| Grosvenor Cafe I Bet wih ERIN Hives "ana Orpheum heatre. Meals a !a carte, Popular prices. Best quality food, wl Smoke and Toilet Rooms attached. Jee Cream, best Quality, wuppljed: Cream from our own faries only used. Luncheon, 11.20 a.m. to 1.30 pm, Supper, 5 to T pm. Meals at all hours, " Pyrkigh Baths, including massage, $1 per bath; six baths for $s. Sleeping accommodation, Private Hot or Cold Baths, with at- 15¢ JPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Private Massage Gives, Phones 854 8 CANADIAN 'NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family. or any male over 18 ,yeSrs old may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant musgt appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain Sanditiona, by father, mother, son, aughter, brogher or sister-of intending homesteader. Duties Bix morfiths' residence "upon and guitivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live =~ within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least $0 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, In certain dfptricts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Pricey $3.00 per acre. Dulles-- Must reside up- on the homestead or pre-emption six months in esch of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homesite patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra A: homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-empti,n may enter for & pur- chased homestead In certain districts. 'Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--M st reside six. months 'in each of throe years, cultivate hy acres and erect a house worth $300.00. , Deputy of the 1 Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized _publleation of this advertisement will not be pald for -- , CORY, Minister of the Department of Railways and Canals ONTARIOST, LAWRENCE CANALS. MURRAY CANAL, § SEALED TENDERS to the ADDRE. WD oor undersigned and endorsed Tender for Dredging" Murray Canal)" Will be received at this office until is o'clock on Wednesday, May 31. The specification and form of con- tract to be entered into can be seen on and 4 12, at the office Of the Chief KE of the Depart ment of Rallways and Canals, Ottawa and at the office of the Resident Engineer of the Ontario-8St, Lawrence Canaly, Cornwall, at which places form of tender may be obtained ' Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages schedule pre- pared or te be prepared by the De- pariyment of Labour, which schedule will form part-of the contract, Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be consider- ed unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless there are attached the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and placg of residence of each member of the Tirm, An necepted bank cheque for the sum 'of $1,500, made payable to the order of thie Minister of Hallways and Canals, must accompany each tender, which sum will be forfeited If the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates stated In the offer submitted, The cheque thus sent in will be re- turned to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted. The cheque of the successful tenders er will be held ag security, or part se. curity, for the due fulfilment of the contract to be entered into, The lowest or any tender not neces- parity aceeptéd. By order, ' I. K. JONES, : Becretary, Department of Rallways and Canals, Ottawa, May 10, 1911, Newspapers Inserting this advertise. ment withont authority from the be- partment will not be pald for it. Notice to Contractors Tenders For Station And Other Buildings. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and marked on the envelope "Tender for Station Bulld. fpgs," will be received at the office of the Commissioners of the Transconti. nental! Rallway at Ottawa, until 12 o'clock noon of the 14th day of June, 1011, for the erection of station and other bulldings required along the line of the Transcontinental Railway as set . forth below: Section From Plaster Rock in the Province of New Brunswick west ward to the Quebec boundary. oe Section 2, 'rom Mile 161.5 to Mile 184 east of Quebec bridge, Section From Milé § to Mile 105 east of Quebec bridge. , Section 4.-~From the Quebec bridge westward to Mile 45 Section 5.---From Mile 55 to Mile 194 west of Quebec bridge. + Section 8.~At Cochrane in the ¥Fro- wines of Ontario. Section 7. 'rom the divisional yard at Graham, Ontario, eastward for a distance of 60 miles. ang and specifications may be meen and full informathon obtained at the office of Mr. Gord Grant, Ch Kagineor, Ottawa, Ontarie, and at the following district offices: -- " - Rection 1--Mr. ©. O _ Foss, District Englueer, St. John : Meet fons $3 4 and B~Mr. A E Ptat, District Engineer, quehe, fon + S.=-Mr, "AN. Molesworth. | District Engineer, North Bay, Ontario: Section T~-Mr' 8 R. Poulin, Dis gi t Engineer, St, Tenders must be made rms ou by the Commissioners "and m be signed and' ¥ all the parties to the tender, apd witnesséd and be hecompanied by an Accept cheque on & chartered bank of the Dontinion of Canada yable to the order of the Commi mers of the ranscontinental Railway, for a 8 'gqual 'to ten per cent, ( 8 pe) of pC.OUN the tender * @ reject any = The pr alk h tenders. ; a : P. B, RYAN. a © Secretary. s Commissioners of the Transcen- Bn Cal Rafiway, Pated at Ottawa this 13th day of May, i91L WH re insert! this advertise- 2a RF haut Authority . from the Conmissioners will not be paid for it, CA stout woman's clothes have to get mighty tight for her before she can dhe n't growing mich thin: No _ buen Hair is on WE ARE S0 MERCIFUL CRUELTY MARKED MANY OF THE OLD PUNISHMENTS. Glance at Criminal lecords - Less Than a Century Old Reveals Ter rible Penalties, o publishes dibel on the k months' imprisonment, | ly credible that only forty the punishument ordained b law for high treason thi offender should be drawn on to the place of execution should be hanged by the neck was dead: that thes his head be severed from hig body; that body be divided info four quart and that his head and quarters, be at the disposal of the crown. Such was the pudishiment of treason within the memory of derly man. of today! In earlier the culpriv did not éscape so for he taken down from the lows while still alive; disembowel and his entrails burned before his eves And this was by no means the worst fate that might befall a crimin dd in the so-called- "good pld days," as one John Roose, a cook of Henry Vil's day, found to his Roose © was convicted of the heinous crane of put ting poison in the broth intended for the family of no less revered a per sonage than the Bishop of Rochester, For such a crime hanging, drawing anil. quartering was too merciful a punishment, "Something lingering, with boiling oil," or ai least water, was decided th be the punishment that best fitted 'the rime, and with this object a special act of parliament was passed ordaining boiling alive as the punishment for this felony. John Roose expiated his sins in a cauldron of hat water, and a few years later, in 1512, one Margaret Davy met "the same terrible fate at Smithfield, So gravely was the crime of poison ing regarded in these days of old that, it is recorded, a Scotsman, one Thom as Bellic, and hiz sop were banished for life for administering poison to a couple of noisy hens belonging to a neighbor, Ihese were indeed days when the n of violent temper or eriminal ten if by and was an until should the high the el Lanes wanily was ral fed, cost. ma dencies must operate warily. evil chance he to blows drew blood within the precincts of the king's palace © he was inevitably con demned to lose his right hand, and a statute of 33 Henry, Henry Vill, re gulnted. the whole gruesome ceremony, with all its functionaries from the surgeon who was to amputate the ol fending member to the individual who used the searing irons, the yeoman of the scullery, who made the irons red hot at his five, and the sergeant of the cellar, who was provided "with na port of red wine to give the _ same party, afer his hand is so stricken off and the stump seared." Mutilation was a favorite form of punishment in those good, old Gays, following, no doubt, the Seriptur | penalty, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Thus, the sland- erer's tongus was pulled out, so that he could at least utter slander no more: the adulterer's nose was ent off, and he who destroyed the sight of a one-eyed man lost both his own eyes, , By the Coventry cme act (22 and 23 maliciously put out an eye, glit the nose or disaple any limb of another, with intent to maim or disligure him, was to pay for the wrong with . his life. By another act - the man who fought with wexpons iu a church had one of his ears cut off; if he had al ready lost both ears, as many a male factor had, he was branded. in 'the cheek with the letter "F." By an act of Queen lizabeth's reign the forger was condemned to stand in the pillory, to have his ears cut off by the common hangmag.,: his nostrils glit up and seared, and to be impri- soned for life: and by a statute of 21 James I., an unfortunate bankrupt was nailed by an ear to pillory for two hours, and thew his cds was cut off If an enterprising farmer was foolish enough to send any of his live sheep out of the country he paid a terribl price for his rashness, for his goods were forfeited, he was sent to jail for twelve months, and on recovering his liberty his left hand was cat off in a public market and nailed up there as a warning against the danger of illicit Charles 11, C. 1) any person who shall | ot 20, 1011 MAY PACIFIC IN WINNIPEG. management for the new wppearance amd Juvariousness ost in round figures ane million Union Station. OF TH! the Grand Trunk GRAND TRUNK Pacific in THE SELKIRK, THE NEW PALATIAL HOTEL The above is the plan which has been approved | hotel which the company intends to erect in Winnipeg. This hotel, which of appointment is to be the eawnl of thé Chatean Laurier, at Ottawa, will L dollars. Jt will be situated on Broad 'ay, near the Manitoba Club, and close fo the new [NDIGESTION STAYS CURED | PUT Prayer to the ordeal of fi CP IN GOOD FORM. Queen Emma, accused of trigue with thé Bishop of walk xd with bandaged e red hot plowshares to prove hex nocente, stomach Almanac to Fight Con- Work. t be negl Toning Up Nature's | iy to do | Would Use yes sumption, fndigestion should no for by depriving the hody of ita pr Eg steadily | London Not Singular, Buffalo Times London bridge may be accortling to the Tursery London i= looking vp and Jovking ward with groat hope and the ke » est expectations to what will happen | during ceronation time. Jt js br uited | arvand the world 1 lon will} nourishment it Brows stimuluti me Nather i weak} | i 3 { . ruin the se HOWL ot mach by miaking. it Rr : strenith, should be used, nor pre costed fonds, whith dé wot excite "a | sa i of the digestive fi and by | § i v York d egiree the stomach to grow) tl. or iy. ta Al Nowhere id fhe foMic rit Dre. Pink clear! useful. Its principle the stomach to building the ware restored to free par : ) : ma : indige 80. which wurk beyond na ¥4 n i" i thw ids, lore AIA Out that Lon weaker, to train the children g make $150,000,000 oat of the aid though that | oom figrure large, it m {i br th Willinms™ pectncle + | 18 i Han own a I o ' ¥ and those nor- vers whton z ' do its blood When thew Many the 3 ihe vy be reach hocaune there is little dimit to the of millions when there is a particularly a up -the Lerprise on to tone to nerve show be seen and d fi t. In ve the ex Star ade tion ippesrs But than Every is pormanem proof London is no worse y ome smaller erties great Loo, sxpasition, more the my i misery. small one wed near! . of thing | Tr has at Bottom makingygrineiple esi of it involved in the celebration of peice than in any are acquainted in t world. Certain Pachome is by the worl have ot up to celebrat Ta C3 I Proposing to a Girl, something { the handrad. 0 we it is that worked fot Londoners, « ades, displays, kind and another fit and that arranged and carried out | thero®w { those most ing 'it. they Ww sul g& something actively exports, says Tit-Dits. If he offended a second time he paid for his daring with his life. 'If he set covetous eyes on a neighbor's . sheep one of them, he was unceremoniously hanged by the neck until he was dead indwed thousand of unfortunates paid with their lives for thefts much more insignificant. In 1726 Edward Burnworth, a high. wayman, refusing to plead, was load- ed with boards and weighs. For more man flesh could bear the agony again, He pleaded "Not guilty," but | was, nevertheless, found guilty, and] ended his days on the scaffold. This | cruel punishment survived to George | IL.'s time. i But' pne might write reams on these | quaint and barbarous old world pun- | ishments, inflicted in Scotland on the wicked ayer of fostball and golf, and the] imprisoument for a year for a third! offense of using the Book of Common » * The Girl With the Eu - . Auburn Hair. 0 sucess of Parisian to many aitemps to sihstitute and imitate. We therefore] al you to insist on being supplied | with the genuine Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage Relieves Itching Scalp A single: application of Parisian Sage will relieve itching of the sealp. i to the seal of the cause, can. be obtained from for fifty cents a large ~ The Sage has led Parisian J. B. Me bottle. 2 3 Remember Parisian Sage ia guaran teed to do all that we claim and your and annexed | than an hour he bore a mass of metal | weighing nearly 400 weight, when hu- no; more, he prayed to be put to the bar | from the forty-shilling fine! 1 that related by Rev) Joseph BL Hinge Studying Voleanocs. | + The International Vul tha {vuleanologieal | stitute 1s | et | rose arch, for which subs=eript Pr. Imma in behalf | being solicited ny {1ander, of Naples {tific men in { The institute imake and wigintain a | pravements to the {Hlaboratory, which tablished om Vos knowledge of on individual observations," ciroular, "and is "by no cient for the foreteiling of currences: nevertheless, the that wr alle paris «1.0500 060) Mhitiomns obgervatory % alrendy been es- mail "conta Lop £250 fram 1 | Medicine Co; i : PIL SR "thar present depend says the voleanie action roe « Ont, means sul 3 : : CORY ! Setting Him Right, fact ¢ | jo hspma 1 York or already reco nived mast canoes there ocours jy regular seq of events, apd it is within the of possibility and even of pr that a careful and exact reg of all the phenomena. of a Wen ennn will soon enghle us to foresee ap proximately: the time and magnitude of an tiption." tend Her that { between 1c vor 3 dane nth ih ---------------- / Rivalry in Religion? vhiladeiphia Times, Many pgopd stories have been told Methodist muiisters gath rei in amv of the Test a sk anid people to wesle Fo by enphrence, and The man who winis may not laugh at alll ap. : The Royal Taste, Adexantiry ' aid have been It otells of the race rival denomina of ly, of Chicago. between ministers of tions to establish a church' in one the growing Montana towns "A Baptist clergyman was headed that way," sail Rev. Mr. Hingely, uy a "and was discovered by a friend Lin Ch of Tal la. LX ane of the forward seqte of the sisok. 1 aforesaid. and thal fn ie er as the train sped westward. The RI an 'Hush,' said. the Baptist to his cannot be friend. 'Don't mention me. There's a 's Cararrh CERANK ¥ Ceangregational preacher three ' sents Swain Lo Dios me Bnd tehind me and 'p afratd he'll beat {in my presence this Sth day me 10 Montana, am' determined a AL, 1548 w get there first and establish tSeal) re We church." » ' "Hat fhe man. was dowd to State of Ohio, City of Toledo, | Lucas County. | 88 Cheney ymakes oath that he partner Af the firm FJ Oo de Y he be of rose w lowd of Wy Frank J dyed pale' sh ® sen 3 hi 4 tor Inrgely afd Marthorough ww be paved aml blue redecoration of which RES mueh green v fn the on . SEaR halikes Changs t. ie sad¥he is wo rithing being al Name piace red hy th Viewamira very ALLE in herr EXEY ibeerihed of Decem- Ha qrud 3 prriies ways put GLEASON > thi. plans Notary Publie | |mmle; showing exaetiy where esich ol HalPs Catarrh Cure:is taken intern | eat 4s mennt ter bw. sa that. when ang i : : fatiy Airestly 4 2. dally and acts directly on Bloewd a land rors Enlaces of the thimy is moved it enn be replaced in He orednal mw in to, roots have been Cy the wilvon druggist is anthorizad to refund your money if it faite. This is why vou must make sre that th! h the | package. Au | < Baptist eerged apnointetent, Tor a Metbiodiet gov A a rode west on sia eowontiler, awlwas | FL CHEE A C0, Telstn digging thi," cellar by the tied, thei ABE 4 Family PiRs . > ; So ake Talia Fam Hs from the tras," aR £4 Hed {At thes the strong arm of the Jaw {seus pitifully weak, 2. ia srstem oat fir fastimaniale free * far ven © lgupation pleaded Ture wor WORTH LIVING i BIBBY'S CAR STAND | seesseassstsatsas atsestaser | | {Geo. Muller & Son} *PRVRVET LAB BARCBBVER EBRD | & | en | information x Alt LIGHT, HEAT & POWER DEPT. 0 MA TE .. A Big Consignment of... Qilcloth and i Linoleum . .. WAAR Manager DAY, OR NIGRKT one 201 Sewing eyelen, Ge Carriages Carpet Clemuning, and Laying, ¥ Carts and Haby repaired. Telephone 1032. aT King Si KINGSTON, Cook's Cotton Root Compound oo Fen ngiet Al "via! THE LATEST PATTERNS sorgink 00. TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor) " _ 'Laid Free of Charge [Place your Orders early at JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertakers, 'Phone 147 ib ramming « A, WEESE & Ot Wallpaper. « - -' ARR OL. Wehave a large stock of COOKSON'S ANTIMONY for immediate delivery. Prices fright. THE CANADA METAL ¢0., LTD, TORONTO "For Tea You Can't Beat Lipton 3? The Most Popular Tea in the Tea Growing Countries LIPTON'S TEA Over 2 Million' Packages Sold 'Weekly 8 THE "UNLUCKY LIQUOR DRINKER W FAl 1d ab Eras will BOON the thire inclination ft f what + end Tr or of ' You are not t Foolishly, not k b fore 3 3 you introdu the antidote you at least realis ft harm--bift" you CANT § Without Hquor to act, your HEART j vomes a HARDSHIP, you seek RELIEF in liquor, and The Gatlin Treatment The Easy Way to Stop Drinking Call or wiite far Books of parties Long digtance and lodal you { it TEMPORARILY you ge | The Gatlin #lome treaiment institute for three days. If directions are followed. 498 JARVIS STREET, TORONTO. 2