~ 'THE'STANDARD BANK =~ - - | i $ "yon can select the fabric, dictate the style, OF CANADA i A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS «TRANSACTED : i Attention Given to Small Accounts | : itd i Special * Savings Department wt sil Buanches -- re------ -- mn p---- wpm, snmp ' ,.Merchant Tailor | : SEE HEREg-- . *: > . | You are thinking about getting a new. suit, and you want some- | thing sultalile for the 'season. Geo to Lambert's and have the Suit made | to order. This is fhe best way to get satisfactory elothing, because then l and get the body Hnes to suit | your own individuality, . | Light Greys, Light Browns, and Navy Blue styles are the best colors. | Spring and"Saommer. ~ > i A Two-pléce Suit, made to fit loose and eqsy, is cool and comfortable for the hot weather You wili find prices very reasopable. Thos. Lambert, 167 Privess tres for ero -- SK any question you want to about the treatment of walls, A floors, ete, and my special lady demonstrator at "A. (hown & Co's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. will tell you quick just what you want to know about finishing and refinish ing. She has all the latest ideas on decorating. . CHI-NAMEL. . HUNT'S is Where To Go for a NATTY HAT The Shirt, Collar and Tie store of the city. -- wn P. J. HUNT, 53 Brock Streets. BARR RR RRR SE WEEE Ee Ree world of of our You will find a "comfort in one / Light Summer Suits Large Selection of Woollens to choose from. CRAWFORD & WALSH } Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot St, p is - - -- 4 a PeosscccsssssssassssssafPessrcecscsscssssacesesd Clearing Sale of Ladies' Sui earing vale o 1es ouits - 4 IN CREAM ALE-WOOL SERGE AND LIGHT FANCY TWEEDS, ' ETC. REGULAR PRICES, £10.00 to $22.50. - NOW ALL ONE $ PRICE, $4.98 . Suit. ALSO Mull and Lawn Princess Dresses 1%" Pink, Mauve, Sky, Ecru and White, trimmed with Valencience Lace and Insertion, Applique and Tucks. EE $4.00 Dresses for $5.00 Dresses for $6.00 Dresses for .... $9.60 Dresses for $10.50 Dresses for D. M. SPENCE, lone, 119 Princess Street. Sees beassBsee TRBTVTBLTRTVTLOTTTRTLT LRT LLETTRLOORN r 3 ---_ > - THE PEOPLE ALL Geo. Muller & Son Carpet Cleant. Sewing Mp repaired. Telephone 1032. 279 Kiang St KINGSTON. AVVO UBT ABW . 3 - - - 3 Carriage Painting 1 t your Carriages to look 8d ell, leave them with us dren' go-carts 's carriages on amelied in all latest tints. ~ E.J. DUNPHY, Owe. Montreal and Ovdmance Streets, In Chorus Cried; Give Us Newbro's Herpicide. This ward of late has been in every- one's mouth, and many aré wondering [what the word signifies, though no one has yet been; found who will deny that NEWBR('S HERPICIDE does the work. Well, for the information of thousands of people who like to know all about a good thing we would say that HERPICIDE means a destroyer or killer 'of "Herpes." Now "Herpes" is the family name of a disease caused hy Vafions "vegetable parasites. A similar microbe causes dundruff, ching sealp and falling hair: this is the microbe that NEW. BRO'S HERPICIDE promptly des troys; after which on grows. Sold, by leading Si y in od for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guar- James B. Mcleod, special Ont. . # KINGSTON 'BUSINESS COLLEG : (Limited). Fiacation af Lowest Cost" r. Fall Jars a SCHOOLS OBSERVED {ofl a patriotic nature were sung of or not | spector pointed out to the bartenders, + DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. EVENTS ON HOLIDAY > | ¢ ox SPORTS ARRANGED TORIA DAY. EMPIRE DAY IN QUIET WAY FOR VIC. 0 ¥ TUESDAY. There Will be Thred Baseball Games, in addition to Motor Boat' Races, Horse Races, Military Parade and Foot Races -- Watertown Band "Will Arrive inthe Oity Tonight." Fine wenther promised for Vie toria dav, and the eeldmation com- mittee is looking kor sogrand day for which we forin = large part, does no€ the sports which will be beld on the be sg strikingly observed, | holiday. The wmtire SRogrammg has dt was fest insugurated, {been mapped out, and ai intéresting Then the entire day was given' tine is expect. : i 3 5 a meeting ¢ it io celebrating. Songs and recitations' There wus a oi ¥ of the comm aid tre having in charge the programme hn > fot "or the horse races, on Monday night, fo aa} Eb al arrang were p In the country schools! hia fmal . ry Jt made for ) : . 2a p some improvesnents were made to the jie mnis a . grotmnca. fi There will be sports of various Kinds school and grounds. Usually the LTH "will be three baseball re 3 3 i le 8 school received vu thorough cleaning | et k * t i oh --Aoot Anes, § i ae nt the hands of the girls while pot jiu - joi > 4 Janus Bn . . ' arade, and a d econce Howers made their first appesr- AfY patace, Sone : . ; | the evening. ance in the windows. The boys, un- » . : > ihr the watchful eye of th teache At. the cricket field, in the moray, u ve © ° y . 2 EE, at ten o'clock, 5 baseball match has ruked the dead grass and leaves from | y : | hewn scheduled, to take place, be the grounds - surrounding the build vio place, between the Vietorins and the Athletics, ing, and planted trees and made flow Latout Oa ork there Shits, Sod of beds. This was the day when, the | boat races off the Yacht Club wharf school was mide spie and span for |, : : ¥ ay pan Jor ihe military parade is booked for 11 the entire year, and scholars' were . (a.m, he afternoon the sports will ddmonished to tread carefully lest fm fo the 4 grounds bo y RR arrangement Sh At 1.30 n'elock there will be a game Other years the city schools held a 3 Swill hot won Fhe Junive Park evlebration of some sort, usually un |g ween the C1 oC ran ie the armouries. ~ This year the Board ' I Education did not provide fro he aouing. Site; at the a special celebration of any sort, ' Thee 5 left, it to the teachers hr an Gelosk, The hs qind oot would celebrate the day in any way | ls play 8 ve pot Moat of, the schools remem | "he Watertown,' N.Y, band will be red we day in some way. In most : rtua 3 of them the proframme yay. the Same , here. for the day, and with arrive in Songs and recitations of a patriotic the -aity apoui sine plo Seratightt, ot natifte were rendered while the kin- Folgees whar # wi SSitatiee TNBTISy dergarten classes had drills, having heen ol red 4b i # a special In Ceritral the children I rd ene in the evening will the older clusses saluted the flag anda po held in Macdonald Park, weather small programme consisting of songs, permitting, and given by the R.C.H.A. recitations, etc., was gone through band. : with. Each teacher in the different] departments spoke of what Empire | Day should mean to all school child- | fen. 'The kindergarten classes. hyd drills, ete. | . Frontenac celebration much in the same line. Here the saluting el the flag was through with, accompanied by pa-| triotic songs and recitations In Sydenham, Louise, Victoria and Ca-! taraqui the programme was much the same. Songs and. recitations by the older pupils with drills by the small | children. was the chief thing. The Orphans' Home followed much the same lines as the other schools, Each of the teackerst spoke enthusiastically of Empire Day, what jt had meant for those who had instituted it and} ae whatrit should mean to all of us. Victoria Day, May 2ith. The saluting of the flag by the pu- | Wednesday, Str. America for Cape pils in the morning, with a pro- | Vincent, 2 p.m., home early, get away gramme of patriotic songs and ad- {from the crowds for a mice sail, Blo dresses, by each teacher, in their return, Supper served 'om board, own class, in the afternoon, formed | rp-------- - tha programme at Rideau school, and | Here on Honeymoon, it provided an interesting time for | Aeneas Johnston, and. bride, of the scholars. The entertainment was| Cornwall. have heen spending a few confined to the scholars alone, no days in Kingston. Mr, Johnston - is invitations being issued to the pa-| well-known in Kingston, having for a rents, no special arrangements having : number of years, been employud in the been made for an elaborate entertain- store of Anderson Bros. Dead Dog on. Street. A large collie dog was struck by an an interesting talk on the empire by | nutomobile on Earl street last even {he teacher in charge and the children {ing and | killed. The dead carcase, joined in singing patriotic songs. 1 he |lving on' the street, was not a plea scholars also saluted the flag sant sight for those who had to pass | At Sydenham school the classes com that way. The accident happened be bined and had an interesting time tween Alfred and Division streets. with songs, recitations and choruses Dr. A. W. Richardson sided and Empire Day addresses were Why made by Canon Starr, F. G. Lockett, ents, bruises, Dr. Richardson and J. G. Elliott. The gud ren the serious risk of blood children cheered lustily for King and poisoning, "Mecca" Ointment country. {will relieve the pain instantly in healthy condition--and gpickly heal? 250 a three owice jar, at all drug The Flag Was Saluted by the Pugite) --=Addresses by Teachers and] 'Songs by the Children. 2. 4 May--236d, Empire Day, was aisle) observed Gn the different schouls i the ty. The day, apart 2 | few vear¥ ago to be given over tol of the fore built up the great empire of | set is remmscences Way Gur futhiers appear to as when over | « the school rooms were decorated the occasicn, mm in school of | CITY AND VICINITY. No Whig on Wednesday. Wednesday, May 24th, being cele- brated as. Victoria Pay,' there will be no. issue of the Whig: school was again gone pe on For the Holiday. Panama hats, straw and light felt hats, all kinds, all prices, at Camp bell Bros'., Kingston's hat store. . Kingston and Ottawa. Rideau King for Ottawa and Rideau ports every Monday Thursday, at 6 a.m., Jas, Swift Co., agents. all and & ment. The scholars were reminded of Empire Day Depot School | with | at' the Why Be Hurt? suffer pain from scalds, burns, sunburf, boils; ulcers bright | pre- | when restore ------ IN DECEMBER LAST a -------- - jisis, Nathaniel Self, Murderer, 'Was Dis- | a charged From Penitentiary. | At the Police Court. The records go to show that Nath-| "Ute drunk was the only offender at aniel Self, who shot his wife at Lon- | the' police court on Tuesday: morn don, Ont., and then killed himself was ing, and but a few minutes were re discharged from the Kingston peaiten- | quired to dispose of his case. When tiary, on Dec. 9th, 1930. Every week | naked if he bad been drunk the ac since that time he had' reported to the | cused replied "1 suppose so, or | Kingston authoritivs, and appeared to} gue ss 1 would nof be here this morn be living a fairly good life ing." He evidently had great faith Mrs. Self is doing well, and is likely lin the police. i to recover. : i in 1907, Self was agtested in Wind- | sor, on a charge of bigamy. Il¢ was |ronto, successfully treats piles, = [is- tried in Londgn, before the lade Po-|sures, eto, without an operation. lice Magistrate love, found guilty, [Write for free booklet and references. and sentended to five years, in the] penitentiary. During bis incarceration | Wednesday, being Victoria Day, Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To- the his conduct was excellent, and the {Whig will not be issued. Jpoard of parole decided that he should be allowed out on parole. bmn HELD AN "AT HOME." Instructions Given Bartenders by the Inspector. Inspector Clark W. Wright, eid an tT POST TOASTIES Open o~-Night » Our Store will be Open Until 10 o'clock To~Night to give you a chance to "choose Your Wants for the Holiday. & ABERNETHY'S Look at Your Teeth Do they Need Cleaning ? Densodora Tooth Powder cleans, whitens, prevents decay, heals and hardens the Gums. Wo 2c Botte PROUSE'S DRUG STORE CANAL HORSES USED FOR VESSELS COMING THROUGH Ld WELLAND CANAL. For Many Years Stable of Towing Horses Was Kept at Port €ol- borne--=Notes of Marine. Gatherec Around the Harbor. of the Welland 'Tribune and the editor of the Knotty Points column, of the Hamilton Spectator, have been having a controversy about horses being used to tow vessels through the Welland canal. The Spee tistor has the following < "In last Friday's edition of (he Wel land Tribune the editor of that paper nndertook to correct the editor of the Knotty Points column of the Spectator as The editor on an answer given to an inguiry to whether or nat there: were any ves wis passing through the Welland canal that used horses instead of tugs for towity, and said that the Minne dosa had been towed by tugs for years. If the editor of the 'I'ribune weit. far enough away from home learn something of what he was talk ing about he would not have made the statements he did. For long years "Ned," McMahon has kept a stable of towing horses at Port Dalhousie, and has towed the Minnedosa from Thor old to Port Dalhousie and back. After leaving the locks at Thorold, the' boat ¥ towed by a tug for the remajuder of the trip." Kingston marine men were about the matter by the Whig, Tuesday, and they said that the state about the use of horses on the canal was correct. This is certainly one on the editor of the Welland T'ri bune : 10 asked on ment Movements of Vessels. The government boat Loretto rived' in port, to-day, from the deau. I The nr Ri steamer John Rolph arrived Quin, bar- gave | his "at home" - on Monday after when he issued licenses to city tenders, and at the same time, them a timely address, taking as subject, "The Evil of Selling After JMouers." It is pointed out in the liquor) laws that the bartender is held equally responsible with" the paoprie- | tor, fegarding the 'sale of liquor, during prohibited hours, and the 'in-| that under this section they could be arraigned before the magistrate for selling, just the-same as their employ- er. The prosecution has the choice of either summoning the proprietor . or the bartender, but of course cannot summon both on the one charge. . An OM Prophecy. The oll weather prophecy which BAVS "A hot May and a wet June _ Make farmers dange a merry tune" bids far to see itions, as vegards "the first-mentioned month, thoroaghly fulfilled. ! i Hats for the Holiday. Buy your new hat at Campbell Brow'. where: you are absolutely cer- tain of getting the correct styles. P. 1. Moranileft, on Mosday noon. Ae CALE, ow a tip to Win PS The most winning food that has yet appeared on the § American breakfast ; table. Fully cooked, erisp, fluffy: brown bits-- made of white Indian Corn-- ready to serve from the package, { and one don't easily forget the "toastie" | jcan take them." warm weather will mean that a The New Lace Curtains Have Arrived. beauty of their designs. Our Nottingham Lace C ) twisted thread, finished with the new lock stitch edges, absolutely free from all dressing and noted for the That we are show : : X We are - now showing some of the most exquisitely Beautiful Lace Curtains ever shown'in the City at $1.25, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3,50 and 4.00 a Pair. urtains are all double and HAVE YOU, SEEN THE NEW ORIENTAL ONE-PIECE BALMORAL RUGS ing for only $1200 New Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs---all sizes $6.76 to $22.50 Each. CRUMLEY BROS. from Erie, with a cargo of soft coal for R. Crawford. . I'he barge Edward Kelly brought the first cargo of coal this season. from Oswego to the Locomotive Works, The steamer America will bring over the Watertown, N.Y., band, to-mght, Ihe steamer is "expected * to arrive here about ten o'clock. At Swift's wharf: The steamer Buena Vista, was due 10 go up the Rideau, this évening; steamer Aletha, down from bay ports, to-day, Ihe yacht Onward, of Belleville, went on the wave at the Kingston Foundry as soon as the | Mad Cap is released to have some repairs mate to her I'he steamer Corunna, Of the Cana dian Lake lines, stopped at. the Ring ston dryv-deek, this morning, and took on a pilot before proceeding down the river, . The schooner Mad Cap, of Brockville, came off the wavs at the Kingston Foundry, this morning, after having some repairs made to her hull and a new helm put in, M. TI. Co's bulletin: The - steamer Riormount arrived froin Montreal, on Monday might, loaded with steel rails and cleared for Fort William; the tag Fhomson arrived from Montrdal with two light barges, and cleared for Mob treal wit ¥two- graindaden barges, | The steamer Belleville; which ran aground near Iroquois, Saturday even ing, was released, Monday, st by the Calvin tug Frontenac, and rived at Swift's wharf last evening, none the worse for experience. The boat ie. st , and the fact. that she was ify the mud accounts for © no injuries. | The steamer Caspian, undergoing a thorough overhauling for the past month, will start out on her first noon ar jtrip on Satieday, May 27th. Sailors on this boat are dubious about start ing out on Friday, and invariably wait until Satarday morning, shortly after midnight before stagting the paddles going for the first time. : » Big 1} for lee, This is great weather for the ive man. He is without doubt the busi «xt man in the city. Everybody wants him at the one time. "It is just all we ean do to fill the orders" remark. ed a dealer to the Whig today. To rrow is a big holiday and we are getting in the orders as fast as we A few weeks of this large amount of ite will be used. Spend the Afternoon on the Water. Victoria Day, Wednesday, 2° pm, Str. America for Cape Vincent, home early, Se. return. Supper served om board. . -------------- CHARMING WEATHER, The Arcadians 4 ' "It's nies and warm, I think that we shall have a lovely day. ye "Very, very warm for May, Eighty in the shade they sxy. just faney!. "It almost looks as though the sun had really comm lo Way . "Om. what very charming weatbar he best of men are worsted--and thal's no idle sometime yarn. Live Out Doors This Weather YANUAALRX l~. VERANDAH ARM CHAIRS AND ROCKERS Boat (Chairs, In red or green shades, Seats and Launch Folding Camp Cot and Chairs JAMES REID DANGER FROM FIRECRACKERS. Should Not be Fired Off on the Street. * To-morrow is the 29th of May, a every small boy is well aware; a», no doubt, he has a good supply of fire crackers pm hand to celebrate A general warning is given that it is against the by-law to put the. fire crackers off om the street. Yestenlay some boys fired some off, and it was the direct cnuse of a runaway, which had serious results, ome rig smashing into another. It is a very dangerous practice putting them off in the street, atid should be stopped. The police will be out on the walch for people who violate the law in this respect. The usual care should also he taken on the holiday about fire asx a result of fireworks. Let every citizen be care ful, and thus prevent a serious mis hap. ' . A. close student of human seldom lends money to his fri HOOD'S Ta ons 'PILLS cathartic bess, ache; nalurs au « Be C1 Bod Co, Lowe, Mase