Dollar Princess Music| Witmark 'Dance Folio No. 7 ' SHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1911. THE DAY'S EPISODES THINGS IN rock Street Methodist Church, [4 A FINE SONG RECITAL IN MARINE CIRCLES .. . i Friday Evening. STEAMER SHARPLES ENTERED! Sddom, if ever, could one find a THE DRY DOCK. more appreciative audience than wns | in attendamce at Brock street Metho- | EE , aE i the dist church, Friday evening. All those | OCCurences in the City and Vicinity who heard Harold Mallory, of Brock-| --Other 'Briet Items of Interest: only the followin {+ Easily Read and Remembered. t = ville, two weeks ago, were more than | [LOCAL NOTES AND i GENERAL. Under arrangements .with the puolishers we offer for a limited tims Work is Being Rushed on : & hits from thes Dollar Princess': -- Steamer Polana--Barge St. Louis at ibeud From Trapper to Wearer (Registered). Arrived With Grain off Steamer Glenmount ----- Marine Notes, Reliable Fur Storage Telephone 489, Our Waggon Will Call. JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock Street May---Out-Door Month The steamer John Sharples ia now in. the Kingston dry dock to have temporary repairs made before pro ceeding to Ogdensburg, N.Y., to 1ebuilt, She is not much damaged be- low the water line, in fact not at all Her hall is intact, except for the fact 'that a few plates are sprung. Ihe edges of the four flasiges of her wheel have been broken off, and the end of her keel has also been broken off. Her stern represents a very bat- tered appearance. Part of her side Phas been completely battered to pieces. She will be in the dock for a few days before going down the river. At Swift's wharf : The steamer Bic- kerdike called last night to discharge her first cargo of freight this season, and went back down the river; the steamer Brockville went down to- day. I'he steamer Seguin cleared from the Kingston dry dock yesterday af- hull, The barge St. Louis arrived the steamer Glenmount, aground near | Crossover Light, with a cargo of wheat. . The steamer Haddington is from | loading Ihe steamer Van Allan i» in ! Verandah and Lawn Furniture A big lot of American make, the best we can get, $1.50, $2.50, $8.00 up. Others at $1.00, $1.76, $2.00, in Walnut or Green repaired The schooner Charlie Marshall, ing stone at the penitentiary, likely clear for Foronto to-night. The steamer Missisquoi was from Gananoque to-day. M. T. Co's elevator Tug 'Thom- son cleared for Montreal with Wo grain barges; steamer Kinmount clear- wl for Fort William: steamer Edmon- ton is discharging 75,000 bushel wheat; the stéamer Algonquin is due on Monday, from Fort William, with wheat, The steamer Alexandria passed up on her way from Montreal, last night. The steamer Gilchrist is at Port Ar- thurs, loading a quarter of a million bushels of wheat for Buffalo. The steamer Iroquois is loading grain at Port Arthur, for Nontragl Ihe steamer leaverton cleared ffom Port Arthur on Wednesday noon, with 72,000 bushels of wheat. Capt. James Delaney is in cqmmand of the Beaver ton. He is om Of the best known ma- rine men on the lakes. All hands employed outside are working at the government boat, Polana to try and have her done on scheduled time, and by this evening there will not much remain to be done. She will present a very trim appearance when finished, and will be a credit to the builders. MADE BRUTAL ATTACK will up PARLOR TABLES, $1.50, $2.50, ete. Our $4.50 Mahogany Table equals many of the $7.00 and $8.00 styles. Our Solid Mahoganys are first class values, $12.00 to $30.00. PARLOR SUITES. --A special 3- plece American Suite, in Bilk cover ing, $27.50; or cheaper covers at $25.00. None other equals this in quality at the price. . RUGS, CARPETS.--All the latest and richest color effects. Curtains, all styles, Nottingham Lace, 8ilk, Madras, etc Repalr and Upholstered Work promptly done. Vacuum Carpet Cleaner. 'Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON GO. Upon Two Well-known Residents of the City. Quite a lively row occurred at Rich- ardsons' slip, Friday evening, aout %:30 o'clock, and im it two well known citizens, Charles Selby, Gore street, and John Kelly, Queen street, were very roughly handled by a cou ple of men who attacked them. Mr. Selby had two ribs fractured, and Mr. Kelly, so it is alleged, had a very narrow escape from being drowned, as one blow which he received in the face knocked him into the slip. Luck- ily, he fell on a "float," which was in the slip, and had he not fallen on to the "float" he might have been drowned. However, he was able to get out without assistance. It appears that Mr. Selby and Mr. Kelly had occasion to drive to the slip to see about some work being dono on the steamer Port Colborne. When they were driving away, so it is stated, one of the gen passed some remark to Mr. Selby, and as the lat- ter got out of the rig to see what was the matter, he was attacked first by ong of the men who had made the remark to him, and then by his com- panion. He was kicked in the face and about the body. Mr. Selby was well able to manage one, but when it came to two, he" was at a disad- vantage. Mr. Kelly came to his assis tance, but was given a brutal blow which knocked him into the slip, as already stated. Robert Cousins, night Richardsons' elevator, stop he fight, and ¢ made an attack on on the leg. One felloy endeavored to punch him in the face, but Mr. Cou- sins was too quick for him and ward- ed off the blow. : In a short time, an alarm was given, a call sent to the police, and the two men who had been the cause of the trouble, made good their es oy Sergt. Nesbitt and a squad of 3 icomen werd ou the scene as speedi- y as possible, but the men who had taken part, could not be located. Mr. Selby was attended Dr. Hanley at the latter's office, Mr. Kelly was cared for at his home. The whole affair caused a good deal of excitement. When the horse which Mr. Selby was driving was left alone, it made a start as if to run away, and a man had to hold; the animal to prevent a runaway. Just what was the cause for the men making the attack is not known, but it is believed that one of the fel lows had some spite against Mr. Selby and wanted to "get even" as it were. Baseball Friday. Eastern league--Rochester, 3;Provi- dence, 2. Haltimore, 7: Montreal, 3. American we--Chicago, 2; Cleve land, 1. Phil ia, 9; Washi , Poston, 14; New York, 6. Yours, Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains In Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM ~Special values at $1.25, $1.50, IRISH POINT GURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. ! MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. PEER EE RHEE PEE ER bee R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse. CURTAINS. $1.00, atchman, at deavored to of the men im, kicking him For A Few Days Will sell that Bri ter having some repairs made to her | . i i grain at Fort William, for! Montreal. | Port ! Arthur and is having hei smoke stack | | load- s of | anxious to come again, and who didn't hear hini and heard him last night were more than sorry they missed any of the good music. Mr. Mallory was best in his hauser and Handel numbers. gave one a good idea of all breadth and dignity of tdne, breath control, and, in fact, These Mallory is certainly everything that could be asked. His lighter numbers always please and here again we find his many different styles Miss Jessica Reid surprised many friends. Her improvement been most wonderful, in fact she was hardly recognized from a few months ago. She did very fine work in her Wagner number, and everyone was de- lighted in her bright, catchy Carmens. She is vivacious, bright and | pleasing, and Kingston may well proud of her. her be {cannot hope to keep her long. She has already been engaged for six re icitals, including two in New York. Herbert Treneer is always an organ favorite and pleased his many friends ito the utmost. Albery's' accompariments masterly and he shared "The Se- ! Harold I were most {honors with Mr. Mallory in renade." It is readily seen that Miss Reid and Mr. Mallory are pupils of Fran- cis Fischer Powers, as the method is so pronounced, which is seen in all its perfection in Mr. Powers. In the heavy and light work it makes little | 'difference to Mr. Powers; he takes all with the same ease. Bethel Church. It is thirty-six years this month 'since Bethel ' ro, was organized. The congregation will celebrate their {family life and history to-morrow {morning by ' making it their text. Short speeches of reminiscence will be made by members. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Robertson are the only charter members, still members of the church. The Sunday school has added thirty- four new members, since January '1st, 1911, the church, fifty and C. E. So- ciety, fourteen. All Sunday school scholars are requested to be present to-morrow morning at church service, and a church waggon will transport old people. Children's Ald Society. Children's Aid Sceiety will meet Wednesday, at 4.15 p.m., in the coun- cil chamber, instead: of Monday. All contributors are urgently requested to he pn . soi fame---- Vital Statistics. these vital statistics clerk : deaths, During April were registered with the city Births, 37; marriages, 1T; 42. For the Hair. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Hahn's Petrole, Westphol"s Auxiliator, Moleod"s Drug Stores. New Arrivals. In men's hats, at Campbell Bros.' Frank Anglin will address the bovs' meeting ; at the Y.M.C.A, Sunday morning on "World-Wide Peace." Mother Goose and variety shows in Armouries, May 11th, 12th ang 13th, Sale of ladiss $3.50 tan Oxfords, $2.- 50. Dutton's. "Home of the Finest Hats." BEAUTIFUL HATS For 30 years we have been Men's Our Success, and by selling "Modern Millinery at Moderate Prices. ike." We many hats No two alm to soon to the ladies as we sell to the men. We liketo have you look at our showing of hats. We make a special feature of CHILDREN'S HATS In Straw, Linen and Felt. We have hundreds to choose from. 25¢ up to $2. those i Tann- | the | everything | that goes to make an artist, and Mr. | has | most | If she improves as she {has in the last few months the city (p.m, also hot suppers, at Armouries, | (Kingston, who has been a tufor | 'Strawberries, lorge quart boxes, 23c., {at Rees'. : | 14th band each evening at Armour- {ies, May 11th, 12th and 13th. Sale ladies $3.50 button boots, $2.50 { Datton's. There was no change in 'the . local labor strike situation on Saturday. Moth bags, three sizes, 'Gibsol's." The citizens are working hard "to have a fine celebration on May -24th |" Sale of ladies' $3.50 pumps, $2.50. { Dution's shoe store. |. To-morrow is Brotherhood Day | the Presbyterian chuiches of Ontario. { Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner, Urders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Prof. L. W. Gill, Stuart street, will | have his aeroplane ready for use | about July Ist. | Oakley's Corylopsis Taleum, rs, 25¢c. and 35c., Mcleod's Stores. Lunch counter from 10 am. to glass Drug 10 {May llth, 12th and 13th. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at | Auley's bookstore. | E. W. Mullen has sold to A. Ma- {geau the property on Montreal street, woed hy W. Knowlton. The Misses Nichol, Kingston, guests at the manse, in Picton, {Kev. and Mrs. J. A, Shaver. | Plant Kentucky grass seed, "Gib 2 Me jo are with son's. | Turkish Midway, with pretty Tur- | kish girls, at Armouries, May 11th, '12th and 13th. A composite team from the Sunday | School League is proposed for the Junior City League. So far only two teams are entered. Sale of trunks, Dutton's. In well chosen investments in real estate lies independence. Others | are setting there. Join those who are on the way. See McCann Abdominal and spinal supports; a specialty. . Dutton's. W. H. Noell Gill will conduct the Anglican services at Wolf¢ and Garden Islands, Sunday, the rector of Wolfe Island having gone to [Parham to take duty, | Shoulder braces, 'te. Duttou's | The Salvation Army is to have its special self-denial week from May 7th to 13th inclusive. Last year the King- ston corps raised $5623; it hopes do better this year. Mr. and Mrs. R. Genge have rented their home, on Clergy street, and are now with Mrs. Baird, Alfred street, Sergeant Lamorence, R.C.H.A., for Montreal to-day. Motor boat or auto owners can get new platinum or iridium points put on their spark ccils at C. W. Lane's, | jeweller, Wellington street. Duncan J. Robertson, of Martin- town, who was killed at Martintown, on Thursday by falling fom a beam in his barn, was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Joseph Elliott, Cataraqui. : oWear revolving rubber heels and | save repairs. Sole? agents, Dutton's, | 200 Princess street. i The work: of putting the cricket field | baseball diamond in shape for the coming season is finished and it now presents a very neat appearance A {good rain on it mow would put it (in first-class shape. Dominion disinfectant, "Gibson's." Afternoon fea, ice cream and fee at Armouries, May lith, I¥th 13th. At the Ottawa horse show in = the | military class, the first place was captured by Lieut. Vien, R.C.H.A, Kingston, the second and third | places going to Lieuts. Hagarty and Irwin, both of the R.C.H.A., King | ston. | Dominion disinfectant, "Gibson's." | Theatricals, fancy dances and tab! leaux in gun shed at Armouries, May | 11th, 12th and 13th. 3 The Athletic Association of Street, Sunday school held a meeting, | last evening, after practice, and ele t- | {ed Frederick Clow as manager of tffe| senior baseball team and William | Angrove as captain of the junior | team. i Sale men's $5 patent boots, $3.75 | Dutton's. & | Grand fancy dress parade each even jing in Armouries, May 11th, 12th and | : 13th. ! A very successful tea was held at | "Bishopscourt,"" Friday afternoon. | The affair was held under the united | Church -of England Woman's Auxiliar- | ies of the city. Representatives of the | different churches were present and | great reductions on to left cof and Queen {looked after the comfort and welfare | - of , those present. rr Na-dru-Co Royal Rose, the New(Tal- | cum, at Mecleod's Drug Stores. A representative of the Na-DriCo drug firm of Montreal was in the city] yesterday and placed a special diss] play of the products of this firm in the window of Jas. McLeod's store, corner of King and Brock streots. The num-, erous preparations put up in different colored packages a very attrac tive window. Queen's Graduate Appointed. Prof. Edward Williamson, of the moderns anguage department of Ho- bart College, Gemeva, N.Y., wrote Prof. James Macgillivray, of Queen's university, to recommend to him one of his honor German graduates for a teaching . position on the Hobart College stafi. Prof. Macgillivray re commended A. L. Harris, M.A, of at Queen's, and who will begin his new duties in September. Fine Display of Zam-Buk. New Shades in Soft Hats. $1.30, 32, $2.50, at, Campbell Bros.' 7 : ta and Miss Delong, GEO. MILLS & GO Hat Specialists.' Miss Alice DeWit G and Mrs. Herbert John Shannon, night The Riding Lesson (Duet). Love, Love, Love ? Dollar Princess (Quartetie). My Dream of Love. Inspection (Duet). Paragraphs (Duet) Selecifbn (Instrumental). I Complete Vocal Score, in oy Pub. Price, 60c. Our Price 335 do do | | do i i do i do Price, $1.00 $2 » 'ub Our Price, dtc 06 The College Book THE FINEST BOOK STORK IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260PRINCESS STREET DINNER IN NEW YORK Of the New York Society of Queen's University. The pinth annual dinner of the New York society of Queen's university was even a greater success than usual. It was held at the Hotel Manhattan, New York, on the 4th, and was at tended by Prof. John Watson, vice principal, Dean Cdppon and Dean Con- nell, all of whom spoke. Dr. Jaeguith is president this year Among the distinguished alumni and graduates present were Dr. James Doug as, Ir De. W. H Rankin, br. J. F. Kirk, Dr. ¥. J. McCamymon, Dre. Wright, Dr. Hunter, Dr. Moore, Dr. Dwyre, Dr. Makcod, Dr. R° M Ferguson and many others The guests were [ishop Courtenay, President Humphrey, of Stevens In stitute, Dr. Schlosson, editar of the Independent, Dr. Ewing, pathologist of Cornell university, and representa tives from the societies of McGill and Toronto. It was altogether most enjoyable reunion a Progress of the Foresters. Attention is called to a lengthy arti cle elsewhere in this issue, giving the essence of a splendid address delivered at the annual meeting of the 1LLOF., in Toronto, a few days ago, by Hon Elliott i. Stevenson. The article worthy - of careful attention on part of every reader, Death of Mrs. William Wallace. the The death occurred on Friday might, | at 11.45 o'clock, 6f Mrs. William Wall are lace, 60 Wellington street Deceased had been ill since last October. had been resident of the city many years. She is survived by a two sons and two daoghters. Scott's, London, Tnese celebrated high-grade hats are to be had in Kingston only at Camp- bell Brosf', the leaders in men's hats The mariner arvested, yesterday, for being drunk, was allowed out last on a deposit of 35, that he would appear in the morning. He did not appear, the fine, of goes to the city. doubt, left the city Sale men's boots Waterproof sole. s0 course, The mariner, on his boat $$ for $3.85 Dutton's no QPEN NIGHTS Protect Your Furs BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. ' a - > We have them in dl sizes from the short jac to the long Ulster With these bags there is no danger from woths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice No pasting, gluing or sewing is required; the patent fastener is secure Patent Clothes Hooks inside Try Moth Proof Sheets for wrapping up bedding or lining trunks or boxes. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and are only 5c¢ each mn i---- Dr. A. P.Chown, Optician, san PIR ORS STREET 'Phone 343. > ®000Net0s0snRs0ReRRS -- The Coronation 'Night and Day," the Number. (guarterly She | for | Homes, thus month, of Br. Barnardo' coronation number Cove r ' gan 5 Issues its | with ral a colored and with se features and telling } he illustrations It devote new numerous much of its space to the « fund issue of «share at one guin¥x each, for the further ance and development of "Child Res cue Unlimited." The subscription list opened on 10th Apnl, and @ burden-bearers are to be "Coronation Rolls.' Over 9.2% voung people are of the homes, which includes 30.000 burden bearer Les ittached under the care of the homes Strawberries, large quart boxes, 25 Rees' Substantial increases to at post offices, shadowed in commons Ste. chamois Dutton's TO-NIGHT 10 Dozen ladies' Night Gowns quality White Cotton, high neck, Torchon Lace All sizes, 54 to TO-NIGHT SPECIAL EACH Ladies Whit neatly trimmed 3 Dozen and 3-4 sleeves, to 42 SPECIAL TO-NIGHT EACH 25 Dozen Men's Black Cash fast color, spliced heels and td« inches TONIGHT SPECIAL See "Our Own" Special Corset, long Sizes 4 hose supporters. A special age figure. Medium bust Other makes at 50c a pair e Waists PER PAIR from good trimmed 50c Embroidery All sizes, neatly and made sleeves neck with 60 inches with fancy fron or low neck $1.00 Socks, all wool, good weight sl 10 to 11 1 \. 25¢ of heavy Contil, with suitable for the aver i Our price per $1.00 High mere 8, seamless, res 2 pair and up MONDA Will be Lace Curtain Day at thiz store show fou. White Nottingham Lace Curtain, inches wide. Special at Lace Curtains, 3 yards by 28 9 2: by 4 by by Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards Other makes up to $6.50 a yards pa ir, Vv Curtain Muslins, prices. Newman THE ALWAYS inches Madras Mauslins, Art Musling, ete, ets Hundreds of pairs to long and 38% . B0c a Pair. 2 1-2 yards i. WD Thc a Pair. Special £1.00 a Pair. $1.50 a Pair. 5 inches. Special 2 inches. Special 52 inches, finished top, $2 a Pair. exquisite patterns, at each price. Popular & Shaw, BUSY STORE. | '|W. F. GOURDIER ES ---------- J "Three Medium . Sized Houses ith big For Friday and Saturday only we will clear a few copies still on hand AT 25c per Copy Publisher's Regular Price, 7i¢ Store, Phone 919 SILVER DEPOSITED ON ARTICLES OF SERVICE. On, Brown. Earthenware Tea- pots and Stands, On Tea Caddies, and rm #7 On Butter Dishes and Sandwich Plates, Any many other useful articles The Qn Sugar Bowls Cream Jugs, ~ Deposit takes over all our showing of these goods, and each piece makes a gift well worth having SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Silver graceful form MADE OVER . AND REPAIRED yards, on Johnson Street, r Barrie, at Bargain Prices Semi-detached frame con- {taining & rooms, for $458 ied double, $1. rooms, contain SEE ME AT ONCE. . & @ MULLIN, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, Corner Johnson and Division Sts. 'Phone 539 (A CLEANER SWEETER Will be your clothes if you'll permit us o Do Your Laundering Don't take our word for ft----just put us to the test ~then words won't be ne cessary. onLaundry and framed wm OF COURSE,