mean a meal in a moment ~~ for a cube fnakes a cupful . of rich delicious beef-tea. 4 Cubes, 10c. » |THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITIEH WHIG, published at" 306-3190 King Street, Kingston, On. tarjo, at §8 per. Year, Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published In . parts oan Monday and Thursday morning at §1..a year. To United States, charge for postage had. to be added, making price of Daily $3 ered of Weekly $1 b per year, o Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices In Canada; wapid, stylish and cheap work: -- nine improved prasses. Ye British Whig Publishing Co., Limited | G Srveident, v J. G. Elliott, Pi Leman A, TORONTO OFFICE. | messscepescececcsssie : Lumber A large assortment of selected Lumber in the rough. Can be milled to° arder , 08 re quired, This means that we can &l- ways supply nice, bright, . stock, y \ > fresh 5, ANGLN3 C0. § Office, Yards and Mills, WELLINGTON ST. NORTH. seessesessssesssvoced ® be the gain of this? i necessity for it? Suite 19 'and 20 Queen City Cham: ers, 32 Church St, Toronto. H. E Smallpeice, J P., representative; Dailo- Whig. . AVOID USELESS SCARES. planned that a great in numbers and Now it is deputation--overwhelming and in the noise it cans make, transcending in importance the farm- ery' deputation of February last--will invade Ottawa. It will represent all the Protestant churches and will de- {mand that legislation proceed "which will protect and legalize all marriages whith have been duly licensed. questions follow. What Is there any Speaking to the ® first it is contended that the federal Two will : government cannot legislate upon the subject, and if it cannot the minister YOU NEEDN'T' DESPAIR Here's an Offer That Should Interest Sufferers of Skin Irritation, First of all we want to,explain that to tell vou the remedy we are about of carries our promise of money bac far the mere adking to anvone thoroughly pleased. with its should jnmguestionably establish * pincers faith we have in if, ___ Parasites or LUNE CAUSE ecreinag probably the most preva atlments., To over use, seroma x enue of all skin some them, the. remedy, sity destroy or remove germ before relief can be Possessing. remarkable germicidal, cleansing, soothing, healing powér, the curative value Rexall Eczema Ointment Very nounewl in the treatment and allied skin divenses _ dey scaly sort, the wh there is a exertion, or. the such as: pimples, tions, ring-worm or ngeful for treating hives, nettle insect. bites and wounds. It deal for the skin ailments peculiar to chil dren. Rexall obtained. pro weeping integmedjary kind, ¥lotches, discolora It acne, is very is Eczema Ointment is grayish: white iin color, a pleasant and ig very cleanly for use, If wre a sufferer of skin irritations Fuptigrs i any form whatever, urge you. to trv a hoX at our At the mere hint of you nmiy have your money mes, Hc and 1, Remember, only sald at one store, The fore, (i. WW, Mahood, has we risk, bac k. not That the and Tent marriage fuestion. aust -of neces the parasite or antiseptic, and of of eczema , whether of the there was required, type, Roman Cathofics, flow of ill-smelling rash, vince. odor, vou of . dissatisfaction, Two it is Rexall reference, 'and to avoid scares |of justice will be careful not to tres pass upon the function of the legisla lture. 'And speaking to the second, Judge. Ridde; who is certainly a learned judge, infor- mally, and at a' church meeting, that marriage between Protestants and could be defended in has explained, en ery was valid, the courts. There "has heen some sfir attitude chureh the the said over of a certain on At one time, he, the Presbyterian, church took the stand that & marrisge with a de : . morally the In in ceased wife's sister was not Thut had no bearing of marriage. valid. in civil law of validity a case which had been set aside the civil in the to follow This was owing to the le such Quebec, - it "was Because law case of the com: mon law. rislature of Quebec making provision in the civil law of the pro- The legislatwme was responsible a for 'the court's decision. This being the case why the pensé of 'a bombardment of the pital, and the ®emand for something which exists already in every pro- vince except Quebec? It would . be cheaper for the chuiches unitedly to secure a legal opinion, a decision of in a test: ¢éase or special whén ox ca- the court, are not in order. "they DRESSY YOUNG MEN .. fitted] out at store. ! Latest Hats, Caps, Shoes, be at Can prices aur » Negligee Shirts, Hose, Boots and You can save many here, Come ia and Cuffs, see for yourself. ISAAC ZACK'S, 271 PRINCESS STREET. Phosphonol ------------------ to its proper tension ; restores 1 Aud vitality. Premature decay ant all sexual son . walls to the grave, ere kness averted at once. Phosphomol w Bake) jou & new man. Price heer Mailed to led to ans 1] addres. or sale at Mahood's Drug Store. 8 a "the Towest Suits, Fancy elo. ; ; dollars by dealing What kind of evidence and what kind box, o two for tence was ended, fl Drug lutely innocent of the theft for which ------------ JUDICIAL COMMON: SENSE. Western Ontario seems to be very unfortunate in the selection of of its judges and magistrates. i# an Owen Sound man who languish- d three years in penitentiary for a robbery' of which. he was not guilty. some Here of judge found that man guilty ? It is not ago since another western Ontario judge sent a young here to the penitentiary, so long man down -- 'and that young feilow, after his fath- Electric Restorer for Men er died of shock and his mother restores every nerve in the brdy of grief, and he himself passed from pri- his sen- was proven abso- he was"convicted. It is a pity that APO 0P00000000 000004 MAY SALE OF -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE 'Now guing on. Come in ot see my big range of offerings, ¢ and the reduced prices for this ¢ mouth only. Will buy or furniture, ete» L. LESSES, Cor, Princess and Sathan Sts. 'Phone 045. sell all kinds of 4 4 4 4 ~ 4 4 4 4 . Honest Trading, Square Treativent, | Superior Quality, : Efficient Service, . . OUR NAME, Sea «oo ogtands for a THE ©0AL TRADE. Fair Prices. Phone: 9... Lif a haine stands for That's what . Foot of ¢ exercise more dis- some judges do not p common sense than they do in bp pensing justice, » Fancy our own Judge Price sehd- "3 ing "either. of the above-mentioned men His keen knowledge of ha- Bim bP to discern something lacking the 4 evidence and that the prisoners were P at least worthy of trust. The motto > of a certain politician that Tit P better to do good than todo right" p would even find favour with the Fron- ] tenae judge. Good can be made to take precedence of right, even in lgw, € to prison. pb man nature would have caused in is when, a noble judge sits on the bench. Two recent incidents in a large city! of the United = States, show the diftinction. between good and right. A Christian young wdman found her- self left: without. means of support. Her hisband had become an invalid, ard sho had three young children. She applied to church (riends for aid Cin getting work, and received. a pro- mise, and nothing more. Poverty fac: ed the Fome, and at last the younig woman sold herself to a life of shame. She was anBsted as a bad 'Haracter, but in court', the fact was revealed that every dollar whe gained was spent for the comfort = of | her children and her invalid © husband, who was ignorant of her doings. The! law would have sent the woman to prison, but the judge not only sel her free, but he raised a fund for the [family Good Jure_prevailed aver right. | Ti th? same city 'a eivie "employee fas arrested for theft. The evidence showed taat he: bad stolen to bay [food for his family, 8s could not suit for his wages which the city was paying monthly instead of fort. | fects nightly, as 'before. The young san yeas nob a thief in reality, - ut + in bench | supplement found favour Jastead of Joting Juhe young man go free, on restitution for the trifles stolen, he offered him temporary free dom on bail which tould not be cov- ered. . ¥ [DIED AT "NAPANEE JAMES WALTERS, AGED| SEVENTY-TWO. | LATE _. 8TOP "AND REF1 The position of the electric and EAs plants, at the present timé, empha sizes a fact which has been advanced again and again during the time the property has belonged to the city. It is thai financially these planis are mahaged in the most haphazard fash ion. They should have had a depre- ciation or maintenarce account from the beginning. Agginst it_ is the ar- | gument. that the public utilities should not be run so that the burden of them falls upon the eonsumers of the pre- : 'ormerly Belonged to Picton--=G.3 Francisco's Niece Killed: in Auto- mobile Accident at Fultad¥lilas N.Y : Napanee, May 18. ~The death occur: red Wednesday morning of ' James Walters, at his home .on Graham street, "ster an illness of several, years. Deceased | was seventy-two years: of age, and for thirty-six years was a resident of Napanee, removing . here from Picton. He conducted a tailoring business on Dundas street, and was highly respected. A family of 'three sons and three daughters survive. " saa k i They are: Mrs. J. Joy, Califor: ef posterity take vare 0 nia; Ernest, Charles A., and George debt," they Which |, Walters, Napanee; and Misses Ag-| sent. some. of the Bay. op a Spectalists in diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special aij. ment oe i bl it 1 ¥ a able ; m possih -gend history for free 'opinton oe bi vice* Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hoyrs : 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2% 6 p.m. Sundays, 0 am to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE But the wear and! gi® and a at home. The funeral the present will take place, Friday afternpon = to! Riverside vomit and they are| Mr and Mrs. . Gibbard arrived | * |home this week a. a th months' | cruise through England, France, Spain, dtaly, and the holy land. Miss Nellie Me Henry has returned af- | ter spending the winter in Kingston. | Mr. and rs. Alexander Henry, of Toronto, spent a few days this "week | looks yeasonable, tear and accidents of should be provided for, not, ' The manager of the plants, in last annual report, to the committee, said : "The large increase in our gas output, during the past year. clearly {Member Dominion Exchange, Led. | AT PRESENT PRICES. ; CORRESPONDENCE - INVITED. is rt 25 Toronte Street, Toronte, Ont. |BUY GOLD REEF 14 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4238. | 'S. J. WILSON & co. TORONTO, Out. | demonstrates' that something will have to be done in the immediate future, with regard to the strengthenihg of the manufacturers' ends*end 1 would again ask the commitiee's careful con- sideration of this matter before the wummer adjoyrnment, so that the new gas set could be put in operation be- fore the fall He had refer ence to the Lowe gap plant, which has been fu operation for forty years, and is now really. useless, It is uged to the production of the Merriman plant, which has been for thirteen years in use, and must also, and at once, be reconstructed at cost of probably $310,000 or $12,000. | The difficulty is to improve the Mer- riman plant until the Lowe gas outfit replaced, and the ity i ¢alling on old friends in Napanee, Harold French left, Tue say for | Swift Current, Sask. Mrs. Edith Huff- man and little son left Tuesday - for Kerr Robert, Sask., to join her hus band. Mrs, W. G. Wilson returned this week after r month's visit with her! son in. Ithaca, N.Y. Miss Clara C airns | left, Monday, for a three months' vieit | with relatives in Saskatoon and La. i! wonton. i On Tuesday: E. Francisco received | the sad news of the death of hin niece, 'f Miss Jennette Rillington, who: : was killed in an mitomobije accident near Fultounville, N.Y., on Monday. The t young lady was only twenty years of | age. a arrives." a i Bound to Misrepresent. PPeteghboro Examiner Some conservative journals i misleading the people with the of getting a knock at the |government as the excuse their dishonesty. They are [ that the government "loan" thirty-five millions {| Canadian Northern railway. | man who "hacks" ca perfectly {neighbor's note, and well secured, lend him the amount of the note. | Ihe guarantee of the company 's {londs {does not imply the passing of a dol lar; it will not cost Canada a cent, ¢ {The Ross government of Ontario « a coal runway must be re and | guiranteed a loan to put the Soo in- 1 the #torage building adjoining the dustries on their feet and the pro purifying house must be replaced with | ince didn't lose a cent, but the y - | country gained one of the greatest a brick or concrete one. : s jand most prosperous industrial con- t All these things cost money, thou | ong in Canada. Telling the truth, sands of dollars, and they cannot be ! even of political opponents, is a good paid for with, borrowed money. The|way. | bank overdkaft is already large enough | Indeed the custom of borrowing money fram the bank, at five per cent, 10} he moral for Canada of the. de | cafry on the most ordinary work in| velopment in the cement case is thei connection with the departments, is | [framing of better laws against promo- |! very. expensive should be stop. | tion greed. : Sir Sandford Fleming | ! calls for an investigation of the ce ped. 5 iment merger. He ought t§ get that, In a subsequent article the Whig will |, 4 the committee which does the ih- deal further with the question, Sj Festigating ought not to dissolve be- show the impropriety of doing any- fore making, for Canada's sake, some thing which will affect the current re- | enquiry into 'and 'recommendation re | : ' fulneas | Barding any safeguards possible under or impair uselingss | logislation akin, to the British law governinig the promotion of joint : stock companies, and the American EDITORIAL: NOTES | proposition to require companies to The costs of the Fraser case--a Miss | keep their books open to public ' ex- McCormack, an' 'elderly spinster having | amination. undertaken to upset an old man's love affairs--already total $14,000. If the | octogenarian is to be eventually load- ed up with even a share of these ex- | pensed it) is not surprising that = he kicks and swears. Te are iden liberal for asserting Proposes to to the Does a A has been lepending upon conditions whi h all satisfactory. Nor are "The uring the in hig report are the only not at gas plants only defective: main tenance account, present | savs Mr. Folger in all probability, be higher as year," solvent "will, it is advisable to renew tions 'of our outside electrical distri and . replace some old by pipe." In addition several sec bution, gas mains larger mewed, Tuvestigate the Merger. Ottawa Journal it and TeeeesTReeT ¢ venue seriously of the gas and electric departments. ! A Riddle to be Read. Ottawa Free Press, | Reciprocity, we are told, will lead fo annexgtion be€ause Canadians will | lecome so enamoured of trade with | Americans that they will welcome { union rather than losc the trading | Sir George Gibbons should give the privileges. membérs of the Canadian commons a teciprocity, oa phew] talk such as he gave the Caanadian | for matural products are not higher | Club here, and then the members will i, {he States than in Canada. | | i we aro also told, do Canadians no good, senseless talk about the! XAnd there you ara' stop their waterways treaty. timation that treaty best things of its kind. In Sir George's es the Gibson's. "Ice eream in bricks." t is a wise plan to tell no more | vour own troubles than you want to {hear about: other people's. o-- =, Spring Finds the -, Human System s= is one of of | Te eeteesee ------------------ iF -- A special more was ally expected-- recommend wd-that a person or a trust be found to take over the erection and manaje | ment of the tuberculosis hospital. Has! any of either | the * person or the trust ? Or has the.mat trace been found Ww hich | Loaded With purities Cause Pains, Aches and ter been simnly shelved ? | Feelings of Fatigue. i ) | is pur- has "When the Liver and Kidneys Are! who! Gverworked and Break: Down London's tuberculosis - hospital ventrally located and serves the pose of the district. And it "with the people, seo the necessity for it. It is a pity | Get Them Right by Using the people of -Kingston, - with the | money subscribed, "cannot settle upon | DR. CHASE'S the location ,of a site for its tibercu KIDNEY: LIVER. PILLS. | hosts bs Jospital, so that a start upon it In the spring the . human Favstem is i; : be made. i loaded with poisons which have ae Austin Chamberlain says he is un cumulated as a result -of . artificial of winter life. There has been too much alterably opposed to the paving : h oF : : o . . + ir, on members of 'parliament an nity Dreathing of poisoned : indoor Hil * . ah hitle outdoor exervise, too much at- ~f- 82.000 each; as this will 1. the ng. of heavy indigestible food; espe house with mongy-grabbing politiciams. cially too' much meat and too litle That is not the effect in Canada, The fruit, tha : ; i He liver and Kidneys strugele to ndemn consideration f Ose A ity 1s ac on for thi vercome this condition, but' the task who ame not possessed of independent o too great for them and they get incomes and oammot' ~ tive; withoyt sluggish and torpid, fail in their work ; means. And the country pays thew and often become diseased themselves, for their services, | They must have 'help, such . as is | EE tne (fix Tver Pike ow fT. Chase's » Bourassa ness. nev-Liver. Pi ere is no great li - Wank wot Rit of how these pills purify the Oliver Asselin, who was Mr. Bour- blood and take away the cause of . i : "e : kaches, head | assa's chief lieutenant in the nation- gt feelings, bac : het movement, now complains that of we, ol, Tune" or derangements | political dt under the Sebisioh shat If the blood is to be purified ¥ oniats w bi Wm mak: fiver and kidueys "mast do it. And ing speeches. The sting in this remark they will, if you awaken their action is in its truth. by using br. Chase's Kidney Liver Land, Not Farmers, | Farmers, Feared, (Fills. It will to feet th Watertown Times: Hi Dot. 1ake long eke La filters into working or if vou a ine po mich 'the immediate of- use this treatment. A few hots will» effects. of Canadian fature bring improvement and you will learn Canadian develripmen farm land and products. Not t he how tu Koen 3 do and 3 oe, Fe. ceompetition of Canadvan farmers; bat RI malar 218 doe, Je 8 a t * the competition of Canadian lands. ; " 23 Melinda St; - our have only Hews, sued every Friday Evening, is a guide | our mailing list and iy Using Rerpicide on Account of terms, allays wall tively germ caukes later stops falling hair TES. | ing, | guaranteed. | agent, SVVVVVY SVT BAT BRBCB RNS Carriage Painfing and wear well, amelled in all latest tints will) ¢ KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ; ssssresiessssseg T the ing over brimming glasses of all dav long---cool, fthat make the stifting hour An oasis of Savors, (limg glasses. Try ome? SHAELL'S lee Cream Parke Chas. A. Stoneham & Co. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, Toronto Telephone, Main 2580. | . -- - { Our business Is strictly that of buy-| ng and selling Mining Securities om! "ominission We are not promoters, | nd are Jn wo way identified with new | lotatlens Our independence makes! advice particularly sound, as we clients | 0 serve, We maintain correspondents | n all camps and at all markets, andj re in constant touch with Infivential! Our Weekly Market Létter, ine the Interests of our o market profits, Put your name on Private code books! market guide furnished [ree Corrvspondence Invited, Direct Private Wire to our Main of- | lee, 54.56 Broad Se, New York, | i DISCRIMINATING LADIES Its Distinctiveness, | Fhe lerpicide for ladies who have used Newbro's speak of it in the highest | its quick effect in cleansing scalp of dandruff and also for its general hair-dressing, Joel fresh and it that itching, which dandruff cause. New bro's 2 Herpicide cured dandtufi, as it destrovs! 'that. it. The same hair to fall out, and | in killing it, Herpicide | and prevents bald- | Md also an ideal hair dress for it lends an aristocratic scharm o the hair that is quite distinctive i Sold by lesding diuggists. Send 0c. n stampy for sample to the Herpieids | Detroit, Yih, One-dollar bottles | . * 1. * "'Meleod, special 1. Ont. i he xeellence t makes the scalp as a efit he 'germ Causes baldness; oO. AAV VRVTTVVRVLTALBAONT 1Geo. Muller & Son Carpet Cleaniwig, Sewing and Lsylng, WBleyeles, Go Carts and Baby Carriages repaired. Telephone 1032, 379 King SCG KINGSTON, ¢ | i 4 ' wionmapsnnadihompmens | If you want your Carriages to look leave them with us Children's 'carriages and go-carts en $ § eee secaseessassiesse 2066444 setts ettteles Sotto es tt ttdits eescectrassssares ; SHhSOe --_ Pres ttsistcttiesseonitesesie} BIBBYS lini Men's and Boys' Departmental sf MEN'S SUITS 1; 50 - Modern Methods demand-that a 8tock .oe closed out during the Season for "which it was intend and there be no carry-overs to mar the appearance of a Fresh Stock. We believe in this method. To-day we offer about Fifty Men's and Youths' Spring and Summer Suits § All New Goods this Spring, Smart Styles, Light and Medium Shades in Fine Cheviots and (Worsteds. Regular $15.00,; $16.50 and $18.00 Goods. clear up in a hurry. WE START THEM FRIDAY AT - $12.50 Sizes 34 to 44. SEE oun NEW PURE SILK HOSILLY, rv. HALF PRICE, B0e. SEE OUR _ NEW PETER PAN SHIRTS, $1.00, $1. 25 '$1.50. tA a a lA ANN, in BIBBYS Limited: 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS ST. VIII IIII PrP IIS Ive dl ot ahhh fh dh ht ted Aba ho badd dahon Vesbsveve Sosesee sare SHTTINISIIVINII INI IAIN a § E. dd. DUNPHY, Waontren) Ordnance Streets bi od SVT LRLRRVRNVNT i *e (Limited). 'Highest Fdacation al Lowest Cost" Twenty-sixth year Fall Jorn begins August 30th. Courses Bookkeeping, Shorthand oh graphy, Civil Service and English, Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway gpor- porations in Canada Enter any time. Call or write for Informs. "tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Cénada +aee me BRU BN tesssesesansseneerey If You Require Gasoline Launches, Steam Pleasure Yachts, Passenger Boats, Gasoline Engines, Steam Engines, Water Tube Boilers, try the DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. All repairs done promptly. Catalogue on request, # Davis Dry Dock | 'Phone 420. SIrIIIIIIIIIIIISIIE SPIES COOL. BUT BUSY Is the man behind onr counter, push Soda Water refresting dra ughts Delicious comfort. - Crashed fruits, 'purest caught in arctic ice ih tink. Next to Opera House. 'Phone 640: LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARK "Phone 286. KINGSTON, oN : RENTS COLLECTED. We'te busy as never before selling new Spring 8, and our patrons are entufisiastic in their praises of the way we've prepared for their new Spring Shoe needs. "Particalarly sifiking aie the new styles of Men's, Women's and Children's Low and High Cut Shoes. There is simply no limit to y the Shoe selection we offer our' patrons this season. Motu sia) cor 'novelty that is not represented in our exhibit The best advertisement for our Shoes is the perfect satisfaction they give, and our Shoe" ser. vice this Spring will be such a8 to make us more | poular than ever, i * J. H Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES