THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, _THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1911. AMBERT, Merchait Tailor TAILORING > THE METERIAL--New Scotch, Tweeds and Eng Tish Worstedy it in Grey Brown Celors. Indigo Blue Serges dre very pop " THE CUT---The correct Ntyle and comfortable fit, Th their personality and thar purpose. wes THE PRICE-~The beét value that Bp Possibly he given £20.00 Trousers at $5.00, " Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street » men need to. suit JAll Wool Suits at Moore' s Automobile Ts : For Rental 1," Wu: Day or Week High Class . Touring Cars, ? gered and ' .* QOompetent Chauffeurs. For Terms Apply $ Moore's Garage Phone 815 Jigs (pep "and, bo The city | | i -n | Clearing Sale of Ladies' Suits IN CREAM ALL-WOOL SERGE AND LIGHT FANCY ETC, REGULAR PRICES, $10.00 to $22.50 ¥ - $4.98 a Suit. ALSO Mull and Lawn Princess Dresses wv Valencience TWEEDS, NOW ALL ONE < ite, trimmed with In Pink, @lauye, Sky, Beru and Lace and Insertion, Appliqie and Tucks. 34 00 Dresses for $0.00 Dresses - Tor $6.00 Dresses for, $9.50 Dresses for $10.60 Dresses for D. M. 'SPEN CE, Millinery Stece 119 Princess Street. " renee Sersessesessastasasas VOOR VTVRTTLTTTLRLLTVILRLLTTTRRTTRTVRVRN sass enl | Sacrifice 'Sale Saturday Morning, $30 CLOCK White Muslin Blouses Regular $1,125, 1. 30,- for ~. B58¢ Each. The latest styles in the above Waists, comprising New Kimona Sleeves, Dutch Necks, etc. Kach Blouse is splendidly trimmed. All sizes. \ Also Black Sateen & F ancy Colored Percale Blouses Ww orth $1, 1.25, for «58¢ Each. ~~ 24 Only Ladies' Raincosts Regular 310, 12.50, 15.00, for $3.98 Each. These Ralgconts are made of Imported Waterproof Oloths, in the latest fashion. specially Man~tailored. - . {House Dresses & Wrappers * Heavy Quality Prints. Worth $1.50, 1.75. 240, 250, for , a fm 1 Union street church, Fost, ; ory IMPROVE CITY HALL! £ ul HALL! Getting Instructions. : | The Gounty 'eity Thursday, fiom the commissiorer, R. BY: BEDECORATING LIGHTING IT. : ¥ Tenders to 2 'Hehool | Cowdy Street, AND RE- Vair 3} t f . Called--To Make to days Prof. Dorenwend, "of Toronto, willl committee has de- - cided to improve the interior of the {May 19th, with complete samples of | leity hall . this * goming summer. It' hair goods, *latest Loudon, Paris and { adopted, yesterday afternoon, the spe New York: creations. "You 'are invited [Cras ations prepared by City Ehgineer ile "eall and inspect his goods, {Craig for redecorating; painting and | lighting the hall. White, silver grey | nd godd will be the éeiling tints. The | electric lights will be placed in deiling It was dee os to retain | chandeliers in use, as they sometime be required for gas. jaunt, to confinue the trip to Lon- to the fact that the painters uon, Eng., to_ inspect the pavements are very busy. just now, the commit- | there, and, incidentally, view the eoro- tee decided not to call for temders lin ation. property Trip on io London: A citizen called at the Whig office | this morning to suggest that the city | | council authorize "its permppent de- | | putation, wheit it finishes its new Tthe : Hhe {might {Owing how {after June lst. x -- Othér changes Given a Position. Prof. ¥. R. Marshall, of Columbus, Ohio, formerly of Westbrook, has re- ' ceived an appointment from the Unit | ed States government, with others, to, collect information to the eost of pro-| duction of leading farm produce now and improvements re pire to be made in the city build- | | ings I'he Children's Aid Society | wants itd head uarters there. The po- | lies department wants a door emi {through the rear of the {so that immediate access can be gain- ed to Brock street. Ald. Litton asked paying duty. The work commences as that the offices of the buildings be | far west as Nevada. , labelled, that people would know | where to find them. * Grant- Parker Wedding. Ald, Hong reported that a sub com- | Dr. and: Mrs. George R. Parkin have I mittee had examined the city's lots on | issued invitations to the marriage of | Cowdy street, and recommended that | their daughter, Maude . Erskine, to the lots be placed at the disposal of | Professor 'W. L. Grant, of Queen's the Board of Education for play- | university, Kingston, Thursday, June eround purposes of Frontenac school. | Ist, The ceremony will take place at He also recommended that the board | the church of St. Thomag of - Canter- of works be asked to continue Cowdy (bury, Goring-on-Thames, England street to Adelaide street. These re- | Afterwards there will be a reception commendations were adopted | at the cottage. It. 'was decided to séll the SHy's] y i police station BO, vaeant- lot at the corner. of York and Formerly of Collins Bay, Alfred streets will be invit-]| James Ewing died at Carleton Ald: Bailey theslot: should | Place, on May 16th. Deceased former- hiring $700. g t ly lived pear Collins Bay, on the farm In attendance at the which he. still owned at the time of Aldss Ross (chairman), his death. .Five years ago, with his ons, Couper, Litton and family, he removed 'to Carleton Place. | His death was due to cerebral hem- lorrhage. He lived only about five hours, during. which time he never re- Street cained consciousness. He was seventy Fenders i od said meeting Bailey, Hoag were Giv- SU NDAY § SC HOOL WORKERS Gathering in Union Baptist Church. Held vears of age. Smallest Egg on Record. Probably the. smallesti laid by a local hen workers at the at the Whig office. entertained the Wednesday by, a workers from the First Baptist church hen belonging at tea, and the'event was a most Wellington street. joyable one, to: the large numbers who (he size of a robin's egg and weighs were present. . half an. ounce. It is perfectly de After the tea, Rev. P. K. Dayloot, veloped in every way, _-- Hara hard of Toronto, general superintendent of shell like an ordinary egy. It is Baptist Sunday school work, in On- quite a curiosity, and Mr. Fitzgerald tario . and Quebec, conducted round: very proud of it. table conference, on the work, which --r was very interesting and instructive. | This was concluded at 8 o'clock, and | afterwards, the address of the evening' was given by Rev. Mr. Dayfoot. | Mr. Dayfoot"s <cubject was "The Twentieth Century Sunday School." He handled it in a very able manner and was listened to with great jinter- The speaker, as a result of his' i 3 3 x entle practical experience in Sunday school work, , had many timely pointers ~ to give to his audience. The pastor off the Union street Baptist church, R. E. Jones, presided. . DEATH oF A. H. "MIDDLEMASS, There a fine gathering of Sun- day school workers, in. the Union, street Baptist church, on Wednesday night At 6.16 o'clock, the wus egy ever is on exhibition The egg was laid Rhode Island 'Red to. John Fitzgerald, en- The egg is about Ricardi's Voice. Coventry, 'Eng., Herald: The au dience were not lacking in their ap- preciation of the wonderful beauty of {Miss Ricardi's soprano vaice. She was encored for her réndering of Sis H.R. Lark," one of the most enjoy- able items of the evening. She gave "In My. Garden," (Liddle), in response jto an encore, and this was rendered {with charfning sweetness. Miss Ricardi has an extraordinarily high register, and her capabilities in this direction { wer judged in the famous Polacca from a Kcience Student at, Mignon. Queen's University. | City Hall, "Thursday, The death is reported at Johannes | I'lan at Uglow's, burg, Transvaal, South Africa, on k April 12th; as the result of an ac: cident, of "Acthur H. Middlemass, only } son of the Hon. J. Rollo Middlemass, | formerly of Montreal, The deceased young man 'was well known and very | J popular in' Kingston, for he spent for Seeley's Bay. three years as r science student at |: the steamers Renvoile, Hadding- Queen's university entering in Oecto- [ton and, Neepawah. passed up to-day. ber, 1897, and leaving -in 1900, af- I'he Calvin company will probably terwards proceedihg to South Africa {start another raft down the river on during the Boer war, and remaining | Saturday. there, - He was a rughv and hockey The steamer player, and figured on several of from Smith's Falls, (Juesn's teams during his course at Oswego, to load coal. the university. The steamer Sowards cleared Osweg '1his little steamer hustiet" in the coal 'trade. I'he. steamer Stranger is in the slip the Kingston foundry for a few to hive minor Formerly May 23rd. IN MARINE CIRCLES... Men Arriving to Take Charge. of Vessels. 'The steambarge - Westport cleared Tight, for Jesca artived and cleared for ln is STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. I Two Fires on Wolfe Islanil Thurs. at day Morning. days Lightning, which figuted in the ear made. Bonward ly morning storm, Thursday struck | ohn Longa, two places on Wolfe Island. John Greenwood's dwelling and the barn of Philip Vaness were damaged Both buildings were insured by God- At win & Son, and Mr. Godwin went over durn last night; to the Island to-day to adjust the ville, down, last evening; same. B Aletha down, from bay 'poss, to-day. The steambarge Westport, with lumber, at Barritt's Rapids, charged at C ape Vincent. The port was in Kingston Wednesday ternoon. During the pust week, a great of grain has been fushed through Montreal, although nearly all the vessels which came down from Fort William, at the opening of navigation, discharged in Kingston. The arrival of the old steamer Not- stman, at Swift's» wharf yesterday, catised marine men to talk over old tips, when this steamer wés running steadily from Port' Dalhousie to: King- ston, being used as a lighter to carry the grain: The coal schooners running out of Kinzston are very busy these days; and from now on to the end of season they will be on 'the jump some first mate on" the | on ill, and resamod was has recovered, Dun- Belle Steamer steamer Swift's wharf : up, Fine Rain Storm. | "It was just what we needed." This | was the general comment, on. Thurs} day morning, over the heavy rain storm, which struck the city shortly | before five o'clock. The city people are delighted over it, likewise the farmers, for the rain was needed to bring out the growth. West- al- deal Prevost, Brock street has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, aldo in ready-made clothing and gents' furn- 'ishings department. They are all well assorted with new goods. Mr. and Mrs. M. Devlin, Winnipeg, announce the engagement of thew daughter, Frances Myrtle, to Harry ¥. "Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelly, iicton, Ontario. The marriage is to take place in June. Kaiser and king attended a glitter | ing performance in Burs Lane theatre at London. ~~ YOU LOOK OLD Ta nine cases out of ( is not be- | : but "because you'| a be vou aet |arrived = from Montreal with two light barges, and cleared for Mon: as if you just wondered how vou sim 8 going to gn through. the sasan and | treal with two grain barges; a hard. winter, on coal, that nearly the entire supply was used up. M. T. Co's elevator: Tha steamer Mapleton, from Fort William, dis charged a cargo of wheat, flax and oats; the steamer arrived at 8.30, o'- lelock Wednesday night and cleared tlor Fort William at four o'clock om Thursday morning; the tug Thompson your work, [steamer Windsor passed up on hee 99 condition may be caused by a way from Montreal, Jat aht, rundown' and : debilitated condition, to Oswego, picking wp or by a bad cold which has left you { Kingston: here. without strength or gmbition. ---- We want - ask every 'such 'person | "Buy spring tonics. Gibson's. to try Vinel, our delicious cod liver | A week ago last Seturday 2 Peter and iron tonic, without ili MH it [Crasf, a native of Beckwith, died, does not build you up an make you suddenly, at his home in Pilot Mona. | 81 A bewe strong and well again, we Man. seventy-one years. Pe STR the Maney Pon ue Vor eniued Wb gmong the wily: settlers) - Bishop' s song, "Lo! Hear thel steamer | to} the | . Tt! annbunce the engagement | takes a great deal of coal, to keep the | dealers supplied. Last winter was such enumerators were in the receiving instructions | | They will remain in 'the city a couple | FPlayg rons of 'Lots. on! | important 1a Ladies and Bald Men. | be at the Randolph hotel on Friday, | present | { | 3 i i b { ] Tan_Button Boots For THEY'RE NATTY If you want to see some of the classiest Shoes you ever saw--Ilook in our windows. Men. $4.50 and $5.00 ALRIGHT. - Swell Oxfords for Women in petty shades of Tan, also Patents & Gun Metals. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 the New High Heels They're Stylish. "Our Oxfords have and the High Toes. LOOKS LIKE NEW The original brilllancy of sil- verwars will be renewed and re tained by the regular use of WRIGHT'S SILVER CREAM Contains no acld or grit and will not scratch, wear or mar the surface. w Soft as cream--harmless. as water. A perfect polish for sil- verware and cut glass. 25¢ Bottle. PROUSE'S DRUG STORE Opposite St. Andrew's Church. 'Phone 83 NO PROVISION MADE By Finance Commiittee for Opening ; Sydenham Street. Daring an informal discussion at the city property committee meeting on Wednesday afteFhoon, Ald. Ross made the -statement that the boadd of works had gone ahead without in- structions from the city council, and optned Sydenham street, from John- son to Brock street. He admitted that the opening was a great improve ment, but the board of works would have to pay tion. If an attempt was made to get an additional grant from the council for the work, it would receive strong opposition from himself and others He claimed that: neither the finance committee nor the council asked the bodrd of works to go on with. ¢ the opening of that block Ald. . Bailey, who is a member- of the board of works, claimed that the hoard was told by the city council that it should get this block opened, and Mayor Graham had made the statement to the council and to Ald Rigney that the financé committee had granted 81,000 to it for the purpose. "ty the strength of that, the board ! | | al | { i treet [ha minutes to show that any instruc steamer Sowards, who has been quite jeard duties. i | thority | acting loaded no mention had beer made dis- | " Grimalkin may glasce at the royal of works the next morning proceeded to ¢pen the street," Ald. Ross re- marked, laughing at the serious way the streets' committee took the little talk given it by some of the . alder men. at a recent council meeting, and at ling to open Sydenham its proce there was no record when { on {tion had been given. Ald. Givens said that had of any 81,000 ng heen for the purpose of opening the and he did not know what au the board of workés had for he naver avi made block, . ® Couper stated that he was of the nittee Ald member, a and about a pening Jinance con thousand dollar grant for the the block. He had asbed other members of the committee and they had no_recollection of the grant men tioned by Mavor Graham. : However, the street is opened, 'and is lafer © to be macadamized and a concrete walk is shortly to be cons structed on the west side, of . The senate of Queen's university has nominated J, J. C. Macfarlane, B.A of Frankton, as the Queery's represen tative for the post-graduate research work in historye--si--the archives, Ot tawa. The awad® carries with it one of the highest honors in the gift of the university to the graduating class- es, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, Arnprior, of their cost from its appropria-{ daughter, "Miss Clyde, of New York, to Thomas 8. Church, 'of Arnprior The wedding will take place in New York the latter part of June. There was no session of the police court on Thursday morning. State of Ohle, City of Toledo, 88 County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is 'senior partner. of the firm of F. J, , doing business in the W Sounty and State aforesaid, 2 th sald firm will -pay the sam of ONE Hot {DRED DOLLARS for each and every case. of Catarrh at cannot bé cured by thé use of | all's Catarrh Olike RANK J. CHENEY. . Bworn to ater me and subscribed in my Rresslice this 6th day of De cem- ber. AD, 1836 (Seal) A W. GLEASON ' Notary PubW¥e. Catarrh Cure is taken intern acts' dizectly on the, dicod surg of the oY Sle mm. Toledo, O. T8e, : Hairs Eells or cue ABERNETHY"S ARE YOU DEALING WITH CRUMLEY BROS. Come to the Store and See New Ideas in Fashions THE NEWEST AND BEST OF FASHION BOOKS NEW WA SH DRESS GOODS Pretty Sole de Nero effects. on Linen or Cotton materials, 22 per: yard . DUCKS, PRINTS, PRETTY FRENCH FOULARDS, HEAD, ZEPHYRS, GALATEAS, REPPS, GINGHAMS, TUNG LINENS, CHAMBRAYS, 10c¢ to 25¢ Yard. BLACK MATERIAL A SPECIALTY. It's 80 easy to make with a New Idea Pattern, BRING YOUR ART BLIND TROUBLES TO US, , 3be INDIAN SHAN CRUMLEY BROS. SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATION ted in our POMPADOURS, th CURLS, PUFFS, Ete, °R COMING PROF. DORENWEND of TORONTO - will be Hotel Randolph KINGSTON on Friday, May 19th varied of and at the with a large and stock. of "samples Parisian; London New York C reatiofs aoe 8 th- thin hair will "Be by Ver. impr forma- ew and att DOREWEND $ SANTARY PATENT TOUPEES {or Men Who-aie bald, 4 that or Nn DeceswAry 10 es, as ready ONLY SANITARY AND PAT- TOL PEERS ANY FACTIRED, t t yd ses thew ) d, 0 105 Yonge St -------- THF ENTED . DOREN WEND, of Toronts, lim PECIAL FOR FRIDAY "a 150 Samples Curtain Ends of Irish Point in 'Cream 'and Ecru. Beautiful' ON SALE FRIDAY 50c. EACH See Samples In Window. | The Montreal Stock Co. 180--PRINCESS ST--180 Between Redden' 8. and. Crawford' 8. Phone No. 844. «a