COWAN'S BROKEN-DOWN NERVES HOPELESS CONDITION CURED " BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Mrisonrp Haves, Ont, Aug. 20th, 1910 **| was a complete invalid, three years azo, with nach Trouble, Cons- Sy pation and Broken-down Nerves. I ould not sleep at night and my Doctor did me very little ood. 1 was almost witill I Began to take * Pruit-a- i I have taken about three dozen "boxes in all and, Thank God, to-day I am well and strong able to do my own work---and have a baby fifteen months old, and six children in all, I would not be without *' Fruit-a-tives" in the house, and I can highly recom- wend them to anyone suffering as-I did-~ MRS. D. GUINEY. not a disease in itself, but is the re f some of the vital organs becoming diseased. In Mrs. Guiney's case, her nervous coadition was caused by a very weak stomach and torpid liver, "Pruit-a-tives strengthened her stomach--helped digestion --made the liver active----and cured Constipation. Then her nerves became well, If your nerves are "all unstrimg", take "'Frait-a-tives". soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Wah Long's Laundry Nervotisriess is First-class work guaranteed Drop me and I wi call promptly for dry.' Ww 1 L 4 TON 8T.. Bei we rock . n Sts BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON 249 a St. at Cut Prices Send Isr Cut Price Catalogue. Strength Counts in all life's affairs. Strength comes of pure blood ;--good blood comes when stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are kept in proper condition by a little care and ~ BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere, in boxes 28¢. ---------------------- mr RELL dAdo t dette If You Require Steam Passenger Engines, Water Tube DAVIS DRY Faunches, Yachts, Gasoline Engines, Boflers, try the DOCK CO. All repairs done promptly. Catalogue on request, i JD2vie Dry Dock SUH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY FOR BALD HEADS A Treatment That Costs Nothing if it Fails. Steam Eee vrerrveye We want you to try three large bot tles of Rexall #93" Hair Tonic on our personal glarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give vhs satisfaction. That's Bool of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Rexall "93" Hair will -grow hair on bald heads, except where baldness has been of such long duration that the of entively dead, hicles grown over, wi olute Toni roots the fol and the hair are xd and glazed we the sealp is Remember, state ments upon what has alread been a are basing our complished by the use of Hexall "03" Hair Tonio, and we have the right to assume that what has done for thousands of others will do for you, In any innot lows anything by ving it a trial an om liberal israntid vo sizes. S0v. and $1. Remember ou oan obtain Rexxll Remodics in this community only at our st | Rexall store. G. W Mahood PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls | and Boys and they hke tt. hI nourishes their lle bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, as you. get it from you grocey, ia absolutely pure. lis dehcious flavor is obtained by the use of the hughes grade of Cocos beans, skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the health. building properties of the Cocos. Do You Use prs [FoR 'CONFESSIONAL Tired | in n Body « HARLES M. SHELDON WOULD USE { IT. as a Friend--It Can People hy a Place Where People Carry All Their Troubles. Kan., May Sheldon, pastor of the Central Congregatiosal church, apd author of In His believes every pastor of a Protestant church should ha confessionhl, where the members of his flock could go and pour their trou into & willing ear and receive whole | Ivise Topeka, 9. ~The Rev. ( Steps," ea s me mdviee. He docinot intend that this confession should be in the na- ture of that followed by the Catholic church, however, "The confessional is not entirely spiritual matter," said the Rev Sheldon. "It a place people can carry their troubles a Mr where busi 8 8 ness, spiritual and! religious, family affairs or purely personal matters. I one is ahle to tell his troubles to 4n- other in whom he has confidence and who may be able to give advice and aid the troubled one feels better and | tronger after the telling man nat It is the duty of the minister to be the close friend of every member f his flock He should be a real | | ervice and be a real help at all times This is the idea I have in the con fessional for Protestant churches | ment by nsing ghis great restorative. Fvery church should have one. Every | Vitality is increased, strength and minister should have certain . hours | confidence return, buoyancy is felt in when the members of his congregation | every movement of\ the body, pallor could go to his study, tell their wor | ind weakness and. disease give plaod ries and get good spiritual, business | 12 the glow of health and vigor of and social advice, as any minister | mind and body should be able to give--advice that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great! no lawyer and few mere friends could jspning tome and restorative, bc. a give." : {hox, 6 for $2.50, at all. dealers or THE PURDY FAMILY. Baath i Some More Interesting Information | is Given. | Brightén, Ont, May 6.--(To the ® { Editor) I received a copy of the | | Kingston Whilz dated May 31st, 1910, | in which reference wes made to the | inte John Wesley Purdy I was pleas ed that you gave such as lengthy ac count, I could give you the details | of a branch of the Purdy family which | was left out David was born Oet, | 20th, 1757, settled in Ernesttown, a out eight or nine miles west of King ston, on the Bath Road. He did not | stay ut Belleville. David, of the Bath | Road, had eleven children, seven boys, i M. E., Cagah, who sailed the first steamer eVer put on Lake Ontario. Af terwards he sailed on Lakes Erie and Hur Port Huron; Me Cagh Purdy 1s a steamboat man; Gil bert Purdy, of the tcwnship of Reach, Port Perry; Rulifi Purdy, of the town ship of Sydney, third concession; Sam- el and Joseph Purdy, of Ernesttown, opposite the Three Brothers Islands; Jacob Purdy, clerk of the township near Orona, and John Purdy, of the fourth concession I am a son of John Purdy; seventy-seventh I ofiéned store here in 1860, on November lst. I was married in 1560 | in November, to Mrs. Purdy Daniel Purdy had four sons Joseph Purdy, his eldest son, lived in Portland, and } was a preacher. Samuel married Miss Braiden, of Kingston Ralph { married Miss Haines, of Kingston in and settled at vear, Yarker, hardware merchant, of King. ston, forty or forty-five years ago, married the other Miss Haines, Char. les, a doctor, went to Chicago, One Day, of Trenton dana German, daughter married Dr. The other married Rev M. E. preacher. One of Joseph Purdy' s sons lived on the farm with | his father, David, near Port Rerry. Jacob is at Port Perry Mrs. Hugh | Rankin, of Collin's Bay, is a daugh ter of my uncle, Joseph Purdy, She has two sons doctors, in Brooklyn, N.Y., and one daughter, Mrs. Ruliff Grass, Toronto. --~S. A. PURDY k A'Glimpse at Eagland's Sea Power. New York Herald i The coronation review in the Solent on the coming Mth of June will fur nish a mighty object lesson of the progress in naval construction during the lust ten years and of the develop- Fdward VII greet- fleet as- | nent ed on similar sembled in the same waters. It is that at least. three hundred effective war ships willl be anchored, next month, in lines between Southsea and Ryde, and of these will consist of visiting foreign Delaware among them nr Aitish muster will made up of the armored ships 1 cruiser "squailro of the home amd the Atlantic with the flotillas of destroyers sub- marines attached to them those based on various home ports be expected, that keen sailor, V, has an especial interest in this peaceful concentration, and among other things has already indicated his desire that no obsolete ships be as signed places in the lines. ith the exception of William: IV. his majesty is the only trained seaman that has reigned since the accession of the Hanoverians, Hix love for the service has never wavered, and | to-day the king is as eager for all! that concerns the navy's well-being as when with exemplary subordination, | aptitude and skill he took wp his earliest duties at sen, in i pes since 0 occasion a expected six one vessels our The robb! ana be fleets, and or As may George Takes an Independent View. odstock "Review: 'The |resoyterian does far as some of the preachers and some of the organizations of the | Protestant churches in denouncing the | Ne Temere of the Roman Catholic | church for the regulation of marriages. We {1t acknowledges the right of the Ro- | {man Catholic church to make rules | regan marriage and to impose oc- | cles'astical penalties on its members | for the gdolation of these rules; it | declares fi to be just as important for | the Protestant churches as for the Roman Catholic church that the right of the church to formulate such rules and enforce them should be maintain. It is conceivable, it says, that in a Canadian province a lst some day might be passed legalizing mar- riage under conditions 'which no Christian church counla recognize. The Bér our cbmfort ny happiness we awe mich to the men sul; vomea "of 'ideas, 1 church must, therefore, reserve its right of protest and of discipline up- on ity members in oe a couse. That is hu- |, not go so | Worn Out and in Mind by the) Monotouous In- door Life of Winter, Spring Finds the the SN Blood Weak and ystem 'Run Down----Vigor is Restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Jud yursting merrily i feei most keenly "the debilitating and enarvating efiects of indoor winter life. ££ The blood is so thin and" wotery that it fails to supply nutrifion to the nervous system anl to the vital or- fed tired, wionk snd des appetite iglls, Ligestion 's energy aad anbition are d strange depre.sing il ) over youd. But nature has provided certain estoratives to be used at this time of vear to form new, rich blood 'and reate new nerve foree These ele ets » found in condensed and easily assimilated form in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Fhousands of men and women have! { learned to escapd t ston and Fdmanso onto, os + punphlet Add | coox Meme Co. Faours, 1. (formerly W at buds are chirping people when the are many the time and the birds n. the treetops, his spring depres- 1 weakness dnd discourage | Bates & Co., Limited, n, . The great Uterine Touic, and only safe effectual Monthly Reulytor on which Women can depen Sol three degresn of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3, for special cases, per box. pres all dru ts, or sent paid on Ho of pre ¢ { TRIOSITY ---- E, Leads to Investigation and Truth. What shall we 4do to he saved ? was the title of one of Robert Ingersoll's lectures. People of faith and people of | no faith kedd to hear it. Thousands | wre asking, 'What shall I do to get rid of dandruff ¥' The' answer is, "Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling | | hair and finall baldness, pel a lazy liver to Genuine mus bear Signature AA of special EE Laan " Beat for Baby best for you." Baby om, the most Refuse all substitutes. Albert Soaps Limited Mire, Tor-| and the only | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Varions Centres. \ bout i sheep and lamb offered ic Charles s The offer market | cattle, lambs and 1208 Higher prices for good cattle, | trade. Prime bee: 64c. per lb.; prett to near 6c. and th c. to 4c. per Ib . to 6c Ib ©. per do.; nz desuance | aused a lov Ge animals, 5 common stock, Calves sold at per ep sold at about Ib; lambs at about spring lanibs at #2 to $6.50 - Sie Good lots of hogs sold at from 6{e. to 6jc. per 1b. Cattle--Receipts, 4 2 higher Brime Buffalo, May 125. Market ac , Te steers, $6 to : butcher, , ¥ $6.25: cows, $3.50 to $5.25. Cglyves--Receipts, 2,200 tive and steady. Cull 10 $7. Sheep and Lambs-- Receipts, Market fairly active, 10c lower. lambs, $5.75 to 85.90; cull $450 to 85.60; yearlings, $4.75; sheep, $2 to £440 Hogs--Receipts, 12,750. tive and 25¢. higher. Yorkers, $6.60; stags, $6.60; pigs, $6.50; mixed, $6.20 to $6.30; env £5.25 to $5.50; roughs, $4.30 to 35 8. Market to choice, ac $4.50 21.060, Choice | to $1.25 fan ~Receipts 95 119 and 8 loads, JEalve Toronto, May with 1,906 head of cattle, 241 hogs and 519 sheep Choice export pronibly being a bt tle firmer, one sale being reported at £6.15, hut this could vot iw med, as the parties were mum: plenty of sales for export at 8.90 to 36, two at $6 to $6.10 Choice butcher cattle were steady to firm at 85.60 to ¥ . medium, choice, £5.25 to $5.40: butcher cows firm at $4.40 up to $5.30; bulls steady, 34.60 to $4.55; mixed common butcher, $4.25 [to $4.50. Calves at $3.50 to $6.50 i Sheep and jambs steady; ewes, $4.75 | to 85.25; bucks, £3.50 tq $1.25; yearl ing lambs, 8 to $6.50: spring lambs, £1 to 26.50. Hogs . off; selects, | 85.75 f.0.b., and %6 1 to $6.05, fed * and | watered. and one or Xo Wolfe Island Council. { thing that will do it is Newbro's Her- | . . { picide. That is the very latest dis-| Council met at 11 a.m., members all overy 'wf the laboratory, and it is {present. Minutes of last meeting con- the oply -preparation that claims to {irmed. Township officers appointed : or that will, kill the pestiferous dand- | Pathmasters--Thos. Greenwood, Jr ruff germ. It also is a delightful hair . Taggart, Frank Yott, Wm. Grim dressing, free from bil or grease or shaw, Robt. Grimshaw, D. heil, F. sticky substances. Trv it and be con- | Connolly, John Tarrant, E.- Seville, | vinced: of its actual merit. { R. Moore, R. Mosier, Phil. Cammings, std by handing druggists. Send 10e { Edward Horne, James Russell, Ww. te stamps for sample te The lerpicide {Allum, Geo. Friend, Jas. Dales, E. t'a., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran: | | White, Thos. Greenwood, William teed, Jas. B. McLeod, druggist, spe- |Watts, M. O'Brien, H. Davis, ~ John sini t. Kingston, Ont. |L aughlin, R. Walker, R. Yott, Jas. " Moran, John Hogan, Rich. Laughlin, _-- - " iD. H. Hinkley, F.- Walker, R. Bolton, TORONTO, ONT. iD. J. Mcbonald, T. Brows, leo, Ryan, Thos. Fawcett, 1). Mahoney, A. PRINCE FORGE % [R. McDonald, Thos. F.~Hogan, Dun Lean McDonald, Geo. McDonald, Rich, I SS-- { Halliday, Arch. Berry, B. Irvine, Johp { Flynn, Jas. O'Brien, H. Joslin, A. OTEL tJoslin, John Quigley, Stirhng Orr, iT. Hutchinson, Jerry Murphy, W. B. Card, W. [. Allinson, W. Taylor, A. Tree Blacks from Dia: diomparsT. Dee, R.. Moore, |Geo. Eves, D. Bamford, F. Baker, In the centre of Theatre, Robt, Horne, B. Irvine, 8. Charles, W Shopping and Business 13. Card, Duncan J. McDonald District. Fenceviewers--W, Grimshaw, John Spoor, R. O'Reilly, David Watts, R 100 with Private Baths Mosier, P.. Marlow, F. Baker, W > Mosier, Jas. McGlynn, Geo. Keys, M TURGPEAN and AMERICAN PLAN Doyle, John McReady, W. Fawcett, W A 1a Carte Resturant G Woodman, Jas O'Brien, CC. A At Keasonabie Prieta Barry, John Miles, A. Joslin, W M« an : Fadden, Geo. Eves, Jr., T. Bush, V Sudds, A. Docteur, E. Payne. { Steamboat accounts paid: James { Crawford, one month, captain, 830; R i Mullin, one month, engineer, £66.66; ali Jas, Davis, twenty-twqy days, mate, . 1833: E. Walker, forty-nine days, fire AMAAAAMARMMAMAAAAMAAREI oh, £57.17; Geo. Tattray, eighteen . days, purser (March and April, $15; H Make the Liver Marlow, twenty-two days deckhand . Sq; W Armstrong, twenty-two days Do its Duty {deckhand, $14; Mrs. Davis, cook, $14 1Geo. Rattray, 457 meals, $55.44; Ceo Nine times in ten when the liver is right the | Rattray, cartage, etc, 81.20; W. I stomach and bowels are right. {Card and son, cartage, £9.25: MeKel CARTER'S LITTLE vey & Yirch, amount of account, LIVER PILLS 1850.23; P. J. Ryan, work on boat, Xi gently but firmly com. Clark 'W." Wright, insurance on boat, £300, | Township accounts paid: Mrs. Ca dotte, charity, $10; Mrs. Matier, char lity to Norris, $6; S. Anglin & Co {plank for runway, $10.57; Anglin & {Co., lumber for canal id, $228.31; |W. B. Card, repairing runway, $4; R. [c arr, building book case, Ti Tag 26 {gart, repairing Simcoe scow, . Resolved that this council, acting as the advice of their solwitor, Mr. Nickle, employ Mr. Kirkpatrick, en | gineer, to suggest plans for necessary {improvement of ditch across road {opposite Mrs. Armstrong's property. Council adjourned to the frst Monday n June at 10 am. Kaladar Notes. Kaladar, May 8.--E. Bowerman, who has been atyending bysiness college in Belleville, is spending a few days with his parents before leaving for the | west. Miss Flemming was the guest lof Miss Presley, Northbrook, on Sun- | day last, Miss Muriel Banker, who [has been spending a few days with {Tweed friends, returned to her home there on Monday. R. Beatty, of Northbrook, is spending a few days on iness. Carman Themp- son, who has been employed in Marl. bank, bv the guest of his family here. Messrs G. and E. Hughes, who are employed at Maberly, spent Sun- day at their home here. A Special Display. "ot Na-Dru-Co. goods all this weék, in Mecleod's drug stores. Samples given away. ret 'Nobody can have such a clear con- science, that he does not look seared when hs wife begins to tell Fim Je talkad in his Raced Veneer. "Gibson's." Meng i { | { yi i { i ! to Market ac- wi-to $5.10 10 , | fambs. j { Included in the receipts were 15 loads! {of Michigan export . cattle, - sipped | { through in bond throughsthe firm of { McDonald and Hallagan. It was un- derstood these cattle werg the pro- perty of the Swifts company, sud were not on sale. Trade was active, with prices about steady at last week's best. } ie TRAE asm WEE RE i TELL Dd a bh ware this Label is on he radl of the Dod you day. 'M ETAL Beds differ in more than design and price. Even metal can have faults if' quality is sacrificed to make a low price. sure the "IDEAL" on the foot-rail. "IDEAL '* Metal Deds retain thelr beautiful snowy, glossy finish, The parts fit with a preciseness that prevents them ever rattling or becoming wobbly. Quality is not sacrificed to make "' IDEAL' Metal Beds cheap even in styles that cost only $3.00. Write Office nearest you for Free Book No. 10 ~ IDEAL BEDDING Oimmes. MONTREAL -- TORONTO -- WINNIPEQ So worth while being Guarantee Label is ; > BEV LLLTLLLVLRLRVBTRAE FTRVVRLLVTATDRTTRAVRN «New Cocoanuts.. Pineapples, Tomatoes, Bananas, Florida Grape Fruit, Sweet Navel and Mexican Oranges. en Phone 58 A.J. REES, TeTeRTeewy 166 Piss S1. Lanse cscsssasas «ecsevsasese AAAS AALEL AALS TALLY At your meals, and at bedtime, drink this. sparkling agreeable brew. Your digestion will improve. Your slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies, Ask , For 0 ALE & STOUT Better for invalids than ordinary tonics or patent medicines. It is wholesome as well as pure Made of selected JOHN LABATT Order from any barley-malit, cholic. dealer In beverages est blended hops and or direct from the ies*ed spring water, brewery in London, 1" of LONDON, CANADA Aflloggs TOASTED |W This Perfect Food Of all the kinds of cereals to be had ed C rn Flakes alone combines deliciousness, healthfulness and di gestibility to-day Kellogg's Toast- It is just a good, common- Made in Canada. at sense food that contains as London, ch nutritive value as meat Ont. or eggs, at much less cost. It gives strength and vitality 10° per pkg. children--is ideal for in- 19 to valids. Carriage Painting If you want your Carriages to look and ear well leave them with usa 'hil s os 1 go-oarts en- unelied in ail i} t £. J. DUNPHY, | Car, Moatreal asd Ordnance Streela | SEE EI IE EII IEEE FPEPEIII + + - WILLIAM MURRAY, -» & Auctioneer, + + City and Country Sales Care- > fully Conducted, * > Market Square, Kingston. > + <« PPR PPP PtP EE MPP PRPPR EPP OUR CONSIGNMENT Uf ureen and Black Teas tiom Uey lon have arrived Though prices are much higher, we are still sells. ing at 30¢ per. lb. 4 Tesssssssesseng ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontarie Str wr ssessssseseseassessessel «+ HE CLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, { r Princess Spe M. THOMPSON, » Proprietor, Lh ah ed css sRTTLTTRN TRB VVVLTLRLRVLBTRBAVBRNNT : ' ¢ KINGSTON BUSINESS COLL EGEs. ' (Limited). . » $ 'Highest Fducation at Lowest Cost ¢ ' Twenty-sixth year Fall Term ¢ ? begins ast S01h Courses in Bookkeeping Shorthand Tele ' graphy, Civ Service and English Our grad tes get the best ' positions a short time over sixty se positions with # one of the lar railway - cor- # poratwns in CO Enter any $ ¢ time. Call or for informa- ¢ tion HB FM Principak¢ ' Kingston, € "anada. FP RVVVVBTVELVL LEAT LRA GRN at re man an essa sneered aa 4 - { The American} : Resta VOL 5 Jeparate $ 3 t vell furnished ® | 4 : 3 ( & Iry o i 3 A i» 13 > 14 THOMAS GUY, Prop. 3 SITIES Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OlL. LUBRICATING OIL. y FLOOR OIL. 4 GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, r - rx W. F. KELLY, } Clarence and Ontario Streets. » lFoye's Building. From the Heart of the Corn Comes wflog? TOASTED Fancy JERSEY CREAM A. Small. dainty soda Pkd.only~in 5 &105Pkgs SODAS