From Trapper to Wearer (Registered). Reliable Fur Storage Telephone 499, Our Waggon : Will Call. JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock Street MAY----Housecleaning and Month. We are rushed, but always ready for more Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Curtains, ete. Biggest Stock ever. VERANDAH AND LAWN CHAIRS, Ete. $1.00, $1.50 CURTAINS, largest selection Finest Choice. Our 50c and 75¢ are good value. The best and rich- at est designs $7.00 and $10.00. ee] TLL LAO RTS UPHOLSTERED PARLOR FURNITURE. Our $25 Silk Mahogany Suite 1s un- equalled. Qur Ameri- can $3.60 and $5 Silk is the seller. Repair and Upholstering prompt- ~ ly done. Vacuum Cleaner Rented by day. Does good work T. F. Harrison & Co. 'Phone 90. A LES \ the Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tons ef- fects are as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could \ desire, \ NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. -- Special values at $1.00, $1.25, $150 IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. FHP EP PEPPER EP ree R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse, Tracer He S0080000000%0000000000 000000000000 00000 00000000000000000000000000 Told In Twilight | SELLS eseetes "9 home .of Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Earl street, Was the scepe of a very jolly suprise Party, 'bn Saturday evening. - The guests wers Misses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Dorothy! Brownfield, Misses Phyllis and Charley short, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Dorothy Car- ruthers, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Miss Edith Hague, Misses Eva The and rick, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Hamilton Mise Noa Macnee, Miss Vera Carson, essrs. W. Macnee, Langhlin' Hughes, Leonard Birkett, A. W. gilin |} Airde, Cadets W.'L. Ir. Gordon, C. Gibson, FP. Goldie; W. Young, C. Carruthers, Irvine J. Gwynne, J. Taylor, Suther- land, Fisher, Storms, Paterson, Rob- erts, H. Macpherson, Wilmot, de Lot- biniere, W. Symons, B. Powell, Bond, Silver and Morrow. . "A very bright aed enjoyable lunch- eon- was given on Monday at the {ountry Club, by Miss Mona Knight. ihe guests of honor were Mrs. W. Knox, Kelowna, B.C., and Miss W. Lewis, Ottawa. Covers were laid for twelve. Pink tulips apd ferns were used for decorating the table. The guests included Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Carrie Waldron, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Agnes Brawne, Miss Mabel Dalton and Mise Bessie Smythe. After luncheon bridge was played and the prize, a pretty brass Tn stick, was won by Miss Lewis. . «" cu Mises Kathleen Daly, Brock street, entertained a number of her friends at the tea hour, on Tuesday, when Miss Grace Worrell, of Halifax, was the guest of honor. 'Thosd present were Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Harcourt Callaghan, Mise Mona Kni and her guest, Miss Lewis, of "Ottawa, Miss Lillian Kent, Mise Mildred Jones, Miss Gertrude Powers and Miss Mur- iel King. A very jolly party of boys and girls had tea at the Point, on Saturday evening. The party included Miss Millie Henderson, Miss Eleanor Min- nes, Miss Grace McLelland, Miss Mar- jorie Hopkirk, Miss Millie Wormwith, Miss Dorothy Chown, Miss Dorothy Goodwin, Messrs. Henderson, Smythe, Wendling Anglin, Philips Macdonnell and Mark Levy. - Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, King able tea, early in the week, and the ruests were Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Susie Anglin, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Nora Macuee, Miss Helen Gordon. Cadets Fortt, Gibson, Bishop, Messrs. | Reiffenstein, Douglas Anglin, James Forgio and W. Macnee. The dinner at the Country Club, on Saturday evening, which was chap- roved by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fortt, was most enjoyable. The table was centred by a huge bunch of pale pink roses and the guests included Miss Irene Swift, Miss Frances Sulli- van, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lillian Kent, Mr. Hendry, Mr. Laurie, Mr. A. W. Browne and Mr. T. Macklim. - - - > On Tuesday evening a very enjoy- nble high tea was given at the Cquntry Club, and was chaperoned by Captain and Mrs. A. Z. Palmer. The guests were Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Capt. W. Boak, Capt. H. P. Elkins and Mr. Roy Irwin. - ka There was & Dutch Juncheon at the, Country Club, on Tuesday. The este were Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, ! Miss Vera Carson, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss Helen Gor- don and Miss Sylvia Cochrane. «ee Mrs. M. J, Sproule," Division street, left on Saturday for an extended trip to Westport, Ont., Cleveland, Ohio, and I'eterson, lowa, before joining her son at White River, in her new home. » - - Mrs. James McParland, Emily street, | | Mrs. J. Robertson, of Tweed, who | University avenue, Hill, Miss Mollie Saunders, | Mabel Richardson, Miss Marjorie Mer- | Archd . street, was hostess at a most enjoy- | jard and Lady Cartwright. ling for England where she will spend Ww. |e short time here and will WHIG, WEDNESDAY, ordon, Principal ro te ee GOT LICENSE BACK] some time in Ottawa with her sister, Mrs. Victor Anderson, will réturn home to-morrow Miss Madge Dawson will return on Thursday, from East Orange, N.J., where she has been visiting ir. El- kins. The Bishop of home, on Tuesday. Miss Helen Crowe, Royal College, who has beeti the guest of Major and Mrs. Taylor, at the Rox- borough Apartments, Ottawa, will re- turn home, on Thursday. - -. OTTAWA HOTEL BAR WILL BE, 'RE-OPENED. ! i Board Outs Off License of Cooper | Lennox, of Jubilee Hotel--Exten- | sions of Licenses for Improve- ments. Ontario returned Military 3 The long-looked for report of the lo- cal board of license commissioners was handed out, on Wednesday morning, the board having held a meeting on Tuesday night. ; One tavern license was cut off, that | of Cooper Lémnox, of the Jubilee ho-! 237 Wellington street, and a nse 'was granted to James Norris, of the Ottawa hotel, corner of Prin cess and Ontario streets. This license was cut off by the board of license commissioners a year ago. The license of the Jubjlee hotel was | extended three months for the dis posal of the stock. {has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Polson, is now with bh. mother, Mrs. R. J. Mcllowall, Prince . 'street, and will spend some time wi her bel: Miss ore returning home. Macmorine, and | Mildred Macmorine, who have heen {some months in the south, returned to town on Tuesday, after ding a few days at Atlantic City, en route. They are with - Mrs. A. McPhail, Clergy 4 i | street. | 'Six shop licenses werp granted and Miss Gretchen Williams, after spend. {one club, the Frontenac club, was ing several weeks with Mrs, Malcolm granted a license. Sutherland, Earl street, returned to| In all twenty tavern licenses were Tofonto on Saturday. granted and the license of five others $n» were extended, four to allow for im- J. from ! provements, one to allow for a trans came down : of Nr. Higgins d the fer, and'the other for the disposal | oy James | the stock, Picton, on Saturday, to week-end with his mother, Higgins, King street, Miss Lois Saunders, who 'has been | visiting her sister, Mrs. K. Mclllwraith in Toronto, returned to Kingston, on | Saturday, and is the guest of Herbert Saunders, Alice street. ! Mr. B. Bate, of Ottawa, spent the | week-end at "Willow Cottage," the! guest of Miss Millie Ferris. i Mr. H. Uglow, of Stratford, arrived | home, on Monday. and is the guest of | Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street. Miss Winifred Lewis, of Ottawa, who has been visiting Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, expects to leave or New York the end of the week. - - - The list follows Tavern Licenses. { Twenty tavern licenses were issued {as follows : Mrs. | J. S. Randolph, Randolph hotel. Walter Telfer, Frontenac hotel. Waltey/ Telfer, British-American "ho- tel. Mulvill & Dbriscoll, Grimason hotel. T, P. Phelan, G.T.R. restaurant, {Outer Junction. 6 | James Norris, Ottawa hofe! Peter M. Thompson, Club hotel Frederick Whitney, American hotel C. D. Horne, Provincial hotel. Archibald Simpson, Lake View tel. Eccles Bros, Grand hotel John Cousineau, Brunswick hotel. Patrick McKenna, Imperial hotel, Conrad Haag, Hub hotel James Sowards, Maple Leal hotel. P. T. Haffner, Anglo-American ho- Miss Sibbald Hamilton will return to-morrow from Guelph, where she has been spending some time with «Miss Marjorie Duff. Miss Lorptta Swift, King street re turned on Tuesday, from Montreal, where she has been the guest of Miss | Gabrielle Roy for the past three weeks. i tel. Mrs. Edward Kenny and her two | James Spence, Hall hotel children, who have been visiting Mrs. W. Dunnigan, Kennedy House James Mc Pearland, Emily street, will Lewis Martin, Revere hotel leave for Halifax, on Monday next. Saunders Bros, Queen's hotel Mrs. Frederick Hammond, who has al- so been the guest of Mrs. McParland, will return to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. W. Rayson, University avenue, expects to leave the beginning of next month for the south, where she will spend the summer. - - Mrs. Richard Waldron and Miss Carrie Waldron, Barrie street, who have been spending the winter in Ber- muda, returned home on Thursday. Mrs. Frank Cartwright, Barriefield, returned on Saturday from Ottawa, where she was the guest! o. Sir Rich. Shop Licenses. Six shop licenses were issued as fol- lows : y Rigney & Hickey, James McParland, George Thompson, Robert Lawler, J S. Henderson, Edwin Beaupre One club license was granted aml that was granted to the Frontenac club. . -- Extensions Made. The following extensions to the old licenses were made : James M. Caines, Albion hotel, and George Jenman, Russell hotel, extend- é two months for improvements. McCue Bros., Windsor hotel, months for improvements. Theriault Bros., Iroquois hotel, months, for improvements. Estate of late J. A. McConnell, three months, to allow transfer from tate. Cooper. Lennox, Jubilee hotel, teuded three months for disposal stock, Cooper Lerinox has been in the ho- tel business in Kingston for many years. It will be remembered that the cut- ting off of the license of James Nor- ris, of the Ottawa hotel, a year ago, caused a storm of protest from many citizens,' and at the time, a largely Mrs. R. H. Tothill, King street, will, leave on Friday for Montreal, where she will visit for ten days before sail- one the summer with friends. Mr. Snider, of the Northern Crown Bank, left for Brockville, where he will spend his 'holidays. - - three - . os Many friends of Mr. Masson, of the Bank of Montreal, will be glad to know that he is progressing favorably after his recent illness. Master Robert Rayson, avenue, will leave bg. where he will visit relatives dur- the coronation. { Mr. E. J. Lockhart, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, who has been re- fieving at the Kingston branch, for the past fortnight, leit, to-day, for rrie. ex- ol University shortly for Eng- Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, who will ar rive in town in two weeks, will spend then re turn to Charlottetown for the sum- mer. She will return with her family in the fall to reside permanently. Mr. R. Stevenson Smith, of Winni- reg, is the guest of Professor 0. Tif- any Macklim for a few days. Mr. D. Laurie left, on Tuesday, for Ottawa. Mr. J. Atkinson returned, on Mon- day, from Ottawa, ! rp Dainty Dresses Every Dress Rev. T. W. Savary, vicar of St. James' church, returned from Picton, on Monday, where he spent the week- end. Miss Florence Turner, who has been asked a few friends to tea on Tuesday afternoon to meet her daughter, Mrs. | Edward Kenny, of Halifax, and Mrs. | Frederick Hammond, Toronto. Mrs. Hugh Nickle, "Earl street, is! entertaining this afternoon for ee | sister, Mrs. W. Knox, Kelowna, B.C. . Te e Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, King street, a receive on Friday and not again is season. a + . - a . A number - of boys and girls have arranged a surprise party for this - N Ottawa for Kingston on the 20th of the month. : il Captain and Mrs. Kenneth Blair spent the week-end in Deseronto. Miss Gertrude Lawson, who has been spending two weeks in To- rontd, will return to town on Mon and will be the guest of Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers, " vg Miss M. Mair, who bas been the guest of Mrs. H. - Robinson, Bagot street, expects to return to Toronto on Saturday. « ah Mrs. FP. F. Miller, of Napanee, spent 5 Jou s in town this week. ' r. ly, for - - - - ASTORIA T. Benson and family will leave 3 FE 2 ¥ the guest of Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, has returned to Brockville. : Miss M. Hora, King street, returned on Masnday, from Napanee, where she was visiting Mrs. Richard Cartwright. Mr. Herbert Booth, son of Gefieral Booth, will be a guest in the city over Sunday. > '. Dr. and Mrs. John Mackie, St. Andrew's Manse, who have been i several weeks in Atlantic 4 City, will return home on Thursday. Store Is New We are emphasizing Dresses this week, and people tell us our array is beautiful. Every. thing desirable is here from a Linen Dress, priced at $4.75, to a Silk Foulard at $22.50. A very dainty dress is White and Cream Net, lined with silk and trimmed with lace and sertion. > Specially Priced . .. $13.50 WATCH OUR WINDOWS. Hy il ; 41 [> i { 5. £ ¥ Ea ? i i : 5 1 i § i i L i i i 0g B g i i 0 Kd Yolo Wg bet {i era ! i ho-! »™ harf Brand || MAY 10, 1011. ------ ---- TE -- Reductions Dollar Music For the balance of this week only we will clear the following vocal numbers 4t 25c, 5 for $ The Riding Lesson i 'Love, Love, Love Dollar Princess Quartette My Dream of Love Inspection Paragraphs Instrumental Selections, re $1.00. To clear, 35¢. { Bot 260 PRINCESS STREET {signed petition was presented to the | liceuse department, asking that his li- jcense be renewed. I» MARINE INTELLIGENCE. s of Crafts About the The Movement ] Harbor, | The schooner St. | Oswego, i "The steamer Turret Chief will clear | {for Belleville to load cement for Fort | | William. | The. steamer Haddington jdown on her way to Montreal, 'day night. i Some repairs are being made to the | Thousand Island = {pany's wharf. | The steamer from Gan AnOGue, for | Louis cleared | | | passed Fues- | teamboat com Mississiquol was up Tuesday, and while there was inspected The steamer Ralph T. Hol in the Kingston dry-dock having some { repairs made to her hull, | The Renvoile passed ? vesterday on her way from Port borne, to Montreal, with grain. The steamer Algonquin from . Fort | William, discharged 87,000 bushels of barley at the M. T. Co's elevator. { The steamer Beuna Vista | through, yesterday, on hert way from Belleville to Seeley's Bay with a load {of cement. | The steamer Turret Chief from Fort William. ith » full of 'wheat and oats, and jut Richardsons' elevator. | The steamer John Sharples has had sufficient repairs made to her hull to enable her to go to Garden ls land, where she will lay until the derwritérs decide what to do er. | The steamer Prince Rupert is 'to arrive from Fort William, during the day, with grain fer Richardsons elevator. She has in tow a barge loaded with lumber for the Calvin company The steamer Glenmount, of the WM. y T. company's fleet, which ran ashore at the Crossover light, last week, is at the Kingston dryv-dock waiting till the Holcomb gets out to go in and find what damage has been done | The steamer St. Lawrence was tow- od from Cataraqui bridge ta the | Thousand Idand Co's wharf, vesterday {by the steamer America, will igiven her pnal St. Lawrence will down among the islands in a time. At -wharf Bertha Calkins has with a cargo schooner omb is steamer passed arrived CArgo will discharge over un with due be The route coat of paint go on her month's Swift's schooner ArTIv fro ts wego The Andrews been discharging coal and: will « to day, to load feldspar at Richardsons' The in with a cargo. of {Iswego I'he Rideau King will be in from Ot tawa, to-night The steamer Brock ville was down from bay ports, terday. schooner Cornelia coal from ves | When Will it Be Built? The motto of the public works at Ottawa must be "the mills of the god | judging by the long delay in h the addition to the Kingston pos fice dtarted. The plans were long sent to Ottawa and were confirmed, but as yet orders have been re ceived to call for tenders The dition' ta the postotfice should be ready {for next December, but if the work of , building is not svon started, the local | staff will have another corfy time next Christmas. department of that s 'grind slowly," ad | To Push Ahead. The finance éommittee in connection | with the Victaria Day celebration met | | last evening t8 hear some commanica- | tions which the secretary had to make { One was from' the Watertown Civie { Band regarding the running of an ex- cursion. It was decided to accnde to their request as the band would, no doubt, bring a larger crowd here than | the regiment which found itself unable | {to come. The committed ordered oll other necessary details to be pushed ahead. Trying the Examinations. Several officers who intend to enter the long course of instruction at the Royal Military college next fall are writing on the RM.C: entrance ex- aminations in Ontario hall. The rule was: made last year that officers wish- ing to take this course must show some intelli . be able to pass the cadet entrance. Formerly, of- fiters took the course who were ab solutely unfitted, « Money Back. I "Mecoa™ Ointment fails to cuts, burns, sealds, boils, ulowrs, or sores of any kind, the druggist from whom vou bought it js authorised by Foster Dock, Limited, Torosto, to hand you back your quarter. # The medical health officer should look over the dumnpings in Aberdeen street yards and suppress a neisance. Rev. G. L. Svarr, M.A, Kingston, bas definitely accepted the rectorship of Grace church, Toronto. heal : cream "Gibson's." "Neilson's™ city dairy, Toronto, is Satoh . Princess | | | * -- Or |° iLife Songs 1.00 Drifting, by Gordon V. Thompson The Golden City : Mother's Story Per Somebody 1 Oc Step Out for Jesus. Copy Rehember Me ve e Knows Bas $ 1 0 Per Anchored . Set Life Songs are meeting with tremendous success. They have been taken up by the leading choirs and soloists and are mak- ing the most favorable impression wher- ever they have been used. These selec- tions have piano accompaniments. Chor- uses are arranged for four part singing and thoroughly harmonized. : gular price The College Book Store, FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, Phone 919 SILVER DEPOSITED or : Protect Your Furs * BUY A MOTH-PROOF BAG. ON ARTICLES SERVICE. On. "Brown. Earthenware Tea- pots and Stands, " . We have them in different sizes from the short jacket size to the long Ulster On Tea Caddies, With these bags there is no danger from moths, roaches, dust, vermin or mice Bowls Jugs, On Sugar No pasting, gluing or sewing On Butter Di is required; the patent fastener is secure. h Plates, Any many other useful articles * The Silver * Deposit: takes graceful form over all our showing of these goods, and , each plece makes a gift well worth having SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Patent Clothes Hooks idside 0000080000000 00000079000000° Try Moth Proof Sheets for wrapping up hedding or Hning trunks or boxed. These are 40 inches x 48 inches, and are only G&each Dr. A. P.Chown, Optician. 185 PHIROESS STREET. 'Phone 343. 5 oe * ° ° # # ° ° » ° * » y * * . » » » . ° lo | sosvvcesssevee | | i | | | | | | | ig) ON Lace Curtains At this store: We have hundreds of pairs to show .you. Specials at 35¢, 50c¢, 75c, $1.00 and up to $6.50 a pair Nothing better in the trade. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER rr ---------------------------------------- That Desirable Double Stone Dwelling ------------ William and Wellington June vc ome 4 Fashions Be sure and get a Stand- ard Fashion Sheet for June. Free for the ask- ing. and 6 1% $ & 4 MULLIN, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, | Corner Johnson and Division Sts, Designed for June, 10c. Standard Quarterly, Summer Edition, ay ing. any Pattern, both for 20c. "Phone 539% -------------- -------- Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ATLAS TAKEN TO TORONTO ---- wine! Best Washers; Best Wages: To Give Evidence in His Appeal. Deputy Sheriff Arthur M came down from Toronto on 1 night, Wednesday aftersoon turned with Rev. George M. Atlas, Macedonian minister, who is serving term in penitentiary for obtaiving | money under. [alse pretences Ating | was convicted last and his ap} peal was recently roort of | appeal in Toronto. Several charges were out is hopeful 'hat he will win out be released. He oy on Thursday. Case of Best Test Fromers; Inrvis Machinery. sedan | This guarantees best work. manship and explains why we have the best trade From doilies to table from nighties dresses. and othe to cambri vear before the We Launder In the Best Manner, . throws and We're just best in every. thing except in prices---- There's where we fall down. tonLaundry Cor. Priocess asd Srdenbaw a is to give sienna Fair of All Nations. i Opens in the Tharsda sfternsion. Admission, anf | evtiimg, Ie. childrim, aft hours Armouries, afternoon Hex "howe 22,