Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1911, p. 7

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HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, Go To THE STEWART HOUSE, LEAD- ing Commercial Ho'el. Rates, $1.5( per day THOS. STEWART, Prop TRAVELLING, EF NINN I TRETT TRE Montreal Horse Show Montreal, Que., May 9th to 13th LIN : DO YOU KNCW -- Round Trip Tickets will be issued at $5 80 That when you put a . | § salveonto your child's skin, one admission to the] it passes through the pores Horse Show, i 2 . . Good golng Wednesday, May 16th, | and en the blood, Just and good to return until Monday, | as surely as if you put it Mag 35th os. dally leave. J R22 the child's stomach? OUT passenger trains danny, fav. | . ing Kingston 140 am, arriving You would not put a Montreal 7.40 am.; 2.48 am, ar, J] coarse mass of animal fat, riving Montreal 7.40 am.; and 1.08 colored by various mineral p.m., arriving Montreal 6.00 pm For fall particulars and sleeping poisons (such AS many car reservations apply to crude salves are) into your J. P. HANLEY, Agent, child's blood by way of the i Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts = stomach? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. Use alway: the herbal essences provided in am-Buk. Zim-Buk contains 00 trace of any animal oil or fat, § and no poisonous mineral color | ing alien, From start to finish it is purely herbal. It will heal sores, ulcers, abun ses, eruptions, varicose ulcers, cuts, burns and bruised mere quickly than aay other koown It is attieptic, quickly stops the smartin sore or cut, cures piles, Including CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY VICTORIA DAY One Way First-Class Fare Good going until May 23 and 24 Return limit, May 26th Homeseekers™ Excursions To the Canadian North-West MAY 16th, 30th, JUNE 13th, 27th. JULY 11, 23th. AUGUST Sth, 22m. Tickets good 16™Ferurn within SU days. Full particulars at K. and P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street "Phone 50. ¥F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. of a lamed scientific purity, have proved It. An ists and stores 50s box or Zam Co., Torente, for price. » Wah Long's Laundry First-class work guarafiteed Droy me a card id 1 will call promptly for your: laund 155 WELLINGTON BT, between Brock and Clarence Sis BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontari Btreet, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser onto, Ranneckburn and all points north Toe seture quick despateh te Bannock. burn, Mayneeth, and points op Centra Ontarig rout vour shipments via Bay of Quinte Ralliway For further parti culars, apply R,. W. BICKSBON, Agent 'Phone No, | ALLAN LINE Steamship Co'y, Ld. OPERATING THE FINEST FLER) OF PASSENGER STEAMERS ON THI BT. LAWRENCE ROUTE SUMMER SAILINGS, . HY : Montreal to -fiiverpool ROYAL MAIL SERVICER. "Corsican," May 6th, June "Virginian" May 13th, June *Punisian," May 19th, June 16th. "Victorian," May 26th, June 23rd. Montreal to Glasgow May 6th, Buy real Vanilla Extract Make sure you get the HY real Vanilla, not an im- Hation Buy Shirriff's-- the extract of the finest Mexican Vanilla Beans. Aged until it is stronger, Yuhe 3rd. richer, infinitely superior, "Grampian May 13th, June "Scotia" May 2 th, June 17th "Hesperian," May 27th, June 24th Montreal to London One class (moderate rate). Steamen oealling at Havre, France of "lonian" For full particulars Rates ar Baillngs, apply, J. P. HANLEY, GT. Ry. or THE ALLAN LINE, _ 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. 8. KIRKPATRICK Clarence Wi C Shicriffs ETC OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Mour is unexcelled for bread o pastry Price la moderate i A. MACLEAN, i Ontario Sires | LIME For Sale| BEST FOR PLASTERING ! STONE AND BRICK WORK W. Drury, YAS Wellington Street, CONSTANT PAN THA LOPLLY, Pronk Y87. Lirop 8 curd to 18 Pine Street when | wanting anything done in the Carpen- | ter line. Estimates given on all Kinda of repairs . and new k | Also Hardwood Floors of. all kinds." All orders will receive prompt attention | Bhop, 40 Queen Street . : 1 Until Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. { Dewittville, N.Y. -- " Before I start | ad to take Lydia I. Pinkham's Vege. " n table Compound I wm jsulfered nearly all Jthe time with ffa ches, backaches, fiend bearing down pains, and had a ~jeontinuous n in AFTER MOVING You find there's a room to be repapered or space for an extra picture or two. Weese can supply your wants at reasonable prices Get your Photos at Weese's D. A. WEESKE & 00, tried to walk much, and my back was so weak that I was obliged a wear . corsets al Drink McCarthey's Ak |} ot have any of these J ' , 'troubles. I have a fine st bab and Porter. Ws th | daughter now, 'which 1 did not ha best. | before taking Lydia Agent, R. J LAWLER | oeetable Compound: | The above is only one of the thou. i sands of grateful ers which are ' constantly being received by the CO AL ! { Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, + Mass, which prove be otid a doubt that | Lydia BE. Pinkham's Com The kind you are looking for { | pound made from roots and he Is the kind we sell. | actual Ed, ech, | . eases of women, and that every such Scranton Coal suffering woman owes it to herself to | C) at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. 1s good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery, ° 7 Sable Compound a trial before submit. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Mans. A. to un operation, or hope of pecovery. § ov w . Mrs. Pinkham of M invites all siek mien to writs erican E. Pinkham's | : LA. Gries, Route 44, Dewittville, N.Y. varthly citizenship. his natural rights. Women have rights as well as men. When a woman gives to a man her affections in exchange for this 'love and protecting care, is the duty of the civil authorities to require the the clearly be allowed to interfere. The chugeh has a ri the spicitupl realm. them for the heavenly kingdom. To thie énd she may make all the church laws that communicate whom she will, bat died bas wo right 10 ask that her ecclesias- le had been il THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESD i tical law be made the. basis,.ofy civil law. Ecclesiastical domination in affairs is one of the greatest evils that has ever afflicted our sin-cursed earth. This evil principle of a union of religion and the government came - from heathefiizm. In ancient Rome Grimshaw Shows Where the there was the closest ution of religion Doctor's Arguments are Entirely and the state. It was this anion Letter on the Matri. | phich made > possible =, pagan { Rome to put to a crue ath three monial Question, million Christians. | Wolfe Island, May 5.--(To the Bdi-| When pagan Rome gave place to | tor) br Fdwards' speech on reci- { another power not even then was' procity shows a lack of proper knowl- the truth comprehended that a man's wdge of farmers' interests and of cue | uty to God is .above all human le rent aud past prices in Canada and |gislation. Through all the long dreary the United States. He said only one |tenturies of. the middle ages it was township in his copstituency - would [Supposed that the law of the! church benefit under reciprocity, that being |*hould be the law of the land, and so Wolie Island, because they are pro- | dreadful were the persecutions that lucers and shippers of hay. I resent {10 ay we sffudder in. horror at. . the his ronarks. It is because Wolfe Je {awful deeds committed in ihe name Of land is close to the United States | religion. Men were dragged-to the stake and suffered untold agonies, not porder and the people on 'the island | 4 ~ a fase | I ! {so much because of general ignorance uré more familiar with the Prices 4 brutality of those days, but be wer there than he is. Now, we can cause the persecutors were the victims tell the doctor that we can and do Jf false theocratical theory, and. they produce other products. Hay is one | gamed inspired with Satanic courage of the smallest and reciprocity would | {, put their diabolical principles ito help the farmers in the back town |practice. Those principles are no bet ships most as they are producers | (or to-day, no matter by whom be mostly of cheese, horses, cigtle, sheep, |lioved, than they were during the dark wool and poultry. The most impor- ages. : tant of all is cheese, in which the | If history teaches anything it is that ack townships lead. The Whig could [civil government should attend strict have given the doctor what informa- [ly to civil matters: and refuse to en tion he required on that all-important act mto law any religipus dogma. The juestion as it printed the prices paid {religion of Jesus Christ is capable of it Kingston, Brockville and Water- [§landing upon its own merits. Christ own and Little Falls, the latter two [needs no help from Caesar. The law markets leading by from three to should protect every man regardless of our cents a& pound on cheese ' and |his religious belief and leave conscience rom forty to fifty cents a ewt. for |[unshackled. A church that cannot milk without any additional - cost of [stand without being propped up by roduction, and reckoning on the line | the government had better fall. There to | are yet a number of bands which hind produce a cwt, of milk, and the aver- jo to that wiched_medioval principle price paid in Canada is about | © a on hi a 1 and state, and nmety cents, it would leave a profit | = REat tung On us to do is "to io the Canadian farmer of hiteen! pa e ase ne sands and not 2 ia Gar cut: a d ocipro= 12" omit to be ruled by an ec clesiasti- ents per cwi.; whereas uncer ree ical" tyranny. --GRANT PRIDDY. city the cost of production would be | » the but the profit forty to fifty greater taking as a basis | he 1909-1910. And if the Am- | consumption af cheese con- ! present. to increase for the next firmed, By-law No. 517, vroviding for ten years as it has in the past 1 ten closing the road around McDonald's it will take half a dozen Canadas to!Hill, from the Loughboro boundary to supply the market. | west fence of Canadian Northérn rail- tories say if the Americans get way's right-of-way, which recived first yur cheese it 'will lose its identity. ard second readings, April/3rd, 1911, f the doctor was operating a cheeso | wus read third time. Byldw No. 512 actory in the back townships and designating certain highways to be saying the usual price around nine improved in the township, which re y cents and an American built one ceived first and second readings Oct. and paid their usual price, $1.10 to 3rd, 1911, providing for an expendi- *1.14, alongside of him, I will ven- ture of 8605, and which has been ap ture to say it would not be long proved by the honorable minister of efore the doctor lost his identity, public works for one-half the estima- 1s the farmers do not care so much ted expenditure, was read a third thout the identity of the cheese as time. Accounts paid: they do of the identity of the dollar. 360, David Taggart, assessor: $1.49, Now, as regards horses, the price is | Municipal World, supplies; $20, Frank not universally the same all over Can- | Martin, funeral expenses William ada or the United States owing to | Campsall; 875, James I). Redmond, se the rapid settlement of the prairie | cretary-treasurer U.S.8, No. 9; 810.35, listricts in the Canadian notfth west, |W. Jeffrey, opening winter road from hey. are excessively dear, while in | Hartington to Conway's Creek; 85, J. in the United States, with [Mills and wife, charity; $2, Maggie o many large cities, they are very |Revell, charity; $1; David Taggart, ear, and that being the closest and lone day's work on crusher; 85.05, H. est market under reciprocity the eas- | Curran, opening winter road Camden tern Canadian farmer would benefit [boundary; $5.55, A. Cowdy, opening as the eastern American deal- road. from Harrowsmith to Murvale rs would then buy up every !school house; $5.60, Thomas Clark, wailable horse in the Canadian east opening winter road from Harrow- if that duty of from $30 to '860 on smith to Star Corners; $3.35, Farl ach horse was taken off. In fact I |Leonard, opening road from Leonard's hnve recently sold one to a farmer [Corners to George Smith's; $8.79, Al- line on which I will | bert Alton, opening winter road from Uncle Sam about $50. | Loughboro boundary to William Rey- that {nolds; $12.74, R. J. Moon, pay list, isub-div. No. 3; 83899, R. J. Moon, pay list, sub-division No. 7; 87.50, R. J. Moon, commissioner, April, 310.: 50, John Henderson, opening winter roads, Star Corners to Murvale toll gate, from William Reid's to Murvale school, and from R. Lillies to King- ston township bougdary; $366.85, FE. { Perey, opening winter road from Ver lona to Hinchinbrooke boundary; $9 180, 8. Snider, opening winter roads; ! 1810, C. W. Martin, pay list No 2:1 £4.50, William Mellroy, opening winter roads: $2.65, KE. Ducett, opening win ter roads; $2.85, John Sagnif, opening and T have seen hundreds winter roads: $1.90, 1. Meeks, opening in the stack in Canada [winter roads; 86.15, C. W Martin, was placed on a ton 8f freight and oil; 819, Frederick Denni son, opening road from Hartington to Harrowsmith; $256, E. Townsend, opening road from Harrowsmith to ppp -- EDWARDS OPPOSITION | 10 RECIPROCITY. /, | Blase civil | TO DR. G. Wrong--A that it takes seventy-five cents ize same x cents Portland Township Council. Harrowsmith, May 6.--Members Minutes of last meeting all, con year rican tinues t he he east, nost ucross the hate to hand Under reciprocity 1 could pay 50 on the old farm. Now, 1s regards cattle, if {ogter ealls everything with hair "and horns on, .a cow, and imagines all we worth the same price, alike, 1 hall have to doubt his wisdom, for I was a boy, forty vears ago, hundreds erossed the border, «nd that under a high protection ta- ff. As regards hay, of which the doe- talks so much, and knows so lit- the hay would be all fed in Can mostly, if we could get the Am price which we would get un- for our cheese, milk ist the wWery year aince Lar the, ada ex nd cream, of tons rot since the $4 hay. | As regards eggs, the farmers are not like the dog in the manger which could not eat the hay nor would he Husband's Corners; $2, Rut let the horse have it. It would be a tan, remqving rock from road; $42 reciprocity Charles AY, MAY 77) No. 605. A%ew low- bust model, fitting the average ligure to pres. ent styles. A graceful style beautifully made. Sizes 18 10 28 No. 631. (Back view) A French model for medium Ligures. Very stylish and easy fitting. ik a I) INARI, AT I ala CORSETS are made for every type of figure -- the tall, the short, the slender, the moderately plump and the large --modelling each, easily yet firmly, to the fashionable lines of the newest styles. Get the model suited to your figure and a perfect fit is assured. Ask for "C/C a la Grace" at the best stores. Write for new style book to Crompton Corset Company Limited, Toronto. 7% x : NG \ 4 4 \ EET LY EN A) oY TN CN Ty CN Sr SF OF OF Much Painting Must Be Done at This Season. "Painting Neeos The House Verandah mean man whoo would object Yo the 25, James MeKim, repairs to crusher citizens of Canada buying them where! Council adjourned to meet in Har the hens lay in warm climates A of revision market gardener writing in the Whig Monday, + time ago disapproved of the 20th, at 10 am. | Ca of reciprocity because he said | : to climatic conditions the Uni- The Evidence Pretty Shim. { Toronto News ted States with its warm climate could produce vegetables and green | The documents in the (Oliver-M stuff two months earlier than in Can- |Gillicuddy) case which have been print G. GRIMSHAW, ed in the Telegram are muddy and lambiguous. D. R. Wilkie eclares that . | the supposed fac-simile o r. Oliver's The Marriage Controversy. jLae ipposes A urate. Ho Kingston, May 8.--(To the Edit |copy or an alleged copy of the a or): There must be something radi- | unt had been photographed with the ally wrong somewhere when a church | intent to deceive, the basis of accusa- dignitary is upheld in his efforts. to {tion against the minister is neither make null in certain cases the matri- [sound nor reputable. monial vow. It is well that this mat- | Further, the street rumors of Ot- ter is attracting attention, and it will | {awn are so many and so varied that be an everlasting blessing to our fair'; it would be stupid to give full credit land if the cause of the trouble canto one and neglect all the others If be ascertained and removed. | there is a clear case agminst Mr. Oliver I beg leave to suggest that the [he himself is the one to dispryve it. disturbing element may be found in He has his opportunity. It is only the evil principle entertained by some [fair to say in the meantime that the that the ecclesiastical power may of | public accounts committee has not right dominate the secular authority. been troubling the department of the interior - of late vears. In the main, We sometimes hear it said that every- » thing has its place, and this is em | the complaints against the department are not important. It is scarcely rea- phatically - true of religi and the I p government. When either encroaches [sonable to jump to the conclusion that | the minister is crooked because some Non the sphere of the other, it causes nition, and not unfrequently bitter | 0 OPES he is SO. animosity and persecution. ' Civil governments are concerned with It is their duty to see that evervone is protected in sowsmith as a court of | the assessment roll May cy ada Why be Hurt? Why suffer pain from sealds, burns, cuts, bruises, sunburn, boils, ulcers, and run the serious risk of blood poisoning, when "'Mecca™ Ointment will relieve the pain instantly --restore a healthy condition--and quickly heal? 25¢, a 3 oz. jar, at all druggists', it man to full his part of contract. Such a question is tea within the juri-hetion of the vil government and no church should A fight on the battleship Nebraska, at Boston between Alexander Allen and James Boeks, two colored mess attendants, was followed an hour lat- er by a shooting® affair in which Allen was killed, and Beeks locked upj on a charge of murder. Bio pan Jowis M. Hodges, one of the most widely known old-time show mew, and bt to operate in fer work is to the souls of men and fis are for ox $1 Steps Floors Furniture Outbuildings Garden Walk Wagons Buggies Farm Implements etc. a MII " 4 weather and decay. h LEI) Hardware, Paints, Oils, The question is-- What Paint will you use ? ' You want a paint that will wear well'=a paint that will retain its appearance for the longest fin You want a paint that is simpl You want a paint that you know Paint experimenting is expensive To secure the best results vou Ready Prepared Paints Minerva Paint is simply the best proven paint ingredients com- pounded and prepared under the most modern methods. Great machines in the big Minerva factory thoroughly mix and' grind to the greatest degree of fineness. Minerva Paint flows easily and spreads smoothly, insuring the greatest covering capa- city. Minerva Paints are perfect--the best paint for any job Its high quality is the reason than many of the so-called " just as good " brands. Paint for every job.around the home. it is your assurance of good work. There's a Minerva Paint, Varnish and Ensmel for every purpess. Sold by Prominent Dealers at all Points Including & AN 2 4 Oi Ns OOH "MINERVA Pure reputation should use the paint with the In consequence a real protection against yet Minerva Paints cost no' more You should insist on Minerva Look for the Minerva Trade Mark on the can-- ( Fe) ; N ---- ad ELC i J. B. BUNT & COMPANY ete, Kingston, PINCHIN, JOHNSON & CO. (CANADA) Limited £ TORONTO - ONT. ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND IN 1iyg "IT'S 30 EASY TO PAINT WITH MINERVA" cyavyaveyeve Zlelelelele]le i *, This Wood was pégled and plled under cover to dry. We are offering this Wood to thé public at $5.00 per cord, cut in any lengths. This is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use. Try it and be con- vinced. ' SOWARDS 'Phone 155. End Ontario Street. Prof' F. I. Charles, University of she pleased, and may for yars madager for the late PP. T. i at Chicagn, Monday. she for about a year. ' Minois, Champaign, fil, saicided by hanging, because his life was a failure, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Sunkist Oranges All Fresh 302° King St KR. H. TOYE, *35M= ESATA LLAAITAR HLL LIAR A SNS asses Rt

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