIAL NOTES. wi ; s order against it, an tha prder : K . again. 1 conquest of = the air has Securities, f should now be issued. Th? 'members | Dr. Dyde is actively at op gr shaken the throne of Mars to its very | CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. of parliament may not deserve to lose | IPE an endowment fend, = Ty oi Joundation, Ty addition to instruc | 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228 their seats because they commit ir- | classes in the Alberta Theological Col- ren $55 the wanton waste TORONTO, Ont. y : , _ ol ions spent y regularities--there is no breach "of the | lege will be opened. The doctor has 8 spent on weapons and ! . . Dreadnoughts, . which the flyin . $15.00 : : h ) s p flying ma | fLndormdunce of Parliament - Act--but pot had an idle day since he left chine will render obsolete, the author Clias A St pa, - - . tod ingston. : gives us a4 weird picture of a battle . . . VASELINE NO GOOD FOR HAIR, ! they should not invite the attack by, i i P i . i "+ i -- . n the air. Before it the imagination| COMMISSION STOCK PHROKERS SE ---- | doing an unseemly act. The gov The chairman of a political meting | ae ils in horror. We are told that in : I Special, $4 Dandruff Germ Thrives in It, as Well wroment should ste that positive or: in Frontenac, one called by the mem- |order to escape certain death the 23 Melinda St., - Toronto pec ' as in All Grease, I ders are sent out and that according . 1 ities Ji 2580 : i ' ia | : y be d at which he devounced rather | People of vast cities like London, Telephone, Main h : ' . a A 'well known Chicago hair specia- | 1, them, neither Dr. Reid, of Gren. | ™ 3 at which he devo Par Ad Ne cee like Jzndon, ne, Nu 60 Pairs Men's Fine Worsted Trouserings, ex- Eh oat ise i ity, voted ap- : " Our b: atl ' : : : list invited the Inter-Ocean reporter to | . x ad than discussed reciprceity, vo Jevitably be th oh { : ur business is strictly that ef buy- . come to his office and see <i a ville, nor Mr. Lanectot, of Richelieu, » ® objective of the aerial ng and selling Mining Securities on pert tailoring, neat patterns, regular$s and $6 quali broval. Ang thee wid & gvnt ma) invaders, will Tove to: sek shelter | 5, S14 selling Mining So promoters ties, sizes 32-44. Bibby's Special, °° 4 microscope, how the germ that causes OF any other man, or member, shall jority of his mind in the land. underground. Life under such con- ind are . 3 ¢ : yo dandrufi thrives in vaseline. The have the use of public employees or ditions would be entirely changed. ¢ In no way identified with new he la ---- I i a * » ' | Suit Specials, $15 35 Sample Suits, made up in the latest young | men's styles, full peg-top trousers, long coat, long reveres, beautifully tailored, regular $18.50 values, CLLLLLDLLLLLL00000000000000000000000000000000000 Jans colthiniog grease, simply furn- | --_---.is_™A AA AHA left home for a day and a night io [and have to adapt itself to subter-|save only the interests of our ciients ANE xy y ran " it A or i , ish aod i fgovmn ane g to ENTERING A PROTEST. order to evade the census have been |T8TeAn cities, where every day exist-!'o serve, We maintain correspondents propagate them ie only way to cure | 'hae action of the governors of thd | * ence would be the living death of the| n an camps and at all markets, and dandruff is to destroy the germs, and . the only hair preparation that will do ved to find that they have been annoy ji ne _ triend tomb. ire In constant touch with influential H k i r t counted. Their husbands or friends 7 ews, Our Weekly Market Letter, is- that is Newbro's Herpicide, Bewtroy tood. "It is certainly not understood | £27° all the information the ceusus Annexation Talk Bosh, med every Friday Evening, is a guide ) « p) x . 8 ¢ y 0 Is i - > ' a the cause you remove the effect." stooc 0 "! ! i takers desired. Good enough ! President Taft, In New York ® market profits, Put your name on Without dandruff no falling hair, no by the Whig. The sub-committee re "It would be invidious to institute | 'ur mailing list.~Private code boeks and market guide furnished. free. Correspondence Invited, Kingston General [ospital, at their Men's Fancy Hosiery 50c Qualities, 35¢ 50 Dozen New Fancy Hosiery for Men, new col- ors, new designs, new weaves, cashmere, lisle, etc., extra value, qualities for 35¢ Men's Pajamas, $1.50 Men's Pajamas, made from a nice pattern, good Goality shaker flannel, military style neck, sizes 36 to 44, : meeting yesterday, may not be under- bolduete. Ask for Honpicide. K oe ported in ' effect that some one, or So there is| a dead-lock at Ottawa | a comparison between the government Sold by leading druggists. Send Ue. . I i losi hit is one part of our jurisdiction and| Direet Privat Wire t Main OF i t pici erecting the tuberculosis sanitorium a dh i ~ ) r rivate re to our Main - in stamps for sample to The Herpicide g month hence the hot weather will that. of Canada that come together | flee, 54.38 Broad St, New York, Co. Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guaran: somewhere. This may not be the pre- break it. But Sir Wilfrid may uot! gufliciently close to enable the Cana- bod ure ps a Sugin, sisp wording o the report, but is the then be able to visit the imperial | dians and ourselves to realize that ABABLABABRMBBLMAN HAS substance of it, conference or Mr. Borden to make his the sample of government that we ex- BO0000e000000eeesssee® Now against this the Whig protests, . the. tinent hibit is not alluring. 1 refer to the The Army of and for the reason that it 'is 4 con.) ITP 2Sr0s8 the continent. control of Alaska as compared with . . . tipuation of the indefinite policy which The literature for the Nova Scotia the control by Canada of her north- Constipation . NY : : : west territory. The talk of annexa- has too long prevailed. The minutes | |ocal election is being sent out from | (i. is hosh. Every one who knows Is Growing Smaller Every Dag. of the board, which this paper has | (iawn under the member's frank. Geo. anything about it realizes that it is CARTER'S LITTLE perused, show that from time to |p 1 ve pie Stamp is doing great | bosh. LIVER PILLS ae time the projectors of the tuberculosis exscution. And Geurge was jpne of "Canada is a great, strong youth, hospital were encouraged to go on those who rose in indignatio and | [iticus 6 Jeet hiy Fuscles, Kejoicily with the canvass for funds, they said, protested against the franking abuse | United States has all it can attend to in circulars and letters the sanitarium | 0 (ine ago. 3 with the territory it is now govern was to be located in the hospital . - ing, and to make the possibility of grounds, and not until the money had | The lord chamberlain of England | the annexation of Canada to the Uni- been subscribed, and the time had | has caused a revolution in styles, by | ted States a basis for objection to come for the erection of the building, | issuing a command that the hobble | #0) Steps toward their great econo- ofic and commercial union should be . was a damper put upon it. or tight skirts will not be permitted |; outed as ond of the jokes of = the Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. The medical men are credited with |'at court receptions. Now for the | platform and should. hot enter into Genuine must bear Signature opposing the proposition, at the | high hats. Can't some one with a | the consideration of serious men, en- : eleventh hour, Some of the doctors pull put an end to them ? gaged in solving a serious problem. > ort i "Why should not we have a closer are members of the governing baard. ANGLIN & Hl . union with Canada ? Think of the A . Why did they not speak sooner, a S (by . > : 3 t : . 3 In West Fagin the Sensery alive Party absurdity of separating Manitoba and couple of years ago, or when the site | i# So dissatisfied with the present Minneapolis by as great a distance . try . ORTH F ) gO, : ¥ y Eg WELLINGTON ST. N . was first suggested ? Why did these | member that they have selected an | 45 Manitoba and Fiverpool, when cer- : eesssesencscsscssseed men say" what they desire or | independent candidate, F. Wright. He | tainly Providence intended that their MR PROBABLE think ? Why do the governors dele- | was the president of the association, | separation, socially and commercially, . 9 y : . should - only be that of their geogra- | Wood's Phosphodine, gate to any person or corporation a And with the liberal support he ean phical distance' | BUI DER- i Jha Great Engié Bd duty which they assumed and carried | be elected. The machine is certainly -- Blood in 01d Volha. Cree New. 200g to a certain point? in danger. Race Prejudice at Work. we want ous Dobitity, Mental and Brain Worry. Des (me gets the inference that the gov- |: Mogtreal Witness, e some corporation take up the work of on the reciprocity question ? A | of Canada and this country, but'there Quality - ' IN | Lumber : If you like square edged, square trimmed, properly graded, and dried Lumber, See Ours We say Quality first, Price sec ond, . . - . 'Iotations. Our independence 1 s specialist said that all hair prepara- material under any circumstances. The many English suffragettes who |The whale race would be transformed | yur advice particularly sound passe - . arly and, $1.50 Neckwear 50c¢ Qualities for 25¢ New shapes, new shades, new silks, new designs, 30 dozen to be put on sale at 000000000 Q00000000COTOOGOIOVDOTOTSE BIBBYS Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL00LLLLLL0000000000000000000000080000000 a" festly wrong. VIVES I III IIII III F000 I00 INN P 00000 - - - ---- box, six fi One will please, six ed 'S ra 1 per box, x for $0. a transferring their trust, without know { let 'them recommend where the tuber. | ®lly pharisaism of which the constant wi oy ------ Would a wing in the general hospi- | method will be the working up of 10Y0 | S WARPATH ONCE MORE. iy Joss shiscticnalie. 1 wy ket and approached us with a propos 1 Bicveles? Bicvelcs | Bieveles 1 Sir C ps |] $ al for more friendly dealings. \e a Sir Charles Tupper, has been heard ! Adjacent grounds ? "Canadian nation will be resentful if PIUMBIN y a - me y wo « at Cut Prices 249 Yonge St. . : . : - - Sendtsr Cut Price Catalogue. © ToronTe in Montreal, in reply to Mr, Fielding, The Funeral of the Late Miss Jonnie and in the more important imperial FOR SA LE If the issue hangs upon what the | There is nothing so belittling a By np lt of pute eto pamoh ing who wil i h | aside, I al 1 PRY. On Poos 4 ing who wi receive it or what is : undertone will be "Stand aside, I am Medicine Co. : . » } L s t paid fe indsor) Toronto, Ont their purpose or plan. This is mani- | eulosia sanitarium shall be placed holier than thou," and of which the You UU tal, with a sun room, or tuberculosis { hatred. And all because a neighbor BICYCLE SUNDRIES from again. He is ninety years iH -- {by this hopeless and very unpatriotic Canadian Make--PEnglish Make--American Make--ood Wheels on conference. Should Sir Wilfrid Laurier pondency, al Weakness, Emissions, : : orrhaa, and Xifects of Abuse or Excesses, ernors of the general hospital are doctors may think and say, why not | people as race prejudice. It begets a to talk fo f BH nation put its old conceit in its poc p-- - & age, but still a keen politician. Hav- | war it shall be deprived of the right Liberal Terms BICYCLE MUNSON ing read the speech of Mr. Fielding, REMAINS LAID TO REST. place in' the coronntion proveedings 1 i ; : 1 : -- wo takes his pen in hand and writes a Marrison. betkept at home by it, it will he dili- We can make it worth For Cash or by Instalments £0 63 a = = 3 -- ao 0 A CHARAN 3 ; ; ; letter in which he calls up some ly i over both side of th rhile---whe re 4 ' : e All that was mortal of * the late |8ently spread over both sides of the Ya len you { ? gE ancient history, or what purports to Jonnie Matrison, the eighteen-year-old [%ea by an unscrupulous préss that te. gg y taking this Uptown Blsycle Depot, 293 P HINGES S STREE e © pass for it. He reniembers the time duughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Marrison, v Desausy he is ot British at heat | method to ge! decquainted 5 d-band 'Wheels t x t "eldi , " i v i i nder the cwcumstances there could | That we are Expert | Second-han 'heels taken as part payment, If so, I will pay the highest when Mr. Fielding waa an employee ol Tistoria, steaet, was laid to rest an be no stab below the belt more das | Plumbers and Steam Fitters | -- cash price for your Furniture ® the Halifax (Chronicle, which opposed Lbrist e : xs ds tardly. Sir Wilirid has done certainly | You Can Easily Learn i ee -------- i 3 - Monday aft . Th rice 8 | 3 : 3 I i . r : and Sloumshold Bftects Ne confederation to the bitter end, He ondary Lh mabse a RS. kh much for a united empire as any hy Iuvestigntion, 2 Richard Dowsley, fpksover half a | I'he death oceurrtl, on Saturday, of ' » L % trouble. does not quote anything that Mr. 'ornieri, of St. Luke's church. Six ther one man. UALL AND SEE. century a Tesident of Brockville, pass- | John H. Davis, a widely-known far \ J "leldi i i 5 i _ : way on Sunda ght, after an | mer residing one mile from North Headquarters for Antique Fielding said upon the dquestion,but, young friends of the deceased acted as Recibrocits In Coal. { D d H 11 ed away on Sunday migh : f mer go ' Furniture. Big stock and ¥ of course, that does not 'matter, i palibentate. Te house. po flied by Montreal a 4 | avid aad , Hn ? aks. is paralysis. Avg. a ee wit variety now on hand for your & Then them is a reference to. the oe me ho got 2 a Fone The ill-considered details of the re | is pallu a AY is selection. ® Canadian fisheries. Nr. Fiel id am, young P SWAY | ciprocity pact that the Canadian 1 LESSES. x . r. Fielding said 45 sudden! e flowers sent by sym- t Cor. Pri L and Chatham Sts, Sir Charler Tupper, for a reciprocity = pathising friends wers beautiful. Those | KO¥ernment are so anylog to put : " treaty, w illing to gi h is Who contributed flowers were: Wreath, | 08h withoit amendment is be- Phone 1046. " aly, was willing to. gve what is BE Luke's Suc hiy oy Jrabe: St | coming more apparent every day, as 4. 3 Sunvay so » Crosses, St. | oy ierests touched come to look into not covered by the new trade' agree: Jat \d BGRISRIIRICIIIIIRINN | and Sir Chatles ses in a gm ~ Jute a Shoks, Crumley it. For instance, in the matter of Th © Th a 18s : years ago' seventy-one years j depreciation of the labour of Wimselt | Ethel Snunders; sprays, Misses Violet | Tr jhe Lnited States agreed to re and Mr. Chamberlain in 4887-88. {aod Daisy McNamee, Mr. and Mrs. A. | from 60 cents a ton to:45 cents, and Bs, PY The home guard--the chaps who have Sharpe, Miss V. Wiltshire, Miss Frances | Mr. Fielding promised ta reduce the Re Y hy " been contending that Sir Johs Mac ives, | Ys. A Conley ahd Sumily, Canadian duty from 53 cents to 45 oO u YX. [24 8 en : « 9" donald never meant to give the Ame ond on, Miss Laven: Satders. "Mise thine, Thin, wed * it? A to ol \ ; : Sowards : : wit ricans reciprocity, and that what he ina Gibson, Misses Marrison, © Miss} Uncle Sam and a ton with Canada is \ did was unauthorized--are given a Switzer, Mr. and rs. Be MeKes, rv. a different. quantity. With us a ton of My yas the rst vessel | wn TE hu She Wer GES no | (SEE ee just one best way of clean ® to arrive in. port [J IU. wes made, but N Was Peters, Miss Lottie McCammon, Miss | tha bors get 240 pounds ! . the hb -- the Dustless. Germ- this' p. She fighting - Neapunate quale: fool p Mrs Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. | more of their coal into Canada for 45 ing up the home ie Jjust'ess. Lrerm- season. some iberals were advocating II. nd, iss F. Steele and Miss [cents duty, than our coal centres, less, Scientific way -- the Soclean : : tricted rec ty. Jean 3 Nova Scotia and British Columbia; ae ...had a cargo of Msi To a boa rs get into the stares. for a aiilar way. That explains why : Sie Chatien fouls: hurt bauly - Yr. A Very Costly Act. ty * The point is still one of the! . pn . Fielding reminded his party' h Taronto_ Globe unset! - i : 3 : disaster whe. Mr. ' NT Poster's w "fake" libel I ----------r . : FRESH MINE } Fielding, in 1896, brought down his Suit, either. far him or the Gln Free Speech is Best. : Soclean " blished the tru ' [first tariff bill. He takes credit = for Montreal Star. ~~ /GOAL fact is, that, a" we grow, we © ALL SIZES = #5 must be prepared for, & tuatue vi 8 THE DUSTLESS t iberate assem- k animes. It il bo div SWEEPING in it within the power of a 5 Lali Beto ernst COMPOUND Se ) : y ; ity may debate a Wii. We. grumble appeals so forcibly to the particular w of Canada. There's no sirubbing a ; : : sametitnes speeches: will | with "Soclean "no dust. Germs Jive on any floor or fabric to which Fo : 0 : 5 ; ; Phew it is applied. "Soclean" is a thorough disinfectant--it's the only sweeping :, gh! ber probably | compound that effectually de. eggs and makes the cid carpets % Phone 9 & ry 88 a % § ea the ots tr pe us Foot of Queen St. rr Hr ff ail juss it i fa 1 SOCLEAN LIMITED v2 . King Street and Spadina Avenue - - Toroste