PAGES 9 TO 16 » A Venezuelan Legsenl 5 26mm Enclosed along the by the Sierra de Parima, on the north by the Littoral Mare ribbean the we Andes of Colombia, lie valley, A400 miles p stretching westward fully from the delta of the vast plain; un hike cotmtry, composed fevel ghansy OX Pranses, tervals by forest: tracts than twice the size of Tex: cludes the part nnd the eastern portion The mi Orinoco, navigable streams which ri surrounding mointains, dr territory, remderivg it the best ed region iy the world, At th of the rainy the mai rises © gixty feel above'its | fovel and floods of the Nanos, so that they versable only in canoes. Alter th subsidence of the waters, deposit of rich wilt is left upon the land awd thick herbage sprivigs up with magical rapidity. At the southwestern corner of this great alluvial depression the 'retaining | wall is absent and in the break the ! tributaries of the Orinoco commingle with those of the Amazon. Fxeopt for short portages around cathracts and rapids, an eR canoe jaurney might be made fedm the mouth of pne river to that of the other, The slight elevations of these nreas~the basins of the Orinoca the Amazon one of the markable physioal features of South American, Referring to it, Humboldt said : "IH fiom the effec of some sirange attraction the A of Atlantic were to rise fifty toises toise is about six Jeet) at the i of the Amazon, the flaods would merge more than the half' of South America. The entire eastern dochivity, or: the fool of the Andes, now Gi leagues. distant. 'from the const of Brazil, would hecome shore beaten by the waves" ed, the verted great It is possible to go from the mouth of the Orinoco ilmost to Pogota, the capital of Colombia, by tha main siream and its vor the Meta. "A paddlewheel boat operated by an American company runs as far as Ciudad Bolivar, where the traveller is transferred' to a smaller steamer, which burns wood 'and rans on a very flexible schedule. The way is through B region as rich as any on the earth, and blessod great variety : resouvees, but ax sparsely inhabited as ="$hie deserts of . Yeas south Range, which Sea, and on rinove not is greater rhity sin Atos season wire m vater eom#iderabde extents re tr wae tra two and e 18 mast w {n auth sub a And, it may by add Orinoco county: would be eon into a inland sea way of iffuent, with a Afrien Large 14} 1a x their 15 JR if Oar | hisgeht | Ivonne iin the house Es of ibility is {the i | the | ot, even ben explored, known bar wil dwell Bureau of WEP NT dhe Panama prospectiv pen canal, . chiefly causes, have inderest t¢ t} with ty concomitant to our with of {emer ywaken v tard) people in the the United natura the Long countries ment donthled from. 2300 with m | the 1 (HM) EHH le, increasing £00 OE D0) of them i though ¢« the i member but as knov and with pared : profound Less of enquire fhe he proposal of anol hat preceded to Veneguels, anyhow # sugroestod beng br ted political GUELY Was bw t to consolidate the to and Guateanala; under the impression that they contiguous territories | In vears our troublous rel tions Venezuela and Colomina have these republics pron ntly ¥ our people, but it dan not be long mutually profitable intercourse is establ Fhe United St heavy memner missions Venezuela were recent with brought fore ore pleasant and tween them and us. must soon become a ar and; provided political established meanwhile, will tury to the Hanes country, which are Is on the face of pastura na * meat capitalists Urn « l# lant oie » Alora: ample i i Argent competitor, r rotnt wh 'There the industry ciontilic basis, the Fan bo Fail nd the will to. th market country Bear Mis "The physical resemidance to the but its Tes Orinoco natural It is own valley, capable of prod ibm Phe fi ti t mutch greater, ky excellent of the temperate the tropics flourish the original home of tl ton, coffee and ind Tolmeco, rubber and cacao are among its mo-e valuable vegetable products, hardwood cored mm quality. Hane ing every anh of I poy ou. Cot inthyenes and on iis LO Are abound in that yield medicinal and its forests timber aud other character. The region is surpassingly of hntmal has | and tree extracts of a commercial rich in anid re forms beautiful vegetable life ny been COL. EDWARD Ng ! L'Som of Mrs, Hetty Green, the wealthies:, woman In the z bas alipointed to contyol hor propery, HON URERY, 2 4 wo i, whe she vel our « i straan is i K INGSTON, CEVFICA MAY 20, 1911 Pitish "ONTARIO, SATURDAY, : -- on lhe Upper Orinoco collectors of rave flowers Urehitd hunter and of million and are gathered plumage 1 spec fea thor Te ted ther chief plume the egret, the in many is one hundred th nest that vietim mating and be durin n ordin slaughter is goin out the equatorial region America. Ciudad Bolivar terior Venezuela. the It commerce, thi well us hall the country 15.000 js trade and as ties, for at population of nly east about mixed, including a sprink t every European hamters, or race. METS are flower vanilla in rubibwes other produ arge quantities of from the that {he region have hardly One of the workings i has' vieidud mote than any other mine in The mine was discovered by who had no suspicion of its enor Fhree of then sold their ets. Tor a comparatively inf the fourth shrewdly holdi company was formed property and capitalized RTE, 1s, shares of The that have put' upon the market 500.000: 5 share. " The od dividends 5 0k 00 ily yeariy mineral deposits of heen erat y \ "2 1 free the {nlin w four 5 value, Jess m few of th $n 4, nave have recs more 1} yd ahi flowing cop the count That hshod, mited eng be available to exploit the country and turn its exir sours ww to commer ie, Venezuela, with a termitor times as preat as New Enplaw extent to Fr v, Holland, Belgiam, an Jeolaml, has a populat than that New Yark open coEnir All hes tht sint th retards lope awderful > gavernmen Almont = Once ¢ unl ol firreh ant sock 1h boar € capital o fund iaek f poli traders, 8 « or arid mas mous mier to operate the of wind 3 wou Urinoto saw RED He Corree Plagrntslron terprise and repels the past cur Daring Sr HEAVY DRINKER CUR Samaria Cured Him and He Helps Others. A man who has been released from the awful cravings of drink, and whose first thought is to help others, shows the spirit of true brotherhood and philanthropy. ~ Read his letter : The Samaria Remedy C Toronto, ont «Will irink you please send me book on afso circulars grglating to. your renvedy fur the drink habit I » to a friend whe r drink You will taken your I you cialm aking or using all Aegire I never th strong drink in lias left 1 a Samaria I is tasteless and. odorless; and dissolves instantly n tea or cofiee, or can be mixed with food. It can be given wilh or with- out the patient's knowledge. It re moves thé craving for drink, ip the system and restores the ner ves: Drink becomes distasteful and even Dauseous. : Drink is a despase, not: a crime. One Irink of whid¥®y always invites an other, The inflamed nerves and sto mach cryaté a craving that must eith er be satisfied by more whiskey or removed by scientific treatment Samaria Prescription. Samaria Pre- scription has been! in regular and sucessful use by physicians and hos pitals for over ten years. If you know of any family needing Samaria Proscripiog tell them about it. H vou have a bushpod, father or friend that is Grifling into drink belp him «save himsell, \ Write to day. A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa- maria Prescriptitn, with booklet, give ing full partiedlars, testimonials, price, ste, will be sent absolutely free and postpaid in plajs sealed pack age to) anyone askerg dor & and men tioning" * this paper. Correspondence sacredly confidential. Write toda: ~The Remedy ~ C ' Dept Callwrne etrpct, ¥ : nt maria chy 19 CY Mie Jas Kingston is | Supporters jam." builds | like | ampaigns conducted on these plains, predicted the paralyzing eondi- tir which befatien the country He of the egrrupt pelititi regime of the Cas On Jas deathbed he the infant would for internecine revolutionary vere fave th the tro type of leader the republics of foresaw SWAY anand voreed vonvietion that South America generations be by conflict and agitated by torn mtrigue Bolivar cherished a plan a great republic to the panish pros ol New 8 and Venezuela, t6 which the present vepuby { Ecuador, comprise nces Quibo, tira n and Venez- correspond Not are well informed to siltation believe that the welfnre of each and all of coun be powerfully and amalgamation of Grand Colombia, as would have named it hes of Colomina uela approximately a low persons who ns the these tries would { by {thatstate | var | promoted mn He h Probmbly a the repub- wea, union majorly of in {many of the peoples of the are lies question favor their leaders of it. President Eciind recently declared tat he ¢ or r of Ecuador {of the states {lie, than and would as one of such a greal repulr its president, as 1 pow There is of tha project The result pobulated gomogeneous people, having sow Atl ard Pacific, greatest wty and. if resources and e joving ox fur sordinary benefits from the opera: j tion of the Pawams canal Such a re {public, under wise and stable govern ment, might comfidently aspire to rival Mexico in er and prosperity wip it x y aid that sis ing ti < th the disagreements nf small v decided probabality this grand future territory, [consummation of fin o fwonlkd be by a the not tant hoards on anti posses jextent pow in passim the chiffi« the republics of Central Am- Hee --mrw similar sammicamation could hy dal to entnil the beneficial effects most pre culties nad irs whiteh wily most Portuguese Women's Rights, A judgment delivered by a magis- of the Lisbon Cwvil court redog- the to vole of Carolina loctor, contrary to be government, which ar The deci on. Portuguese law. No wii vote at the next elections, the period for making 'claims bas now expired --Westmindbter Gaidite : & . trate nies hive. ref mx sion i as Verandah Darothy--Haow's the your ho Chat, Sociol Virgin Vers lone T haven't anyd Whig -A Frank Statement Perna is the Best Medicine in the Word. RECOMMEND PE-RU-NA, MR. EMILE MAR R. EMILE MARDI stroet, Montr nin, writes: "After taking botaes of Peruns, I find that I am cured. "J still take it occasionally. For meld ie the best medicine in the world. 4] have recommended it to a number of persons.'" Mr. J. C. Hervus Pelletier, Dept. de PAgriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes: "The Peruns {3 particularly eflica- eious in the cure bf catarrhal affections of the Tungs and bronchial tubes. "Six hottles outed mo this winter of bronchitis: 1 am completely restored snd | owe thanks to the Peruna, "1 have recommended this remedy to a large number of y friends afllicted with the same tronble, and they have verified my good opinion of this vale sable remedy."' [579 Ontario SECOND PART BUT BUSY Is the man behind our counter, push be ul ing over brimming glasses of Delicious Soda Water cool, refreshing draughts the all day long that. make stifling he of © comfort Crushed flavors, caught uw ling glasses. Try one? | SAKELLS Tce Cream Parla] "Phone Hi Wr An OASIS rants, purest pare arctic we wn Link Next to Opera House WHEN {ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to sens you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality of the Flour * * 0 Manufsctured by the ' 'Maple Lear Killing Co, Branch Office untario Stree. Kingston. Talephone RR& = A ---------- 'We Believe in Economy and in Safety, Mrs. Housekeeper" OF COURSE YOU DO. Economy in Itttle things Is just as important as economy in big things, and then there is safety When you takes only ON not two two or EDDY'S, EDDY'S first time light fire It Match, takes than a TEDDY It it other to or three it's that and three of better will Hg every time And EDDY'S MATCIIES ARE SAFE, SURE and SILENT DY "Safe Sttent" AND EDDY'S SAFE "Royal George" ARE THE Safe, - Sure, Silent "Strike Anywhere' Matches HE IN CANADA. EDDY'S Matcaes EVERYWHE ALWAYS ASK Fon You cannot expectgood worl: from a furnace unless it is properly installed. §] Your heating system must be planned. The registers. must be tproperly placed, cold air ducts mast The warm and be a The furnace certain must located in just the right spot---and it must be just the right size. §f We Leupply plans tp you absolutely free yoda do to buy a furnace to get them either. "diameter, be and not need The plan is essentinl, bat it is siso essential 1h have a farnace that will give you ample beat that will supply pure, fresh - mr without a taint of gas, and, for the lady of the house, heat that will be free from dust and smoke. OH The * Hecla" is such a furnace. hie wd ody miontion es'. than s mi dion dollars, : 5° You cannot buy a Furnace like you do a Stove |) send it home and have the * Handy Man * put #t up--~ not if you expect to get all the heat out &f your coal § If you have a heating problem. to solve--new building or old -- send us a rough diagram of your building, showing the lotatioh of doors and § We will prepare for windows. We « plans and specifica you comple tions for heating that benlding, give you an estimate of the cost of the heating system, and also the advice of our experts'on every detail "Hecla Furnace GET THIS BOOKL "Comfort & Haalh" tells bow you can get heat without gas. It tells how to get the same heat from ns of cond as you ever got from sever Ww for #_ today. And at the same ting ask for any information you may requice regards ing the beatiog of your bowe. bed CT ARE BROS & CO, LIMITED PRESTON ONT, 7 ELLIOTT. BROS, KINGSTON,