From Trapper to Wearer (Registered). Reliable Fur Storage Telephone 489, Our Waggon Will Call JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock Street May.---Out-Door Month Verandah and Lawn Furniture A big lot of American make, the beat Wwe can get, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 up. Others at $1.00, $1.75, $2.00, in Walnut or Green. PARLOR TABLES, $1.50, 8250, ete. Our $4.50 Mahogany Table equals many of the $7.00 and $8.00 styles Our Solid * Mahoganys are first class values, $12.00 to $30.00. PARLOR SUITES. «-A special 3- plece American Suite, in Silk cover- ing, $27.50; or cheaper covers at $25.00. None other equals this In quality at the price, RUGS, CARPETS.--All the latest and richest color effects. Curtains, all styles, Nottingham Lace, Silk, Madras, etc Repalr and Upholstered Work promptly done. Vacuum Carpet Cleaner. "Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON CO. Yours, Sms ssvssssss tg Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains In Irish Pdint, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, In White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. ~--Special values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.60 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. PEPPER LPEPPFP PEL NOY R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse. § B000eoescsRcOePOROOROE For A Few Days ' 2. Gessssevsscece 4 church, by Rav A LARGE CORTEGE FOLLOWED REMAINS OF LATE 'R. V. ROGERS, K.C. and Religious Bodies hh ance--The Floral Tributes. of the late Robert Vashon Rogers, K.C., LL.D. were tonveyed to their resting place in Cataraqui cemetery, on Thursday ai- tinoon. The body was conveyed from ithe house to St. James' church, at one o'clock and from then till o'clock, the hour the service started, a large number viewed the remains of & man who was much loved by the people of this city. The service was conducted by the Bishop of Ontario, assisted by the vicar of St.. James' Rev. T. W. Savary, M.A. The pews at the front of the church were reserved bers of Ontario Synod, adyisory board for the mourners, the clergy and mem- of St. James' church and the King- ston bar. The pallbearers were: Judge McDonald, of Brockville: J. B. Walk- em, K.C.; Frederick. Welch, Prof. G D. Ferguson, Francis King and Lieut. - Col. Sydenham McGill. The chief mourners 'were: Walter H. Macnee, J. H. Macnee, Francis Hill Macnee, Rev. { Thé remains (Prof. D. Ross and W. F. Nickle, M.P. P. The committal service was read Rev. T. W. SBavary. Samuel Reid was the funeral director. Floral con- tributions were received from the fol- lowmg Crosses, M¥. and Mrs. RR. Waldron, Prof. D. Ross and family, synod - of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem, Cataraqui Cemetery company. Sheaves, Mr. and Mrs. Birch, com- mittee of Orphans' Home, deceased's law office staff, Archdeacon and Mrs. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. F. Macnee, Nr. and Mrs. Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Dr. and Mrs. James Third, John McIntyre, K.C., Mrs. W. Nickle, Miss M. Dutton, Prof. G. D. and hy Misses Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kin Y Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrion, Rev. and Mrs. T. W, Savary, Judge and Mrs. Savary (Annapolis, N.&), Mr. and Mrs. GW. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs, George Laws, Mrs. E. Pense and the Misses Pénse, Mr. and Mm. Wash- ington, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. Kirkpat- rick, Miss Macauley, ahd Mrs. Abbott, Mrs: James Richmond, Principal and Miss Gordon, Miss de St, Remy, and Miss C. Beard, Messrs. A. and' Db. Ferguson (W innipeg.) Wreaths, Mr. and Mrs. Moore' (Win- nipeg) Mrs. R. F. Botterell (Montreal treal), Ma). and Mrs. Leslie, Mr. a Mrs. A. F. Macnee, advisory board of St. James' church on behalf of -econ- gregation, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahon, Anchors, W. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Mellis Eerguson (Stratford) Cut flowers, Mrs. W. Skinner; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carson; Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs, Dr. and Mrs. Watson, W. F. Nickle, H. Kelso (Hamilton), Mrs) Kelso and Miss Moore, Mr. and Mrs, J, K. Drummond, Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, Mrs. and Miss Voight, Miss Dupuy. DEATH FORMER KINGSTONIAN. Michael Nugent Passed Away at Batavia, N.Y. The death occurred at Batavia, N. Y., on April 25th, of Michael Nugent, a former Kingstonian, at the age of sixty-six years. For a great many years, deceased was an engineer on the New York Central. In December last, shortly after being retired and pensioned by the company, he suffer- ed from a ruptured blood vessel in his head. He afterwards suffered a paralytio stroke. Mr. Nugent was born in Ireland, came over to Canada, with his par- ents, when an infant, and settled in Kingston. As a young man, he left Kingston and went to Batavia and began work for the New York Central as a fireman. For forty years, he had been an eu, imeer on the road. He is surviveu by his wife (nee Miss Gardin- br), formerly of Kingston. Because of long service on the New York Central, deceased was a widely known employer on the main line in Western New York. Mr. Nugpnt was the seventh son of the late Dennis Nugent, veterinary surgeon, of Kingston, Ont. : The funeral was one of the largest seen in Batavia in a long time. Grand high mass was sung in St. Mary's R. E. Walsh. Inter- ment took place in St. Joseph's ceme- tery. The many beautiful floral tri- butes testified to 'the high esteem in which deceased was held. Here From Spokane, Wash. Reginald D. Murray is here from Spokane, Washington, on a visit to hie brother, D. B. ' Murray, Alice street. He is commected with the ad- vertising department of that live city of the western states, which has four men on the road booming ils advan- tages. Burtch-Uptergrove. Mary Etta, daughter ' of Joseph Up- Wishing is not so bad do not stop working to indulge in it. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, | » Lucas County. | 98 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co. doing business in the City of 0, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARE for each and every case of vatarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Catarrh Cul Hall's re Sw to before ud aim) orn °o su day of Decem . in my ce this Shap Cure is tak Slrectly on adblic. Hail's Catarrh intern. and acts Service in St. James' Church----Legal Attend 2.30 Mise Ferguson, Mrs. E. B. Wilson and | . thy Me. .ronto. Mr. French is the eldest son of / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 4, Up i WANTS TO BUY A BEAR. Postmaster Stewart Received Rather { Odd Request. Postmaster James Stewart had' rather an odd request made to him, in a letter, which he received in to- day's mail. oc The letter came from a man living ing in Youngstown, Ohio, and he wants to purchase a couple of black, female bears, from six to seven 'months old. The postmaster, not being the own- er of a zoo, is unable to make a sale, but he would be thankful i anyone in this vicinity who has a bear to sell, would communicate with him, and he will give the name and the address of the man who is anxious to buy. Evidently the Youngstown man was of the opinion that Kingston was in the back woods, and that bears were captured every day. 1 AT BROCK STREET CHURCH. sn : Reports Received of Most Encourag- ing Nature. The first quarterly business meeting of Brock street Methodist church was held on Tuesday evening, at which | there was a very good attendance. | The reports from the various branch- es showed the church to be in al flourishing condition. After all a- 'mounts for salaries and accounts had | been paid there remained a good balance in the treasury. - | It was resolved that the hoard plage | {on record its appreciation of the ser- {vices of the pastor, Rev. T E., Bourke, for his faithfulness and untir- ing efforts in his work for the wel-, fare of all branches of the church. ! i Died in the West. The sad news has been received of the death at Kamloops, from pluerisy, of Charles M. Paterson, son of Mrs. J. C. Paterson, 37 Union street, King- ston. The deceased was only in his thirtieth year. He was a young man of sterling character and unusual pro- mise, who, up to a short time ago, when ill-health necessitated his retire | ment, was making rapid advancement |in the service of the Canadian Bank of jCommerce in the west. The local] {manager of that institution, with {whom Mr. Paterson had been associa-! { ted, paid warm tribute to his memory {and considered Kingston had lost one {of her she 'had every reason to feel The funeral will be held in Kingston isome day next week. Every sympa- | thy is extended 'to his family in their {ad loss. . i younger sons, of whom Fav ---------------- Ta Make a Choice. ! At the quarterly board meeting of Pringgss Street Methodist church, next Monday evening, the question of the | ghiige of a mipister to succeed Rev. F_H. Sproule will be discussed. Other [vélirs it has been left to the confer- ence to decide who shall be sent to {this charge, but some of the congre- wation are of the opinion. that an in- Ivitation should be extended to a min- ister to occupy the pulpit for the next four years. | Over Eight Years. : A slight misapprehension seems to! exist in «ae diocese of Niagara, re- garding the length of residence in this country of Dean Bidwell. While his parochial work in Canada extends only over two years, (during which time he has been bishop's commis- sary, for some months) he has been here over eight years, and has identi- fied himself very closely with Can- adian life and thought. A Popular Choice. Dr. €. K. Clarke, superint of the Toronto asylum, has ap- pointed superintendent of the Tororto general hospital. Dr. Clark was for years the superintendent of Rockwood | hospital. He is a capable administra-| tor and will admirably fill the posi tion in Toronto. nt The Late Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Isabella Stewart, who resided {with her son on Wellington street, died | | Wednesday at the age of fifty-nine years. She had been ill about six | {months with paralysis, She was born {in Glasgow, and was a Presbyterian in | religion, an attendant at St. An-| drew's. : _"The Dollar Princess" Company. "The Dollar Princess' company ar- rived here, Thursday morning, from | Hamilton, by special G.T.R. train. It consiste of ninety-three actors, actress | (es and stage attaches. The company jis the "original" ome. Extra trucks | were required to convey the scenery to | the Grand Opera House. | Gave Him a Present. } Tuesday 'afternoon the students of the Wesleyan Theological College, Mon- treal, presented Prof. C. E. Bland, who is leaving for Edmonton, B.C., with an address and a gold-mounted cane, in recognition of his services and of their tion of him as their teacher friend. . -------------- The Labor Situation, There was no change, to-day, in the labor situation. The mason's helpers the masons and the been unable to come to an , although it was stated , that both parties had {several meetings in regard to the mat- . -------- Post Still. Vacant. Cards have been received in the city from T. H. Fleming, formerly agent for the Sailors union. He arrived | Saskatoon, and had a most enjoy- able trip. No 3 (been made, to the vacancy caused Fleming's resignation. Wolfe Island Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie, of Wolfe Island, ammounce the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar French, of De troit. by 1911. Through The Dawn By TEMPLE BAILEY. "ie th They _ woman's {acd was loosened hair blew temples. "Uan't we rest ¥' ghe asked. The man set his bag at the foot of B rock, then unfolding a great plaid rug he made a seat for her. I "If you could sleep a little," suggested, She think and think." His lips were get in a stern "That is one mere burden I added to the others. I have from you your lightheartedness. She clung to him. "Don't--1 mean to reproach." "I know--but if there way to let you out of this. She was sobbing wildly. "But there isn't it must alw *Whither thou 'goest,' Alec." He soothed her rough hair for moment in silence. Then he said "At least I have this great ness, that you care to be Margaret." "bd you think--that I would leave you ¥'¢ © i didn't know. such a butterfly life." "Then I have gained this out of our troubles, that--I am all yours." "Yes." He drew a corner of the rug about her shoulders, shielding her from the cool, damp breeze of the carly morn- " v The and her about ber very tired white untidily line. were Avs be a with me, Yours has been . - Yes," he repeated, "ii has been great thing to know that when failure came you believed in me; that disgrace came you trusted me. Yet-- there is a whole life beyond this Mar- aret." "What of that *" "You have never known and we shall be very poor." Half timidly she laid her hand on is. "I don't know jug how to. say it, but somehow 1 feel it is going to bring us nearer together. In that big house it seemed to me that we were always separated. Even when we were alone at dinner there were the servants and the formal service There was never anything 1 could do for you. You were always doing things for me--but my hands were tied. I--I felt useless. But now will be different--" His face did not brighten. »'\! have no faith in such a future for vou," he said. "It is dear of you to tell me such things. I know vou want to be- lieve them of yourself and of me, but no woman raised as have heen can come down to the hard realities of life and be happy. I don't expect it, and sometimes 1 feel that I ought to think out some other way." Her startled eyes "What way 7 "1 ought to, let vaonr awn people," it out alone." "Oh," her voice was shaken by deep feeling. "Last night when vou came to me and told me that the decision of the court had gone against vou : that you had lost your heart, your pride, your self-respect, that the world would eall you dishonest, although you had not been dishonest in inten tion, that you wanted to drop out of everything, | said that we go away at once, and find some quiet spot where we would be hidden, and you seemed so glad to have---me go with vou." Her voice faltered "And hardships, you you go back to slowly, "and fight would "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Select Suits $10.50, $12, $15, $18. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. LOOK AROUND! COMPARE! shook her head. "Y can't--1I | have | taken | didn't | any happi- | when ! it | looked up at him. | {| [down at her . jasked, and ee Dollar Princess Music| Witmark AES Fs SE TE ST TR Under arrangements with the put lishers offer for a limited tim only the following hits from the "Dollar Princess i The Riding Lesson (Duet) Love, Love, Love . Dollar Princess. {Quartette) My Dream. of Love Inspection (Duet) Paragraphs (Duet) he | Selection (Instrumental). Complete Vocal Score, Pub Price, 60c Our. Price 33 do $1.00 $2.00 Our Price, will le Dance Folio No. 7 For Friday Saturday "only we' and ar a few coples till on hand AT 25c¢ per Cop Publisher's Price, 75¢ Regular The College Book Store, i THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 1260 PRINCESS STRE now you want to send me back." Only for your good." She cried a little, softly, in his arms. "1 shall be happy," she whis- pered, 'I hopq you may," but was dead. | The rose hue of the sasterm sky had the world was his voice turned to gold, and fivoded with radiance. i "There is a house over there," man said, "behind that clum thorn. We will go and ask fee." In her long traveling coat with velvet hat hiding her hair, she made in incongruous figure on the country rad The little feet in the a) {| celed shoes were better fitted 'or a ¢ ty boulevard. "But I'm . not tested The nearer, ran the p of haw- ter coi her hungry,". she pro small hoare, as thov drew showed itself A yellow cat summed he-s on stone walk and there was asroa shining milk pans on a side porch As they crossed the road the cat came down to meet them, purring a walcome Margaret stopped and lifted her in her arms. "You thing," she said. Thus they the walk together An old man opened the door dragged one foot and carried a He started; then smiled. "Come he said, heartily. 'If we might have breakfast," Alec "we would be glad to pay for it and | out the of pretty said, We left the train at Rosedale, think we've wandered somewhat of our way." "Come in," the old man said "you are welcome to have. You're from the city; I reckon." "Yes," Alec replied absently | He was watching Margaret. She had taken off 'her hat, and the cat was playing with the loosened strands of hair. "Oh, you 'poor little child" was his heart's cry. 'T'll go oat and get the old man. "She'll ready in a minute." The woman who came hack him was as old as he, but and fresher She had a with her, and a cordiality Again, such as we Letty," said have things brisk vay that put them at once at their "You like my pussy?' Margaret. "He's the +d I found here twenty vears ago." Twenty vears," Alec "Have you lived here twe 1" Yes," answered the w "Aren't you lonely *" "Ob, no, I have him.' Hi rested on her husband Alec drew a quick breath on't you need other people *" her head t busy. I have my garden, and house, and he can't do much." A« she placed their plates she at her husband's place a pink bad. When she had bustled out the old man displayed it proudly "Every morning for twenty ve he told them, "she has put there. In winter she raises pots, biit she never misses." "Think of it," Margaret said to her husband later, as they walked garden. "Think of finding heré. 1 would never have dared a flower at your place with the but len looking on." 'Did . you notice," her hesitated, "did you notice said grace before meat,' Somehow I wish that we that--all our lives" "Yes," she whispered. | The came to the weil of the garden, and she which she had carried, on the ledge. "And when I was in the other room with her, Alec, she told me why they came here 20 vears ago--I think it was because I couldn't help telling her a little of our trouble--how we had run away from the world--she was so dear and sympathetic She said that many years ago he--drank But that he always loved her. So she made up her mind that she could do without everybody and everything if she could save him, Alec. And she hasn't cared if she lost the whole {world--and had him." Her voice broke and she hid her eyes "mgainst 'his shoulder. ! For a moment he stood looking in silence. he all the still morning {seemed to listen for her answer. "Is it so with you. Marggwet * Are wom- en made like that ?" | She raised her head and her eves met his steadily. "I'm not sare," she said," "and I'm not very wise, but {oh ! if you will only let me try, Alec" { There may be just as good fish in ithe sea as ever were caught, bat » fish that is caught is worth two in the sen. { A silly woman may manage a man .of sense, but no sensible man has ever sucoended in managing a silly woman. The proof of the pudding may be in the esting, but the proof of the sauce is on the breath. we said rndant one wher omar She shock am oO laid rose gain ars' n them 1" in the romance put hasband that Margaret? had he done at the end set a pitcher, mossy a | weather-beaten i went up | with | stronger | flower | ET OPEN NIGHTS Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. We have them in. different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice No pasting, gluing or sewing is required; the patent fastener is secure. Patent Clothes Hooks inside Sheets for Try Moth Proof wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and are only 5¢ each -------------- Dr. A. P.Chown, ist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS BTREET. 'Phone 2343. ---- | ~ Special 500 Yards Of Art Muslins 37 mches wide, very pretty designs, in as- sorted colorings, just the thing for inexpen- sive colorings. FRIDAY 8c Yard. -- Se -------------- Ley Hundreds of pairs of Lace Curtains at 35c¢ to $6.50 a pair. em ---------------------- A swell range of Wash Dress Goods for your inspection. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. 9, Wood's The Great English Remed, Tones and invigorates the wh Dervous syste, makes pew | in oid Veing Ceres Nero | ous Debilit Mental and Brain Worry, Des | AFTER MOVING You find there's a room to be repapered or space an extra picture or two Weese can supply ar wants reasonable p & Get Photos at Weese's D. A. WEESE & 00, for Even watered stocks have known to take a drop too muck Some Hen are as easily rattled 'others are Yard to shake. CTTOTITO00TOOOOGIOIVOIOGOGIOG® ®ooccoovosevese weves Phone 919 SILVER DEPOSITED ON ARTICLES OF SERVICE. - On. Brown. Earthenware Tea- pots and' Stands, On Tea addies, C Sugar Bowls and Cream Jugs, n On But Dishes and Sandwich many other ter Plates, ALY useful articles Deposit takes graceful ferm over all our showing of these goods, and plece makes a 'gift well having The Silver each worth SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticlans. 858 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER Three Sized Houses Medium Vi big yards, on Johnson Street, ear Barrie, at Bargain SEE ME AT ONCE. * * 9 MULLIN, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, Coruer Johnson and Division Ste. 'Phone 539 CLEANER SWEETER Will be your permit os o Do Your Laundering Don't take it--just put as to the test clothes if sou'll our ward for then words won't be ne- nnd Sydenham Sus me IN. OF COURSE,