"The Only Thing That Will Relieve Neuralgia." The piercing pains of Neuralgia, which follows 2 bad cold or - LaGrippe! are frequently almost un- bearable any relief to the sufferer. "1 ama roral mail have been a medicines for years. al Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills | They are the | can't be beaten. only thing 1 have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I havegried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. anyone what the is did for me." Crariss HILDERBRANDT, Box 20% Woedvill. Ohio If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, "have tried most everything" in vain, why not do as he did, fight put aches and pains with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con- test, they will come out victorious. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pils *"stantdvon their record, which isa long list of cures extending back a generation, Druggists everywhers sell them. If first package falls to benefit, your drug- gist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL. CO, Toronto, Can. HOTEL DIRECTORY DESERONTO, GO TO THE STEWART HOUSH, LEAD- ing Commercial Heel. Rates, §1.50 per day, THOS, STEWART, Prop TRAVRLLING RAILWAY RE a Round Trip Homeseckers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, Tuesday, May 16th And every mecend Tuesday thereafter until SBopt, 19th, al very low rates Good te return within sixty days, THE FINEST FARMING COUNTRY IN PHE woRLD Is to be fhund along the line of the GRAND -TRUNK PACIFIC in the Pro- Yinees of Maniteba, Saskatchewan and Alberta with beaut! ving fall in. HOME. literature Descriptige maps, 8 fully engraved formation about FREE BTRALE and how to obtaln free cau b Lad on wpptieation. J. PB. HANLEY, Coener Johneon and Ontario Sta a Lo ROK RAILWAY WW Cussecuon Wh CUARAGIAN PACIFIC RAILY AY Homesaekers' Excirsions To the Canadian North-West Reduced QReturn Fares May 16th, 30th, June 13th, 27th. August 8th, 22nd. Tickets good to return within 6¢ days. Full particulars at K. and P. and C. 1'. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street 'Phooe 50, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent NTe AMTAVAY. leavers Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 pom. da wnday excepted) for Tw ood Syvdoenta Napanee, Deger- Bangoes ro Am il points north lespateh to Bannock. wid points on Central nis via Bar ther part! IN, Agent BAY OF qui Train oute , Apply *Phene No ALLAN LINE Slcemship Co'y. Lid. OPERATING THE PINEST PLB OF PASSENGER STREAMERS ON T) BT. LAWRENCE 1OWTH SUMMER sAalLINGS, Montreal to Liverpool | ROYAL MAIL SERVICE "iain fr "in Fon Hh nian" May une A "Tunistan" May 18th, June 18th. "Victorian," May 236th, June 33rd Montalto Glasgow EC et « rian," May 2th, Juoe iin Montreal to London eolling class (moderate rate). Steamers at Havre, iy y Fae full particudars of Rates an' : apply, i J. P. HANLEY, C 8 KIRKPATRIOK GY. Ry. Clarence St and few medicines afford | carrier and | user of the Dr. Miles | I am willing to i Anti-Pain | them | - [A MONARCH OF TRADE } i | BIR GEO. SIMPSON WAS A GREAT i Special in Dining Room Furniture ADMINISTRATOR. { Tae Man Who Was For Ferty Years | Head of the Hudson's Bay Co. Had the Power and Territory of a King ~He was Famous For His Speed In Traveling and Made Some Very Remarkable Trips, Ci the many distinguished men who of the Hud- gun Bay is 1 those many yoar } T mast sove- I 2 Rupert Land, one Sir George | Bimpson, most forty years the company's executive officer. | Dinner Waggons. . Clothed with vers somewhal like | Buffets. a thos with a territory | Sideboards $6.50, 813, much that which +Chalrs to match any finish, held : $18 to 875. many Europe Sway, dir George Simp & subject and a comm. ranked among the Line. * The essential purpose of his rule Wis 0 maintain peace throughout the vast territory in whi the Hud 4 Jay Co. enjoyed abd which prast British North An ¢f the upper wn River: to carry region trade with 3 would result in profit pany: Wo maintan the territory Tuiers neleded all of of si and porth the Ottawa Indians that to his come integrity of as a British possession; and to hold it until the course of events should hand it over to the Canadian Government as eat western heri- tage the C an people, As an adm astrator of the affairs of the Hudson's Bay Co. Sir George Simpson was probably unbqualled but he failed to foresee the great future that lay belore the West uz a mrt of Canada, destined a few years ry r to streteh frum ocean to goean. In 1820, the year preceding the his Remedy amalgamation of the Hudson # Bay We promise you that, i a A and the Northwest Companies, Simp- son, then a young man, was sent out from the London office to watch over the company's trade tie Athabasea country 'ving to the north of Edmon- | tons ani of which Fert Chipewyan was one of the chief posts. With a { flotilla of fifteen canoes, loaded with [arts | go and supplies, he journeyed { froma Montreal to the far Northwest, lation {and there he at once apulied himself |motes | with great dili and ability to [draff the affairs of the company. us ple To-day, when the "wild West of In. { dian and-huffalo, trapper and trader," | has almost wholly « d to exist, and want { has been largely succeeded by the li 1 West of grain fields and railways, it is interésting to glance at the history of those early times and to consider theenode of life in the traders' days and the conditions then prevailing throughout the territory. Upon those metters light is now and then thrown by the writings of this Hudson's Bay governor. lu an seeount of his winter spent in Athabasca Simpson wrote -- "At some s both whites and i» live in wastalul abundance on n, buffalo meat, fish and game JY kinds; at other times they are reduced to the last degree of hunger, often passing several days without food. In the year 1820 our provisions fell short Rt the establishment. and on two or three whole days and nights without a single morsel to swallow, but then again, I was one of party of eleven men and one woman which discussed at ore meal no less than three ducks and twenty-two geese." Simpson soon became noted for the speed with which he traveled His impetuous nature could brook no lag- ging by the way. It is related that on one occasion when crossing the Lake of the Woods he kept urging for. ward his voyageur with such unrea- son that finally the enraged boatman seized the governar by the shoulders and plunged him into the lake, draw- ing hun out qui + wet to the skin. of the Northwest on Lake Superior, * Operas i Hons i Bubssauently, its | ple wk: by Norway House ton the riorth side of Lake Winnipeg | Here were held the great gatherings of | the company's chief servants, "and | the new govs at once, by his di- | plomacy an wodness, took his place among these wily old traders of { the west, able to bate Indian evn. | ming and deceit, and show himself a { thorough leader of wean The chao i tic affairs of the amalgamated com- | panies Sung reduced to or. der The governor's duties necessitated the making of many long journ BS | which if they eould be performed to- | day under similar conditi would 4 { be thought remarkable feats of en- | durance. t In l84l-the year of the union of i Urper and Lower Canada~Simpson made a journey round the world. He set out from Loudon. where he had one to arrange for a lengthy absence rom his post. Coming to Montreal, be proceeded across the continent by the usual canoe route, passing through the Rockies by pack-train. By ship he visited California, calling at San Francisco, then a place of two thou. sand five hundred inhabitants. Before crossing 'the Pacific he went as far north as Alaska. The journey ACTOS fardiniere Btands Pedestals R. J. REID \ Phone 577. FOR FALLING FAI? whe ? of You Roa a falling out, and t far, vou 1 lamage already done by using Rexall | Hair To th periistefey and | regularity, for It is. a otific, ptic, germicidal prepar microbes, it too car in nie cleansing, | tion, that | sttmulntes i time { trovs good | {a roy & il roots, around the hair pro removes dan- | It ws pure water, and It is a real] hair nourishment, wee and restores hair healtl 18 | ivant to dse t is delieately perfumed toilet We ay necessity, Cae vou to try Bexall with will cost vou satisfied w that | you | mie ow promise unless th prices nothing use. | and | are perfectly is it two Sizes, 50e §1, Remember vou oan + a Pemedies in this. community only Fhe Rexall comes in obtam store Store Mahood aur Messsasscssascsssssasescsaald linsmithing & Plembing 15008 A HN, ~All kinds of Tinsmit Pluiubing and Contract 4 ¢ ' ¢ ' ¢ . ¢ Stoves taken down a : ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Wo i stor- dd {or the summer at dle rates All work promptly attended to, moder. ie Lemmon Bros. "Phone 908, 201 Princess St, Yetsesssscssssssssessesd TRB VVLBLL VLBA DAN Co tion Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief--- Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never ful. Purely veget. y ae Hi SCOon Silverware Let us have It to replate the time; also Skates | Nickel Plating and Electro Pl in, of all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass. | ete, We guarantee a good job PARTRIDGE & SON KING STREET WEST. _ . "Phone 380. Wn Now is Ss 3 On was reached in the early au. tumn, nineteen months and twenty, six days after setting oud on the fotrney. If two portly: volumes of nine hun- dred pages. published five years after journey, Simpson gave a ac remarbable ir | count of his : { De. | son | '| Siberia: was made ™ summer, and by London : iS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? Does it seem to you that you stand another minute of that burmng itch ? That it MUST be cooled ? } That you MUST have relief ? i Get a mixture of Oil of Winter green, Thymol, and other soothing ingredients as compounded ony by D.LD. reseription. i The very first drops . ful burning instantly ! The first drops southe and heal ! The first drops give you a feeling of comfort that you have not enjoyed for months, or perhaps vears. Take our on it. : Get a 81 or a trial bottle to-day. Write the DDB. Laboratories. Dept. KW. 49 Colborne" street, Toronto, ang they will send you a trial bottle! roe. : GW Mahood," éorverPrincess and Bagot streets. of | can't awfal | whieh i stop that aw { $10, $15 to $20, $25 and up.! hout all that i i . BO, T5¢ up. | - $4.30, $6.50, $8.50 5 i tom of the re { Star No Risk When Youn Use, ! i Wilson, | tha sonable length of | ¢ {1} exa : a bro { to purify the election | some | PAYING PREMIUMS. 70 YEARS, And t® Company Wants Postage For | Mailing the Receipt. Your favorite {funny 'paper would hius 4 s number withaut ¢ of the eareful tiie Scotchman, n evi. sthods i witnessed vy business English con saying that ie so the Seotct ¢ farthing was could be charit- Eddis, of Na east. Toronto street He is now i your, and has carried is life in an E seventy years dation of ar on company for time before the of y Canadian institu. of nature. In those days paid-up policies and all such fancy brands were unknown. There 'was just a straight life. 7 3 + pay a certain pren 'a i sum is paid to the § ol certain ram death of the one ured. Mr Eddis hes long ago paid in more than the total amount of the but on this form « olicy the Yearly remittance keep the insurance , in sending the re ) for the seventy first premium, the general manager of the English' company requested, in a tien in his own hand on the } bot. sm would Mr. Ed- dis please incl a penny for post. age for maili receipt." Can you beat Toronto Weekly sending the p - Who Smiled Last. "A soft answer turiieth away wrat? saith the Good Bock, and Mr. George secretary to the Mayor To- has not been twenty years in position without becoming an ae. complished diplomat. Also, he is a joker, when a jok ly i recent water famine in T son had the busiest t f vering the t ed of rofita, citizens who All the secre- weeded to han- their complaints and assure them it all was being done that could be ary I t t a t when City Clerk in the mayor's office, in Crescent road, call- because she had n George tried in his tones, to mollily her. fused to be come supply. suave he fired back "1 am en. Why can't ay water rates," vatient seerels + water sup Wilson endeavored to Impossible. lerk Little} 8 at the dip ™ dilemma An Piea struck Mr. Wilson sweetest of tones, ke sooke lady "All right wriar 5 City to the e city clerk is here iim up immediately water to your resi. off. City Clerk Little. led and he strode the office.--Weekly The Price Went Up, * United States at the present buving of votes re. a national menace, and and editors are having to say on the subicet. the day a few years ago, buy of voters was one big 1ssues in Canadian politics, public at last began to take & us a matter of course. old-time politicians were 10r at one of the local clubs and their talk turned on the election was deserib-. is ne said of them, a friend of mine who in a constituency where cash always figured prominently than prayers. There happened to be an evangelist in of the small towns and he rosolved to make it his object in life He preached scorching sermons onthe sin votes and kept rubbing it up to the day of the election t he had really made an sion. until he met the candi- agent a.few days later. *"'Well," said the evangelist, 'how did you find the voters in this town? "It was the most expensive elec- tion ever pulled off here,' replied the agent " 'How was that?' came the aston. ans story Was running Ontari more one of sell ished inquiry. Well, you see, the men thought that if it was such a deadly sin to sell their votes, they would not take a chance for $3 and they all do. manded $6." "Saturday Night. Sr ------------ Work Por the Explorer, The report from the west that a great lake has been discovered in the northwest of Canada is a remind. er that the common belief that ex. plorers have now nothing to conquer save some polar regions is very far from the truth, virgin of whiel jis 5 m miles wid Ya nota | "that in foture in JHE DAILY BRITISH -- SATURDAY, MAY 8, To11. 2 To-day vould emphasize the fact lois that are located Winnipeg, Man. is ive circular with plan m of this announce AR And right lute assurance Company, Ltd, i snd Fill in upon town lots at BIGGS you have abs . : raational uri selling agent d Tran®Townsite of BIGGAR and price list seat free to why address on request day. | y eri $ : Sec exciusive of townsite meni and / BIGGAR ' weil 1 mai 526 miles west of Winnipeg. Saskatchewan, 267 miles cast of Edmonton. As a Railroad Centre BIGGAR must eventually become & great commercial centre, and one of the latest ities of Western Canada. BIGGAR is a divisional } on. The Grand Trunk Paci bas already at Biggar seven miles of rackage in its vards. Pacific has a roundhouse of # alls and expecis to add 6 stalls at an early date. BIGGAR is a station on the Gag wdian Pacific Winnipeg-Edmonton Hue, and the C, P. R. has a station BIGGAR. BIGGAR is, therefore, And This Year Biggar Will Have Two Additional Lines - The Grand Trunk Pacific will srend $17,000,000 to build Haes this season, and. included in the pia rramme for coustruction work for th vear 1811, in the expenditure of this immense amount of money, th ompletion of the Grand Trunk Paci ic line from BIGGAR io Battleford and at least 60 miles from BIGGAL south of its Biggar-Celaary Hue will be completed this year. BIGGAR will be the terminus of both these nes lines. Vith such Fowns with n ) 10,600 to 1 And with sonclusion as to 1! ourse. of the next f and most impartant t onthe main line of the Grand Trunk Facific between Winnipeg and Edmon The Grand Trun) je 12 1 transcontirental railroads of the Dominion. a lowe ov iwo of three great ee * any question regarding BIGGAR'S future tieally, without exception, become citie raiiway facilities &s these, there can hardiy } lroad facilities equal! to those of BIGGAR have pra 0 population befor: they were ten years old : these facts before us. aud this great country Just beginning to be developed, there is but one future of BIGGAR, and we be'leve that we are coxservative the Cw ars BIGGAR should be a city of at least 10,000 people This is a Chance forjYou to Make Money PAR a! from $100 to $400 each wriginal townsite of BIO f 10 per cent. with order, and the balance in nine equal if you w to pa in full with order a discount of & per cent. is and same lots that you fo: from $100 to $400 ech will; when BIGGAR city 1,000 to 15,000 peo & several times what you can buy them for to-day This is an opportunity for you to Iay the foundation for your future ind pendence However, it is an pportunity that will got wxit +0 sure these choice, close at present prices you must act promptly vrite to us to-day for full particular, plan of towansitd snd price list See ccupen at bottom of this announce nent. . BIGGAR Shipping and Distributing Point BIGGAR as a divisional point on the main line of the Grand Trunk Paclfis dian Pacific, both of which nes rai eas: a west and JIGCAR as the r ind the Biggar-Caleary , whic rs 10 the north and seuth BIGGAR fistributing point, from which supp! os digtribuied to the y aid to the west, but it will & supply station for the settl Usiued as the country js : and bocorues cultivate : 1 Ay at the land that will be opened up consists of hundr a8 cau be found anywhere Greatest Wheat Country infithe World rid d there is no better land 1 Trunk Pacific when we ray that {a can buy lots---eloss in the on easy You you cap PAY very fron wonikly these of uy taem nents { allowed day becomes a in lots station the Can Iine and ft on the Battleford vd ne win up to the ea ys that will be estab ie & BIGGAR, we would acres of as fine farming land : u 0 housands of ra Cx « country in the w 1a than the the building of the Gras wihea Western Can lines from nada is the greates land that will © pened up by Jiggar to Battleford and from Bigeer fo Calgary Speaking of the nd to the south of Bi thorovehly familiar with conditions and one w 2 pos 'There are thousands of acres ¢[ the richest and best wheat land in the country along t aniy 1¢ ling and culif ation to produce millions of bushels of wheat annually What will this mean to BIGG, R? ~ ~ Aud regarding this year's deve'opment of land, a recent letter fr mi the Digzar "ill be 208,000 geres of land ultivation In the territory of BIGGAR 1) year was under crop last year, : nd, figuring on a fair crop, this will mean that ther keted at BIGGAR this fall fiers an o. portunity most extraordinary Write for lan of townsite and price list to in brasich of this Biggar h, 3 one speak authoritatively, algary bran sald his ho is in line land quires set Board of Trade says in ddditfon to the will be half a million under + Rere sels of wheat to b Certainly BIG the time ofitable real estate investments fay -. - Buy Close-in Lots at Low Prices BIGGAR] ! Future City of Western Canada ~~" 1909 tim passenger traln sevice logs than & year ago And It has within the few months, com. nenced to atiract the attention of th: publi However, its advantages ware quickly appreciated, and it fa 10w a town of about 1,000 population It has two good hotels, general sinres, implement houses, and in al} 1bout 50 business establishments. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has just opened a bank at BIGGAR, tnd on\next Thursday, April 27th. he first issue of The Biggar Independent will be published at Biggar. Its dtizens axe progressive. As an Hlustration of this fact, It wal one of the first new towns on the Orand Trunk "acific to dake up the quesfion of city water works, and It not oaly took up, but has voted debentures These debentures havé been subscribed and paid for. The money is in hand. and work is noder way install. INE A water system that will not only be adequate for fire protection, but will supply the town with water for fomestic use - ; ARE YOU INTERESTED] Are you open: for an invest- ment that js as safe 2s an In- vestment can be, and one that should pay big profits? If so, sed for particulars. We will sedd our Illustra and de- scMytive circular of Biggar with plan of townsite and price list to your address, Write for it Is a néw town---wus was oftly fpaugurated in Jure, 1° only r porated a village in the spring of } only past } . hd - International Securities Co. { Biggar Department) 644 Somerset Hidg.,, Winuipeg, Man. You may send me parifculars of the sale of Grand lots at Piggar, with plan of townsite and price list NAME Trunk Pacific ADDRESS (Plilin, tear off, and mail to us without delay.) Offices of International Securities Company, Ltd. Exel isive selling agent for Grand Trunk to-day. . Notice Pacific Jots in Biggar, Melville, Watrous, Wainwright, Tofield and Scott, €37 to 645, sinth floor, Somerset Builiiag, are open daily from 9 am. 108 pm, and our sales manager's of- flee, room 64%, is open every evenin: from 7 to § pm. Parties living In Winnipeg or those In the city sre Invited to call, 4 Exclusive tative in ings on for szle of" these id Trunk Pacific lots : : . . . »