A Hid THE pay BRITISH wie,» FRID. Y, 'MAY 19, LLL PaGE SEVEN. A ----------------------" DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE Start Right=Sase Money --and Get Well By Taking GIN PILLS for the Kidneys It is a grest mistake to cipeiiant with akon, is any trouble with Kidneys or Bladder. and money, and serious injury to the health. of cases of Kidney and PB and Rb Rheumatism. GIN GIN PILLS will cute you. letter and take GIN PILLS. vale. deal. on remedies 1} to the other. those, who- can testify by PILLS do.' guarantee to Get six boxes 6 for $2.50. WASTED Time AND Money Co., Dept. B MANGA- TONE BLOOD AND Remember this--GIN PILLS aresvld on a Meutioning | this paper, Toron untried remedies, if there It usually results in a. waste of time GIN PILLS have cured thousands der Trouble, Backache LLS have proved their Be guided by this « GaLRTTR, Or, "My husband nsed GIN PILLS for Backache' 'and Kidney Disease which formerly troubled him a The pain' in his back wis dreadful kidneys failed to do their work properly. became worse, treatment and nnfortunately, wate) tine and mouey reat the - "As he essary to begin we found it n 1at were little or no good, After taking one dose of GIN PILLS he found < them to be exactly what he needed, and after taking two boxes of GIN PILLS, was comp'e{cly cured, "We | heartily recommend GIN PIT, LS at every opportunity to our friends and relatives." Mgrs. JAMES B. MILFORD. GIN PILLS sre known from one end of Canada They are recommended by thousands of like Mr. Milford--have tried them and actual experience to the good that GIN itive give prompt relief or money refunded. at your dealer's--take them according to directions-- and if they do not do exactly as we on. they will, return the empty boxes to your dealer a your money will be promptly refunded. soe. eg Sample box free if you write a Ral Drug and Chemical NERVE TABLETS purify and rich the blood and build up the whole STatem. 50¢, 8 PEARSALL'S MILLINERY KINGSTON and YARKER LADIES' DRESS AND STREET HATS Fashions are frequently "simple to follow At one' but knew their trend In this particular our designers are compiimented on all sides. No matter how _.large or how small our Hats are, add smartness to the ladies_who wear them. This, no doubt, is the cause of our work- rooms being so rushed. Our Hats are made in all desir- able materials. giving thém the most intéresting, complete and attractive appearance. PRICES RANGING FROM $3.00 UP. For detailed deseription, please call and see them PEARSALL'S MILLINERY Sociiice Sale Saturday Morning, 830 O'CLOCK White Muslin Blouses Regular $1, 1.25, 1.50, for = 58¢ Each. The latest 'styles in the alove Waists, comprising New Kimcr a Slieves, Necks, ete. . trimmed, All sizes. Dutch Each Bloute is splendidly Also Black Sateen & Fancy Colored Percale Blouses 25 for came), Worth $1, 1 58c Each. '24 Only Ladies' Raincoats Regular $10, 12.50, $3. 15.00, for-- 98 Each. These Rai coats are made of Imported Waterproof Cloths, in the latest (ashion. specially Man-tailored. me House Dr " Heavy es & Sa ality Prints. Worth $1.50, 1.75. 2.00, 2.50, for 98c Each. Splendid washing qualities. ; Limited 'quantities, a IMPERIALISTS LE CANADA "TAKES oF LAURIER'S MISSION < # To the. Imperial Conference in Lon. , don---To Demand the Autonomy © of the Dominion, Montreal; May 19.--In a column Tog --ehitorial, La Canada; repeats the assertion that the chief ~ business fof Premier Sir Wilirid Laurier. ia London will be thwarting the plans of imperialists who would draw the I mother country and the colonies clos- er together. The editorial concludes : "It will be seen from these ex- tracts that the idea of imperial fed- eration and the establishing of a com- mon foreign policy for the empire, and a common military and naval policy, is in the air id London ds it is in Canada amongst our imperialistic fingoes, Thus Sir Wilfrid bas an im- portant mission to fulfil at the con- ference in opposing all projects of this kind. "Rir Wilfrid has always been of the opinion that to engage in the foreign policy to Great. Britain would be to risk grave obligations. He with him in seeking to muintain autonomy 4i the dominions the port 'of. General Botha and Hom. Mr. Fisher, as well as that of all loyal British citizens who stand above all for the autonomy of their respective colonies." - VIEW the sup- STRONG APPEAL OF WOMEN. To Spare Life of an Italian Husband Slayer. The following letter from the onto Suffrage association has sent to Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, ister of justice at Ottawa : "Year - Sir,--~The Toronto "Suffrage association earnestly plead for a speedy commutation 'of the death sen: tence passed upon Angelina Napoli- rano, since every addtional' hour spent by her in the condition of terror antic ipating her execution on August thé 9th, cannot but reset in a deleter- ious manner upon her unborn innocent chil 1 "I'hey further hold that the man's conditigh at the time at which she committed the crime aggravate the sense of provocation received, and they, therefore, earnestly hope that the sentence of death will be commut- ed ta ong of imprisonment, and that this decision be communicated to her as soon us possible. 'The association sincerely hope that all | societies and individuals through out the country, who feel that this un fortunate foreign woman should not, to the circumstances her case, suffer the extreme pen alty of the law, will in some wa make their desire known to the min- ister of justice." ---- The ideas of. the over positive. ' ~~ SHE WAS SURPRISED Tor- been min- wo- owing ing dude are never the these ailments. I longed for some medi: cine that should permanently drive them away, aT ery lsdan Root ought Were a indeed great. trial. My surprise was From the very first I sapetienced elie]. Sontiining with them I found my troub- les were ly but surely leaving me, and before long I once more knew what it was to be free from the harassing ef- fects of the ailments that had Jong 2 Jk ened and weakened me. So t is faith in Dr. Merse's Indian Fills shall never on any account be without them." -Dr.. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure 'Bowel and Kidney as well as Liver troub- fes, and kecp you besithy. 25e a box at your dealer's, 14 WAH LONGS-- LAUNDRY Mirst-class work ustantesd. Drop me a card and [I will call promptly for your laundry. 185 WELLINGTON ST, between Brock and Clarence Sta 4 . » » Carriage Painti ng If you want your Carriages to look and wear well, leave-~them with us Children's carriages and Wo-carty on- amelled in all latest tints. E. J. DUNPHY, . "Montreal and Ordnance Streets A PICTURE FOR THE BRIDE, We have a choice line of pictures at reasonable 'prices which make useful wedding gifts, Bring In your pictures and let us show how satis- factory it is to have do your framing. D. A WEESE & co, "Photos. us Ww alipaper. An Offer That Involves No Risk for Those Who Accept It. We are so positive our remedy' will completely relieve constipation; no i matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish it free of all cost {if it' fails j+» Constipation is caused by weakness {of the nerves and muscles of the {large intestines of "descending -- colon. {To expect a cure Yb, must there fore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthie? jmetivity. A i We want'vou to try Rexall Or | derlies on our guarantee, They are 'eaten like candy, and gre particular ly ideal for children. They act di f reetly- on the nerves and muscles of {the bowels. They have m neutral ac- tion on the other organs and glands, {They Co pot: purge or cause any in- {convenience whatever. They will posi- {tively overcome chromic or habitual constipation and the myriads of as | sociate or dependent chromic ail i .. Ted Rexall Orderlies at our . Two sizes, 0c. and je. Sold Souly at our stor--The Rexall KRtore. ! W, Mahood, will have. surround- PRESENTATIONS. AT STELLA To Mr. and Mrs. re. William Allen on | Leaving. Stella, May - 15. Farmers have all | finished sowing, amd, are preparing | their corn and potato land. Ram is badly needed for meadows and grain. John Eves, Kingwion, has purchased the Royal hotel from J. A. McMullen, and has taken possession. Pringle 4 Miller have taken over the undertak- ing business of William Allen. Two bantjuets were given lately honor of William Allen, who about to leave the island, by i LOL, No. 152, and Tanti No. 184, A.O.U. W. After the re gular meeting of the Urangemen on Thursday evening, - an address was read by R, A. Fowler, and presented Bro. Allen with a beautiful fur coat. After the regular megting of Tanti lodge, No. 154, AO.UW,, an address was read by Dr. Porter, and a purse of gold presented. BR. W. Longmore, DDG MW, Camden East, was pre sent at the latter. A lengthy pro- gramme was rendered by many of the vou ladies and gentlemen, after hich refreshments were served. = A shor time ago the con, regation of St. Paul's church, of was Bar- lodge, which "Mr. and Mrs. Allen are NE present- wd Mrs. Allen with a handsome gol watch and guard, in recognition of the faithful work done for the church by both. Three of the members of St. Bartholomew's church called on Mr. Allen on Monday evening last in be- half of the congregation, and present od him with a gold piece. Mr. and Mrs. Allen left on Tuesday for their new home in the Grand Prairie settle ment, Mrs. W, Nelson, Kingston, spent a few days here last week before leaving for the west, Vistors: Mrs. CO. Kaud- man, Jamestown, N.Y.; Mrs. Ada and daughter, Ottawd; Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery, Windsor; Mrs. R. Fil son, fies E. Pollie, Mrs. Chowh, King- 'ston; D. F. Findlay, Collins Bay. | -- | ATTRACTING INTEREST. | Physicians Seek Means to Cure Glanders Case. Washing, May 19.--Contagions dis- | ease experts of the public health ser- vice and other Washington physicians, | are seeking means of curing E. NM. C. Combs, a Virginia farmer, who was taken to the district quarantine stat- on suffering with the supposedly fa- tal disease of glanders. The case is | attracting great integgst among -- the members of the medical profession here, few phy sicians having ever treat- ed glanders in a human being. Al- | though little hope is held for Combs' recovery, experiments will be conduct- jed to effect a cure. Mr. Combs' wife, a trained narse, is still confined in the quarantine stat- ion with her husband, for whom she is caring. So far she 'has shown no signe of having contracted the dis ease, Dr. Francis of 'the public health sev: vice, has received a tube of Mr. Comb blood, gsent him by Dr. J. A. Flynn, who discovered the case. He is now experimenting in 'an effort to discover a cure for the disease. In the case of horses the disease is treated with a serum, but this never bas been used for human beings. Dr. Fowler is at presént applying strong antisepticy to the ulcers. 'In looking up the history of the dis eass, Dr. Flynu discovered that up to 1890, there had been only about I00 cases of glanders reported in the world" Of thille cases, the majority of the petsons:afiected died. -- + A SAD EVENT. Falls to His Death; Sister Sees Tragedy. Angeles, Cal, May 19--A. V Hartle, a young Ohioan, ambitions to become an aviator, fell to his death on Wednesday atthe aviation grounds where Arch Hoxsey was killed on De cember 31st. It was Hartle's second day's appre ticeship as a "birdman. After several minutes in the air, traversing the course at an elevation of about 100 feet, he apparently lost control of his machine and . pitched from his seat, 'landing on his head and shoulders He died in a gw minutes. His sister witnessed her brother's death and was prostrated by the shock. The official report of the accident says it was "caused by the breaking of one of the ailerons." Hartlo was twenty-six years oid and is survived by one brother and four sisters, Los Big Addition Planned. Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 19. Joseph H. Norman, proprietor of the Hotel Norman, 'hasidecided to make an ex- tensive addition to the hotel. A two story building, seventy by eighty feet will be erected on the Catherine street side. On the first floor there will be a sample room, a garage and an electric lavndry, and on the second floor there will be twenty additional rooms. The work will be commenced within a. few days and will be completed within two mouths. Four Deaths. From Heat. Chicago, May 19.--Four deaths ro sulted here on Thursday from the ax- cessive heat. The mercury touched ninety degrees this afternoon, a re cord - which. "until this week had not been reached so early for thirty-six years. x-Premier Loses Wife, oy 'May 19.>The wife of Hon E. J. Flynne, ex-prime minister . oj Quebec, died on Thursday. She was the davighter of the late - Augustine Sate: proprietor of Le Journal de ebec, ome of the first new published in Queer oT Papers Accused of Kidnapping. Chicago, May 19.--~Recause the cry ing of the four-year-old son of Mrs. Selma Kenks annoyed him,' George Kime stole the ehild, the' police say. He is on trial and {relies 10 sei the baby i. uy Carnegie's Gift to College. London, May 19. Andrew Carnegic bay' given $25,000 to equip the Medi- cal Institute of the University Col- Campbell Bros" For the largest stock nobbiest styles and beet values id men's hats. Many bargains at Best's to-morrow. | Sian Jy in] rub and wear, and not the slightest injury to hands or fabric. A trial, According to directions on the Sunlight wrapper, will prove this." - Isn't it good news ? It's true. is the finest blend of the two best wheats Canada produces --Marnitoba Spring wheat and and Ontario Fall wheat. One provides the rich gluten that makes bone and muscle, the other gives lightness and whiteness to the bread and pastry. Beaver Flour makes more loaves to the barrel than any other flour on the market --loaves that are sweet, nutri- tious and light, and it also makes delicious biscuits, cakes and pies. Tryit, and snow your friends the excellence of your baking. DRALEBRS--Write for prices on Peed, Coarse Grains and Cereals. 17 The T. H. TAYLOR CO., Limited, Chatham, Ont. |biBBY 'S GAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 ane (Geo. Maller & Son KINGSTON. AVE BBTV LT VBRAVB BR OUR CONSIGNMENT Of Green aud Black Teas from Cey Jon have arrived. Though prices are much higher, we are still sell- ing at 30¢ per Ib. soa ANDREW MACLEAN, lL. Ontario Street. PEEP PPPRET IRE FRPP IMNINO . WILIAAM MUREAY, : Auctioneer, * City and Country Sales Care- fully Conducted.' * Market Square, Kingston. + SPP IIEe {For Health Drink McCOarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. _ Agent, R. J. LAWLER THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Garpan. ter ling. Estimates given on Al K of repairs and new also. Hardwood Floors of all Ysa. Ali orders will receive prompt attentio Shop, 40 hoi Sirest Sersteesestinatiitel The American} i $ Cafe 18: Wellington St The Up-to-date and Eating House appartments. Well and lighted furnished ® ® Try our Full Course Dinner, 2be. » : THOMAS GUY, Prop. PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Restaurant Separate Custom Tailoring AT '231 Openi C988 STREET (above Harrison's), Finest Ladies' and Gentlémen's Custom Talloring guaranteed. m Also Riding Habits and Skirts made to order. Your Patronage Welcomed. MR. I. COHEN, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tallor, Apollinaris THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" Supplied Under Royal Warrant of Appointment to His MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. The Standard of Clothes Value A:good many men have the notion that because a si is made to order it must necessarily he good. They never seem to take into account the variations in quality that price makes, Gold is.gold, yet we know that gold can be had-in any degree of quality varying from the com- mercial 10k. To the pure 24k J's the same with mades to-order clothing A 'sili that's worth . the name will stand you, in custom talloring. about iwice as much as you'd pay for the same fine fabrics, rich patterns, exact fit and expert tailoring of Sovereign Brand Clothes Fhe reason we are able to gffer the same sound value for money is due solely ts our modern aad efficient clathes- making organization lény a hana th it ay] ex sens Seldom see SANFORD MANUFACTURING (O, HAMILTON. Trew Ww. KE. LIMITED,