hey \ 2 Ix. CT Fime For Sale BEST FOR PLASTERING" STONE AND BRICK WORK. W. Drary 235 Wellington ry oh. Ag For Health Drink McCarthey's Ale. and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street whe wanting anything dofie In the Carpen ter line. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work aide rdwood Floors of all kinds Al lors will receive prompt stientico P. 49 Yuden Street CIIIP IEEE 3 WILLIAM MURRAY, * Auctioneer, # City and Country Sales Ciire- * fuidy Conducted, & Market Square, Kingsion. "E000 beasts ts ot dad ---------------- OUR BEAVER BRAND of four iv un for bred J pawicy. Price is . A. MACLEAN, thiturio i ali re BEALE ANANANiess sss If You Require Gasoline Launches, Steam Pleasure Ymchis, Passenger Boats, Gasoline Engines, Steam Eggines, Water Tube Boflers, try the DAVIS DRY DOCK 0, AN repairs done promptly Catalogue on . request, Davis Dock "Phone 420. FIVIIIIIIII II IIIS IIO ---------------- ------ Custom Tailoring] Opening 'AT 231 PRINCESS STREET {above Harrison's), Finest Ladies' and Gentlemen's Custom Talloring guaranteed Also Riding Habits and made to order. . Your Patronage Welcom ed. MR. 3 COHEN, Gentlemen's Tailor, Lhe sesvereIvee Skirts COAL! The kind you are looking for | is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coul and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. _#OOT WEST STREET. Bessssaceststtnttstas The American} Cafe 185 Wellington St 3 » i The Up-to-date and Hating House. Appartments. Well ant lighted Try our Full Course Dinwmer, 25¢. THOMAS GUY, Prop. ibis Restaurant Separate furnished | Grades. , ; GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING QIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets, Foye's Building, at all "semsons. onde with deliious, | fenlth-and pleasure giving ' ICE CREAM Jif iths to be got! Always op hand | © hare--ibe finest, post delightuily fla vored dessert of allr Best by govdFnment test, SARELL'S les bom a | "Nest to Opera Hots. ! *Phone 640. People should enfoy cool reciption in warn westher--but they ton t, The man who praiss the baby ak Wags wing the other * gil. 4 PeeWee | $essvensvees "I had been given to die by three u of our best doctors, t to be on my feer and 1 swelled nthe bdomen I could bardly breathe. to Dr. Miles' Heart nd Nepvine I am able to the st : walking ad- urative qual- althoug gh 1 I could not stand' ¥ thank Remedy a 2 Sut apout COCHRAN, Lewistown, Ill. statement we rarding the value of Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy are these words of Mr. Cochran. g wn experience, 'the of knowl- aby of the rt such as arm, ht short- , smothering spells, itation of the heart, { Better than { could make re ource Laer: or ¥ Re ingry spells, - ness of | fluttering org angorg wigatn you need Dr. Miles' Heart. Remedy whic.c for over twenty years has been recognized as the best prepa- ration of its kmd to be had. Sold 'undar a guarantee assuring the return of the price of the first bottie If it fails to benefit. AT ALL DRUGGISTS, MILES MEGIGAL co. Tog (on te Can. ~ BICYOLES CYCLE SUNDRIES BiYCLE MUNSON 49 Yange St. = SRONTS at Cut Prices | vend ior Cut Price -- GRAND UNION | #& HOTEL STATION 'NEW JoRE - Send proae bo 3° Boe fom Satine 1% Mas Cook's Cotton 'Root Compound ine > Tonle, and Monthly woinen ear "he » price r em at of strovigth \ 10 degre Str MOT, ocial cased, $1 ah aruggs iS, Gr sen n receipt of pr ve vamphlet al iress : Goox Meoieie Ga. Tonoure,{ ORT. tormeriy W HL Arn {RE FOR THE BRIDE, DP. A i Wallpaper, = "Photos. ---- A i, y yi x Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives, brutal-harsh--unnec ry Ty Thartre CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on the liver, eliminate bile, and soothe thedeli- catemembrane ofthebowel. Care Con- wipe Bilcous- mess, Sick Headache ond Infigestion, - willions row. Small Pill, Smal) Dose, Small Price 'Genuine must bear Signatuge | ea F rr, j Prvssesssssssssssannald IDEAL SHOES "FOR SUMMER COMFORT Do' your feet in hot weather J Does the heat cause them to swell and so hecome painful and ancomfortable? L If they do, you need INVIC- JUs Oxfords. INVICTUS Lo fil every line asily and snugly. Unlike most low VICTUS Oxfords or sag at the sides Made i all shapes and an perspire easily 3 Oxfords are made of your foot shoes, IN- never buige ssravae Srsassasatiaaassanees BUERVVTVRLVLLECVLBTALBCETEBVOS 7 soli by The Sawyer Sie: Store 212 Frincess St- +2132 1nraianavanasa Seseasessseseh i THE pany BRITIER wma, MONDAY. MAY 22 dit. NE TEMERE DECREE: WAS STRONGLY LY DENOV NC ED BY 'DEAN BIDWELL, Present Rule is it Will Mean Secularization i tinue, { Marriage. of 2 strong. gnized by 1 re othe Fat It be reco perc wmed Phere rovisions, t point. of this 1 mosl tability of=: thé one nk on i} nm sty 5 tion w sand, a olher, as hivhh 15 on ovdingnee, rightly elaippid in the very foundati wed family dife, that a wave f has divine the we bishop's pas = social indig been the accrue toral, nm resentment all who recognize salts likely decree. 'nnd ymon er mtion wronsed mischevigus r to fr this u considering be pastoral rtunate thas admit, as its, that ht to But be (question, we a} to indeed lettor--n Has a members reads any make an add tous body ry ils yualific les" for wisnt hes y be E own must to be clearly ation ht if Hg dd e_rulBs ou ant eniNread tend to produce op 1 to it 4 le bel hest ide I ed they ohviously the ives to ads of injuriously if they possessed: whieh gre wi iwmity as of who he i) to its likely well the mstice, is 4 nag ind t beng, or right' Nhe whically roy impair by case scus citizen under it where ot empl stance lilication has 1 and for an han ohserv the olutely qu enfores oppos that this arise from hond, human eontrac a settle n- warch "Let it clear posite ¢ of the it op low us make nm does not. any MATTIATE such that n state to apart fr that: as a divine institution the chyrch has gq perfect right the matter the hitherto recornized . of England not -al- clergy knowingly to marry any divorced person during the life time of the former ~phrtner in the marriage, the position maintain od church, which fis based up- on Christ's own feaching on the sab ject, we understand it, and i= in complete accordance with tha solemn pronunciation in the marriage cere. "Those Whom God Hath Join- let know man put asun- der," is supported by the moral of the community, hecause wiry few wha would maintain divoree' is anything bat an evil eanse it saps the foundation of moral streneth of any is fapily life." But to sanetion and blessing such wnion is from pronouncing oid, gally is merely for the its rey wn the of lations, quite is more than as well ada, oice in human in Can- to state Thy as always Church its does low Now, bv our as mony, ed together, Sense there are that he- th. nation. which withhold. the of the church a very different them performed from matter and + if 1 Mar riage tand social the decree, tT clone of complete aspegt place, a div ordained 'What order Is. grave and well-being "In under: detrimental results hkely to to to enforcement it View result. from Ne Temere have - a to what It ine ry mn mn the Pat it living 1 \rriage then, fir Ww ot comanunities, to the gre for but we orifnance, mankind, n have life, When Blood Was Impure isolation, fact, as im he great mn of govial of pillar seen, the at source moral Poctor Bleeding. Old-Tashionad Brought + Relief hy The To-day We Keep the Blood Pare Using DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY LIVER PILLS. | I'he doctor of a century or two was acctistomed to free his patient an-excess of poisoned blood hy crudl prowess' of bleeding. - Jo woulll not stand for thy heroic atment, to-day, because uncer -- better the work of the liver and Kidneys and how 10 awaken them to their duty of filtering poisons from the | blood. These are the only organs body which filter poisons ago of 4 the | we of from 1 he | the | waste matter which causes pans, and. dangerous diseases, and no way you .ean so. quickly liver and kidneys into act foul aches there is bring the ion as by 'using Dr. Chase's Ridpey- | Liver Pills. | : Don't imagine that a Nquid medicine | i Deivessary 10 purily the blood. The | supreme test 8, "Does the treatment awaken the action of the lHver and |' mvigorate the Kidneys ¥" Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are unigue in their | combined "action on the liver, kidners | and bowels, and on this account won- dertully i as a means of puri- fying The whale digestive and excretory | syitem is cleansed and evigofated bh this "Uvalment, The appetite sharpened, | digestion improsvs, the ticed, languid feelings of a poison | wl weston pivie way to new health sed vigor. (me pill a dose 23 cents is and box, ab sl dealers, . of Fdwanwon, Beles & Uo, Lithitel, Toronto. Allowed to Cone reriE "marriage } tion, the roots of whigh penetrate "1 null | Ii | by | J wine j1t is quite anther to assert blood, and so cleanse the system of the {other of them being a Roman Catho- {observances, and in accordance ithe law {legal by the state, which ane contract. A op not. Seek vem stroiipth to any society, kingdom' Sond method is far less often resorted © mation. From thes) { sctquite understand as bei "ng ordained be called a sacrament, irsvlves prefer to limit that name | le two great sacraments ordained by Christ Himeelf, 'and that the! hurch é&n Aightly endeavor to main- | tain the. ideal of marriage set out by | Lord. But --it-- has tobe tame: bered, that as' we do mot live isolated | lives, but as members of a communit re must also be a social and wspect of marriage which' cannot overlooked. one point of view, that by man God, | we O to u civil be View a confer From this point of legally carried social and civil stat two contracting parties, ations which can be legally i, and this legalhstatus affects | only the persons conppreed, but children. The rights of inheri. | » to property, for insfunce, is an part of 'the marriage con-| ct. There ein be no doubt thai the wéll-be ving of any community musi | endangered by a claim which tends weaken the stability of an institu | out, 8 ertain 5 the upon implying | obli en- | tegral bye to sO and the deeply into the religidus, social moral sense of the people, and interference with which involves such! erious consequences in the domain of the legal -- and civil status of both parents and children, "For obwerve-what has-already carved. In tne province of Quebee, a murriage between two Roman Catho already been annulled, under this derree, on the-grownd that it'was pedformed by a Protestant minister, It is tlaimed that in that province, such annulment is nol only ecclesias tical, but alsa éivil in its foros, and consogpuently not only is the wife declared to bf Ho wife, with no legal claim for support, on the man, she suppposed to be her Teral husband: but the child of the marriage is brand: od with the stigma of illegitimacy, As I understand that an appeal is to be made tor the privy council, as to "the legality of this decision, the is apparently sub judice, no further comuient need be made upon its vali oc lies has case stall the shit though | t ajl | quarters, i God there, than marriage hy r Fon. V i who matrim On can ger to high posit to the great value integrity of family hi 10 & mere civil form There cannot cumslapoes be, at of | hen, v, high of ¢ to the ering the istrar. ity ent to bn ad urs the somn iN, wm terms that them is rel a8 ee it together, is God 'a ra very um 1 Gn e, i lity a under wm when bat ally Serv ave w ho h As divine -- mister o ve that ast itu stity grave dan pst for the Home serise nsibtiities in hoids, and in maintaining tn malar. of ah met whict a dry ret and emphati and made bound them ome complete secularization of marri- many r this, and ea egited, eady shows the conclusion th and family f a nation hear grant taat for it evils than a high life 1% to k is it common, is far lie no WOrse labor be inv iol Ate of the defe a wictily must whatever spread untortunate we may ar ed at opposition and least interwoven inthe ighous, moral divine sanctions with, the into," rest, unite and how tion depends upon tions for our dity at present, except that it is. very dithieult to how any such on the part oF those who have it, whether it be within their right not, can be justified in of the deplorable results which accrued, All the Protestant too, in webee, upon whom the 18 conferred the right perf without any restric as implied in referred to, are most invidious position, danger at any moment, of finding out what they have done in strict ac with rights legally given them | pronounced to be illegal. 'Of course; outside the province Quebec there can be no question of any setting aside of the legal rights and obligations set up by a marriage performed in accordance with the law of the land. But even so, mu+«h mischief can be done by the enforce ment of this decree. There in the first place, the imminent danger the breaking up-of the home. If or other of the parties to a marriage, not. performed in accordance with ithe 'Ne Temere rule is told with the tremendous force of a supposed! infallible announcement that he or she' is living in sin, separation likely to be the result, in many .cases, fwith disastrous consequences Lo ak concerned. I understand that this has already "occurred: in one well-known case in this province. Now the plain man, 'or to the religious man to the man who desires in every to uphold the morality of the country, who recognizes the divine sanctiois of sveh morality, it ap pears to be uothing less than the most complete misuse of language to characterize unions which have ~ been 'entered into with the blessing of re gion and the fullest compliance {the law of the land, being | unions, simply because the officiating religious minister is not Roman Catholic. It seemis to me contention i3 away from attract them to leannot but that the produces are clearly contrary to those of duty and justice which rst man's highest possessions believed be divine ly implicated in his heart. © Nor it fright that in the of a | marriage performed a minister, either in the past Hutuse; one of the contraetir hould know that pudiate it at any obligations rights action taken legal se SOF have ministers stata to rm such irringes, decig ion placed in™ a and are in the how n rordance 18, one all 8 to or way with as sinful a that relig men Jon than it, results to sed notions | are amon, and must be to is case by the parties can or she far he' or time, as as solgmn are econeern if legal most fed, oven and our | Family Life Endangered. Roman "Now, I imagine that | Untholie brethren desire | do, to {and intégrity of marriage life. Surely, then, they {that this decree, if enforced [those who have contravened { gulations, entd atl the very Ithe institution which must jall others be preserved intact, | thing more than an ecclesinstical rule jis needed to justify a producing such grave and far-reaching offects. It is one thing to maintain iat all costs, that marriage is a di institution, which once entered linto is indissoluble till the death of fone of the parties, for that teaching is based upon the teaching of ( heist, that a {marriage contracted between two per {sons is null and void, because one or as ardently the and must | against | ns re roots of bevond we mamntamn sapctity | family see Some pra Mouncement married by a Pro with due religious with a lie they have bem testant minister, of thet land. "¥To euch contention we are bound to offer, tthe interest, as we believe, of gion itself, and of the moral social life of our nation, the strenuous opposition. "For if the present state of allaits is allowsd to eontinue, there can only be one inevitably result, and that fe the . complete secularization of wmar- riage. It will be enactéd that only those marriages will be considered eo! before a state 'official without anv w coremony at all, it being left to the free choice of the contfacting partis whetheg: they will ask for the recognition of their marriags hy their church inn special redone | service arciages ars al view | of | such a | far more likely to drize! claims | feontracted | | i ] remain unimpaired. fo ! i by { tained unimpaired a full, and lasting { chureh anc {ous effort ard in this | au country being O preserv has contin little of div home social God's grace acut ght never" dea oree vir gency But the fact that been proposed, as a solution of the present slage other tea much to "it in som the to I of marriage ras absolutely wind at i hound it vd "1t 8 likely No effort should be sparsd, and gonsidered too great? unviolable DNECESSAr) the core Canada he om, to create to re n the iz that whach all arous«l of and an nd vigor 1 state uniting in harmoni T oe the high direction. which il-timed be thankful brought before men's minds, in a for cible and striking manner, last costs be the outcome of t 'that wis is and social life, the influence d uninjured and our well-being these div and mercy MARRIED | George { fred Patterson, | Webbwood, New IA quiet wedding w Webhw ood on May {A., third son of Mr. Toland, Pleasant Winnifrid, eldest Mis, Frank marriage ed very of navy hat to, {Eg J wore hat to brother of groom, who and Patterse I'he daint becoming The iste math, "Toland, h the mat Odie, ame to t years I'he gift old watch and cha brooch set in bridesmaid was gi brooch and to the | gram of gold performed 1 stor of the hurch, after was served the table being with pansies and {The gifts received we groom's unt 1 set cu mon lace, dist repast was w at numerous, showing 1 16th, an an, v lig George bride, was formerly country his o th in, pea ven est ff by hich the he te Ontario, solemunized ir when George i Mrs, Valley, daughter were in her 4ry awwelling French broadcloth, bridesmaid, r of the a suit of brown satin cloth, Assisted o k and fn man links Rev, Webbwood fa bride' handsomely pansy re. both , find e wide by thas decree, at it has closely ow how enter the as a na ine sane family life man how one in vitality, staml under AT WEBBWOOD. A. Toland and Miss Wiani- May Joseph and Mice of Mr, and units | bride look in suit with navy Miss groom, with Patterson, the of Ganah fifteen ride was a a mag to rnifi the sunburst a mono The cere A. Wal Metho sumptuons s home, decorated geraninms. costly and high esteen of many friends from far and ®ife. A farewell succeeding evening, Mr. and Mrs, arge circle friends met wish them their new: Joseph of thei to bid home m H you ecomplete-set hali the ment plan it will "particulars and book. "Little Twain." Ac Whig office of all ox ! fu page Mark "British mined | Protestant Rev. A. E, Préyeott Methodist vited the Alber » to Edmonton his to i by to time ference. At Vindent n Friday, suecum bed ~t to ¢ several The council ol Ire byl pr alter persons to of « pass a rw paret tes hy licensed reception suceess_ bel Ronnel at t 1 Toland, r most hem fore he was they Saskatchewan, are interested in his books former price wt nothing a new Stories dres LLL chur ta live evangelism mois hibiting June pastor in } conference and given home of where a intimate od-bye and left for Mark Twain® s Works, obtaining « at one on the easy pay to thirty-two About 100 rot Jox ul the been to has that econ ospatal, Pattersor paralysis decided the sali ft, except Fae THE FAVORITE IN A MILLION HOMES to | God f hitherto enjoyed." Wehave a large stock of COOKSON'S ANTIMONY for immediate delivery. Prices right. THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD., TORONTO T'S pure -- ask YOUT « pra 4 Dogtor about the beneficial -qualities of Brings the refreshing, zestful tonic properties of beer brewed by the good old careful process. J. McParland 87 Local Agent, the | This furnace is built to keep dust and smoke out of gas the house. "Hecla"" Furnace. where experience that gas might otherwise find an opening has been made absolutely tight by our Patent Fused Joint. The expansion and contraction of the steel and iron parse canvot brédk this joint. "Hecla Furnace The * Hecla" has other safe. guards 'against gas. The. cast fron Combustion Chamber not burn the fire to pass int house. The air Jots door proper burning of any surplus gas, The Automatic Gas Damper prevents danger from gas p aff There is a special dust flue to carry the ash dust up the chimney. The "Hecla'" Saves One Ton of Coal in Seven Every place 2ver) shown No matter how cosy your has q ever slight, home, an odor of gas, how- is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. The health of your whole house demands a furnace that will give pure constant dust. Gas cannot arm air without gas or escape from a will through and allow fumes from the the m Assure vw steel ribs add H ed to the ** Hecla Fire Pot make this saving is told iw T mfort THE FUSED JOINT In the * Hecla * the steel slides of the radiator are fused by « atented process to the at fron plates at the top and bottom. This precess welds the steel and iron into one oce, making an inseparable Joint ong that cannot spread with the beat, and one that has proven pecfactly gas and dust proof, evem after years of service. booklet A & Health' GET THIS BOOKLET It tells h héat for a uw TONt yw to get immam 148 CLARE BROS & CO, LIMITED PRESTON ONT. ELLIOTT BROS., KINGSTON. Details That Show Care Your destro mada, ist least as good In" appedrine husband. Is 'that able to gratify this vi often. Why? ' .. For this rea the making "of Side line. With ns it's a } sed Clothes on a worn how often Sesiire? your boy at your You very { hose But ural Ly are Nat #07? na. not the average ¢lotnes is many fact more « less urer, r of a Specialty. That's That same difference, however, gin of value which dou fall to get tent to accept clothes which not Juvenile Brand we One litle detail that {Hlustrates the care we small things iz & loop instead of buttons at cu gloeve permit of ting dbwn, to accommodate the growl ng younger, who grows fasier in the arms than -anyw! hig else, the difference, represant when bear the Tar- con ird 9 do you area thes Sant give to 1 ai ta ford dealer your tows show you th and oi} of Sanford Juveniie ¢ see ihe new Npring snd E. SANFORD MANUFACTURING 00. HAMILTON. CWA Ask LIMITED, ready in vogue in some pounirid, be ing beg al even in Enghdnd, though hig